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The patient in this report had a parasagittal meningioma with an intrasinus extension that presented with features of benign intracranial hypertension and no focal neurological deficit or seizure. The meningioma was managed with a combination of endovascular stent placement and radiotherapy. The authors describe the investigation and technical aspects of stent placement for the stenosed sinus. Good symptomatic relief in the patient was achieved.  相似文献   

A 70-year-old woman with an asymptomatic parasagittal meningioma had been under observation with follow-up imaging for 2 years. She gradually developed motor weakness in the left hand. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging disclosed a newly developed well-enhanced area in the cerebral parenchyma adjacent to the stable original meningioma. The new lesion was enhanced more intensely and less well demarcated. We suspected that the meningioma had enlarged into the brain parenchyma, although MR imaging suggested a border between the extra-axial and intra-axial portions. Craniotomy was performed. Two separate tumors were identified with quite different histological features. The extra-axial tumor was identified as benign transitional meningioma and the intra-axial tumor as diffuse large cell type malignant lymphoma. Immunostaining revealed the lymphoma had B cell origin. After surgical resection, stereotactic radiosurgery was performed for the residual lymphoma. The original site of the lymphoma remained free from relapse, but another lesion developed in the right frontal lobe 3 months later and chemotherapy was performed. The main concern for follow-up imaging of asymptomatic meningioma without surgical resection is growth of the meningioma. However, development of new different tumors is possible, although thought to be rare.  相似文献   

目的探讨黄色肉芽肿性胆囊炎的CT、MR影像学表现。方法收集2017年1月至2021年8月中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院经病理证实的黄色肉芽肿性胆囊炎21例,回顾性分析其CT、MR影像表现。结果共收集21例患者,其中男13例,女8例,年龄28~69岁,平均55岁。行CT增强扫描14例,行MR增强扫描13例,MR平扫3例,均行CT及MR扫描9例。胆囊壁增厚18例(86.00%),其中弥漫性、均匀性增厚9例(50.00%),弥漫性、不均匀性增厚4例(22.22%),局限性增厚5例(27.78%),胆囊壁无增厚3例(14.29%)。肌层均匀强化者13例(72.22%),肌层不均匀强化者3例(16.67%)。胆囊壁内结节8例(38.10%)。胆囊黏膜线连续者18例(85.71%),中断者3例(14.29%)。浸润邻近结构9例(42.86%),边界清楚者12例(57.15%)。周围见肿大淋巴结4例(19.05%)。合并胆囊或胆管结石的有15例(71.43%),其中导致胆道梗阻的有9例(60.00%)。结论胆囊壁增厚、胆囊肌层均匀强化、胆囊壁内结节及胆囊黏膜线连续是黄色肉芽肿性胆囊炎较有特征的影像学表现。  相似文献   

目的探讨黄色肉芽肿性胆囊炎的CT、MR影像学表现。方法收集2017年1月至2021年8月中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院经病理证实的黄色肉芽肿性胆囊炎21例,回顾性分析其CT、MR影像表现。结果共收集21例患者,其中男13例,女8例,年龄28~69岁,平均55岁。行CT增强扫描14例,行MR增强扫描13例,MR平扫3例,均行CT及MR扫描9例。胆囊壁增厚18例(86.00%),其中弥漫性、均匀性增厚9例(50.00%),弥漫性、不均匀性增厚4例(22.22%),局限性增厚5例(27.78%),胆囊壁无增厚3例(14.29%)。肌层均匀强化者13例(72.22%),肌层不均匀强化者3例(16.67%)。胆囊壁内结节8例(38.10%)。胆囊黏膜线连续者18例(85.71%),中断者3例(14.29%)。浸润邻近结构9例(42.86%),边界清楚者12例(57.15%)。周围见肿大淋巴结4例(19.05%)。合并胆囊或胆管结石的有15例(71.43%),其中导致胆道梗阻的有9例(60.00%)。结论胆囊壁增厚、胆囊肌层均匀强化、胆囊壁内结节及胆囊黏膜线连续是黄色肉芽肿性胆囊炎较有特征的影像学表现。  相似文献   

