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A study was made of the cellular origin of human immunoglobulins (γ2, γ1M, γ1A). The results indicated that two closely related families of cells form immunoglobulins in human lymphoid tissue: germinal (reticular) centers and plasma cells. Thus their cellular origin in addition to their known antigenic relations further justifies placing the immunoglobulins in one family of proteins. Immunoglobulins were also formed to a small extent in primitive reticular cells which resembled those of germinal centers but were separated from them. Possibly such cells were undergoing transition to the much more numerous plasma cells with which they were commonly associated. The mantles of small lymphocytes which surrounded germinal centers did not contain detectable quantities of immunoglobulins. While in general only one type of immunoglobulin was present in an individual cell or germinal center, γ2- and γ1M-globulin were identified on occasion in the same plasma cell and germinal center. A peculiarity of the fetal thymus gland was the presence of immunoglobulin, mainly γ1M, in a small number of cells of small and intermediate size and primitive reticular appearance and in Hassall's corpuscles.  相似文献   

The synthesis of γG, γA, γM, β1C1A, C′1 esterase inhibitor, ceruloplasmin, transferrin, hemopexin, haptoglobin, fibrinogen, α1-antitrypsin, orosomucoid, β-lipoprotein, α2-macroglobulin, and prealbumin was studied in 15 normal human embryos and fetuses of 29 days to 18 wk gestation and in the yolk sacs of four embryos from 5.5 to 11.5 wk gestation using tissue culture in 14C-labeled amino acids followed by radioimmunoelectrophoresis. The human embryo as early as 29 day gestation synthesized β1C1A, C′1 esterase inhibitor, transferrin, hemopexin, α1-antitrypsin, β-lipoprotein, α2-macroglobulin, and prealbumin in culture. At 32 days gestation ceruloplasmin and orosomucoid were also synthesized, but synthesis of fibrinogen was not observed before 5.5 wk. Synthesis of γM occurred as early as 10.5 wk gestation, and γG synthesis was found in cultures as early as 12 wk gestation; γA synthesis was not detected in any of the tissue cultures. With the exception of the γ-globulins, each of the proteins studied was synthesized by the liver, but additional sites of synthesis for some of these proteins were also found. Synthesis of γG and γM occurred primarily in the spleen, but other sites of synthesis were noted as well.  相似文献   

The oxygen equilibrium characteristics of four structural variants of hemoglobin A were correlated with their amino acid substitutions.Hemoglobin Dhofar, in which the proline at E2(58)beta is replaced by arginine, had normal oxygen equilibrium characteristics.Hemoglobin L Ferrara. in which the aspartic acid at CD5(47)alpha is replaced by glycine, and hemoglobin Broussais, in which the lysine at FG2(90)alpha is replaced by asparagine, both showed a slightly elevated oxygen affinity; nevertheless both demonstrated a normal heme-heme interaction and a normal Bohr effect.Hemoglobin Hirose, in which the tryptophan at C3 (37)beta is replaced by serine, showed abnormalities of all oxygen equilibrium characteristics; i.e., increased oxygen affinity, diminished heme-heme interaction, and reduced Bohr effect.These results suggest that aspartic acid at CD5(47)alpha and lysine at FG2(90)alpha are involved in the function of the hemoglobin molecule, despite the fact that these positions are not located directly in the heme or the alpha-beta-contact regions.Tryptophan at C3(37)beta is located at contact between alpha(1)- and beta(2)-subunits. It is suggested that the substitution by serine might disturb the quarternary structure of the mutant hemoglobin molecule during transition from oxy-form to deoxy-form resulting in an alteration of the heme function.  相似文献   

An efficient and mild method has been developed for the amination of β-methoxy amides (γ-lactones) including natural products michelolide, costunolide and parthenolide derivatives by using lithium chloride in good yields. This reaction is applicable to a wide range of substrates with good functional group tolerance. Mechanism studies show that the reactions undergo a LiCl promoted MeOH elimination from the substrates to form the corresponding α,β-unsaturated intermediates followed by the Michael addition of amines.

The amination of β-methoxy amides (γ-lactones) including natural products michelolide, costunolide and parthenolide derivatives were first developed by using lithium chloride.

