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T. Noda  T. Yamamoto   《Brain research》1984,306(1-2):197-206
Intracellular recordings and morphological identification of neurons using intracellular HRP staining were performed in the cat motor cortex. By thalamic ventrolateral (VL) or cerebellar nucleus stimulation, pyramidal cells in layer III, fast pyramidal tract neurons (PTNs) and stellate cells in layers II and III were activated with short latency and fast rising EPSPs, while pyramidal cells in layer II and slow PTNs showed longer latency and slow rising EPSPs. This difference may be related to activation through the deep and superficial thalamocortical projections. Although pyramidal cells in layer VI did not respond orthodromically to VL or cerebellar stimulation, some of them proved to receive the recurrent action of PTNs because of the response to stimulation of the cerebral peduncle (CP). One aspinous stellate cell in layer III was activated by CP as well as VL stimulation. This cell was supposed to be an inhibitory interneuron responsible for both recurrent and VL-evoked inhibition.  相似文献   

To determine the relative contributions of transthalamic cerebellar and pallidal projections to the primary motor cortex (M1) of owl monkeys, we examined the thalamic labeling resulting from injections of fluorescent tracers and wheatgerm agglutinin/horseradish peroxidase conjugate (WGA-HRP) into regions of M1 identified by intracortical microstimulation. Injections were placed in the major somatotopic divisions of M1 (the hindlimb, trunk, forelimb, and face representations) and in the caudal and rostral M1 subareas. In most cases, we injected several differentiable tracers into different parts of M1. Our results indicate that the strongest connections of M1 are with subdivisions of the ventral lateral thalamus (VL); other connections are mainly with intralaminar nuclei (the central lateral, paracentral, and center median nuclei) and the reticular nucleus. Most projections are reciprocal and topographically organized. M1 is strongly connected with the principal (VLp), medial (VLx), and anterior (VLa) subdivisions of the VL complex but has at most weak connections with the dorsal division (VLd). Each of the major somatotopic divisions of M1 is connected with an anteroposteriorly elongated territory within the VL complex. The connections are somatotopically organized such that the M1 hindlimb representation is connected with a band of cells in the lateral and anterior portions of the VL complex (spanning VLa and VLp), whereas the trunk, forelimb, and face representations are connected with successively more medially and posteriorly situated cell bands (spanning VLa, VLp, and VLx). There is some degree of overlap between the somatotopic territories within VL, although the absence of double-labeled cells in cases with injections of adjacent somatotopic divisions of M1 suggests that individual thalamic neurons project to single somatotopic regions. In addition to somatotopic differences, the connections of the caudal and rostral subdivisions of M1 differ to some extent. Caudal M1 is connected most strongly with VLp, a target of cerebellar projections, but it is also connected with VLa, which receives pallidal inputs. In complementary fashion, rostral M1 is most strongly connected with VLa, but it is also connected with VLp. VLx, a target of cerebellar projections, has significant connections with both caudal and rostral M1. These results indicate that all parts of M1 are influenced by both the cerebellum and globus pallidus in owl monkeys, as has been suggested in some recent studies of macaque monkeys. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The structural features of corticogeniculate axons were studied in adult cats after labeling them with horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Injections of HRP into the optic radiations near the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus result in Golgi-like filling of both geniculate relay neurons and corticogeniculate axons. In the present material at least two main types of axons could be defined. The most common type is called the type I axon because it so closely resembles the type I axons described by Guillery ('66, '67) in Golgi preparations. These fine axons have smooth surfaces and consistent fiber diameter. Most terminal swellings are at the ends of short collateral branches and these swellings form asymmetric synaptic contacts onto small and medium-sized dendrites. Type I axons typically innervate more than one lamina as well as interlaminar zones and they clearly arise from the cerebral cortex. The second type of axon is called the beaded axon because of its numerous swellings, en passant. These swellings frequently are larger than those on type I axons and they differ from previously described corticogeniculate axon terminals in their ultrastructural features. That is, their synaptic contacts appear symmetrical and they form axosomatic contacts. Because of these differences, the possibility that beaded axons are of subcortical origin, particularly from the perigeniculate nucleus, is discussed. When type I axons and geniculate relay neurons are filled in the same region of the nucleus it is possible to identify probable sites of synaptic contact by using the light microscope. Such analyses indicate that corticogeniculate axons synapse directly onto relay cells, primarily on peripheral dendritic branches. Further, it appears that single axons contact many geniculate neurons and that single neurons are contacted by many axons.  相似文献   

