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脉冲电场消融是一种很有前景的治疗心律失常的新型非热消融技术,依靠不可逆电穿孔机制造成组织破坏.心肌容易受到不可逆的损伤,而食管、膈神经、肺静脉和冠状动脉则相对不易受到损伤.因其具有的组织特异性和非热消融等优点,在心律失常的消融治疗,特别是在心房颤动肺静脉隔离过程中,显示它是一种非常有吸引力的能源.  相似文献   

脉冲电场消融与治疗心房颤动的射频消融和冷冻消融相比,具有组织特异性、超快速非热消融、不易损伤邻近组织器官等特点,有望成为心房颤动消融领域的一大进步.现主要介绍心房颤动脉冲电场消融及其进入心房颤动领域之路、机制、特性等方面的研究进展.  相似文献   

消融是目前介入治疗心房颤动的主要方法。动物试验和临床应用表明脉冲电场消融较射频消融及冷冻消融具有组织特异性、非热消融、不易损伤肺静脉临近器官等特点,未来有望成为心房颤动治疗主流技术。  相似文献   

脉冲电场消融(pulsed field ablation,PFA)是直流电消融的“变种”。PFA可实现间歇性、短时程和不同强度的脉冲场释放,从而造成特定细胞的可逆和不可逆“电穿孔”损伤。基于优越的组织细胞特异性,PFA在过去的数十年间分别在基因转染、制药工程、食品加工和实体肿瘤的临床治疗中大放异彩。本文立足于PFA的发展历史、损伤机制、不良反应、动物试验和人体试验,以系统地介绍PFA治疗心房颤动的原理和应用现状。  相似文献   

环肺静脉电隔离是心房颤动(房颤)的常规治疗目标。脉冲电场作为非热能量, 提供高能瞬时脉冲释放能量至心肌细胞膜, 产生不可逆电穿孔, 使细胞内容物泄漏, 破坏细胞内环境稳态, 导致细胞死亡, 同时炎症反应轻微。推动房颤消融治疗进入了新的阶段。该文就脉冲电场消融及其导管用于环肺静脉电隔离消融治疗房颤的最新进展进行综述。  相似文献   

脉冲场消融(pulsed field ablation,PFA)作为一种非热消融技术,是治疗房颤的新型消融方式.这种能量形式采用一系列持续数微秒的高振幅电脉冲,当强脉冲电场使细胞膜通透性增加时,就会发生不可逆电穿孔,从而导致细胞稳态遭到破坏甚至死亡.由于脉冲电场具有独特的非热性和组织特异性,因此与射频和冷冻消融相比,PFA的应用范围更广、安全性更高,且发挥作用更快.本文主要介绍了PFA的原理和特性,阐明了PFA用于房颤治疗的组织特异性和应用局限性.  相似文献   

导管消融是治疗心房颤动(简称房颤)的有效手段,肺静脉隔离是基石。目前用于进行肺静脉隔离的经典消融技术,如射频消融和冷冻消融,均存在一定的局限性。脉冲电场消融(简称脉冲消融)是一种新兴的消融能量源,它具有组织特异性,应用心肌组织特异性的能量输出被证实有较良好的安全性和有效性,被认为是未来房颤消融的潜在替代方案。文章概述了脉冲消融治疗房颤的原理、有效性和安全性、面临的挑战,进一步讨论了该领域的发展前景。  相似文献   

本文评述了脉冲电场在心房颤动等快速性心律失常消融领域的前世、今生和应用前景。  相似文献   

导管消融是治疗各种快速性心律失常的主要手段之一,其中射频消融和冷冻消融是目前公认的心房颤动导管治疗方式,其疗效确切,但也存在一些并发症风险。脉冲电场消融是一种有高度组织选择性的新型消融方式,前期动物实验和临床试验已经评估了其在肺静脉隔离中的有效性、安全性及高效性,在真实世界研究中也取得较为满意的效果。脉冲电场消融有望广泛应用于心房颤动的治疗。  相似文献   

心房颤动导管消融的两种主要能源分别是射频能源与冷冻能源.脉冲电场作为治疗心律失常的新消融能量,由于其在细胞膜上形成纳米级的小孔导致细胞凋亡,产生不可逆电穿孔,具有非热性、瞬时性和心肌组织优先选择性的特点,使心房颤动导管消融更简单、更安全和更有效,从而有可能为心房颤动消融带来革命性变化.  相似文献   

《Cor et vasa》2014,56(1):e19-e26
Catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF) is a highly effective therapy to achieve freedom of recurrent arrhythmia and relief from symptomatic AF. Transmural ablation of atrial tissue is crucial for success. Thus steerable sheaths and catheter design with contact measurement as an additional feature have been developed to increase success rates. New 3 dimentional (3D) mapping technologies engage clinical routine to reduce fluoroscopy time and radiation dose for patients and medical staff to a minimum. To unmask dormant pulmonary vein reconduction and to avoid early pulmonary vein reconduction administration of adenosine is useful. Future approaches aim at individualized ablation strategies taking clinical and electrophysiologic characteristics of the individual patient into account.  相似文献   

Catheter ablation (CA) has become the mainstay therapy for the maintenance of sinus rhythm in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), with pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) the most frequently used treatment strategy. Although several energy sources have been tested (including radiofrequency, cryothermal and laser), these are not devoid of safety issues and in many instances effectiveness is dependent on operator experience. Pulsed field ablation (PFA) is a novel energy source by which high-voltage electric pulses are used to create pores in the cellular membrane (i.e., electroporation), leading to cellular death. The amount of energy required to produce irreversible electroporation is highly tissue dependent. In consequence, a tailored protocol in which specific targeting of the atrial myocardium is achieved while sparing adjacent tissues is theoretically feasible, increasing the safety of the procedure. While large scale clinical trials are lacking, current clinical evidence has demonstrated significant efficacy in achieving durable PVI without ablation related adverse events.  相似文献   

心房颤动是常见且难治疗和难控制的心律失常,治疗方法包括药物、电复律以及射频消融等.传统的抗心律失常药物存在增加导致室性心律失常的风险,不利于急性房颤的转复以及长期预防,新的治疗房颤药物如维那卡兰、决奈达隆、雷诺嗪等在作用机制、药效动力学、药代动力学等方面与其他抗心律失常药物相比,有着各自的特殊性及优越性,不仅能有效转复...  相似文献   

The number of liver cancer patients is likely to continue to increase in the coming decades due to the aging of the population and changing risk factors. Traditional treatments cannot meet the needs of all patients. New treatment methods evolved from pulsed electric field ablation are expected to lead to breakthroughs in the treatment of liver cancer. This paper reviews the safety and efficacy of irreversible electroporation in clinical studies, the methods to detect and evaluate its ablation effect, the improvements in equipment and its antitumor effect, and animal and clinical trials on electrochemotherapy. We also summarize studies on the most novel nanosecond pulsed electric field ablation techniques in vitro and in vivo. These research results are certain to promote the progress of pulsed electric field in the treatment of liver cancer.  相似文献   

房颤治疗进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
房颤的治疗目前仍以药物为基础,近年来随着介入治疗的不断发展,从肺静脉口点消融、节段性消融、环肺静脉口的电隔离、到心房基质改良,以及外科改良迷宫术等新技术新方法的推广应用,已大大提高了房颤治疗的成功率并显著减少了并发症.  相似文献   

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