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集体用餐配送单位卫生监督远程监控系统的开发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨集体用餐配送单位卫生监管新模式,实现对集体用餐配送单位实时、有效的卫生监督,确保集体用餐配送卫生安全。方法根据有关法律法规要求,结合集体用餐配送单位行业特点,确定系统模块及功能要求,对集体用餐配送单位制售配送全流程实行远程监控,系统为二级管理模式,按照多个前端,一个中心设计。结果使用该系统后,配餐企业上报相关信息,监督员可随时远程监控,掌握配餐企业最新动态,有重点地实施卫生监督,节省现场监督时间,提高监督管理效率效能。结论系统使用方便,界面友好,有助于创建"连续性预防"、"判别潜在危害因素"、"动态与静态评价相结合"、"纠正与防止相结合"、"定性与定量管理相结合"的科学管理机制。  相似文献   

目的 介绍远程监控技术在集体用餐配送单位卫生监督管理中的应用.方法 采用Delphi法,建立集体用餐配送单位卫生监督、自身管理项目框架及指标体系,应用Intefnet技术,对集体用餐配送单位制售配送全流程实行远程监控,实时采集集体用餐配送单位在原料采购、加工、贮藏、运输、销售全过程中与食品安全相关的数据信息,对存在的危害因素进行分析并发出预警,提出指导性或指令性建议加以控制.结果 建立集体用餐配送单位食品安全连续性预防、判别潜在危害因素、动态与静态评价相结合、纠正与防止相结合、定性与定量相结合的科学管理机制.结论 开展集体用餐配送单位远程监控技术项目研究,可规范集体用餐经营行为,最大程度地控制食品安全风险,维护社会稳定,保障广大职工的身体健康.  相似文献   

[目的]探索集体用餐配送单位食品安全连续性预防、判别潜在危害因素、动态与静态评价相结合、纠正与防止相结合、定性与定量相结合的科学管理机制.[方法]借鉴国际信息管理、风险评估、远程监控先进经验.采用Delphi法,建立集体用餐配送单位卫生监督、自身管理项目框架及指标体系,应用Internet技术,对集体用餐配送单位制售配送全流程实行远程监控,实时采集集体用餐配送单位在原料采购、加工、贮藏、运输、销售全过程中与食品安全相关的数据信息,对存在的危害因素进行分析并发出预警,提出指导性或指令性建议加以控制.[结果]建立一套对集体用餐配送单位食品安全水平进行随时或定期评价的方法,可及早停止食品安全性较差单位的经营资格,确定食品安全工作薄弱环节,在全过程卫生监督管理中实施"关键控制"(HACCP),提高食品卫生安全系数.[结论]开展集体用餐配送单位危害分析及远程监控技术项目研究,可规范集体用餐经营行为,最大程度控制食品安全风险,维护社会稳定,保障广大职工的身体健康.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,集体用餐配送单位如雨后春笋般冒出,但每年全国各地因集体用餐配送单位引发的食物中毒时有发生。作者就目前苏州集体用餐配送单位监管现状、存在的问题进行了分析,并提出相关的对策建议。  相似文献   

陈蔚 《职业与健康》2011,27(2):163-165
目前,昆山外资企业有几千家,部分企业员工用餐由集体用餐配送单位提供,每天提供的外送快餐盒饭超过10万份。集体用餐配送单位在中央厨房加工菜肴,然后运输至企业供员工食用。快餐加工环节多,运输时间长。据统计,2007—2009年,集体用餐配送单位供餐引起的食物中毒占食物中毒发生总数的1/3以上,而且发生规模大,影响范围广。为了保证企业员工用餐卫生与安全,构建企业和谐的生产生活环境,开展集体用餐配送单位预防食物中毒的质量控制指标研究有很重要的现实意义。本项目从集体用餐配送单位快餐加工的整个流程入手,分析筛选出质量控制指标,并进一步确定关键质量控制指标。通过本课题的研究,将改变原有卫生监督模式,对集体用  相似文献   

目的调查分析无锡市学生集体用餐配送食品安全状况,消除食品安全隐患,保障学生饮食安全。方法通过设定相关调查项目,对无锡市所有学生集体用餐配送单位和用餐学校食品安全状况进行调查分析。结果学生集体用餐配送单位量化分级情况优于全市其他集体用餐配送单位;加工面积与每餐供应份数相适应;配备检验室比例较低;在操作卫生、索证索票和食品留样等卫生管理方面还存在一些问题;食品和餐具抽检微生物指标合格率低于学校自办食堂抽检合格率;用餐学校卫生管理还不够规范。结论学生集体供餐单位应进一步完善设施,加强管理,引入先进的管理制度;监督部门要强化培训,开展"飞行检查"规范其行为;教育部门和用餐学校要强化行政干预作用,促使学生集体供餐单位食品安全状况不断得到提升。  相似文献   

