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目的:探讨CT和MRI在儿童重度感音神经性聋(SNHL)诊断中的价值。方法:对96例重度SNHL患儿进行颞骨高分辨率CT和MRI检查,并进行三维立体成像。结果:15例患儿CT(MRI)显示异常,其中耳蜗不发育(Michel畸形)1例,耳蜗发育不良1例,共同腔畸形1例,Mondini畸形1例,内耳道狭窄及闭锁各1例,蜗神经未发育1例,前庭水管扩大8例;其余81例CT和MRI均未见内耳及内耳道畸形。结论:部分先天性SNHL患儿存在内耳畸形,颞骨高分辨率CT能显示内耳骨迷路畸形,MRI则能显示畸形的迷路内腔及内耳道内前庭耳蜗神经,为制定干预策略及选择治疗方式提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

目的探讨先天性重度、极重度感音神经性聋患儿中内耳畸形及颅脑异常的发病情况,为人工耳蜗植入适应证的选择提供参考。方法对确诊为先天性重度、极重度感音神经性聋的245例患儿进行影像学检查,其中232例行颞骨高分辨率CT检查,204例行内听道MRI检查,196例行常规颅脑MRI检查,分析内耳结构异常及颅脑异常患儿的影像表现。结果行颞骨高分辨率CT扫描的232例中,195例内耳正常,37例内耳异常,占15.95%;行内听道MRI检查的204例中,167例正常,37例异常,占18.14%;行颅脑MRI平扫的196例中,110例正常,86例异常,占43.88%。耳蜗畸形包括:Michel畸形3例4耳,耳蜗未发育4例7耳,耳蜗发育不全2例3耳,不完全分隔Ⅰ型5例8耳,不完全分隔Ⅱ型5例10耳。前庭畸形16例26耳,半规管畸形14例24耳;内听道畸形7例12耳;前庭导水管畸形16例29耳。颅脑异常者包括:脑白质病61例,颅内发育变异9例,脑先天畸形7例,脑损伤、破坏性疾病6例,颅骨异常2例及松果体囊肿1例。结论本组先天性重度或极重度感音神经性聋患儿内耳畸形发生率为15.10%(37/245),颅脑异常发生率为43.88%(86/196),术前常规进行颞骨高分辨率CT、内听道MRI及颅脑MRI检查能够发现内耳及颅脑病变,可作为人工耳蜗植入适应人群的筛选及植入耳选择的参考。  相似文献   

目的分析婴幼儿、儿童先天性感音神经性聋(sensorineural hearing loss,SNHL)中先天性内耳畸形患儿的SLC26A4基因突变发生的概率,突变类型以及基因突变与各种内耳畸形之间的关系。方法回顾性分析125例(225耳)先天性内耳畸形的SNHL患儿的影像学及听力学资料,收集其中77例先天性内耳畸形患儿及正常对照组100例的外周血。提取基因组DNA,聚合酶链反应扩增SLC26A4,直接测序分析突变。结果 77例样本中79.2%(42/53)的前庭导水管扩大组、90%(9/10)的Mondini畸形组、7.1%(1/14)其他内耳畸形组中的患者发现有SLC26A4基因突变。共发现SLC26A4基因突变类型16种,其中4种为新发现的类型。69.8%(44/63)前庭导水管扩大(enlarged vestibular aqueduct,EVA)和Mondini畸形组中发现c.919-2A>G(IVS7-2A>G)突变,等位基因突变频率50%(63/126),是SLC26A4基因最常见的突变类型。EVA组和Mondini组分别与正常对照组等位基因突变频率比较差异有显著性(P=0.000,P<0.01)。结论 SLC26A4基因突变是EVA和Mondini畸形的主要原因之一,c.919-2A>G(IVS7-2A>G)是最常见的突变类型。  相似文献   

