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The red blood cell (RBC) content of Na+ and K+ were measured both on fresh cells from normal, heterozygous beta-thalassaemic and iron-deficiency-anaemic subjects, and on the same cells incubated for 24 h, at 37 degrees C, either in presence or in absence of Calcium (Ca2+). Ca2+ did not increase membrane permeability to Na+, but increased the K+ loss, both from normal cells and to a greater degree much more from hypochromic cells. Glucose largely prevented the K+ loss from hypochromic cells incubated either in absence or in presence of Ca2+, probably maintaining an adequate level of ATP during the incubation. EDTA only partially decreased the permeability to K+ in hypochromic cells incubated for 24 h at 37 degrees C, possibly removing Ca2+ bound to the cell membrane. The results suggest that Ca2+ does not represent the primary cause of K+ leak in hypochromic cells, but it is able to enhance a pre-existing peculiar abnormality of the cell membrane when the ATP level slows down.  相似文献   

A number of situations that result in abnormal permeability pathways in human red blood cells (RBCs) have been investigated. In sickle cell disease (SCD), RBCs contain HbS, rather than the normal HbA. When deoxygenated, an abnormal conductance pathway, termed P(sickle), is activated, which contributes to cell dehydration, largely through allowing Ca(2+) entry and subsequent activation of the Gardos channel. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from sickle RBCs show a deoxygenated-induced conductance, absent from normal RBCs, which shares some of the properties of P(sickle): equivalent Na(+) and K(+) permeability, significant Ca(2+) conductance, partial inhibition by DIDS and also Zn(2+). Gd(3+) markedly attenuates conductance in both normal and sickle RBCs. In addition, deoxygenated sickle cells, but not oxygenated ones or normal RBCs regardless of the oxygen tension, undergo haemolysis in isosmotic non-electrolyte solutions. Non-electrolyte entry was confirmed radioisotopically whilst haemolysis was inhibited by DIDS. These findings suggest that under certain circumstances P(sickle) may also be permeable to non-electrolytes. Finally, RBCs from certain patients with hereditary stomatocytosis have a mutated band 3, which appears able to act as a conductance pathway for univalent cations. These results extend our understanding of the abnormal permeability pathways of RBCs.  相似文献   

Following brief exposure to acetylphenylhydrazine, the potassium permeability of the human erythrocyte membrane is selectively augmented. While a similar increase in potassium permeability results from the intracellular accumulation of calcium (the Gardos phenomenon), we have found a number of features that allow these two pathways to be distinguished from one another. The acetylphenylhydrazine pathway does not require calcium for its activation, and can be seen even in the presence of a molar excess of the calcium chelator EGTA. The transmembrane potassium movement via this channel has a specific requirement for the anion chloride, and it can be inhibited by furosemide. The potassium that moves through the Gardos pathway, on the other hand, can be accompanied by any permeant anion, and is inhibitable by quinidine or cetiedil. Thus, acetylphenylhydrazine exposure seems to promote K + Cl cotransport, whereas the Gardos pathway represents a potassium conductive channel. While full demonstration of both these pathways requires harsh in vitro manipulation, the large electrochemical potassium gradient favoring the movement of this cation out from the erythrocyte suggests that even a partial activation of either pathway could cause intracellular dehydration and thus contribute importantly to the pathophysiology of in vivo red cell destruction.  相似文献   

Changes in serum potassium in premature neonates undergoing transfusion from CPDA-1 triple satellite PRBC paediatric packs cannot be predicted solely on the basis of potassium dose and estimated plasma volume. Despite significant potassium loading during PRBC transfusion, the actual serum potassium change is much less than predicted in neonates with good renal status. These findings indicate that special washing procedures to reduce potassium concentrations in PRBC units for transfusion in neonates is not warranted although exclusion of units older than 5 days for transfusion in premature infants seems to be a reasonable policy.  相似文献   