目的监测苏州市快餐团膳市场卫生状况,了解集体用餐配送单位熟肉制品卫生情况。方法随机抽取集体用餐配送单位制作的熟肉制品,按照国标规定的采样、检验方法、项目(致病菌)及结果判定。结果 103份样品中13份检出金黄色葡萄球菌,合格率87.38%。结论本市夏季,金黄色葡萄球菌易污染食品,尤其是量化分级等级A级的集体用餐配送单位,必须采取相应措施,严防此类食物中毒发生。  相似文献   

卫监督发〔2005〕260号各省、自治区、直辖市卫生厅局,新疆生产建设兵团卫生局,卫生部卫生监督中心:为贯彻落实《国务院关于进一步加强食品安全工作的决定》要求,加强餐饮业和集体用餐配送单位食品安全卫生管理,规范食品生产经营行为,保障消费者身体健康和生命安全,我部组织制定了《餐饮业和集体用餐配送单位卫生规范》,现印发给你们,请遵照执行。二○○五年六月二十七日餐饮业和集体用餐配送单位卫生规范第一章总则第一条为加强餐饮业和集体用餐配送单位食品安全卫生管理,规范其生产经营行为,保障消费者身体健康,根据《中华人民共和国食品…  相似文献   

昆山市集体用餐服务行业立体化卫生监管模式的实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]对集体用餐服务行业进行立体化卫生监管,保障广大职工的身体健康和地方经济的有序发展.[方法]通过建立一户一档、制定<昆山市集体用餐配送单位卫生行政许可管理暂行规定>、开展专项检查、全面启动监督检查记录卡制度、发送公函促进整改、对重点区域不间断拉网式检查、每周四定期培训、发布预警通知、成立食物中毒应急小分队、模拟实战演练、组织同行相互参观、引导成立团膳协会等综合措施加强集体用餐服务行业卫生监管.[结果]集体用餐服务行业立体化卫生监管模式逐渐清晰,食物中毒发生率明显下降. [结论]集体用餐服务行业立体化卫生监管模式科学、可行,有很大的应用潜力;须创建"连续性预防"、 "判别潜在危害因素""纠正与防止相结合"、"定性与定量相结合"、 "动态与静态相结合"的立体化、网络化科学管理机制.  相似文献   

浅析《餐饮业和集体用餐配送单位卫生规范》的实施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国家卫生部发布的<餐饮业和集体用餐配送单位卫生规范>(以下称为<规范>),对全国数百万餐馆、小吃店、快餐店和食堂等单位和集体用餐配送单位的卫生要求做出了详细的规定.<规范>于2005年10月1日起正式实施.  相似文献   

目的探索和控制团膳公司各项影响卫生质量的危险因素,预防和控制食物中毒和食源性疾患的发生。方法采取普查的方法,对昆山市11个乡镇所有团膳公司的卫生管理、场所布局、设施条件等情况进行调查分析。结果团膳公司卫生现状不容乐观,普遍存在管理不规范、布局不合理、卫生设施简陋、超负荷经营等现象。结论卫生监督部门须通过严格准入、广泛宣传培训、量化分级管理等形式,全方位对团膳公司进行监管。  相似文献   

Adult male Wistar rats were allocated to 4 groups of 15 animals (mean weight 511g). Each rat in group 1 was given 10g semisynthetic control diet containing 38 μg Fe/g, labelled extrinsically with 37kBq 59Fe, and Fe retention measured daily for 7 days using a small animal whole body gamma counter. The same procedure was carried out in the other 3 groups, but small intestinal (S.I.) transit time was modified by administering pharmacological preparations with the test meal: metoclopramide hydrochloride (0.25 mg) orally or I.M. (to reduce transit time), and loperamide hydrochloride (0.1 mg) orally (to increase transit time). Mean whole body retention 7 days after the test meal was 14% of the administered dose, with no differences between groups, indicating that S.I. transit time does not significantly alter the efficiency of Fe absorption.  相似文献   

作者设计并在临床上了一种新的手术方法以预防食管贲门癌手术后的胃食管返流。1994年4月-1995年12月随机抽取34例作实验研究组,同期使用吻合器吻合的27例为对照组,术后进行了观察,监测和随访。研究组病例无胃食管返流症状,食管镜检查,钡餐造影无明显返流。  相似文献   

The socio-economic status in Vietnam has developed during the past decades. People become busier for work, and thus they do not have enough time to prepare meal for their children. The school meal program, organized by Department of Education, was first implemented at a kindergarten in 1977, which has been extended to elementary school since 1980. Up to date, 100% of kindergarten and approximately 90% of elementary schools have school meal programs. The purposes of this program are to provide appropriate meals for students, and to serve as education and communication tool for students. About 90% of school meals are prepared in the school's kitchen and the rest are provided by food companies. The weekly menu provides approximately 30% of recommended dietary allowances (RDA) for students. To date, there has been is no official dietitian training school in Vietnam. The head of school kitchen, who is not dietitian, is required to participate in a short-term training course, where s/he learns basic nutrition, nutrition requirements and food hygiene and safety. The food companies, which provide meals to school, must be approved for the hygiene and safety condition by the Human Health Services Department of Ho Chi Minh City. In the next plan of national nutrition strategy, establishing dietitian training schools will be prioritized. In addition, the regular nutritional surveillance for school-aged students will be introduced in school system thus we can develop and evaluate the school meal program in terms of nutrients, food safety and nutrition education.  相似文献   

