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Children with cerebral palsy (CP) and their families often make strong demands on diagnostic, therapeutic, technical and social facilities. Prevalence estimates are needed to improve treatment and services. As recent Dutch data are not available, the present study aimed to assess the population prevalence of CP in the Netherlands. A representative Dutch area with 1.2 million inhabitants of which 172,000 were born between 1977 and 1988 was studied. To ascertain the children with CP from these birth years, medical practices (such as rehabilitation centres, paediatric and child neurological departments) were consecutively asked to contact their (supposed) CP cases. Next, a parents' organisation and finally regional news media assisted in the ascertainment. In total, 170 supposed CP cases underwent an expert examination. Of these 170, 127 children proved to be definite CP-cases, yielding a crude average prevalence of 0.74 per 1000 inhabitants (95% CI: 0.61–0.87). Under-ascertainment was recognised and quantified. Accordingly, the population prevalence of CP over the birth year period 1977–1988 was calculated as 1.51 per 1000 inhabitants (average over the 12 birth years). The calculated CP prevalence rose significantly over time: from 0.77 (1977–1979) to 2.44 (1986–1988). This trend is in accordance with other studies.  相似文献   



Tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of death, incurring huge resource costs in terms of treating morbidity and lost productivity. This paper estimates smoking attributable mortality (SAM) as health costs in 2014 in Israel.


Longitudinal data on prevalence of smokers and ex-smokers were combined with diagnostic and gender specific data on Relative Risks (RR) to gender and disease specific population attributable risks (PAR). PAR was then applied to mortality and hospitalization data from 2011, adjusted by population growth to 2014 to calculate SAM and hospitalization days (SAHD) caused by active smoking. These were used as a base for calculating deaths, hospital days and costs attributable to passive smoking, smoking by pregnant women, residential fires and productivity losses based on international literature.


The lagged model estimated active SAM in Israel in 2014 to be 7,025 deaths. Cardio-vascular causes accounted for 45.0% of SAM, malignant neoplasms (39.2%) and respiratory diseases (15.5%). Lung cancer alone accounted for 24.1% of SAM. There were an estimated 793, 17 and 12 deaths from passive smoking, mothers-to-be smoking and residential fires. Total SAM is around 7,847 deaths (95% CI 7,698-7,997) in 2014.We estimated 319,231 active SAHD days (95% CI 313,135-325,326). Respiratory care accounted for around one-half of active SAHD (50.5%). Cardio-Vascular causes for 33.5% and malignant neoplasms (13.2%). Lung cancer only for 4.6%. Total SAHD was around 356,601 days including 36,049 days from passive smoking. Estimated direct acute care costs of 356,601 days in a general hospital amount to around 849 (95% CI 832–865) million NIS ($244 million). Non acute care costs amount to an additional 830 million NIS ($238 million). The total health service costs amount to 1,678 million NIS (95% CI 1,646-1,710) or $482 million, 0.2% of GNP. Productivity losses account for a further 1,909 million NIS ($548 million), giving an overall smoking related cost of 3,587 million NIS (95% CI 3,519-3,656) or $1,030 million, 0.41% of GNP).


Smoking causes a considerable burden in Israel, both in terms of the expected 7,847 lives lost and the financial costs of around 3.6 million NIS ($1,030 million or 0.42% of GNP).

