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慢性咽炎为耳鼻喉科门诊的常见病 ,发病率高 ,病程长 ,症状顽固 ,不易治愈〔1〕。我院自 1999- 0 1~ 2 0 0 0 - 11,用喉上神经封闭方法治疗 30 0例慢性咽炎患者 ,取得满意的疗效。现报告如下 :1 资料临床1 1 一般资料 经确诊的慢性咽炎 30 0例 ,男 138例 ,女 16 2例 ;年龄 2 0~ 77岁 ,平均 38岁。病程 1个月~ 10年 ,多为 1~ 6个月。慢性单纯性咽炎 130例 ,慢性肥厚性咽炎 12 1例 ,干燥性咽炎 4 9例。1 2 治疗方法 将患者随机分为两组 ,每组各 15 0例。第一组用洁霉素注射液 1ml分别行双侧喉上神经封闭 ;第二组用维生素B12 注射…  相似文献   

变态性鼻炎是一种较难治疗的常见病,发病率高,目前治疗方法虽多,但疗效均不太理想。我科从1996-05-1999-12对126例变态性鼻炎患者采用泼尼松龙混悬液加0.5%奴夫卡因(或者1%利多卡因)等量混合后行双下鼻甲前端封闭治疗,取得满意疗效。现报告如下:  相似文献   

我科自2001年起应用CO2激光治疗化脓性甲沟炎30例,均取得满意的治疗效果,现报道如下。  相似文献   

胸腔内注射药物治疗结核性胸膜炎疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
198 6年以来 ,我们在抗结核化疗的基础上 ,应用异烟肼、山莨菪碱、地塞米松等药物胸腔内注射治疗结核性渗出性胸膜炎 ,收到胸水吸收快 ,无复发 ,症状控制好 ,胸膜肥厚、粘连发生率低的效果。1 对象和方法1 1 对象 对照组 4 5例 ,男 31例 ,女 14例 ;年龄18~ 6 7岁 ,平均 2 9 3岁 ;大量胸水 12例 ,中等量 2 3例 ,小量 10例。包裹性积液 3例 ,左侧 2例 ,右侧 1例 ;合并继发性肺结核 8例 ,血行播散型肺结核 1例 ,肺外结核 2例。治疗组 2 0 2例 ,男 16 0例 ,女 4 2例 ;年龄 16~ 72岁 ,平均 31 5岁 ;大量胸水 5 8例 ,中等量 10 1例 ,小量 4 3…  相似文献   

颞下颌关节紊乱综合征是口腔颌面部的常见疾病,主要临床症状为疼痛、关节弹响及张口困难。临床上分为肌源性和关节源性2种。肌源性是由咀嚼肌功能紊乱所致,包括肌肉痉挛、肌炎、肌筋膜痛等,为关节外病[1]。关节源性是骨关节的退行性改变,包括滑膜炎性和关节软骨病变、关节盘穿孔等[2]。其病变发展过程分为功能紊乱、结构紊乱、关节器质  相似文献   

急性脊髓炎亦称急性横贯性脊髓炎,是引起小儿急性瘫痪的常见原因。临床特征为病变以下肢体瘫痪,传导束性感觉丧失和膀胱、直肠功能障碍。以往多使用糖皮质激素治疗,用药时间长,见效慢。近几年我院在糖皮质激素治疗的基础上加用VitB1、VitB12穴位注射治疗小儿急性脊髓炎,取得了较好的疗效。  相似文献   

目的:探讨头孢地尼颗粒对治疗小儿急性扁桃体炎的疗效。方法:随机收门诊患儿75例分为两组,治疗组用头孢地尼颗粒治疗38例,对照组用青霉素、苯唑西林钠治疗37例。结果:治疗组38例,显效31例,有效7例;对照组37例,显效15例,有效18例,无效4例。治疗组总有效率为100.0%,高于对照组89.12%(P〈0.05)。结论:头孢地尼颗粒治疗小儿急性化脓性扁桃体炎疗效显著、安全、方便实用。  相似文献   

例1女27岁.左颞颌关节弹响伴疼痛半年余.查体:张口约4.0cm,左颞颌关节压痛,张闭口时有弹响.颞颌关节体层摄影显示:左下颌骨髁状突前缘有一骨性突起(图1),其内为松质骨,外周环绕骨皮质.X线诊断:下颌骨髁状突骨软骨瘤.手术所见:瘤体约1.0cm×0.8cm大小,基底较宽,与髁状突相连;病理诊断:下颌骨骨软骨瘤.  相似文献   

目的:寻求一种疗效好、复发率低的治疗浅表性膀胱癌的方法。方法:应用术前粘膜下注射无水乙醇加TURBT治疗浅表性膀胱癌25例。结果:随访4个月至3年,有效率96.0%,复发率4.0%。结论:此方法近期疗效好,复发率低,是治疗浅表性膀胱癌的一种有效手段,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

