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目的分析直肠类癌的临床及预后影响因素,探寻有参考价值的治疗方式的指标。方法回顾性分析我院自1999~2011年间收治的46例直肠类癌患者的临床资料,其中43例经手术治疗和病理证实。按肿瘤直径大小肌层是否有浸润和分别分组,比较不同肿瘤直径各组和肌层是否浸润各组的手术治疗效果,并随访术后的生存状况。结果本组46例直肠类癌患者中位年龄46.5岁(19~83岁),随访6~60个月,随访率84.7%。其中,肿瘤直径≤2cm的随访时间(47.2±19.8)个月,无复发病例。3例肿瘤直径2cm的随访中,1例术后3个月腹腔广泛转移,1例于28个月后死于肝转移,1例吻合口复发,再次手术,目前仍存活。直肠类癌是否浸润肌层或全层与肿瘤的大小有关(P0.05),3例放弃治疗的患者均为肿瘤局部侵犯和广泛转移。结论直肠类癌直径和浸润深度是影响患者生存的重要因素,提示外科医师应慎重考虑选择合适的手术方式。  相似文献   

目的探讨直肠类癌的临床病理特点及影响预后的因素。方法回顾性分析31例直肠类癌患者的临床资料,所有病例均经手术和病理检查证实。将其按肿瘤直径大小和肌层是否有浸润分别分组,比较不同肿瘤直径各组和肌层是否浸润各组的手术治疗效果。结果本组31例直肠类癌患者的中位年龄49岁(22~83岁),中位随访时间36个月(15~86个月),随访率为80.6%(25/31)。随访期内,肿瘤直径≤l.0 cm的15例手术切除肿瘤后无复发,直径1.0~2.0 cm的7例中复发1例,直径>2.0 cm的3例中2例因类癌肝转移死亡。直肠类癌是否浸润肌层或全层以及是否有转移均与肿瘤大小有关(P<0.05);肿瘤的浸润深度与转移有关(P<0.05)。随着直肠类癌直径的增大,肿瘤浸润深度加深,转移发生率增高。结论直肠类癌的大小和肌层浸润可能是影响患者生存的重要因素,是选择手术方式时需参考的重要依据。  相似文献   

直肠类癌33例的诊治分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的探讨直肠类癌的临床、病理及预后影响因素.方法回顾性分析33例直肠类癌的临床病理资料,并进行随访,将其按直径大小和肌层是否有浸润分别分组,比较各组手术治疗效果及其生存率的区别.结果直肠类癌以大便习惯改变(17/33,52%)、便血(14/33,42%)和体检发现直肠肿块(14/33,42%)为主要临床表现.直肠类癌一般发现较早,肿瘤直径>2*!cm或浸润肌层者分别占12%(4/33).电灼术、局切术和扩大局切术共占79%(26/33),根治性手术仅占18%(6/33).所有病例(n=29)总的10年生存率为84%,肿瘤直径<2*!cm组(n=26)10年生存率为94%,而>2*!cm组(n=3)无1例活过5年,两者差别非常显著(P=1.0×10-9);未浸润肌层者(n=25)10年生存率为94%,而浸润肌层者(n=4)仅1例活过5年,两者差异非常显著(P=1.2×10-5).结论直肠类癌一般能早期发现,局部切除效果好.  相似文献   

消化道类癌的诊断与治疗(附44例报告)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨消化道类癌的诊断与治疗. 方法回顾性分析我院1990年1月~2005年4月44例消化道类癌的临床资料. 结果本组44例中直肠(包括直肠乙状结肠交界处)类癌29例发生率最高65.9%(29/44),结肠4例9.1%(4/44),阑尾1例2.3%(1/44),小肠2例4.5%(2/44),十二指肠2例4.5%(2/44),胃5例11.4%(5/44),肝1例2.3%(1/44).44例中治疗了39(39/44,88.6%),其中手术切除14例,内镜下粘膜切除术(EMR)20例(5例EMR后病理断端残余癌细胞又追加手术局部切除),内镜下直接钳除5例,5例未治疗.直径≤1 cm 30例占68.2%, 26例全部治愈,15例(50%)行EMR完全切除,其中20例肠镜随访10~84个月,均无复发,预后好;直径1~2 cm 4例占9.1%,手术局部切除,1例1年后肝转移;直径>2 cm 10例占22.7%,均位于直肠外,8例手术,2例未治疗,3例死亡,5例有远处或淋巴结转移,预后差.44例中6例发生远处或淋巴结转移,转移率13.6%. 结论内镜是诊断消化道类癌的首选方法,≤1cm的类癌可在内镜下行EMR切除.  相似文献   

