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目的:探讨完全性左束支传导阻滞(CLBBB)患者QRS时限与左室射血分数(LVEF)的相关性。方法:选择2012年2月至2013年6月在我院经心电图诊断为左束支传导阻滞的患者213例。根据QRS波时限,患者被分为CLBBB组(182例)和不完全性左束支传导阻滞组(ICLBBB组,31例)。应用线性相关分析分析QRS波时限与LVEF的相关性,使用受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)分析QRS波时限预测LVEF50%的最佳临界点。结果:与ICLBBB组比较,CLBBB组QRS波时限[(104.61±8.85)ms比(149.36±17.25)ms]显著升高,LVEF[(54.26±4.96)%比(45.22±12.57)%]显著降低,P均0.01。线性相关分析显示,CLBBB患者QRS波时限与LVEF呈显著负相关(r=-0.55,P=0.001)。ROC曲线分析QRS波时限预测LVEF50%的最佳临界点为151ms,曲线下面积为0.79(P=0.001),敏感性为68.1%,特异性为83.5%。结论:完全性左束支阻滞患者的QRS波时限与左室射血分数显著负相关,可以作为临床预测左室射血分数减低的一个简便指标。  相似文献   

目的探讨心电图QRS波时限延长在冠心病慢性心力衰竭患者中的临床意义。方法入选330例冠心病慢性心力衰竭患者,根据心电图QRS波时限分为≥120ms组和120ms组,分析两组患者QRS波时限与NYHA心功能分级、左心室射血分数(LVEF)、左室短轴缩短分数(LVFS)、左心房及左心室大小、左室壁厚度、二尖瓣返流、室内传导阻滞和住院死亡率间的关系。结果①QRS波时限120ms组LVEF、LVES、LAD、LVEDd均大于QRS时限120ms组;②两组间心功能分级、住院死亡率、室壁厚度、束支阻滞及房室阻滞发生率等无显著差异。结论心电图QRS波时限对判断冠心病并发慢性心力衰竭患者病情具有一定临床意义。  相似文献   

目的了解国内心力衰竭(简称心衰)患者具有心脏再同步化治疗(CRT)适应证的比例,为进一步有的放矢的更好开展CRT工作提供相关的临床依据。方法连续入选本院门诊或病房就诊的超声心动图测量左室射血分数(LVEF)≤0.35患者,收集其临床资料并同时行12导联心电图检查,测得QRS波群时限,并将心电图表现与患者临床资料进行对比分析。结果 1共入选451例,以扩张型心肌病最常见,占80.3%。2QRS波时限≥120 ms147例(占32.6%),其中,QRS波时限≥120 ms心电图表现类型为左束支阻滞84例(18.6%),心室内阻滞44例(9.8%),右束支阻滞19例(4.2%)。3年龄段30岁、30~39岁、70~79岁、≥80岁QRS波时限与性别无差异,而40~49岁、50~59岁及60~69岁年龄段,女性宽QRS波的比例高于男性。4将QRS波时限分为120 ms、120~135 ms和≥135 ms三组,显示QRS波时限与左室舒张末内径(LVEDD)存在正相关。5QRS波时限与NYHA心功能分级显著相关,QRS波时限越宽,心功能越差。6QRS波时限与LVEF值(分为0.20,0.20~0.30及≥0.30)呈负相关(r=-0.1402,P=0.0028)。结论国内心衰患者存在CRT适应证者的比例并不低,QRS波时限与左室内径、心功能及LVEF值显著相关。  相似文献   

目的:研究静息心电图QRS波对严重三支血管病变冠心病患者心功能不全的预测价值。方法:依据LVEF,于我院治疗的严重三支血管病变的168例冠心病患者被分为心功能正常组(LVEF≥50%,116例)和心功能不全组(LVEF<50%,52例)。比较两组一般临床资料,分析静息心电图QRS波对这类患者心功能不全的预测价值及这类患者心功能不全的影响因素。结果:与心功能正常组比较,心功能不全组年龄、心率(HR)、QRS波时限及碎裂QRS波(fQRS)、合并高血压比例均显著升高(P均<0.01)。ROC曲线分析显示,年龄、HR、QRS波时限预测严重三支血管病变冠心病患者心功能不全的曲线下面积分别为0.662、0.792、0.669,灵敏度分别为61.5%、69.2%、78.8%,特异度分别为65.5%、80.2%、49.1%。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,年龄≥65岁、HR≥74.5次/min、QRS波时限≥97.0 ms、fQRS、合并高血压是这类患者心功能不全的独立危险因素(OR=2.250~9.555,P<0.05或<0.01)。结论:年龄、HR、QRS波时限、fQ...  相似文献   