ObjectivesTo describe trends in the incidence and outcomes of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) hospitalizations among Spanish children from 2001 to 2014 and to assess the effect of the pneumococcal vaccination (PCV) coverage in this period.MethodsThis study was conducted using the Spanish National Hospital Database from 2001 to 2014 including subjects <18 years. We selected discharges with a primary diagnosis of CAP.Study variable included age, sex, comorbid conditions, procedures, isolated pathogens and hospital outcome variables.In order to estimate the effect of coverage of pneumococcal vaccination in hospitalizations for CAP, we used the number of commercialized doses of PCV (PCV7 PCV10, and PCV13) for each year.Incidence rates of admissions for CAP were calculated by dividing the number of admissions per year, sex, and age group by the corresponding number of people in that population group according to the census data.ResultsWe identified 194,419 admissions for CAP. Incidence rate was highest among children younger than 2 years and decreased significantly by 3.67% per year over the study period in this age group. Among children aged 2–4 years incidence of CAP seem to decrease after year 2009. S. pneumoniae isolations decreased significantly over time but virus isolations increased. In children aged <2 years and 2–4 years increase in PVC was associated to a decrease in the incidence of CAP hospitalizations.Overall crude in hospital mortality following CAP fell significantly from 4.1‰ in 2001–2003 to 2.8‰ in 2012–2014.ConclusionsCAP incidence rates decreased significantly among children <2 years of age from 2001 to 2014. S. pneumoniae isolations decreased significantly over time but virus isolations increased. In hospital mortality paralleling CAP fell significantly in children and adolescents from 2001 to 2014. Improvement in vaccination coverage seems to have a mitigating effect on hospitalizations and outcomes for CAP in children.  相似文献   



Knowledge regarding the geographical distribution of diseases is essential in public health in order to define strategies to improve the health of populations and quality of life.The present study aims to establish a methodology to choose a suitable geographic aggregation level of data and an appropriated method which allow us to analyze disease spatial patterns in mainland Portugal, avoiding the “small numbers problem.” Malignant cancer mortality data for 2009–2013 was used as a case study.


To achieve our aims, we used official data regarding the mortality by all malignant cancer, between 2009 and 2013, and the mainland Portuguese resident population in 2011. Three different spatial aggregation levels were applied: Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics, level III (28 areas), municipalities (278 areas), and parishes (4050 areas).Standardized Mortality Ratio (SMR) and relative risk (RR) were computed with Besag, York and Mollié model (BYM) for the evaluation of geographic patterns of mortality data. We also estimated Global Moran’s I, Local Moran’s I, and posterior probability (PP) for the spatial cluster analysis.


Our results show that the occurrence of lower and higher extreme values of the standardized mortality ratio tend to increase with the decrease of data spatial aggregation. In addition, the number of local clusters is higher at small spatial aggregation levels, although the area of each cluster is generally smaller. Regarding global clustering, data forms clusters at all considered levels.Relative risk (RR) computed by Besag, York and Mollié model, in turn, also shows different results at the municipalities and parishes levels. However, the difference is smaller than the difference obtained by SMR computation. This statement is supported by the coefficient variation values.


Our findings show that the choice of spatial data aggregation level has high importance in the research results, as different aggregation levels can lead to distinct results.In terms of the case study, we conclude that for the period of 2009–2013, cancer mortality in mainland Portugal formed clusters. The most suitable applicable spatial scale and method seemed to be at the municipalities level and Besag, York and Mollié model, respectively. However, further studies should be conducted in order to provide greater support to these results.

Asthma is a major public health problem, with variable trends in several countries. We analysed mortality trends from asthma in Italy and Spain between 1980 and 1996. Overall asthma-related mortality at all ages increased between 1980 and 1987 in both sexes in Italy, from 16.6 in 1980–1981 to 29.0 in 1986–1987 per million males, and from 8.0 in 1980–1981 to 13.8 in 1986–1987 per million females, but decreased thereafter to reach 14.6 per million in males and 8.7 in females in 1996. The downward trends after 1987 were consistent in middle age and elderly population, but asthma mortality tended to rise in children and young adults over the last few years. In Spain, overall age-standardized mortality rates from asthma declined in men from 37.8 in 1980–1981 to 10.1 in 1996, and from 19.5 in 1980–1981 to 13.2 per million females in 1996. In women, the fall in mortality rates was smaller, and overall mortality was higher than in males since early 1990s. Trends of asthma mortality in Italy and Spain were favourable over the last decade.  相似文献   

Cancer of the breast represents in Tunisia and the most frequent female cancer in the world. Hormonotherapy is one of the main weapons of the medical treatment based on the blockage of hormonal action on the cellular growth. Endocrine therapy remains an essential part of treatment in both adjuvant and metastatic settings and is guided by the presence and degree of expression of estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PgR). Adjuvant 5-years tamoxifen (TAM) is still the standard therapy for postmenopausal ER and/or PgR positive women. In premenopausal women and in adjuvant setting, medical castration by LH-RH analogues plus Tamoxifen in addition to chemotherapy improve the prognosis. All these data arose from the successive meta-analyses done showing a benefit from hormonotherapy for patients with positive HR in term of survival, disease-free survival, loco-regional and distant relapse rate. In metastatic disease, the position of tamoxifen is presently in competition with the third generation antiaromatases that seems to be equally active as tamoxifen opening the way for its use for the future in adjuvant situations.  相似文献   

