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The effects of neuropeptide Y (NPY) on adrenal glucocorticoid secretion are controversial, and we have investigated this issue in guinea pigs, where, like in humans and cows, the main glucocorticoid hormone is cortisol. In vivo experiments showed that prolonged NPY administration markedly lowered cortisol plasma concentration not only in normal guinea pigs, but also in animals whose hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and renin-angiotensin system had been pharmacologically interrupted by the simultaneous administration of dexamethasone and captopril. In vitro experiments ruled out the possibility that in vivo glucocorticoid anti-secretagogue action of NPY can ensue from a direct effect on the adrenal gland. In fact, NPY did not affect cortisol secretion from dispersed guinea pig inner adrenocortical cells. In contrast, NPY raised cortisol production from adrenal slices containing medullary tissue, and this effect was blocked by the beta-adrenoceptor antagonist l-alprenolol. This finding, coupled with the demonstration that NPY enhanced catecholamine release from guinea pigadrenomedullary tissue, strongly suggests that NPY may stimulate glucocorticoid secretion in this species through an indirect mechanism involving catecholamines, that in a paracrine manner promote the secretion of inner adrenocortical cells. In light of these observations, the conclusion is drawn that the in vivo effects of NPY are mediated by mechanism(s) independent of either the suppression of the main adrenal agonists ACTH and angiotensin-II or the direct inhibition of adrenal secretion. The possibility merits an investigation into whether NPY enhances the production of peptides, which, like leptin, inhibit adrenal glucocorticoid secretion acting as circulating hormones.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y: cerebrovascular innervation and vasomotor effects in the cat   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Certain benzodiazepines (BZs) like lorazepam, diazepam or clonazepam induce myoclonus jerks in photosensitive and non-photosensitive baboons. Papio papio, which are not accompanied by EEG paroxysmal discharges (type B). The effect of the selective BZ antagonist R0 15-1788 was evaluated in this myoclonus. Ro 15-1788 completely blocked type B myoclonus without decreasing the level of vigilance in the two types of baboons, and reversed the antiepileptic action of the BZs in the photosensitive ones, permitting the reappearance of myoclonus following EEG paroxysmal discharges (type A). L-5-hydroxytryptophan and progabide also blocked type B myoclonus, but the blockade was only transiently effective and was always accompanied by slight drowsiness.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y expression in rat brain: effects of adrenalectomy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neuropeptide Y (NPY) messenger RNA was measured by hybridization of mRNA from the cortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus and striatum of rat brains. Adrenalectomized rats showed lowered level of NPY message in the striatum. A similar decline was found in the hypothalamus, while the cortex and hippocampus were unchanged. Levels of NPY message per unit total RNA were about the same for hypothalamus, cortex and striatum and about 50% less for hippocampus. Adrenalectomized rats that received replacement corticosterone had levels of NPY message that had returned to the levels found in rats receiving sham operation. Response elements consistent with our findings are reported in the NPY genomic sequence.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY)-immunoreactivity has been shown to be present in sympathetic nerve fibres in the rat pineal gland and a dense network of NPY-containing nerve fibres demonstrated to innervate the rat circle of Willis. The NPY content of the major rabbit intracranial arteries was determined by radioimmunoassay and maximal levels found in the anterior cerebral arteries. After bilateral superior cervical ganglion (SCG) removal, no NPY was detectable in the rat pineal gland; however, significant NPY-immunoreactive nerve fibres remained throughout the rat vertebrobasilar arteries, and 47% of the assayable NPY was still present. Neither intraventricular 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) nor the combination of 6-OHDA treatment and SCG removal resulted in any further loss of NPY. In conclusion, the NPY innervation of the pineal gland originates exclusively from the peripheral sympathetic nervous system. In contrast the caudal portion of the rat circle of Willis contains NPY fibres which are resistant to sympathectomy.  相似文献   

