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Recent developments have established molecular imaging of mouse models with small-animal PET and bioluminescence imaging (BLI) as an important tool in cancer research. One of the disadvantages of these imaging modalities is the lack of anatomic information. We combined small-animal PET and BLI technology with small-animal CT to obtain fusion images with both molecular and anatomic information. METHODS: We used small-animal PET/CT and BLI to detect xenografts of different cell lines and metastases of a melanoma cell line (A375M-3F) that had been transduced with a lentiviral vector containing a trimodality imaging reporter gene encoding a fusion protein with Renilla luciferase, monomeric red fluorescent protein, and a mutant herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase. RESULTS: Validation studies in mouse xenograft models showed a good coregistration of images from both PET and CT. Melanoma metastases were detected by 18F-FDG PET, 9-[4-(18)F-fluoro-3-(hydroxymethyl)butyl]guanine (18F-FHBG) PET, CT, and BLI and confirmed by ex vivo assays of Renilla luciferase and mutant thymidine kinase expression. 18F-FHBG PET/CT allowed detection and localization of lesions that were not seen on CT because of poor contrast resolution and were not seen on 18F-FDG PET because of higher background uptake relative to 18F-FHBG. CONCLUSION: The combination of 18F-FHBG PET, small-animal CT, and BLI allows a sensitive and improved quantification of tumor burden in mice. This technique is potentially useful for the study of the biologic determinants of metastasis and for the evaluation of novel cancer treatments.  相似文献   

The objective of the work reported here was to develop and test automated methods to calculate biodistribution of PET tracers using small-animal PET images. METHODS: After developing software that uses visually distinguishable organs and other landmarks on a scan to semiautomatically coregister a digital mouse phantom with a small-animal PET scan, we elastically transformed the phantom to conform to those landmarks in 9 simulated scans and in 18 actual PET scans acquired of 9 mice. Tracer concentrations were automatically calculated in 22 regions of interest (ROIs) reflecting the whole body and 21 individual organs. To assess the accuracy of this approach, we compared the software-measured activities in the ROIs of simulated PET scans with the known activities, and we compared the software-measured activities in the ROIs of real PET scans both with manually established ROI activities in original scan data and with actual radioactivity content in immediately harvested tissues of imaged animals. RESULTS: PET/atlas coregistrations were successfully generated with minimal end-user input, allowing rapid quantification of 22 separate tissue ROIs. The simulated scan analysis found the method to be robust with respect to the overall size and shape of individual animal scans, with average activity values for all organs tested falling within the range of 98% +/- 3% of the organ activity measured in the unstretched phantom scan. Standardized uptake values (SUVs) measured from actual PET scans using this semiautomated method correlated reasonably well with radioactivity content measured in harvested organs (median r = 0.94) and compared favorably with conventional SUV correlations with harvested organ data (median r = 0.825). CONCLUSION: A semiautomated analytic approach involving coregistration of scan-derived images with atlas-type images can be used in small-animal whole-body radiotracer studies to estimate radioactivity concentrations in organs. This approach is rapid and less labor intensive than are traditional methods, without diminishing overall accuracy. Such techniques have the possibility of saving time, effort, and the number of animals needed for such assessments.  相似文献   

