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Adult Wilms' tumor (WT) is a rare entity with less than 300 cases reported to date in the medical literature. Histologic and cytologic features of adult WT of the kidney are similar to findings in pediatric WT. While the lungs are noted to be the most frequent site of metastatic disease in the pediatric population, the incidence of lung metastases remains unknown for adult WT. A search revealed 38 cases of adult WT with lung metastases published to date in the English literature. Amongst these cases only two have utilized cytology of the lung lesions as a means to arrive at a final diagnosis. We report a case of adult WT metastatic to the lung that was initially diagnosed using endobronchial ultrasound‐guided fine needle aspiration biopsy. The aim is to compare the current cytologic and immunohistochemical findings with those cases previously published, to outline the cytologic features of adult WT metastatic to the lung, and to emphasize the significance of cytologic diagnosis in the work‐up of adult WT. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2014;42:950–955. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

While carcinoid tumor is a relatively common neoplasm in surgical pathology, fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cytology as a method of primary diagnosis has only been reported in the literature a few times. We report on the case of a 42-yr-old female with multiple large metastatic tumor deposits in her liver, pelvic adnexae, bones, and lungs, with an unknown primary. FNA was performed on one of the liver masses, and was diagnosed using routine histochemical and immunohistochemical stains as carcinoid tumor. No follow-up tissue diagnosis has been obtained. However, the patient is still alive with her tumor 1 yr later. Fine-needle aspiration cytology can be a useful and safe tool in the diagnosis of metastatic carcinoid tumors, avoiding the need for surgery which would not otherwise be indicated for treatment.  相似文献   

We report a case of an adult-type granulosa cell tumor of the ovary which was diagnosed in a 20-yr-old woman. After a 21-yr disease-free interval, she developed a pelvic recurrence, followed by a splenic metastasis and, more recently, omental masses. This report is concerned with the fine-needle aspiration (FNA) diagnosis of the granulosa cell tumor in the latter site and corroboration of the interpretation by immunocytochemistry. Only one previous case is similar to the present one documenting the role of immunocytochemistry in the evaluation of suspected metastatic granulosa cell tumor. The cytopathologic features of metastatic granular cell tumor have been described in a limited number of previous reports.  相似文献   

Adult granulosa cell tumor (GCT) of the ovary is mostly diagnosed in postmenopausal women. They typically secrete estrogen, which stimulates the endometrium to proliferate and cause abnormal bleeding. This study reviews the cytologic features of adult GCT of the ovary diagnosed by fine-needle aspiration (FNA). We reviewed slides from ten cases diagnosed by CT guided FNA from 1995 to 2007 at our institutions. Smears were stained with Diff-Quik and Papanicolaou stains. Patient's history and histologic diagnosis were also available and reviewed for all cases. The patients ranged in age from 39 to 83 yr. All 10 cases were hypercellular with both large and small overlapping cell clusters and individual cells. The cytologic features identified included: naked nuclei (10/10 cases), Call-Exner bodies (7/10 cases), blood vessels with prominent perivascular tumor cell growth (4/10 cases), spindle-shaped hyperchromatic stromal cells within cellular clusters (6/10 cases), mixed inflammation (3/10 cases), tumor cell necrosis (1/10 cases), and prominent metachromatic stroma seen in association with blood vessels (1/10 cases). Moderate to scant delicate cytoplasm was also seen (10/10 cases). Small, punctuate cytoplasmic vacuoles were also noted (7/10 cases) and were occasionally prominent (3/10 cases). In general nuclear to cytoplasmic ratios were high although lower than those typically seen in a lymphoma or small-cell carcinoma. Nuclei were generally centrally located although eccentrically located nuclei were consistently seen in a minority of cells. Nuclei were monotonous in size showing slightly convoluted (occasional rentiform and fetiform nuclei) to polygonal outlines. Prominent, central nucleoli were also seen (4/10 cases). Nuclear grooves were also seen (9/10 cases). No atypical mitotic activity was identified in any of the 10 cases (0/10 cases). In summary, the above cytologic features can also help in the cytologic diagnosis of adult GCTs.  相似文献   

We report on the cytopathologic findings of a Leydig-cell tumor of the testis in a young adult male with no evidence of endocrine dysfunction. The preoperative diagnosis was based on fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) alone, which was subsequently confirmed on histopathology. The present case was of interest on account of the paucity of literature regarding the cytodiagnosis of this lesion. In addition, the finding of intracytoplasmic lipofuscin pigment and several intracytoplasmic as well as intranuclear Reinke's crystals served to clinch the diagnosis on FNA. Therefore, the use of FNAC, especially in the presence of diagnostic Reinke's crystals, may vitiate the need for more invasive biopsy procedures in the preoperative diagnosis of testicular Leydig-cell tumors.  相似文献   