The formation of carbon–nitrogen bonds remains one of the most fundamental and widely practiced reactions in organic synthesis, due to the prevalence of this functionality in the preparations of functional molecules in pharmaceutical chemistry, biochemistry and material sciences.1 Various synthetic methodologies have been developed to form C(sp2)-N bonds, including the Goldberg reaction,2 Buchwald–Hartwig reaction,3 imine reduction4 and the nucleophilic addition of carbon-nucleophiles to imine derivatives.5 Meanwhile, the formations of C(sp3)-N bonds can be achieved by reductive amination, which involves the conversion of a carbonyl group to an amine via an imine intermediate, such as Eschweiler–Clarke reaction6 and Borch reductive amination.7 Nucleophilic substitution of alkyl(pseudo)halides with amines (amine alkylation) serves as one direct strategy for the preparation of alkylamines, while the necessity of pre-installation of the halogen atoms and the production of stoichiometric inorganic salt wastes are considered as two main drawbacks for its application in large scale industrial synthesis.8Methoxy as the leaving group in the amination reactions has recently attracted the attention of organic chemists. For instance, Chiba and coworkers reported a method for the nucleophilic amination of methoxy arenes,9 which was achieved by using sodium hydride (NaH) in the presence of lithium iodide (LiI) through a concerted nucleophilic aromatic substitution pathway (Fig. 1a).10 Kondo and coworkers demonstrated that the organic superbase t-Bu-P4 efficiently catalyzes the amination of methoxy(hetero)arenes with the amine nucleophiles (Fig. 1b).11 The t-Bu-P4 is also suitable to catalyze the amination of β-(hetero)arylethyl ethers with amines to synthesize β-(hetero)arylethylamines (Fig. 1c).12 Sun and coworkers reported that C–S bond cleavage to access N-substituted acrylamide and β-aminopropanamide(Fig. 1d).13Open in a separate windowFig. 1Amination reactions of methyl ethers.Recently, we described the application of a CuBr–LiCl composite for the short-chain alkoxylation of aryl bromides.14 During that course of study, the single-shell lithium ion was found to embrace a unique affinity for oxygen and can be used as an additive to activate C–O bond and facilitate the nucleophilic reaction. On the basis of this study, we herein present the synthesis of β-amino amides (γ-lactones) via the elimination of methoxy group followed by Michael addition of an amine, that was promoted by LiCl in good yields under conventional conditions.We initiated our study with the reaction of 3-methoxy-N-phenylpropanamide 1a and piperidine 2a in the presence of lithium salts (
EntryAdditive (equiv.)Solvent T (°C)Time (h)Yieldb (%)
1LiCl (2.0) iPrOH1201270
2LiBr (2.0) iPrOH1201230
3LiI (2.0) iPrOH1201243
4LiOTf (2.0) iPrOH1201238
5Li2CO3 (2.0) iPrOH120126
6NaCl (2.0) iPrOH12012N. R.
7LiCl (2.0)DMF1201246
8LiCl (2.0)Toluene1201221
9LiCl (1.0) iPrOH1201238
10c iPrOH12012N. R.
11LiCl (2.0) iPrOH801223
12LiCl (2.0) iPrOH120649
Open in a separate windowaReaction conditions: 1a (0.45 mmol), 2a (0.90 mmol) and additive (2.0 equiv.) in solvent (3.0 mL) at 120 °C in sealed tube.bYield of isolated product.cNo LiCl was used.With the optimized condition in hand, the substrate scope and functional group tolerance of the transformation was then examined (Scheme 1). It was found that the 3-methoxy-N-arylpropanamides without substitution or substituted with electron-donating (–OMe) or electron-withdrawing (–Cl, –Br) groups at the para-position of the N-aryl ring exhibit good tolerance under the present conditions, giving good yields of 70–77% (3aa–3da). Moreover, the diversity of amines was studied, including pyrrolidine, diethyl amine, dimethyl amine, morpholine and methyl amine solution, and the amination products were formed in moderate to good yields in all cases (3ab–3db, 3ac–3dc, 3ad–3dd, 3ae–3de, 3af). However, when using anilin (2g) as the starting material, no reaction took place. Replacement of the N-phenyl substituent with a benzyl group (1e) led to an increased yield of 83% (3ed). Remarkably, challenging 3-methoxypropanoyl piperazine derivatives also worked well under the optimized conditions, producing the desired products in good yields (3fa–3fe). Promoted by the successful amination of the amide, we then extended this transformation to β-methoxy γ-lactones. It was noteworthy to find that 3-methoxymethyl γ-lactones 4a also worked for this reaction with the high yield of 85% 5ad.Open in a separate windowScheme 1Evaluation of the substrate scope of β-methoxy amides and amines. aReactions were carried out with 1a (1.0 equiv.), 2a (2.0 equiv.) and LiCl (2.0 equiv.) in iPrOH (0.15 M) at 120 °C for 12 h in sealed tube. Yields of isolated products are given.Encouraged by the above results, our research was then extended to perform this transformation between the natural product michelolide derivatives 4b with β-methoxy γ-lactone subunit and various amines 2 (Scheme 2).15 Due to a high tolerance and compatibility of function groups, this strategy can be applied to 4b possessing both hydroxy group and carbon–carbon double bond. Both cyclic amines (2a, 2b, 2e, 2h) and linear amines (2d, 2i, 2f, 2j) gave the corresponding products in moderate to excellent yields. Additionally, the structure of product 5bb was unambiguously identified by X-ray crystallography.Open in a separate windowScheme 2Evaluation of the substrate scope of amines with michelolide derivatives. aReactions were carried out with 4b (1.0 equiv.), 2 (2.0 equiv.) and LiCl (2.0 equiv.) in iPrOH (0.15 M) at 120 °C for 5 h in sealed tube. Yields of isolated products are given. bReaction was conducted for 10 h. cReaction was conducted for 20 h. dReaction was conducted for 15 h.Meanwhile, it is well demonstrated that amine substituted natural products is an efficient hydrophilic modification strategy used in medicinal chemistry.16 Therefore, this system was then extended to the amination of other natural product derivatives (4c–4g) containing β-methoxy γ-lactone subunit (17 Arglabin derivative 4c underwent the amination to give the product (5cd) in 99% yield, which is equivalent to the commercially available antitumor agent Arglabin-DMA.16a,18 Michelolide derivative (4d and 4e) gave similarly good yields, in which the epoxy subunit does not affect the yield under the optimized conditions.19 The costunolide derivative 4f was converted to the corresponding product 5fd in 60% yield, while the reaction based on the parthenolide derivative 4g gave the desired product 5gd in 48% yield.Evaluation of the substrate scope of β-methoxy γ-lactones of natural productsa
EntrySubstrateProductYieldb (%)
1 99
2 70
3 61c
4 60
5 48
Open in a separate windowaReactions were carried out with 4 (1.0 equiv.), 2d (2.0 equiv.) and LiCl (2.0 equiv.) in iPrOH (0.15 M) at 120 °C for 5 h in sealed tube.bYields of isolated products are given.cReaction was conducted for 18 h.The investigation on the mechanism of reaction was conducted by detailed control experiments as follows (Scheme 3): first, N-(3-methoxypropyl)aniline (6a) and 2-methoxy-N-phenylacetamide (7a) were prepared and subjected to the previously described standard condition respectively (Scheme 3a). In these reactions, no reaction took place, suggesting that the subunit of carbonyl β-ethers was essential for this reaction. Second, the desired product 3aa was obtained under the standard reaction conditions when the substrates bearing either 3-benzyloxy or 3-phenoxyl groups were used as the starting materials (Scheme 3b). Thus, these results supported a mechanism that there would undergo an intermediate in common. Moreover, the expected product 3aa was not observed when the reaction of 1a without LiCl was examined (Scheme 3c). Subsequently, when 2 equiv. of 1-methylpiperidine (2j) was added to the reaction above, both α,β-unsaturated amide 9a and the 3-isopropyl substituted product 10a were isolated in 27% and 21% yield respectively. Then the reaction of eliminate product 9a and piperidine 2a was examined, and the desired product 3aa was afforded in 68% yield, which indicated that elimination and addition process would be involved in this procedure. These experiments provided evidence that the amine 2 not only reacted as the substrate, but also exhibited the basicity in favor of the formation of the α,β-unsaturated product.Open in a separate windowScheme 3Control experiments. aReactions were carried out with 6a, 7a, 8a, 8b and 1a (1.0 equiv.), 2a and 2j (2.0 equiv.) and LiCl (2.0 equiv.) in iPrOH (0.15 M) at 120 °C for 12 h in sealed tube. Yields of isolated products are given.On the basis of the aforementioned mechanistic studies, a tentative pathways was proposed in Scheme 4: (1) the chelation between Li cation and oxygen atoms gives the intermediate I, which would accelerate the following elimination reaction step; (2) the elimination of MeOH leads to the α,β-unsaturated amide 9a; (3) the Michael addition of an amine to 9a affords the corresponding enolate II; (4) the tautomerization of II generates the product 3a.Open in a separate windowScheme 4Tentative pathways of the reaction.In conclusion, we reported a novel strategy for the synthesis of the β-amino amides (γ-lactones). The reaction shows a broad substrate scope for β-methoxy amides (γ-lactones) and a wide range of natural product derivatives including michelolide, costunolide and parthenolide derivatives. Moreover, this amination reaction provides an alternative β-position hydrophilic modification route of γ-lactones in medicinal chemistry, which would proceeds through two steps, which includes the initial formation of the α,β-unsaturated amide by the elimination of MeOH followed by the Michael addition with amines. Further investigation on detailed applications is currently underway.  相似文献   