Derivation of the plasma time-activity curve in murine small-animal PET studies is a challenging task when tracers that are sequestered by the myocardium are used, because plasma time-activity curve estimation usually involves drawing a region of interest within the area of the reconstructed image that corresponds to the left ventricle (LV) of the heart. The small size of the LV relative to the resolution of the small-animal PET system, coupled with spillover effects from adjacent myocardial pixels, makes this method reliable only for the earliest frames of the scan. We sought to develop a method for plasma time-activity curve estimation based on a model of tracer kinetics in blood, muscle, and liver. METHODS: Sixteen C57BL/6 mice were injected with (18)F-FDG, and approximately 15 serial blood samples were taken from the femoral artery via a surgically inserted catheter during 60-min small-animal PET scans. Image data were reconstructed by use of filtered backprojection with CT-based attenuation correction. We constructed a 5-compartment model designed to predict the plasma time-activity curve of (18)F-FDG by use of data from a minimum of 2 blood samples and the dynamic small-animal PET scan. The plasma time-activity curve (TACp) was assumed to have 4 exponential components (TAC(P)=A(1)e(lambda(1)t)+A(2)e(lambda(2)t)+A(3)e(lambda(3)t)-(A(1)+A(2)+A(3))e(lambda(4)t)) based on the serial blood samples. Using Bayesian constraints, we fitted 2-compartment submodels of muscle and liver to small-animal PET data for these organs and simultaneously fitted the input (forcing) function to early small-animal PET LV data and 2 blood samples (approximately 10 min and approximately 1 h). RESULTS: The area under the estimated plasma time-activity curve had an overall Spearman correlation of 0.99 when compared with the area under the gold standard plasma time-activity curve calculated from multiple blood samples. Calculated organ uptake rates (Patlak K(i)) based on the predicted plasma time-activity curve had a correlation of approximately 0.99 for liver, muscle, myocardium, and brain when compared with those based on the gold standard plasma time-activity curve. The model was also able to accurately predict the plasma time-activity curve under experimental conditions that resulted in different rates of clearance of the tracer from blood. CONCLUSION: We have developed a robust method for accurately estimating the plasma time-activity curve of (18)F-FDG by use of dynamic small-animal PET data and 2 blood samples.  相似文献   

The challenge of sampling blood from small animals has hampered the realization of quantitative small-animal PET. Difficulties associated with the conventional blood-sampling procedure need to be overcome to facilitate the full use of this technique in mice. METHODS: We developed an automated blood-sampling device on an integrated microfluidic platform to withdraw small blood samples from mice. We demonstrate the feasibility of performing quantitative small-animal PET studies using (18)F-FDG and input functions derived from the blood samples taken by the new device. (18)F-FDG kinetics in the mouse brain and myocardial tissues were analyzed. RESULTS: The studies showed that small ( approximately 220 nL) blood samples can be taken accurately in volume and precisely in time from the mouse without direct user intervention. The total blood loss in the animal was <0.5% of the body weight, and radiation exposure to the investigators was minimized. Good model fittings to the brain and the myocardial tissue time-activity curves were obtained when the input functions were derived from the 18 serial blood samples. The R(2) values of the curve fittings are >0.90 using a (18)F-FDG 3-compartment model and >0.99 for Patlak analysis. The (18)F-FDG rate constants K(1)(*), k(2)(*), k(3)(*), and k(4)(*), obtained for the 4 mouse brains, were comparable. The cerebral glucose metabolic rates obtained from 4 normoglycemic mice were 21.5 +/- 4.3 mumol/min/100 g (mean +/- SD) under the influence of 1.5% isoflurane. By generating the whole-body parametric images of K(FDG)(*) (mL/min/g), the uptake constant of (18)F-FDG, we obtained similar pixel values as those obtained from the conventional regional analysis using tissue time-activity curves. CONCLUSION: With an automated microfluidic blood-sampling device, our studies showed that quantitative small-animal PET can be performed in mice routinely, reliably, and safely in a small-animal PET facility.  相似文献   

Lutetium oxyorthosilicate (LSO)- or lutetium-yttrium oxyorthosilicate (LYSO)-based PET scanners have intrinsic radioactivity in the scintillator crystals due to the presence of (176)Lu, which decays by beta-emission followed by one or more prompt gamma-ray emissions. This leads to intrinsic true counts that can influence the image when scanning low levels of activity. An evaluation of the effects of this intrinsic activity for low levels of activity and different energy windows is performed on an LSO-based small-animal PET scanner. METHODS: Intrinsic count rate and sensitivity were measured for a range of lower-level discriminators (LLDs) ranging from 100 to 750 keV. The noise equivalent count rate (NECR) as a function of LLD for activity levels from 100 Bq to 100 kBq was estimated using a combination of measurement and previously published data for this scanner. Phantom imaging was performed using three (68)Ge sources of strength 55, 220, and 940 Bq and LLD levels of 250, 350, and 400 keV. The images were assessed using a contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) analysis and by comparing the observed ratio of source activities to the true ratio value. RESULTS: The intrinsic true count rate is reduced from 940 counts per second (cps) for a 250- to 750-keV energy window to <2 cps for a 400- to 750-keV window. There is a corresponding 2-fold drop in sensitivity for detected true events for external positron sources for these 2 energy windows. The NECR versus LLD curves showed a highly peaked shape, with the optimum LLD being approximately 425 keV. The phantom image results were dominated by the intrinsic true counts when an energy window of 250-750 keV was used. The intrinsic true counts were almost completely removed by raising the LLD to 400 keV. The CNR for each of the sources was higher for the narrow energy window and the 55 Bq could be easily visualized in images acquired with LLD levels of 350 and 400 keV but not when the 250-keV LLD was used. Images acquired with an LLD of 400 keV and reconstructed with 2-dimensional filtered backprojection were the most quantitatively accurate. CONCLUSION: It is possible to visualize sources of <1 kBq in LSO-based animal PET systems by raising the LLD to 400 keV to exclude the majority of the counts due to the intrinsic activity present in the LSO.  相似文献   

