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The authors demonstrate that resting CD56+/CD3 NK cell adhesion to the endothelial VCAM-1 is over three-fold higher than CD56/CD3 + T-cell adhesion. T-cell, but not NK-cell adhesion, to VCAM-1 is enhanced significantly by stimulation. The expression of VCAM-I receptor subunits α4 and β1 on both effector cells remains unchanged upon stimulation. A subpopulation of NK cells, as well as of T cells, was found to express β7, whose expression was not altered upon stimulation. The authors conclude that the adhesive properties of the same receptor structures on these distinct cell populations are regulated in a different manner, according to the specific functions of the effector cells of the immune system.  相似文献   

Problem  Chlamydia trachomatis causes STI and reproductive dysfunction worldwide which is not preventable with antibiotics. Identifying a population of endocervical T cells to target in vaccine development would enhance efficacy.
Method of study  Trafficking of murine CD4+ lymphocytes to Chlamydia muridarum infected genital tract (GT) tissue in vivo was measured using adoptive transfer studies of fluorescent CD4+ T cells from integrin β7−/− mice or mice which lack E-selectin on endothelial cells.
Results  Murine in vivo migration studies showed that lack of α4β7 or E-selectin significantly reduced trafficking of CD4 T cells to the GT of mice infected with C. muridarum .
Conclusion  CD4+ T cells use at least two different adhesive mechanisms involving an integrin of the mucosal homing pathway and selectin pathway to accumulate in the GT during C .  muridarum infection.  相似文献   

A revived interest in intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) has been elicited by several recent reports suggesting that murine and avian intestinal epithelium contains mainly CD3+CD8+ cells expressing the gamma/delta T-cell receptor (TcR) for antigen; this contrasts with systemically distributed T cells which preferentially employ the TcR alpha/beta. An anatomical dichotomy in the distribution of these two T-cell lineages has hence been proposed. Here we report that this concept does not hold true in man. In situ studies with monoclonal TcR-framework antibodies showed that most (70-90%) human intestinal IEL (which are mainly CD3+CD8+) expressed TcR alpha/beta. Moreover, almost half of the intraepithelial CD3+ cells were positive for the smallest (180 kDa) CD45 molecule (UCHL1); this probably reflected that they are antigen-primed and thus represent traditional CD3+CD8+ alpha/beta+ memory T cells.  相似文献   

We investigated gut permeability to human α-lactalbumin (ALA) and bovine β-lactoglobulin (BLG) in 20 infants from birth to 8 months or until weaning, before which they were on a strictly cow's-milk-free diet. We measured the proteins with a sensitive, solid-phase, double-sandwich immunofluorometric assay. Median (range) levels of serum ALA on days 3-4 after birth, and at 1 and 2 months of age were 31 (12-225), 6 (0–55), and 2 (0–16) μg/1 serum per g ALA given per kg body weight, respectively. At 3, 5, and 8 months of age, only trace amounts of ALA were found. One week after weaning, serum BLG was found in 5/13 infants (38%) and at 2 weeks in 3/14 infants (21°0), with median concentrations of 7 and 4 μg/1 serum per g BLG given per kg body weight, respectively. No ALA could be detected in any of these samples. In absorption of ALA, the four infants who had allergic symptoms did not differ from those without symptoms. Thus, systemic absorption of ALA and BLG does occur in infants. Absorption of ALA is greatest after birth, when 3 × 104 (median) of the given antigens are absorbed, but absorption decreases rapidly. The gut may often be transiently permeable to BLG when cow's-milk-based formula is started.  相似文献   