The input to the border region between the ventrolateral nucleus (VL) and ventroposterolateral nucleus (VPL) of the thalamus, VL-VPL, was studied in cats using a combined electrophysiological and anatomical technique. Neurons within this border region receive somatic afferent input and project to a region of the motor cortex having similar receptive fields. In this study we asked the question whether neurons in the VL-VPL border receive input from the dorsal column nuclei (DCN). To answer this question we delivered intra-cortical microstimulation (ICMS) to the motor cortex while a second electrode inserted into the VL-VPL border, filled with a 20% solution of HRP dissolved in KCl, was used to record antidromically activated neurons. When an antidromically activated neuron was encountered and the neuron responded to natural peripheral stimulation, HRP was iontophoretically injected through the recording electrode. After a 48–72 h survival time, cats were sacrificed, and the brain tissue processed according to the method of Hardy and Heimer10. Labeled cell bodies were found in the caudal cuneate nucleus (CCN) in all injected animals. These results suggested that neurons in CCN project to cells in VL-VPL which in turn project to the motor cortex.  相似文献   

The intraspinal morphology of single lateral vestibulospinal tract (LVST) axons was investigated with the method of intra-axonal staining with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and three-dimensional reconstruction of the axonal trajectory. Axons penetrated in the ventral funiculus at C5-C8 were identified as LVST axons by their monosynaptic responses to stimulation of the ipsilateral vestibular nerve and by their direct responses to stimulation of the ipsilateral Deiters' nucleus and LVST. Reconstructions were made from 34 well-stained LVST axons. Of these, 23 terminated in the brachial segments (C5-Th1) and the other 11 projected below Th2. These axons were traced over distances of 2.9-16.3 mm rostrocaudally. Within these lengths, one to seven axon collaterals (mean +/- S.D., 3.2 +/- 2.0, N = 19) were given off at right angles from the stem axons of LVST axons terminating in the brachial segments. The mean diameters of stem axons and primary collaterals were 4.5 microns and 1.6 micron, respectively. In the gray matter, collaterals ramified successively, pursued a delta-like path, and terminated mainly in laminae VII and VIII or lamina IX. The rostrocaudal extension of a single collateral was very restricted (mean +/- S.D., 760 +/- 220 microns, N = 16), in contrast to the extensive dorsoventral and mediolateral extent of the terminal arborization. There were usually gaps between adjacent collateral arborizations from the same stem axons, since the intercollateral distances ranged from 400 to 4,300 microns (mean = 1,490 microns). LVST axons terminating in brachial segments were divided into two groups--a medial group and a lateral group--on the basis of their projection sites in the transverse plane of the gray matter. The axons of the medial type had their main projection to laminae VII and VIII of Rexed, while those of the lateral type terminated in lamina IX. The terminal arborizations of the medial type LVST axons were mainly distributed over lamina VIII, where synaptic boutons appeared to make contact with proximal dendrites or somata of medium-sized and large neurons in the ventromedial nucleus and also in the medial portion of lamina VII adjacent to the central canal and dorsal to lamina VIII. Five out of 15 medial type axons had a bilateral projection. One or two collaterals of each of these axons crossed the midline through the anterior commissure and terminated in lamina VII or VIII. It was concluded that the contralateral projection was sparse.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Single myelinated axons were recorded in the dorsolateral funiculus of the cat and physiologically characterized as descending from the midline medulla or midline pons. Following further physiological characterization (e.g., conduction velocity, adequate stimulus, receptive field, activation by stimulation of periaqueductal gray), the axons were labeled with horseradish peroxidase that was iontophoretically ejected from the recording micropipette. Histochemical reaction allowed visualization of the stained axons and their arborizations in the spinal gray matter. The conduction velocities of the sampled axons ranged from 7.3 to 117.2 m/second with a mean of 35.5 m/second. However, unmyelinated axons could not be sampled with the technique employed here. Descending axons could be divided into two groups: (1) those which terminated in laminae I, II, V, and X, and (2) those which terminated in laminae V, VII, and X. Axons from both groups had myelinated parent axons, were activated by periaqueductal gray stimulation, and responded to noxious pinch of their receptive field. Terminal collaterals from both groups of axons were generally transversely oriented. These results suggest heterogeneous functions for these descending axons which may include modulation of nociceptive input to higher centers.  相似文献   