目的:通过对大前庭水管综合征(LVAS)与内耳其他畸形的听性脑干反应(ABR)特性进行分析,了解在进行ABR检查过程中出现声诱发短潜伏期负相波(ASNR)对诊断LVAS的特异性.方法:对2008-01-2009-09患感音神经性聋(SNHL)的患儿进行颞骨薄层CT扫描,将其中70例内耳其他畸形患儿的影像学结果进行分析,并将研究对象分组,LVAS组(包括大前庭伴其他内耳畸形)38例(76耳),内耳其他畸形组32例(64耳),在进行行为测听或纯音测听、声导抗、耳声发射听力学检查项目的基础上,均进行ABR检测.结果:ABR检查发现24例(41耳)大前庭水管,在2~3 ms处记录到特征性的负相波,检出率为54%,在这41耳中,轻度听力下降2耳、中度听力下降1耳,重度听力下降5 耳,极重度听力下降33 耳. 内耳其他畸形组未检测到负相波.2组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:在 LVAS与内耳畸形的ABR特性分析中,LVAS无论是否伴其他内耳畸形,无论听力损失的程度如何,均有可能检测出负相波,认为ASNR是大前庭水管综合征临床听力学特征性表现之一.  相似文献   

目的报道一组蜗神经发育不良(cochlear nerve deficiency,CND)小儿的临床特征,以提高对本病的认识。方法回顾性分析2007年1月到2008年4月就诊的、内耳MRI及听力学资料完整的20例(37耳)CND小儿(其中男13例,女7例,年龄10个月到4岁)的影像学、听力学表现及人工耳蜗植入效果。结果 85%(17/20)的患儿为双侧发病,15%(3/20)为单侧发病;16.22%(6/37)合并前庭神经发育异常,8.11%(3/37)合并面神经发育异常。根据是否伴有内耳畸形分为三组:32.43%(12/37)伴耳蜗畸形或同时伴有前庭畸形(第一组);13.51%(5/37)仅伴前庭畸形(第二组);54.05%(20/37)独立发病,不伴内耳畸形(第三组)。听力学测试结果:86.49%(32/37)ABR最大输出(100 dB nHL)无反应,13.51%(5/37)在非常高的刺激强度仅有分化不良的波Ⅴ;9耳有行为听阈结果者均为极重度感音神经性聋;第一组12耳DPOAE和CM均未引出,第二组60%(3/5)DPOAE和CM均未引出,40%(2/5)DPOAE和/或CM引出;第三组45%(9/20耳)DPOAE和CM均未引出,55%(11/20耳)DPOAE和/或CM引出。人工耳蜗植入效果:2例术前、术后资料完整者中1例术后开机一年婴幼儿有意义听觉整合量表(infant and toddler meaningful auditory integration scale,IT-MAIS)评估得分与蜗性聋儿相当,另1例无效。结论 CND患儿多无特殊病史,根据是否伴有内耳畸形及内耳畸形的种类,其听力学表现多样,诊断主要依据影像学检查,应注意鉴别诊断,以便制定合理有效的干预措施。  相似文献   

大前庭水管综合征(LVAS)的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
大前庭水管综合征(LVAS)是先天性内耳畸形的一种类型。前庭水管(VA)在胚胎发育时期受阻导致VA异常扩大,扰乱了内淋巴循环的平衡,导致耳蜗神经上皮损伤,产生神经性耳聋。LVAS的基因研究示常染色体隐性遗传最为多见,与该疾病有关的基因位于7q31,与PDS基因重选。临床上主要表现为儿童时期的听力损失,有家族发病倾向,听力学检查以感音神经性聋为主,呈进行性下降的趋势。外伤、剧烈运动可诱发眩晕及突聋。影像学检查有特征性改变。目前保守治疗主要针对突发性听力下降,手术治疗的效果十分有限。对于LVAS伴双侧重度感音神经性聋(SNHL)的患儿来说电子耳蜗植入是安全有效的。  相似文献   