The distribution of radiolabeled 3,4,3',4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl (TCB) and TCB-induced effects on serum and adrenal gland retinoid content, and adrenal gland morphology was studied by liquid scintillation counting, high performance liquid chromatography, light microscopic autoradiography, and transmission electron microscopy. Adult, female WAG/Rij rats received a single intraperitoneal injection of either vehicle (corn oil), 15 mg TCB/kg, or 200 mg TCB/kg body weight and were sacrificed (N = 3 per group) at 1, 3, 7, and 14 days after treatment. One rat of the high dose group that was sacrificed at each sampling time had received radiolabeled compound (containing 1.85 mCi of 3H-TCB). At day 1, the adrenal gland had the greatest concentration of radioactivity (dpm x 10(-6)/gm wet tissue) of any organ examined. There was a selective distribution of radiolabeled compound to the zona fasciculata accompanied by morphometric evidence of hypertrophy of the zona fasciculata. The vast majority of 3H-TCB present in the adrenal gland was parent compound at all time periods. Serum retinol content was significantly decreased in the high dose group by 61 and 54% at days 3 and 7, respectively. No significant decrease in adrenal gland retinoid content occurred at any time in this study, but in contrast, adrenal gland retinol and retinyl palmitate content was increased. Serum cortisol levels were transiently decreased in the high dose group. Ultrastructural alterations were only observed in cells of the zona fasciculata. Predominant changes included mitochondrial hypertrophy and concentric whorling lamellar arrays of the membranes of the outer mitochondrial compartment and mitochondrial cristae. The results of this study indicate that the rat adrenal gland is an early target organ after TCB intoxication, and that there is an early and selective distribution of TCB in the rat adrenal gland accompanied by morphologic alterations in the sites of compound localization. The results further suggest that the observed morphologic changes did not result from hypovitaminosis A.  相似文献   

A rich network of NPY-like immunoreactive fibers was found in the paraventricular nucleus and the ventromedial region of the hypothalamus juxtapositioned to the third ventricle, including the median eminence. Brain regions, areas or nuclei found densely innervated by NPY-like immunoreactive fibers included the olfactory bulb region, septal area, organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis, preoptic periventricular nucleus, hypothalamic periventricular nucleus, medial suprachiasmatic nucleus, subseptal (subfornical) organ, ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, infundibular nucleus and nucleus tractus solitarius. NPY-like containing perikarya were localized within the hippocampus, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and surrounding the nucleus rotundus and nucleus of the basal optic root. Since the immunocytochemical study showed that NPY was localized in brain structures known to alter food intake and the compound is a member of the pancreatic polypeptide family, a second study was designed to determine if the neuropeptide altered plasma concentrations of insulin, glucagon and glucose following intracerebroventricular administration. It was found that NPY significantly increased plasma concentration of insulin. It is proposed that two reasons why NPY is such a potent orexigenic agent is that the paraventricular nucleus and structures surrounding the third ventricle throughout the ventromedial hypothalamic region show high levels of NPY-like immunoreactivity. Secondly, NPY effects an increase in plasma insulin in the periphery.  相似文献   

The subcellular localization of neuropeptide Y in the bovine adrenal medulla was studied. After differential centrifugation, a large part of total neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity (66%) was recovered in the large granule fraction. This fraction also contained 42% of the total catecholamines and 52% of the total free [Met]enkephalin. Thus neuropeptide Y co-sedimented with these chromaffin granule markers. The large granule fraction was analysed by the technique of rate zonal centrifugation in hypertonic sucrose media (molarities ranging from 1.6 to 2.2 M). Noradrenaline vesicles were preferentially enriched at high sucrose concentration. Adrenaline vesicles as well as enkephalin and neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity pelleted mainly at lower sucrose concentrations. The large granule fraction was also separated by successive centrifugation in self-generating gradients of Percoll-sucrose into two subpopulations, one containing lighter adrenergic vesicles and the other the dense noradrenergic vesicles. Like [Met]enkephalin immunoreactivity, neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity was concentrated in fractions containing the lighter adrenergic vesicles. In these fractions the molar ratio of adrenaline to free [Met]enkephalin to neuropeptide Y was 5000:12:1. This biochemical study supports immunohistochemical studies which described co-localization of neuropeptide Y in adrenaline cells in the rat, mouse, cat, guinea-pig and man and co-localization of neuropeptide Y with enkephalins in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. Our results are however in contrast with the report of other immunohistochemical work which claimed co-localization of neuropeptide Y in noradrenaline cells of rat, cat, dog, horse and cow.  相似文献   

The adrenal glands of 134 fetuses, either stillborn or dying within 24 h, were studied to ascertain the lipid droplet pattern in the fetal cortex. The findings were correlated with the associated placental pathology and clinical features. Three patterns were identified (types I, II and III), representing increasing amounts of coarse lipid droplets. The type III pattern showed the most lipid accumulation and occurred in cases where the placental pathology or the clinical situation was indicative of fetal hypoxia.  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricular (ICV) and intraperitoneal (IP) administration of n-octanoic acid-modified ghrelin stimulates food intake in the goldfish. We examined the involvement of neuropeptide Y (NPY) in the orexigenic action of ghrelin using a NPY Y1-receptor antagonist, BIBP-3226. Food intake induced by ICV or IP injection of ghrelin was suppressed by ICV preinjection of BIBP-3226 for 1 h. We then examined whether ghrelin affects the expression of NPY mRNA in the goldfish brain using a real-time PCR method. ICV, but not IP, administration of ghrelin at a dose sufficient to stimulate food intake increased the expression of brain NPY mRNA obtained from 2 h after treatment. These results indicate that the orexigenic action of central ghrelin is mediated by the release of NPY in the brain with stimulating NPY synthesis, and that peripheral ghrelin also stimulates food intake via brain NPY pathway.  相似文献   