To characterize the fine morphology of individual reticulospinal axons at multiple spinal segments, localized injections of the anterograde neural tracer, Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L), were made into the nucleus reticularis pontis oralis (NRPo) of the cat. Following survival periods of 6–8 weeks, labelled axons, between 1 and 8 μm in diameter, were found throughout the cervical and upper thoracic segments. Thick axons (diameter ≥ 3 μm) were found to descend beyond the upper thoracic spinal cord, while most thin axons (diameter < 3 μm) ended in the upper cervical cord. From serial transverse sections (50 μm) of segments C3 to T2, in four cats, the trajectories of 23 single, thick reticulospinal axons were traced in continuity over distances of between 21.8 and 59.4 mm, corresponding to 3 and 8 segments, respectively. Most axons gave off at least one, and as many as four collaterals per segment, some preferentially in the cervical enlargement. The remainder gave off collaterals at most but not all segments. Detailed reconstruction of the collateralization and arborization in the spinal gray matter showed two major termination types, one where terminals remained ipsilateral to the stem axon, the other where additional collaterals extended across the midline from the ipsilateral gray matter to terminate in the contralateral gray matter. Axons tended to have collaterals of one type or the other, irrespective of the rostrocaudal level. Both ipsilateral and bilateral projections terminated mainly in laminae VII and VIII although the branching patterns varied from axon to axon. Individual stem axons, in general, showed similar termination patterns at each level. J. Comp. Neurol. 377:234–250, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The distribution of serotonin immunoreactivity in the cat cerebellum was studied by using the indirect antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) technique. Furthermore, the origin of these chemically defined afferents was determined by combining the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) with the PAP technique. In the cerebellar cortex, serotonin immunoreactivity is present in a plexus of beaded fibers that is confined almost exclusively to the granule and Purkinje cell layers; a few fibers are present in the molecular layer. Serotoninergic axons and varicosities have a dense and uniform distribution throughout all lobules of the cerebellum with the exception of lobule X where the fiber density is sparse. Serotonin cell bodies were not found within the cerebellar cortex. However, following pretreatment with pargyline and L-tryptophan, serotonin positive cell bodies were found in all deep cerebellar nuclei as well as the raphe and reticular nuclei in the brainstem. The present study demonstrates that the serotoninergic projection to the cat's cerebellum has some degree of topographical organization. Serotoninergic fibers in the anterior vermis (lobules I-V) were shown to arise from neurons located within the paramedian reticular nucleus, the lateral reticular nucleus, and the lateral tegmental field. Injections of HRP into either the posterior vermis (lobule VI-IX) or the paramedian lobule, labeled serotoninergic neurons exclusively in the lateral reticular nucleus. Lobus simplex, crus I and crus II (the hemisphere) receive a serotoninergic input from cells located in the lateral tegmental field, the peri-olivary reticular formation and the paramedian reticular nucleus. In no cases were neurons in the raphe double-labeled, although there were cells positive for HRP or serotonin alone. The data indicate that there is a topographical organization in the serotoninergic projection from the caudal brainstem to specific regions of the cat's cerebellar cortex. In addition to climbing and mossy fibers, this projection represents a third major source of cerebellar afferents based on its dense and widespread distribution as well as its morphological and chemical characteristics.  相似文献   

Afferent connection to lateral vestibular nucleus (LVN) was examined using retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). When HRP was microiontophoretically applied to the immediate vicinity of the LVN neuron, which monosynaptically fired spike upon VIIIth cranial nerve stimulation, HRP-labelled cells were observed in the ipsilateral lateral reticular nucleus, bilateral gigantocellular nucleus, and contralateral dorsal cap and beta-nucleus of inferior olive in addition to various parts of cerebellum.  相似文献   

