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Kinetics of branch migration in double-stranded DNA.   总被引:12,自引:15,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
The rate of branch migration in double stranded DNA has been measured by the use of a unique substrate formed by the action of the EcoRI restriction endonuclease on the dimeric figure-8 configuration of the replicative form DNA of phage G4. The figure-8 and the X-form derived from it contain a junction of the kind postulated to occur in the Holliday structure and to be an essential feature of a number of models of recombination. In the X-form this junction can branch migrate to an irreversible terminal configuration consisting of two linear monomers. The disappearance of X-forms was measured by electron microscopy. A treatment of branch migration as a random walk process was developed to permit the determination of the rate of the intrinsic process, a step movement of the junction by a distance of one base pair. A value of about 6 kilobase pairs per sec at 37 degrees was obtained.  相似文献   

Genetic recombination occurs between homologous DNA molecules via a four-way (Holliday) junction intermediate. This ancient and ubiquitous process is important for the repair of double-stranded breaks, the restart of stalled replication forks, and the creation of genetic diversity. Once formed, the four-way junction alone can undergo the stepwise exchange of base pairs known as spontaneous branch migration. Conventional ensemble assays, useful for finding average migration rates over long sequences, have been unable to examine the affect of sequence and structure on the migration process. Here, we present a single-molecule spontaneous branch migration assay with single-base pair resolution in a study of individual DNA junctions that can undergo one step of migration. Junctions exhibit markedly different dynamics of exchange between stacking conformers depending on the point of strand exchange, allowing the moment at which branch migration occurs to be detected. The free energy landscape of spontaneous branch migration is found to be highly nonuniform and governed by two types of sequence-dependent barriers, with unmediated local migration being up to 10 times more rapid than the previously deduced average rate.  相似文献   

A mechanism to activate branch migration between homologous DNA molecules is described that leads to synapsis in genetic recombination. The model involves a restriction-like endonucleolytic enzyme that first nicks DNA (to produce single-strand breaks) on strands of opposite polarity at symmetrically arranged nucleotide sequences (located at ends of genes or operons). This is followed by local denaturation of the region, promoted by a single-strand-specific DNA binding protein (i.e., an unwinding protein). Hydrogen-bounding between homologous DNA molecules can then be initiated and this allows for subsequent propagation of hybrid DNA in the pathway to formation of the synapton structure.  相似文献   

Directionality and polarity in recA protein-promoted branch migration.   总被引:19,自引:11,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
The recA protein of Escherichia coli promotes the complete exchange of strands between full-length linear duplex and single-stranded circular phi X174 DNA molecules. Analysis of the reaction by electron microscopy confirms that D loops containing short heteroduplex regions are rapidly formed at the ends of the linear duplex, followed by a relatively slow branch migration that converts the D loops to nicked circular duplexes (RFII) and displaced linear single strands. Heteroduplex extension and displacement of the linear single strand are concerted. Heterologous sequences within the linear duplex halt branch migration and lead to the accumulation of D loops. Although D loops can be formed at either end of the linear duplex, recA protein-promoted branch migration proceeds uniquely in the 3' leads to 5' direction relative to the (--) strand of the linear duplex.  相似文献   

The recA protein of Escherichia coli promotes the complete exchange of strands between full-length linear duplex and single-stranded circular DNA molecules of bacteriophage phi X-174, converting more than 50% of the single-stranded DNA into heteroduplex replicative form II-like structures. Kinetically, the reaction can be divided into two phases, formation of short heteroduplex regions (D loops) and extension of the D loops via branch migration. recA protein participates directly in both phases. D loops are formed efficiently in the presence of ATP or the nonhydrolyzable ATP analog adenosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate, whereas D-loop extension requires continuous ATP hydrolysis. Complete strand exchange requires a stoichiometric amount of recA protein and is strongly stimulated by the single-stranded-DNA-binding protein of E. coli.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli RuvA-RuvB complex promotes branch migration of Holliday junction DNA, which is the central intermediate of homologous recombination. Like many DNA motor proteins, it is suggested that RuvA-RuvB promotes branch migration by driving helical rotation of the DNA. To clarify the RuvA-RuvB-mediated branch migration mechanism in more detail, we observed DNA rotation during Holliday junction branch migration by attaching a bead to one end of cruciform DNA that was fixed to a glass surface at the opposite end. Bead rotation was observed when RuvA, RuvB, and ATP were added to the solution. We measured the rotational rates of the beads caused by RuvA-RuvB-mediated branch migration at various ATP concentrations. The data provided a K(m) value of 65 microM and a V(max) value of 1.6 revolutions per second, which corresponds to 8.3 bp per second. This real-time observation of the DNA rotation not only allows us to measure the kinetics of the RuvA-RuvB-mediated branch migration, but also opens the possibility of elucidating the branch migration mechanism in detail.  相似文献   

