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骶骨脊索瘤的临床特点及综合治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的介绍骶骨脊索瘤的临床特点并对其综合治疗的疗效和相关问题进行分析。方法对1999年12月~2006年12月收治的行以手术切除为主的综合治疗的40例骶骨脊索瘤病例进行回顾性分析。结果本组病例无术中死亡,术后肿瘤局部复发13例,复发率为32.5%,其中3例复发2次;发生肺部转移2例,转移发生率为5%。术后5年内共5例死亡,患者经过综合治疗后的术后5年生存率达87.5%。结论以手术切除为主、辅以术中化疗、术后放疗的综合治疗方法,对降低骶骨脊索瘤的局部复发率、延长患者生存期、提高患者生活质量有重要作用,是治疗骶骨脊索瘤的有效方法。  相似文献   

骶骨脊索瘤治疗的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
脊索瘤是一种较为少见的中低度恶性的原发性骨肿瘤,占原发恶性骨肿瘤的1%-4%。脊索瘤起源于胚胎残余脊索组织,好发于脊柱中轴的两端,其中骶尾部占40%-50%,颅底部占35%-40%,只有少数发生于其余椎体占15%-20%。脊索瘤起病隐匿,生长缓慢,多见于50-70岁,  相似文献   

脊索瘤是一种低度恶性肿瘤,起源于胚胎残余脊索组织,由星形细胞和液滴细胞组成,呈小叶状分布,小叶间有纤维间隔。1894年被Ribbert命名,几乎均发生在脊柱。脊索瘤占恶性骨肿瘤的4%,约50%的脊柱脊索瘤发生于骶骨,多数在40~70岁之间发病,偶见于儿童和青年[1~3]。由于骶骨脊索瘤早期症状隐匿,骶骨部位解剖关系复杂,临床发现时肿瘤常较大或已侵犯骶神经,给治疗带来很大困难[4、5]。笔者对最近几年的文献进行检索,综述如下。1发病特点骶骨脊索瘤生长较为缓慢,局部侵犯性强,较少发生远处转移[6、7]。Bergh[8]对39例骶骨脊索瘤病人行CT和MRI检查,…  相似文献   

目的 探讨颈椎脊索瘤的临床特点及外科治疗方法与疗效。方法 对1989年至2006年接受手术治疗的8例颈椎脊索瘤患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。男5例,女3例;年龄34-72岁,平均53.8岁。依据肿瘤的WBB分期,实施次全或全椎体切除术3例,矢状切除术2例,次全或全脊椎切除术2例,颈椎管内脊索瘤囊外摘除术1例。脊柱稳定性重建术中,取自体髂骨植骨5例,钛网内骨水泥填塞前路椎体支撑2例。术后行辅助放疗。结果 患者术后神经根性刺激症状较术前明显缓解或消失,颈髓压迫症状多有1-2个级别以上的改善。术后病理检查均可见典型“Physaliphorous细胞”。随访3~120个月,平均43.5个月。内固定物融合良好,植骨融合率100%。肿瘤局部复发4例,1例死于肿瘤复发后的高位截瘫并发症,全脊椎切除者未见复发迹象。7例未见远处转移,1例颈椎管内脊索瘤者既往有骶骨脊索瘤手术史,故考虑为原发骶骨脊索瘤继发硬膜下转移。结论 颈椎脊索瘤临床相对少见,早期症状不典型,诊断应重视CT和MR检查。全脊椎切除术结合术后局部放疗可降低局部复发率。  相似文献   

李帅  杨操 《中国矫形外科杂志》2011,19(15):1267-1269
骶骨肿瘤临床上相对罕见,发病率不高,原发性骶骨肿瘤病理类型多样,以脊索瘤、骨巨细胞瘤等最多见[1-2]。Muller(1858年)提出脊索瘤来源脊索细胞,以及Ribbert(1894)首先介绍了脊索瘤chordoma。脊索瘤起源于残留的脊索组织,但这受到Yamaguchi[4]的怀疑,他认为脊索瘤应该来源于良性的  相似文献   

目的:探讨胸、腰椎脊索瘤的临床特点和治疗方法。方法:对7例胸、腰椎脊索瘤患者的临床资料进行总结,根据WBB分期,实施椎体或全脊椎切除,其中囊内切除3例、扩大切除4例。结果:术后5例患者症状完全消失。1例T7、T8脊索瘤患者出现切口下缘顽固性疼痛,封闭后疼痛减轻。1例L1~L3脊索瘤全瘫患者,双下肢肌力恢复至2级。病理检查镜下均可见“印章样细胞环”和“合胞体”。术后平均随访5.2年,局部复发1例,无远处转移。结论:胸腰椎脊索瘤相对少见,临床表现不典型,容易误诊。“印章样细胞环”和“合胞体”是胸、腰椎脊索瘤的典型病理表现。全脊椎切除肿瘤能降低局部复发率。  相似文献   

