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BACKGROUND--There is considerable evidence that members of managed care organizations use fewer hospital resources than patients covered by traditional health insurance. While intensive care might seem to be an unlikely setting for such differences to exist, the relationship between health coverage and use of intensive care has not been examined. METHODS--We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of consecutive intensive care unit admissions at a regional tertiary care teaching hospital. Patients in managed care plans (n = 159) and with traditional insurance (n = 389) were compared with respect to length of stay, hospital charges, charges for specific services, and use of mechanical ventilation. The analysis controlled for severity of illness, as measured by the Mortality Probability Model, case mix, and mortality. The whole sample as well as subsamples representing medical, emergency surgery, and elective surgery patients were examined. RESULTS--The managed care group, on average, had short stays (both hospital and intensive care unit), lower charges, and less use of mechanical ventilation than the traditionally insured group. Average differences of about 30% to 40% were observed. The finding held for the whole sample as well as the medical and emergency surgery subsamples. The differences were more pronounced in the patients with lowest severity of illness. CONCLUSION--Even in a setting where there would appear to be relatively little room for discretion in treatment decisions, incentives associated with type of health insurance seemed to affect resource use.  相似文献   

Prognostic stratification of patients after myocardial infarction.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An attempt was made to stratify risk of subsequent cardiac events in post-infarct patients according to a combination of the results of clinical assessment, routine diagnostic investigations, and pre-discharge exercise testing in 350 consecutive patients who were followed up for one year. Patients were classified prospectively on the basis of the extent of myocardial damage as assessed by peak enzyme release, reciprocal change on the electrocardiogram at the time of myocardial infarction, Norris prognostic index, ability to perform a pre-discharge exercise test (and test result), and ability to tolerate beta adrenergic blockade on discharge. Of the 50 patients with contraindications to pre-discharge exercise testing, 26% died or had reinfarctions compared with 9% of the 300 exercised patients; the 24 non-exercised patients with evidence of extensive myocardial damage or reciprocal changes on the electrocardiogram were particularly at risk. Similarly, among the 300 exercised patients, extensive myocardial damage, reciprocal change on the electrocardiogram, and ST depression on exercise testing were the major risk markers in that each identified at least 75% of the patients who had subsequent cardiac events. The 63 exercised patients who had all three of these major risk markers constituted a high risk group: 18 (29%) died or had reinfarction. Of the remaining 237 patients, only 9 (4%) had cardiac events. The 35 high risk patients with exercise induced angina pectoris or clinical contraindications to beta blockade were particularly at risk; 15 (43%) died or had reinfarction. This approach to risk stratification identified a small cohort of high risk patients in a large population of myocardial infarction survivors; it also identified a large group with a very low risk of subsequent cardiac events.  相似文献   