目的 探讨直肠类癌的临床、病理及影响预后的因素.方法 回顾性分析两家医院29例直肠类癌患者的临床资料.所有病例均经手术和病理证实,其中内镜黏膜下切除5例,经肛门局部切除14例、局部扩大切除4例,经骶尾直肠部分切除2例,根治性切除4例.结果 本组29例直肠类癌患者的年龄32~71(54±11)岁,随访时间3至136个月,平均(61±4)个月,随访率为76%.随访期内,直径小于1 cm的13例手术切除后无复发,直径1~2 cm的5例复发1例,直径大于2 cm的4例中3例因类癌肝转移死亡.5年、10年肿瘤相关生存率为87%、80%.结论 手术治疗是直肠类癌的最佳治疗方法,手术切除范围取决于原发肿瘤的大小、浸润程度、淋巴结受累及是否存在肝脏转移等情况.  相似文献   

目的研究术前结直肠非特异性炎症对结直肠肿瘤局部进展及预后的影响。方法本研究为回顾性队列研究,通过回顾中山大学附属第六医院2007年至2010年的结直肠癌患者。所有具备该中心术前肠镜资料或手术病理证实肠炎的患者纳入研究,分为炎症组(肠镜下肠炎及手术病理肠炎)及对照组;比较肿瘤分期、淋巴结转移、癌结节转移、其他手术病理资料及生存预后等指标;比较总体生存及肿瘤复发等随访情况,随访时间3年。结果回顾病例907例,纳入研究346例;其中炎症组患者共70例,包括镜下远处肠炎39例(20.2%)、镜下肿瘤原位肠炎16例(22.9%)手术病理肠炎15例(21.4%),对照组276例(78.8%)。炎症组进展期肿瘤发生率74.3%(P0.001),淋巴结转移率62.3%(P0.001),癌结节转移率40.2%(P=0.001)均高于对照组。经logistic回归分析,手术病理肠炎是进展期肿瘤(P=0.016)、淋巴结转移(P=0.017)及癌结节转移(P=0.017)的独立危险预后因素;镜下远处肠炎是进展期肿瘤(P=0.003)、淋巴结转移(P=0.017)的独立危险预后因素。结论手术前结直肠非特异性炎症与肿瘤的分期存在明确的相关性,此类病例可用于结直肠炎症与恶性肿瘤关系研究。  相似文献   

目的 探讨胃肠道类癌诊断和治疗方法的选择.方法 回顾性分析宣武医院自2003年2月至2009年11月收治的24例胃肠道类癌资料.肿瘤位于直肠11例,胃10例,阑尾3例.主要表现为上腹不适,排便习惯改变.肿瘤直径≤1 cm 10例(41.7%),直径>1 cm 12例(50%),2例不详.淋巴结转移6例(25%).胃癌根治术3例,胃空肠吻合术1例,胃局部切除3例;直肠癌Dixon术式2例,Mason术式2例,Hartmann术式1例,直肠局部切除4例.阑尾切除术3例.结果 随访21例,随访时间4~63个月,3例死亡,余单纯手术治疗的均存活良好.结论 胃肠道类癌肿瘤大小,有无转移,是判断胃肠道类癌良恶性、决定手术方式和预后的主要依据.  相似文献   

目的探讨阑尾类癌的生物学特性、诊断和外科治疗经验。方法回顾性总结自1980-2005年收治的10例阑尾类癌患者的临床和病理资料。结果本组10例患者的症状和体征提示为阑尾炎,均行阑尾切除术。肿瘤直径小于1cm有6例,1~2cm3例,大于2cm1例。肿瘤直径大于2cm1例且伴阑尾系膜淋巴结阳性者再次行右半结肠切除术。随访9例平均13年(2~20年),所有患者均无复发和远处转移。结论阑尾类癌少见且多无症状。小于1cm的阑尾类癌仅作单纯性阑尾切除术即可。肿瘤大于2cm的患者应行右半结肠切除术。  相似文献   