宽QRS波心动过速是指心电图QRS波时限超过120ms的心动过速,其70%为室性心动过速,另30%为室上性心动过速伴功能性束支阻滞或室内差异性传导。  相似文献   

束支阻滞24h动态心电图分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨束支阻滞的昼夜变化趋势及其临床意义,对66例束支阻滞患者进行24h动态心电图监测,结果表明在24h中最快与最慢心率时QRS波时限、室壁激动时间(VAT)、J-T,及P-R间期在右束支阻滞(RBBB)组中有显著性差异(P<0.05),在左束支阻滞(LBBB)组中无显著性差异(P>0.05)。最快心率时P-R间期和QRS波时限LBBB组>RBBB组,并发现严重室性心律失常均发生于器质性心脏病者,其预后较差。  相似文献   

心电图的QRS波代表心室除极过程,其宽度也称QRS波时限。临床中,根据QRS波时限是否≥120ms,而将心动过速分为宽QRS波心动过速和窄QRS波心动过速。宽QRS波心动过速包括:室速、室上速伴差异传导或原有束支阻滞(或非特异性室内阻滞)、逆向型房室折返性心动过速、房颤伴旁路前传及起搏相关性心动过速等。其中,室速是宽QRS波心动过速的最常见原因,约占全部原因的80%,而仅5%的室速QRS波时限小于120ms。因而,  相似文献   

目的:观察右心室起搏QRS波时限对起搏器依赖患者心脏功能的影响。方法:选取在我院诊断为Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞并行永久性右心室起搏的患者112例,以起搏QRS波时限将患者分为A组(起搏QRS波时限<190ms)和B组(起搏QRS波时限≥190ms),并对每例患者进行临床评估和心脏彩色多普勒超声检查,动态随访心脏功能,以随访期间出现明显心功能下降为终点,观察起搏QRS波时限与心脏功能的关系。同时根据随访期间是否出现心功能下降将患者分为心功能下降组(Y组)和心功能无下降组(N组),并进行各因素与心功能下降之间的单因素分析,取P<0.1的因素纳入Logistic回归模型,寻找影响起搏器依赖患者心功能的因素。结果:平均随访(45.46±23.00)个月,40例(28.57%)出现明显心功能下降,其中,A组24例(27.27%),B组16例(66.67%),2组间差异有统计学意义(P=0.0004),Y组的起搏QRS波时限较N组明显延长[(176.58±22.71)∶(159.74±20.23)ms,P<0.0001]。多元Logistic逐步回归分析结果显示,左心室舒张末期内径增大、射血分数下降、左束支传导阻滞、起搏QRS波时限≥190ms、年龄及起搏时间是起搏器依赖患者心功能下降的危险因素。结论:起搏QRS波时限延长是心脏功能下降和心力衰竭发生的危险因素,可以作为起搏器依赖患者起搏后心脏功能下降的预测指标。除此之外,左心室增大、左束支传导阻滞、射血分数降低、年龄及起搏时间也是起搏器依赖患者心脏功能下降的危险因素。  相似文献   

目的探讨左束支起搏对症状性心动过缓合并右束支传导阻滞患者的心电学影响。 方法连续纳入2019年1月1日至2021年12月31日因症状性心动过缓合并完全性右束支传导阻滞并在厦门大学附属心血管病医院心内科拟行左束支起搏的患者,记录标准12导联体表心电图。比较左束支起搏术前与术后V1导联QRS波形态、QRS时限、右心室延迟激动时间(dRVAT)、左心室达峰时间(LVAT)及心室间延迟时间(IVD)的差异。 结果共入选53例患者,年龄(72.15±9.39)岁,男34例。其中46例(86.79%,46/53)成功完成左束支起搏。术前V1导联以rsR’型为主38例(38/46,83%),术后QRS形态以Qr型为主29例(29/46,63%)。左束支起搏可以显著缩短QRS时限[(149.09±12.81)ms对(112.46±9.64)ms,P<0.001)],其中35例(76.08%,35/46)患者的QRS时限完全纠正,10例(21.73%,10/46)部分纠正,1例(2.17%,1/46)未纠正;IVD显著缩短[(58.28±12.54)ms对(34.34±8.87)ms,P<0.001];但在dRVAT方面左束支起搏术前与术后差异无统计学意义[(100.47±12.40)ms对(100.86±10.57)ms,P=0.955]。与术前相比,左束支起搏延长LVAT[(42.46±6.95)ms对(66.53±10.83)ms,P<0.001]。 结论左束支起搏可显著缩短完全性右束支传导阻滞患者的QRS时限,并改善其心室间电学同步性,产生以Qr型为主的起搏后QRS波形态。  相似文献   

