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晕厥的诊断与治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晕厥是由各种病因所致的快速的、短暂的、能自行恢复的脑供血不足而引起的一过性意识障碍。晕厥诊断的难点是患者发病急,意识丧失时间短暂,等就诊时,意识往往已恢复,临床医生难于看到晕厥发作的全过程。由于部分患者具有高度的猝死危险性,引起晕厥的疾病可达数百种,  相似文献   

晕厥是一种常见症状。神经介导性晕厥预后良好;直立性低血压导致的晕厥猝死风险较低;心源性晕厥预后差,有些可能是猝死先兆。经初始评估,约1/3的晕厥患者原因不明,因此对晕厥的危险分层十分重要,决定了对患者的临床处理策略。2017年ACC/AHA/HRS晕厥诊断与处理指南将晕厥分为短期风险和长期风险。不同于以往版本,该版指南将男性、年龄、肿瘤、脑血管疾病、糖尿病、CHADS-2评分高和肾功能也纳入危险分层。2018年ESC发布的晕厥诊断和处理指南根据病史、体征、辅助检查,将患者分为高危和低危,并建议对高危患者积极检查,治疗,对低危患者以进行患者教育、改变生活方式及行物理治疗为主。  相似文献   

长QT综合征是少见病, 临床特征是心电图记录到QT/QTc间期延长, 易发生尖端扭转性室性心动过速并可能恶化为心室颤动, 导致晕厥和猝死。该类患者合并的心律失常可在首发时即引起猝死, 也可呈反复短暂发作的特征, 发作时可合并意识丧失和抽搐等癫痫发作的表现, 抗癫痫发作的药物治疗可能部分有效;极少见情况下, 长QT综合征患者同时存在神经系统离子通道功能异常, 在长QT诱发心律失常晕厥的同时存在癫痫。对长QT综合征鉴别诊断的认识不足造成其漏诊和误诊为癫痫的比例较高。相较于癫痫误诊, 长QT综合征合并心律失常发作误诊为癫痫造成猝死的危险性更高, 临床鉴别十分重要, 正确的诊断和治疗可能挽救患者的生命。  相似文献   

尽管重度心衰的药物治疗已取得显著进展,每年仍有20%一40%的重度心衰患者死亡。在这些患者中,晕厥的病因与猝死间的关系尚未曾阐明。本研究评估:晕厥作为重度心衰中猝死警告信号的重要性,及心源性与非心源性晕厥对猝死的相对重要性。方法观察对象为连续的491例重度心衰(纽约心脏协会心功能分级Ⅱ-Ⅳ级)患者,无心脏骤停病史,平均左室射血分数0.20±0.07。患者按晕厥史及晕厥病因分组,即  相似文献   

<正>第四届全国晕厥及心脏猝死专题研讨会因故推迟到2012年6月9~10日在北京召开。晕厥是一个临床上十分常见涉及多学科的问题,"晕厥及心脏猝死专题研讨会"双年会已成功举办了三届,中国心律学会将在2012年6月9~10日召开第四届晕厥及心脏猝死专题研讨会。本次会议将介绍相关方面国内外新进展、相关指南和专家共识,交流我国晕厥方面的临床及基础研究成果及临床经验,指导临床晕厥的诊断与治疗。欢迎感兴趣的同道参加。  相似文献   

心房颤动伴其他心电异常的诊断   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
心房颤动(房颤)是临床最常见的持续性快速心律失常。其危害不仅是快速不规整的心室率可引起临床症状、影响心功能;同时房颤增加血栓栓塞的危险(房颤患者卒中的发生率增加5倍),显著增加致残和致死率;房颤并房室阻滞、窦房结功能不全和预激综合征等又可引起晕厥和猝死。随着动态心电图和导管消融的临床应用对这些与心源性晕厥和猝死有关的临床心电图诊断已成为临床和心电图医师关注的新热点。  相似文献   