The claustrum is a telencephalic nucleus located ventrolateral to the basal ganglia in the mammalian brain. It has an extensive reciprocal connectivity with most if not all of the cerebral cortex, in particular, primary sensory areas. However, despite renewed and growing interest amongst investigators, there remains a paucity of data concerning its peptidergic profile. The aim of the present study was to examine the presence, morphology, distribution and ultrastructure of neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive (NPY-ir) neurons and fibers in the claustrum of the cat. Ten adult healthy cats from both sexes were used. All animals received human and ethical treatment in accordance with the Principles of Laboratory Animal Care. Subjects were irreversibly anesthetized and transcardially perfused with fixative solution containing glutaraldehyde and paraformaldehyde. Brains were promptly removed, postfixed and sectioned. Slices were incubated with polyclonal anti-NPY antibodies according to the standard avidin–biotin–peroxidase complex method adopted by our Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology. NPY-ir neurons and fibers were found to be diffusely distributed throughout the claustrum, with no obvious topographic or functional patterning other than larger numbers in its central/broadest part (stereotaxic planes A12–A16). Neurons were generally classified by diameter into three sizes: small (under 17 μm), medium (17–25 μm) and large (over 25 μm). Staining density is varied with some neurons appearing darker than others. At the electron-microscopic level NPY immunoproduct was observed within neurons, dendrites and terminal boutons, each differing relative to their ultrastructural attributes. Two types of NPY-ir synaptic boutons were found. Lastly, it is of interest to note that gender-specific differences were not observed.  相似文献   

1. Experiments were carried out to study the effects of adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH) on calcium distribution in the isolated cat adrenal gland perfused with Locke solution.2. The addition of ACTH to Locke solution caused a small, but significant, increase in the radiocalcium ((45)Ca) space and content of the adrenal cortex.3. The average (45)Ca washout curve obtained after exposure to ACTH was significantly displaced above the average washout curve for the control glands during the first 20 min of washout. During the time that the two curves were significantly different, maximum corticosteroid secretion was attained.4. The rate of (45)Ca efflux was slowed after ACTH was added to the perfusion medium.5. The total calcium content of the cortex was not altered by ACTH.6. Perfusion with calcium-free Locke caused a rapid decrease in the calcium content of the cortex to about 20% of the control value. Dinitrophenol was required to deplete completely the cortical calcium content during perfusion with the calcium-deprived medium.7. The results are consistent with the suggestion that a translocation of calcium occurs during stimulation of the cortex by ACTH. The source of the calcium ions needed to support the secretory response to ACTH is probably not the extracellular fluid; but ACTH may shift calcium from a rapidly exchanging to a more slowly exchanging cellular pool.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effects of gamma‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the central and peripheral nervous systems and the endocrine system are mediated by two different GABA receptors: GABAA‐receptor (GABAA‐R) and GABAB‐receptor (GABAB‐R). GABAA‐R, but not GABAB‐R, has been observed in the rat adrenal gland, where GABA is known to be released. This study sought to determine whether both GABA and GABAB‐R are present in the endocrine and neuronal elements of the rat adrenal gland, and to investigate whether GABAB‐R may play a role in mediating the effects of GABA in secretory activity of these cells. GABA‐immunoreactive nerve fibers were observed in the superficial cortex. Some GABA‐immunoreactive nerve fibers were found to be associated with blood vessels. Double‐immunostaining revealed GABA‐immunoreactive nerve fibers in the cortex were choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)‐immunonegative. Some GABA‐immunoreactive nerve fibers ran through the cortex toward the medulla. In the medulla, GABA‐immunoreactivity was seen in some large ganglion cells, but not in the chromaffin cells. Double‐immunostaining also showed GABA‐immunoreactive ganglion cells were nitric oxide synthase (NOS)‐immunopositive. However, neither immunohistochemistry combined with fluorescent microscopy nor double‐immunostaining revealed GABA‐immunoreactivity in the noradrenaline cells with blue‐white fluorescence or in the adrenaline cells with phenylethanolamine N‐methyltransferase (PNMT)‐immunoreactivity. Furthermore, GABA‐immunoreactive nerve fibers were observed in close contact with ganglion cells, but not chromaffin cells. Double‐immunostaining also showed that the GABA‐immunoreactive nerve fibers were in close contact with NOS‐ or neuropeptide tyrosine (NPY)‐immunoreactive ganglion cells. A few of the GABA‐immunoreactive nerve fibers were ChAT‐immunopositive, while most of the GABA‐immunoreactive nerve fibers were ChAT‐immunonegative. Numerous ChAT‐immunoreactive nerve fibers were observed in close contact with the ganglion cells and chromaffin cells in the medulla. The GABAB‐R‐immunoreactivity was found only in ganglion cells in the medulla and not at all in the cortex. Immunohistochemistry combined with fluorescent microscopy and double‐immunostaining showed no GABAB‐R‐immunoreactivity in noradrenaline cells with blue‐white fluorescence or in adrenaline cells with PNMT‐immunoreactivity. These immunoreactive ganglion cells were NOS‐ or NPY‐immunopositive on double‐immunostaining. These findings suggest that GABA from the intra‐adrenal nerve fibers may have an inhibitory effect on the secretory activity of ganglion cells and cortical cells, and on the motility of blood vessels in the rat adrenal gland, mediated by GABA‐Rs.  相似文献   

