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Summary: We wished to (a) determine the ability of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) to discriminate between patients with epilepsy of left or right temporal lobe (LTLE, RTLE) origin and (b) examine the ability of Kaufman's (1990) WAIS-R short forms to estimate actual Full-Scale IQ (FSIQ). We administered the WAIS-R to 215 nonretarded, left hemisphere dominant patients with invasively verified epilepsy of unilateral TL origin without lesions demonstrated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (excluding mesial temporal sclerosis, MTS). LTLE (n = 106) and RTLE (n = 109) groups were compared on the WAIS-R subtests and summary IQ scores, Verbal–Performance IQ (VIQ—PIQ) discrepancies of various magnitudes, and Verbal Comprehension (VC) and Perceptual Organization (PO) scores derived by factor analysis. The LTLE group scored significantly lower on the Vocabulary subtest, and none of the other indexes reliably distinguished LTLE from RTLE patients. The Kaufman 2, 3, and 4 subtest short forms were significant predictors of FSIQ, with the 4 subtest short form having the highest correlation and lowest error of estimate.  相似文献   

Summary: Purpose: The Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (WMS-R) is used routinely for presurgical assessment of memory for patients considering elective resection of the temporal lobe and/or hippocampus for the relief of intractable temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). We investigated the validity of the WMS-R in a population of people with TLE.
Methods: The sample consisted of 138 patients with a diagnosis of TLE in which the epileptogenic focus was clearly and exclusively lateralized to either the right or left hemisphere. They underwent a complete neuropsychological examination as a routine part of their investigation for epilepsy surgery. Psychometric scores included in this study were: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) I.Q. scores, National Adult Reading Test Revised (NART-R) predicted-I.Q. scores, and WMS-R Memory Index and subtest scores.
Results: Multiple univariate analyses were performed. The group with left temporal focus had significantly lower Verbal Memory Index, Logical memory (both immediate and delayed), and Digit Span scores. Visual/Verbal discrepancy scores incorrectly identified most patients with right temporal focus. Analyses of a total group of people with epilepsy (i.e., mixed temporal, frontal, occipital and unknown foci) as compared with the normative sample indicated that the patient group scored significantly lower across all memory index scores and most memory subtests.
Conclusions: Our results confirm that the WMS-R is capable of lateralizing to left hemispheric impairment but is more problematic in the assessment of right hemispheric impairment. The Visual/Verbal Memory Index discrepancy has questionable validity. People with epilepsy performed less well on the WMS-R than did the normative sample. The need for reliable and valid nonverbal tests of memory is therefore warranted.  相似文献   

As part of a standard evaluation of neuropsychological sequelae, the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (WMS-R) was administered to 107 patients with a history of traumatic brain injury. Confirmatory factor analyses were conducted on the 12 subtests of the WMS-R to examine the fit of various hypothesized factor patterns, including patterns identified in previous exploratory factor analytic studies. Because part of the correlation between immediate and delayed recall trials of the same material is attributable to a common measurement procedure, this correlation due to measurement commonality was partialled out of the conceptual factor structure. The results suggested the presence of 3 distinct but highly correlated factors: attention/concentration, immediate memory, and delayed recall. Models that posited separate verbal and nonverbal memory processes failed to improve fit over more parsimonious models. Comparisons with previous factor analytic studies and implications for clinical assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

目的对精神分裂症认知功能评测量表(SCoRS)、韦氏成人智力量表(WAIS—RC)和韦氏记忆量表(WMS)作相关分析并评估SCoRS在国内的适用性。方法对60例精神分裂症患者用SCoRS及wAIS—RC和wMS进行测评。结果相关分析显示SCoRS自评分、知情者评分、评定者评分各因子及总分与WAIS—RC评分的总智商、言语智商、操作在智商均呈显著相关性;SCoRS自评分、知情者评分、评定者评分各因子及总分与WMS评分的总记忆商数及10个分测验均呈显著相关性。结论SCoRS可以对精神分裂症患者的记忆及执行功能作出有力评估,能较好反映患者认知功能及生活功能状态,且简便易行,有较好适用性。  相似文献   

This research examined cutoffs for the Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM) in a military sample composed primarily of mTBI patients. The results are consistent with previous research and provide additional evidence that cutoffs higher than those originally recommended for the TOMM can produce excellent classification and diagnostic statistics when a psychometrically defined non-malingering group is compared with three psychometrically defined malingering groups: Probable, Probable to Definite, and Definite Malingering. The groups were formed based on the number of symptom and performance validity tests passed or failed. Cutoffs that were 4–5 points higher for Trial 2 and the Retention Trial than originally recommended produced very low false positive rates (.0 to .06) and excellent positive predictive values (.75 to 1.00) for a base rate of malingering commonly found in TBI patients. Positive likelihood ratios were all above 10 for these two trials indicating excellent ability to rule in malingering. A range of cutoffs for Trial 1 were also examined, and classification and diagnostic statistics are presented for cutoffs ranging from 40 to 44 with results similar to the other TOMM trials.  相似文献   