目的探讨蜗神经磁共振成像在感音神经性聋(SNHL)中的应用价值。方法采用GE TwinExct1.5T磁共振扫描仪对130例(260耳)SNHL患者进行蜗神经磁共振成像及内耳水成像。蜗神经成像序列为斜矢状位FRFSET2加权像,内耳水成像为3DFIESTA序列。结果 90例大于等于18岁的患者中,85例170耳显示蜗神经、迷路正常;1例2耳前庭导水管扩大;1例1耳蜗神经信号缺失;3例6耳蜗神经细小;40例小于18岁的患者中,19例38耳显示蜗神经、迷路正常;2例3耳Michel畸形;6例12耳Mondini畸形;1例2耳共腔畸形;12例24耳前庭导水管扩大;21例畸形中7例14耳蜗神经信号缺失。2例4耳显示内听道狭窄伴蜗神经细小。结论磁共振内耳成像对诊断SNHL有着重要的价值,对判断患者内耳蜗神经发育情况及内耳畸形有着不可替代的作用,是这类患者进行人工耳蜗植入术前必要检查。  相似文献   

目的 探讨感音神经性聋患者中通过颞骨高分辨率螺旋CT检查内耳畸形的检出率及分类.方法 回顾性分析近10年来5 398耳感音神经性聋患者的颞骨高分辨率螺旋CT资料,患者年龄2个月~68岁,平均17.8±3.3岁;其中单侧24耳,双侧5 374耳;平均听阈83.90±5.2 dB HL,按听力损失程度分为:轻度170耳,中度1 446耳,重度1 386耳,极重度2 396耳;参照Sennaroglu 2010分类标准分析各类内耳畸形的检出情况.结果 5 398耳感音神经性聋患耳中共检出1 640耳内耳畸形(30.38%,1 640/5 398),其中,耳蜗畸形53.66%(880/1 640),非耳蜗畸形46.34%(760/1 640);880耳耳蜗畸形中,Michel畸形5耳、耳蜗未发育23耳、共同腔畸形6耳、耳蜗发育不全畸形69耳(CH-I 19耳、CH-II 16耳、CH-III 34耳)、耳蜗分隔不全畸形777耳(IP-I 44耳、IP-II 703耳、IP-III 30耳);760耳非耳蜗畸形中,大前庭导水管680耳,单纯前庭、半规管、内听道畸形80耳.与大前庭水管相关畸形共1 383耳(IP-II型 703耳、大前庭水管680耳),占全部内耳畸形的84.33%(1 383/1 640).结论 本组感音神经性聋患者内耳畸形检出率较高,且以大前庭水管相关畸形多见,Sennaroglu2010分类方法有利于各类内耳畸形发病率的流行病学统计.  相似文献   

报道102例(200耳)内耳先天性畸形的临床分析。此类患儿多为双侧重度听力损失或全聋,3/4患儿于一岁以内即被家长发现耳聋,其中47例(46%)患儿的母亲有妊娠早期感冒史。采用高分辨内耳CT检查,其颞骨畸形大致分为五型:①Michel型,16耳;②Mondini型,155耳;③前庭导水管扩大畸形,16耳;④耳蜗导水管发育畸形,12耳;⑤内耳道发育畸形,1耳。值得指出的是多数先天性内耳畸形伴有前庭或前庭导水管畸形。  相似文献   

