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Infant feeding decisions depend on knowledge and attitudes toward breastfeeding. The purpose of this study was to explore Korean university students’ knowledge and attitudes toward breastfeeding by gender and major. This was a cross-sectional comparative study among 341 university students. The instrument was a modified self-administered breastfeeding knowledge and attitudes questionnaire. Female students were slightly more knowledgeable and had somewhat more positive attitudes compared to male students. Students in health-related fields showed more knowledge than students in other disciplines, but their attitudes did not differ in majority. A significant correlation was found between the students’ knowledge and their attitudes.  相似文献   

BackgroundBreastfeeding has several benefits for both the infants and mothers. This study assessed breastfeeding knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) among mothers of infants with Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP).MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted among mothers of infants with ROP visiting the ROP clinic in a selected tertiary care centre. A total of 100 mothers were selected through the convenience sampling method and interviewed using a structured questionnaire.ResultA significant number of mothers had average to poor knowledge (81%) with a mean score of 8.32 ± 2.7. More than half of the mothers had poor practices related to breastfeeding with a mean score of 7.6 ± 2.4. The attitudes of the mothers towards breastfeeding was either neutral or positive towards formula feeding.ConclusionThe KAPs of mothers regarding breastfeeding were inadequate. Intervention measures are recommended for promoting breastfeeding practices among the mothers of infants with ROP.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that nurses can struggle to care for patients with sexually transmitted infections in a non-judgemental way. It is unknown how targeted education can influence the knowledge and attitudes of student nurses towards caring for patients with sexually transmitted infections. This study aimed to investigate how a change in curriculum influenced the reported sexual health knowledge and attitudes of pre-registration adult student nurses in a University in the UK.A two phase mixed methods study, using a sequential explanatory strategy, collected quantitative questionnaire data (n = 117) followed by qualitative group data (n = 12). Data were collected from one cohort of students before a curriculum change and then from a subsequent cohort of students. Those students who had increased educational input in relation to sexual health reported higher degrees of knowledge and demonstrated a more positive attitude towards patients with a sexually transmitted infection. Both cohorts of students identified that education in this subject area was essential to challenge negative attitudes and positively influence patient care. Active learning approaches in the curriculum such as small group debates and service user involvement have the ability to allow students to express and challenge their beliefs in a safe and supportive environment.  相似文献   

目的:了解新入职护士母乳喂养知识与态度情况及对母乳喂养的临床教学需求,为后期构建母乳喂养临床教学方案提供依据.方法:2020年8月至10月,采用方便抽样法选取上海市3所妇产科医院新入职护士作为研究对象,采用母乳喂养知识与态度问卷及培训需求问卷对其进行调查.结果:101名新入职护士对母乳喂养知识和态度总分分别为(13.8...  相似文献   

The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides foods, education, and referrals to participants who are considered to be at nutritional risk. The outreach of the program is impressive, and nearly 9.17 million people participated in the program in 2010. WIC participation is associated with many positive outcomes, including improved birthweights and childhood dietary practices. Despite these benefits, WIC mothers experience lower breastfeeding rates when compared with demographically similar women who do not participate in the WIC program. According to WIC, “A breastfeeding mother and her infant shall be placed in the highest priority level.” Despite this statement and others that support breastfeeding, WIC allocates only 0.6% of its budget toward breastfeeding initiatives. Formula expenses accounted for 11.6% ($850 million) of WIC's 2009 expenses. The inconsistency between WIC's policies that encourage breastfeeding vs. practices that favor formula begs further examination. Research shows consistent success with peer counseling programs among WIC participants; however, little money is budgeted for these programs. Rebates included, WIC spends 25 times more on formula than on breastfeeding initiatives. The American Academy of Nursing Expert Panel on Breastfeeding is calling for a re-evaluation of how these taxpayer dollars are spent. Additionally, the American Academy of Nursing recommends a shift from formula bargaining to an investment in structured peer counseling programs. All WIC programs should offer peer counseling support services that encourage breastfeeding and meet the needs of the families they serve.  相似文献   