Reliable, repeatable, and time-efficient noninvasive measurement of infarct size in mice with PET would benefit studies aimed at the exploration of biochemical and functional changes associated with acute myocardial infarction (MI). PET with the radioactively labeled glucose derivative (18)F-FDG is used in humans to distinguish between viable but dysfunctional and nonviable myocardium. In this study, the feasibility, accuracy, and time efficiency of (18)F-FDG PET for quantification of infarct size in mice using a high-resolution animal PET device was evaluated in comparison with histomorphometry. METHODS: Mice were subjected to surgery with permanent ligation of the left anterior descending artery. PET was performed before and 7 d after surgery. The infarct size was determined from the PET studies using both manual and automated delineation. The second PET scan was followed by histomorphometric analysis. RESULTS: An excellent correlation between PET and histomorphometry was found for both manual (R = 0.98) and automated (R = 0.98) delineation, with linear regression curves close to unity (manual: y = 1.10x - 0.01; automated: y = 1.12x - 0.02). Automated analysis required <1 min per study. CONCLUSION: The measurement of infarct size in mice with (18)F-FDG PET is feasible and highly accurate. This noninvasive methodology permits unique longitudinal studies of biochemical parameters in mice and facilitates studies that aim to assess the effect of surgical and pharmacologic intervention after acute MI.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIM: Small-animal PET is acquiring importance for pre-clinical studies. In rodents, radiotracers are usually administrated via the tail vein. This procedure can be very difficult and time-consuming as soft tissue extravasations are very frequent and tail scars can prevent repeated injections after initial failure. The aim of our study was to compare the retro-orbital (RO) versus tail vein intravenous (i.v.) administration of (18)F-FDG and (11)C-choline in mice for small-animal PET studies. METHODS: We evaluated four healthy female ICR CD1 mice according to the following protocol. Day 1: each animal underwent an i.v. injection of 28 MBq of (11)C-choline. PET scan was performed after 10 min and 40 min. Day 2: each animal received an RO injection of 28 MBq of (11)C-choline. A PET scan was performed after 10 min and 40 min. Day 3: each animal received an i.v. injection of 28 MBq of (18)F-FDG. A PET scan was performed after 60 min and 120 min. Day 4: each animal received an RO injection of 28 MBq of (18)F-FDG. A PET scan was performed after 60 min and 120 min. Administration and image acquisition were performed under gas anaesthesia. For FDG studies the animals fasted for 2 h and were kept asleep for 20-30 min after injection, to avoid muscular uptake. Images were reconstructed with 2-D OSEM. For each scan ROIs were drawn on liver, kidneys, lung, brain, heart brown fat and muscles, and the SUV was calculated. We finally compared choline i.v. standard acquisition to choline RO standard acquisition; choline i.v. delayed acquisition to choline RO delayed acquisition; FDG i.v. standard acquisition to FDG RO standard acquisition; FDG i.v. delayed acquisition to FDG RO delayed acquisition. RESULTS: The RO injections for both (18)F-FDG and (11)C-choline were comparable to the intravenous injection of F-FDG for the standard and delayed acquisitions. CONCLUSION: The RO administration in mice represents a technical advantage over intravenous administration in being an easier and faster procedure. However, its use requires high specific activity while its value in peptides and other receptor-specific radiopharmaceuticals needs further assessment.  相似文献   