目的:探讨功能性磁共振(fMRI)评价耳蜗前庭神经畸形患者是否有人工耳蜗植入指征的可能性。方法:对1例15岁双侧耳聋患者,在人工耳蜗植入前进行听力学、影像学检查及fMRI综合评估。结果:纯音测听和听觉脑干反应显示患者为双侧极重度感音神经性聋,瞬态诱发性耳声发射双侧均未引出。颞骨薄层CT显示内耳畸形(不全分隔Ⅰ型),MRI斜矢状位重建显示耳蜗前庭神经畸形。fMRI显示左耳给声,1000Hz100dBHL,右侧听皮层被激活;右耳给声,双侧听皮层均未见激活。左侧人工耳蜗植入术后1个月开机,患者对声音有反应。结论:结合听力学和影像学检查,fMRI可评估人工耳蜗植入候选者,尤其是在影像学检查显示患者耳蜗前庭神经发育畸形时,更是一种有效的评估方法。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In patients with congenital sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), a computed tomography (CT) scan of the temporal bone identifies inner ear malformations in approximately 25%, whereas the inner ear is grossly normal to visual inspection in the remaining 75% of the patients. In the latter group, the hearing loss is often attributed to radiologically undetectable abnormalities of the membranous labyrinth. However, subtle bony malformations may be missed because visual inspection alone is insensitive for detection. OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that there are subtle bony abnormalities of the inner ear in patients with SNHL who are radiologically deemed to have normal otic bone, using standardized measurements of the inner ear. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective review. METHODS: Measurements of the cochlea, vestibule, and semicircular canals (SCCs) were made on axial and coronal temporal bone CT scans on 15 patients with normal hearing and 15 patients with congenital SNHL and grossly normal temporal bone CT scans. Student's t-test was performed to compare the measurements of the two groups.RESULTS All studies from the SNHL group were deemed normal by visual inspection and standardized measurements (+/-2 SD from normal). Surprisingly, there were significant differences in the measurements of the cochlea and of the SCCs between patients with and without SHNL (P <.05). CONCLUSIONS: As a group, patients with SNHL and a "normal CT scan" have significant differences in the dimensions of the inner ear. This suggests that these patients have disturbed morphogenesis of both membranous and bony labyrinth. This novel observation has important implications for understanding the etiology of SNHL.  相似文献   

多层螺旋CT对先天性内耳发育畸形的诊断价值   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的探讨多层螺旋CT(multi-slice computed tomography,MSCT)对先天性内耳发育畸形的诊断价值。方法对44例先天性感音神经性聋患者做MSCT横断面螺旋方式扫描及多平面重建(multi-planar reformation,MPR),必要时做单侧重叠放大重建,并利用容积漫游技术(volume rendering technique,VRT)对骨迷路进行三维重建。结果44例患者中25例CT表现正常,19例(36耳)表现为内耳发育畸形。畸形有以下几种:Michel型(1耳次),共同腔畸形(3耳次),不完全分隔Ⅰ型(3耳次),不完全分隔Ⅱ型(Mondini型,5耳次),前庭及半规管畸形(14耳次),前庭导水管扩大(16耳次,其中6耳次伴随其他畸形),内耳道畸形(8耳次均伴随其他畸形)。36耳畸形中33耳MSCT横断面图像和MPR图像、VRT图像均可以清晰的显示畸形的部位和程度,其中VRT图像可以直观、立体地显示畸形的空间形态结构;3耳水平半规管短小畸形患者VRT图像较断面图像更好的显示了畸形的部位和程度。结论MSCT提高了横断面图像以及MPR、VRT图像的空间分辨率。VRT图像直观、立体的显示了骨迷路畸形的空间形态结构,并且可以通过旋转多方位观察畸形的形态。MSCT扫描结合VRT可更加准确的对内耳骨迷路畸形的部位和程度做出诊断,加深了我们对各种畸形的理解,有助于人工耳蜗植入手术计划的制定。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to use standardized measurements of the inner ear to see whether there are subtle bony malformations in children with congenital sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) whose temporal bone computed tomography (CT) are grossly normal. The study includes 45 ears with congenital SNHL and grossly normal temporal bone CT scans and 45 ears with normal inner ear structures and normal hearing. Standardized measurements of the inner ear structures were made on axial temporal bone CT scans. Student’s t test was performed to compare the measurements of the two groups. There were significant differences in the measurements of the bony island width of the superior semicircular canal, bony island width of the lateral semicircular canal and maximal height of cochlea between two groups (P < 0.05). In conclusion, standardized measurements of bony labyrinth of inner ear on temporal bone CT can identify subtle abnormalities of inner ear in patients with congenital SNHL having grossly normal radiological images.  相似文献   