A review of the records of 353 diabetic patients after a myocardial infarction confirmed the high mortality associated with the condition. The influence of improved diabetic control achieved by intravenous insulin was assessed in 64 patients and compared with earlier experience in a diabetic control group. The frequency of the major complications of myocardial infarction was unchanged and the death rate in both groups was identical (33%); even the patients with blood glucose concentrations greater than 20 mmol/l on admission failed to benefit. Thus careful control of blood glucose concentrations after myocardial infarction in diabetic patients fails to improve the outcome of this high risk group.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus is not just another risk factor for cardiovascular events; it per se defines maximal risk for target organ damage including the cardiovascular system. Diabetes is one of the main drivers in the race towards a higher incidence in cardiovascular disease worldwide. In addition, it is also one of the often unrecognized predecessors of myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death. About three quarters of patients post-MI show impaired glucose tolerance or full blown diabetes. The MONICA/KORA data have shown that the higher risk for mortality and morbidity in diabetics is maintained past the first event. However, the STENO-2 trial has shown that consequently managing diabetes and concomitant cardiovascular risk factors can significantly reduce the risk for cardiovascular events in this high-risk group.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A commonly voiced concern is that health maintenance organizations (HMOs) may withhold or delay the provision of urgent, essential care, especially for vulnerable patients like the elderly. OBJECTIVE: To compare the quality of emergency care provided in Minnesota to elderly patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) who are covered by HMO vs fee-for-service (FFS) insurance. METHODS: We reviewed the medical records of 2304 elderly Medicare patients who were admitted with AMI to 20 urban community hospitals in Minnesota (representing 91% of beds in areas served by HMOs) from October 1992 through July 1993 and from July 1995 through April 1996. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Use of emergency transportation and treatment delay (>6 hours from symptom onset); time to electrocardiogram; use of aspirin, thrombolytics, and beta-blockers among eligible patients; and time from hospital arrival to thrombolytic administration (door-to-needle time). RESULTS: Demographic characteristics, severity of symptoms, and comorbidity characteristics were almost identical among HMO (n = 612) and FFS (n = 1692) patients. A cardiologist was involved as a consultant or the attending physician in the care of 80% of HMO patients and 82% of FFS patients (P = .12). The treatment delay, time to electrocardiogram, use of thrombolytic agents, and door-to-needle times were almost identical. However, 56% of HMO patients and 51% of FFS patients used emergency transportation (P = .02); most of this difference was observed for patients with AMIs that occurred at night (60% vs 52%; P = .02). Health maintenance organization patients were somewhat more likely than FFS patients to receive aspirin therapy (88% vs 83%; P = .03) and beta-blocker therapy (73% vs 62%; P = .04); these differences were partly explained by a significantly larger proportion of younger physicians in HMOs who were more likely to order these drug therapies. All differences were consistent across the 3 largest HMOs (1 staff-group model and 2 network model HMOs). Logistic regression analyses controlling for demographic and clinical variables produced similar results, except that the differences in the use of beta-blockers became insignificant. CONCLUSIONS: No indicators of timeliness and quality of care for elderly patients with AMIs were lower under HMO vs FFS insurance coverage in Minnesota. However, two indicators of quality care were slightly but significantly higher in the HMO setting (use of emergency transportation and aspirin therapy). Further research is needed in other states, in different populations, and for different medical conditions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous studies have compared the treatment and outcome of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) admitted at sites with and without availability of angiography. Although mortality rates do not differ, it is unknown if quality of life (QOL) and functional status differ. METHODS: We measured QOL and functional status in patients with AMI treated within Québec at 5 sites with (n = 253) and 5 sites without (n = 334) angiography. RESULTS: At admission, clinical characteristics, complication rates, and baseline measures of QOL and functional status were similar at sites with and without angiography. During hospitalization, patients treated at sites with angiography were more likely to undergo an invasive cardiac procedure than patients admitted at sites without angiography (angiography, 63% vs 26%; percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, 33% vs 13%; and coronary artery bypass graft, 12% vs 5%). At 30 days and 6 months after AMI, QOL was slightly superior at sites with angiography, but by 1 year, most measures of QOL were back to baseline at both types of sites and were similar between the 2 groups. At 6 months, most standard health-related QOL components were similar; only physical and emotional role limitations were higher at sites with angiography. Return to work occurred earlier (at 30 days, 23% vs 12%), and a lower proportion of patients was readmitted for angina (within 1 year after AMI, 12% vs 18%) at sites with angiography. CONCLUSIONS: In the early post-AMI period, the QOL of patients admitted at sites with angiography was higher than that of patients admitted at sites without angiography. However, by 1 year, the QOL and functional status of patients was similar in both groups. Differences in QOL were greatest when differences in treatment were greatest, lending support to a positive albeit small association between an early invasive approach to post-AMI care and improved QOL.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Elderly adults with alcohol-related diagnoses represent a vulnerable population that may receive lower quality of treatment during hospitalization for acute myocardial infarction. We sought to determine whether elderly patients with alcohol-related diagnoses are less likely to receive standard indicators of quality care for acute myocardial infarction. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort analysis using administrative and medical record data from the Cooperative Cardiovascular Project. Subjects were Medicare beneficiaries with a confirmed principal discharge diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction from all acute care hospitals in the United States over an 8-month period. Our primary outcome was the receipt of 7 guideline-recommended care measures among all eligible patients and patients who were ideal candidates for a given measure. RESULTS: In all, 1,284 (1%) of the 155,026 eligible patients met criteria for an alcohol-related diagnosis. Among the alcohol-related diagnoses, 1,077/1,284 (84%) were for the diagnoses of alcohol dependence or alcohol abuse. Patients with alcohol-related diagnoses were less likely than those without alcohol-related diagnoses to receive beta-blockers at the time of discharge (55% vs. 60%, p = 0.02). We found no other significant differences in performance of the quality indicators after stratifying by indication and adjustment for baseline characteristics. CONCLUSIONS: Alcohol-related diagnoses are not a barrier to receiving most quality of care measures in elderly patients hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction.  相似文献   