目的分析Brugada综合征患者的心电图及临床特点。方法对我院近5年诊断的8例Brugada综合征住院患者的心电图及临床情况进行长期随访观察。结果8例Brugada综合征患者均为男性,年龄平均(40±13)岁。心电图Ⅰ型Brugada波者3例,Ⅱ型4例,Ⅲ型1例;Brugada波具有多变性,提高肋间描记右胸导联心电图可显现Brugada波或使其更明显。8例中4例有猝死家族史,5例有晕厥史,3例在住院期间发生室速/室颤,随访期间2例猝死。结论心电图Brugada波(尤其Ⅰ型)是诊断Brugada综合征的必要条件,明确诊断Brugada综合征尚需联合其他几项临床指标;Brugada综合征患者猝死的风险高,消除晕厥或室速/室颤的诱因是预防的关键。  相似文献   

正"第六届晕厥与心脏猝死预防专题研讨会"将于2015年4月23~24日在北京大学人民医院多功能厅召开,届时将请国内该领域专家做精彩演讲,包括晕厥和心脏猝死方面国内外进展和晕厥与心脏猝死临床诊断与治疗基础培训。进展包括2015年发表的晕厥和心脏猝死预防方面的欧美指南解读。"2015年心律学会关于体位性心动过速综合征、不恰当的窦性心动过速和血管迷走性晕厥的专家共识"、"急诊科晕厥危险分层和临床处理国际专家共识"、"2015ESC室性心律失常的治疗与心脏  相似文献   

肥厚型心肌病 (HCM )是以左心室和 (或 )右心室及室间隔非对称性肥厚为特征的一组疾病 ,其临床表现变异较大 ,从无症状到黑朦、晕厥、心绞痛到严重心衰以至猝死 ,猝死常发生于年轻患者 ,可为其首发症状。该病有 5 0 %以上发病呈家族聚集性 ,故称之为家族性肥厚型心肌病 (FHC)。传统的诊断方法只能在心肌出现不可逆病理改变之后才能做出诊断 ,且不能预测猝死发生的危险性 ,因此若能在此前对预后做出判断 ,并对高危患者进行干预 ,意义十分重大 ,基因突变的研究使这成为可能。分子遗传学研究证实FHC是一种基因多态性疾病 ,编码肌小节蛋白的…  相似文献   

晕厥诊断与治疗中国专家共识(2018)包括了晕厥的分类与病理生理、初步评估与危险分层、辅助检查、诊断、治 疗及特殊人群的晕厥特点。反映了对晕厥诊断与治疗的最新理念,简单实用,对临床医生处理晕厥乃至短暂意识丧失 的患者有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

Syncope is a common symptom and accounts for approximately 1% of all emergency visits. There are four main causes of syncope: reflex, neurally mediated syncope, orthostatic hypotension and cardiac syncope. The prognosis of patients with reflex syncopes is good, whereas patients with cardiac syncope are at increased risk for sudden cardiac death. The first diagnosic step after transient loss of consciousness the diagnosis syncope has to be established. It has to be differentiated from other forms of loss of consciousness according to current definition. Careful evaluation of the patient with syncope is mandatory. If the underlying cause of syncope can be diagnosed during initial evaluation, the patient should be treated accordingly. If the cause of syncope remains unclear, the patient has to be stratified with respect to the risk of a cardiovascular event and sudden cardiac death and further evaluation initiated. This review gives a comprehensive summary of definition, work-up and treatment of syncope based on the current guidelines for the evaluation of syncope.  相似文献   

Clinical recognition of neurally mediated syncope   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: Most cases of syncope are due to hypotension, with a vasovagal response the commonest single mechanism. Neurally mediated syncope (NMS) is a vasovagal response evoked by common physical or psychological stress factors in susceptible individuals. Although upright tilt table testing (TTT) has been developed to diagnose this condition, the clinical recognition of this common syndrome in the general community remains poor. AIMS: To evaluate the clinical presentation of patients with NMS and pre-syncope, proven by TTT, and compare them to patients with syncope that have a low probability of having NMS (e.g. older patients with cardiac disease and negative TTT). METHODS: Prospective evaluation by questionnaire at the time of TTT, including documentation of presenting symptoms and signs, and provoking factors in consecutive patients. Comparisons between patient groups analyzed using chi-squared tests and logistic regression. RESULTS: Neurally mediated syncope patients were more likely to present with both syncope and pre-syncope, often with prolonged histories of pre-syncope. Certain provoking stress factors were more common in NMS, with multiple factors often present. Most NMS patients had a hypotensive prodrome before syncope, whereas control patients had a higher incidence of syncope without warning. CONCLUSION: Neurally mediated syncope patients present with situational syncope that is not only stereotypical for the individual, but shares common features with other similar patients. While none of the clinical observations is unique to NMS, a carefully detailed history can elicit a convincing diagnostic pattern that can often obviate the need for extensive and expensive investigation, and in younger patients a TTT may not be required to make the diagnosis.  相似文献   

