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Sandfly captures from April 2001-September 2002 were compared to those from October 1996-September 1997 and October 1998-April 2000 in order to evaluate control procedures conducted in Recanto Marista in the county of Doutor Camargo, Paraná State, Brazil. Sandflies were captured with Falc?o traps twice a month, both in the domiciles and henhouses, from 10 PM to 2 AM. In 2001-2002, 199,821 sandflies were captured, with an hourly average of 1,625.5 insects; average captures in 1996-1997 and 1997-1998 were 1,641.9 and 806.7, respectively. Nyssomyia neivai was the most abundant species (90.4%) in all habitats. This species, together N. whitmani, Migonemyia migonei, and Pintomyia fischeri, accounted for 99.9% of all the specimens captured. The total hourly average sandfly captures increased, but 85% of these insects were captured in henhouses built with the purpose of attracting sandfly specimens, while the density decreased in other environments, especially intradomiciliary.  相似文献   

The results from sandfly collections in 10 municipalities in Paraná State, Brazil are reported. The captures were done using Falc?o traps in homes, domestic animal shelters and forested areas, from 1999 to 2002. A total of 13,653 sandflies were collected from 10 species of the genera Brumptomyia, Expapillata, Evandromyia, Migonemyia, Pintomyia, Nyssomyia and Psathyromyia. The species Nyssomyia neivai was predominant in five municipalities. N. whitmani predominated in the other five, in greater numbers than for N. neivai in the first five municipalities. High frequencies of sand flies were found in forests, homes, pigpens and henhouses. Investigations on the participation of domestic animals and phlebotomine fauna in the epidemiology of tegumentary leishmaniasis should be routine in health surveillance, especially where this disease is endemic.  相似文献   

An outbreak of American cutaneous leishmaniasis was reported in 2002 in Mariluz, northwestern Paraná State, Brazil. Of 38 humans who were investigated, four had healed lesions, ten showed lesions in the healing process, and 24 had active lesions. Of the 126 dogs, 20 (15.9%) presented suggestive lesions and 24 (19%) had positive serology. Parasites isolated from two patients and three dogs were identified as Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis serodeme I. The captured sand flies were identified as Nyssomyia whitmani, N. neivai, and Migonemyia migonei. Considering that the region where the cases occurred is similar to other old human settlements in Paraná State, the environmental alterations and remaining forests facilitate the maintenance of the parasite's enzootic cycle and transmission to humans and domestic animals, thereby maintaining the endemicity of American cutaneous leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Sandfly control measures were evaluated at the Da Barra Ranch, Lobato municipality, Paraná State, Brazil. The insects were captured with Falc?o traps in houses, a cattle corral, and a forest area from July to November 1999 and from February to June 2000. In December 1999 and January 2000 the following measures were taken to decrease the sandfly density in peridomiciliary areas and domiciles: (i) screens were placed on windows of buildings (domiciles, dormitory, cafeteria); (ii) all organic material was cleaned from the peridomiciliary area; and (iii) buildings were sprayed for insects. There were more Nyssomyia whitmani, Pintomyia fischeri, P. monticola, and Brumptomyia brumpti specimens in the former period, while N. neivai, Migonemyia migonei, and N. pessoai predominated in the latter. In the initial period most of the sandflies were captured in the forest and in the latter period in the houses. The sandfly control measures did not reduce the sandfly population on the Da Barra Ranch, but they led to significant proportional changes in the insect fauna composition.  相似文献   

