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目的 应用“年龄与发育进程问卷:父母完成的儿童发育监测系统”的标准化翻译中文版(ASQ-C),研究上海市3~66月龄儿童在春、夏和秋季神经精神发育的差异。方法 于春、夏和秋季,在上海市3~66月龄儿童中分层随机整群抽样。共有8 472名儿童的父母和(或)养育人完成了儿童月龄相应的ASQ-C测试。儿童ASQ-C的量表总分及沟通(CM)、大运动(GM)、精细运动(FM)、解决问题(CG)和个人-社会(PS)能区得分以±s表示;多组样本均数的比较采用完全随机设计的单因素方差分析;两两比较采用SNK法。采用多元线性回归分析以排除混杂因素。结果 ①不同季节测试儿童的ASQ-C量表总分间差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),从高至低的排序是秋、夏和春季,秋季显著高于夏和春季(P<0.05),夏季与春季间差异无统计学意义;②不同季节测试儿童的ASQ-C 5个能区得分间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01或<0.05),均以秋季最高;其中CM能区得分从高至低的排序为秋、春和夏季,其他4个能区得分从高至低的排序均为秋、夏和春季。两两比较结果显示,CM能区得分秋季显著高于夏季(P<0.05),秋季与春季、春季与夏季间差异无统计学意义;其他4个能区得分均表现为秋季显著高于夏和春季(P<0.05)。结论 季节对3~66月龄儿童的神经精神发育有影响;进一步研究季节或气候与儿童发育的关系很有必要;在儿童发育评估量表的研究中,建议考虑季节因素的影响。  相似文献   

目的了解早产儿在婴幼儿期的追赶生长情况,探索早产儿追赶生长对骨龄发育的影响。方法采用双向队列研究的方法,选取2015年1月1日至12月31日在武汉儿童医院儿童保健科就诊的早产儿为暴露组,按照1∶1的比例选取同年龄、同性别、同种族的足月儿为非暴露组,回顾性收集2组婴儿出生史、既往生长发育史等资料,并随访至3岁。3岁时2组儿童拍摄左腕部X线片进行骨龄评价。结果入组时暴露组和非暴露组研究对象各392例,随访至3岁时暴露组239例,非暴露组247例。随访过程中暴露组儿童的身长、体质量均存在追赶生长的趋势,体质量Z值在2月龄最低,但体质量和身长的总体水平仍落后于非暴露组。体质量的追赶优先于身长,体现在体质量追赶至Z=-2和Z=-1的时间分别为3.78个月、16.18个月,身长追赶至Z=-2和Z=-1的时间分别为7.24个月、22.21个月,身长在5~10月龄和12~21月龄期间追赶速度变缓。2组儿童进行骨龄评价的年龄在2.80~3.20岁(平均3.03岁),暴露组男童骨龄[(3.13±0.61)岁]高于非暴露组[(2.75±0.51)岁],差异有统计学意义(t=-5.52,P<0.01),暴露组女童骨龄[(3.23±0.57)岁]与非暴露组[(3.15±0.54)岁]比较,差异无统计学意义(t=-1.08,P>0.05)。1月龄、2月龄、4月龄、5月龄、6月龄、12月龄的身长Z值和2月龄、3月龄、4月龄体质量Z值是骨龄发育的促进因素,15月龄、18月龄、36月龄的身长Z值和15月龄的体质量Z值是骨龄发育的阻碍因素。结论早产儿在3岁前存在追赶生长趋势,避免1岁前体质量、身长的快速追赶生长可延缓骨龄发育。  相似文献   