Identification of αβ and γδ T Cell Receptor-Positive Cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two lineages of T lymphocytes bearing the CD3 antigen can be defined on the basis of the nature of the heterodimeric receptor chain (alpha beta or gamma delta T cell receptor (TCR) expressed. Precise identification of alpha beta and gamma delta TCR+ cells is essential when studying the tissue distribution and function of these different T cells. In immunofluorescence studies gamma delta TCR+ cells have been identified as CD3+WT-31- or CD3+CD4-CD8- cells. However, this may not be the optimal procedure because gamma delta TCR+ cells are weakly WT-31+, and some are CD8+. The aim of this study was to evaluate a panel of monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) directed against different chains of the TCR-T3 complex for a more precise identification of alpha beta+ and gamma delta TCR+ cells in flow cytometric studies. We found that the MoAb anti-Ti-gamma A and delta-TCS-1, recognizing the TCR-gamma and the TCR-delta chain respectively, only reacted with a subpopulation of gamma delta TCR+ cells, whereas another TCR-delta chain recognizing MoAb anti-TCR-delta 1 reacted with all gamma delta TCR+ cells. All MoAb reported to belong to the CD3 group reacted with both alpha beta TCR+ and gamma delta TCR+ cells as expected. Our results indicate that all gamma delta TCR+ cells can be identified with the MoAb anti-TCR-delta 1. Because no MoAb recognizing the TCR-alpha or TCR-beta chains at the cell surface of intact cells are yet available, we suggest that alpha beta TCR+ cells could be identified as CD3+ anti-TCR-delta 1-cells.  相似文献   

The ganglioside GD3 has a variety of biological functions. These include stimulatory effects is on proliferation, natural killer activity and cytokine production by freshly isolated peripheral T cells. In this study we have characterized anti-GD3 antibody (MoAb Z21) mediated effects on T cell clones. Our data indicate that α/β TCR CD4+ and CD8+ as well as γ/δ TCR positive T cells can be stimulated resulting in proliferation and cytokine production. This effect could be blocked by cyclosporin A and did not involve the LFA-3 or CD4 molecule. Apart from IFN-γ and IL-2 production by T helper I and T helper 0 cells we have observed production of IL-4 and IL-10 by T helper 2 cells indicating that the GD3 molecule is not a marker for a certain functional T cell subset. In contrast to anti-CD3 mediated activation, the responsiveness of T cells to stimulation via GD3 was dependent on the cell surface expression of the molecule and could be enhanced by costimulation via CD2, CD3, CD26 or CD28. In addition, anti-GD3 antibodies delivered a potent costimulatory signal for antigen-induced proliferation of CD4+ T lymphocytes. In summary, our experiments illuminate the mechanisms of anti-GD3 antibody induced T cell activation.  相似文献   

Gamma/delta TCR bearing T lymphocytes represent a T-cell subset whose functional relevance remains unclear. Nevertheless these T cells may play a role in the early immune reponse against bacteria. Until now the regulatory mechanisms on this response have not been investigated. The study described here evaluated the immunoregulatory effects of Interleukin-10 on γ/δ and α/β TCR-positive T-cell clones and freshly isolated peripheral-blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). IL-10 has been shown previously to inhibit lectin and antigen-induced proliferation and cytokine production by α/β T cells. The results outlined below show that rhIL-10 strongly inhibits lectin-induced production of IFN-γ, TNF-α. IL-2, and to a lesser degree proliferation and IL-4 production of both T-cell subsets. As IL-10 did not inhibit proliferation but at the same time strongly suppressed cytokine production in various experiments, the hypothesis that it could function as a growth factor for human T cells as has been described for murine thymoeytes was tested. The data demonstrate that, although the γ/δ T-cell clones tested do not produce IL-10 they can use it as a growth factor in combination with IL-2, IL-4 or alone. Furthermore, IL-10 has the same properties on human α/β T-cell clones and PBMC. In summary, it is shown that IL-10 has pleiotropic effects on γ/δ and α/β TCR+ T cells by inhibiting lectin-induced cytokine production and by acting as a growth factor for these cells alone or in combination with IL-2 or IL-4.  相似文献   

BMA031 is an IgG2b antibody directed towards the human alpha/beta T-cell receptor that is able to induce proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells independent of antibody crosslinking. The proliferative response to BMA031 during the first 3 days of culture is usually of similar magnitude to that induced by the IgG2a CD3 antibody OKT3 but decreases quickly afterwards. Stimulation by BMA031 induces no measurable IL-2 release, very low expression of the IL-2 receptor, and does not trigger cytotoxic effector function. However, cross-linking of the antibody or addition of IL-2 leads to enhanced and prolonged proliferation, strong IL-2 receptor expression, and cytotoxic activity, features that are usually found after stimulation by the IgG2a CD3 antibody OKT3 in soluble form. The stimulatory effect of BMA031 cannot be diminished by IL-2 receptor blocking, whereas stimulation by OKT3 is strongly reduced. Moreover, proliferation induced by BMA031 has lower sensitivity to inhibition by ciclosporin than OKT3. From these results two major conclusions can be drawn: (1) an IL-2-independent way of activation may be important for the short-term proliferation of the T cells stimulated by BMA031 and (2) after stimulation by BMA031, cells reach a state of activation that is different from that induced by OKT3. These differences are most likely related to the different specificities of the antibodies, alpha/beta TcR versus CD3, suggesting that different activation signals are triggered via CD3 and via the alpha/beta TcR.  相似文献   