Joiner  CH; Franco  RS; Jiang  M; Franco  MS; Barker  JE; Lux  SE 《Blood》1995,86(11):4307-4314
Cellular cation homeostasis in mouse erythrocytes with defective membrane skeletons was examined in three mouse mutants, hemolytic anemia (sphha/sphha), spherocytosis (sph/sph), and normoblastosis (nb/nb), and compared with reticulocytes produced by repetitive bleeding of congenic normal mice. To assess reticulocyte maturity, nucleic acid and transferrin receptor contents were measured by fluorescence flow cytometry; mutant cells were somewhat more mature than normal reticulocytes by these criteria. Red blood cell (RBC) sodium contents (Nac+) in homozygous sphha/sphha, sph/sph, and nb/nb animals were 30.1 +/- 0.9, 28.9 +/- 0.3, and 26.9 +/- 1.5 mmol/L cell, respectively, whereas cellular potassium (Kc+) was 102 +/- 2.6, 101 +/- 7.8, and 97.4 +/- 3.0. Nac+ and Kc+ in normal reticulocyte preparations were 11.3 +/- 0.7 and 123 +/- 10, respectively. Net Na+ and K+ fluxes in the presence of ouabain were markedly increased in mutant RBCs. Sodium uptake was 14.8 +/- 1.6, 15.4 +/- 3.3, and 14.7 +/- 3.1 mmol/L cell/h in sphha/sphha, sph/sph, and nb/nb mutants, respectively, whereas K+ loss was 17.0 +/- 4.0, 15.0 +/- 3.8, and 14.1 +/- 2.6. Normal mouse reticulocytes gained Na+ at a rate of 3.9 +/- 1.0 mmol/L cell/h and lost K+ at 6.0 +/- 2.1, rates indistinguishable from those in mature mouse RBCs. Potassium loss from sphha/sphha and nb/nb cells was not dependent on the presence of a Na+ gradient, and net cation movements were insensitive to bumetanide (sphha/sphha and nb/nb RBCs) and to chloride replacement with sulfamate (nb/nb cells). We conclude that mutant mouse RBCs with dysfunctional membrane skeletons have increased passive permeability to monovalent cations. These findings support a role of the membrane skeleton in the maintenance of the membrane permeability barrier and suggest that the abnormal permeability associated with human hereditary spherocytosis and elliptocytosis may be a consequence of the membrane skeleton defects reported in these disorders.  相似文献   

P K Lauf  C H Joiner 《Blood》1976,48(3):457-468
Potassium (K+) influx and 3H-ouabain binding were studied in human red cells completely lacking the rhesus (Rh) antigens (Rhnull cells) and compared with normal Rh(D) red cells. The Rhnull cells, originally described by Seidl, Spielmann, and Martin (Vox Sang. 23:182, 1972) were normal in size, cation, and water content, indicating no significant increase in cell volume as occurs in young human red cells. However, the ouabain-insensitive K+ permeability, as well as the ouabain sensitive active K+ transport, were increased 1.6 1.8-and 1.4-1.5-fold, respectively, above the values found in Rh(D) control cells. The Na+K+ ATPase activity of membranes from Rhnull cells was also higher than from Rh(D) cells. Binding studies with 3H-ouabain revealed that at 100% K+ pump inhibition Rhnull cells bound 670 and Rh(D) cells 450-500 ouabain molecules per cell. Since the rate of ouabain binding was identical in Rhnull and Rh(D) control cells, we concluded that the Rhnull cell had about 35%-45% more cation pumps than the Rh(D) cell. These additional pumps in Rhnull cells appeared to be indistinguishable from those in control cells. Anti-D or the serum from the Rhnull individual did not alter cation permeability in Rh(D) red cells. The data suggested that the Rhnull cell, known for its hematologic malfunction, was not a young or prematurely released red cell, but had a pleiotropic membrane defect which also affected the passive and active cation transport system on the molecular level. Our finding precludes a structural identity of the rhesus antigen with the molecules composing the Na+K+ pump system.  相似文献   