RecQ helicases are a widely conserved family of ATP-dependent motors with diverse roles in nearly every aspect of bacterial and eukaryotic genome maintenance. However, the physical mechanisms by which RecQ helicases recognize and process specific DNA replication and repair intermediates are largely unknown. Here, we solved crystal structures of the human RECQ1 helicase in complexes with tailed-duplex DNA and ssDNA. The structures map the interactions of the ssDNA tail and the branch point along the helicase and Zn-binding domains, which, together with reported structures of other helicases, define the catalytic stages of helicase action. We also identify a strand-separating pin, which (uniquely in RECQ1) is buttressed by the protein dimer interface. A duplex DNA-binding surface on the C-terminal domain is shown to play a role in DNA unwinding, strand annealing, and Holliday junction (HJ) branch migration. We have combined EM and analytical ultracentrifugation approaches to show that RECQ1 can form what appears to be a flat, homotetrameric complex and propose that RECQ1 tetramers are involved in HJ recognition. This tetrameric arrangement suggests a platform for coordinated activity at the advancing and receding duplexes of an HJ during branch migration.RecQ helicases are a family of ATP-dependent motor proteins that play central roles in maintaining genome stability. Defects in three of the five human RecQ homologs give rise to distinct genetic disorders associated with genomic instability, cancer predisposition, and premature aging (15). The unique clinical features of these disorders support the notion that the different RecQ helicases have nonoverlapping functions, but the molecular basis for their different enzymatic activities remains unclear. RecQ helicases catalyze ATP-dependent DNA unwinding in the 3′–5′ direction. Additionally, members of this helicase family have been shown to tackle an unparalleled breath of noncanonical DNA structures, such as fork DNA, G-quadruplexes, D-loops, and Holliday junction (HJ) structures (68). However, our understanding of the physical mechanisms by which RecQ helicases recognize and process their physiological substrates remains remarkably limited.RECQ1 is the shortest of the human RecQ-family helicases, comprising the bipartite ATPase domain common to all superfamily 2 (SF2) helicases, the RecQ-specific C-terminal domain (RQC), and short extensions on the N and C termini. We recently discovered a specific function of RECQ1 in branch migration and restart of reversed DNA replication forks upon DNA topoisomerase I inhibition that is not shared by other human RecQ helicases, such as Werner (WRN) or Bloom (BLM) syndrome proteins (9). On the other hand, BLM is the sole human RecQ helicase member specifically able to resolve double-HJ junction structures in conjunction with DNA topoisomerase III alpha and the RMI1 and RMI2 accessory proteins (1012). These findings lead us to hypothesize that the specialized functions of each human RecQ protein in HJ resolution and reversed fork restart arise from key structural properties that are unique to each protein.In this work, we determined the first X-ray structures, to our knowledge, of two DNA-bound forms of human RECQ1. These structures complement earlier DNA-free forms that we determined of the RECQ1 catalytic core (2.0-Å resolution for the ADP-bound form) (13). Comparisons of these structures with new structures recently determined for both bacterial and human RecQ helicases in their DNA-bound and unbound forms reveal important insights into conformational changes linked to DNA binding, translocation, and unwinding. We also used biochemical, analytical ultracentrifugation, and EM tools to describe a tetrameric form of RECQ1, which has a role in binding an HJ. We posit that different quaternary structures might account for the specialized functions of each human RecQ protein in genome maintenance.  相似文献   

Bloom's syndrome (BS) is an autosomal recessive disorder associated with dwarfism, immunodeficiency, reduced fertility, and elevated levels of many types of cancer. BS cells show marked genomic instability; in particular, hyperrecombination between sister chromatids and homologous chromosomes. This instability is thought to result from defective processing of DNA replication intermediates. The gene mutated in BS, BLM, encodes a member of the RecQ family of DExH box DNA helicases, which also includes the Werner's syndrome gene product. We have investigated the mechanism by which BLM suppresses hyperrecombination. Here, we show that BLM selectively binds Holliday junctions in vitro and acts on recombination intermediates containing a Holliday junction to promote ATP-dependent branch migration. We present a model in which BLM disrupts potentially recombinogenic molecules that arise at sites of stalled replication forks. Our results have implications for the role of BLM as an anti-recombinase in the suppression of tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli recA protein makes joint molecules from single-stranded circular phage DNA (viral or plus strand) and homologous linear duplex DNA by a polar reaction that displaces the 5' end of the plus strand from the duplex molecule [Kahn, R., Cunningham, R. P., DasGupta, C. & Radding, C. M. (1981) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 78, 4786-4790]. Growth of the heteroduplex joint, which results from strand exchange or branch migration, stopped at the borders of regions of nonhomologous DNA that were variously located 145, 630, or 1202 nucleotides from the end. Accumulation of migrating branches at heterologous borders demonstrates that their migration is not the result of random diffusion but is actively driven by recA protein. Growth of the heteroduplex joint was blocked even when a heterologous insertion was located in the single-stranded DNA, a case in which the flexible single-stranded region might conceivably fold out of the way under some condition. The recA protein did not make joint molecules from phage phi X174 and G4DNAs, which are 70% homologous, but did join phage fd and M13DNAs, which are 97% homologous. In the latter case, heteroduplex joints extended through regions containing isolated mismatched base pairs but stopped in a region where the fd and M13 sequences differ by an average of 1 base pair in 10. These results suggest that in genetic recombination the discrimination of perfect or near-perfect homology from a high degree of relatedness may be attributable in part to the mechanism by which recA protein promotes strand transfer.  相似文献   