We report the FNA features of a congenital malignant extrarenal rhabdoid tumor (MERT) located in the right paratesticular area of a newborn full-term boy (39 wk gestation), with disseminated metastases in the liver and right parietal region. The diagnosis was suggested two days after birth by fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of the parietal mass, which demonstrated an atypical large cell proliferation with vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and abundant cytoplasm exhibiting paranuclear dense inclusions. The diagnosis was confirmed by histopathologic and immunohistochemical examination of the primary paratesticular tumor. To the best of our knowledge, this is the third MERT reported in the paratesticular region, one of the few congenital extrarenal non-central nervous system cases, and the third congenital case (renal or extrarenal) primarily diagnosed by FNAB. We emphasize the characteristic cytologic features of a congenital rhabdoid tumor, which must be known by pathologists because of the clinical and prognostic implications. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2004;30:46-50.  相似文献   

Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath (GCTTS) is a unique soft tissue lesion of the hands and feet. As the cytomorphological features of this lesion are rarely documented, the spectrum of cytomorphological features in 20 cases of GCTTS seen in fine-needle aspiration (FNA) smears are presented. Patients were in the 12-64-yr age group with an equal sex ratio. Fingers or thumb were the commonest site (16 cases), followed by foot (3 cases) and palm (1 case). FNA smears were cellular and composed of varying proportions of stromal and giant cells. Stromal cells showed a dispersed arrangement and were polygonal to spindle shaped. Nuclear grooves and convolutions were found in some of the stromal cells in all cases. Intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions were occasionally seen. Polygonal cells with round nuclei and nucleoli having abundant cytoplasm, along with binucleate forms, were also found in all cases. Histological sections were available in 10 cases and corroborated the cytological features. Hemosiderin-laden macrophages (11 of 20 cases) and abundant foamy vacuolation of stromal cells (3 of 20 cases) were also observed in FNA smears. In tissue sections, both features were seen in all cases, but with a patchy distribution. The cytological features of GCTTS are uniform, and FNA cytodiagnosis is possible.  相似文献   

We examined the cytomorphologic features of fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) specimens from 23 Wilms' tumor patients. The findings were correlated with histopathologic patterns from these tumors. The study revealed a close resemblance between the cytologic and histopathologic appearance of various cellular elements in Wilms' tumors. The major cellular patterns seen in Wilms' tumor include blastemal cells, blastemal cells with epithelial differentiation, blastemal cells with tubular differentiation, and stromal elements. It is hoped that recognition of these cellular components in aspiration smears will be helpful in establishing an FNAB diagnosis of Wilms' tumor.  相似文献   

Pancreatoblastoma is a rare pancreatic neoplasm seen most commonly in the pediatric age group. We report on the aspiration cytology and immunohistochemical findings of a pancreatoblastoma in a 16-yr-old male.  相似文献   

Filariasis is a common public health problem in the Indian subcontinent. The diagnosis can be made conventionally by demonstrating microfilaria in peripheral blood smears. Despite its high incidence it is unusual to find microfilariae in fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cytology smears. Microfilariae have been reported in cytological specimens of various organs, but it is extremely rare to find microfilaria in fine FNA cytology of liver. We report seventh case of microfilaria in liver aspirate in a male patient suffering from gallbladder cancer.  相似文献   

Wilms' tumor is the most common pediatric renal neoplasm, but its occurrence in adults is very rare. In contrast to pediatric Wilms' tumor (PWT), very little is known about the pathogenesis of adult Wilms' tumor (AWT). Despite there currently being no morphological difference between AWT and PWT, a cytogenetic study has suggested that the pathogenesis of AWT might be different from that of PWT. Although dysregulation of the Wnt pathway has been implicated in PWT, its role in AWT has never been investigated. To investigate the role of dysregulation of the Wnt pathway in AWT, tumor samples from 4 AWTs and 19 PWTs were surveyed for subcellular localization of β‐catenin by immunohistochemistry and potential mutation of the β‐catenin gene by sequencing. Nuclear translocation of β‐catenin was found in one out of four cases of AWT, but none of them carried mutation of the β‐catenin gene. By comparison, nuclear translocation for β‐catenin and mutation of the β‐catenin gene were present in 53% (10/19) and 15.8% (3/19) of PWTs, respectively. Of the three mutations identified, we found a novel mutation combining a silent mutation (TCT to TCC, Ser37Ser) and an in‐frame six‐base‐pair deletion (del GGTGCC, del Gly38Ala39). This report suggests that dysregulation of the Wnt pathway might also play a role in the pathogenesis of AWT.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is the designation for a major subset of gastrointestinal mesenchymal tumors that histologically, immunocytochemically, and genetically differ from leiomyomas, leiomyosarcomas, and schwannomas. GISTs derive from the interstitial cells of Cajal and, in addition to variable expression of smooth muscle and neural markers, they characteristically express CD34 and CD117. The cytological appearance, including immunocytochemical and mutational analysis of c-kit gene in primary GIST has been well described. To our knowledge, only two cases of metastatic GIST diagnosed by fine-needle aspiration (FNA) have been reported. We illustrate three cases of metastatic GIST in the liver. Two cases had no prior history of gastrointestinal tumor and the third case had a 4-yr previous history of duodenal tumor. Consistent immunocytochemistry and ultrastructual studies supported the diagnosis of GIST. We emphasize that in the appropriate clinical and radiological setting, a confident diagnosis of GIST can be established by FNA of metastatic lesions.  相似文献   