AimThe aim of this review was to explore the preregistration nursing students' breastfeeding knowledge and the sources they used to develop that knowledge as a health care professional.BackgroundNew registered nurses do not feel prepared to support breastfeeding women in neonatal and paediatric settings.ResultsPreregistration nursing students have sufficient knowledge of the physiology of lactation but insufficient knowledge on supporting women to decide on the practical aspects of breastfeeding and its challenges for healthy or sick babies. The sources of knowledge included the students' personal experiences and the education and training that they received during their nursing course. The two themes extracted from the data that related to the sources of knowledge were: a) informal knowledge through experience and b) formal education.ConclusionsThere is a need for new ways to align the students' informal sources of breastfeeding knowledge to their formal education, focusing on supporting women to make decisions on the practical aspects of breastfeeding, including the most common challenges.Tweetable abstractNursing students’ knowledge of breastfeeding practice: an integrative review  相似文献   

In Ireland one in four (28%) of those attending hospital emergency departments have substance abuse-related injury/illness and one in eight (13%) present in a state of clinical intoxication. Health care professionals working in emergency departments are frequently exposed to patients with substance use problems and are in ideal positions to provide early diagnosis and treatment. The success rate in detecting these patients is however disturbingly low (25-50%) and as a result many substance use problems are misdiagnosed or remain undetected. International studies that focus on primary care and addiction within the mental health sector suggest that health care professionals' knowledge and attitudes regarding substance use and substance users may negatively influence the care that these patients receive. There is a dearth of empirical research, internationally, and particularly in Ireland that addresses health care professionals' knowledge and attitudes in relation to substance use and substance users with no empirical evidence to ascertain in particular, emergency department doctors' and nurses' knowledge and attitudes.  相似文献   

The objective of the project was to gain a holistic understanding of the current breastfeeding experiences of mothers, while identifying resources and support for breastfeeding in the Athens-Clarke County and surrounding areas. This was an exploratory qualitative study of in-depth interviews with a total of 21 mothers (12 from WIC; 9 from Full Bloom) from Athens-Clarke County and surrounding areas. The inclusion criteria of the participants were mothers of infants who were 12 months old or younger who delivered in Athens. The mothers were individually interviewed. Informants attributed their success, or lack of, to the presence of a breastfeeding role model. Successful mothers shared how important it is to have peers who breastfed and/or are supportive of breastfeeding. While some reported positive support, others reported negative reaction from their work environment. About 75% of the mothers reported negative or no support from their clinician or staff of the hospital. Some informants reported a perceived lack of honesty on the clinician's part about the possible difficulties and possible problems. It is important that clinicians provide honest and consistent breastfeeding information to prepare mothers for potential challenges that may arise during the course of breastfeeding.  相似文献   

目的 探讨疼痛规范化强化培训对护士癌痛知识和态度的影响.方法 该院所有护士纳入培训及调查人群.入组对象在1年内接受以医院、科室或片区为单位的癌痛规范化培训,内容包括癌痛知识、用药规范、不良反应处理、患者教育等.采用疼痛相关知识及态度量表(Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain)作为调查工具,在培训前后收集调查量表.从调查样本中随机选取各50例进行统计分析比较.结果 共168例研究对象纳入培训人群,培训前后分别发放量表各168份,分别有效回收141份和132份,随机各抽取50份.与培训前比较,培训后癌痛知识和态度的合格率由50%提高至86%(χ2=14.89,P<0.001),癌痛药物的正确使用方法掌握度由10%提高至62%(χ2=29.34,P<0.001),常见不良反应的观察和处理则无明显变化(88%∶76%,χ2=2.43,P=0.118),26%的护士可应用癌痛相关量表对患者进行教育和评估(26%∶6%,χ2=7.44,P=0.006).结论 疼痛规范化培训可改善护士的癌痛相关知识和态度.  相似文献   