患者,男,69岁,动态心电图示窦性P波规律出现,心室率63次/min,PR间期180 ms,QRS时限140 ms,完全性左束支阻滞,第4个QRS波群期前出现,波形宽大畸形,前无P波,代偿间歇完全,为室性期前收缩.第5个R波振幅3.2 mV,时限80 ms,左束支阻滞图形消失,ST段下降0.1 mV,T波负正双向.动态心电图诊断:窦性心律,左心室肥厚,ST-T改变,室性期前收缩,间歇性左束支阻滞.  相似文献   

Thirty-two complete bundle branch blocks were observed during 16,500 exercise stress tests between 1973 and 1988: there were 7 right bundle branch blocks and 25 left bundle branch blocks. Exercise stress testing was indicated in 15 cases for stable angina, in 15 cases for different functional disturbances and in 2 cases as a systematic investigation. All patients underwent coronary angiography and selective left ventriculography. Right bundle branch block occurring at a heart rate of 105 +/- 25/mn were associated with typical anginal pain at the time of apparition in 5 patients. Coronary angiography showed triple vessel disease in 3 cases, double vessel disease in 2 cases and an isolated proximal lesion of the left anterior descending artery in 2 cases. Left bundle branch block occurring at a heart rate of 125 +/- 12/mn was associated with normal coronary angiography in 7 cases. Eighteen patients had pathological coronary angiogrammes with severe lesions of the left anterior descending artery. Two women suffered from chest pain when the block developed and coronary angiography was normal in one of them. During follow-up (average 62 months), 16 coronary events were observed including 2 infarcts, and 6 patients developed cardiac failure. In conclusion, complete right bundle branch block appearing during exercise stress testing was constantly associated with atherosclerotic coronary artery disease. The predictive value of complete left bundle branch block on effort was 72%. Complete left bundle branch block occurring at heart rates of less than 120/mn was frequently associated with a proximal stenosis of the left anterior descending artery.  相似文献   

The electrocardiographic appearances and the significance of right bundle branch block were described at the beginning of the 20th century. Typical appearances include prolongation > 0.12 s of the QRS complex, RR' or rR' or Rr' appearances in V1 and widened S waves in the leads exploring the left ventricle (SI, aVL, V5 and V6). A delay in the appearance of the intrinsic deflection > 0.08 s may also be observed in the right precordial leads and negative T waves with ST depression may be seen in V1 and sometimes in V2. Left axis deviation of the QRS complex greater than - 45 degrees suggests associated left anterior hemiblock. Right axis deviation beyond + 120 degrees is equivocal. The principal differential ECG diagnosis is the Brugada syndrome, a familial arrhythmogenic autosomal dominant cardiomyopathy of variable penetration. This diagnosis is suggested when ECG abnormalities are observed in patients with a personal or family history of sudden death. Right bundle branch block only seems to have haemodynamic consequences in cardiac failure with associated asynchrony of the left ventricle or in certain cases of right ventricular dilatation encountered in congenital heart disease. The prognosis of right bundle branch block in the absence of underlying cardiac disease is good but it may be poor in other cases, particularly coronary artery disease. Moreover, the prognosis of right bundle branch block to complete atrioventricular block is rare in the absence of associated cardiac disease.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Patients with left bundle branch block exhibit abnormal septal motion which may limit the interpretation of stress echocardiograms. This study sought to assess the diagnostic value of dobutamine-atropine stress echocardiography in left bundle branch block patients. METHODS AND RESULTS: Sixty-four left bundle branch block patients (mean age 59 years, 24 men) with suspected coronary artery disease underwent dobutamine-atropine stress echocardiography and coronary arteriography. Myocardial ischaemia was defined as new or worsening wall thickening abnormalities. Coronary artery disease was quantitatively defined as a diameter stenosis >/=50% in a major epicardial artery. Rest septal motion was normal (apart from the early systolic septal notch) in 34 patients (53%) and abnormal in 30 patients (47%). Rest septal thickening was normal in 32 patients (50%) and abnormal in 32 patients (50%). All seven patients with a QRS duration >/=160 ms and an abnormal QRS axis had abnormal rest septal motion and thickening. Inter-observer agreement for ischaemia was 88%. In all but one patient disagreement was in the septum. For the anterior and posterior circulation, respectively, sensitivity was 60% (9/15) and 67% (8/12), specificity was 94% (46/49) and 98% (51/52), and accuracy was 86% (55/64) and 92% (59/64). Sensitivity for the anterior circulation tended to be better in patients with normal rest septal thickening (83% vs 44%). CONCLUSIONS: Dobutamine-atropine stress echocardiography has excellent diagnostic specificity in left bundle branch block patients with suspected coronary artery disease. In patients with abnormal rest septal thickening, however, dobutamine-atropine stress echocardiography may lack good sensitivity for detection of coronary artery disease in the anterior circulation. Left bundle branch block patients who potentially most benefit from dobutamine-atropine stress echocardiography may initially be selected by their resting electrocardiogram.  相似文献   