结直肠类癌多数是良性的,但有的发展很快,需要积极手术和辅助治疗。结直肠类癌的发展不能单靠病理分期、肿瘤的位置及大小、浸润平面和层次等来评估,DNA倍性的测定有助于了解结直肠肿瘤的生物学特性。作者取31例结直肠类癌的石蜡包埋标本,测定癌细胞核的DNA倍性。为了提高诊断率,每一标本分别自3个不同区域取材。全组31例中,18例男性,平均46岁(28~78岁)。13例无症状,系偶尔发现。26例肿瘤位于直肠,位于阑尾3例和结肠2例。主要症状为便血,盲肠和结肠类癌还有类癌综合征,肿瘤按Kujari分期,Ⅰ期无转移,Ⅱ期有局部转移,Ⅲ期有远处转移。  相似文献   

胃肠道类癌49例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨胃肠道类癌的诊断和治疗方法及影响预后的因素。方法 回顾分析我院1980年1月至2005年1月收治的胃肠道类癌49例的临床资料。结果 49例患者中,胃类癌13例,直肠类癌16例,阑尾类癌7例,结肠类癌12例,回肠类癌1例。术前误诊71.4%,其中胃类癌、阑尾类癌和回肠类癌全部误诊,直肠类癌25.0%、结肠类癌83.3%误诊。肿瘤直径在2cm以内、无肌层侵犯和淋巴结转移者1、3、5年累计生存率为100%、100%和96.9%;肿瘤直径超过2cm、侵犯肌层或有淋巴结转移者累积1、3、5年累计生存率为70.3%、62.3%和58.4%。结论 胃肠道类癌术前误诊率高,预后主要取决于肿瘤的大小、有无肌层侵犯或淋巴结转移。  相似文献   

Anorectal carcinoid tumors. Is aggressive surgery warranted?   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The management of large carcinoid tumors of the anorectum is controversial. Most carcinoid tumors of the rectum and anus are early lesions, adequately treated by local excision. However, because of their relative rarity, the number of advanced cases seen at most institutions is small. Forty-three patients with anorectal carcinoid tumors were treated at our institution between 1960 and 1988 with complete follow-up. The median age of onset was 56 years. Eleven patients had no symptoms and the tumor was detected incidentally in eight additional patients with other diseases. Twenty tumors were larger than 2 cm in diameter and all patients had symptoms. Eight patients had another malignancy and three patients had ulcerative colitis. An association between ulcerative colitis and rectal carcinoid tumors is not widely appreciated. Eighteen tumors were treated by local excision, 16 by radical surgery, and nine underwent only biopsy. With complete resection of the primary lesion, local recurrence was never a problem. The median survival from diagnosis was 38 months in this series and 23 patients died of disease. After detection of metastases, the median survival time was 10 months. Tumors more advanced that T2 or larger than 2 cm in diameter were always fatal. All 13 patients with involved lymph nodes died of metastatic disease, with a median survival of 10 months, although one lived 9 years. Advanced rectal carcinoid tumors are aggressive malignancies. Adequate local excision controls regional disease but rectal carcinoid tumors are cured only when they are discovered before the T3 stage, measure less than 2 cm in diameter, and when lymph nodes are not involved. Consequently if a local excision permits complete resection, radical extirpative surgery will provide little benefit.  相似文献   

目的 分析大肠类癌的临床病理特征及诊治方法。方法 回顾性分析第二军医大学长海医院肛肠外科自1993年1月至2007年11月收治的121例大肠类癌临床资料。结果 121例大肠类癌病人男女比例为男:女=1.42:1,年龄平均(49.3±13.0)岁,其中位于直肠111例(91.7%),阑尾6例(5.0%),结肠4例(3.3%)。5年累计存活率83.5%,肿瘤直径和浸润深度相关(P <0.001),且二者分别与症状出现与否有关(P <0.05);神经特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)的表达与肿瘤直径有关(P <0.01)。结论 直肠类癌发生率高,并有增加趋势。大肠类癌无特异性表现,病理诊断对治疗方案的选择及判断预后有重要作用,外科手术应施行个体化治疗。  相似文献   