Objective Lateral semicircular canal (LSCC) malformation is one of the most common radiological inner ear malformations. Traditionally, inner ear malformations are thought to be associated with sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). Recent experience with patients with LSCC malformation suggested that LSCC malformation may be associated with both SNHL and conductive hearing loss (CHL). The auditory phenotype associated with LSCC malformation is not well delineated. The objective of this study is to define the nature of the hearing loss associated with LSCC malformation. Study Design Retrospective review Methods Retrospective review of clinical records, audiological evaluation, and imaging studies. Results Two patients with unilateral and 13 patients with bilateral LSCC malformation were identified. LSCC malformation was associated with CHL in 14% (4 ears), SNHL in 71% (20 ears), normal hearing in 11% (3 ears) and CHL due to atresia in one ear. Hearing loss varied from mild to profound but did not correlate with the severity of LSCC malformation. In bilateral malformation, the hearing loss was asymmetric in half of the cases. Malformation of the posterior limb of the LSCC was always associated with a large vestibular aqueduct. An absent or rudimentary LSCC was invariably associated with a cochlear abnormality. Conclusions LSCC malformation, like other inner ear malformations such as large vestibular aqueduct and X‐linked mixed deafness with perilymph gusher, can be associated with CHL, SNHL, or normal hearing. Children with unexplained conductive hearing loss often undergo exploratory surgery to improve hearing. Given that inner ear malformations may be associated with a pure CHL, it is critical that children undergo computed tomography scan of the temporal bone prior to undergoing exploratory surgery.  相似文献   

目的:通过高分辨率CT(HRCT)容积重建(VR)对正常内耳形态的观察,探讨其对先天性内耳畸形的诊断价值。方法:对10例(20耳)无耳部疾患者(对照组)和7例(11耳)先天性内耳畸形患者(病变组)行HRCT扫描,利用容积漫游技术对内耳骨迷路重建。对照组观察内耳骨迷路的正常结构,病变组观察内耳畸形情况。结果:正常耳VR图像不但显示了内耳骨迷路的细微结构,而且还反映了各结构之间的关系;病变耳立体显示了畸形部位及程度。11耳患耳中Mondini型7耳次;前庭及半规管畸形3耳次;前庭导水管扩大7耳次,其中6耳次伴随其他畸形;内耳道畸形2耳次且均伴随其他畸形。11耳畸形中9耳HRCT横断面图像和平面重建(MPR)冠状位图像、VR图像均可以清晰地显示畸形的部位和程度,其中VR图像可以直观、立体地显示畸形的空间形态结构;2耳水平半规管短小畸形患者VR图像较断面图像更好地显示了畸形的部位和程度。结论:VR三维重建可以立体显示正常内耳骨迷路的形态,直观显示内耳畸形的程度及病变位置,对内耳畸形的诊断具有重要的辅助价值。  相似文献   

Cochlear implantation in children with congenital inner ear malformations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBJECTIVE/HYPOTHESIS: To assess the audiologic and surgical outcomes for pediatric cochlear implant patients with inner ear malformations. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective review of 315 pediatric cochlear implant cases from 1994 to 2002. METHODS: Twenty-eight pediatric cochlear implant patients with known inner ear malformations determined on high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the temporal bone were the subjects of review. Results of HRCT findings, intraoperative findings, postoperative complications, and objective measures of both closed- and open-set testing of speech perception were analyzed. RESULTS: Patients with the constellation of an incompletely partitioned (IP) cochlea, enlarged vestibular aqueduct (EVA), and a dilated vestibule (i.e., Mondini's malformation) as well as those with an isolated EVA or partial semicircular canal aplasia have relatively good levels of speech perception. Patients with total semicircular canal aplasia, isolated IP, cochlear hypoplasia, or common cavity demonstrated lower levels of performance. Poor performance may be related to associated developmental delays rather than labyrinthine anatomy alone. Complications of surgery were relatively limited. CONCLUSIONS: Cochlear implantation can be successfully performed in children with inner ear malformations. These children and their parents can expect significant auditory benefits from this intervention. The various types of inner ear malformations may have quite different prognoses for good auditory performance.  相似文献   