Head-upright tilt table testing has been used as a research tool over the past 50 years by physiologists and/or physicians to study the hemodynamic and endocrine adaptation to changes in position. Tilt test has become a widely accepted tool in the clinical evaluation of patients with syncope, since its first application to patients with syncope by Kenny et al. in 1986. There is substantial agreement that tilt table testing is an effective technique for providing direct diagnostic evidence indicating susceptibility to vasovagal syncope. Tilt test duration of 30 to 45 min at 60 to 80 degrees have become widely accepted in laboratories for evaluating adult patients. It exhibits a high level of diagnostic specificity of 80 to 100%. Its sensitivity, in contrast, remains to be 40 to 70%. Pharmacologic provocation during head-up tilt testing elicites susceptibility to vasovagal reactions. Isoproterenol is the most common agent applied for its use. Head-upright tilt testing is most warranted in following conditions; recurrent syncope or single episode of syncope in a high risk patient, evaluation of patients in whom demonstration of susceptibility to neurally mediated syncope would affect treatment plans, and exercise induced syncope.  相似文献   

Neurocardiogenic and arrhythmic syncope are very common and may be found in many patients in Emergency Departments or admitted to hospitals. Technologic advances now allow etiologic diagnosis to be determined but the importance of a detailed clinical history and physical examination can not be overemphasized in the evaluation of syncope, thereby to avoid some costly or invasive procedures. The recent introduction of the head-up tilt test alone or in combination with electrophysiologic studies, has significantly improved our ability to diagnose the etiology of syncope in many cases. Suspicion of an arrhythmic cause of syncope does not always require an invasive electrophysiologic study since the transesophageal electrophysiologic study is useful and provides a high diagnostic yield in the evaluation of non ventricular arrhythmic syncope, such as in the sick sinus syndrome, atrio-ventricular block or in supraventricular tachycardia and for the study of atrial stability. The transesophageal electrophysiologic study is an inexpensive non invasive procedure which does not require complex hospitalary installations.  相似文献   

Syncope in the patient with structural heart disease and a nondiagnostic noninvasive workup is a generally accepted indication for an invasive electrophysiologic study. However, if the electrophysiologic evaluation is not highly sensitive, arrhythmic causes of syncope may not be discovered. In these patients, recurrent syncope and even sudden death may be observed at follow-up. Thus, we evaluated long-term follow-up in 68 consecutive patients who presented with syncope, coronary artery disease, and who had a negative invasive electrophysiologic evaluation. At a mean follow-up of 30 +/- 18 months (range 1 to 65), there have been 2 sudden deaths and 1 episode each of ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia in patients treated with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. All 4 arrhythmias occurred in patients with left ventricular fractions < or = 25%. Seventeen patients had recurrent presyncope or syncope. Bradycardia causing syncope was found in 8 of these patients. A bundle branch block at the initial evaluation predicted for the occurrence of bradycardia at follow-up. We conclude that in patients with coronary artery disease and syncope, noninducibility at electrophysiologic study predicts a lower risk of sudden death and ventricular arrhythmias. However, in patients with a reduced ejection fraction, the risk of sudden death and ventricular arrhythmias remains up to 10%/year and these patients may warrant treatment with implantable cardioverter-defibrillators. Recurrent syncope is common, and frequently a bradyarrhythmia is found to be the cause. Treatment of selected patients (especially those with bundle branch blocks) with permanent pacemakers may be justified.  相似文献   