目的研究中国与美国1~66个月儿童的《年龄与发育进程问卷-第3版》(ASQ-3)常模数据,分析两国儿童发育的差异并探讨其产生的原因。方法资料来源于中、美ASQ-3常模数据。采用SAS 9.3和MS Excel进行统计分析,比较两国儿童每个ASQ-3月龄组各能区得分的平均值。结果中国常模总样本为4 452人,每个月龄组为218~227例;美国常模总样本为18 572例,每个月龄组为352~2 088例。中、美ASQ-3常模比较,沟通能区共有11个月龄组差异有统计学意义,≤10 m月龄组均为美国高于中国,~20 m月龄组互有高低,~54 m月龄组中国高于美国;粗大动作能区有15个月龄组差异有统计学意义,在≤20 m月龄组均为美国高于中国,~30 m月龄组互有高低,≥33 m月龄组及以后均为中国高于美国;精细动作能区有14个月龄组差异有统计学意义,≤24 m月龄组为美国高于中国,之后互有高低,但仍以美国较高为主;解决问题能区有15个月龄组差异有统计学意义,均为美国高于中国;个人-社会能区有17个月龄组差异有统计学意义,≤14 m月龄组美国高于中国,~36 m月龄组互有高低,其中5个差异有统计学意义的月龄组都是美国高于中国,≥42 m月龄组均为中国高于美国。结论中国0~2岁儿童的综合发育水平较美国儿童低,之后有逐渐赶上或超过的趋势。  相似文献   

目的 探讨双胎早产儿神经精神发育情况,并分析其危险因素.方法 将2010年6月至2012年6月在昆明医科大学第一附属医院新生儿病房住院的早产几分为2组:双胎早产儿为研究组,单胎早产儿为对照组.对其中88例早产儿在纠正胎龄1岁时行神经精神发育随访,由儿童保健科专人采用贝利婴幼儿发展量表进行测试,其中研究组根据量表正常测试结果分为神经精神发育异常组[智力发展指数(MDI)≤79分]和神经精神发育正常组(MDI >79分),并对2组资料进行统计学分析.结果 研究组MDI得分频数分布呈偏态分布,其中59%(27/46例)为神经精神发育异常(MDI≤79分);对照组MDI得分频数分布呈近似正态分布,其中仅12%(5/42例)为神经精神发育异常.1岁时双胎早产儿头围、身长、体质量、MDI、精神运动发展指数(PDI)均低于单胎早产儿,差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05).单因素分析中双胎早产儿神经精神发育异常的高危因素有胎龄、出生体质量、母亲育龄、父母亲文化程度、喂养方式、新生儿高胆红素血症、新生儿低血糖症、新生儿脓毒症、感染.多因素Logistic回归分析显示新生儿高胆红素血症是双胎早产儿神经精神发育异常的独立危险因素.结论 同胎龄双胎早产儿的神经精神发育落后于单胎早产儿.新生儿高胆红素血症有可能是导致双胎早产儿神经精神发育异常的高危因素,早期积极处理新生儿高胆红素血症有利于促进双胎早产儿的神经精神发育.  相似文献   