Electronic and optical properties of perovskite compounds MA1−αFAαPbI3−βXβ (X = Cl,Br) explored for photovoltaic applications     
Junli Chang  Hong Chen  Guangzhao Wang  Biao Wang  Xiaorui Chen  Hongkuan Yuan 《RSC advances》2019,9(12):7015
As outstanding light harvesters, solution-processable organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites (OIHPs) have been drawing considerable attention thanks to their higher power conversion efficiency (PCE) and cost-effective synthesis relative to other photovoltaic materials. Nevertheless, their further development is severely hindered by the drawbacks of poor stability and rapid degradation in particular. First-principles calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) are hence performed towards the perovskite compounds MA1−αFAαPbI3−βXβ (X = Cl, Br), with the aim of exploring more efficient and stable OIHPs. In addition to that, a hybrid density functional is adopted for exact electronic properties, and their band structures indicate that the doped series are all direct band-gap semiconductors. Moreover, the defect formation energies indicate that the stability of perovskite compounds can be significantly enhanced via ion doping. Meanwhile, it is unveiled that the optical performance of the doped perovskite series is also effectively improved through ion doping. Therefore, the investigated perovskite compounds MA1−αFAαPbI3−βXβ (X = Cl, Br) are promising candidates for enhancing solar-energy conversion efficiency. Our results pave a way in deeper understanding of the inherent characteristics of OIHPs, which is useful for designing new-type perovskite-based photovoltaic devices.

The absorption performance of perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 can be significantly improved via mono-, or co-doping of organic cations and halide ions.  相似文献   

These are the (β, α, δ) days of our lives     
P D Gopalan 《Southern African Journal of Critical Care》2021,37(2)

Pharmacology of α-glucosidase inhibition     
H. BISCHOFF Bayer AG 《European journal of clinical investigation》1994,24(Z3):3-10
The development of α-amylase and brush-border α-glucosidase inhibitors is reviewed. The mode of action as well as pharmacological and pharmacodynamic properties of selected inhibitors with special regard to the most thoroughly investigated α-glucosidase inhibitor acarbose are discussed. Inhibition of intestinal α-glucosidases delays the digestion of starch and sucrose, flattens the postprandial blood glucose excursions, and thus mimics the effects of dieting on hyperglycaemia, hyperinsulinaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia. Therefore, the mechanism of α-glucosidase inhibition represents the pharmacological optimization of the dietary principle of delayed carbohydrate absorption. In pre-clinical studies using diabetic animals the oral administration of acarbose improved the metabolic state and reduced the blood glucose area under the curve. As a consequence, the process of non-enzymatic glycation of proteins was retarded as indicated by reduced glycated haemoglobin, glomerular basement membranes or advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) in collagen. These improved biochemical parameters correlated with beneficial effects against the development of diabetic nephropathy and neuropathy. Thus, the treatment of diabetic animals with acarbose does not only improve the metabolic state but has also the potential to delay, or possibly prevent, the development of diabetic complications.  相似文献   

Thermal stability and oxidation characteristics of α-pinene, β-pinene and α-pinene/β-pinene mixture     
Pin Liu  Xiongmin Liu  Tei Saburi  Shiro Kubota  Pinxian Huang  Yuji Wada 《RSC advances》2021,11(33):20529
Turpentine is a renewable resource, has good combustion performance, and is considered to be a fuel or promising additive to diesel fuel. This is very important for the investigation of thermal stability and energy oxidation characteristics, because evaluation of energy or fuel quality assurance and use safety are necessary. The main components of turpentine are α-pinene and β-pinene, which have unsaturated double bonds and high chemical activity. By investigating their thermal stability and oxidation reaction characteristics, we know the chemical thermal properties and thermal explosion hazard of turpentine. In this present study, the thermal stability and oxidation characteristics of α-pinene, β-pinene and α-pinene/β-pinene mixture were investigated using a high sensitivity accelerating rate calorimeter (ARC) and C80 calorimeter. The important parameters of oxidation reaction and thermal stability were obtained from the temperature, pressure and exothermic behavior in chemical reaction. The results show that α-pinene and β-pinene are thermally stable without chemical reaction under a nitrogen atmosphere even when the temperature reaches 473 K. The initial exothermic temperature of the two pinenes and their mixture is 333–338 K, and the heat release (−ΔH) of their oxidation is 2745–2973 J g−1. The oxidation activation energy (Ea) of α-pinene, β-pinene and α-pinene/β-pinene mixture is 116.25 kJ mol−1, 121.85 kJ mol−1, and 115.95 kJ mol−1, respectively. There are three steps in the oxidation of pinenes: the first is the induction period of the oxidation reaction; the second is the main oxidation stage, and the pressure is reduced; the third is thermal decomposition to produce gas.

Turpentine is a renewable resource, has good combustion performance, and is considered to be a fuel or promising additive to diesel fuel.  相似文献   

Structural and electronic properties of α-, β-, γ-, and 6,6,18-graphdiyne sheets and nanotubes     
Linwei Li  Weiye Qiao  Hongcun Bai  Yuanhe Huang 《RSC advances》2020,10(28):16709
α-, β-, γ- and 6,6,18-graphdiyne (GDYs) sheets, as well as the corresponding nanotubes (GDYNTs) are investigated systematically by using the self-consistent-field crystal orbital method. The calculations show that the GDYs and GDYNTs with different structures have different electronic properties. The α-GDY sheet is a conductor, while 2D β-, γ- and 6,6,18-GDYs are semiconductors. The carrier mobilities of β- and γ-GDY sheets in different directions are almost the same, indicating the isotropic transport characteristics. In addition, the electron mobility is in the order of 106 cm2 V−1 s−1 and it is two orders of magnitude larger than the hole mobility of 2D γ-GDY. However, α- and 6,6,18-GDY sheets have anisotropic mobilities, which are different along different directions. For the 1D tubes, the order of stability is γ-GDYNTs > 6,6,18-GDYNTs > β-GDYNTs > α-GDYNTs and is independent of the tube chirality and size. β- and γ-GDYNTs as well as zigzag α- and 6,6,18-GDYNTs are semiconductors with direct bandgaps, while armchair α-GDYNTs are metals, and armchair 6,6,18-GDYNTs change from semiconductors to metals with increasing tube size. The armchair β- and γ-GDYNTs are more favourable to transport holes, while the corresponding zigzag tubes prefer to transport electrons.