Performance evaluation of the 32-module quadHIDAC small-animal PET scanner.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The 32-module quadHIDAC is a commercial, high-resolution animal PET scanner, based on gas multiwire proportional chambers. METHODS: Several scanner parameters that characterize the performance of the system were evaluated in this study, such as spatial resolution, absolute sensitivity, scatter, and count rate performance. The spatial resolution has been determined with filtered back-projected images of a point source. A line source, a mouse phantom, and a rat phantom have been used to characterize the count rate performance. The scatter fraction and photon absorption have been measured with a mouse scatter phantom. The absolute sensitivity has been determined using a line source with aluminum shields of different thickness. RESULTS: Spatial resolution (full width at half maximum) offers values of 1.08, 1.08, and 1.04 mm in the radial, tangential, and axial directions, respectively. The maximum count rate is 370 kcps for a line source of 19 MBq activity. Registration of scattered coincidences is caused primarily by photons scattering in the large coincidence detectors. For a mouse-sized object, only 5% of the measured coincidences scatter inside the animal, whereas 32% of the coincidences scatter inside the detectors. Photon attenuation within a mouse phantom was 22%. After scatter corrections, the absolute sensitivity of the system is 15.2 cps/kBq for a point source and 13.7 cps/kBq for a 7.8-cm-long line source. The peak noise equivalent count rates are 67 kcps@209 kBq/mL for the mouse phantom and 52 kcps@96 kBq/mL for the rat phantom. Finally, a comparison has been made with the microPET R4, a commercial scintillation crystal-based PET camera. CONCLUSION: The results confirm that the quadHIDAC PET scanner, with its large cylindric field of view (165-mm diameter, 280-mm axial length), is particularly suitable for imaging small animals such as mice or rats.  相似文献   

目的 研究高效、简单的自动化合成多巴胺D2受体显像剂(S)-(-)-N-(1-烯丙基吡咯烷-2-氨基甲基)-5-(3-18F)-2,3-二甲氧基苯甲酰胺(18F-Fallypride)的方法,并用小动物PET观察其在小鼠活体内的生物分布.方法 采用国产氟标记多功能模块控制整个过程,18F-在乙腈溶液中与前体(s)-(-)-N-(1-烯丙基吡咯烷-2-氨基甲基)-5-(3-磺酰基)-2,3-二甲氧基苯甲酰胺(OTSF)直接反应生成18F-Fallypride,混合物装柱,产品被C18柱吸附,用水冲洗柱,用少量乙醇淋出,加生理盐水稀释.ICR小鼠给药后经小动物PET活体显像.结果 18F-Fallypride放化产率为40.7%(已校正),合成时间为40 min,无需高效液相色谱(HPLC)法分离,放化纯>95%.注射18F-Fallypride后ICR小鼠经小动物PET显像,脑内纹状体区域摄取最高,且双侧放射性浓聚对称,清除较慢.结论 18F-Fallypride自动化合成速度快,效率高.18F-Fallypride适于多巴胺D2受体显像.  相似文献   