Syncope is defined as a transient, self-limiting loss of consciousness and postural tone due to transient global cerebral hypoperfusion. After syncope the following questions have to be answered: was it a syncopal episode, has the etiological diagnosis been determined, are there data suggestive of a high risk of cardiovascular events or death and what are the therapeutic options? Therefore, a standardized diagnostic work-up is necessary. This diagnostic work-up with differential diagnostic considerations is given for three clinical cases: a 52-year-old man experienced syncope while driving a car and on the morning of the same day syncope had previously occurred while in a standing position. The initial cardiological and neurological evaluation revealed no pathological findings but after implantation of a loop recorder a further syncope with a sinus arrest of 17 s occurred 1 year later. The patient received a single chamber pacemaker. The second case is a 79-year-old female with Parkinson’s disease for many years and a primary autonomic dysfunction leading to dizziness and syncope due to pronounced blood pressure fluctuations with hypertensive and hypotensive phases. The last patient is a 22-year-old female with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and recurrent syncope. The diagnostic evaluation and treatment proved to be difficult.  相似文献   

Kardiale Synkope     
The second most frequent category of syncope is cardiac syncope. In contrast to syncope of noncardiac causes, the 1-year mortality of patients presenting with cardiac syncope without treatment is as high as 33%. Therefore, immediate diagnosis and treatment are necessary. Bradyarrhythmias or tachyarrhythmias are the most common causes of cardiac syncope. In many cases, an initial evaluation including history, physical examination, and electrocardiogram identifies the cause of syncope, so that specific treatment can be initiated immediately. In the remainder of cases, implantable loop recorders are useful to identify arrhythmias, while the presence or absence of structural cardiac disease is diagnosed by echocardiography. Syncope due to arrhythmias is typically treated with implantation of a pacemaker or an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; treatment of syncope of other cardiac causes requires therapy of the underlying heart disease.  相似文献   

Psychogenic seizures and psychogenic syncope are common disorders but are difficult to identify. Head-upright tilt table testing has emerged as a promising means of evaluating vasovagally mediated syncope and convulsive syncope. Of a total of 42 patients evaluated by head-up tilt for recurrent syncope and 10 evaluated for recurrent idiopathic seizures, a total of 5 patients experienced syncope and 3 had tonic-clonic seizure activity unaccompanied by any significant changes in blood pressure, heart rate, transcranial Doppler cerebral blood flow velocity, and electroencephalographic monitoring. Psychiatric evaluation revealed that seven patients suffered from conversion reactions and one from probable malingering. We conclude that patients who pass out or convulse during head-upright tilt without any change in physiologic parameters can be presumed psychogenic in origin and may be referred for psychiatric evaluation without further expensive diagnostic studies.  相似文献   

Psychiatric conditions in patients with recurrent unexplained syncope.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
AIMS: The relationship between syncope and psychiatric disorders is little investigated. This study evaluated the prevalence of psychiatric diseases and prognostic outcome in patients with recurrent unexplained syncope. METHODS AND RESULTS: After an inconclusive standard diagnostic work-up for syncope, including head-up tilt testing, a psychiatric evaluation was offered to 50 consecutive patients with recurrent syncope. The evaluation was accepted by 26 patients (77% females, 36 +/- 16 years) and refused by 24 (63% females, 50 +/- 19 years). A psychiatric disorder was diagnosed in 21 (81%) patients: 12 had depression, four panic attacks, two general anxiety, and three a somatization disorder. Only five patients showed normal psychosocial function. Of the patients with psychiatric disorders four accepted psychiatric care, such as psychotherapy and/or pharmacotherapy; 17 patients refused treatment. During 6 months of follow-up no patient under psychiatric care had syncope, while all patients without psycho- or pharmacotherapy had recurrent syncopal events. In these patients the median of syncopal episodes was three in a 6 months interval before and after clinical assessment. Patients who refused both psychiatric evaluation and therapy continued to experience syncope as before. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with recurrent unexplained syncope psychiatric alteration is common. However, patients seldom accepted a psychiatric evaluation and treatment.  相似文献   

Recurrent episodes of unexplained syncope are a common and often frustrating problem for the practicing physician. Although vasovagally mediated episodes of hypotension and bradycardia have been felt to be a common cause of these idiopathic events, traditionally this was a diagnosis of exclusion. Recently, head-upright tilt table testing has emerged as a method both for confirming the diagnosis of vasovagal syncope and for better understanding the mechanisms by which these events occur. This paper reviews current understanding of the pathophysiology of vasovagal syncope, the development and role of head-upright tilt table testing in its evaluation, and potential therapeutic modalities that can be helpful for the prevention of recurrent episodes.  相似文献   

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