《Acta oto-laryngologica》2012,132(4):458-462
Conclusion. Preoperative CT and MRI assessment of children with severe or profound sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) is critical for determining implant candidacy. Objectives. There are a significant number of children who do not show any auditory development with a cochlear implant (CI), possibly due to cochlear nerve (CN) aplasia/hypoplasia. Regardless of the suspected etiology, if a CI is not providing auditory development the clinician should carefully evaluate the possibility of a CN malformation and re-evaluate the child with detailed neuroimaging studies. If the imaging evaluation shows severe cochlear malformation or CN aplasia there is some developmental urgency to consider auditory brainstem implant (ABI) surgery. Subjects and methods. Twenty-eight children affected by congenital SNHL were examined by CT and MRI. Evaluation of the cerebellopontine angle (CPA), internal auditory canal (IAC), cranial nerves, and membranous labyrinth was performed. Six children had been previously fitted elsewhere with a CI with no sound detection. Results. Suspected congenital anomalies were confirmed by CT and MRI in all 28 children: 16 with associated labyrinthine malformations; 1 with outer, middle, and inner ear malformations; and 2 with associated monolateral facial nerve aplasia.  相似文献   

目的评估3D-FIESTA序列在先天性内耳畸形中的应用价值。方法采用3D-FIESTA序列对38例内耳畸形患者进行扫描,并进行多平面重组。结果 38例(62耳)内耳畸形中耳蜗畸形31耳,前庭畸形28耳,半规管畸形32耳,前庭水管及内淋巴囊扩大21耳,内耳道神经发育异常29耳。结论 3D-FIESTA序列可以清晰显示内耳道及内耳迷路的先天发育异常,具有较高的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Laboratory testing and radiologic imaging are commonly used to delineate syndromic from nonsyndromic sensorineural HL (SNHL). The aim of this study was to examine the yield of laboratory tests and radiologic imaging commonly used in the diagnostic evaluation of SNHL in children. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of 114 (54 female, 60 male) consecutively investigated children with SNHL between 1998 and 2000 at a tertiary-care university hospital. METHODS: Results of routine laboratory testing to assess autoimmunity, blood dyscrasias, endocrine abnormalities, renal function, infection, and cardiac testing were reviewed. Results of radiologic evaluation were also reviewed. In general, computed tomography (CT) was obtained in patients with symmetric SNHL, whereas magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with or without CT was obtained in asymmetric SNHL. RESULTS: Laboratory evaluation of the blood did not yield the etiology of SNHL in any patient. Blood tests for autoimmune disease were often positive but did not correlate with clinical disease. Nonspecific elevation of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and antinuclear antibody (ANA) was present in 22% of cases. An abnormal electrocardiogram with a prolonged QT interval resulted in the diagnosis of Jervall and Lange-Nielsen syndrome. In the 97 patients who underwent radiologic studies, abnormalities were present in 38 of 97 studies (39%). Isolated inner ear malformations were twice as common as multiple abnormalities with large vestibular aqueducts as the most common isolated finding. CONCLUSION: In the evaluation of children with unexplained SNHL, routine laboratory evaluation should be reconsidered given its low diagnostic yield. However, radiologic abnormalities of the inner ear are common. Identification of inner ear malformations has direct impact on management of these children, suggesting that all children should undergo radiologic imaging as an integral component of evaluation of SNHL.  相似文献   

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