Prolonged clearance kinetics have hampered the development of intact antibodies as imaging agents, despite their ability to effectively deliver radionuclides to tumor targets in vivo. Genetically engineered antibody fragments display rapid, high-level tumor uptake coupled with rapid clearance from the circulation in the athymic mouse/LS174T xenograft model. The anticarcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) T84.66 minibody (single-chain Fv fragment [scFv]-C(H)3 dimer, 80 kDa) and T84.66 diabody (noncovalent dimer of scFv, 55 kDa) exhibit pharmacokinetics favorable for radioimmunoimaging. The present work evaluated the minibody or diabody labeled with (124)I, for imaging tumor-bearing mice using a high-resolution small-animal PET system. METHODS: Labeling was conducted with 0.2-0.3 mg of protein and 65-98 MBq (1.7-2.6 mCi) of (124)I using an iodination reagent. Radiolabeling efficiencies ranged from 33% to 88%, and immunoreactivity was 42% (diabody) or >90% (minibody). In vivo distribution was evaluated in athymic mice bearing paired LS174T human colon carcinoma (CEA-positive) and C6 rat glioma (CEA-negative) xenografts. Mice were injected via the tail vein with 1.9-3.1 MBq (53-85 microCi) of (124)I-minibody or with 3.1 MBq (85 microCi) of (124)I-diabody and imaged at 4 and 18 h by PET. Some mice were also imaged using (18)F-FDG 2 d before imaging with (124)I-minibody. RESULTS: PET images using (124)I-labeled minibody or diabody showed specific localization to the CEA-positive xenografts and relatively low activity elsewhere in the mice, particularly by 18 h. Target-to-background ratios for the LS174T tumors versus soft tissues using (124)I-minibody were 3.05 at 4 h and 11.03 at 18 h. Similar values were obtained for the (124)I-diabody (3.95 at 4 h and 10.93 at 18 h). These results were confirmed by direct counting of tissues after the final imaging. Marked reduction of normal tissue activity, especially in the abdominal region, resulted in high-contrast images at 18 h for the (124)I-anti-CEA diabody. CEA-positive tumors as small as 11 mg (<3 mm in diameter) could be imaged, and (124)I-anti-CEA minibodies, compared with (18)F-FDG, demonstrated highly specific localization. CONCLUSION: (124)I labeling of engineered antibody fragments provides a promising new class of tumor-specific probes for PET imaging of tumors and metastases.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Small-animal imaging has become a relevant research field in pre-clinical oncology. In particular, metabolic information provided by small-animal positron emission tomography (PET) is very useful to closely monitor tumour growth and assess therapy response in murine models of human disease. There are various murine models for human lung adenocarcinoma, but those for squamous cell lung carcinoma, the most common form of human cancer, are lacking. AIM: To assess the feasibility of 18F-FDG small-animal PET to monitor tumour growth in a chemically induced model of squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nineteen NIH Swiss mice were skin painted by N-nitroso-tris-chloroethylurea (NTCU) twice a week, with a 3 day interval, for 8 months and 10 NIH Swiss mice skin painted with NTCU solvent (acetone) were used as controls. 18F-FDG PET was performed under sevofluorane anaesthesia and oxygen supplementation at 2, 4, 6 and 8 months from initial treatment. Images were assessed by visual analysis and semi-quantitatively. When a diffuse distribution of tumour was noted, the mean of the counts/pixel measured at three lung levels, corrected for the effective dose injected and for decay, was used for comparison between mutagen-painted and control mice. Pathological evaluation was carried out from the time of the first positive PET results in a subgroup of the whole population to assess correlation with PET findings. Small animal CT was performed at 8 months in another subgroup. RESULTS: In both terms of visual analysis and measurement of total lung activity, 18F-FDG PET at 2 and 4 months from initial treatment were comparable in mutagen-painted and controls. At 6 months, PET images showed a faint and diffuse uptake over both lung fields in mutagen-painted mice with multiple focal areas of increased tracer uptake that merged into confluent masses at 8 months and seriously subverting lung architecture on computed tomography. Total lung activity was significantly higher in mutagen-painted versus control mice at 6 (P=0.00000668) and 8 months (P=0.00000043) from initial treatment and paralleled the progressive lung involvement and histological severity. CONCLUSIONS: 18F-FDG PET may be useful in the assessment of this chemically induced murine model of lung squamous cells carcinoma. The total lung activity may be used as a measure of tumour metabolic activity of the tumour-bearing animals and may be useful in new drug testing studies.  相似文献   

