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The substantia nigra (SN) has been proposed as a structure involved in epileptiform phenomena. Previous investigations demonstrated that SN is able to elicit hippocampal rhythmic slow activity (RSA) as well as to inhibit hippocampal interictal spikes induced by parenteral administration of penicillin. The present series of experiments was carried out in order to characterize the action of SN on a focal model of hippocampal epilepsy. Experiments were performed on encéphale isolé cats in which steady epileptiform activity was induced by locally applied penicillin. Electrical stimulation of SN pars reticulata (pr) caused a statistically significant decrease of hippocampal spike frequency and amplitude in 30% of the total number of stimulation sessions. Stimulation of SN pars compacta (pc) was even more effective. It induced inhibitory effects on hippocampal spikes in 91% of the cases. In 30% of the cats, RSA was noted on hippocampal recordings in correspondence to nigral activation. Experimental data support the hypothesis that the SNpc influences hippocampal excitability: a differential role may be played by SNpc and SNpr in the control of seizure processes.  相似文献   

Single unit discharges in the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH) and lateral hypothalamic area (LH) were recorded extracellularly in anesthetized cats, while amino acid solutions were perfused through the small intestine via implanted cannulae. Test infusions consisted of 5 amino acid mixtures (arginine, leucine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, alanine: 50 mM each), 5.0% casein hydrolysate; arginine 125 mM (2.2%); leucine 125 mM (1.6%). Sixty-six units were recorded in 30 cats. Of 52 tested in the LH, 19 or 37% were affected: 14 increased and 5 decreased in firing rate in response to amino acid intestinal perfusions with a very short latency consistent with activation of intestinal amino acid receptors. Of 14 neurons tested in VMH, only 3 or 21% were activated by amino acid infusions but with a long latency of several minutes which cannot exclude the involvement of a postabsorptive signal. Results are discussed in terms of intestinal afferent control over hypothalamic neuronal activity related to amino acid induced satiety.  相似文献   

Intracellularly recorded responses of deeper tectal neurons to stimulation of the substantia nigra and the cerebral peduncle were obtained to demonstrate the monosynaptic inhibitory nature of the nigrotectal pathway in the cat. We also employed antidromic stimulation (contralateral predorsal bundle and superior colliculus) and intracellular labeling with HRP to demonstrate which types of tectal efferent neurons are nigrorecipient. The response to nigral stimulation in 61% of the cells studied was a monosynaptic IPSP of short duration. Recovered HRP-labeled nigrorecipient neurons include X1 (large multipolar radiating), X2 (tufted), X4 (medium-size vertical), X5 (medium-size horizontal), T1 (medium-size trapezoid radiating), T2 (small ovoid vertical), I (small sparsely ramified), and A (small horizontal) neurons. Nigrorecipient cells participate in all four of the major efferent axonal systems of the deeper tectal layers: crossed descending (X and T neurons), ipsilateral descending (I and T neurons), ascending (A, X, and T neurons), and commissural (T neurons). EPSPs accompanied by long-lasting hyperpolarizing potentials were recorded from the remaining tectal neurons in response to stimulation of the substantia nigra, cerebral peduncle, and pericruciate cortex. Collision experiments indicate that at least part of the excitatory responses of tectal neurons to nigral and penduncular stimulation are mediated by corticotectal fibers traversing the cerebral peduncle and the substantia nigra. Excitatory effects of nigral, peduncular, and cortical stimulation were disclosed in X neurons including the non-nigrorecipient large vertical neurons of the X3 subgroup. Cortical excitatory and nigral inhibitory inputs converge only on X neurons (X1, X2, X4, X5). In this case, nigrally evoked IPSPs were preceded by a brief EPSP. Collectively, these results demonstrate the inhibitory termination of the nigrotectal pathway on a wide variety of deeper tectal efferent neurons. Such findings imply the versatility of the nigral involvement in tectal mechanisms of gaze control. We suggest that the substantia nigra pars reticulata contacts tectal neurons differing as to their response properties and shapes the signal carried by all the major tectofugal bundles.  相似文献   