The premature cancer mortality rate has been declining in Switzerland, but there has been considerable variation in the rate of decline across cancer sites (e.g., breast or digestive organs). I analyze the effect that pharmaceutical innovation had on premature cancer mortality in Switzerland during the period 1995–2012 by investigating whether the cancer sites that experienced more pharmaceutical innovation had larger declines in premature mortality, controlling for the number of people diagnosed and mean age at diagnosis. Premature cancer mortality before ages 75 and 65 is significantly inversely related to the cumulative number of drugs registered 5, 10, and 15 years earlier. The number of drugs registered during 1980–1997 explains 63 % of the variation across cancer sites in the 1995–2012 log change in the premature (before age 75) mortality rate. Controlling for the cumulative number of drugs, the cumulative number of chemical subgroups does not have a statistically significant effect on premature mortality. This suggests that drugs (chemical substances) within the same class (chemical subgroup) are not “therapeutically equivalent”. Over 17,000 life-years before age 75 were gained in 2012 due to drugs registered during 1990–2007. The number of life-years before age 75 gained in 2012 from drugs registered during two earlier periods (1985–2002 and 1980–1997) were more than twice as great. Since mean utilization of new drugs is much lower than mean utilization of older drugs, more recent drug registrations may have a smaller effect on premature mortality than earlier drug registrations even if the average quality of newer drugs is higher. Estimates of the cost per life-year gained before ages 75 and 65 in 2012 from drugs registered during 1990–2007 are $21,228 and $28,673, respectively. These figures are below even the lowest estimates from the value-of-life literature of the value of a quality-adjusted life-year. The estimates indicate that the cost per life-year before age 75 gained from drugs registered during earlier periods (1985–2002 and 1980–1997) were considerably lower: $5299 and $3218, respectively. The largest reductions in premature mortality occur at least a decade after drugs are registered, when their utilization increases significantly. This suggests that if Switzerland is to obtain substantial additional reductions in premature cancer mortality in the future (a decade or more from now) at a modest cost, pharmaceutical innovation (registration of new drugs) is needed today.  相似文献   

After describing the evolution of mortality from ischaemic cardiopathy (IC) in Spain from 1951 to 1986, which is tending to stabilize in some age groups, and from cerebrovascular accidents (CVA), which is clearly declining, an attempt is made to relate these developments to the prevalence of the main risk factors (hypertension, cholesterol, tobacco) associated with IC and CVA. Certain advances, though of a limited number, have been made in recent years in the control of arterial hypertension in Spain, although campaigns on a national scale as in other countries have not been carried out. Regarding alimentary factors, there is an obvious increase in the consumption of food rich in proteins and animal fats, abandoning to a great extent the traditional Mediterranean diet, with health care action being limited to the improvement of nutrition education of the public. Furthermore, the consumption of tobacco has been increasing in Spain during the study period in spite of health legislation in force in recent years.It is therefore deduced that there is no obvious relationship between mortality due to IC and CVA and the prevalence of the main risk factors associated with these diseases, especially when taking into account that preventive actions on a public health level have been very limited.Corresponding author.  相似文献   

A seroepidemiological study of measles immunological status was carried out among four different populations: schoolchildren of 6–7 years, 10–11 years and 13–14 years, and pregnant women of 18–45 years, in Catalonia, Spain; 1,213 children and 239 pregnant women were surveyed. The measurement of measles antibodies was made by indirect immunofluorescence, with antibody titres 1:8 considered as positive.The prevalence of measles antibodies was 82.9% in the 6–7 year old group, 87.2%, in the 10–11 year old group and 94.4% in the age group 13–14 years. Among pregnant women, the prevalence of antibodies was 96.2%.Two of the variables studied were associated with the prevalence of measles antibodies in schoolchildren: the disease antecedents and measles vaccination. In pregnant women aged 18–45 no variable had any stastically significant association with the prevalence of measles antibodies.  相似文献   



Sepsis has represented a substantial health care and economic burden worldwide during the previous several decades. Our aim was to analyze the epidemiological trends of hospital admissions, deaths, hospital resource expenditures, and associated costs related to sepsis during the twenty-first century in Spain.