The utility of the Spanish WAIS-III was investigated by examining its reliability and validity among 100 Spanish-speaking participants. Results indicated that the internal consistency of the subtests was satisfactory, but inadequate for Letter Number Sequencing. Criterion validity was adequate. Convergent and discriminant validity results were generally similar to the North American normative sample. Paired sample t-tests suggested that the WAIS-III may underestimate ability when compared to the criterion measures that were utilized to assess validity. This study provides support for the use of the Spanish WAIS-III in urban Hispanic populations, but also suggests that caution be used when administering specific subtests, due to the nature of the Latin America alphabet and potential test bias.  相似文献   

Twenty-four studies utilizing the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) Digit Span subtest--either the Reliable Digit Span (RDS) or Age-Corrected Scaled Score (DS-ACSS) variant--for malingering detection were meta-analytically reviewed to evaluate their effectiveness in detecting malingered neurocognitive dysfunction. RDS and DS-ACSS effectively discriminated between honest responders and dissimulators, with average weighted effect sizes of 1.34 and 1.08, respectively. No significant differences were found between RDS and DS-ACSS. Similarly, no differences were found between the Digit Span subtest from the WAIS or Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS). Strong specificity and moderate sensitivity were observed, and optimal cutting scores are recommended.  相似文献   

Data from the WAIS-III standardization sample(The Psychological Corporation, 1997)was used to generate VIQ and PIQ estimation formulae using demographic variables and current WAIS-III subtest performances. The sample(n?=?2,450)was randomly divided into two groups; the first was used to develop formulas and the second to validate the regression equations. Age, education, ethnicity, gender, region of the country as well as Vocabulary, Matrix Reasoning, and Picture Completion subtests raw scores were used as predictor variables. Prediction formulas were generated using a single verbal and two performance subtest algorithms. The VIQ OPIE-3 model combined Vocabulary raw scores with demographic variables. The PIQ estimation algorithm used Matrix Reasoning and Picture Completion raw scores with demographic variables. The formulas for estimating premorbid VIQ and PIQ were highly significant and accurate in estimation. Differences in estimated VIQ and PIQ scores were evaluated and the OPIE-3 algorithms were found to accurately predict VIQ and PIQ differences within the WAIS-III standardization sample.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the construct validity of the special four-factor structure of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)-III Chinese version in a clinical sample of inpatients with schizophrenia as well as a sample of healthy adults. A sample of 114 inpatients with schizophrenia and a sample of 114 close-matched non-clinical adults on the Chinese mainland were studied with the measures of the WAIS-III Chinese version. Four competing hypothetical models of factors were tested for model fit and parsimony in both research samples, using maximum likelihood confirmatory factor analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that a four-factor model of Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Organization, Working Memory, and Processing Speed best fit the data from both the schizophrenia sample and the healthy adult sample, and also fitted the data from both samples better than alternative models, which is similar to that reported by the developers and revisers of this scale. These empiric analyses and results support the construct validity of the WAIS-III Chinese version in patients with schizophrenia and healthy adults on the Chinese mainland.  相似文献   

We factor analyzed the Chinese revision of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-RC) in a sample of 59 individuals with medically diagnosed brain damage. The Chinese subjects consisted of 42 males and 17 females with means for Verbal. Performance, and Full Scale IQ of 83.88 (SD = 22.11), 75.49 (SD = 20.63), and 78.42 (SD = 21.97), respectively. Clear support was found for a general intelligence factor (g) and the Full Scale IQ. Similarly, the two-factor solution provided support for Wechsler's (1981) Verbal and Performance IQ designations. The three-factor solution revealed the familiar Verbal-Comprehension and Perceptual-Organization factors. However, the Freedom From Distractibility factor was less clearly defined. Comparisons of Chinese and American factor structures for neurologically impaired persons demonstrated high coefficients of congruence, ranging from .93 to .98. Overall, the findings demonstrated substantial congruence cross culturally for Chinese and American brain-damaged samples and suggest that the WAIS-RC measures essentially the same constructs as the WAIS-R.  相似文献   