Pulmonary meningioma. Immunohistochemical and ultrastructural features   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two cases of solitary primary pulmonary tumors showing the immunohistochemical and ultrastructural features of meningothelial meningiomas are presented. The benign clinical and radiologic course, the negative computed tomography scan of the brain (case 1), and negative neuropathologic investigation (case 2) support the diagnosis of a primary pulmonary meningioma rather than a metastazing malignant intracranial meningioma. Negative neuroendocrine markers (neuron-specific enolase, chromogranin, bombesin) and the lack of neurosecretory granules by electron microscopy confirm the diagnosis of this rare pulmonary tumor.  相似文献   

Primary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) of the skull with extra- and intracranial extension without systemic or skeletal manifestation in a non-immunocompromised patient is extremely rare. Up to date, only nine such cases have been reported in the literature and in none was the lesion located in the midline. The authors report a unique case of a primary NHL involving the midline of the cranium. The lesion presented as a slowly growing scalp swelling mimicking a parasagittal meningioma. The angiographic findings of mild vascularity in the periphery of the tumor and downward displacement of a patent superior sagittal sinus indicated that the lesion was unlikely to be a meningioma. Neurosurgeons must maintain a broad differential diagnosis in any patient with a scalp mass eroding through the skull and associated neurological symptoms or signs. An intraoperative frozen section is recommended since the identification of a lymphoma is likely to influence the neurosurgeon's decision about the extent of the surgical excision.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of intracranial meningiomas with computed tomography (CT) is usually easy. However, some authors have reported cases preoperatively misdiagnosed because of atypical computed tomographic features. We report a case of non-cystic meningioma presenting a ring enhanced mass lesion, with CT scan. A 48-year-old male was admitted to our hospital on January 5, 1987, because of progressive monoparesis of his left lower limb. This had continued for 1 1/2 years. Neurological examination revealed monoparesis, hypesthesia and decreased deep sensation of the left lower limb. X-ray films of the skull appeared normal. A CT scan demonstrated a ring-like high density mass attached to the falx in the right frontoparietal area with perifocal low density. The ring-like high density was irregularly increased with contrast enhancement. Right carotid angiograms showed a doughnut like tumor stain without meningeal blood supply. Brain scintigrams revealed a dense round hot lesion in the frontoparietal area at 5 minutes, and the hot lesion was still visualized after 90 minutes. We diagnosed a cystic parasagittal meningioma. A right frontoparietal craniotomy was performed, and total removal of the parasagittal tumor was made. The center of the tumor was very soft but it could not be said that it was not cystic. Histologically the tumor was a meningotheliomatous meningioma. The center of the tumor, which was very soft, was necrotic with arteriolar hyalinization. The meningioma cells survived around the patent vessels. These intact meningioma cells were scattered like islands in extensive necrosis. This is so called "oasis phenomenon" indicating that the necrosis of the tumor was caused by intratumoral ischemia.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

OBJECT: The aim of this study was to determine the clinicopathological features of patients with intracranial bleeding from unsuspected meningioma and to relate these data to surgery-related outcome. METHODS: The authors report on two cases in which hemorrhage of an unsuspected meningioma occurred in the tentorial ridge and in the falx, and they discuss the details of 143 cases described in the literature. A bleeding propensity index of the meningioma, related to the patient's age, sex, and the lesion's intracranial location and histological type was computed as a ratio between the frequencies of bleeding meningioma and all meningiomas. This was tested by independent samples t-test for proportions. A chi-square test was used to determine the correlations between several variables: location and type of bleeding; survival and type of bleeding; and consciousness and survival. Increased bleeding tendency was found to be associated with two age groups (< 30 years and > 70 years), convexity and intraventricular locations, and fibrous meningiomas. The overall mortality rate documented in cases of bleeding meningiomas was 21.1% (13.9% in the computerized tomography [CT] scanning era), and that in surgically treated cases was 9.5% (7.5% in the CT scanning era). The overall major morbidity rate was 36% (33.8% in the CT scanning era). Overall 96.2% of conscious patients survived after their meningiomas spontaneously hemorrhaged. In patients who were unconscious before surgery, overall mortality rate was 74.1%, and that in surgically treated cases was 46.2%. CONCLUSIONS: The mortality rate in preoperatively conscious patients (those in whom acute deterioration and irreversible brain damage were prevented by early diagnosis and definitive surgery) was similar (< 3% in the CT scanning era) to that documented in cases in which meningiomas did not bleed. In contrast, the associated morbidity rates were much higher. One-stage total removal of the hemorrhagic meningioma and hematoma is the treatment of choice in such patients.  相似文献   