??Clinical and pathalogical characteristic of colorectal carcinoid and prognosis WANG DA-quan??FU CHUAN-gang??MENG RONG-gui??et al.Department of Anus & Intestine Surgery??Changhai Hospital, Second Military Medical University,Shanghai 200433,China. Corresponding author: FU CHUAN-gang, E-mail??fugang416@126.com Abstract Objective To study clinical and pathalogical characteristic of colorectal carcinoid and its treatment.Methods Clinical data of 121 patients with colorectal carcinoid were analyzed retrospectively. Results The Male??female ratio was 1.42/1??The average age was (49.3±13.0)years old. 111 cases of which was located in rectum, 6 cases in appendix, 4 cases in colon. 5-year cumulative survival rate of total patients was 83.5%.Patients with rectal carcinoid whose tumor <2cm had a significantly longer survival than those with tumor ≥2cm (P <0.001).Patients whose lesions were in different intestinal wall had a different survival too(P<0.001).NSE expression and tumor diameter was related (P <0.01). Conclusion Incidence of colorectal is high, and it has been an upward trend. Colorectal carcinoid isnot specific performance. The pathological diagnosis has an important role in choosing treatment options and predicting prognosis. Surgery should be implemented in accordance with individual treatment.  相似文献   

Background Predicting rectal carcinoid behavior based exclusively on tumor size is imprecise. We sought to identify factors associated with outcome and incorporate them into a pre-operative risk stratification scheme. Methods Seventy rectal carcinoid patients evaluated at our institution were identified. Demographic, clinical, and histopathologic data were collected and correlated with recurrence and survival. Results The mean age of our cohort was 53.6 years. Fifty-seven percent of patients were female. The mean tumor size was 1.3 cm (range: 0.1–5 cm). Twenty-five percent of patients had deeply invasive tumors (into the muscularis propria or deeper); an equal percentage had tumors with lymphovascular invasion (LVI) or an elevated mitotic rate (≥2/50 HPF). Eleven patients (17%) had distant metastases at presentation. Sixty-one patients were followed for a median of 22 months (2–308 months), during which seven patients developed recurrence and seven died of disease (2/7 who developed recurrence). Poor outcome was associated with large tumor size, deep invasion, presence of LVI, and elevated mitotic rate. These factors were incorporated into a carcinoid of the rectum risk stratification (CaRRS) score. CaRRS predicted recurrence-free and disease-specific survival better than any single factor alone. Conclusions Poor prognostic features of rectal carcinoids include: large size, deep invasion, LVI, and elevated mitotic rate. The CaRRS score incorporates these features and accurately predicts outcome. Because the CaRRS score is based upon values available on pre-operative biopsy, it can identify patients with very favorable prognosis as well as those with poor prognosis that may benefit from additional staging or surveillance.  相似文献   

目的探讨大肠癌复发的临床特征、原因以及再次根治性手术的价值。方法回顾性分析230例复发大肠癌患者的临床病理资料、复发特征及再次根治性手术后生存情况。结果直肠癌在术后30个月内复发率迅速上升,中位复发时间是18.6个月;结肠癌在术后20-40个月复发率上升较快,中位复发时间是23.4个月;结肠癌早期复发时间较直肠癌晚,复合复发时间晚于单部位复发时间(P〈0.05)。结肠癌首次复发后再次根治性切除率高于直肠癌(P〈0.05)。单因素分析显示原发肿瘤位置、浸润的深度、淋巴结转移数目、肿瘤的病理类型、术中化疗与否、血管是否有癌栓和早期复发有关(P〈0.05),但多因素分析显示只有肿瘤浸润深度是独立影响因素。复发病例再次根治性手术者5年生存率明显高于无法根治性手术者。结论大肠癌早期复发高峰在术后40个月内,肿瘤浸润深度是独立影响因素。而原发肿瘤位置、淋巴结转移数目、肿瘤的病理类型、术中化疗与否、血管是否有癌栓是影响早期复发的重要因素。复发病例再次根治性手术可以改善其预后。  相似文献   

