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OBJECTIVE: This evaluation of articles published by Revista Espa?ola de Anestesiología y Reanimación (REDAR) between 1996 and 2001 focused on authorship, institutional participation and citations. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Eight hundred twelve articles from 1996 through 2001 were examined for the following information: mean number of authors per article, professional categories and affiliations of the authors, inter-institutional collaboration, number of references, number of self-citations of previous work by one of the authors, rate of journal self-citation, number of citations of Spanish authors, insularity index, immediacy index, number of references that could be evaluated should REDAR analyzed as be a source journal. RESULTS: The mean number of authors per article the period analyzed was 4.26 and the mean number did not differ significantly from year to year. Anesthesiologists accounted for 89.7% of the authors. Institutional collaboration led to 259 articles and the collaboration index was 1.5. The number of references per article was 19.4, the rate of journal self-citation was 6.42%, and the rate of citation authors' own work was 2.73%. The insularity index was 11.9, and the immediacy index was 0.17; 2,430 citable works were counted for calculation of an impact factor. REDAR was the most-cited journal. CONCLUSIONS: The authorship indexes for REDAR are similar to those of other Spanish publications, although the institutional rate is lower. The number of references is similar to those in other Spanish journals. REDAR is the journal receiving the largest number of references and has the greatest effect on the immediacy index.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify and assess the quality of controlled clinical trials published in Revista Espa?ola de Anestesiología y Reanimación during the period 1967-2004. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We identified and classified clinical trials following the criteria adopted by the International Cochrane Collaboration. Each trial was described and its design assessed. RESULTS: We identified 640 controlled clinical trials: 233 (36.4%) were published as original articles, 398 (62.2%) were conference presentations, and 9 (1.4%) were in other publication formats. The most common type of trial design, found in 398 (62.2%) cases, was drug-to-drug comparison. The main outcome was of clinical interest in 464 (72.5%) cases. The system of randomization used was considered adequate in only 37 (5.8%) of the studies. The funding source for 432 (67.5%) trials was not specified. CONCLUSIONS: It is noteworthy that Revista Espa?ola de Anestesiología y Reanimación has published a large number of controlled clinical trials in comparison with other Spanish journals covered by Index Medicus. We observed that important information on how the trials were carried out was missing and that trial quality was low in terms of current standards. The editorial board's adoption of the CONSORT statement may help to improve the quality of trials currently being published, and that question should be analyzed after a reasonable period of time has passed.  相似文献   

The year 2003 will mark the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of Revista Espa?ola de Anestesiología y Reanimación (Spanish Journal of Anesthesiology and Postoperative Recovery). For that reason, it is appropriate to explore some of the details of the journal's early history. In 1954 and 1955 two official journals of anesthesiology co-existed in Spain: Revista Espa?ola de Anestesiología, which was the official organ of the Spanish Society of Anesthesiology and Postoperative Recovery, and Hypnos, which was the bulletin of the Association of Anesthesia of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Barcelona. The two publications merged in 1956 as Revista Espa?ola de Anestesiología, thereby forming the journal whose name eventually became Revista Espa?ola de Anestesiología y Reanimación.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Revista Espa?ola de Anestesiología y Reanimación (REDAR) is not listed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) and therefore REDAR's impact factor (IF) is unknown. This study aimed to calculate REDAR's IF and immediacy index for the years 1997 and 1998 as well as the IF that the journal would have had if it were considered an ISI source journal. The study also aimed to analyze self-citations and how they would affect the IF if REDAR were considered a source journal. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We calculated the IF and immediacy indexes using ISI methodology, by manually counting the references to REDAR articles published in 1997 and 1998 and singling out self-citations. RESULTS: The IF was 0.014 for 1997 and 0.054 for 1998. If REDAR had been considered a source journal in 1997 the IFs would have been 0.437 for 1997 and 0.419 for 1998. The immediacy indexes were 0.37 for 1997 and 0.30 for 1998. The mean number of references per article for the two-year period under study was 19.04 with differences depending mainly on type of article. The highest numbers of self-citations and the highest proportions of the same were found in letters to the editor and authors' replies. The 30 author-plus-journal self citations accounted for 9.3% of all self-citations (n = 322). CONCLUSION: The IF of REDAR is far lower than those of other European journals. If REDAR were accepted as a source journal, it would benefit from its self-citations. Improving REDAR's if would result in greater international recognition of our scientific level.  相似文献   

The Spanish Association of Coloproctology and the Coloproctology Division of the Spanish Association of Surgeons propose this consensus document with a treatment algorithm for anal fissure that could be used for decision making. Non-surgical therapy and surgical treatment of anal fissure are explained, and the recommended algorithm is provided. The methodology used was: creation of a group of experts; search in PubMed, MEDLINE and the Cochrane Library for publications from the last 10 years about anal fissure; presentation at the 21st National Meeting of the Spanish Association of Coloproctology Foundation 2017 with voting for/against each conclusion by the attendees and review by the scientific committee of the Spanish Association of Coloproctology.  相似文献   

The ERAS guidelines are intended to identify, disseminate and promote the implementation of the best, scientific evidence-based actions to decrease variability in clinical practice. The implementation of these practices in the global clinical process will promote better outcomes and the shortening of hospital and critical care unit stays, thereby resulting in a reduction in costs and in greater efficiency. After completing a systematic review at each of the points of the perioperative process in cardiac surgery, recommendations have been developed based on the best scientific evidence currently available with the consensus of the scientific societies involved.  相似文献   