Antigen recognition by T cells is the key event for the antigen specific immune responses to be triggered. This recognition is initiated by the binding of the T cell receptor (TCR) to antigen peptide/major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on the surface of the antigen presenting cells. TCR on most of the T cells is a heterodimer composed of α and β chains which are associated with CD3 γδε as well as ζ chains, the signal transmission molecules. The dynamics of this TCR complex upon antigen/MHC recognition, however, has not been well understood. In this paper the authors analyse the configuration of TCR complex on T cells from a TCR β chain gene transgenic mouse (TGM) strain. Unlike many other TGM strains reported, a considerable proportion of T cells from this TGM expresses both transgene-encoded (Vβ3) and endogenous TCR β chains on their surface. By immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting analysis of T cells stimulated with a superantigen, staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB), the authors found that Vβ3 was coprecipitated with Vβ8, demonstrating the clustering of TCR αβ upon superantigen/MHC recognition.  相似文献   

Problem  Chlamydia trachomatis causes sexually transmitted infection and reproductive dysfunction worldwide. Identifying a population of endocervical T-cells to target in vaccine development is likely to enhance efficacy of a vaccine and reduce reproductive tract dysfunction.
Method of study  Endocervical samples were obtained from young women and flow cytometric analysis was used to identify lymphocytes that appeared in the genital tract in response to sexually transmitted bacterial infections caused by C. trachomatis.
Results  Increased numbers of α4β7+CLA+ memory T-cells, a unique T-cell phenotype, were found in the endocervix of human female subjects infected with C. trachomatis .
Conclusion A unique population of memory T lymphocytes expressing both α4β7 and CLA gain access to reproductive tract tissues during a sexually transmitted infection with C. trachomatis and should be considered in development of vaccines against sexually transmitted infections.  相似文献   

We have studied the interaction of mitogenic lectins such as phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) and concanavalin A (Con A) with both surface molecules which, by the use of monoclonal antibodies, are known to trigger T-cell mitogenesis. Monoclonal antibodies recognizing the T-lymphocyte receptor for antigen (Ti) and/or its associated structure, CD3, activate T cells. More recently, a second pathway of activation has been described which involves the sheep erythrocyte binding glycoprotein CD2, a surface molecule distinct from Ti-CD3. Lysates from surface-iodinated T-leukaemia cell lines were treated with lectin and affinity purified anti-lectin antibodies coupled to protein A-Sepharose. We have shown that eluates from Con A/anti-Con A or PHA/anti-PHA immunoprecipitates contained Ti, since a rabbit anti-T alpha serum, which recognizes the native and denatured forms of the constant region of the alpha chain, immunoprecipitated Ti from these eluates. Furthermore, Ti immunoprecipitated by anti-T alpha serum from lysates of surface iodinated E+ lymphocytes was binding to PHA after elution from the immunoprecipitate. When the purified Ti molecule was reduced and alkylated, allowing the permanent dissociation of its alpha and beta subunits, PHA interacted with both chains, whereas anti-T alpha serum immunoprecipitated the alpha chain only. Altogether, these results demonstrate that PHA interacts with both chains of the T cell receptor for antigen on human peripheral T lymphocytes. With the HPB-ALL tumour line, a similar approach showed that both alpha and beta chains of Ti bind to Con A and Ulex europaeus 1 but not Helix pomatia. Affinity chromatography on immobilized lectins and immunoprecipitation with lectin/anti-lectin antibodies were employed to test whether CD2 binds to PHA and Con A. The results show that CD2 from human peripheral T lymphocytes binds both lectins but with a lower affinity for PHA than Con A.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion is crucial in the process of tumour progression. As integrins are important receptor molecules involved in cell adhesion, we studied the distribution of the α1-6, αv, αIIb, β1, β3, and β4 integrin subunits in tissue sections of common naevocellular naevi ( n =22), dysplastic naevi (16), thin (24) and thick primary cutaneous melanomas (28), and melanoma metastases (25). We found correlated expression of α1/α2, of α4/α5/β3, and of α6/β4. Decrease of α6 and β4, and increase of α4 and αv were found to be correlated with melanoma progression. Furthermore, expression of α5 and β3 was detected only in primary melanoma and melanoma metastasis. Our findings indicate that during melanoma progression alterations in integrin expression occur, the most striking being emergence of α5β1 fibronectin and αvβ3 vitonectin receptor.  相似文献   