In order to study the mechanisms regulating the dopaminergic nigroamygdaloid cells, the release of dopamine was observed in the central nucleus of the amygdaloid complex. Halothane anesthetized rats were implanted, according to the experiment, with one or two push-pull cannulae in the central nuclei of the amygdala (ACE), the substantia nigra (SN) and/or the caudate nucleus (CN). Cannulae were supplied with artificial cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) containing tritiated tyrosine, and labeled dopamine [3H]DA was evaluated in successive superfusate fractions. Electrical stimulation of the medial forebrain bundle with an implanted bipolar electrode induced an increase of the [3H]DA release in the ipsi- and contralateral ACE. Electrical stimulation of the SN produced only a very delayed effect in the ipsilateral ACE but an immediate and large increase of [3H]DA release in the contralateral structure. Superfusion of unlabeled DA and α-methyl-p-tyrosine in the SN remained ineffective on the [3H]DA release in the ipsilateral ACE. In this structure the release of [3H]DA was, however, decreased by nigral superfusion with γ-amino-butyric acid (GABA).d-(+)-Amphetamine (1 μM), when superfused in the CN, induced a large enhancement of the [3H]DA release in the ipsilateral ACE simultaneously with the local increase of [3H]DA release. The results presented here are in agreement with the previous studies concerning the anatomical organization of the dopaminergic nigroamygdaloid pathway. The DA cell bodies located in the SN appear insensitive to a local action of DA, perhaps due to a lack of autoreceptors. They are, however, powerfully inhibited by GABA and the relation observed between the [3H]DA release in the CN and ACE support the hypothesis that the SN can act as a relay between the extrapyramidal and limbic systems.  相似文献   

In freely moving cats with chronically implanted electrodes an analysis was made of the effects on feeding behaviour of low-frequency long-duration stimulation of the caudate nucleus, the substantia nigra and the globus pallidus. In all 3 structures a significant reduction of food intake was observed and in the pallidus this reached the point of a complete block of feeding. The effects were always limited to the period of stimulation. At the end of stimulation the animals recovered and took in food quantities equal to those of controls. The results are interpreted on the basis of reciprocal connections between the basal ganglia and the hypothalamus; the role of the striatum on the selection of certain movements and its possible involvement in behaviour is also discussed.  相似文献   

the influence of the cerebellum in cat penicillin epilepsy   总被引:11,自引:10,他引:1  
J T Hutton  J D Frost  J Foster 《Epilepsia》1972,13(3):401-408

Nigral dopaminergic mechanisms in drug-induced circling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unilateral injections of dopamine into the substantia nigra pars reticulata of pargyline-pretreated rats caused a prolonged, contralateral circling, similar in magnitude to that elicited by the injection of the same amount of dopamine intrastriatally. Contralateral circling was also elicited by the unilateral intranigral injection of amphetamine (after pargyline pretreatment), or by the dopamine agonists ergometrine and SKF 38393. In contrast, bilateral intranigral injection of the dopamine antagonist haloperidol greatly reduced the amphetamine-induced circling of rats with unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine-induced nigrostriatal lesions. These results support the hypothesis that dopaminergic mechanisms in the substantia nigra are involved in motor behavior.  相似文献   

Unmyelinated sensory axons in the sacral spinal cord may play a role in bladder reflexes under certain pathological conditions. Previous data suggested vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) might be contained exclusively in sensory C-fibers, some of which innervate the bladder. This study was undertaken to describe the morphology of these VIP fibers in the sacral cord of the cat. VIP immunoreactivity was confined to unmyelinated axons observed at several levels of the sensory pathway including the dorsal root ganglia, dorsal roots, Lissauer's tract, and the lateral collateral pathway. A combination of light and electron microscopic observations showed VIP-immunoreactive fibers with labeled varicosities and synaptic terminals in laminae I, IIo, V, VII, and X. VIP-immunolabeled varicosities had a mean diameter of 1.6 microm (range = 0.11-7.4 microm, S.D. = 1.01, n = 311) with a small percentage (8%) being relatively large (3-7.4 microm). VIP varicosities contained a mixture of small clear vesicles (CLV) and large dense core vesicles (LDV). Although most varicosities contained a moderate number of LDVs (14.86 LDVs/microm2), some varicosities contained a large number of LDVs, whereas others contained very few. Varicosities that possessed synaptic specializations were classed as terminals and were divided into three morphological classes. Two of these resembled Gray's Type I terminal, whereas a third was similar to the Gray's Type II terminal. There was no consistent relationship between vesicle content of the terminal and the type of synaptic contact it possessed. This study shows that in the sacral spinal cord of the cat, VIP terminals originate only from C-fibers, terminate primarily in laminae I and V, and exhibit a variety of morphologies consistent with heterogeneous origins and functions of the lower urinary tract.  相似文献   

