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The evolution of genomic imprinting in mammals occurred more than 100 million years ago, and resulted in the formation of genes that are functionally haploid because of parent-of-origin-dependent expression. Despite ample evidence from studies in a number of species suggesting the presence of imprinted genes on human chromosome 14, their identity has remained elusive. Here we report the identification of two reciprocally imprinted genes, GTL2 and DLK1, which together define a novel imprinting cluster on human chromosome 14q32. The maternally expressed GTL2 (gene trap locus 2) gene encodes for a nontranslated RNA. DLK1 (delta, Drosophila, homolog-like 1) is a paternally expressed gene that encodes for a transmembrane protein containing six epidermal growth factor (EGF) repeat motifs closely related to those present in the delta/notch/serrate family of signaling molecules. The paternal expression, chromosomal localization, and biological function of DLK1 also make it a likely candidate gene for the callipyge phenotype in sheep. Many of the predicted structural and regulatory features of the DLK1/GTL2 domain are highly analogous to those implicated in IGF2/H19 imprint regulation, including two hemimethylated consensus binding sites for the vertebrate enhancer blocking protein, CTCF. These results provide evidence that a common mechanism and domain organization may be used for juxtapositioned, reciprocally imprinted genes.  相似文献   

The Prader-Willi (PWS) and Angelman (AS) syndromes are two clinically distinct syndromes which result from lack of expression of imprinted genes within chromosome 15q11-q13. These two syndromes result from 15q11-q13 deletions, chromosome 15 uniparental disomy (UPD), imprinting centre mutations and, for AS, probable mutations in a single gene. The differential phenotype results from a paternal genetic deficiency in PWS patients and a maternal genetic deficiency in AS patients. Within 15q11-q13, four genes (SNRPN, IPW, ZNF127, FNZ127) and two expressed sequence tags (PAR1 and PAR5) have been found to be expressed only from the paternally inherited chromosome, and therefore all must be considered candidate genes involved in the pathogenesis of PWS. A candidate AS gene (UBE3A) has very recently been identified. The mechanisms of imprinted gene expression are not yet understood, but it is clear that DNA methylation is involved in both somatic cell expression and inheritance of the imprint. The presence of DNA methylation imprints that distinguish the paternally and maternally inherited alleles is a common characteristic of all known imprinted genes which have been studied extensively, including SNRPN and ZNF127. Recently, several PWS and AS patients have been found that have microdeletions in a region upstream of the SNRPN gene referred to as the imprinting centre, or IC. Paternal IC deletions in PWS patients and maternal IC deletions in AS patients result in uniparental DNA methylation and uniparental gene expression at biparentally inherited loci. The IC is a novel genetic element which controls initial resetting of the parental imprint in the germline for all imprinted gene expression over a 1.5-2.5 Mb region within chromosome 15q11-q13.   相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The paternal duplication of mouse distal chromosome 12 leads to late embryonal/neonatal lethality and growth promotion, whereas maternal duplication leads to late embryonal lethality and growth retardation. Human paternal or maternal uniparental disomies of chromosome 14q that are syntenic to mouse distal chromosome 12 have also been reported to show some imprinting effects on growth, mental activity and musculoskeletal morphology. For the isolation of imprinted genes in this region, a systematic screen of maternally expressed genes (Megs) was carried out by our subtraction-hybridization method using androgenetic and normally fertilized embryos. RESULTS: We have isolated seven candidate clones of the mouse Meg gene. Among them, we identified a novel maternally expressed imprinted gene, Meg3, on mouse distal chromosome 12 and showed that it was identical to the Gtl2 gene. We also found that the human homologue MEG3 on chromosome 14q was also monoallelically expressed. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first identification of the imprinting gene, both on mouse distal chromosome 12 and on human chromosome 14q, respectively. Because there are no obvious open reading frames in either the mouse Meg3/Gtl2 or human MEG3, the function of these genes remains unclear. However, this result will provide a good basis for the further investigation of several important imprinted genes in this chromosomal region.  相似文献   