The dicrotic pulse is an abnormal carotid pulse found in conjunction with certain conditions characterised by low cardiac output. It is distinguished by two palpable pulsations, the second of which is diastolic and immediately follows the second heart sound. In the course of open chest canine studies of the second heart sound, micromanometers and an electromagnetic flow meter were used to study proximal aortic haemodynamic function in both strong and weak beats. It was found that the incisural notch of the aortic pressure signal is not strongly dependent on the extent of left ventricular ejection, and is of essentially normal amplitude even in beats having greatly reduced aortic flow. In contrast, the magnitude of the systolic upstroke of the aortic pressure pulse is strongly determined by the magnitude of left ventricular ejection and is considerably reduced in weak beats. With low cardiac output the relative size of the incisural notch becomes exaggerated in comparison with the overall pulsation, thus creating the characteristic M shaped waveform of the dicrotic pulse.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of fee-for-service (FFS) versus HMO medical insurance coverage on receipt of aspirin, beta-blockers, and calcium channel blockers at the time of hospital discharge following an acute myocardial infarction. DESIGN: Prospective, population-based study. SETTING: All 16 community and tertiary care hospitals in the metropolitan area of Worcester, Massachusetts. PATIENTS: The study population consisted of patients under 65 years of age hospitalized with a validated acute myocardial infarction in all hospitals in the Worcester (Massachusetts) Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (1990 census estimate, 437,000) during 1986, 1988, 1990, 1991, and 1993. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: After adjustment for demographic and clinical variables as well as study year, the odds ratios for receipt of each medication for patients with HMO insurance compared with FFS were 1.05 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.77, 1.44) for aspirin, 1.32 (95% CI 0.98, 1.76) for beta-blockers, and 0.72 (95% CI 0.54, 0.96) for calcium channel blockers. Examination of temporal trends in utilization of these agents suggests that observed decreases in use of calcium channel blockers and increases in use of beta-blockers over the period under study occurred more rapidly for HMO than for FFS patients. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, use of aspirin and beta-blockers was comparable among HMO and FFS patients and use of calcium channel blockers (deemed less effective or ineffective for secondary prevention) was lower among HMO patients. Differential adoption, over time, of evidence-based prescribing practices for medications between HMO and FFS patients who have had a myocardial infarction warrants further study.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Practice guidelines for acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and non-STEMI (NSTEMI) recommend similar therapies and interventions, but differences in patterns of care between MI categories have not been well described in contemporary practice. METHODS: In-hospital treatments with similar recommendations from practice guidelines were compared with outcomes in 185 968 eligible patients (without listed contraindications) with STEMI (n = 53 417; 29%) vs NSTEMI (n = 132 551; 71%) from 1247 US hospitals participating in the National Registry of Myocardial Infarction 4 between July 1, 2000, and June 30, 2002. Hierarchical logistic regression modeling was used to determine adjusted differences in treatment patterns in MI categories. RESULTS: Unadjusted in-hospital mortality rates were high for NSTEMI (12.5%) and STEMI (14.3%), and the use of guideline-recommended medications and interventions was suboptimal in both categories of patients with MI. The adjusted likelihood of receiving early (within 24 hours of presentation) aspirin, beta-blockers, and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors was higher in patients with STEMI. Similar patterns of care were noted at hospital discharge: the adjusted likelihood of receiving aspirin, beta-blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, lipid-lowering agents, smoking cessation counseling, and cardiac rehabilitation referral was higher in patients with STEMI. CONCLUSIONS: Evidence-based medications and lifestyle modification interventions were used less frequently in patients with NSTEMI. Quality improvement interventions designed to narrow the gaps in care between NSTEMI and STEMI and to improve adherence to guidelines for both categories of patients with MI may reduce the high mortality rates associated with acute MI in contemporary practice.  相似文献   

心肌梗死恢复期运动试验和动态心电图检查的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
37例心肌梗死恢复期患者作运动试验(ET)和动态心电图(AECG)检查,ET 对 ST 段压低的检出率(27%)显著高于 AECG(13.5%);对多支病变两项检查皆有诊断价值;5例两项均有 ST 段压低者3例发生梗死后频发心绞痛,显著多于无 ST 段压低者(P=0.008)。2例发生梗死后急性左心衰者为室壁瘤伴 ET 中 ST 段抬高者,室壁瘤患者两项检查中室性心律失常显著增多。  相似文献   

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