Holliday junctions form during DNA repair and homologous recombination processes. These processes entail branch migration, whereby the length of two arms of a cruciform increases at the expense of the two others. Branch migration is carried out in prokaryotic cells by the RuvAB motor complex. We study RuvAB-catalyzed branch migration by following the motion of a small paramagnetic bead tethered to a surface by two opposing arms of a single cruciform. The bead, pulled under the action of magnetic tweezers, exerts tension on the cruciform, which in turn transmits the force to a single RuvAB complex bound at the crossover point. This setup provides a unique means of measuring several kinetic parameters of interest such as the translocation rate, the processivity, and the force on the substrate against which the RuvAB complex cannot effect translocation. RuvAB-catalyzed branch migration proceeds with a small, discrete number of rates, supporting the view that the monomers comprising the RuvB hexameric rings are not functionally homogeneous and that dimers or trimers constitute the active subunits. The most frequently encountered rate, 98 +/- 3 bp/sec, is approximately five times faster than previously estimated. The apparent processivity of branch migration between pauses of inactivity is approximately 7,000 bp. Branch migration persists against opposing forces up to 23 pN.  相似文献   

The Holliday junction (HJ) is a central intermediate in various genetic processes including homologous and site-specific recombination and DNA replication. Branch migration allows the exchange between homologous DNA regions, but the detailed mechanism for this key step of DNA recombination is unidentified. Here, we report direct real-time detection of branch migration in individual molecules. Using appropriately designed HJ constructs we were able to follow junction branch migration at the single-molecule level. Branch migration is detected as a stepwise random process with the overall kinetics dependent on Mg2+ concentration. We developed a theoretical approach to analyze the mechanism of HJ branch migration. The data show steps in which the junction flips between conformations favorable to branch migration and conformations unfavorable to it. In the favorable conformation (the extended HJ geometry), the branch can migrate over several base pairs detected, usually as a single large step. Mg2+ cations stabilize folded conformations and stall branch migration for a period considerably longer than the hopping step. The conformational flip and the variable base pair hopping step provide insights into the regulatory mechanism of genetic processes involving HJs.  相似文献   

Bag model for DNA migration during pulsed-field electrophoresis.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A model for pulsed-field electrophoresis was developed by picturing large DNA as a deformable "bag" that (i) moves with limiting mobility in a continuous electric field, (ii) adopts an orientation aligned with the field direction, and (iii) reorients after a change in field direction in a size-dependent manner. The model correctly predicted the resolution of large DNA in a pulsed field including the surprising phenomena of mobility inversion, lateral band spreading, and improved resolution for obtuse angles. A simple parametrization agreed with observations of two completely different aspects of DNA behavior: bulk mobility as measured during gel electrophoresis and molecular reorientation as measured by linear dichroism. The model also provides quantitative guidelines for setting experimental parameters in pulsed-field electrophoresis experiments.  相似文献   

Filler DNA is associated with spontaneous deletions in maize.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
We have determined the structure of five spontaneous deletions within the maize waxy (Wx) gene. Of these, four were found in spontaneous wx mutants (wx-B, wx-B1, wx-B6, wx-C4) and include exon sequences; the fifth is restricted to an intron and represents a restriction fragment length polymorphism of a nonmutant allele (Wx-W23). The deletions, which range in size from 60 to 980 base pairs (bp), cluster in a G+C-rich region of approximately 1000 bp that is capable of forming stable secondary structures. Most striking is our finding that all of the alleles have DNA insertions (filler DNA) of 1-131 bp between the deletion endpoints. For three of the five deletions, the filler DNA and sequences at the deletion termini appear to be derived from sequences near one deletion endpoint. A previously reported spontaneous deletion of the maize bronze gene (bz-R) also contains filler DNA. The association of filler DNA with maize deletion endpoints contrasts dramatically with the rarity of similar events in animal germ-line and bacterial mutations.  相似文献   

Spontaneous mutations arising at the HPRT locus were examined in 126 mutants recovered from a series of six CHEF-derived cell lines. Altered restriction fragment patterns were characterized by Southern blot hybridization, and gene expression by RNA blot hybridization. Point mutants and gene-expression mutants predominated in the control (nontumorigenic) 18-1D-3 cell line and in two tumor-derived lines, one of which (16-2 Tuk 4) displayed a mutator phenotype. In the other three lines, the majority of mutants had large partial or whole gene deletions. These results suggest that mutant enzymes in DNA replication or repair play an important role in neoplastic progression by causing extensive deletions in DNA, including excision of genes that encode tumor-suppressor functions, and deletion of regulatory sequences in protooncogenes.  相似文献   

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