骶骨脊索瘤的手术治疗结果评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
例出现局部复发(42.5%).28例第2~3次手术的患者中,再次复发者18例(64.3%).51例患者共进行79次手术,25例次(31.6%)术后出现伤口并发症.11例次(13.9%)患者术后出现脑脊液漏.结论 骶骨脊索瘤为低度恶性局部侵袭性强的肿瘤,广泛切除是治疗骶骨脊索瘤的关键.S3以下的肿瘤可行广泛切除,对于累及S3以上的肿瘤为最大限度的保留神经功能,采用切刮术加高压冲洗可以有效地降低局部复发率.  相似文献   

颅内脊索瘤及其手术治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

目的 探讨发生于颅内脊索瘤的临床表现、影像学特点、组织学类型、手术方法、辅助治疗及远期预后.方法 回顾性总结分析67例颅内脊索瘤患者的临床资料,并介绍2例斜坡复发脊索瘤.结果 发生于颅底鞍斜区的脊索瘤临床表现复杂,主要表现为颅内站位效应及肿瘤对周围神经损害,首发症状以头痛、视力下降、耳鸣、耳聋及后组颅神经受损症状为主,病理分型:普通型即经典型脊索瘤56例,软骨型脊索瘤8例,去分化型3例.影像学表现67例患者均行CT及MRI检者表现为欠规则肿块影,以膨胀性生长为主,颅底多有骨质破坏肿块与周围软组织边界清楚,2、5年复发率为37.3%、67.1%.结论 手术治疗为主要方法,但术后复发率高,根据病变位置、涉及范围选择不同手术人路,必要时联合入路可增加全切几率,尽可能全切除肿瘤对预后至关重要,术后放疗可延缓肿瘤复发时间、减少复发率.  相似文献   

Chordoma is a relatively rare, locally aggressive tumor which is known to arise from embryonic remnants of the notochord and to occur exclusively along the spinal axis, with a predilection for the sacrum. Although chordoma typically presents as a single lesion, a few cases of metastasis have been reported and the prognosis of such patients may be poor. Chordomas are slowly growing tumors with insidious onset of symptoms, making early diagnosis difficult. Recent improvements in imaging have provided valuable information for early diagnosis. The optimal treatment for sacral chordoma is en bloc sacral resection with wide surgical margins. Improvement in surgical techniques has widened the opportunities to provide effective treatment. However, the effects of adjuvant treatment options are still both unclear and controversial. Substantial progress has been made in the study of molecular‐targeted therapy. The authors review the current surgical and adjuvant treatment modalities, including molecular‐targeted therapy, available for management of sacral chordoma.  相似文献   

目的 探讨不同颅面入路治疗颅底沟通性脊索瘤的入路选择和显微手术方法.方法 手术治疗并经病理证实的颅底沟通性脊索瘤22例.采用颅面入路或联合入路显微手术切除,包括扩大的前颅底入路8例,改良Weber-Ferguson入路8例,下颌入路6例.其中部分向颅内生长明显的沟通性肿瘤,联合经颅手术,包括翼点入路3例,颞颧入路1例,枕下乙状窦后入路2例.对患者预后进行长期随访.结果 肿瘤全切除10例,次全切除7例,大部切除4例,部分切除1例.肿瘤全切除或次全切除占77.3%.术后无死亡和严重神经功能障碍患者.术后脑脊液漏1例,伤口感染1例,动眼神经不全麻痹2例,展神经麻痹1例.本组中20例进行了随访,随访1~10年,平均3.4年.恢复正常工作或部分工作12例,不能工作但能生活自理5例,生活不能自理1例,死于肿瘤复发2例.结论 颅底沟通性脊索瘤侵犯范围广泛,应争取手术尽可能全切.根据肿瘤的不同部位和生长方向,选择不同入路或联合入路.显微外科手术可提高切除率、降低并发症,同时应注意硬脑膜的修补和颅底的重建.  相似文献   

报告了15例脊索瘤的临床及病理表现。发生于骶骨12例,蝶骨、枕骨及腰椎骨各1例。临床明确诊断为脊索瘤者8例,余均诊断为其它良、恶性肿瘤。应用计算机图像分析仪,对10例脊索瘤的诊断性"液滴样细胞"进行了测定,包括细胞及细胞核的面积(A)、周长(PER)、等圆直径(CD)、最大径(MX),并计算出平均值和标准差,从而客观地记录了细胞的形态特征,为光镜下诊断脊索瘤提供了量化指标。  相似文献   

Metastasizing chordoma of the lumbar spine   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  



Chordomas are rare but aggressive tumors due to local recurrence and distant metastases. They originate commonly in the sphenooccipital and sacrococcygeal regions, and metastasize to the lungs, bone, skin, liver, and lymph nodes. They occur more frequently in men and people over the age of 40.


