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目的 对某高岭土加工企业粉尘治理效果进行评价,为同类企业的粉尘治理提供科学依据。 方法 对茂名市某高岭土加工企业开展职业卫生调查,对治理前后车间粉尘浓度进行检测与评价。 结果 治理前后车间粉尘浓度平均浓度由21.4 mg/m3下降至2.4 mg/m3,下降率88.8%,治理前后的粉尘浓度均值比较,差异有统计学意义(t=3.639,P < 0.05)。 结论 该企业采取了各种措施后粉尘控制效果明显,但仍需尽量密闭尘源,防止二次扬尘。  相似文献   

聚氯乙烯(PVC)产品生产过程中产生的粉尘,工人长期接触可导致肺部纤维化。选择某PVC管道生产厂粉尘危害的配料和振动筛料工序,实验研究应用了“高效旋风除尘器”通风防尘系统,测定结果表明,粉尘浓度降到了最高容许浓度(MAC)以下。高效旋风除尘器的研究及应用,解决了PVC粉尘具有强静电性、憎水性而不宜使用布袋除尘器、静电除尘器、水式除尘器等长期困扰防尘措施买施的问题,能满足环境保护的要求,且回收原料,使用便利,管理方便,不造成二次污染,有广泛使用价值。  相似文献   

彭言群  叶青 《实用预防医学》2010,17(7):1320-1321
目的对某石英砂有限公司粉尘治理措施进行评价,为控制职业病危害提供科学依据。方法采用职业卫生学调查,对工作场所治理前后矽尘总浓度、粉尘TWA、游离二氧化硅含量进行综合评价分析。结果 12个监测岗位,治理后的矽尘浓度均低于治理前(P0.001),符合《工作场所有害因素职业接触限值》GBZ2.1-2007的要求[1]。结论除尘综合措施有效、可行,职业卫生评价合格。  相似文献   

安装了自制的半环形局部机械通风控制回收装置后,有效地防止了粉尘外逸和上扬,使作业场所粉尘浓度下降了90%以上。  相似文献   

为了解粉尘样吕质量状况,对近几年来日常性监测所取取的1679个粉尘样品进行了质量控制分析。结果显示,选定流量不合格率为4.17%、采样时间不合格率为53.6%、现场粉尘浓度〉10mg/L的样品采样气量不合格率为86.4%;〈2mg/m^3的样品气量不合格率为100%,滤膜粉尘增量不合格率为48.30%,显示粉尘样品的质量控制急待加强与规范。  相似文献   

目的 对某铁路合资铸造厂2009 - 2010年粉尘治理的效果进行评价,为控制职业病危害提供科学依据.方法 采用职业卫生学调查、工作场所职业病危害因素现场监测,对工作场所治理前后总粉尘与呼吸性粉尘浓度、粉尘中游离二氧化硅含量及呼尘样品分散度等结果进行统计分析. 结果 2009年作业岗位总尘时间加权平均浓度(TWA)合格率42.8%,呼尘21.4%,治理后,粉尘浓度下降明显,经检验,差异有统计学意义(t总尘=2.90、t呼尘=2.21,P<0.05).结论 该铸造厂造型车间应采取切实有效的综合防治措施,才能杜绝尘肺病的发生.  相似文献   

某煤矿粉尘综合治理的效果评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
四川省煤炭工业管理局确定我矿为四川省首批综合防尘达标矿之一。在广旺矿务局的具体领导和煤炭科学研究总院重庆分院的协作下,开展了综合防尘达标工作。首先根据本矿的实际情况制定了矿井综合达标实施方案,经过1年的共同努力,完成了既定的工作任务,达到了原煤炭部矿井综合防尘一级标准。1 建立健全组织机构与管理制度1.1 组织机构 从矿到各区队都建立健全了相应的组织机构,加强了对防尘工作的领导,充实了防尘队伍,矿成立了综合防尘达标领导小组,由矿长任组长,总工程师任副组长,有关部门的负责人为成员,所有接尘部门都确定了1名领导负责…  相似文献   

煤矿粉尘不仅污染环境,还严重危害劳动者的身体健康,人们越来越重视对煤矿粉尘的防控。文章对煤矿粉尘的危害、影响浓度的因素以及防控措施进行阐述。  相似文献   

目的规范粉尘采样,确保检测数据准确。方法采用对粉尘采样前、采样过程中以及采样后的各个环节实行质量控制。结果粉尘采样的整个过程都有偏差,应实行质量控制。结论应重视粉尘采样的质量控制,对保证检测数据的准确性有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

生产性粉尘是我国目前最严重的职业性有害因素,受其危害的职业人群数量众多。由于生产性粉尘的性质浓度等不同,其对职业人群的危害除了传统意义上的大量尘肺病人的产生外,还常常成为安全生产的隐患。尤其是职业环境中,可燃性粉尘的爆炸往往对企业造成的是毁灭性的灾害,对国家和劳动者也造成了巨大的经济损失和人身伤害。结合近几日及历史上发生的可燃性粉尘爆炸事故,本文就可燃性粉尘的危害及防控做一阐述。  相似文献   