We evaluated the performance characteristics of the eXplore VISTA dual-ring small-animal PET scanner, a stationary, ring-type, depth-of-interaction (DOI) correcting system designed to simultaneously maximize sensitivity, resolution, and resolution uniformity over a field of view sufficient to image rodent-sized animals. METHODS: We measured the intrinsic spatial resolution response of the VISTA detector modules, spatial and volume resolution throughout a representative portion of the field of view, and imaged several common resolution phantoms to provide a qualitative picture of resolution performance. We obtained an axial sensitivity profile and measured central point source sensitivity, scatter fractions and noise equivalent count (NEC) rates for rat- and mouse-sized objects using different energy windows, and count rate linearity. In addition, we measured the energy and timing resolution of both of the crystal layers (cerium-doped gadolinium orthosilicate and cerium-doped lutetium-yttrium orthosilicate) that give VISTA machines a DOI compensation capability. We examined the effectiveness of this DOI compensation by comparing spatial resolution measurements with and without the DOI correction enabled. Finally, several animal studies were included to illustrate system performance in the field. RESULTS: Spatial and volume resolutions averaged approximately 1.4 mm and 2.9 mm(3), respectively (with 3-dimensional Fourier rebinning and 2-dimensional filtered backprojection image reconstructions and an energy window of 250-700 keV), along the central axis of the scanner, and the spatial resolution was better than 1.7 mm and 2.1 mm at 1 and 2 cm off the central axis, respectively. Central point source sensitivity measured approximately 4% with peak NEC rates of 126.8 kcps at 455 kBq/mL and 77.1 kcps at 141 kBq/mL for mouse- and rat-sized uniform, cylindric phantoms, respectively. The radial spatial resolution at 2.8 cm off axis with DOI compensation was 2.5 mm but degraded (by 56%) to 3.9 mm without DOI compensation (as would be the case with a geometrically identical scanner without DOI correction capability). CONCLUSION: These results indicate that the VISTA small-animal PET scanner is well suited to imaging rodent-sized animals. The combination of high spatial resolution, resolution uniformity, sensitivity, and count rate performance, made possible in part by the novel use of phoswich detector modules, confers significant technical advantages over machines with similar geometry but without DOI correction capability.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to propose and validate a method for the noninvasive measurement of cerebral metabolic rate of glucose (CMRGlc) by fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET with a standardized input function (SIF) and an autoradiographic method. METHODS: Plasma input functions, measured by intermittent arterial blood samplings after the intravenous injection of FDG, in 44 patients who had fasted for at least 6 h, were used to generate the SIF. The input function of each patient was normalized with the net injected dose (nID) of FDG and body mass as indicated by body surface area (BSA) or body weight (BW). The SIF was generated as an average of 44 normalized input functions. The estimation of the input function and CMRGlc with SIF was validated in 10 additional patients, who underwent FDG PET after fasting for at least 6 h. CMRGlc was estimated with a simulated input function (IFsim) generated with the following equation: IFsim = SIF x (nID/body mass). The estimated CMRGlc was compared with the measured CMRGlc. RESULTS: Based on BSA, the percentage error of the area under the curve of IFsim was 3.5%+/-2.2%. The percentage error of CMRGlc was 2.9%+/-1.9% in gray matter and 3.4%+/-2.2% in white matter. A similar percentage error was obtained based on BW. CONCLUSION: The proposed method is noninvasive and accurate, and therefore is clinically acceptable for measuring CMRGlc in patients in fasting states.  相似文献   

This feasibility study was undertaken to determine whether kinetic modeling in conjunction with small-animal PET could noninvasively quantify alterations in myocardial perfusion and substrate metabolism in rats. METHODS: All small-animal PET was performed on either of 2 tomographs. Myocardial blood flow and substrate metabolism were measured in 10 male Zucker diabetic fatty rats (ZDF, fa/fa) and 10 lean littermates (Lean, Fa/+) using (15)O-water, 1-(11)C-glucose, 1-(11)C-acetate, and 1-(11)C-palmitate. Animals were 12.0 +/- 1.4-wk old. RESULTS: Consistent with a type 2 diabetic phenotype, the ZDF animals showed higher plasma hemoglobin A(1c), insulin, glucose, and free fatty acid (FFA) levels than their lean controls. Myocardial glucose uptake (mL/g/min) was not significantly different between the 2 groups. However, higher glucose plasma levels in the ZDF rats resulted in higher myocardial glucose utilization (nmol/g/min) (Lean, 629 +/- 785, vs. ZDF, 1,737 +/- 1,406; P = 0.06). Similarly, myocardial FFA uptake (mL/g/min) was not significantly different between the 2 groups, (Lean, 0.51 +/- 28, vs. ZDF, 0.72 +/- 0.19; P = not significant) However, due to higher FFA plasma levels, utilization and oxidation (nmol/g/min) were significantly higher in the ZDF group (Lean, 519 +/- 462, vs. ZDF, 1,623 +/- 712, P < .001; and Lean, 453 +/- 478, vs. ZDF, 1,636 +/- 730, P < .01). CONCLUSION: Noninvasive measurements of myocardial substrate metabolism in ZDF rats using small-animal PET are consistent with the expected early metabolic abnormalities that occur in this well-characterized model of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Thus, small-animal PET demonstrates significant promise in providing a means to link the myocardial metabolic abnormalities that occur in rat of disease with the human condition.  相似文献   