The purpose of this randomized controlled study was to explore the effectiveness of an educational intervention on nurses' attitudes and knowledge regarding pain management and to explore associations with nurses' characteristics. A four Solomon group experimental design was employed to assess the effect of the intervention and potential effects of pre-intervention testing. One hundred and twelve nurses were randomized to two intervention and two control groups. The intervention was based on viewing a series of educational videotapes and case scenarios. The Validated Hellenic version of the Nurses Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain (GV-NKASRP) was used. Pre-intervention scores revealed various limitations in regard to pain assessment and management. At the pre-test, the average number of correct answers was 17.58+/-7.58 (45.1%+/-19.3% of total questions). Pre-intervention scores differed significantly among participants with different educational backgrounds (P < 0.0001). A significant effect of pain education on total knowledge scores as well as regarding specific questions was detected. Intervention group participants provided 6.11+/-5.55 additional correct answers (15.66%+/-14.23% improvement, P < 0.0001), and they exhibited significantly improved post-test scores compared to controls (26.49+/-5.24 vs. 18.75+/-4.48; P < 0.0001). A potential negative effect of pre-test on knowledge gain for specific items and for total scores was detected. These findings suggest low pre-test knowledge scores among Hellenic oncology nurses and a significant effect of the intervention.  相似文献   

Background  The experience of living with cancer is associated with a variety of consequences in several central aspects of a patient’s quality of life, including intimacy, body image, human relationships, sexuality, and fertility. Despite their importance, incidence, and impact on psychosocial well-being, sexual health care (SHC) is a matter not frequently dealt with by nurses in daily practice. Goals of work  The purpose of this study was to gather evidence regarding knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of oncology nurses toward sexual health issues and to identify salient and latent key factors which influence provision of SHC in the context of cancer. Materials and methods  A critical review of the literature was conducted over a period of three decades and 18 original research articles were retrieved and analyzed. Results  A comprehensive data analysis revealed that, although oncology nurses hold relatively liberal attitudes and recognize provision of sexual health care as an important nursing role, they possess limited sexual knowledge and communication skills, while often avoid or fail to effectively respond to patients’ sexual concerns. Nine possible influential key factors have been studied: incorrect assumptions toward sexual issues, comfort, sexual knowledge, professional nursing role, patient- and nurse-related issues, work environment-related issues, continuing education activities, and society-related factors. Conflicting findings are reported. Conclusions  The findings of the present study propose that there is an evident need of dispelling the myths about sexual health in cancer care. Besides, continuing education activities and availability of education materials could assist nurses to adequately address sexual concerns while caring for patients with cancer. This paper was presented as an oral presentation at the 7th Congress of the Balkan Union of Oncology (BUON) in Kusadasi, Turkey, 15-19 October 2008, and it was awarded as the best nursing oral presentation.  相似文献   

目的 测量母乳喂养家庭支持问卷的信度和效度.方法 通过查阅文献以及专家讨论编制问卷,邀请来自产科、助产教育方面的5位副高级以上并对母乳喂养领域比较熟悉的专家对问卷各条目进行评定,综合专家的意见对条目进行修订.方便选取北京地区某三级甲等医院住院分娩的初产妇101例填写自行编制的母乳喂养家庭支持问卷,回收完整有效问卷100份,应用Cronbach's α信度系数及因素分析法测量该问卷的信度和效度.结果 本母乳喂养家庭支持问卷具有良好的信度,Cronbach' sα信度系数为0.886.问卷的结构由2个主要因子组成,即心理支持(因子1)和行为支持(因子2),通过主成分分析所得到的初始因子的总方差解释率达到了70%以上,所有条目对于其所属公因子的负荷大于0.7.100例产妇初出院后7d的全母乳喂养率为31%,感知到的家庭支持为中等程度,(2.67±0.45)分,采取母乳喂养的初产妇的家庭支持(2.99±0.49)分,高于混合喂养(2.72 ±0.30)分及人工喂养者(2.28±0.27)分,差异有统计学意义(F=29.28,P<0.01).结论 母乳喂养家庭支持问卷具有良好的信度和效度,在今后的临床及研究工作中可以加以利用.  相似文献   