乡镇瓦厂粉尘危害状况严重,设计研究实施水浴冲击-喷雾联合除尘器通风防尘措施,使工人作业现场粉尘浓度、排放口排放浓度分别符合国家职业接触限值和环保排放标准。  相似文献   

The goals of this study were (1) to investigate workers' exposure to medium-density fiber (MDF) dust (inhalable dust, particle size),formaldehyde, and volatile organic compounds; (2) to study the possible inflammatory nasal reactions caused by exposure to MDF board dust; and (3) to determine the occurrence of irritative symptoms among exposed workers. Nasal lavage fluid was analyzed for cytokines and nitric oxide/nitrite. and inflammatory cells were counted. The time-weighted average of MDF dust was 1.4 mg/m3 in the workers' breathing zones. MDF board dust was composed mainly of particles exceeding 10 microm in diameter. The MDF board dust released formaldehyde in concentration of about 1000 microg/g when extracted with water for 6 hours at 37 degrees C. The cell counts and cytokine levels of the nasal lavage fluid samples did not show statistically significant differences between the workers exposed to MDF board dust and those exposed to other wood dusts. Nevertheless, two MDF-exposed workers had a considerable increase in the proportion of eosinophils and cytokine levels. Several workers exposed to MDF and wood dusts experienced nasal, eye, and skin symptoms at the end of a work shift. Both exposed groups had significantly more nasal symptoms, although the median dust level was only 1.2 mg/m3, considerably less than the occupational exposure limit for wood dust in Finland. Nasal symptoms were more frequent among workers exposed to MDF board dust and did not correlate with smoking. Our results suggest that the occupational exposure limit of 5 mg/m3 is probably too high for MDF board dust.  相似文献   

Objective: This study provides an assessment of heat stress in indoor rice vermicelli manufacturing factories.

Methods: Worker interviews and heat stress assessments were conducted in food manufacturing factories in Singapore. The Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) and Heat Stress Index (HSI) were used as heat stress indicators.

Results: The highest WBGT and HSI levels recorded in the rice vermicelli manufacturing factories were 36.68°C and 3777 in the drying and steaming process respectively. These levels were above the recommended permissible HSI and WBGT action limit for heat exposure and considered to be high risk.

Conclusion: Workers in indoor rice vermicelli manufacturing factories can be exposed to heat stress, and the current measures in place may not be sufficient to protect workers against heat stress injuries. Preventive measures such as engineering controls and heat acclimatization programs are important.  相似文献   

大连市一次性卫生用品生产厂家环境卫生状况调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人民生活水平的提高,美观大方、方便卫生的一次性卫生用品品种繁多,使用广泛;为保障使用者身体健康,确保生产产品质量卫生安全,国家卫生部门颁布制定了相应的法规予以规范管理;由于生产一次性卫生用品的生产车间卫生状况直接影响产品的卫生质量,依据国家卫生部《消毒管理办  相似文献   

19家小型铸造厂的粉尘危害调查表明,作业点粉尘浓度0.50-244.00mg/m^3,以清砂作业超标最多,游离二氧化硅含量平均45.21%。最近一次体检370人,发现0^ 14人,尘肺病的潜在危险不容忽视。  相似文献   

尘肺的发生、发展与吸入肺内的粉尘量关系密切 ,这已被人们所公认。目前国内研究粉尘接尘量与尘肺发病关系多以各工种不同浓度下的工作时间计算其累积接尘量。虽然现在可以测定可吸入性粉尘 ,但不能直接测定吸入肺内的粉尘量 ,长期以来采用滤膜定点采样的浓度 ,作为粉尘对人体危害的评价指标是不符合工人实际接尘情况的。为了解采样方法与工人实际接触浓度的关系 ,我们采用两种采样方法同时对两家水泥厂生料、熟料和包装等几个作业点空气中粉尘浓度进行测定 ,同时测定气象条件和记录工时。1 方法  用武汉分析仪器厂生产的FC -2型粉尘采…  相似文献   

A questionnaire survey on periodic health checkup was conducted on 4,432 manufacturing factories in Kawasaki and the following results were obtained. 1) Implementation rate of periodic health checkup was 100% in factories with 100 workers or more. In smaller factories employing less than 100 workers, the implementation rate decreased with decrease in their total work force. The rate was 47.5% and 37.7% in factories with 9-4 and 3-1 workers, respectively. 2) The proportion of workers less than 30 years of age decreased and that of 60 or more years of age increased with decreasing size of the total work force. Distribution of both age groups was 12.6% and 12.9%, respectively in factories with less than 10 workers. The proportion of female workers increased from about 10% in factories with 300 workers or more to 26.8% in factories with less than 10 workers. 3) In large factories with 500 workers or more periodic health checkups were implemented mostly at their own or related medical facilities and in factories with 499-10 workers, almost 50% were implemented in independent health service facilities. In factories with less than 10 workers periodic health checkup were implemented mainly at health centers (33.1%) and at hospitals or clinics (26.9%). 4) The main reasons why small factories could not implement periodic health checkup were: (1) they could not afford the time for the implementation (50.0%) and (2) ignorance of the law of mandatory periodic health checkup for workers (23.6%).  相似文献   

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