Distribution of neuropeptide Y (NPY)-like immunoreactivity in the forebrain of catfish Clarias batrachus was examined with immunocytochemistry. Conspicuous immunoreactivity was seen in the olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs), their projections in the olfactory nerve, fascicles of the olfactory nerve layer in the periphery of bulb and in the medial olfactory tracts as they extend to the telencephalic lobes. Ablation of the olfactory organ resulted in loss of immunoreactivity in the olfactory nerve layer of the bulb and also in the fascicles of the medial olfactory tracts. This evidence suggests that NPY may serve as a neurotransmitter in the ORNs and convey chemosensory information to the olfactory bulb, and also to the telencephalon over the extrabulbar projections. In addition, network of beaded immunoreactive fibers was noticed throughout the olfactory bulb, which did not respond to ablation experiment. These fibers may represent centrifugal innervation of the bulb. Strong immunoreactivity was encountered in some ganglion cells of nervus terminalis. Immunoreactive fibers and terminal fields were widely distributed in the telencephalon. Several neurons of nucleus entopeduncularis were moderately immunoreactive; and a small population of neurons in nucleus preopticus periventricularis was also labeled. Immunoreactive terminal fields were particularly conspicuous in the preoptic, the tuberal areas, and the periventricular zone around the third ventricle and inferior lobes. NPY immunoreactive cells and fibers were detected in all the lobes of the pituitary gland. Present results describing the localization of NPY in the forebrain of C. batrachus are in concurrence with the pattern of the immunoreactivity encountered in other teleosts. However, NPY in olfactory system of C. batrachus is a novel feature that suggests a role for the peptide in processing of chemosensory information.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine and characterize the post-ganglionic innervation of the adrenal gland, using a neurophysiological nerve recording technique. Adrenal multifibre nerve activity was recorded in chloralose-anaesthetized Wistar rats. To test for post-ganglionic nerve activity, trimethaphan, a ganglionic blocker, was given intravenously. About 60% of the adrenal nerve preparations tested responded with a marked decrease in nerve activity (to 52 +/- 11% of pre-trimethaphan activity, P less than 0.01), while other nerves responded with an increase in activity (to 152 +/- 29% of pre-trimethaphan activity, P less than 0.01). Based on these responses, the nerves were considered to contain predominantly post- or preganglionic fibres respectively, and the difference in response to an intravenous injection of trimethaphan between the two groups was significant (P less than 0.01). It was also demonstrated that the post-ganglionic adrenal nerve activity had a greater variability in firing pattern than preganglionic adrenal nerve activity. We also examined whether there was any cardiac rhythmicity in the investigated nerves. There was a weak cardiac rhythmicity in six out of 12 post-ganglionic adrenal nerves, but there was no cardiac rhythmicity in the remaining six post-ganglionic nerves, and we observed no cardiac rhythmicity in preganglionic nerves. In contrast, renal sympathetic nerves showed a profound cardiac rhythmicity. Our results might explain recent histological findings of a direct post-ganglionic innervation of the adrenal cortex. We speculate that this nerve population is involved in steroid synthesis indirectly via regulation of the cortical blood flow or directly via a direct innervation of parenchymal cells in the adrenal cortex.  相似文献   

