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心理健康是健康的重要组成部分,可以影响到躯体健康,这一观念已成为共识,也已经为人们所熟知。而个人的性格与心理状态又有着密切的联系。那么,性格会不会影响到身体的健同的性格与哪些疾病有关联?应优化性格、维护健康呢? 相似文献
在选择食物的时候,鼻子有时会起决定作用。比如榴莲、香椿等味道“怪异”的食物,会让少数人垂涎欲滴;但对更多的人来说,则是“不堪入鼻”,绕道而行……殊不知,我们身边的很多怪味食物却可以呵护女性健康。 相似文献
“吃鱼的孩子聪明”,这句话常被家长用于鼓励孩子多吃鱼。的确,鱼类营养丰富,其中丰富的二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)、二十碳五烯酸(EPA),能够促进儿童大脑发育和智力发展。此外,鱼肉中丰富的蛋白质、维生素A、维生素D、各种微量元素等,能为孩子提供平衡的膳食营养。鱼虽好, 相似文献
林先生老两口都是知识分子,但性格却是截然相反。林老先生遇事总是喜怒形于色,那天,他在某商场购物时抽到了个纪念奖,而且必须是再添上百分之七十的钱才能换得一件小商品,没想到林老先生竟然兴奋得合不拢嘴,一路上手舞足蹈,回到家还举杯庆贺。 相似文献
你是否在为皮肤问题苦恼不已?买来一堆护肤品、化妆品,可始终只是治标不治本?仔细回想一下自己的饮食习惯,是不是贪吃让你失了面子?那就从调整饮食入手吧。[编者按] 相似文献
《Journal of nutrition in gerontology and geriatrics》2013,32(1):43-48
No abstract available for this article. 相似文献
A variety of dietary constituents, both naturally occurring and added, may directly or indirectly affect the levels of hyperactivity in children. Studies designed to evaluate the magnitude of this effect on the behaviour of children have revealed the monumental difficulties encountered by the many investigators who have ventured into this area of research. Some of these difficulties have been recognised to be due to the poor and variable definitions of hyperactivity, and the consistently small size of sample investigated in each of the studies. Sample size is greatly influenced by the high drop-out rates, often reducing the percentage of good responders to a treatment to insignificant numbers. Given these known factors that can influence the outcome of a study of this kind, one can design experiments to surmount these-difficulties. For example, the high drop-out rates observed in the majority of the studies dictate that one must start with a large enough number of well-defined hyperactive children to compensate for the expected losses. The initial diagnosis of hyperactivity also should be the result of a careful diagnostic evaluation including psychiatric and psychological workups as well as birth records and a thorough paediatric allergy screening. The evaluation of behavioural changes following the ingestion of food constituents is equally important. This evaluation should include not only subjective ratings, i.e. the use of parents' and teachers' (Conners) scales, but quantitative measures such as laboratory tests designed to measure attention span, coordination, motor activity, and inability to concentrate, etc. Finally, in view of the fact that hyperactivity in children is an aetiologically complex syndrome, a multidisciplinary approach in the search for treatment and/or prevention of this syndrome is required. 相似文献
金秋时节,百果飘香。假如您能够根据宝宝的情况有选择地给宝宝食用不同的水果,不仅能给宝宝增加营养,还能预防疾病,甚至巧妙搭配其他食品或中药。制成“水果药膳”,还可以起到治疗疾病的作用呢! 相似文献
R. PASSMORE 《Nutrition Bulletin》1986,11(2):98-104
In the past 50years the number of babies who are stillborn or die in the first few weeks of life has fallen dramatically. This is attributed largely to improvements in social conditions and to improved nutrition during childhood and adolescence.
The majority of women who normally eat a varied diet can enjoy their normal foods during pregnancy and require no specific dietary advice other than that which applies to the population as a whole.
The causes of low birth weight (a known risk factor for survival and normal development) and congenital defects remain a challenge to medical science. 相似文献
The majority of women who normally eat a varied diet can enjoy their normal foods during pregnancy and require no specific dietary advice other than that which applies to the population as a whole.
The causes of low birth weight (a known risk factor for survival and normal development) and congenital defects remain a challenge to medical science. 相似文献
《Nutrition reviews》1960,18(9):260-262
The nutrient intakes of a large percentage of the primigravid women during the seventh month of pregnancy were below the recommended dietary allowances, yet the course of pregnancy and condition of the baby were normal. 相似文献