The effects of dipyridamole on potassium and sodium content of human red blood cells from normals or from patients with hypochromic anaemia, and of normal red cells pretreated with menadione, have been studied. Dipyridamole added to the incubation medium decreases the loss of potassium and the accumulation of sodium in all three types of red cells incubated at 37 degrees C for 24 h, either with or without calcium. The possible mechanism underlying these effects of dipyridamole is discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Two main blood storage procedures can be used for storing red blood cells: refrigeration and freezing. Nevertheless, the efficiency of these procedures measured as the increase in haemoglobin after reinfusion compared with baseline has never been examined. The main objective was to examine which storage procedure yielded the largest increase in circulating haemoglobin after reinfusion compared to baseline. MATERIALS AND METHODS Equal volumes of blood from 15 men were withdrawn and stored either frozen or refrigerated as packed red blood cells. Serial measures of circulating haemoglobin by carbon monoxide rebreathing provided an opportunity to monitor recovery from anaemia, as well as the net increase in circulating haemoglobin after transfusion. RESULTS The post-thaw yield of haemoglobin in the bags was 72% after refrigerated storage compared with only 52% after freezing. Nevertheless, frozen storage allowed haemoglobin to fully recover before reinfusion, while the haemoglobin was 10% lower in the refrigerated group compared with baseline. After reinfusion, the haemoglobin levels were 11·5% higher than the baseline values in the group reinfused with frozen blood, while for the refrigerated group, haemoglobin levels were only 5·2% higher than baseline. CONCLUSION The relatively larger recovery from anaemia in the frozen group during storage more than compensated for the larger loss of haemoglobin during freezing and resulted in a larger net gain in haemoglobin. Based on the average 23 g per week recovery of haemoglobin, extending refrigerated storage to 7-8 weeks may yield sufficient time for patients to fully replenish harvested haemoglobin from three bags of blood without reliance on frozen storage of RBC.  相似文献   

A flow cytofluorimetric method was used to detect the immunoglobulin molecules present on human red blood cells. Normal human erythrocytes were separated into seven fractions of increasing mean age by density centrifugation on discontinuous gradients. Some biochemical and morphological properties of these cells were determined as well as their IgG content. The results obtained suggest that IgG binding during red cell aging is a cumulative process.  相似文献   

Andrews DA  Yang L  Low PS 《Blood》2002,100(9):3392-3399
Calcium entry into mature erythrocytes (red blood cells; RBCs) is associated with multiple changes in cell properties. At low intracellular Ca(2+), efflux of potassium and water predominates, leading to changes in erythrocyte rheology. At higher Ca(2+) content, activation of kinases and phosphatases, rupture of membrane-to-skeleton bridges, stimulation of a phospholipid scramblase and phospholipase C, and induction of transglutaminase-mediated protein cross-linking are also observed. Because the physiologic relevance of these latter responses depends partially on whether Ca(2+) entry involves a regulated channel or nonspecific leak, we explored mechanisms that initiate controlled Ca(2+) influx. Protein kinase C (PKC) was considered a prime candidate for the pathway regulator, and phorbol-12 myristate-13 acetate (PMA), a stimulator of PKC, was examined for its influence on erythrocyte Ca(2+). PMA was found to stimulate a rapid, dose-dependent influx of calcium, as demonstrated by the increased fluorescence of an entrapped Ca(2+)-sensitive dye, Fluo-3/AM. The PMA-induced entry was inhibited by staurosporine and the PKC-selective inhibitor chelerythrine chloride, but was activated by the phosphatase inhibitors okadaic acid and calyculin A. The PMA-promoted calcium influx was also inhibited by omega-agatoxin-TK, a calcium channel blocker specific for Ca(v)2.1 channels. To confirm that a Ca(v)2.1-like calcium channel exists in the mature erythrocyte membrane, RBC membrane preparations were immunoblotted with antiserum against the alpha(1A) subunit of the channel. A polypeptide of the expected molecular weight (190 kDa) was visualized. These studies indicate that an omega-agatoxin-TK-sensitive, Ca(v)2.1-like calcium permeability pathway is present in the RBC membrane and that it may function under the control of kinases and phosphatases.  相似文献   