Clinical, coronary arteriographic, and hemodynamic studies were performed in 55 patients with left bundle branch block (LBBB) and coronary artery disease and were compared with 110 patients consecutively matched for age and sex with ischemic heart disease but without LBBB. No significant differences were found in duration of symptoms or frequency of prior myocardial infarction, hypertension, or diabetes mellitus; however, the LBBB patients had a significantly (p < 0.001) higher frequency of congestive heart failure (38.2% vs 11.8%) and cardiomegaly (63.6% vs 25.5%). An evaluation of severity of the coronary disease on the basis of subtotal vs total obstructive lesions, number of vessels involved, total coronary score, and individual coronary arteries involved revealed no significant differences between the groups. The LBBB patients had significantly (p < 0.001) greater impairment of left ventricular function as reflected by the end-diastolic volume (107 ± 43 vs 79 ± 30 ml/m2), ejection fraction (0.35 ± 0.19 vs 0.59 ± 0.18), and frequency of an abnormal contractile pattern (91% vs 61%). Evaluating the LBBB patients on the basis of the QRS width and axis revealed no significant intragroup differences in clinical profile, severity of coronary disease, or left ventricular dysfunction. A prolonged PR interval (≥0.20 second) was associated with more severe coronary artery disease and an enlarged heart. This study indicates that coronary artery disease associated with LBBB identifies patients with severe left ventricular dysfunction.  相似文献   

目的接受心脏再同步治疗(CRT)的慢性心力衰竭患者中,部分患者心脏结构和功能显著改善,甚至可以恢复至接近正常,即所谓的超级反应患者(super-responders,SR),本文回顾分析这些超级反应患者的临床特征,寻找有价值的CRT超级反应患者的预测指标。方法2005年6月至2010年1月在本中心因慢性心力衰竭植入CRT·P/CRT—D的患者共69例,其中有较完整随访资料的50例纳入本研究。CRT超级反应患者判断标准为左心室射血分数(LVEF)绝对值增加≥0.20。回顾性分析50例患者中超级反应患者和非超级反应患者的临床特征,比较两组患者之间的差异。结果平均随访时间(13.9±11.5)个月,达到超级反应标准患者11例(22%),与术前相比LVEF显著升高(0.58±0.05对0.33±0.05,P〈0.001)。超级反应组和非超级反应组术前资料除性别(女性比例:8/11对11/39,P=0.013)、QRS时限[(163.2±19.3)ms对(140.2±29.1)ms,P=0.018]、左束支阻滞的比例(10/11对20/39,P=0.04)外差异无统计学意义。多元logistic回归分析显示女性合并完全性左束支阻滞是CRT超级反应的惟一独立预测因子。结论CRT中超级反应患者以女性、QRS时限增宽以及合并左束支阻滞患者多见。女性合并左束支阻滞是CRT超级反应的独立预测因子。  相似文献   

