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Background In this study, we tested the effects of three different coping strategies (i.e. problem‐focused, emotion‐focused and relationship‐focused coping) on both positive and negative caregiving perceptions. Materials and Methods Two hundred and twelve Chinese mothers of children with intellectual disability from a major non‐governmental organization were recruited across various districts in Hong Kong. Chinese versions of the Daily Caregiving Stress Scale, Modified Family Support Scale, COPE Inventory, Relationship‐Focused Coping Scale, Caregiver Burden Inventory, and subscales of the Kansas Inventory of Parental Perceptions were completed. Results: Findings of the hierarchical regression analyses indicated that whereas problem‐focused and emotion‐focused coping was differentially related to positive and negative perceptions, respectively, relationship‐focused coping was significantly related to both types of perceptions. Results of the relationship between positive and negative perceptions showed preliminary support for their orthogonality. Conclusions: Relationship‐focused coping was found to be more suitable for understanding caregiver perceptions within collectivistic cultures. Implications for professional services were discussed.  相似文献   

目的调查北京市三级综合医院病房护士对血源性职业暴露相关的医院安全氛围感知现状,分析其影响因素,为营造良好的医院安全氛围,减少血源性职业暴露的发生提供参考。方法对北京市8所三级综合医院1 012名病房护士,使用美国Dr Gershon医院安全氛围量表进行调查。结果护士对医院安全氛围感知总分为(3.91±0.53)分,处于中等水平;工作年限、职称、用工性质是影响护士对医院安全氛围感知的因素(P0.05)。结论管理者应针对护士的不同特征进行干预,以营造良好的医院安全氛围,减少血源性职业暴露的发生。  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the daily mood states of public health nurses (PHNs) in managerial roles with children in Hong Kong, as a result of multiple role juggling (i.e. simultaneously attending to demands of different roles) using the experience sampling method. Convenience sampling was used to recruit 20 subjects. A watch was worn that beeped at six random times each day for 7 days as a signal to complete an experience sampling diary. PHNs on average responded to 34 signals (80%) to complete the experience sampling diaries. Two major findings provide the focus of this paper. First, results show that PHNs had minimal inter-role juggling between work and family as compared with previous studies in the United States. Cultural factors, sequentially dealing with family and work issues, having a domestic maid or a relative to see to household chores as well as strong spouse support are suggested as the reasons. These results have implications for nursing management and nursing practice. Second, the results also reveal PHNs as having an overall flat affect. It is suggested that PHNs may be using a 'calm and detached' coping style for occupational stress. This coping style has implications on the PHNs' emotional health as well as nurse-client relationships.  相似文献   



Introducing new technologies into healthcare practices may challenge professionals' traditional care cultures. The aim of this review was to map how the ‘ethics of care’ theoretical framework informs empirical studies of technology-mediated healthcare.


A scoping review was performed using eight electronic databases: CINAHL with full text, Academic Search Premier, MEDLINE, the Philosopher's Index, SocINDEX with Full Text, SCOPUS, APA PsycInfo and Web of Science. This was followed by citation tracking, and articles were assessed against the inclusion criteria.


Of the 443 initial articles, 18 met the criteria and were included. We found that nine of the articles used the concept of ‘ethics of care’ (herein used interchangeably with the terms ‘feminist ethics’ or ‘relational ethics’) insubstantially. The remaining nine articles deployed care ethics (or its equivalent) substantially as an integrated theoretical framework and analytical tool. We found that several articles suggested an expansion of ethics of care to encompass technologies as part of contemporary care. Furthermore, ethics of care contributed to the empirical research by recognising both new relationships between patients and healthcare professionals as well as new ethical challenges.


Ethics of care is sparsely used as a theoretical framework in empirical studies of technology-mediated healthcare practices. The use of ethics of care in technology-mediated care brings new dilemmas, relational tensions and vulnerabilities to the foreground. For ethics of care to be used more explicit in empirical studies, it is important that it is recognised by research community as an adequate, universal ethical theory.  相似文献   

A survey of the activities of a geriatric day hospital in Hong Kong was carried out. It revealed that alternative modalities of hospital-based treatment were impractical and difficult to organize. Most patients and their carers were satisfied with the day hospital service, and the main area for improvement was in transportation. Costs of day hospital treatment were also calculated, and were found to be cheaper than an equivalent period of in-patient rehabilitation or out-patient therapy.  相似文献   

目的探讨数字化医院条件下护士培训与考核的方法与效果。方法应用护士在职在线培训与考核系统对护士实施培训与考核;应用远程教学系统、数字化图书馆、多媒体网络技术对护士进行培洲。结果在职培训率由67.23%提高到100.00%;执业证书通过率由59.57%提高到95.16%;护理人员不用外出便可参加全国各地的远程护理学术会议。结论信息化建设促进了护理科研与护理教学的发展。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To identify the predictors of autonomy of nurse practitioners (NPs) affiliated directly and/or indirectly with managed-care systems (e.g., HMOs). DATA SOURCES: A mailed survey sent to a stratified random sample of 254 NPs certified and licensed to practice in the state of Maryland. The measures consisted of selected organizational characteristics; market factors of HMO penetration and percentage of client population enrolled in managed care; and factors of ethical concern, such as ethical ideology, ethics education, and autonomy. The County Surveyor Database was used to assess market penetration in the state. CONCLUSIONS: Although NPs were ethically concerned about their autonomy in a managed-care environment (70.2%), actual autonomy scores were high. The higher the percentage of HMO penetration, percentage of client population enrolled in managed care, and perceived ethical concern, the lower the perceived autonomy of NPs. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: Findings may be used for future research to address the complexity of variables that influence the autonomous practice of NPs.  相似文献   