Anterograde and retrograde transport techniques were used to study the connexions between different subdivisions of the auditory cortex and thalamus with the thalamic reticular nucleus in the prosimian, Galago. In particular, the goal was to determine whether the primary auditory nucleus, GMv, and its cortical target, area I of the auditory cortex (A I), project to a different region of the auditory sector of the reticular nucleus from the secondary auditory nuclei, GMmc and Po and their cortical targets outside A I. The results show that the projections to and from the auditory sector are indeed segregated: injections of wheatgerm agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase into either GMmc or Po labelled cells and terminals along the medial, lateral and ventral borders of the auditory sector, forming a U-shaped pattern. Projections from area II of the auditory cortex produced almost an identical pattern of the terminal labelling in the auditory sector. In contrast, injections into GMv-labelled cells and terminals in the centre region of the auditory sector, in the 'interior' of the U-shaped region. Projections from A I were distributed to both the U-shaped border region and the central core of the auditory sector probably because A I received projections from GMmc, Po and GMv. The significance of these results depends on a comparison between the auditory and visual sectors of the reticular nucleus. Both sectors are divided into tiers or subsectors-one related to the primary relay nucleus, i.e. GLd or GMv, and the other related to the secondary relay nuclei, i.e. pulvinar nucleus, GMmc, Po, etc.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the arborisations and terminations of individual thalamocortical axons in the motor system of the rat. Small, extracellular injections of an anterograde tracer (dextran-biotin) were made into the ventrolateral (VL) or ventral posterolateral (VPL) thalamic nuclei to label thalamocortical projections. Eleven motor axons and one somatosensory axon were reconstructed through serial sections just rostral from the injection site to their terminations in sensorimotor cortex. The smallest arbor arising from a single motor axon extended approximately 0.9 mm rostrocaudal and 0.9 mm mediolateral, the largest extended 3.9 mm rostrocaudal and 1.0 mm mediolateral. In some cases, two distinct plexuses of terminals were formed by an axon. In addition, motor axons formed terminals in cortical layer V only or in layers I, III, and V. By contrast (and in keeping with previous reports), the somatosensory axon formed a single plexus of terminals in layer IV of the cortex that extended approximately 0.3 mm rostrocaudal and 0.4 mm mediolateral. It is concluded that individual motor thalamocortical neurones are in a position to influence much more widespread cortical regions than somatosensory thalamocortical neurones. J. Comp. Neurol. 396:121–130, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

C.-T. Yen  E.G. Jones   《Brain research》1983,280(1):148-154
Neurons and axons responding to somesthetic stimulation in the thalamic ventrobasal complex (VB) were characterized electrophysiologically by intracellular recording and then individually injected with horseradish peroxidase. Two types of thalamocortical relay neuron were identified, primarily on the basis of dendritic morphology and axon diameter. Types with cutaneous or deep receptive fields were found in each class. Neither type had collateral axons in VB but each gave branches to the thalamic reticular nucleus (RTN). Small putative interneurons in VB and RTN neurons with somatosensory receptive fields were also injected. The RTN neurons had profusely branched widely ramifying axons in VB and adjoining nuclei. Injected medial lemniscal axons in VB had a range of receptive field properties and conduction velocities and ended in elongated anteroposterior domains with one or more dense concentrations of terminal boutons of varying size and with varying numbers of boutons.  相似文献   

The topographical distribution of the cortical afferent connections to the different subdivisions of the motor cortex (MC) was studied in adult cats. The retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase technique was used. Small single injections of the enzyme were made in the entire MC, including the hidden regions in the depth of the sulcus cruciatus. The areal location and density of the subsequent thalamic neuronal labeling were evaluated in each case. Comparison of the results obtained in the various cases shows that the following: (1) The ventral anterior-ventral lateral complex is the principal thalamic source of afferents to the MC. (2) The ventral medial, dorsal medial, the different components of the posterior thalamic group (lateral, medial, and ventral posteroinferior and suprageniculate nuclei), and the intralaminar, lateral anterior, lateral intermediate, lateral medial, and anteromedial thalamic nuclei are also thalamic sites in which neural projections to the MC arise. (3) The thalamocortical projections to the MC are sequentially organized. The connections arising from the lateral part of the thalamus end in the region of area 4 that is situated medially in the superior lip of the sulcus cruciatus and in the posterior sigmoid gyrus. The projections originating in the most medial thalamic regions terminate in that region of area 6a beta which is located in the medial part of the inferior lip of the cruciate sulcus, and in the anterior sigmoid gyrus. Moreover, the ventral thalamic areas send connections to the most anteriorly located zones of the MC, while the most dorsal thalamic ones project to the most posteriorly located parts of the MC. (4) This shift in the thalamocortical connections is not restrained by cytoarchitectonic boundaries, either in the thalamus or in the cortex. (5) The populations of thalamocortical cells which project to neighboring MC subdivisions exhibit consistent overlapping among themselves. (6) These findings suggest, moreover, that the basal ganglia and the cerebellar projections to the MC through the thalamus are arranged in a number of parallel pathways, which may occasionally overlap.  相似文献   