A 28 year-old female presented with sacrococcygeal chordoma for which she received wide local excision and adjuvant radiation therapy. She enjoyed an unusual disease-free survival for 11 years until a routine surveillance scan of the pelvis identified local recurrence. Further work up revealed bilateral pulmonary metastases. She underwent local excision of the recurrent tumor and video-assisted thoracoscopic (VATS) wedge resection of pulmonary metastases. She also received adjuvant radiation therapy to the recurrent resection bed. Two years later, she remains free of disease and symptoms.


Chordomas are commonly insensitive to chemotherapy and radiation, making surgery the most successful therapeutic modality. However, there are few guidelines on the surveillance and treatment of recurrent chordoma. We report success with aggressive surgical resection of recurrence and metastasis as well as adjuvant radiation therapy.


The prolonged survival of our patient underscores the importance of (1) aggressive surgical resection of chordoma, whether primary, recurrent, or metastatic, with adjuvant radiation therapy, (2) minimization of surgical seeding of tumor, and (3) diligent cancer surveillance.  相似文献   

三阴性乳腺癌是一类特殊类型的乳腺癌,由于缺乏治疗靶点,化疗是目前主要的治疗方法。三阴性乳腺癌患者接受新辅助治疗并获得病理完全缓解,则预后明显改善。目前三阴性乳腺癌新辅助治疗方案仍以蒽环类药物和紫杉类药物化疗为主,但随着对三阴性乳腺癌分子本质认识的深入,新辅助治疗方案不断地获得探索和优化,包括铂类药物的优化,免疫检查点抑制剂、多聚二磷酸腺苷核糖聚合酶抑制剂的使用,均获得较好效果。  相似文献   

目的 探讨胰腺实性假乳头状瘤(solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas,SPTP)的诊治经验.方法 对2003年6月至2010年1月济南军区总医院收治的12例胰腺实性假乳头状瘤病人的临床资料进行回顾性分析.结果 12例中女性10例,中位年龄29岁;术前确诊6例,确诊率50%...  相似文献   


Background Context

Sacral chordoma is a rare entity with high local recurrence rates when complete resection is not achieved. To date, there are no series available in literature combining surgery and intraoperative radiotherapy (IORT).


The objective of this study was to report the experience of our center in the management of sacral chordoma combining radical resection with both external radiotherapy and IORT.

Study Design

This is a retrospective case series.

Patient Sample

The patient sample included 15 patients with sacral chordoma resected in our center from 1998 to 2015.

Outcome Measures

The outcome measures were overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS), and rates of local and distant recurrences.


We retrospectively reviewed the records of all the patients with sacral chordoma resected in our center from 1998 to December 2015. Overall survival, DFS, and rates of local and distant recurrences were calculated. Results between patients treated with or without IORT were compared.


A total of 15 patients were identified: 8 men and 7 women. The median age was 59 years (range 28–77). Intraoperative radiotherapy was applied in nine patients and six were treated with surgical resection without IORT. In 13 patients, we performed the treatment of the primary tumor, and in two patients, we performed the treatment of recurrence disease. A posterior approach was used in four patients. Wide surgical margins (zero residue) were achieved in six patients, marginal margins (microscopic residue) were achieved in seven patients, and there were no patients with intralesional (R2) margins. At a median follow-up of 38 months (range 11–209 months), the 5-year OS in the IORT group was 100% versus 53% in the group of non-IORT (p=.05). The median DFS in the IORT group was 85 months, and that in the non-IORT group was 41 months. In the group without IORT, two patients died and nobody died during the follow-up in the group treated with IORT. High–sacrectomy treated patients had a median survival of 41 months, and low–sacrectomy treated patients had a median survival of 90 months. Disease-free survival in patients without gluteal involvement was 100% at 5 years, and that in patients with gluteal involvement was 40%. All patients with a recurrence in our study had gluteal involvement.


Multidisciplinary management of sacral chordoma seems to improve local control. The use of IORT, in our experience, is associated with an increase in OS and DFS. The level of resection and gluteal involvement seems to affect survival. The posterior approach is useful in selected cases. Multicenter studies should be performed to confirm the utility of IORT.  相似文献   

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