Theoretical investigation of α-, β-, γ- and 6,6,18-graphdiyne sheets as well as their corresponding nanotubes.  相似文献   

Catalyst-free chemoselective α-sulfenylation/β-thiolation for α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds     
Xi Huang  Juan Li  Xiang Li  Jiayi Wang  Yanqing Peng  Gonghua Song 《RSC advances》2019,9(45):26419
A novel, efficient, catalyst-free and product-controllable strategy has been developed for the chemoselective α-sulfenylation/β-thiolation of α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds. An aromatic sulfur group could be chemoselectively introduced at α- or β-position of carbonyls with different sulfur reagents under slightly changed reaction conditions. A series of desired products were obtained in moderate to excellent yields. Mechanistic studies revealed that B2pin2 played the key role in activating the transformation towards the β-thiolation of α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds. This transition-metal-catalyst-free method provides a convenient and efficient tool for the highly chemoselective preparation of α-thiolation or β-sulfenylation products of α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds.

This catalyst-free method provides a useful and efficient tool for the highly chemoselective preparation of α-thiolation or β-sulfenylation products of α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds.  相似文献   

In(OTf)3-catalyzed intramolecular hydroarylation of α-phenylallyl β-ketosulfones – synthesis of sulfonyl 1-benzosuberones and 1-tetralones     
Meng-Yang Chang  Kai-Xiang Lai  Yu-Lun Chang 《RSC advances》2020,10(31):18231
In(OTf)3-catalyzed intramolecular hydroarylation of α-phenylallyl β-ketosulfones provides sulfonyl 1-benzosuberones and 1-tetralones in moderate to good yields in refluxing (CH2Cl)2 under open-vessel and easy-operation reaction conditions. A plausible mechanism is proposed and discussed. This highly regioselective protocol provides an atom-economic ring-closure route.

In(OTf)3-catalyzed intramolecular hydroarylation of α-phenylallyl β-ketosulfones provides sulfonyl 1-benzosuberones and 1-tetralones in moderate to good yields in refluxing (CH2Cl)2 under open-vessel and easy-operation reaction conditions.  相似文献   

Direct β-selectivity of α,β-unsaturated γ-butyrolactam for asymmetric conjugate additions in an organocatalytic manner     
Yuan Zhong  Sihua Hong  Zhengjun Cai  Shixiong Ma  Xianxing Jiang 《RSC advances》2018,8(51):28874
The β-selective asymmetric addition of γ-butyrolactam with cyclic imino esters catalyzed by a bifunctional chiral tertiary amine has been developed, which provides an efficient access to optically active β-position functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one derivatives in both high yield and enantioselectivity (up to 78% yield and 95 : 5 er). This is the first catalytic method to access chiral β-functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one via a direct organocatalytic approach.

The asymmetric addition of γ-butyrolactam with cyclic imino esters catalyzed by (DHQD)2AQN has been developed, which provides an access to β-position functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one derivatives in high levels yield and enantioselectivity.