Clinical and radiological features that help predict the growth potential of meningioma would be beneficial. The purpose of this study is to clarify the characteristics related to proliferating potential using the MIB-1 staining index. We analyzed the relationship of MIB-1 staining indices to characteristics of 342 consecutive patients with meningioma surgically removed between 1995 and 2004 by logistic regression analysis. One hundred and forty-nine of the patients with meningioma were ≥60 in age; 89 male; 48 recurrent; 203 symptomatic; 157 at the skull base; 124 over 20 cm3; 24 multiple; 136 with edema; 117 with calcification. The MIB-1 staining index in 56 of 296 grade I meningiomas in WHO classification was3.0; in 27 of 28 grade II; and in 17 of 18 grade III, respectively. Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that male (odds ratio [OR], 2.374, p=0.003), recurrence (OR, 7.574, p=0.0001), skull base (OR, 0.540, p=0.035), calcification (OR, 0.498, p=0.019) were independent risk factors for a high MIB-1 staining index (≥3.0); age, symptomatic, volume, multiple, edema were not. Male, recurrence, non-skull base, absence of calcification are independent risk factors for a high proliferative potential. These should be taken into consideration when managing meningiomas.  相似文献   

Total removal is reported of a parasaggital meningioma that invaded the lateral wall and lateral recess of the posterior third of the superior sagittal sinus. The operation was performed by using a silicone rubber non-collapsible tube with an inflatable balloon cuff at each end for the bypass of the sinus blood, and entailed repair of the defect in the sinus wall by a saphenous vein graft. The clinical results and angiographic findings are presented.  相似文献   

The authors describe a case of a completely intrinsic brain tumor which was resected totally and which proved to be a meningioma. In correlation with this anatomic diversity, the MRI findings also significantly differed from that of the known radiologic features of classical meningioma.  相似文献   

We report a rare case of microcystic meningioma presenting with atypical neuroradiological features. A 76-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital in October, 1996 because of head heaviness without obvious neurological deficits. Previous CT scan in 1989 revealed no abnormality, but a subsequent scan in 1992 showed a low-density area in the right frontal region. Since then the patient has been followed up as a case of cerebral infarction. At the time of the current admission, CT scan disclosed the low-density area as having grown to the size of 4 cm and heterogeneously enhanced after injection of contrast medium. On MRI the mass lesion was depicted as low-intensity on T1-weighted image and high-intensity on T2-weighted image. The mass was heterogeneously enhanced after administration of Gd-DTPA. Right internal and external carotid angiograms revealed neither tumor feeder nor tumor stain. Craniogram showed neither hyperostosis nor bone erosion, and yet bone scintigram demonstrated markedly increased uptake involving the right frontal bone near the tumor. At surgery the tumor was found to have originated from the dura in the right frontal convexity, which was well demarcated and separated from the surrounding brain tissue. Total removal designated as Simpson grade I procedure was accomplished. Light microscopy revealed abundant microcysts of varied size throughout the tumor tissue with the presence of whorl formation and psammoma body, but no malignancy was indicated. Electron microscopy further demonstrated interdigitation of the neighboring cell membranes, desmosomes, and intracytoplasmic filaments, which are pathognomonic findings of meningiomas. The microcysts were seen to reside in the extracellular spaces rather than in the cytoplasm. With these pathological findings, the tumor was finally diagnosed as microcystic meningioma.  相似文献   

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