卡前列甲酯口含片预防产后出血的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘彩霞  孟涛 《中国妇幼保健》1999,14(11):695-696
目的:探讨卡前列甲酯口含片预防产后出血的效果。方法:选择103 例正常足月妊娠阴道分娩者,随机分为试验组和对照组。试验组53 例,在胎儿娩出后产妇舌下含1 m g 卡前列甲酯片;对照组50 例,在胎儿娩出后肛塞卡前列甲酯栓1 枚(1 m g),观察产后2 h 的出血量。结果:产后2 h 内平均出血量,口含片试验组与肛门直肠给药对照组分别为(136.6±55.1) m l和(149.4±58.8) m l,试验组与对照组相比,差异不显著(P> 0.05)。结论:卡前列甲酯口含片有与卡前列甲酯栓相同的缩宫作用,能够减少产后出血量,而且口含片用药方法简便,非常适于向基层单位推广使用  相似文献   

Oral administration of a probiotic preparation was shown to be effective in preventing the recurrence of chronic pouchitis in a classic double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. This was a novel and unique approach to the care of these patients. Dysbiosis, a condition of microbial imbalance, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease. Rather than administering antibiotics to treat the microflora with each relapse of pouchitis, the emphasis was placed on preventing chronic flare-ups by administering probiotics to correct dysbiosis. The paradigm was shifted from treatment to prevention and from antibiotics to probiotics. These data were validated by this same group and others in subsequent trials. However, despite the promising results, many questions will need to be answered before routine use becomes universally accepted. The exact etiology and pathophysiology of pouchitis have not been fully elucidated. In addition, the choice of bacteria, optimal dose, and timing of administration have yet to be determined. Finally, the mechanisms by which probiotics provide their beneficial effects remain unresolved.  相似文献   

Physicians were surveyed in Northwestern Pennsylvania to examine how they viewed their relationships with pharmaceutical sales representatives (PSR) and the pharmaceutical industry. Physicians viewed the PSR as an important source of information, but felt that they could get needed information from other sources without the PSR's assistance. Physicians also had friendly relationships with the PSRs and did not distrust them, but they did not view PSRs as a vital part of their practice. Samples and gifts provided by the pharmaceutical companies were not viewed as vital to gaining access to physicians. However, the financial support the companies provided for continuing medical education was seen as vital. The selling approaches used by PSRs was not considered manipulative, nor were PSRs thought to be perceived negatively by the medical community. A majority of the physicians said they would accept honoraria for delivering lectures to pharmaceutical companies. Twenty-five percent of the responding physicians also owned stock in pharmaceutical companies.  相似文献   

Physicians were surveyed in Northwestern Pennsylvania to examine how they viewed their relationships with pharmaceutical sales representatives (PSR) and the pharmaceutical industry. Physicians viewed the PSR as an important source of information, but felt that they could get needed information from other sources without the PSR's assistance. Physicians also had friendly relations with PSRs and did not distrust them, but they did not view PSRs as a vital part of their practice. Samples and gifts provided by the pharmaceutical companies were not viewed as vital to gaining access to physicians. However, the financial support the companies provided for continuing medical education was seen as vital. The selling approaches used by PSRs was not considered as manipulative, nor were PSRs thought to be perceived negatively by the medical community. A majority of the physicians said they would accept honoraria for delivering lectures to pharmaceutical companies. Twenty-five percent of the responding physicians also owned stock in pharmaceutical companies.  相似文献   

The macronutrient composition of the diet has been shown to affect food intake, with proteins having distinct effects. The present study investigated the effect of diet supplementation with individual amino acids (tryptophan, lysine, arginine, proline and threonine) on meal pattern among male rats. Meal pattern and body weight were monitored for two weeks. Proline and threonine had minimal effects on meal pattern, while the most pronounced changes were observed in the tryptophan group. Both tryptophan and lysine decreased overall food intake, which was translated into a reduction in body weight. The reduced food intake of the tryptophan group was associated with an increase in meal size, intermeal intervals (IMI) and meal time and a decrease in meal number. The decrease in the food intake of the lysine group was associated with a reduction in both IMI and meal number, and this was accompanied by an increase in meal time. Arginine increased meal number, while decreasing IMI. Proline and threonine had a minimal effect on meal pattern. Lysine seems to increase satiety, and arginine seems to decrease it, while tryptophan seems to increase satiety and decrease satiation. Accordingly, changes in meal patterns are associated with the type of amino acid added to the diet.  相似文献   

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