The co-localization of Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide (VIP) with Neuropeptide Y (NPY) or its C-flanking peptide (C-PON) was investigated with immunocytochemistry methods in the adrenal gland of the rat. Most of the VIP immunoreactive (+) nerve fibers found in the capsule/glomerular zone also exhibited NPY or C-PON immunoreactivity (IR). We found that at least two populations of VIP varicose nerve fibers can be observed, the most prevalent exhibited both VIP/NPY or VIP/C-PON IR and the other which was rather scarce lacked NPY or C-PON IR. In the superficial cortex VIP/NPY or VIP/C-PON IR nerve fibers were often associated with capsular or subcapsular vascularization and extended into the zona glomerulosa. In the deeper layers of the adrenal cortex radial fibers were closely associated with the inner vascularization of the zona fasciculata and reticularis. In the adrenal medulla NPY or C-PON immunoreactivity was associated with ganglion neurons as well as chromaffin cells; these last cells were always VIP (-). VIP and NPY/C-PON IR could be co-localized in catecholaminergic nerve terminals of the adrenal cortex but not in the adrenal medulla.  相似文献   

The spontaneous firing of single neurones in the region of the lateral reticular nucleus was the subject of a pharmacological study employing microiontophoretic and systemic application of adrenoceptor agonists and antagonists. Both iontophoretic noradrenaline and systemic clonidine depressed neuronal firing. The depressions were consistently reversed by the alpha-2 antagonist RX781094. Other adrenergic antagonists, prazosin and sotalol, were ineffective. The results suggest the existence of alpha-2 receptors in this region of the brain.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y,GABA and circadian phase shifts to photic stimuli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lall GS  Biello SM 《Neuroscience》2003,120(4):915-921
Circadian rhythms can be phase shifted by photic and non-photic stimuli. The circadian clock, anatomically defined as the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), can be phase delayed by light during the early subjective night and phase advanced during the late subjective night. Non-photic stimuli reset the clock when presented during the subjective day. A possible pathway for the non-photic resetting of the clock is thought to originate from the intergeniculate leaflet, which conveys information to the SCN through the geniculohypothalamic tract and utilizes among others neuropeptide Y (NPY) and GABA as neurotransmitters. Photic and non-photic stimuli have been shown to interact during the early and late subjective night. Microinjections of NPY or muscimol, a GABAA receptor agonist, into the region of the SCN can attenuate light-induced phase shifts during the early and late subjective night. The precise mechanism for these interactions is unknown.

In the current study we investigate the involvement of a GABAergic mechanism in the interaction between NPY and light during the early and late subjective night. Microinjections of NPY significantly attenuated light-induced phase delays and inhibited phase advances (P<0.05). The administration of bicuculline during light exposure, before NPY microinjection did not alter the ability of NPY to attenuate light-induced phase delays and block photic phase advances.

These results indicate that NPY attenuates photic phase shifts via a mechanism independent of GABAA receptor activation. Furthermore it is evident that NPY influences circadian clock function via differing cellular pathways over the course of a circadian cycle.  相似文献   

The effect of neuropeptide Y (NPY) on uveal vascular resistance was studied in rabbits by direct determination of uveal blood flow from a cannulated vortex vein. Regional blood flows, in the eye, the brain and several other tissues, were measured, with radioactive microspheres, during neuropeptide Y-infusion in rabbits with and without α-adrenoceptor blockade. Intravenous infusion of increasing doses of neuropeptide Y caused a dose-dependent increase in the total uveal vascular resistance. Maximal effect, a 70% increase, was achieved with 120 pmol kg-1 min-1. In the microsphere experiments, this dose rate was given i.v. over 10 minutes and blood flow determinations were made before and at 2 and 10 minutes after the start of the infusion. After 2 minutes of neuropeptide Y, there were marked blood flow reductions in the spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands, gastro-intestinal tract, choroid plexus and pineal and pituitary gland. The effect in the eye was small at 2 minutes, but at 10 minutes local blood flows in the choroid and the ciliary body were decreased by 50% and the iridal blood flow by 30%. Retinal blood flow was not affected by neuropeptide Y. At 10 minutes there were also significant blood flow reductions in the brain, tongue, masseter muscle and several glandular tissues. The effects of neuropeptide Y on local blood flow in rabbits that had been subjected to α-adrenoceptor blockade were very similar to the effects in the animals without α-adrenoceptor blockade. The results show that, in the rabbit, neuropeptide Y has marked effects on local blood flows in several tissues, including the eye, and suggest that neuropeptide Y may significantly contribute to the uveal vasoconstriction during sympathetic nerve stimulation.  相似文献   

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