The dependence of the carotid chemoreceptor responses to blood-borne stimuli on the ganglioglomerular nerve (GGN) activity was investigated in cats which were anesthetized, paralyzed and artificially ventilated. The activity of a few carotid chemoreceptor afferents from a slip or from the cut left carotid sinus nerve (CSN) and the activity of a few GGN fibers were recorded. The responses of the same chemoreceptor afferents to steady-state hypoxia at a constant paCO2 and to steady-state hypercapnia during hyperoxia were compared before and after the transection of the ipsilateral ganglioglomerular nerve (IGGN). Similarly the effects of IGGN transection on the responses of the same chemoreceptor afferents to graded doses of intravenous injections of sodium cyanide (20-60 micrograms) and nicotine (20-60 micrograms) at constant blood gas levels were studied. On the average, IGGN transection during normoxia only slightly changed the carotid chemoreceptor activity. Also, it did not significantly change the hypoxic and hypercapnic responses, and those to sodium cyanide and nicotine injections. Thus, the mean carotid chemoreceptor responses to physiological and pharmacological stimuli were largely independent of the GGN. However, certain GGN fibers were strongly stimulated by hypoxia and hypercapnia. Clearly, the total GGN traffic to the carotid body was not sufficiently strong to exert a significant control over the mean carotid chemoreceptor activity.  相似文献   

The electrophysiological relationships between the claustrum and the contralateral motor areas of the cerebral cortex were studied in anaesthetized cats. The extracellular unitary activity of 207 pyramidal tract neurons (PTNs) was recorded from area 4 (125 cells) and area 6 (82 cells). Single shock activation of the contralateral claustrum affected 26% of the total tested PTNs, causing long lasting inhibition (44 PTNs) or long lasting inhibition preceded by early excitation (10 PTNs). Forty-three neurons of the 54 were also influenced by ipsilateral claustrum stimulation. Surgical removal of motor and insular cortices ipsilateral to the stimulated claustrum did not modify claustrum inhibition on contralateral PTNs, whereas section of the corpus callosum abolished this effect, suggesting the existence of a direct claustro-contralateral motor cortex pathway passing through the corpus callosum. These results support the hypothesis that the claustrum may exert a bilateral control on motor coordination.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that substance P (SP) may play a role in the carotid chemoreceptor response to hypoxia. Given the data from these studies we speculated that within the carotid body hypoxia might release SP which then acts on the chemosensitive unit. Concomitantly SP might be released in the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) and increase sympathetic outflow to the carotid body by interacting with acetylcholine in the SCG. The resulting vasoconstriction in the carotid body would further increase neural output from the carotid body. Hence we hypothesized that the exogenous SP on the carotid chemoreceptor neural activity would decrease after eliminating preganglionic inflow into the SCG. The hypothesis was tested using anesthetized, paralyzed and artificially ventilated cats. Neural activity from the carotid body (carotid chemoreceptor activity) or from the SCG (ganglioglomerular efferent nerve activity (GGN)) was measured. Close intra-arterial administration of SP (10 micrograms) caused a sustained stimulation of the carotid chemoreceptor activity which was accompanied by a fall in arterial blood pressure. The magnitude and time-course of the carotid body responses were extremely variable among the cats. The duration of increased chemoreceptor activity was significantly shortened after a transection of the cervical sympathetic nerve (CVSN). As a control, the duration of carotid body stimulation produced by the second injection of SP in a group of sham-operated cats was measured. This was essentially the same as the first injection, suggesting that the tachyphylactic effect of SP was negligible. The effects of the commonly used pharmacological agents (nicotine, cyanide, dopamine) on carotid chemoreceptor activity were not affected by the transection of the CVSN, GGN activity was also increased by exogenous SP. These results suggest that the effect of exogenous SP on carotid chemoreceptor activity consists of two components: (1) an initial direct excitatory effect; (2) a slowly developing excitatory effect mediated by the sympathetic outflow to the carotid body. The effects could be augmented by the accompanying hypotension.  相似文献   

Neuronal responses to stimulation of vestibular (V1), motor and orbital brain cortex were recorded extracellularly in lateral and medial vestibular nuclei of bulbar complex in experiments carried on nonanesthetized immobilized cats. Both phasic and (more often) tonic responses mainly of inhibitory type were observed. In morphological experiments the horseradish peroxidase was injected into the above nuclei. Marked neurons were found in the anterior supra- and ectosylvian brain gyri, in the region of cruciform sulcus and orbital cerebral cortex. The obtained data are discussed in the aspect of corticovestibular interaction.  相似文献   

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