惊厥是小儿常见的症状,是由于大脑神经元的异常放电引起。高热惊厥是发热疾病过程中体温突然升高导致的惊厥,发作时表现为突然意识丧失。大多数伴有全身性或部分肌肉抽搐,持续数秒至数分钟不等。家长对此恐惧心理较强,往往谈“惊”色变。为对此症有更全面了解,现对我科近年收治的100例高热惊厥病儿的护理体会报告如下:  相似文献   

目的 评价经皮肝穿刺胆道引流(PTCD)治疗急性梗阻性化脓性胆管炎(AOSC)合并感染性休克的临床效果.方法 回顾性分析2010年12月-2015年12月收治的79例AOSC合并感染性休克患者的临床资料,并总结其治疗经验.结果 79例患者均行PTCD,穿刺成功率100%,无明显手术相关并发症发生.75例患者于经皮肝穿刺胆道引流管置入术后3~7 d感染性休克症状消失,4例患者于住院期间死上.75例患者中62例患者于病情稳定后根据梗阻原因行二期手术或双介入手术治疗,2例患者于病情稳定后拒绝二次手术治疗,11例患者不能二期手术或双介入手术带管生存,平均4.7个月.结论 对合并感染性休克的AOSC患者行急症PTCD治疗不仅可以快速退黄减压,降低病死率,而且可以改善休克症状,为二期手术或双介入手术治疗创造机会和条件,是一种安全有效的治疗方式.  相似文献   

Osteoradionecrosis of the mandible is a recognised pathological sequel to radiotherapy in the cervico-oro-facial region. Two cases of septic osteoradionecrosis which progressed to pathological fracture are described along with their subsequent clinical management.  相似文献   

Objective. To assess the impact of flip angle with gradient sequences on the ”magic angle effect”. We characterized the magic angle effect in various gradient echo sequences and compared the signal- to-noise ratios present on these sequences with the signal-to-noise ratios of spin echo sequences. Design. Ten normal healthy volunteers were positioned such that the flexor hallucis longus tendon remained at approximately at 55° to the main magnetic field (the magic angle). The tendon was imaged by a conventional spin echo T1- and T2-weighted techniques and by a series of gradient techniques. Gradient sequences were altered by both TE and flip angle. Signal-to-noise measurements were obtained at segments of the flexor hallucis longus tendon demonstrating the magic angle effect to quantify the artifact. Signal-to-noise measurements were compared and statistical analysis performed. Similar measurements were taken of the anterior tibialis tendon as an internal control. Results and conclusions. We demonstrated the magic angle effect on all the gradient sequences. The intensity of the artifact was affected by both the TE and flip angle. Low TE values and a high flip angle demonstrated the greatest magic angle effect. At TE values less than 30 ms, a high flip angle will markedly increase the magic angle effect. Received: 6 December 1999 Revision requested: 31 March 2000 Revision received: 22 May 2000 Accepted: 23 May 2000  相似文献   

Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor of the CNS is an aggressive infantile neoplasm of uncertain origin. In our two infantile cases, this tumor presented as a bulky cerebellar hemispheric mass with significant mass effect to the fourth ventricle and brain stem. Although the attenuation on CT and signal intensity characteristics at MR imaging of this tumor were similar to those of vermian medulloblastoma, cerebellar hemispheric location and aggressive growth pattern could be considered as different gross morphologic characteristics of this tumor. Despite intensive chemotherapy and radiation therapy, both of our two patients died within 8 months of pathologic diagnosis.  相似文献   

选择颈胸段脊柱骨折患者16例,采用后路颈胸段椎板减压椎弓根或侧块螺钉内固定术进行治疗。术后随访6~24个月无并发症发生,所有患者切口愈合良好;术后脊髓神经功能、颈椎功能障碍指数均得到不同程度改善,术后椎体前后缘高度改善情况良好。  相似文献   

The pediatric parotid gland and periparotid region are subject to a variety of lesions and are most often evaluated with ultrasonography (US), contrast material-enhanced computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. US may be used to assess the size of the parotid gland, distinguish diffuse from focal disease, assess vascularity and adjacent vascular structures, distinguish cystic from solid lesions, and guide fine-needle aspiration. However, further evaluation with CT or MR imaging may be needed to better define the nature and extent of disease. CT is the imaging modality of choice for most pediatric parotid disease (including acute inflammation, abscess, calculi, and major salivary duct obstruction) and most solid masses and may obviate sedation. However, a mass associated with facial nerve symptoms should be evaluated with MR imaging because it is the only modality that can consistently demonstrate the facial nerve. Findings at US, CT, and MR imaging allow localization of parotid lesions and may suggest a specific cause. Clinical information, familiarity with normal parotid anatomy at various stages of its development, and knowledge of the imaging characteristics of parotid and periparotid lesions are essential for appropriate radiologic evaluation. This information can be used to guide therapy and plan a surgical approach.  相似文献   

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