The use of ultrasound as a clinical diagnostic tool and guide of bedside procedures has become an indispensable examination in the acute critically ill patient. The training of professionals in minimum skills of knowledge, management and indications of use of ultrasound required to be defined by the Scientific Societies. The Intensive Care Ultrasound Working Group of the Spanish Society of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation (SEDAR), of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI) and the Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine (SEMES) has developed this consensus document in which the recommended training program and the minimum competencies to be achieved with regard to the use of Ultrasound in Intensive Care, Anesthesia and Emergency medicine are defined.This document defines the training program and the skills to acquire in order to achieve the diploma in lung, abdominal and vascular ultrasound. This document can serve as a guide to define the skills to be acquired in the training programs of residents (MIRs) of specialists working in intensive care, anesthesia, and emergency medicine.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo describe the frequency of dose notification of antiinfectives for systemic use in clinical cases published in Revista Española de Anestesiología y Reanimación.Material and methodReview of individualized clinical cases published in the sections «Clinical case» or «Letter to the Editor» of the above mentioned journal from year 2010 to 2012, and identification of the drugs and their therapeutic regimens cited in such publications, being dose notification the main variable. Drugs have been classified according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System.ResultsOne thousand one hundred and thirty-five drugs cited 1,317 times were identified in 167 articles describing the clinical pictures of 182 patients, 73 of the citations (5.6%) regarding to drugs belonging to group J (Antiinfectives for systemic use) which were divided into perioperative prophylaxis (n = 15) and active treatment (n = 58). Doses were scarcely notified for group J drugs as a whole (27.4%), but especially for active treatment (17.2%) compared to perioperative prophylaxis (66.7%), percentage which was similar to those more classical anesthetic drugs (fentanyl: 86.6%; remifentanil: 70.5%; sevoflurane: 78%; propofol: 79%; rocuronium:79.6%; cisatracurium: 68.4%) or even for antiemetics (ondansetron: 92.3%; dexamethasone: 84.6%).ConclusionsQuality of case reports could be improved by including dose notification for antiinfective agents.  相似文献   



The intravesical administration of hazardous drug products is a standard practice in the urology setting, which potentially exposing medical personnel to these drug products. It was deemed necessary to have a consensus document among the scientific societies involved (the Spanish Urological Association and the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy) that collects the best available evidence on the safest handling possible of dangerous drug products in the setting of urology departments.


We reviewed the legislation and recommendations on the handling of dangerous drug products, both at the national and international level.


There is national legislation and regulations for protecting workers who handle dangerous drugs and products, as well as recommendations for handling to protect both the product and workers.


Following the strategic lines of the European Parliament for 2014-2020 in the chapter on occupational safety and health, the Spanish Urological Association and the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy proposed a series of actions that decrease the risks of exposure for practitioners and caregivers involved in the handling of these products.


After this review, 19 recommendations were established for handling dangerous drug products, which can be summarised as the need to train all individuals involved (from management teams to patients and caregivers), adopt systems that prevent contaminating leaks, implement exposure surveillance programmes and optimise available resources.  相似文献   

Transesophageal echocardiography is a semi-invasive technique that allows an evaluation of cardiac morphology and function in real time and it is a quality standard in cardiovascular surgery. It has become a fundamental tool for both monitoring and diagnosis in the intraoperative period that allows decide the correct surgical planning and pharmacological management.The goal of this document is to answer the questions of when and how the perioperative TEE should be performed in cardiovascular surgery, what are their applications in the intraoperative, who should perform it and how the information should be transmitted. The authors made a systematic review of international guidelines, review articles and clinical trials to answer by consensus to these questions.  相似文献   

The current COVID-19 pandemic has rendered up to 15% of patients under mechanical ventilation. Because the subsequent tracheotomy is a frequent procedure, the three societies mostly involved (SEMICYUC, SEDAR and SEORL-CCC) have setup a consensus paper that offers an overview about indications and contraindications of tracheotomy, be it by puncture or open, clarifying its respective advantages and enumerating the ideal conditions under which they should be performed, as well as the necessary steps. Regular and emergency situations are displayed together with the postoperative measures.  相似文献   

Aortic pathology is always a challenge for the clinician, and must be diagnosed and treated by a multidisciplinary team due to the technical and technological complexity of the resources used. Ongoing efforts to implement a systematic, protocolized approach involving “Aortic teams” made up of cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, vascular surgeons, anaesthesiologists and radiologists, among others are now leading to improved outcomes. The aim of this consensus document drawn up by the Aortic working groups of the Spanish Society of Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Pain Therapy (SEDAR) and the Spanish Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (SECTCV) is to disseminate a set of working protocols. The latest consensus document of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) and the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS) define the concept of “AORTIC TEAM”(1). The aortic team should be closely involved from diagnosis to treatment and finally follow-up, and should be formed of cardiac and vascular surgeons working together with anaesthesiologists, cardiologists, radiologists and geneticists. Treatment of aortic pathologies should be centralised in large centres, because this is the only way to effectively understand the natural course of the disease, provide the entire range of treatment options under one umbrella and treat potential complications. A streamlined emergent care pathway (24/7 availability), adequate transportation and transfer capabilities, as well as rapid activation of the multidisciplinary team must be available. In light of the complexity and constant evolution of therapeutic options, we present this first version of the Anaesthesiology and surgical guidelines for surgery of the ascending aorta and aortic arch. Some questions will no doubt remain unanswered, and future versions will include new techniques that, though implemented in some centres, are still not widely recommended.  相似文献   

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