American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) is an endemic disease in northern Paraná State, where it affects humans and dogs. This study aimed to verify the occurrence of the canine disease in ACL endemic areas. From September 1999 to July 2002, dogs were investigated in 7 rural areas of 5 municipalities where autochthonous human cases of ACL had been reported. Parasitological and serological methods were used. Fourteen of 67 dogs studied (20.9%) had lesions suggestive of ACL, of which 3 (21.4%) were infected with Leishmania sp. Indirect immunofluorescence for Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis was positive in 37 (55.2%) of 67 dogs. The results showed that human and canine ACL occur simultaneously and indicate the need for additional studies to elucidate the role of dogs in the ACL transmission cycle in the area studied.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the epidemiology of American tegumentary leishmaniasis in the municipalities of the Central North, Central West, and Northwest mesoregions of Paraná State, Brazil. Diagnosis of American tegumentary leishmaniasis cases was performed at the State University in Maringá from 1987 to 2004. According to the probable site of infection, cases were classified as autochthonous (infection inside the household domain) or allochthonous (outside the household domain). Municipalities with the most cases were Maringá (458), Doutor Camargo (126), S?o Jorge do Ivaí (121), Terra Boa (114), Cianorte (98), and Colorado (95). Of the total of 1,938 cases, 66.9% were male. Among the 667 autochthonous cases, similar numbers of men and women were infected, with cases in minors as young as five years of age, with the latter not occurring in the 794 allochthonous cases. Conditions favoring American tegumentary leishmaniasis were created in the processes involved in occupying the rural areas of these mesoregions, particularly in the agricultural settlement model and the crisis in coffee monoculture.  相似文献   

The objective of this article was to analyze the underreporting of maternal deaths in Paraná State, Brazil, from 1991 to 2005, identifying details on the basic causes that keep maternal deaths hidden and problems with completing items 43 and 44 on death certificates during a recent period (2003-2005). Data were obtained from the database of the Paraná State Committees for the Prevention of Maternal Mortality, which investigate maternal deaths using the Reproductive Age Mortality Survey (RAMOS). According to the data, maternal mortality decreased by 26% in 15 years, but the level of underreporting remained the same, generating adjustment factors ranging from 1.6 to 1.8. In conclusion, medical schools and the State medical board should provide more incisive and comprehensive orientation on completing death certificates in order to minimize this underreporting. The Paraná State Committees for the Prevention of Maternal Mortality help correct underreporting of maternal deaths by identifying their real causes and determinants and defining strategies to reduce them. More effective measures to reduce avoidable maternal deaths are still needed in the State.  相似文献   

Despite technological progress in recent decades, neonatal mortality accounts for some two-thirds of infant deaths where the infant mortality rates are low. This study analyzes neonatal deaths in Londrina, Paraná, Brazil, during three periods, beginning with 1994, the year when pediatric and neonatal intensive care beds were created in the city. The data were collected from live birth certificates in the National Information System on Live Births (SINASC) and individual analysis of neonatal death certificates. Births declined in the city, but the low birthweight rate increased from 7.7 to 8.8% and the preterm birth rate from 6.3 to 8.4%. Multiple births also increased. Caesarian sections varied from 48 to 52%. The percentage of deaths from congenital malformations increased. The vast majority of neonatal deaths are preventable, mainly by providing specialized care during pregnancy. The neonatal mortality rate has declined recently, from 10.1 to 6.4 per 1,000 live births. The authors conclude that neonatal care is improving in Londrina.  相似文献   

Inter-municipal health consortia emerged in Brazil's Unified National Health System (SUS) policy in the late 1980s. Municipal health administrators adhered to this strategy with the aim of upgrading health services supplied to the population. This research analyzes the profile of such consortia in Paraná State, focusing on specialized medical care. Data were obtained from reports by the State Health Council and questionnaires sent to all 20 existing municipal health consortia. Governmental Decree no. 1,101 and data published in 2000 on the profile of the health system in Paraná were used as references. Of the 399 municipalities in Paraná State, 81.5% have joined municipal consortia. Specialists are allocated by municipalities (4.4%), the State government (13.6%), or Federal Government (12.8%); another 69.2% are hired by the consortia themselves. The supply of consultations with specialists is either insufficient or inadequately distributed, and there are flaws in the referral and counter-referral system. Municipal health consortia serve as viable instrument for expanding and increasing the capacity of municipalities to supply specialized care, although there is a need for well-defined criteria, planning, and improving of the referral and counter-referral system.  相似文献   