Recent research has questioned whether the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales (WAIS) measure the same constructs for adults with intellectual disabilities as they do for the general population (MacLean et al., 2011). Using the special validity sample of the WAIS-IV (Wechsler, 2008b), the structure of the WAIS-IV was investigated using confirmatory factor analysis and tested for measurement invariance across a sample with intellectual disabilities and a control group matched in demographic characteristics. The instrument demonstrated strong factorial invariance when the standard subtests were used. When the standard and supplemental subtests were included in the model, the WAIS-IV four-factor structure provided a model of measurement for the Subtest Scores in the intellectual disability group, but the Perceptual Reasoning factor demonstrated differentiation into Fluid Reasoning and Visual-Spatial factors in the matched control group. In general, the research findings suggest that the four-factor structure of the WAIS-IV is invariant across the intellectual disability and matched control groups.  相似文献   

Equivalence of the psychological model underlying Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Third Edition (WAIS-III) scores obtained in the United States and Australia was examined in this study. Examination of metric invariance involves testing the hypothesis that all components of the measurement model relating observed scores to latent variables are numerically equal in different samples. The assumption of metric invariance is necessary for interpretation of scores derived from research studies that seek to generalize patterns of convergent and divergent validity and patterns of deficit or disability. An Australian community volunteer sample was compared to the US standardization data. A pattern of strict metric invariance was observed across samples. In addition, when the effects of different demographic characteristics of the US and Australian samples were included, structural parameters reflecting values of the latent cognitive variables were found not to differ. These results provide important evidence for the equivalence of measurement of core cognitive abilities with the WAIS-III and suggest that latent cognitive abilities in the US and Australia do not differ.  相似文献   

The utility of the Spanish WAIS-III was investigated by examining its reliability and validity among 100 Spanish-speaking participants. Results indicated that the internal consistency of the subtests was satisfactory, but inadequate for Letter Number Sequencing. Criterion validity was adequate. Convergent and discriminant validity results were generally similar to the North American normative sample. Paired sample t-tests suggested that the WAIS-III may underestimate ability when compared to the criterion measures that were utilized to assess validity. This study provides support for the use of the Spanish WAIS-III in urban Hispanic populations, but also suggests that caution be used when administering specific subtests, due to the nature of the Latin America alphabet and potential test bias.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to assess the prevalence of Axis II disorders (DSM-IV-TR) in a sample of clients requesting sex reassignment surgery (SRS), consecutively admitted to a Gender Identity Disorder (GID) psychiatric unit. Fifty clients self-referred as transsexuals (34 biological males and 16 biological females; mean age = 31.74 ± 7.06 years) were assessed through the SCID-II after a preliminary evaluation to exclude current major psychiatric disorders. Prevalence of any Axis II disorder was 52% (N = 26), with no significant differences related to biological sex. The most frequent personality disorders were Cluster B PDs (22% of total sample), followed by Cluster C (12%) and Cluster A PDs (2%). A significant prevalence of NOS PD (16%) was also found. Our data offers prevalence estimates slightly higher than those found in previous studies and does not provide evidence for any differences in the psychopathological profile and severity between MtF and FtM transsexuals.  相似文献   

Self-report measures were used to investigate psychological symptoms, motivation for change and empathy in male residential clients of an alcohol and drug treatment programme. Thirty-eight participants entered treatment voluntarily and 42 participants were under various forms of legal coercion to enter treatment. Data were collected for all participants 10–15 days into treatment and again, for those remaining in treatment, at approximately 5 weeks and 10 weeks after admission. Overall, the results showed little that differentiated the psychological profile of these cohorts early in treatment or subsequently over ensuing weeks. Both types of residents, at the group and at an individual level, reported substantial improvements in their psychological state with time. Younger clients who had lived in one place for 6 months prior to programme entry were more likely to leave treatment in the first 5 weeks. Legally coerced clients were more likely than voluntary clients to drop out of treatment between 5 and 10 weeks.  相似文献   

Over the last decades there has been an increased interest in assessing social anxiety in adolescents. This study aims to validate the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-A) to Portuguese youth, and to examine its invariance across gender as well as its psychometric properties. The participants were 782 Portuguese youths (371 males, 411 females), with an average age of 15.87 years (SD = 1.72). The results support the original three-factor structure of the SAS-A, with measurement invariance being found across gender, with females scoring higher than males on two subscales. High levels of internal consistency were found. Positive associations with empathy demonstrated that high socially anxious adolescents have elevated empathy tendencies. Mostly null or low negative associations were found with measures of psychopathic traits, callous-unemotional traits and aggression. Study findings provide evidence that the SAS-A is a psychometrically sound instrument that shows measurement invariance between genders, good reliability and positive correlations with empathy.  相似文献   

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