The authors compared the phosphorylation-dependent signal transduction pathways involved in the regulation of adhesiveness of integrin LFA-1 with that of α4 integrins binding to VCAM-1. The authors developed an in vitro method to monitor changes in adhesiveness using a VCAM-1 fusion protein coupled to magnetic beads. For LFA-1, a similar method has previously been established using an ICAM-1 fusion protein. Binding of cells was monitored and found to be strictly integrin α4 and VCAM-1 dependent. The serine/threonine phosphatase inhibitors okadaic acid and calyculin A were equally potent in inhibiting binding to VCAM-1 as to ICAM-1, and inhibition of protein phosphatase-1 (PP1) is proposed to be the important denominator. Similarly, the phorbol ester PDBu, potentially stimulating protein phosphatase-1 and staurosporine, an inhibitor of serine/threonine kinases, enhanced adhesion to VCAM-1 as has previously been shown for ICAM-1. A major difference was that a significant portion of the binding to VCAM-1 was not susceptible to inhibition by drugs while binding to ICAM-1 could be completely inhibited. We propose that the adhesiveness of the α4 integrins for VCAM-1 and of LFA-1 for ICAM-1 is regulated by similar or identical protein kinases and phosphatases.  相似文献   

Integrin α6β4 is a major component of hemidesmosomes, considered to play a central role in the adhesion of basal epidermal cells to the underlying dermis. It is therefore of considerable interest in the study of the aetiology of inherited blistering disorders. We have examined the immunohistochemical characteristics of skin from 16 patients with epidermolysis bullosa using two antibodies directed against epitopes on the β4 subunit of αβ4 integrin (G71, 3E1), one antibody directed against an epitope on the α6 subunit (GoH3), GB3 an antibody for nicein, and LH7.2, an anti-collagen type VII antibody. All 10 patients with junctional epidermolysis bullosa showed markedly reduced or no immunoreactivity with G71. These patients included two with GB3-positive junctional epidermolysis bullosa associated with pyloric atresia, and four with other subtypes. By contrast, five patients with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa and one patient with epidermolysis bullosa simplex showed normal immunoreactivity with G71. In this study, G71 is shown to have a high specificity and sensitivity for the diagnosis of junctional epidermolysis bullosa. Immunoreactivity with 3E1 and GoH3 was normal in most patients, consistent with published reports showing normal immunoreactivity with other β4 and α6 subunit antibodies. The data suggest a modification of the β4 subunit of integrin α6β4 at the dermo-epidermal junction in junctional epidermolysis bullosa.  相似文献   

The development of mast cells from bone marrow precursors and their function as the mucosal- or connective-tissue-type mast cell are critically dependent on micro environmental factors. Extracellular matrix proteins, such as collagen, fibronectin, and laminin, may represent insoluble components of the microenvironment. Recent studies have described multiple isoforms of laminin isolated from different tissues. In the present study, adhesion of mouse bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMC) and long-term mast cell lines to Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) tumor laminin, rat laminin, human merosin, and human placental laminin was compared. The greatest level of adhesion was found with human laminin as the substrate. By use of a newly prepared mouse VLA-α6 integrin-specific mAb (MA6) together with the previously described mAb GoH3, VLA-6 (α6β1) integrin was found to be expressed and utilized by BMMC and long-term mast cell lines. VLA-6 has been described as a major laminin receptor with roles in diverse cell functions including cell growth and differentiation. BMMC have been shown to express a 32/67-kDa laminin receptor. Therefore, in addition to the 32/67-kDa laminin receptor described in early studies, BMMC also express VLA-6 integrin, which may have roles in the regulation of their development.  相似文献   

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