目的 在高危儿童中行中文版《年龄与发育进程问卷》(ASQ-C)的进一步验证。 方法 以Gesell发育量表为效度标准,对儿童发育迟缓门诊就诊的2~60月龄的儿童同时实施Gesell发育量表和ASQ-C评测,分析ASQ-C及其不同领域在不同年龄组及不同筛查界值时的诊断参数。 结果 符合本文纳入标准的高危儿130例进入本文分析,男94例,女36例,年龄(19.9±16.4)个月,早产26例。≥18和<18个月组分别为52例和78例。ASQ-C量表以2 s为筛查界值,其诊断一致率73%,敏感度72.5%(95%CI:63%~82%),特异度74.3%(95%CI:61%~88%),阳性预测值86.8%(95%CI:79%~94%),阴性预测值53.7%(95%CI:40%~67%)。ASQ-C以1 s为筛查界值,其诊断一致率75%,敏感度92.5%(95%CI:87%~98%),特异度32.4%(95%CI:17%~48%),阳性预测值77.5%(95%CI:70%~85%),阴性预测值632%(95%CI:41%~85%)。≥18个月组儿童中诊断一致率90%~92%、敏感度95.6%~100%;<18个月组儿童中诊断一致率64%~68%、敏感度59.6%~85.1%。ASQ-C在适应性能区、粗大运动能区、精细动作能区、语言能区和个人社会能区与Gesell发育量表相应领域的诊断一致率68%~80%,敏感度46.6%~85%,特异度64.3%~93.7%,语言能区的敏感度(63.3%~85%)高于精细运动能区(47%~68.2%)。 结论 ASQ-C与北京Gesell发育量表对应领域的一致性好。ASQ-C作为发育筛查量表用于高危儿临床效度虽在可接受范围内,但达不到理想筛查量表的参数水平。对<18个月的高危儿童,以1 s为界值的敏感度显著提高,可降低漏诊。  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同分娩方式对新生儿甲状腺功能及行为神经测定的影响。方法:选择经阴道自然分娩和剖宫产足月新生儿各40例,分别检测生后24 h和1周促甲状腺素(TSH)、三碘甲状腺原氨酸(TT3)、甲状腺素(TT4)、新生儿行为神经测定(NBNA)及每日进乳量。结果:不同分娩方式出生的新生儿早期甲状腺功能等存在差异,经阴道分娩组生后24 h血TSH为(11.82±4.77)μIU/ml,TT3(2.24±0.50)nmol/L,TT4(171.30±33.72)nmol/L;剖宫产组为:TSH(9.67±3.64)μIU/ml,TT3(1.98±0.42)nmol/L,TT4(52.7±32.67)nmol/L,两组比较差异有显著性意义,均P<0.05。经阴道分娩组NBNA评分(37.88±1.18)分及日进乳量(68.86±14.14)ml也高于剖宫产组的(37.07±1.28)分,(59.88±13.08)ml,P<0.01。生后1周两组以上各指标差异无显著性。结论:不同分娩方式对新生儿早期甲状腺功能存在着明显影响,剖宫产新生儿甲状腺功能及NBNA评分等均低于经阴道产新生儿。  相似文献   

额叶皮质发育不良婴儿神经精神发育随访分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 评估新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病 (HIE)所致额叶皮质萎缩在神经精神发育方面的预后。方法 自1997年 4月至 1999年 9月对 5 18例额叶皮质发育不良患儿在抽搐发作、睡眠行为、注意能力、语言发育、神经运动、依恋情感和认知水平方面定期评价至 3岁龄。结果  4月龄后发生无热抽搐 86例 (16 6 % ) ,在 18~ 30月龄间出现热性惊厥 2 6例 (5 0 % )。 4月龄出现 1项以上睡眠异常 2 5 6例 (49 4 % ) ,18月龄有 2~ 3项睡眠异常 5 3例 (10 2 % )。 8月龄注意能力异常 194例 (37 5 % ) ,3岁龄 6 8例异常 (13 3% )。 18个月龄运动性语言发育迟缓15 6例 (30 1% ) ,在 3岁龄时 ,运动性语言发育落后或构音异常 6 9例 (13 3% )。 4~ 8月龄期间 ,运动发育持续迟缓 4 2 6例 (82 2 % ) ,平均得 78 2分。 3岁龄运动发育迟缓者 14 1例 (2 7 2 % ) ,其中脑性瘫痪 32例。在 15月龄 2 4例 (4 6 % )依恋情感发展落后。结论 额叶皮质发育不良预后良好 ,但部分可能有远期的后遗症。应在婴儿早期常规检查头部CT或MRI。有额叶皮质发育不良者 ,需定期检查评价神经运动、精神发育、注意能力、语言发育水平和睡眠行为、依恋情感、脑电图等。  相似文献   