Sclerosing stromal tumor (SST) of the ovary is a distinct subtype of sex cord-stromal tumor, which is derived from the ovarian stroma and, in turn, from the sex cords of the embryonic gonads. It is a benign tumor, predominantly, unilateral in nature and mostly involves the right side of the ovary. Histopathological features are characteristic and are well described in the literature; however to the best of our knowledge fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) has not been described previously. We present FNAC findings in a series of three cases of SST and discuss the cytomorphological features. We have described Call-Exner like bodies in one of our cases and hence, suggest that these may not be an exclusive feature of granulosa cell tumor.  相似文献   

A lipoblastoma is a rare benign tumor of immature white fat, and more than 90% of lipoblastomas occur before the age of 3 years. The diagnosis of a lipoblastoma is mostly dependent on a histopathological examination of a surgically excised specimen. However, an accurate preoperative diagnosis is essential for the planning of surgery, particularly for a lesion of the head and neck area. We experienced a case of a cervical lipoblastoma of a 23-month-old boy. A preoperative fine-needle aspiration biopsy showed the sample as moderately cellular and showed fragments of mature and immature adipose tissues containing a large number of capillary vessels. There were numerous lipoblast-looking cells with a multivacuolated cytoplasm, and the nuclei were small, compressed by vacuoles, and centrally located. According to the cytological findings, the lesion was diagnosed as a benign adipose tumor suggestive of a lipoblastoma. Subsequent surgical excision confirmed the diagnosis of the fine-needle aspiration biopsy. The cytologic features of lipoblastoma are not well known because of the rarity of the lesion. However, the fine-needle aspiration cytological features of a lipoblastoma are sufficiently characteristic to make a specific preoperative diagnosis.  相似文献   

Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is an established, highly accurate method for diagnosing breast lesions. However, in recent years there has been increased use of core biopsy (CB) in this setting. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of FNAC and compare the quality assessment parameters of FNAC and CB in palpable and nonpalpable breast lesions. Data regarding FNAC, CB, and excision biopsy (EB) diagnoses were retrieved from the archives of our department. A total of 4,367 FNAC samples from the years 1999-2001 was reviewed. Of these, corresponding histology results were available for 1,275 lesions, of which 1,248 were primary breast epithelial lesions (788 EB, 199 CB, 261 EB+CB). All cases were analyzed for sensitivity and specificity of FNAC. Cases with both FNAC and CB were compared and quality assessment parameters were calculated using the methodology detailed in the National Health Service Breast Screening Program guidelines. High specificity and sensitivity, as calculated for satisfactory specimens, were achieved with the use of both FNAC and CB. False-positive and false-negative diagnoses were seen in 7/404 (1.7%) and 45/635 (7.1%) of biopsy-proven specimens sampled by FNAC. The corresponding values for CB were 0% and 5.7%, respectively. Inadequate sampling (15.1%) with use of FNAC was particularly seen in collagenous lesions and in submitted specimens sampled by physicians lacking experience with the FNAC procedure. FNAC is a valuable method, although moderately less sensitive than CB. CB is the preferred method for preoperative diagnosis when sampling FNAC provides scarce material and suspicion of a fibrotic and collagenous lesion such as lobular carcinoma and radial scar arises. FNAC is most accurate when experienced cytologists are available and when immediate assessment by professionals is performed for evaluation of material adequacy, so that additional aspirations can be done when needed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to compare the accuracy of FNAC, CNB, and combined biopsy according to tumor size of suspicious breast lesions. FNAC and CNB were performed in 264 patients with suspicious breast lesions from August, 1997 to August, 2002. The procedures were guided by ultrasound and performed in the same session by the same operator. The lesions were divided in four groups according to the tumor size in the histopathology report: lesions smaller than 1 cm, between 1 and 2 cm, between 2 and 5 cm, and lesions greater than 5 cm. The final surgical histopatology results identified 222 (84%) malignant cases and benign lesions summed 42 (16%). For lesions smaller than 1 cm, FNAC, CNB, and combined biopsy were equivalent for all parameters. For lesions between 1 and 2 cm, FNAC and CNB were equivalent. Combined biopsy showed higher absolute sensitivity (P = 0.007) and lower inadequate rate (P = 0.03) when compared to FNAC. However, when combined biopsy and CNB were compared, no difference were found. For lesions between 2 and 5 cm, CNB showed higher absolute sensitivity (P < 0.001) and lower inadequate rate (P < 0.007) when compared to FNAC. Combined biopsy showed higher sensitivity compared to FNAC and CNB alone (P < 0.05) in this group. For lesions greater than 5 cm, FNAC and CNB were equivalent for all parameters. Combined biopsy only showed higher absolute sensitivity (P = 0.04) when compared with FNAC alone. The combination of FNAC and CNB can improve the diagnosis of suspicious breast lesions higher than 1 cm. However, for lesions smaller than 1 cm, our results showed no difference between FNAC, CNB, and combined biopsy, for these lesions any modality has technical limitations.  相似文献   