Attempts were made to determine the afferent and efferent connections of the medial (MVN), inferior (IVN) and lateral (LVN) vestibular nuclei (VN) in the cat and monkey using retrograde and anterograde axoplasmic transport technics. Injections of HRP and [3H]amino acids were made selectively into MVN, IVN and LVN and into: (1) MVN and IVN, (2) LVN and IVN and (3) all 4 VN. Contralateral afferents to MVN arise from (1) the nuclei prepositus (NPP) and intercalatus (NIC), (2) all parts of MVN and cell group 'y' and (3) parts of the superior vestibular nucleus (SVN), IVN and the fastigial nucleus (FN). Ipsilateral projections to MVN arise from: (1) a central band of the flocculus and the nodulus and uvula, (2) the interstitial nucleus of Cajal (INC), and (3) visceral nuclei of the oculomotor nuclear complex (OMC). Efferent projections of MVN are to: (1) the ipsilateral supraspinal nucleus (SSN), and (2) the contralateral central cervical nucleus (CCN), MVN, SVN, cell group 'y', the rostroventral region of LVN, the trochlear nucleus (TN) and the INC. Projections to the abducens nuclei (AN) and the OMC are bilateral. Some ascending fibers in the cat cross within the OMC. In the monkey fibers from MVN end in a central band of the ipsilateral flocculus. Afferents to IVN arise ipsilaterally from SVN, the nodulus, the uvula and the anterior lobe vermis. Contralateral afferents arise from: (1) parts of CCN, MVN, SVN, IVN and cell group 'y' and (2) the central third of the FN. IVN receives bilateral projections from the perihypoglossal nuclei (PH) and the visceral nuclei of the OMC. Efferents from IVN project: (1) ipsilaterally to nucleus beta of the inferior olive, (2) contralaterally to parts of MVN, SVN and cell group 'y' and (3) bilaterally to the paramedian reticular nuclei. No commissural fibers interconnect cell groups 'f' and 'x'. Ascending fibers from IVN terminate contralaterally in the TN and the OMC. In the monkey fibers from IVN terminate in the ipsilateral nodulus, uvula and anterior lobe vermis; no fibers project to FN in either the cat or the monkey. Afferents to the LVN arise primarily from the ipsilateral anterior lobe vermis and bilaterally from rostral parts of the FN. No commissural fibers interconnect the LVN. Projections of the LVN are primarily to spinal cord via the vestibulospinal tract (VST); collaterals of the VST terminate in the lateral reticular nucleus (LRN). Ascending uncrossed projections from LVN in the cat terminate in the medial rectus subdivision of the OMC.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In the present study, the distribution and origin of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) were analyzed in the cat's cerebellum. Following incubation in an antibody generated against rat CGRP and processing with the peroxidase anti-peroxidase (PAP) technique, CGRP immunoreactivity (IR) is found in profiles that have morphological characteristics of both simple and complex mossy fibers. However, all mossy fibers are not CGRP-positive. Further, CGRP-IR mossy fibers have a heterogeneous distribution in the cerebellum. In the vermis, the majority of immunoreactive profiles are in lobules VII, VIII, and the dorsal folia of IX. In anterior vermal lobules, only scattered terminals, located primarily at the apex and along the shoulder of the folia, are present. Laterally, CGRP-IR mossy fibers are located in the paramedian lobule, paraflocculus, and crus II. No CGRP fibers or varicosities are observed in any of the cerebellar nuclei. However, CGRP-positive cell bodies are scattered throughout the nuclear neuropil. A double label technique revealed that CGRP-IR mossy fibers arise from neurons located in the lateral reticular nucleus, external cuneate nucleus, inferior vestibular nucleus, and basilar pons. The present findings, taken together with previous data, indicate that cerebellar afferents are chemically heterogeneous. The findings of the present study suggest that precerebellar nuclei that give rise to the mossy fibers that contain CGRP have the potential for playing a complex role in modulating circuitry in the cerebellar cortex of the cat.  相似文献   