Metal-free organocatalytic asymmetric transformations have successfully captured considerable enthusiasm of chemists as powerful methods for the synthesis of various kinds of useful chiral compounds ranging from the preparation of biologically important molecules through to novel materials.1 Chiral pyrrolidin-2-ones have been recognized as important structural motifs that are frequently encountered in a variety of biologically active natural and synthetic compounds.2 In particular, the β-position functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one backbones, which can serve as key synthetic precursors for inhibitory neurotransmitters γ-aminobutyric acids (GABA),3 selective GABAB receptor agonists4 as well as antidepressant rolipram analogues,5 have attracted a great deal of attention. Therefore, the development of highly efficient, environmentally friendly and convenient asymmetric synthetic methods to access these versatile frameworks is particularly appealing.As a direct precursor to pyrrolidin-2-one derivatives, recently, α,β-unsaturated γ-butyrolactam has emerged as the most attractive reactant in asymmetric organometallic or organocatalytic reactions for the synthesis of chiral γ-position functionalized pyrrolidin-2-ones (Scheme 1). These elegant developments have been achieved in the research area of catalytic asymmetric vinylogous aldol,6 Mannich,7 Michael8 and annulation reactions9 in the presence of either metal catalysts or organocatalysts (a, Scheme 1). These well-developed catalytic asymmetric methods have been related to the γ-functionalized α,β-unsaturated γ-butyrolactam to date. However, in sharp contrast, the approaches toward introducing C-3 chirality at the β-position of butyrolactam through a direct catalytic manner are underdeveloped (b, Scheme 1)10 in spite of the fact that β-selective chiral functionalization of butyrolactam can directly build up α,β-functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one frameworks.Open in a separate windowScheme 1Different reactive position of α,β-unsaturated γ-butyrolactam in catalytic asymmetric reactions.So far, only a few metal-catalytic enantioselective β-selective functionalized reactions have been reported. For examples, a rhodium/diene complex catalyzed efficient asymmetric β-selective arylation10a and alkenylation10b have been reported by Lin group (a, Scheme 2). Procter and co-workers reported an efficient Cu(i)–NHC-catalyzed asymmetric silylation of unsaturated lactams (b, Scheme 2).10c Despite these creative works, considerable challenges still exist in the catalytic asymmetric β-selective functionalization of γ-butyrolactam. First, the scope of nucleophiles is limited to arylboronic acids, potassium alkenyltrifluoroborates and PhMe2SiBpin reagents. Second, the catalytic system and activation mode is restricted to metal/chiral ligands. To our knowledge, an efficient catalytic method to access chiral β-functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one via a direct organocatalytic approach has not yet been established. Therefore, the development of organocatalytic asymmetric β-selective functionalization of γ-butyrolactam are highly desirable. In conjunction with our continuing efforts in building upon chiral precedents by using chiral tertiary amine catalytic system,11 we rationalized that the activated α,β-unsaturated γ-butyrolactam might serve as a β-position electron-deficient electrophile. This γ-butyrolactam may react with a properly designed electron-rich nucleophile to conduct an expected β-selective functionalized reaction of γ-butyrolactam under a bifunctional organocatalytic fashion, while avoiding the direct γ-selective vinylogous addition reaction or β,γ-selective annulation as outlined in Scheme 2. Herein we report the β-selective asymmetric addition of γ-butyrolactam with cyclic imino esters12 catalyzed by a bifunctional chiral tertiary amine, which provides an efficient and facile access to optically active β-position functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one derivatives with both high diastereoselectivity and enantioselectivity.Open in a separate windowScheme 2β-Selective functionalization of γ-butyrolactam via metal- (previous work) or organo- (this work) catalytic approach.To begin our initial investigation, several bifunctional organocatalysts13 were firstly screened to evaluate their ability to promote the β-selective asymmetric addition of γ-butyrolactam 2a with cyclic imino ester 3a in the presence of 15 mol% of catalyst loading at room temperature in CH2Cl2 (entries 1–6, EntryCat.SolventYieldeerf11aCH2Cl270%40 : 6021bCH2Cl2<5%57 : 4331cCH2Cl270%65 : 3541dCH2Cl268%70 : 3051eCH2Cl258%63 : 4761fCH2Cl271%77 : 2371fDCE72%80 : 2081fCHCl370%80 : 2091fMTBE68%79 : 21101fToluene63%78 : 22111fTHF45%76 : 24121fMeOH32%62 : 3813b1fDCE : MTBE75%87 : 1314c1fDCE : MTBE72%87 : 1315d1fDCE : MTBE70%85 : 15Open in a separate windowaReaction conditions: unless specified, a mixture of 2a (0.2 mmol), 3a (0.3 mmol) and a catalyst (15 mmol%) in a solvent (2.0 mL) was stirred at rt. for 48 h.bThe reaction was carried out in 2.2 mL a mixture of dichloroethane and methyl tert-butyl ether (volume ratio = 10 : 1).cThe reaction was carried out in 2.2 mL a mixture of dichloroethane and methyl tert-butyl ether (volume ratio = 10 : 1) for 24 h.dThe reaction was carried out in 2.2 mL a mixture of dichloroethane and methyl tert-butyl ether (volume ratio = 10 : 1) and 10 mol% of catalyst was used.eIsolated yields.fDetermined by chiral HPLC, the product was observed with >99 : 1 dr by 1H NMR and HPLC. Configuration was assigned by X-ray crystal data of 4a.The results of experiments under the optimized conditions that probed the scope of the reaction are summarized in Scheme 3. The catalytic β-selective asymmetric addition of γ-butyrolactam 2a with cyclic imino esters 3a in the presence of 15 mol% (DHQD)2AQN 1f was performed. A variety of phenyl-substituted cyclic imino esters including those bearing electron-withdrawing and electron-donating substituents on the aryl ring, heterocyclic were also examined. The electron-neutral, electron-rich, or electron-deficient groups on the para-position of phenyl ring of the cyclic imino esters afforded the products 4a–4m in 57–75% yields and 82 : 18 to 95 : 5 er values. It appears that either an electron-withdrawing or an electron-donating at the meta- or ortho-position of the aromatic ring had little influence on the yield and stereoselectivity. Similar results on the yield and enantioselectivities were obtained with 3,5-dimethoxyl substituted cyclic imino ester (71% yield and 91 : 9 er). It was notable that the system also demonstrated a good tolerance to naphthyl substituted imino ester (78% yield and 92 : 8 er value). The 2-thienyl substituted cyclic imino ester proceeded smoothly under standard conditions as well, which gave the desired product 4p in good enantioselectivity (88 : 12 er), although yield was slightly lower. However, attempts to extend this methodology to aliphatic-substituted product proved unsuccessful due to the low reactivity of the substrate 3q. It is worth noting that the replacement of Boc group with 9-fluorenylmethyl, tosyl or benzyl group as the protection, no reaction occurred. The absolute and relative configurations of the products were unambiguously determined by X-ray crystallography (4a, see the ESI).Open in a separate windowScheme 3Substrate scope of the asymmetric reaction of α,β-unsaturated γ-butyrolactam 2 to cyclic imino esters 3.a aReaction conditions: unless specified, a mixture of 2 (0.2 mmol), 3 (0.3 mmol) and 1f (15.0 mmol%) in 2.2 mL a mixture of dichloroethane and methyl tert-butyl ether (volume ratio = 10 : 1) was stirred at rt. bIsolated yields. cDetermined by chiral HPLC, all products were observed with >99 : 1 dr by 1H NMR and HPLC. Configuration was assigned by comparison of HPLC data and X-ray crystal data of 4a.We then examined the substrate scope of the imide derivatives (Scheme 4). Investigations with maleimides 4r–4u gave 48–61% yield of corresponding products as lower er and dr values than most of γ-butyrolactams. As for methyl substituted maleimides, the reaction failed to give any product.Open in a separate windowScheme 4Substrate scope of the asymmetric reaction of maleimides to cyclic imino esters.a aReaction conditions: unless specified, a mixture of 2 (0.2 mmol), 3 (0.3 mmol) and 1f (15.0 mmol%) in 2.2 mL a mixture of dichloroethane and methyl tert-butyl ether (volume ratio = 10 : 1) was stirred at rt. bIsolated yields. cDetermined by 1H NMR and chiral HPLC.The chloride product 4a ((R)-tert-butyl 4-((R)-3-((E)-(4-chlorobenzylidene)amino)-2-oxotetra hydrofuran-3-yl)-2-oxopyrrolidine-1-carboxylate) was recrystallized and the corresponding single crystal was subjected to X-ray analysis to determine the absolute structure. Based on this result and our previous work, a plausible catalytic mechanism involving multisite interactions was assumed to explain the high stereoselectivity of this process (Fig. 1). Similar to the conformation reported for the dihydroxylation and the asymmetric direct aldol reaction, the transition state structure of the substrate/catalyst complexes might be presumably in the open conformation. The acidic α-carbon atom of cyclic imino ester 3a could be activated by interaction between the tertiary amine moiety of the catalyst and the enol of 3avia a hydrogen bonding. Moreover, the enolate of 3a in the transition state might be in part stabilized through the π–π stacking between the phenyl ring of 3a and the quinoline moiety. Consequently, the Re-face of the enolate is blocked by the left half of the quinidine moiety. The steric hindrance between the Boc group of 2a and the right half of the quinidine moiety make the Re-face of 2a face to the enolate of 3a. Subsequently, the attack of the incoming nucleophiles forms the Si-face of enolate of 3a to Re-face of 2a takes place, which is consistent with the experimental results.Open in a separate windowFig. 1Proposed transition state for the reaction.In conclusion, we have disclosed the β-selective asymmetric addition of γ-butyrolactam with cyclic imino esters catalyzed by a bifunctional chiral tertiary amine, which provides an efficient and facile access to optically active β-position functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one derivatives with high diastereoselectivity and enantioselectivity. To our knowledge, this is the first catalytic method to access chiral β-functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one via a direct organocatalytic approach. Current efforts are in progress to apply this new methodology to synthesize biologically active products.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of 5α-Cholestan-3β-ol in Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis          下载免费PDF全文
Gerald Salen  Alan Polito 《The Journal of clinical investigation》1972,51(1):134-140
Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis is a rare, inherited disease characterized by an extraordinary accumulation of cholestanol in all tissues, xanthomatous deposits in the brain, lungs, and Achilles tendons, premature atherosclerosis, and low plasma cholesterol concentrations. In two patients with the disease, the biosynthesis of cholestanol was examined by different techniques. After cholesterol-4-(14)C was injected intravenously into one patient, cholestanol and cholesterol isolated from the bile on 3 different days over the ensuing week contained significant radioactivity. The specific radioactivity-time curves for cholesterol-(14)C and cholestanol-(14)C suggested a precursor product relationship and provided additional evidence for the transformation of cholesterol into cholestanol. The second patient received intravenously a mixture of mevalonate-2-(14)C and stereospecifically labeled mevalonate-3R,4R-(3)H. Again cholesterol and cholestanol were isolated from the bile, and the (3)H/(14)C ratio in both sterols was almost the same. This experiment again demonstrated that the biosynthetic path of cholestanol proceeded through cholesterol and not directly from earlier 5alpha-H-saturated precursors. These two independent lines of evidence indicate that the extraordinary deposition of cholestanol in Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis arises from cholesterol presumably through the accentuation of the normal biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