We performed a retrospective study of all sepsis-related hospitalizations in Spanish public hospitals from 2000 to 2013. Data were obtained from records in the Minimum Basic Data Set. The outcome variables were sepsis, death, length of hospital stay (LOHS), and sepsis-associated costs. The study period was divided into three calendar periods (2000–2004, 2005–2009, and 2010–2013).


Overall, 2,646,445 patients with sepsis were included, 485,685 of whom had died (18.4%). The incidence of sepsis (events per 1000 population) increased from 3.30 (2000–2004) to 4.28 (2005–2009) to 4.45 (2010–2013) (p?<?0.001). The mortality rates from sepsis (deaths per 10,000 population) increased from 6.34 (2000–2004) to 7.88 (2005–2009) to 7.89 (2010–2013) (p?<?0.001). The case fatality rate (CFR) or proportion of patients with sepsis who died decreased from 19.1% (2000–2004) to 18.4% (2005–2009) to 17.9% (2010–2013) (p?<?0.001). The LOHS (days) decreased from 15.9 (2000–2004) to 15.7 (2005–2009) to 14.5 (2010–2013) (p?<?0.001). Total and per patient hospital costs increased from 2000 to 2011, and then decreased by the impact of the economic crisis.


Sepsis has caused an increasing burden in terms of hospital admission, deaths, and costs in the Spanish public health system during the twenty-first century, but the incidence and mortality seemed to stabilize in 2010–2013. Moreover, there was a significant decrease in LOHS in 2010–2013 and a decline in hospital costs after 2011.



To describe the evolution of socio-economic inequalities in mortality in small areas of two Spanish cities (Barcelona and Madrid) from 1996 to 2001 and from 2002 to 2007.

Study design

A small-area ecological study of trends was performed, in which the units of analysis were census tracts.


The association between mortality and socio-economic deprivation was assessed through Poisson regression analysis. Models were stratified by sex, age group and period of study. The trend in inequalities in mortality was assessed by introducing an interaction term between deprivation and the period of study.


Mortality in the most-deprived areas was significantly higher than mortality in the less-deprived areas in both periods and most age groups. However, inequalities seemed to diminish in young people and elderly women, especially in Barcelona.


There is a need to monitor inequalities in mortality in the near future because the current financial crisis could change this situation.  相似文献   

During the last decade there have been significant socio-demographic changes in Spain with potential impact on gestational length. The aim of the study was to describe the evolution of gestational age during 1997–2008, separately for native-born and immigrant population, in order to assess their contribution to the overall pattern of gestational length. A cross-sectional study of 5,018,229 singleton births born between 1997 and 2008 was carried out. The annual mean of gestational age was calculated and compared by means of ANOVA test, globally and also separately for natives and immigrants. Proportions of deliveries by gestational age and maternal characteristics were calculated in 4 periods and compared by means of Chi-square tests. Crude and adjusted multinomial logistic regression models were fitted separately for native-born and immigrant women. Our results show that in the last 12 years a progressive shortening in the mean gestational age has taken place in Spain. While the overall decrease of gestational length along the period was 1.5 days, closer to that in Spanish women (1.3 days), it was 2.3 days among immigrants. In both groups this shortening was mainly due to an increase in the proportion of 37–39 weeks deliveries at the expense of a substantial decrease in those with 40 weeks. These trends remained after controlling for known confounding variables such as maternal age, parity and occupation. Further analysis of its causes and public health implications are recommended.  相似文献   



To evaluate the age–period–cohort effects on overall mortality in Andalusia (Spain).

Study design

An ecological study was implemented with a Lexis diagram triangle comprising each annual age group, year of death and year of birth as the unit of analysis.