American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) was studied in 143 dogs in a rural area in the county of Mariluz, northwestern Paraná State, Brazil, using direct parasite search, indirect immunofluorescence (IIF), and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Thirty-nine dogs (27.3%) presented lesions suggestive of the disease, 5 (12.8%) of which were positive in direct parasite search and PCR (lesion), and of these 5, 4 were also positive by IIF. Of the 34 dogs with negative direct parasite search, 12 (35.3%) had PCR-positive lesions, and of these, 5 were also IIF-positive. One hundred and four dogs had no lesions, but 17/101 (16.8%) were IIF-positive. PCR in blood was positive in 10/38 (26.3%) of the dogs with lesions and in 16/104 (15.4%) of dogs without lesions. The association between PCR (lesion or blood), direct parasite search, and IIF detected 24/39 (61.5%) positive results among symptomatic dogs and 31/104 (29.8%) among asymptomatic animals. PCR was useful for diagnosing ATL, but there was no correlation between lesions, serology, and plasma PCR. Furthermore, detection of parasite DNA in the blood may indicate hematogenous parasite dissemination.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the prevalence of secondary breast cancer prevention and associated factors in women 40 to 69 years of age in Maringá, Paraná State, Brazil. Prevalence was 64.5% for breast self-examination, 71.5% for clinical examination, and 79% for mammography. The data suggest that age, schooling, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, religion, and prior hormone replacement therapy influenced the rates of the three types of examination. Preventive practices were significantly more common among women of higher socioeconomic status. Proper orientation and performance of preventive measures and tests should be at the reach of all women in the highest-risk age bracket, thereby decreasing late diagnosis and avoidable deaths and increasing the odds of curing breast cancer.  相似文献   

This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of tobacco use and to describe the demographic profile of female smokers in Paraná State, Brazil. The study used a cross-sectional population-based design with cluster sampling (n = 2,153) of women 18 years or older in seven cities. Prevalence of smoking was 13.4%, ranging from 10% in Cascavel to 19% in Irati. According to multivariate analysis, city of residence, marital status, and schooling were significantly associated with tobacco use. Women in Irati (OR = 2.08; 95%CI: 1.22-3.54) were more likely to smoke than those in Cambé. Married women and widows were less likely to smoke (OR = 0.47; 95%CI: 0.30-0.73 and OR = 0.43; 95%CI: 0.22-0.87) than single women. Women living with a partner (but not married) were more likely to smoke than single women (OR = 2.49; 95%CI: 1.12-5.53), and women with university degrees were less likely to smoke than those with eight years of school or less (OR = 0.41; 95%CI: 0.22-0.87). The results confirm the need for tobacco control programs that take gender and regional differences into account.  相似文献   

We analyzed nuclear (second internal transcribed spacer and white gene) and mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) data from Anopheles konderi collected in the Amazonian states of Acre, Amapá, and Rond?nia and the southern Brazilian state of Paraná. This was the first record of An. konderi in the state of Paraná. We found a high degree of genetic divergence within the Amazonian region and support for An. konderi as a species complex, possibly consisting of 3 species.  相似文献   

This paper describes a health education project targeting a rural community and health professionals from counties undergoing epidemiological surveillance for Chagas disease vectors in the State of Paraná, Brazil. A group of technicians from the Brazilian National Health Foundation (FUNASA) was trained, together with teachers, workers, and students from the State University of Maringá, who prepared an instructions manual and drew up guidelines for reporting presence of triatomines or suspected cases of Trypanosoma cruziinfection. From June 1996 through February 2000, the activities reached 742 families, 2,300 schoolchildren, and 27 teachers from 18 elementary schools, and included a meeting between FUNASA members and 40 participants, 21 meetings in health centers, and provision of a set of preserved triatomine specimens for use in vector surveillance and identification. After three years of health education activities and insecticide treatment (cipermetrina 125 mg i.a./m2), there was a reduction of 80.6% in households infested with triatomines and increased awareness among rural residents and health workers. The authors discuss the need to train professionals committed to changing Brazil's prevailing health model.  相似文献   