It has been reported previously that neurons in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of cats with neonatal damage to visual cortex (KVC cats) have receptive fields that are abnormally large and that the receptive fields of these neurons sometimes do not appear to conform to the normal retinotopic order in the LGN. A primary aim of this study was to determine if these physiological abnormalities are related to inappropriate patterns of retinogeniculate connections. We therefore have analyzed the terminal arbors of retinogeniculate axons in adult cats that had received a lesion of visual cortex (areas 17, 18, and 19) on the day of birth. Single retinogeniculate axons were characterized physiologically and injected intracellularly with horseradish peroxidase. Consistent with earlier reports that neonatal removal of visual cortex results in a retrograde loss of retinal X-cells, all of the retinogeniculate axons that we recorded were from Y-cells. While the visual responses of these Y-cell axons were normal, the morphology of their terminal arbors in the LGN was abnormal. Retinal Y-cell axons in KVC cats have terminal fields in the A laminae of the LGN that are as large or larger than those of normal Y-cells. However, since the LGN in KVC cats is severely degenerated, single Y-cell arbors occupy a proportional volume of the LGN that is 12 times greater than normal. Thus an early lesion of visual cortex produces a severe mismatch between retinogeniculate axon arbor size and target size. Also, despite the normal size of retinogeniculate axon arbors in KVC cats, the number and density of terminal boutons are greatly decreased. Thus our morphological results suggest that the unusually large receptive fields of LGN cells in KVC cats and the relative lack of retinotopic precision in the LGN are due, at least in part, to anomalies in the relative size and distribution of retinogeniculate axon arbors that develop after neonatal removal of visual cortex.  相似文献   

The distributions of thalamic neurons projecting to the motor cortex and cortical area 3a were studied in cat by means of the retrograde double-labeling technique using Nuclear Yellow (NY) and Fast Blue (FB) as tracers. Following injection of NY and FB into the motor cortex and area 3a respectively, the NY-labeled neurons were found to be mainly located in ventrolateral (VL) nucleus and FB-labeled neurons in ventro-posterolateral nucleus (VPL). However, these two kinds of neurons were intermingled with each other in the border area between VL and VPL. A small number of neurons were double-labeled by both NY and FB. They were also distributed in the border area. Some of them could often be found in centromedian and parafascicular nuclei.  相似文献   

In recent studies, it has been reported that high-frequency stimulation restricted to A alpha beta fibers in man can be perceived as painful and evoke a nociceptive flexion reflex. These results would indicate that some patterns of activity in low-threshold mechanoreceptors can lead to painful sensations. Because of the theoretical importance of this question, the above studies were extended by recording the evoked neural activity with the technique of percutaneous microneurography. Painful sensations and the nociceptive reflex did not appear unless the evoked nerve response contained activity in A delta fibers. The results support the theory that painful sensations occur in normal man only when nociceptor afferents are activated.  相似文献   

Examination of the projection from area 2 of the sensory cortex to the motor cortex revealed substantial changes following lesion of the ventrolateral nucleus of the thalamus. These observed changes were as follows. (1) The polarity of the evoked potentials elicited by area 2 stimulation reversed in the depth of the motor cortex whereas in normal animals, there was no reversal. (2) The amplitude of area 2-elicited EPSPs in the motor cortical neurons became greater following the lesion of VL. (3) The shape of the observed EPSPs was characterized by multiple peaks whereas in normal animals, the EPSPs were generally smooth and monophasic. (4) Neurons receiving a short-latency input from area 2 were distributed throughout the depths of the motor cortex whereas in normal animals, they were located only in the upper layers (layers II and III). (5) Intracellular injection of HRP revealed that the neurons receiving short-latency input were not restricted to typical stellate type cells, but also included bipolar or bitufted neurons with elongated cell bodies and polarized arborizations. These neurons were located in the superficial (II and III) as well as in the deep (V) layer. It is concluded that the elimination of thalamic input resulted in the reinforcement of the corticocortical input to the motor cortex. The subsequently observed corticocortical projection extended to neurons did not originally innervated by the association fibers. The results suggested that functional recovery following thalamic lesion is partly due to reorganization of projections from the sensory cortex to the motor cortex.  相似文献   

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