In all 1,384,899 deaths from all causes were analysed for individuals between the ages of 1 and 84 years who died in Andalusia in the period 1981–2008. A non-linear regression model was estimated for each gender group and geographical area. The effects of age, year of death and birth cohort were parameterized using B-spline smoothing functions.


There is a downward trend in mortality by age to around the age of 15 years, from which point the trend turned upwards. For cohorts born between 1945 and 1965, the rate climbed steadily. From 1965, the rate turned downwards. Death rates increased between 1995 and 2000, only to turn down again until the end of the period. Broadly, these results were similar for both men and women, in all the provinces of Andalusia and for Andalusia as a whole.


This study points to an age–period–cohort effect on deaths from all causes in all the geographic areas studied.  相似文献   

Significant changes in the Spanish pharmaceutical market were introduced during the period 1998–2001. Cost containment has been a major priority for all publicly financed medicines. Its measures included a voluntary contribution from Farmaindustria, a negative list, wholesale and pharmacists margin reductions, generic substitution, a reference price system and price reduction for certain active principles. However, the changes in the Spanish pharmaceutical market have not produced significant savings in public expenditure. The main reason for the continuing rise in this expenditure is the introduction of new, more expensive drugs, which often fail to offer real therapeutic advantages over products already on the market. Measures such as prescribing guidelines, incentives to physicians to meet prescribing budgets, pharmacotherapeutic guides and regular bulletins could be implemented with the aim of prescribing value for money medicines.  相似文献   

Is antenatal care effective in reducing maternal morbidity and mortality?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Women in developing countries are dying from simple preventable conditions but what impact can the procedures collectively called antenatal care having in reducing maternal mortality and morbidity? More importantly what is antenatal care? This review found that questions have been raised about the impact of antenatal care (specifically on maternal mortality) since its inception in developed countries, and that although the questions continue to be asked there is very little research trying to find answers. Many antenatal procedures are essentially screening tests yet it was found that there were very few results showing sensitivity and specificity, and that they rarely complied with the established criteria for the effectiveness of a screening test. The acknowledged gold standard measurement of effectiveness is the randomized controlled trial, yet the only results available referred to nutritional supplementation. This service of flawed methodology has been exported to developing countries and is being promoted by WHO and other agencies. This paper argues that there is insufficient evidence to reach a firm decision about the effectiveness of antenatal care, yet there is sufficient evidence to cast doubt on the possible effect of antenatal care. Research is urgently required in order to identify those procedures which ought to be included in the antenatal process. In the final analysis the greatest impact will be achieved by developing a domiciliary midwifery service supported by appropriate local efficient obstetric services. That this domiciliary service should provide care for women in pregnancy is not disputed but the specific nature of this care needs considerable clarification.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE—To assess whether in an urban population stage at breast cancer diagnosis is related to area of living and to what extent intra-urban differences in breast cancer mortality are related to incidence respectively stage at diagnosis.DESIGN—National registries were used to identify cases. Mortality in 17 residential areas was studied in relation to incidence and stage distribution using linear regression analysis. Areas with high and low breast cancer mortality, incidence and proportion of stage II+ tumours at diagnosis were also compared in terms of their sociodemographic profile.SETTING—City of Malmö in southern Sweden.PATIENTS—The 1675 incident breast cancer cases and 448 deaths that occurred in women above 45 years of age in Malmö 1986-96.MAIN RESULTS—Average annual age standardised breast cancer mortality ranged between residential areas, from 35/105 to 107/105, p=0.04. Mortality of breast cancer was not correlated to incidence, r= 0.22, p=0.39. The ratio of stage II+/0-I cancer incidence varied between areas from 0.45 to 1.99 and was significantly correlated to breast cancer mortality, r= 0.53, p=0.03. Areas with high proportion of stage II+ cancers and high mortality/incidence ratio were characterised by a high proportion of residentials receiving income support, being foreigners and current smokers.CONCLUSIONS—Within this urban population there were marked differences in breast cancer mortality between residential areas. Stage at diagnosis, but not incidence, contributed to the pattern of mortality. Areas with high proportion of stage II+ tumours differed unfavourably in several sociodemographic aspects from the city average.  相似文献   

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