目的 研究出生体重对儿童期和成年期高血压的影响。方法 基于北京地区儿童血压研究队列资源,1987年基线调查时采用听诊法测量儿童期血压水平,记录Korotkoff第Ⅰ音为收缩压(SBP)、第Ⅳ音为舒张压(DBP-K4)、第Ⅴ音(消音)为舒张压(DBP-K5),并根据2010年中国儿童血压参照标准P95诊断儿童高血压;2010年3月至2011年3月随访时采用相同方法测量成年期血压,以SBP≥140 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa)和(或)DBP≥90 mmHg或正在服用降压药诊断为高血压。出生体重、是否早产及母乳喂养情况通过随访对象母亲的回忆进行问卷填写。采用多元线性回归分析出生体重与血压水平的关系,多因素Logistic回归模型分析出生体重与儿童期及成年期罹患高血压风险的关联。结果 出生体重有效数据936名(男492名,女444名)进入分析,其中低出生体重儿30名(3.2%),巨大儿78名(8.3%)。出生体重与儿童期及成年期女性SBP呈负相关(P>0.05)。按低出生体重儿、巨大儿及出生体重正常进行分层分析,出生体重与儿童期血压水平的关联在不同出生体重间的规律不同,低出生体重组男性DBP-K5与出生体重呈正相关(b=32.32,P=0.030),出生体重正常组女性SBP与出生体重呈负相关(b=-2.50,P=0.047),巨大儿组控制性别后儿童期SBP与出生体重呈正相关(b=6.32,P=0.039)。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,低出生体重预测女性儿童期高血压(SBP与DBP-K4联合诊断)和成年期高血压的RR(95%CI)分别为5.00(1.32~18.88)和5.84(1.05~32.65);未见巨大儿对儿童期及成年期高血压的影响。 结论 不同出生体重与男女儿童血压水平的相关性不一致,低出生体重可增加儿童期及成年期女性罹患高血压的风险。  相似文献   

目的 研究早产儿出生早期的体重增长速率对矫正12月龄时神经发育的影响.方法 收集2015年7月1日至2019年12月31日期间在广州医科大学附属第三医院新生儿科出院,且在该院高危儿门诊随访的早产儿的相关资料,根据其出生至矫正胎龄40周时的体重增长速率分为低速率组[<10 g/(kg·d);21例]和高速率组[≥10 g...  相似文献   

目的探讨我国城镇与乡村1~66个月儿童发育的差异及特点。方法资料来源于《年龄与发育进程问卷-第3版(中文版)》(ASQ-3)的全国常模样本,比较城市和乡村样本的20个ASQ-3月龄组在沟通、粗大动作、精细动作、解决问题和个人-社会5个能区的得分平均值以及量表总分的平均值。采用SAS 9.3和MS Excel进行统计分析。结果城镇样本2 236人,乡村样本2 216人,每个ASQ-3月龄组的样本量为108~114人。沟通能区有19个月龄组城镇较乡村高,其中6个月龄组差异有统计学意义;粗大动作能区有18个月龄组城镇较乡村高,其中8个月龄组差异有统计学意义;精细动作能区有18个月龄组城镇较乡村高,其中7个月龄组差异有统计学意义;解决问题能区所有ASQ-3月龄组城镇均高于乡村,其中11个月龄组差异有统计学意义;个人-社会能区有14个月龄组城镇较乡村高,其中3个月龄组差异有统计学意义。20个月龄组的ASQ-3量表总分城镇均高于乡村,其中11个月龄组差异有统计学意义,在27 m(适用于25个月16天至28个月15天儿童)及以后的月龄组中,城乡差距加大。结论我国1~66个月儿童的发育存在城乡差异,乡村儿童ASQ-3各个能区的发育普遍落后于城镇儿童。推广ASQ-3对促进我国乡村儿童的发育有重大意义。  相似文献   