Breastfeeding and kangaroo care rates in neonatal units across the United Kingdom vary despite evidence for the clinical benefits. Clinicians have reported a need for evidence-based training to support parents with these practices. The aim of this study was to evaluate the Small Wonders Change Programme (SWCP), an intervention that aims to increase clinician knowledge and confidence to support parents in neonatal units to undertake breastfeeding and kangaroo care. Two neonatal intensive care units participated and 47 clinicians completed the Neonatal Unit Assessment Tool (NUCAT) pre and post-intervention. 18 of these clinicians also participated in a semi-structured interview to further explore the impact of the intervention on clinician's practice. Both clinician knowledge (t(46) = 4.61, p ≤ 0.000) and confidence (t(46) = 4.82, p < 0.000) significantly increased following the intervention. Analysis of the interviews revealed that clinicians directly attributed subsequent individual and unit-wide change in practice to an increase in knowledge and confidence as a result of the intervention. This study suggests that a clinician focussed intervention can lead to positive changes in clinician confidence, knowledge and practice in supporting parents to undertake breastfeeding and kangaroo care in neonatal units.  相似文献   

Background: Breastfeeding is considered the best infant-feeding method. Norway is one of the leading countries in terms of breastfeeding initiation and duration. To maintain this high breastfeeding rate, it is important to understand the factors that influence breastfeeding. A doctor s advice can improve the rates of breastfeeding initiation and duration, but not all doctors are competent in breastfeeding counselling. Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify the knowledge and beliefs of general practitioners (GPs) about breastfeeding in Norway and to investigate how important they considered guidance about breastfeeding initiation and duration before and after birth. Design: A questionnaire study about knowledge and beliefs according to predefined correct responses and about self-perceived competence as an advisor. Subjects: 122 GPs engaged in apprenticeship for medical students. Results: The response rate was 57%, 69 GPs participated. The questions were answered correctly according to national consensus for 49 % for the knowledge items and 64 % of the belief items. The GPs believed that their guidance was more important after than before birth. Female GPs had more confidence in their guidance ability than male GPs. Confidence in the GPs own guidance after birth was associated with knowledge about contraindications to breastfeeding. Conclusion: Although the GPs expressed beliefs favouring breastfeeding they partly lacked basic knowledge. The GPs confidence in own guidance was better after than before birth and was higher among those with more knowledge. Improved knowledge and emphasis on guidance before birth should be promoted among GPs.
  • Key Points
  • Breastfeeding is the best infant-feeding method. Doctors’ advice improves the rates of breastfeeding, but not all doctors have sufficient knowledge. This study mapped the knowledge and beliefs among Norwegian GPs. The study revealed that:

  • GPs partly lacked basic knowledge to effectively promote breastfeeding.

  • GPs had less confidence as advisers during pregnancy than after delivery.

  • Most GPs agreed that knowledge about breastfeeding is basic and should be taught as an integral part of medical school programmes.


Breastmilk is the best nutrition to reduce morbidity and mortality among infants with low birth weight (LBW). However, breastfeeding LBW infants during hospitalization is often problematic. Strategies to promote breastfeeding can be done through providing breastfeeding education and support. The purpose of this study was to identify effect of the “SATUPAS” program on breastmilk production, frequency of breastmilk expression, and partial breastfeeding. This study was a randomized controlled trial involving 82 mothers and their LBW infants, which were divided into the intervention group and the control group. Bivariate analysis using the Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney tests showed that there was a significant difference between breastmilk production (p = 0.001), frequency of breastmilk expression (p = 0.001), and partial breastfeeding (p = 0.001) between the control group and the intervention group. This study recommends the implementation of SATUPAS as a strategy to increase breastfeeding of LBW infants undergoing hospitalization.  相似文献   

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