By affected sib-pair linkage analysis of 24 families with pre-eclampsia, we confirm a susceptibility locus on chromosome 10q22.1 in Dutch females: a multipoint non-parametric linkage score of 3.6 near marker D10S1432 was obtained. Haplotype analysis showed a parent-of-origin effect: maximal allele sharing in the affected sibs was found for maternally derived alleles in all families, but not for the paternally derived alleles. As matrilineal inheritance suggests the presence of maternally expressed imprinted genes, while imprinting operates predominantly in (extra)embryonic tissues, all genes (n=132) known on 10q22 between GATA121A08 and D10S580 were screened for seven sequence-related features associated with imprinting and subsequently tested for expression in first trimester placenta. Placental expression of genes selected in this way (n=55) was compared with expression in androgenetic placentas of identical gestational age. Two regions on 10q22 were identified with developmentally co-repressed genes with non-random chromosomal distribution. Interestingly, these two clusters, near CTNNA3 and KCNMA1 and each containing five genes with down-regulated expression in androgenetic placentas, coincided with the regions with maximal maternal allele sharing seen in the pre-eclamptic sisters. Our linkage and expression data are compatible with the concept that pre-eclampsia involves maternally expressed imprinted genes that operate in the first trimester placenta.  相似文献   

Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is caused by paternal deficiency of human chromosome 15q11-q13. There is conflicting evidence from human translocations regarding the direct involvement of SNRPN in the pathogenesis of PWS and it is not known if the phenotypic features result from the loss of expression of a single imprinted gene or multiple genes. In an attempt to dissect genotype/phenotype correlations for the homologous region of mouse chromosome 7C, we prepared three mutant genotypes: (i) mice with a deletion of Snrpn exon 2, which removes a portion of a small, upstream open reading frame (ORF); (ii) mice with double targeting for Snrpn exon 2 and Ube3a; (iii) mice deleted from Snrpn to Ube3a, removing coding exons for both loci and intervening genes. Mice deleted for Snrpn exon 2 have no obvious phenotypic abnormalities and switching of the genomic imprint for the region is conserved. Mice carrying the Snrpn - Ube3a deletion on the paternal chromosome showed severe growth retardation, hypotonia and approximately 80% lethality before weaning. The surviving mice were fertile and were not obese up to 14 months of age. The deletion was transmitted for multiple generations and continued to cause partial lethality when inherited paternally, but not when inherited maternally. The normal imprinted expression and methylation patterns of necdin, a gene outside the deletion region, indicate that the deletion is not an imprinting mutation. The data suggest the presence of a paternally expressed structural gene between Snrpn and Ipw whose deficiency causes lethality, although other possibilities exist, including position effects on expression of imprinted genes or that simultaneous deficiency of both ORFs of Snrpn causes lethality.  相似文献   

Human chromosome 15q11-q13 contains genes that are imprinted and expressed from only one parental allele. Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is due to the loss of expression of one or more paternally expressed genes on proximal human chromosome 15q, most often by deletion or maternal uniparental disomy. Several candidate genes and a putative imprinting centre have been identified in the deletion region. We report that the human necdin-encoding gene (NDN) is within the centromeric portion of the PWS deletion region, between the two imprinted genes ZNF127 and SNRPN. Murine necdin is a nuclear protein expressed exclusively in differentiated neurons in the brain. Necdin is postulated to govern the permanent arrest of cell growth of post-mitotic neurons during murine nervous system development. We have localized the mouse locus Ndn encoding necdin to chromosome 7 in a region of conserved synteny with human chromosome 15q11-q13, by genetic mapping in an interspecific backcross panel. Furthermore, we demonstrate that expression of Ndn is limited to the paternal allele in RNA from newborn mouse brain. Expression of NDN is detected in many human tissues, with highest levels of expression in brain and placenta. NDN is expressed exclusively from the paternally inherited allele in human fibroblasts. Loss of necdin gene expression may contribute to the disorder of brain development in individuals with PWS.   相似文献   

Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes: sister imprinted disorders   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) and Angelman syndrome (AS) are clinically distinct complex disorders mapped to chromosome 15q11-q13. They both have characteristic neurologic, developmental, and behavioral phenotypes plus other structural and functional abnormalities. However, the cognitive and neurologic impairment is more severe in AS, including seizures and ataxia. The behavioral and endocrine disorders are more severe in PWS, including obsessive-compulsive symptoms and hypothalamic insufficiency. Both disorders can result from microdeletion, uniparental disomy, or an imprinting center defect in 15q11-q13, although the abnormality is on the paternally derived chromosome 15 for PWS and the maternally derived 15 for AS because of genomic imprinting. Although the same gene may control imprinting for both disorders, the gene(s) causing their phenotypes differ. AS results from underexpression of a single gene, UBE3A, which codes for E6-AP, a protein that functions to transfer small ubiquitin molecules to certain target proteins, to enable their degradation. The genes responsible for PWS are not determined, although several maternally imprinted genes in 15q11-q13 are known. The most likely candidate is SNRPN, which codes for a small nuclear ribonucleoprotein, a ribosome-associated protein that controls gene splicing and thus synthesis of critical proteins in the brain. Animal models exist for both disorders. The genetic relationship between PWS and AS makes them unique and potentially highly instructive disorders that contribute substantially to the population burden of cognitive impairment.  相似文献   

Angelman syndrome (AS) is a relatively frequent disorder of psychomotor development caused by loss of function of a gene from chromosome 15q11-q13, a region subject to genomic imprinting. The AS gene(s) is exclusively expressed from the maternal chromosome. Several kinds of mutations have been found to cause AS. More than half of the cases exhibit a deletion of the maternal 15q11-q13 region. Recently, we and others described a new mutation type, the imprinting mutation, characterised by normal, biparental inheritance but aberrant methylation patterns of the entire chromosomal region. In AS, a paternal imprint is found on the maternal chromosome probably leading to functional inactivation of the AS gene(s). We have now compared the phenotype of 9 AS patients with imprinting mutation to that of nine age-matched ones with a maternally derived deletion. Both groups were evaluated for 19 common AS symptoms. All patients, independently of their molecular findings, showed classical AS symptoms such as mental retardation, delayed motor development, and absent speech. In contrast, for two signs, hypopigmentation and microcephaly, a different distribution among both groups was observed. Only one of nine AS patients with an imprinting mutation, but seven of nine in the deletion control group showed either symptom. Our results suggest that imprinting mutations, in contrast to deletions, cause only incomplete loss of gene function or that maternally derived deletions affect also genes not subject to genomic imprinting. We conclude that AS is caused by loss of function of a major gene that is imprinted but that there are also other genes that contribute to the phenotype when in hemizygous condition. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The two main causes of Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) are a paternally derived deletion in the maternally imprinted 15q11-q13 region or UPD(15)mat. Both mechanisms result in a loss of the active paternal contribution to the region. The affective psychosis associated with PWS has been found to be mainly confined to the propositi with UPD(15)mat rather than to those with a deletion. This suggests that the psychosis may be related to the presence of two copies rather than a single copy of a gene or genes located in the distal half of the region which is paternally imprinted, but maternally active, and whose loss results in Angelman syndrome (AS). A large population-based study of PWS allowed the identification of 12 people with a 15q11-q13 deletion who had suffered psychotic episodes and four adults with UPD(15)mat who so far had not. When these people were investigated using microsatellite markers, the 12 with a deletion were found to have two maternally derived copies of a narrow region between D15S975 and D15S661 making them effectively disomic for these loci. Thus all of the people with psychosis had two active copies of any imprinted genes in the region while all non-psychotic people (including controls) had only one. Quantitative RT-PCR studies suggest that a lack of expression of FLJ33332, either as a result of or resulting in gene dysregulation, may be associated with psychosis in PWS.  相似文献   

The Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) critical region on 15q11-q13 is subject to imprinting. PWS becomes apparent when genes on the paternally inherited chromosome are not expressed. Familial PWS is rare. We report on a family in which a male and a female paternal first cousin both have PWS with cytogenetically normal karyotypes. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis shows a submicroscopic deletion of SNRPN, but not the closely associated loci D15S10, D15S11, D15S63, and GABRB3. The cousins' fathers and two paternal aunts have the same deletion and are clinically normal. The grandmother of the cousins is deceased and not available for study, and their grandfather is not deleted for SNRPN. DNA methylation analysis of D15S63 is consistent with an abnormality of the imprinting center associated with PWS. "Grandmatrilineal" inheritance occurs when a woman with deletion of an imprinted, paternally expressed gene is at risk of having affected grandchildren through her sons. In this case, PWS does not become evident as long as the deletion is passed through the matrilineal line. This represents a unique inheritance pattern due to imprinting.  相似文献   

Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) and Angelman syndrome (AS) are associated with a loss of function of imprinted genes in the 15q11-q13 region mostly due to deletions or uniparental disomies (UPD). These anomalies usually occur de novo with a very low recurrence risk. However, in rare cases, familial translocations are observed, giving rise to a high recurrence risk. We report on the difficulties of genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis in a family segregating for a translocation (14;15)(q11;q13) where two consanguineous parents carry the same familial translocation in this chromosome 15 imprinting region. Both children of the couple inherited a chromosomal anomaly leading to PWS. However, a paternal 15q11-q13 deletion was responsible for PWS in the first child, whereas prenatal diagnosis demonstrated that PWS was associated with a maternal 15q11-q13 UPD in the fetus. This report demonstrates that both conventional and molecular cytogenetic parental analyses have to be performed when a deletion is responsible for PWS or AS in order not to overlook a familial translocation and to insure reliable diagnosis and genetic counseling.  相似文献   

Analyses of the 5S rRNA genes found in the spliced-leader (SL) gene repeat units of numerous trypanosome species suggest that such linkages were not inherited from a common ancestor, but were the result of independent 5S rRNA gene insertions. In trypanosomes, 5S rRNA genes are found either in the tandemly repeated units coding for SL genes or in independent tandemly repeated units. Given that trypanosome species where 5S rRNA genes are within the tandemly repeated units coding for SL genes are phylogenetically related, one might hypothesize that this arrangement is the result of an ancestral insertion of 5S rRNA genes into the tandemly repeated SL gene family of trypanosomes. Here, we use the types of 5S rRNA genes found associated with SL genes, the flanking regions of the inserted 5S rRNA genes and the position of these insertions to show that most of the 5S rRNA genes found within SL gene repeat units of trypanosome species were not acquired from a common ancestor but are the results of independent insertions. These multiple 5S rRNA genes insertion events in trypanosomes are likely the result of frequent founder events in different hosts and/or geographical locations in species having short generation times.  相似文献   

We previously mapped a maternal locus responsible for biparental complete hydatidiform moles (BiCHMs) to 19q13.4. The two index patients had a total of 14 molar pregnancies, eight abortions at various developmental stages, and one 16-year-old healthy offspring. We suggested that the defective gene deregulates the expression of imprinted genes. Here, we report the methylation status of four imprinted genes in two BiCHMs from the two sisters, the 16-year-old normal offspring, and two sporadic BiCHMs from unrelated patients. Using two bisulfite-based methods, we demonstrate a general trend of abnormal hypomethylation at the paternally expressed genes, PEG3 and SNRPN, and hypermethylation at the maternally expressed genes, NESP55 and H19, in two to four BiCHMs. Using single nucleotide polymorphisms, we provide the first evidence that SNRPN, NESP55 and H19 are abnormally methylated on the maternal alleles in BiCHMs. We show, in the BiCHMs from the two sisters, that the abnormally methylated H19 allele is inherited from either the maternal grandmother or the maternal grandfather. These data suggest that the abnormal methylation in BiCHMs is not due to an error in erasing the parental imprinting marks but rather in the re-establishment of the new maternal marks during oogenesis or their postzygotic maintenance. The defective 19q13.4 locus may have led to the development of variable degrees of 'faulty' paternal marks on the maternal chromosomes.  相似文献   

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