This feasibility study was undertaken to determine whether myocardial blood flow (MBF, mL/g/min) could be quantified noninvasively in small rodents using microPET and 15O-water or 1-11C-acetate. METHODS: MBF was measured in 18 healthy rats using PET and 15O-water (MBF-W) under different interventions and compared with direct measurements obtained with microspheres (MBF-M). Subsequently, MBF was estimated in 24 rats at rest using 1-11C-acetate (MBF-Ace) and compared with measurements obtained with 15O-water. Using factor analysis, images were processed to obtain 1 blood and 1 myocardial time-activity curve per tracer per study. MBF-W was calculated using a well-validated 1-compartment kinetic model. MBF-Ace was estimated using a simple 1-compartment model to estimate net tracer uptake, K1 (K1 (mL/g/min) = MBF.E; E = first-pass myocardial extraction of 1-11C-acetate) and washout (k2 (min(-1))) along with F(BM) (spillover correction) after fixing F(MM) (partial-volume correction) to values obtained from 15O-water modeling. K1 values were converted to MBF values using a first-pass myocardial extraction/flow relationship measured in rats (E = 1.0-0.74.exp(-1.13/MBF)). RESULTS: In the first study, MBF-W correlated well with MBF-M (y = 0.74x + 0.96; n = 18, r = 0.91, P < 0.0001). However, the slope was different than unity, P < 0.05). Refitting of the data after forcing the intercept to be zero resulted in a nonbias correlation between MBF-W and MBF-M (y = 0.95x + 0.0; n = 18, r = 0.86, P < 0.0001) demonstrating that the underestimation of the slope could be attributed to the overestimation of MBF-W for 2 MBF-M values lower than 1.50 mL/g/min. In the second study, MBF-Ace values correlated well with MBF-W with no underestimation of MBF (y = 0.91x + 0.35; n = 24, r = 0.87, P < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: MBF can be quantified by PET using (15)O-water or 1-11C-acetate in healthy rats. Future studies are needed to determine the accuracy of the methods in low-flow states and to develop an approach for a partial-volume correction when 1-11C-acetate is used.  相似文献   

Rapid T(1)-weighted 3D spoiled gradient-echo (GRE) data sets were acquired in the abdomen of 23 cancer patients during a total of 113 separate visits to allow dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) analysis of tumor microvasculature. The arterial input function (AIF) was measured in each patient at each visit using an automated AIF extraction method following a standardized bolus administration of gadodiamide. The AIFs for each patient were combined to obtain a mean AIF that is representative for any individual. The functional form of this general AIF may be useful for studies in which AIF measurements are not possible. Improvements in the reproducibility of DCE-MRI model parameters (K(trans), v(e), and v(p)) were observed when this new, high-temporal-resolution population AIF was used, indicating the potential for increased sensitivity to therapy-induced change.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In this study, we evaluated the performance of a newly commercialized small-animal positron emission tomography (PET) scanner, ClairvivoPET, which provides significant advantages in spatial resolution, sensitivity, and quantitative accuracy. METHODS: This scanner consists of depth of interaction detector modules with a large axial extent of 151 mm and an external (137)Cs source for attenuation correction. Physical performances, resolution, sensitivity, scatter fraction (SF), counting rate including noise equivalent count (NEC) rate, quantitative accuracy versus activity strength, and transmission accuracy, were measured and evaluated. Animal studies were also performed. RESULTS: Transaxial spatial resolution, measured with a capillary tube, was 1.54 mm at the center and 2.93 mm at a radial offset of 40 mm. The absolute sensitivity was 8.2% at the center, and SFs for mouse-and rat-sized phantoms were 10.7% and 24.2%, respectively. Peak NEC rates for mouse-and rat-sized uniform cylindrical phantoms were 328 kcps at 173 kBq/ml and 119 kcps at 49 kBq/ml, respectively. The quantitative stability of emission counts against activity strength was within 2% over 5 half-lives, ranging from 0.6 MBq to 30 MBq. Transmission measurement based on segmented attenuation correction allowed 6-min and 10-min scans for mouse-and rat-sized cylindrical phantoms, respectively. Rat imaging injected with (18)F-NaF resulted in visibility of fine bone structures, and mouse imaging injected with (18)F-D-fluoromethyl tyrosine demonstrated the feasibility of using this system to obtain simultaneous time activity curves from separate regions, such as for the heart and tumors. CONCLUSIONS: ClairvivoPET is well suited to quantitative imaging even with short scan times, and will provide a number of advantages in new drug development and for kinetic measurement in molecular imaging.  相似文献   