Synthesis of 1-(β-coumarinyl)-1-(β-indolyl)trifluoroethanols through regioselective Friedel–Crafts alkylation of indoles with β-(trifluoroacetyl)coumarins catalyzed by Sc(OTf)3     
Lijun Shi  Ying Liu  Caixia Wang  Xinxin Yuan  Xiaobiao Liu  Lulu Wu  Zhenliang Pan  Qicheng Yu  Cuilian Xu  Guoyu Yang 《RSC advances》2020,10(24):13929
A highly efficient Friedel–Crafts alkylation of indole derivatives with β-(trifluoroacetyl)coumarins using Sc(OTf)3 as a catalyst has been developed, which gives regioselective 1,2-adducts to afford 1-(β-coumarinyl)-1-(β-indolyl)trifluoroethanols. A series of tertiary trifluoroethanols containing different indole and coumarin groups were synthesized in moderate to excellent yields (up to 95%) in the presence of 5 mol% catalyst in a short time (only 2 minutes at least). A mechanism of the reaction, in which the trace amount of water plays the role of proton transfer in catalyzing circulation was proposed and confirmed.

A Friedel–Crafts alkylation of indoles with β-(trifluoroacetyl)coumarins catalyzed by Sc(OTf)3 to afford 1-(β-coumarinyl)-1-(β-indolyl)trifluoroethanols in a short time and high yield was developed.  相似文献   

T Cell Development in Mice Lacking All T Cell Receptor ζ Family Members (ζ, η, and FcεRIγ)          下载免费PDF全文
Elizabeth W. Shores  Masao Ono  Tsutomo Kawabe  Connie L. Sommers  Tom Tran  Kin Lui  Mark C. Udey  Jeffrey Ravetch    Paul E. Love 《The Journal of experimental medicine》1998,187(7):1093-1101
The ζ family includes ζ, η, and FcεRIγ (Fcγ). Dimers of the ζ family proteins function as signal transducing subunits of the T cell antigen receptor (TCR), the pre-TCR, and a subset of Fc receptors. In mice lacking ζ/η chains, T cell development is impaired, yet low numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells develop. This finding suggests either that pre-TCR and TCR complexes lacking a ζ family dimer can promote T cell maturation, or that in the absence of ζ/η, Fcγ serves as a subunit in TCR complexes. To elucidate the role of ζ family dimers in T cell development, we generated mice lacking expression of all of these proteins and compared their phenotype to mice lacking only ζ/η or Fcγ. The data reveal that surface complexes that are expressed in the absence of ζ family dimers are capable of transducing signals required for α/β–T cell development. Strikingly, T cells generated in both ζ/η−/− and ζ/η−/−–Fcγ−/− mice exhibit a memory phenotype and elaborate interferon γ. Finally, examination of different T cell populations reveals that ζ/η and Fcγ have distinct expression patterns that correlate with their thymus dependency. A possible function for the differential expression of ζ family proteins may be to impart distinctive signaling properties to TCR complexes expressed on specific T cell populations.  相似文献   

Metal-free hydrosulfonylation of α,β-unsaturated ketones: synthesis and application of γ-keto sulfones     
Xiufang Cheng  Shuo Wang  Yibo Wei  Huamin Wang  Ying-Wu Lin 《RSC advances》2022,12(55):35649
γ-Keto sulfones are versatile building blocks and valuable intermediates in organic synthesis and pharmaceutical chemistry. Motivated by their excellent properties, we herein report a green, convenient, metal-free hydrosulfonylation method for a variety of ynones, vinyl ketones, and sodium sulfinates in the absence of stoichiometric oxidants. This operationally simple protocol provides straightforward and practical access to a wide range of γ-keto sulfones with broad functional group tolerance from easily available starting materials. Moreover, the β,γ-unsaturated keto sulfones could further react with 2,3-butadienoate to generate cyclopentenes in phosphine-mediated [3 + 2] cycloaddition.

The methodology features a convenient, mild, efficient, C–S sulfonylation approach without the use of any metal catalysts and stoichiometric oxidants.