双心室起搏的临床疗效观察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 探讨缺血性或扩张型心肌病合并充血性心力衰竭行永久性双心室起搏治疗的临床效果。方法 对 1 0例缺血性或扩张型心肌病合并难治性心力衰竭和左束支阻滞患者 ,常规植入右心室起搏导线的同时植入冠状静脉窦电极导线于左室侧静脉、心大或心中静脉 ,行双心室同步起搏 (其中 2例为四腔起搏 )。通过临床观察、超声心动图测定及 6分钟平地行走评定对心功能的影响。结果 在充血性心力衰竭合并左束支阻滞患者植入冠状静脉窦电极导线行双心室起搏 ,产生较窄 QRS波 ,临床心功能从 ~ 级提高至 ~ 级 ( NYHA) ,同时使二尖瓣返流减少 ,射血分数提高 ,左室舒张末期内径缩小 ,6分钟平地行走距离比术前明显提高。结论 双心室起搏对难治性心力衰竭可能有辅助治疗作用。  相似文献   

The size of the heart was ascertained at necropsy or by roentgenologic examination in 100 consecutive cases of typical bundle branch block.The clinical diagnoses were: arteriosclerotic heart disease, 58 per cent; coronary artery occlusion, 25 per cent; chronic rheumatic valvular disease, 9 per cent; and miscellaneous conditions, 8 per cent.The heart was enlarged in all cases in which it was examined post mortem; the average cardiac weight was 586 Gm., the lowest, 375 Gm.Of the cases in which there was only a roentgenographic examination, the heart was increased in size in 91 per cent. In three of the six cases in which there was no enlargement, the diagnosis was Graves' disease.Left bundle branch block was present in 90 per cent of the cases. In 71 per cent of these the left ventricle was larger than the right, and in none was the right ventricle preponderant. Hypertensive heart disease was almost invariably associated with left bundle branch block.Of the ten cases of right bundle branch block, the right ventricle was predominant in four, and the left ventricle in one. Both ventricles were enlarged in five cases of coronary artery occlusion.Diffuse myocardial involvement was found in all cases in which a necropsy was performed.It is concluded that, in most instances, chronic bundle branch block is the result of an increase in the size of the heart, and of myocardial damage, with diffuse involvement of the bundle branch system. The type of bundle branch block depends on which ventricle is predominantly enlarged.  相似文献   

An 83-year-old woman with chronic left bundle branch block and remote history of pacemaker implantation for intermittent AV block was hospitalized for fatigue and leg swelling. She had no cardiac complaints. Routine 12-lead electrocardiogram showed sinus rhythm with left bundle branch block. There were diffuse negative T waves in the inferior and anterolateral leads that were concordant with the QRS complexes. Echocardiogram was normal and nuclear perfusion heart scan showed no abnormality. It was noted that the negative T waves during left bundle branch block were in the exact same leads as were the deep negative QRS complexes during ventricular pacing. The electrocardiographic changes were consistent with cardiac memory. This case is unique because cardiac memory in patients with intermittent left bundle branch block typically occurs when the QRS complexes normalize and not during left bundle branch block itself. Our findings indicate that memory Ts can develop not only after normalization of wide complex rhythms but also with alternating wide complex rhythms as in the presented case where a ventricular paced rhythm was replaced by left bundle branch block.  相似文献   

Thirteen hearts from subjects (10 male, 3 female; mean age 65 years) with left posterior fascicular block were studied. Left posterior fascicular block was associated with right bundle branch block in nine cases and alternated with left anterior fascicular block in three. In nine of the patients, the conduction disorders were observed during an episode of acute myocardial infarction. Of these nine patients, four showed interruptive lesions at the level of the posterior radiation of the left bundle or of the posterior portion of the main left bundle branch. Two were found to have severe alterations scattered throughout the left bundle branch system: One of them had alternating left anterior and left posterior fascicular block; and the other manifested complete heart block in the course of her illness. No interruptive changes of the posterior fibers were found in three cases in which the heart was obtained early after death. All 9 patients had severe coronary artery disease (six had triple vessel disease and three of the six had a left main coronary arterial stenosis or obstruction; two patients had double vessel disease). Among the four patients with chronic left posterior block, three were found to have heavy calcifications of the left side of the cardiac skeleton; the remaining one had diphtheritic myocarditis. All had major alterations of the left-sided conduction system that were consistently maximal at the level of the posterior fibers or posterior portion of the main left bundle branch. In two of these patients scattered lesions were found throughout the left bundle branch fibers; one had alternating left anterior and left posterior fascicular block and the other had complete heart block. In general, the alterations underlying left posterior fascicular block were less widely spread than in left anterior fascicular block; however, they were more severe and more proximally located.  相似文献   

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