Background: The survival of patients with recurrent or metastatic colorectal cancer usually is less than 12 months. In an attempt to improve this dismal prognosis, we investigated the role of intraoperative high dose rate brachytherapy (IOHDR) in the management of these patients. Methods: From April 1992 to December 1996, 26 patients with locally recurrent or metastatic colorectal carcinoma were treated with maximal surgical resection and IOHDR. Intraoperative radiation dose ranged from 10 to 20 Gy, prescribed at 0.5 cm depth. The residual tumor irradiated was microscopic in 16 patients (62%) and gross residual in 10 patients (38%). Six patients received postoperative external beam radiation therapy. Results: After a median follow-up of 28 months (range 6 to 54 months), seven of 15 evaluable patients (47%) failed in the area treated with IOHDR. The median time to local failure was 21 months (range 4 to 52 months). The median survival was 23 months (microscopic 24 months; gross 17 months), with a 4-year actuarial survival rate of 36%. Major morbidity was observed in 7 patients (47%) and usually was surgery-related. Conclusion: The use of IOHDR in association with radical resection increases local control in patients with recurrent or metastatic colorectal cancer. Patients with microscopic residual disease achieved a better result than do those with gross residual disease. Future strategies include the addition of limited EBRT dose to IOHDR, even for previously irradiated patients.Presented at the 9th International Brachytherapy Conference, Palm Springs, California, September 3–6, 1997.  相似文献   

结肠癌与直肠癌根治术后复发的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨肿瘤根治术后复发的结肠癌与直肠癌患者生物学行为及预后差异.方法 回顾性分析132例结直肠癌(结肠癌36例,直肠癌96例)根治术后复发患者的临床资料,对其中结肠癌与直肠癌患者的临床病理特征及预后进行比较分析.结果本组结肠癌与直肠癌复发者其原发肿瘤在大体类型、组织学类型、分化程度及淋巴结转移方面的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结肠癌组与直肠癌组中位复发时间分别为14.0个月和21.5个月(P=0.028);并分别有16例(44.4%)和65例(67.7%)多部位复发(P=0.014);两组复发后3年生存率分别为15.6%和24.8%(P=0.026);上述差异均有统计学意义.结论 结肠癌与直肠癌在肿瘤生物学行为上存在着一定差异,直肠癌复发患者预后优于结肠癌复发者.  相似文献   



Transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) is a minimally invasive alternative to transanal excision, enabling complete local excision of selected benign or malignant rectal tumors. This study aimed to determine the surgical and oncologic results for rectal tumors excised by TEM.


From November 2001 to October 2007, 45 patients underwent TEM for excision of adenoma (13 patients), carcinoid tumor (6 patients), and carcinoma (26 patients). The patients included 27 men and 18 women with a median age of 52 years (range, 22–72 years).


The median tumor distance from the anal verge was 7 cm (range, 3–15 cm), and the median tumor size was 17 mm (range, 2–60 mm). There was no procedure-related morbidity or mortality. However, one patient with rectal carcinoma died of lung cancer during the follow-up period. Of 13 patients with adenomas, 1 patient (7.7%, 1/13) experienced local recurrence 5 months after surgery. No recurrence occurred for six patients with carcinoid tumors. Histologic examination of the carcinomas showed pathologic tumor (pT) stage 0 (ypT0) in 2 patients, pT1 in 17 patients (including ypT1 in 1 patient), pT2 in 6 patients, and pT3 in 1 patient. Immediate salvage surgery was performed for five patients (19%, 5/26). During a median follow-up period of 37 months (range, 5–72 months), one patient (3.8%, 1/26) experienced local recurrence. The overall and disease-free 5-year survival rates for patients with carcinoma were 96.2% and 88.5%, respectively.


The TEM procedure is a safe and appropriate surgical treatment option for benign rectal tumors. With strict patient selection, it is oncologically safe for early-stage rectal carcinomas.  相似文献   

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