After its introduction into the State of Ceará, Brazil, in 1900, the plague was established in seven ecological complexes: Chapada do Araripe and the Ibiapaba, Baturité, Machado, Matas, Pedra Branca, and Uruburetama mountains. These natural foci were monitored successively from 1935 to 2004 by the National Health Department, National Plague Service, National Department of Rural Endemics, Superintendency of Public Health Campaigns, National Health Foundation, and finally by the National Health Surveillance Secretariat. Data analysis on human cases during these 70 years allowing identifying different plague circulation patterns in the human population, alternating high incidence with silent periods and characterizing a chronological periodicity with unique epidemiological characteristics, besides concluding that plague should still be considered a potential threat, thus justifying the revitalization of surveillance measures by strengthening all levels in the Unified National Health System.  相似文献   

In 2002, due to a toxoplasmosis epidemic Santa Isabel do Ivaí, Paraná State, was the focus of sanitary investigations. Four hundred and twenty six individuals had serology suggestive of acute T. gondii infection (IgM reactor), considered the largest outbreak of toxoplasmosis ever reported in the world. This research was meant to identify actions carried out by the sanitation and health services sector at that time, highlighting the political conflicts that took place during the process and identifying the measures taken by the sanitary authorities during and after the epidemic period. This is an interdisciplinary study aimed at understanding major problems of public health like this one. The investigation was based on the contents of documents--press and institutional--and interviews. According to official data, the epidemic was caused by the contamination of one of the water reservoirs that supply the city. This research showed that political and social factors, as the party instability and the level of political dependence of local society, were largely responsible for the occurrence of the epidemic and for the difficulties faced by the health agents during such crisis.  相似文献   

Increased reporting of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis in the State of Paraná points to the need for information on both this disease's epidemiology and pertinent control measures. A serological survey was thus performed, with indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) for canine leishmaniasis in farm operations belonging to the Companhia Melhoramentos Norte do Paraná, in Jussara and Terra Boa counties, in northwestern Paraná. IIF was performed on 132 dogs, of which 24 (18.2%) had significant titers (>/=40). Imprints of six dogs with lesions were made and all were negative for Leishmania sp.  相似文献   

This study analyzed stroke mortality in Paraná State, Brazil, in 2007, according to residence and place of death, using the official Mortality Information System. For deaths in individuals 65 years and older and from 45 to 64 years of age, 17.6% and 29.8%, respectively, occurred at home. An association was observed between region of residence and less than three years of schooling (OR = 3.96) four to seven years of schooling (OR = 1.75), and race or skin color (non-white: OR = 1.39). Place of death was associated with age over 65 (OR= 1.69), less than three years of schooling (OR = 1.70), and residence in municipalities other than the respective headquarters of the Regional Health offices (OR = 1.33). The results suggested inequalities in access to hospital care at the time of death from stroke, according to region of residence and socioeconomic variables. The study supports use of the Mortality Information System as a data source to back public health policies and interventions. Further studies are needed to evaluate the factors that influence quality of patient care for stroke and to verify whether the same pattern is repeated in mortality from other causes.  相似文献   

The current study focuses on outpatient treatment of patients (n = 229) with American cutaneous leishmaniasis from 2001 to 2004, before and after decentralization of treatment to the municipal level in northwestern Paraná State, Brazil. While the treatment was still centralized, clinical evaluation and medical records were more complete and detailed, treatment was initiated earlier, and follow-up of the outcome was evaluated in 95% of patients and 100% of cases that received two treatment cycles. Treatment also complied with the guidelines of the American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Control Manual. After decentralization, treatment was less rigorous: 32% of patients were treated with two cycles of N-methyl glucamine antimoniate without complying with the guidelines; 72.6% of patients received inadequate treatment; 84% of cases failed to received proper clinical follow-up. Lack of information on patient clinical records posed a serious obstacle to evaluation. The current study failed to identify any benefit in decentralizing treatment of American cutaneous leishmaniasis to the local level.  相似文献   

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