云浮地区医院对男护士需求情况的调查与分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的了解云浮地区医院对男护士的需求及接受情况,为培养和使用男护士提供依据。方法采用分层抽样的方法,对云浮地区14所医院的医护人员、病人及其家属进行无记名问卷调查。结果认为比较需要男护士的科室分别是精神科(82.75%)、手术室(67.73%)、骨伤科(57.16%)、急诊科(48.40%);认为男病人更需要男护士护理的有373名,占51.88%。妇产科病人与其他科室病人对接受男护士护理的态度差异具有统计学意义(2=71.34,P<0.01)。在719名调查对象中,2.09%认为女护士优于男护士,其余均能正确看待男护士。结论男护士具有某些职业优势,医院对男护士有一定的需求,建议更新护理服务理念,吸引更多的男性从事护士职业,以更好地促进护理事业的发展。  相似文献   

基层医院护士长压力源现状调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的了解基层医院护士长压力源现状。方法采用随机整群抽样的方法,抽取长沙地区14家基层医院100名护士长作为研究对象,采用护士压力源量表对研究对象进行调查。结果基层医院护士长的工作压力源总得分为(2.60±0.52)分。各纬度得分由高到低依次为工作特征、组织结构、家庭冲突、职业生涯、工作角色、人际冲突。结论基层医院护士长压力处于中等水平,护士长需提升应对各种压力源的技能,同时,医院管理者需从改善工作环境、建立合理激励措施等方面减轻护士长的压力,促进护士长的心理健康。  相似文献   

乡镇卫生院护士继续教育问题的调查与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的了解乡镇卫生院护士的知识结构和需求,促进管理层关注基层护士继续教育问题。方法结合业务工作检查情况自制调查表,调查6所卫生院近3年护理人员的继续教育状况。结果从未外出学习人员占69%,大部分护士认为知识缺乏,渴望学习新业务、新知识。结论适应时代要求,必须加强继续教育培训。  相似文献   

目的通过了解基层医院护士离职及再就业情况,为制订减少护士离职、稳定基层医院护理队伍的政策提供参考。方法采用自设问卷调查2013年至2015年盐城市7所县级医院和10所乡镇医院的245名护士离职情况。结果护士离职主要原因为工作压力和责任使心理难以承受(35.51%)与工作强度和作息使身体不能耐受(35.10%)。离职后继续从事护理工作(65.31%)和转行(26.94%)的比例较大。结论护理管理者应合理配置护理人力资源,减轻护士压力,改善护士薪酬待遇,从而稳定护士队伍。  相似文献   

Health care reform in Hong Kong in the 1990s has brought about dramatic change to the nursing discipline. This paper reports an ethnographic study which aimed at exploring the transformation of nursing in a regional hospital in Hong Kong during this period of reform. In the study, the restructuring of nursing work, its associated dynamics and resulting impacts upon the nursing profession were examined. A methodological triangulation approach to data collection encompassing interviews, participant observation and review of documents was used. The findings in this study suggest that the majority of nurses working in the case study hospital continue to be subject to medical dominance and are under management control. The emphasis on cost-effective care has however, fostered qualified nurses to claim more ownership of their professional judgement and autonomy. The health care reform has confirmed the status of two newly established groups of nurses, the nurse specialists and nurse managers. The development of the nursing profession is found to be closely connected to its work development. The preparation of the new generation of nurses, as revealed in this study, needs to emphasize the cognitive dimension of the professional competence. Some nurses need to be further educated in specialist practice and clinical management to maximize the contribution of nursing in health care delivery.  相似文献   

中医医院专科护士的培训方法与体会   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
目的探讨中医专科护士的培训模式,推动中医护理专业的发展。方法成立培训管理机构,规范培训内容、时间、方式、考核内容等。结果第1批专科护士培训后通过率72.73%;在公开刊物发表护理论文56篇;6名护士获校级以上科研立项;1名护士获科技成果三等奖。结论以继续教育的形式培养专科护士切实可行。  相似文献   

基层医院护士化疗防护现状调查与分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的了解基层医院肿瘤患者药物治疗过程中护理人员的化疗防护现状,探讨其管理对策。方法采用问卷调查法,对乐山市和眉山市的12所二级综合医院、27所二级专科医院和1所肿瘤专科医院的40名护理部主任及197名执行静脉化疗操作的护士进行调查。结果40所基层医院对化疗操作的管理均采取了分散式管理,无一所医院使用符合要求的设备,护理人员普遍存在对化疗药物危害性认识不足、防护意识差、操作中防护用具的正确使用率低、化疗废弃物的收集不符合要求等问题。结论尽快建立、健全化疗防护管理体系,加强医务人员的防护知识教育,执行防护措施,装备防护设备,改善化疗操作环境,以确保医务人员的职业安全。  相似文献   

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