目的 了解早产的发生情况,并探讨早产发生的危险因素。 方法 以2014年5月至2016年12月在湖南省妇幼保健院首次参加产前检查并决定住院分娩的孕早期孕妇及其配偶为研究对象开展前瞻性队列研究。采用调查问卷收集可能与早产发生相关的暴露信息,并通过医院病历系统完成信息核查,记录妊娠结局。采用多因素logistic回归分析探讨早产发生的危险因素。 结果 共收集6 764例孕妇完整资料,其早产发生率为17.09%。多因素logistic回归分析显示,孕妇有不良妊娠史、孕前进食槟榔、有妊娠并发症史、有肝炎史、孕期未补充叶酸、孕期服药、孕期主动/被动吸烟、孕期饮酒、孕期不均衡饮食、孕期强体力活动、受孕方式为不孕经治疗自然受孕和辅助受孕,以及配偶年龄较大、体重指数较高、吸烟均为早产发生的危险因素(P<0.05);而孕妇教育水平高、配偶教育水平高、孕次少是早产发生的保护因素(P<0.05)。 结论 早产的危险因素很多,应特别注重孕妇的孕期生活行为,对孕妇及其配偶加强卫生宣教,养成良好的生活习惯,以减少早产的发生。  相似文献   

Jedrychowski W, Perera FP, Jankowski J, Maugeri U, Mrozek‐Budzyn D, Mroz E, Flak E, Skarupa A, Edwards S, Lisowska‐Miszczyk I. Early wheezing phenotypes and cognitive development of 3‐yr‐olds. Community‐recruited birth cohort study.
Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2010: 21: 550–556.
© 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S The main purpose of the study was to answer the question whether young children without clinical diagnosis of asthma but experiencing early wheezing disorders and therefore being at high risk of developing asthma may have cognitive deficits. In the ongoing birth cohort study wheezing symptoms were recorded postpartum over two first years of age and subsequently cognitive status of children at the age of 3 yr was assessed with the Bayley Mental Development Index (MDI). In the statistical analysis a wide range of modifying and confounding factors (maternal education, gender of children, prenatal exposure to lead and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) were considered to assess the independent effect of early wheezing phenotypes on cognitive development of children. The MDI score correlated inversely with the number of wheezing days recorded over 24 months (r = ?0.13, p = 0.007), lead cord blood concentration (r = ?0.12, p = ?0.02), number of siblings (r = ?0.17, p = 0.0006) and the number of cigarettes smoked daily by other household members at home over the pregnancy period (r = ?0.18, p = 0.0002). While the children who experienced wheezing over the first year of age showed deficit of 2 MDI scores (beta coeff. = ?2.31, 95%CI: ?4.63 to 0.02), those with persistent wheezing had the score deficit of 4 points (beta coeff. = ?4.41, 95%CI: ?8.27 to ?0.55). To our knowledge, it is the first report in the iterature showing that early wheezing is associated the cognitive deficit in a community‐recruited very young children. Observed cognitive deficit in early wheezers may be caused by RSV infections or can be related to lower lung function attributed to persistent wheezing, which reducing oxygen supply would affect rapidly developing brain.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This aim of the present study was to estimate the frequency of diarrheal diseases among children as well as investigating the relationship between diarrheal diseases and household conditions and other factors. METHODS: The study was performed over 12 month period in Binevler Health Center, Gaziantep, Turkey. Five health stations were selected by using a sampling technique with probability proportional to size, and all households with children under the age of 5 years were visited. A questionnaire on diarrhea, household conditions, socioeconomic status of the family and individual characteristics of the children was applied to the mothers by doctors. Three composite indices, including household conditions, socioeconomic status of the family and individual status of the children, were prepared and a classification was made as good, mild or poor in order to better evaluate the results of the study. Daily recordings of diarrheal disease symptoms were made by the parents and these records were collected every month for 1 year. RESULTS: The annual mean incidence of diarrheal diseases was found to be 1.09 per child per year (median = 1). The mean was higher in children with poor household conditions (1.48 +/- 0.12) and with poor individual status (1.48 +/- 0.14), compared with good household conditions (0.76 +/- 0.07) and good individual status (0.71 +/- 0.08). The mean was also higher in children aged between 6 and 11 months (1.51 +/- 0.18), whose father graduated from primary school or lower (1.34 +/- 0.09) and with parents having no habit of washing their hands before taking care of the child (2.00 +/- 0.33). Person-month and case-month incidence rates of diarrhea were calculated to be 8.56 and 9.12%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Household conditions, individual status, age, education level of fathers and parents' habit of washing hands before taking care of the child were major factors affecting the incidence of diarrhea.  相似文献   