As a useful common structural fragment in a broad number of pharmaceuticals1 and functional materials,2 keto sulfones are usually present in promising biologically active molecules such as Casodex,3VCAM-1 (ref. 4) and anti-HIV-1 (ref. 5) (Fig. 1). Furthermore, a valuable synthetic impression is associated with the role of reactive intermediates in various high-demand synthetic transformations,6 including total synthesis.7 Owing to their excellent properties, and efficient and practical synthesis methods keto sulfones are in high demand.Open in a separate windowFig. 1Representative biologically active γ-keto sulfones.In the past decades, a variety of protocols have been developed to construct β-keto sulfones.8 Whereas succinct synthetic routes toward structurally related γ-keto sulfones are scarce,9 traditionally, γ-keto sulfones were synthesized via the nucleophilic substitution of sodium sulfinates by 2-chlorovinyl ketones,10 the elimination of the bromo derivatives of saturated keto sulfones11 and the oxidation of the corresponding sulfides or sulfoxides.12 However, the principal drawback is that these procedures were strongly limited by multiple steps, narrow substrate scope, or poor stereoselectivity.Indeed, several streamlined strategies for the preparation of γ-keto sulfones involves addition reaction of alkenes or alkynes have been developed.13 Li''s group14 reported the synthesis of (E)-vinyl sulfones through Pd-catalyzed conjugate additions of alkynes with 1,2-bis(phenylsulfonyl)ethane. In 2013 Jiang and co-workers15 showed that a Pd-catalyzed sulfonylation of alkynoates with sodium sulfinates affords γ-keto sulfones (Scheme 1a). Li and coworkers16 reported that BPO triggered the hydrosulfonylation of chalcones with arylsulfonyl hydrazides producing γ-keto sulfones. Subsequently, Bi''s group17 developed a Ag2CO3-promoted sulfonylation of allyl/propargyl alcohols with sodium sulfinates for the preparation of γ-keto sulfones (Scheme 1b). Nevertheless, most cases still have to use large excess oxidants, noble metal catalysts, or require high temperatures. Accordingly, an efficient, mild and practical method to furnish γ-keto sulfones is worthwhile studying.Open in a separate windowScheme 1Methods for the synthesis of γ-keto sulfones.With growing demand for sustainable chemistry, an “ideal” reaction system for such transformations would be “metal-free” due to cost efficiency and possible advantages regarding toxicity, as well as selectivity. With this intent, we herein describe a simple and efficient acid-mediated sulfonylation of sodium sulfinates and α,β-unsaturated ketones for the selective synthesis of γ-keto sulfones (Scheme 1c). The significant advantages of this method are high efficiency, metal-free and mild reaction conditions, thus providing a potential application in natural product synthesis and medicinal chemistry.Further studies were commenced with the optimization of the conditions for the hydrosulfonylation of the ynone 1f with sodium benzosulfonate 2a (13e and acetyl chloride/H2O,19 as used in the previous study, were completely ineffective due to several unknown complex products being formed (entry 1). Gratifyingly, the desired γ-keto sulfone 3fa was isolated in a 49% yield (E/Z = 90 : 10) as the major product for the reaction mediated by AcOH (entry 3). Encouraged by this initial result, we screened an array of acids. The results showed that 4-chlorobenzoic acid (PCBA) gave the best result, leading to the isolation of γ-keto sulfone 3fa in a yield of 80% (E/Z = 98 : 02) (entries 4–15). Solvent screening indicated that mesitylene could improve the yield to 85% (E/Z = 95 : 05) (entry 21). Further investigations on the reduced usage of PCBA to 2.0 equivalents, the yield of 3fa was slightly reduced (entry 22, 83% yield, E/Z = 95 : 05). The amounts of sodium benzosulfonate 2a and the reaction temperature have deleterious effects on the reaction yields (entries 23–27). Thus, the optimized reaction conditions were successfully established as 1f (1.0 equiv.), 2a (2.5 equiv.), PCBA (2.0 equiv.), and mesitylene (2.0 mL) at 30 °C in this process.Optimization of the reaction conditionsa
EntryAcid (x equiv.)SolventYieldb (%) E/Zc
1Buffer (pH = 3.5)DMFNR
2Acetyl chloride/H2OCHCl3NR
3AcOH (3.0)Toluene4990 : 10
4HCO2H (3.0)Toluene2385 : 15
5HCl (3.0)Toluene3680 : 20
6HNO3 (3.0)Toluene3687 : 13
7Benzoic acid (3.0)Toluene6696 : 04
8 p-Toluic acid (3.0)Toluene5296 : 04
94-Acetylbenzoic acid (3.0)Toluene5796 : 04
104-Fluorobenzoic acid (3.0)Toluene7398 : 02
11PCBA (3.0)Toluene8098 : 02
124-Bromobenzoic acid (3.0)Toluene7295 : 05
13PNBA (3.0)Toluene5788 : 12
142-Naphthoic acid (3.0)Toluene4894 : 06
152-Nitrobenzoic acid (3.0)Toluene2994 : 06
16PCBA (3.0) o-Xylene7392 : 08
17PCBA (3.0) p-Xylene7090 : 10
18PCBA (3.0) m-Xylene7296 : 04
20PCBA (3.0)MeOH6889 : 11
21PCBA (3.0)Mesitylene8595 : 05
22PCBA (2.0)Mesitylene8395 : 05
23PCBA (1.2)Mesitylene7691 : 09
24PCBA (0.5)Mesitylene4473 : 27
25dPCBA (2.0)Mesitylene7990 : 10
26ePCBA (2.0)Mesitylene8095 : 05
27fPCBA (2.0)Mesitylene5397 : 03
Open in a separate windowaReaction conditions: 1f (0.1 mmol), 2a (0.25 mmol), acid (x equiv.), solvent (1.0 mL), 30 °C, 48 h.bIsolated yields.cDetermined by RP-HPLC.dWith 2.0 equiv. 2a.e50 °C.f80 °C. PCBA = 4-chlorobenzoic acid. PNBA = p-nitrobenzoic acid.We then sought to explore the generality of the method for the synthesis of α,β-unsaturated γ-keto sulfones, using various ynones in reactions with 2a under the optimized conditions (Scheme 2). The reaction of the 1-phenylprop-2-yn-1-one 1a with 2a proceeded reasonably to provide an excellent yield of the corresponding γ-keto sulfone 3aa (97% yield, E/Z = 98 : 02). To our delight, the reaction worked successfully with a range of ynones 1 bearing various substituents on the aromatic ring. Substituents such as methyl, thiomethylmethoxy, phenyl, halogen and dimethylamino atoms could be tolerated and gave the corresponding products 3ba–3ja with high to excellent yields (71–98% yield) and stereoselectivity (E/Z = 82 : 18 to 98 : 02). Trifluoromethyl and nitro substituents on the aromatic ring were also compatible and products 3ka and 3la were afforded 95% and 71% yields, respectively. 9-Anthracenee-derived ynone successfully afforded 3ma in a 94% yield (E/Z = 98 : 02). The methyl group in the ortho or meta positions of the aromatic ring gave the desired γ-keto sulfones in 82% and 94% yield, respectively. The desired product 3pa bearing a pitavastatin unit could be readily prepared in a yield of 87%. When alkyl terminal alkynone 1q was subjected to the reaction, affording the desired product 3qa in 65% yield (E/Z = 97 : 03).1Open in a separate windowScheme 2Sulfonylation reaction of various terminal alkynones with 2a. All reactions were carried on 0.2 mmol scale in mesitylene (2.0 mL) and used 2.5 equiv. of 2a, 2.0 equiv. PCBA, at 30 °C. Yields of isolated products are reported. E/Z ratios were determined by RP-HPLC.Inspired by the above results, the nonterminal alkyne was used as the substrate to react with PhSO2Na at 30 °C for 36 h. The reaction provided E and Z-β-sulfonyl-α,β-unsaturated carbonyl mixed compounds 3qa13e (86% yield, E/Z = 1 : 1).The results of ynone 1a reacting with a number of sodium sulfinates under the optimized condition are depicted in Scheme 3. Gratifyingly, no matter whether the phenyl ring of sodium sulfinate was substituted with either a sterically hindered, electron-donating, or electron-withdrawing group, all of them smoothly furnished the corresponding products in moderate to excellent yields with a high range of E/Z ratios from 52 : 48 to 97 : 03 (3ab–3an). Likewise, 2-napthyl and cyclopropyl substituted sodium sulfinates were both effective in this reaction with a yield of 87% and 85%, respectively (3ao and 3ap). Additionally, l-10-camphorsulfonyl sulfinate 2q was also suitable for this reaction.Open in a separate windowScheme 3Sulfonylation reaction of terminal alkynone (1a) with sodium Sulfinates. All reactions were carried on 0.2 mmol scale in mesitylene (2.0 mL) and used 2.5 equiv. of 2, 2.0 equiv. PCBA, at 30 °C. Yields of isolated products are reported. E/Z ratios were determined by RP-HPLC.Interestingly, the treatment of the vinyl ketone 4a with PhSO2Na (2a) under the standard conditions furnished sulfone 5aa (Scheme 4). The substrate scope was also explored in Scheme 4. Delightfully, it was perfectly tolerable to introduce both electron-donating (OCH3 and Ph) and electron-withdrawing (F, Cl, and CN) groups at the para position of the phenyl ring, affording the corresponding products (5ba–5fa) in excellent yields. 4-Toluene sulfonate and cyclopropane sulfonate also reacted well with substrate 2a to form γ-keto sulfone in excellent yields. We were pleased to find that the β-trifluoromethylated enone 4h and trans-chalcone (4i–4j) could be successfully employed to give desired products (5ha–5ja, 55–61% yields). Unfortunately, no reaction occurred for 2-cyclopentenone.Open in a separate windowScheme 4Sulfonylation reaction of vinyl ketone with sodium sulfinates. All reactions were carried on 0.2 mmol scale in mesitylene (2.0 mL) and used 2.0 equiv. of 2a, 2.0 equiv. PCBA, at 30 °C. Yields of isolated products are reported. aAt 80 °C for 72 h.Additionally, the synthetic utility of the γ-keto sulfones obtained by the present method was explored (Scheme 5). Gram-scale ynone 1a was reacted with sodium benzosulfonate 2a to form product 3aa with an excellent E/Z ratio (A). Lu''s [3 + 2] cycloaddition of 2,3-butadienoate with α,β-unsaturated γ-keto sulfones 3 mediated by phosphine produced cycloadducts 6 (ref. 18) in good yields (B). Moreover, pyrazole derivative 6b could be efficiently obtained from 3aa under ultrasound (US) irradiation conditions (C). Next, γ-keto sulfone 3pa derived from the biologically active pitavastatin could also react with hydrazine to give a high yield of 6c (D).Open in a separate windowScheme 5Gram-scale preparation and further synthetic utilization.To understand the reaction mechanism, control reactions of 1a with 2a were examined (Scheme 6a). When 1a and 2a was subjected to the standard reaction conditions except using deuterated 4-chlorobenzoic acid system, the 3a were detected with 80% yield. An attempt to run the reaction of 1a and 2a in a anhydrous solvent system under an N2 atmosphere also successfully delivered 3a in 97% yield.20 The results unambiguously disclosed that the incorporated hydrogen atoms in 3a originated from acid rather than water. The reaction using 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy (TEMPO) and 2,4-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol (BHT) as the radical scavengers showed no observable radical intermediates and unaffected desired products formation, which suggests that the radical process could be ruled out.20 On the basis of the results presented above and previous reports, we propose the following mechanism in Scheme 6b. The 4-chlorobenzoic acid activates the carbonyl group in α,β-unsaturated ketones 1 (4) to afford intermediate I or tautomerize to intermediate II. Finally, sulfonyl anion can add to the unsaturated bond of intermediate II to afford the products 3 (5).Open in a separate windowScheme 6Mechanistic studies.  相似文献   