Gel-filtered human platelets exerted lytic activity on autologous red blood cells (RBC) when they were coincubated at 37 degrees C with platelet-activating agents, such as thrombin, collagen, ADP, LPS or PMA in the absence of plasma. Lysis of activated platelets themselves did not occur during the incubation period examined. Morphological observations showed that RBC exposed to thrombin-activated platelets were fragmented and/or transformed into spherocytes. This haemolytic reaction by thrombin-activated platelets did not occur at 4 degrees C, or in the presence of agents which inhibited glycolysis or elevated intracellular levels of cAMP, indicating that energy-dependent and cAMP-regulated platelet metabolism was required for this reaction. When platelets and RBC were incubated in the same vessel, but were prevented from coming into direct cell to cell contact by means of a membrane barrier, their cytotoxicity was reduced but not eliminated completely. No cytotoxic activity against RBC was detected in platelet-free supernatants obtained by centrifugation after activation of platelets with thrombin. On the contrary, activated and washed platelets retained the activity. These observations suggested that the cytotoxic activity was carried by some diffusible and easily inactivated factors, which were continuously produced and liberated from activated platelets. Cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors inhibited the haemolytic activity of thrombin-activated platelets, suggesting a role for some products of platelet-cyclo-oxygenase pathway in platelet-mediated haemolysis. These results provide the first evidence for a direct role of activated platelets in mediation of RBC-damage in the absence of any plasma factors.  相似文献   

Most biomedical textbooks teach that coagulation and thrombosis are primarily a function of endothelial cells, platelets, and soluble coagulation factors. Red blood cells, in contrast, are generally regarded as innocent bystanders, passively entrapped in a developing thrombus as they flow through the vasculature. This review summarizes evidence that demonstrates an active role for red cells in normal and pathologic hemostasis. We then evaluate the possible molecular mechanisms whereby a usually inert erythrocyte can actively contribute to the processes of clot formation.  相似文献   

The percentage of pitted erythrocytes and Howell-Jolly bodies in peripheral blood samples of 51 individuals following posttraumatic splenectomy and 20 patients splenectomized because of various haematological diseases differed significantly from each other (p less than 0.001) and from that of healthy controls (p less than 0.001). The percentage of pitted erythrocytes was significantly higher in pathologically shaped red blood cells (RBCs) (acanthocytes, schizocytes, elliptocytes) than in normal discoid shaped RBCs (p less than 0.001). As the number of pits per RBC showed great individual variations, a scoring system for the evaluation of pitted RBCs is proposed.  相似文献   

During their in vivo ageing, red blood cells (RBC) increase in density and become smaller. Age-defined RBC subpopulations are usually collected by centrifugation. A fractionation according to RBC volume has been proposed as an improved alternative to such age separation. Because a few data reported in the literature indicate some discrepancies between the two methods, blood samples were separated either by centrifugation or by counterflow centrifugation, and some characteristics of the RBC thus fractionated were studied. The enzyme activities decrease either when the density rises or when the volume (MCV) decreases. However, the comparison of other RBC characteristics strongly suggests that these two procedures do not lead to the collection of the same RBC subpopulations: for instance, the hemoglobin content increases when the MCV rises, whereas it remains constant whatever the RBC density is. With radiolabelled cells, it is shown 1) that the most dense RBC are recovered in all the size-separated RBC subpopulations, even though they tend to concentrate in the fractions with the largest MCV, and 2) that the smallest RBC are almost fairly distributed in all the RBC subpopulations, whatever their density, whereas the largest RBC are mainly, but not exclusively, present in the high-density fractions. Thus, fractionation according to size does not match separation according to density. Taken together with results from in vivo experiments carried out in mice and with the fact that reticulocytes are present in all the size-separated fractions, these data suggest that counterflow centrifugation may be a very questionable procedure to achieve a RBC fractionation according to age and therefore that RBC volume might not be a reliable criterion of RBC age.  相似文献   

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