Intraductal papillary-mucinous tumor (IPMT) of the pancreas has become the accepted terminology for a group of mucin-producing epithelial proliferations lying within ectatic segments of the main pancreatic duct or its large branches. These neoplasms generally are associated with an indolent course, characteristic endoscopic ultrasonographic (EUS) findings, and a variable histo- and cytomorphology ranging from hyperplasia to carcinoma. Cytological specimens obtained by endoscopic ultrasound-guided or percutaneous fine-needle aspiration (FNA) are characterized by a background containing abundant mucin in which are entrapped single or loosely cohesive clusters of neoplastic cells characteristically showing a goblet-cell morphology. The degree of nuclear atypia, cell crowding, and cell shape varies between smears within a single case and between cases. Cytomorphological examination, when coupled with EUS features, is accurate for the diagnosis of these lesions but often it underdiagnoses the grade of the neoplasm.  相似文献   

To assess the efficacy of fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of axillary lymph nodes (ALN), we retrospectively analyzed 140 FNAB of ALN at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, examining technique and cytologic-histologic correlation. Of the 140 FNAB, 124 were performed by the conventional method and 16 by ultrasound guidance (USG). The diagnoses included: unsatisfactory, 20; negative, 38; positive, 72; suspicious, 6; and indeterminate, 4. Positive diagnoses included: carcinoma, 44.4%; melanoma, 43.0%; lymphoma, 5.6%; sarcoma, 5.6%; and mesothelioma, 1.4%; one of which was false-positive, attributed to misinterpretation. All indeterminate and most false-negative cases were due to lymphoproliferative conditions. The sensitivity and specificity of FNAB of ALN were 94.7% and 97.1% and the adequacy rate was 85.7%. The sensitivity, specificity, and adequacy rates of USG FNAB were 100%. Our study shows that FNAB of ALN is an excellent method for diagnosing reactive conditions as well as neoplasms.  相似文献   

A series of 85 fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsies from orbital space occupying lesions of 82 patients are reviewed. A total of 32 benign lesions and 49 malignant lesions were conclusively diagnosed. In two cases the aspirates were insufficient for diagnosis. Of two cases, which were cytologically suspicious for lymphoma, a repeat FNA resulted in a conclusive diagnosis of lymphoma in one case, while the second case proved to be a pseudotumor on an open biopsy material. Of the 32 benign lesions seven were fibrosis, six pseudotumors, four epidermal cysts, four meningiomas, and three pleomorphic adenomas. The remaining cases included two hematomas, one granuloma, three inflammations, and one malformation. In 43 of 49 malignant tumors cytomorphology was corroborated with immunocytochemistry. Thirty five of these were low- or high-grade lymphomas, nine metastases, two sarcomas, two plasmacytomas, and one chloroma. All lymphomas were of B phenotype with monoclonal light chain expression. The rate of cell proliferation as measured by Ki-67 immunostaining varied between 4-25% and 30-80% for low- and high-grade lymphomas, respectively. These results confirm previous reports on the usefulness of FNA biopsy in diagnosing orbital masses and emphasize the value of immunocytochemistry in tumor characterization.  相似文献   

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