Monitoring left ventricular dilation in mice with PET.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Molecular imaging by small-animal PET is an important noninvasive means to phenotype transgenic mouse models in vivo. When investigating pathologies of the left ventricular (LV) myocardium, the serial assessment of LV volumes is important. By this, the presence of LV dilation as a sign of developing heart failure can be detected. Whereas PET is usually used to derive biochemical and molecular information, functional parameters such as ventricular volumes are generally measured using echocardiography or MRI. In this study, a novel method to monitor LV dilation in mice with PET is presented and evaluated using cardiac MRI. METHODS: A semiautomatic 3-dimensional algorithm was used to delineate the LV myocardial wall on static PET images depicting myocardial glucose metabolism ((18)F-FDG PET) for 20 mice: 10 wild-type and 10 genetically modified littermates designed to develop a dilative cardiomyopathy phenotype (cardiomyocyte-specific knockout of survivin). The volume enclosed by the 3-dimensional midmyocardial contour was calculated as a measure for LV volume for each mouse. Data were compared with ventricular volumes measured by MRI in the same animals. RESULTS: LV volumes obtained by PET and MRI correlated well (R = 0.89) for hearts with small and large left ventricles. In accordance with the hypothesis, the LV volumes were increased significantly for transgenic mice examined at an older age compared with those examined at a younger age (MRI: 160.5 +/- 25.7 microL vs. 114.7 +/- 15.2 microL [P = 0.012]; PET: 129.3 +/- 15.3 microL vs. 73.8 +/- 15.0 microL [P < 0.001], all values shown as mean +/- SD; for MRI, mean of end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes are given), whereas they did not for their wild-type littermates (MRI: 106.2 +/- 12.3 microL vs. 94.7 +/- 14.6 microL [P = 0.214]; PET: 82.6 +/- 20.9 microL vs. 65.0 +/- 16.9 microL [P = 0.185]). CONCLUSION: Evaluation and quantitation of LV dilation in both control and cardiomyopathic mice can be reliably and serially performed using small-animal PET and (18)F-FDG, yielding useful functional information in addition to metabolic data.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the accuracy of semi-quantitative small-animal PET data, uncorrected for attenuation, and then of the same semi-quantitative data corrected by means of recovery coefficients (RCs) based on phantom studies. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A phantom containing six fillable spheres (diameter range: 4.4-14 mm) was filled with an 18F-FDG solution (spheres/background activity=10.1, 5.1 and 2.5). RCs, defined as measured activity/expected activity, were calculated. Nude rats harbouring tumours (n=50) were imaged after injection of 18F-FDG and sacrificed. The standardized uptake value (SUV) in tumours was determined with small-animal PET and compared to ex-vivo counting (ex-vivo SUV). Small-animal PET SUVs were corrected with RCs based on the greatest tumour diameter. Tumour proliferation was assessed with cyclin A immunostaining and correlated to the SUV. RESULTS: RCs ranged from 0.33 for the smallest sphere to 0.72 for the largest. A sigmoidal correlation was found between RCs and sphere diameters (r(2)=0.99). Small-animal PET SUVs were well correlated with ex-vivo SUVs (y=0.48x-0.2; r(2)=0.71) and the use of RCs based on the greatest tumour diameter significantly improved regression (y=0.84x-0.81; r(2)=0.77), except for tumours with important necrosis. Similar results were obtained without sacrificing animals, by using PET images to estimate tumour dimensions. RC-based corrections improved correlation between small-animal PET SUVs and tumour proliferation (uncorrected data: Rho=0.79; corrected data: Rho=0.83). CONCLUSION: Recovery correction significantly improves both accuracy of small-animal PET semi-quantitative data in rat studies and their correlation with tumour proliferation, except for largely necrotic tumours.  相似文献   

Annals of Nuclear Medicine - The objective of the present study was to develop a fully automated blood sampling system for kinetic analysis in mice positron emission tomography (PET) studies....  相似文献   

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