Prevention of allergic diseases depends on early identification of clinical markers preceding such disorders. This study describes the natural course of sensitization as measured by skin prick test (SPT) and specific immunoglobulin E (S‐IgE) and analyses the association between early sensitization patterns and subsequent allergic disease at 6 yr of age. In an ongoing population‐based birth cohort study of 562 children, follow‐up visits were performed at 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36, and 72 months. Visits included an interview, physical examination, SPTs, and S‐IgE measurements for 12 food and inhalant allergens. The frequency of S‐IgE sensitization to ≥1 inhalant allergen was constant from 0 to 6 months (9–10%), decreased at 12–18 months before increasing from 36 months onwards. S‐IgE sensitization to at least one food allergen remained constant from 0 to 6 yr. SPT sensitization to food and inhalant allergens appeared from 3 and 12 months, respectively. Early food sensitization (S‐IgE) between 3 and 18 months was found to be significantly (p < 0.05) associated with atopic dermatitis (OR: 4.0 [1.6–9.9]) and asthma (OR 4.0 [1.1–12.5]) at the age of 6 yr. Children with atopic dermatitis, asthma, or rhinoconjunctivitis, and sensitization at 6 yr, were sensitized to food allergens to a large extent (53%, 42%, and 47%, respectively) already at 6 months. Early inhalant sensitization (S‐IgE) did not increase the risk of later allergic disease. Early atopic dermatitis (0–18 months) was also highly associated with subsequent allergic disease. Children with early food sensitization and/or atopic dermatitis would be a proper target group for future interventional studies.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate performance of the Ages and Stages Questionnaires (full ASQ), and a shortened version (short ASQ), in detecting children with severe neurosensory disability in the Magpie Trial follow-up study. METHODS: All children, born to women in the Magpie Trial and selected for follow-up, with a completed full 30 items and/or short 9-items ASQ were included in this analysis. Sensitivity and specificity, corrected for verification bias, were computed to assess detection ability. RESULTS: Of the 2046 children who completed a full ASQ, 406 (19.8%) failed the assessment, 54 of whom had confirmed neurosensory disability. Adjusted sensitivity and specificity (95% confidence intervals) were 87.4% (62.9-96.6%), and 82.3% (80.5-83.9%), respectively. Two of the five domains in the full ASQ (Fine Motor and Problem Solving) contributed little to detection ability. Sensitivity and specificity for the short ASQ were 69.2% and 95.7%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Sensitivity of the full ASQ for severe neurosensory disability is generally good, and does not appear to be much reduced by restricting questions to three out of the five domains. The short ASQ reported here reduced performance, although this might be improved by a different choice of questions or scoring system.  相似文献   

Previously, an inverse association was suggested between mycobacterial infection and atopy. We aimed to determine the association between tuberculin skin test (TST) and allergic manifestations in a birth cohort where all infants were vaccinated with bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) at birth. Newborns were enrolled randomly and prospectively followed up for a period of 5 yr. Information on family history and environmental factors was obtained at birth, International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood asthma questionnaire, physical examination, skin prick test to common inhalant and food allergens and TST were performed at 2 and 5 yr of age. Positive TST reactivity was defined as an induration of ≥10 mm. A total of 399 newborns were enrolled, 293 and 125 were available for a followup visit at 2 and 5 yr of age respectively. The prevalence of ever asthma, rhinitis and allergen sensitization tended to increase while eczema decreased with time. No significant association was found between TST reactivity and ever and current wheeze, doctor diagnosed asthma or atopic sensitization both at 2 and 5 yr of age. This prospectively designed birth cohort study did not confirm the previously suggested inverse correlation between TST reactivity and atopic sensitization or any allergic manifestations in Turkish children vaccinated with BCG at birth.  相似文献   

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