A Functional γδTCR/CD3 Complex Distinct from γδT Cells Is Expressed by Human Eosinophils          下载免费PDF全文
Fanny Legrand  Virginie Driss  Gaëtane Woerly  Sylvie Loiseau  Emmanuel Hermann  Jean-Jacques Fourni  Laurent Hliot  Virginie Mattot  Fabrice Soncin  Marie-Lise Gougeon  David Dombrowicz    Monique Capron 《PLoS Clinical Trials》2009,4(6)

Optical and dielectric properties of NaCoPO4 in the three phases α, β and γ     
A. Ajmi  K. Karoui  K. Khirouni  A. Ben Rhaiem 《RSC advances》2019,9(26):14772
In this work, we are interested in the synthesis of monophosphate α-NaCoPO4, β-NaCoPO4 and γ-NaCoPO4 compounds by mechanochemical method and their characterization by X-ray powder diffraction patterns. These compounds are crystallized in the orthorhombic, hexagonal and monoclinic system, in Pnma, P65 and P21/n space groups, respectively. The optical properties were measured by means of the UV-vis absorption spectrometry in order to deduce the absorption coefficient α and optical band gap Eg. The calculated values of the indirect band gaps (Egi) for three samples were estimated at 4.71 eV, 4.63 eV and 3.8 for compounds α, β and γ, respectively. The Tauc model was used to determine the optical gap energy of the synthesized compounds. Then, the results of the dielectric proprieties measured by varying the frequency are described.

In this work, we are interested in the synthesis of monophosphate α-NaCoPO4, β-NaCoPO4 and γ-NaCoPO4 compounds by mechanochemical method and their characterization by X-ray powder diffraction patterns.  相似文献   

Counterselection against Dμ Is Mediated through Immunoglobulin (Ig)α-Igβ          下载免费PDF全文
Shiaoching Gong  Mercedes Sanchez    Michel C. Nussenzweig 《The Journal of experimental medicine》1996,184(6):2079-2084
The pre-B cell receptor is a key checkpoint regulator in developing B cells. Early events that are controlled by the pre-B cell receptor include positive selection for cells express membrane immunoglobulin heavy chains and negative selection against cells expressing truncated immunoglobulins that lack a complete variable region (Dμ). Positive selection is known to be mediated by membrane immunoglobulin heavy chains through Igα-Igβ, whereas the mechanism for counterselection against Dμ has not been determined. We have examined the role of the Igα-Igβ signal transducers in counterselection against Dμ using mice that lack Igβ. We found that Dμ expression is not selected against in developing B cells in Igβ mutant mice. Thus, the molecular mechanism for counterselection against Dμ in pre-B cells resembles positive selection in that it requires interaction between mDμ and Igα-Igβ.  相似文献   

The Common Cytokine Receptor γ Chain Controls Survival of γ/δ T Cells          下载免费PDF全文
Marie Malissen  Pablo Pereira  David J. Gerber  Bernard Malissen    James P. DiSanto 《The Journal of experimental medicine》1997,186(8):1277-1285
We have investigated the role of common γ chain (γc)-signaling pathways for the development of T cell receptor for antigen (TCR)-γ/δ T cells. TCR-γ/δ–bearing cells were absent from the adult thymus, spleen, and skin of γc-deficient (γc) mice, whereas small numbers of thymocytes expressing low levels of TCR-γ/δ were detected during fetal life. Recent reports have suggested that signaling via interleukin (IL)-7 plays a major role in facilitating TCR-γ/δ development through induction of V-J (variable-joining) rearrangements at the TCR-γ locus. In contrast, we detected clearly TCR-γ rearrangements in fetal thymi from γc mice (which fail to signal in response to IL-7) and reduced TCR-γ rearrangements in adult γc thymi. No gross defects in TCR-δ or TCR-β rearrangements were observed in γc mice of any age. Introduction of productively rearranged TCR Vγ1 or TCR Vγ1/Vδ6 transgenes onto mice bearing the γc mutation did not restore TCR-γ/δ development to normal levels suggesting that γc-dependent pathways provide additional signals to developing γ/δ T cells other than for the recombination process. Bcl-2 levels in transgenic thymocytes from γc mice were dramatically reduced compared to γc+ transgenic littermates. We favor the concept that γc-dependent receptors are required for the maintenance of TCR-γ/δ cells and contribute to the completion of TCR-γ rearrangements primarily by promoting survival of cells committed to the TCR-γ/δ lineage.  相似文献   

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