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Cao L  Zhu YL  Su Z  Lv B  Huang Z  Mu L  He C 《Glia》2007,55(9):897-904
Transplantation of Schwann cells (SCs) and olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) have emerged as very promising therapies for spinal cord repair. The important features of interaction between SCs and OECs are beginning to be appreciated, although the underlying mechanism remains unclear. In the present study, we tested the effects of OECs on SCs migration using a range of in vitro migration assays. We found that SCs migrated abundantly upon OECs monolayer, and the migration-promoting effects were identified to be due to the secreted diffusible factors in OEC-derived conditioned medium (OEC-CM). Furthermore, neutralizing nerve growth factor (NGF) in OEC-CM with NGF antibody could block this effect. Moreover, we found that NGF promotes SCs migration even on astrocyte monolayer. Taken together, these findings provide the first evidence that OECs can promote SCs migration in astrocytic environment by secreted NGF.  相似文献   

Olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) are the glial cells that derive from the olfactory placode, envelop olfactory axons in the course of migration from the olfactory epithelium to the olfactory bulb and reside primarily in the olfactory nerve layer. OECs transplantation as a promising experimental therapy for axonal injuries has been intensively studied; however, little is known about their roles in olfactory bulb development. In this study, we examined the effects of OECs on the migration of neural progenitors in rostral migratory stream (RMS). Initially, the neurosphere migration assay showed that OEC‐conditioned medium promoted progenitors to migrate from RMS neurospheres in a concentration dependent manner. Moreover, co‐culturing OECs nearby the RMS explants led to asymmetric migration of explants in different developing stages. However, OECs could influence the migration in a distance not further than 1.5 mm. Finally, slice assay that mimic the circumstance in vivo revealed that OECs had a chemoattractive activity on RMS neural progenitors. Together, these results demonstrate that OECs attract neural progenitors in RMS through the release of diffusible factors and it is likely that OECs mainly influence radial migration in the olfactory bulb but not tangential migration of the RMS invivo during development. This suggests a previously unknown function for OECs in olfactory development and a novel mechanism underlying the targeting of RMS cells. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Lankford KL  Sasaki M  Radtke C  Kocsis JD 《Glia》2008,56(15):1664-1678
Although several studies have shown that Schwann cells (SCs) and olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) interact differently with central nervous system (CNS) cells in vitro, all classes of adult myelin-forming cells show poor survival and migration after transplantation into normal CNS. X-irradiation of the spinal cord, however, selectively facilitates migration of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs), but not SCs, revealing differences in in vivo migratory capabilities that are not apparent in intact tissue. To compare the in vivo migratory properties of OECs and SCs and evaluate the potential of migrating cells to participate in subsequent repair, we first transplanted freshly isolated GFP-expressing adult rat olfactory bulb-derived OECs and SCs into normal and X-irradiated spinal cords. Both OECs and SCs showed limited survival and migration in normal spinal cord at 3 weeks. However, OECs, unlike SCs, migrated extensively in both grey and white matter of the X-irradiated spinal cord, and exhibited a phagocytic phenotype with OX-42 staining on their processes. If a X-irradiated and OEC transplanted spinal cord was then subjected to a focal demyelinating lesion 3 weeks after transplantation, OECs moved into the delayed demyelinated lesion and remyelinated host axons with a peripheral-like pattern of myelin. These results revealed a clear difference between the migratory properties of OECs and SCs in the X-irradiated spinal cord and demonstrated that engrafted OECs can participate in repair of subsequent lesions.  相似文献   

Gonadotrophin‐releasing hormone‐1 (GnRH‐1) is essential for mammalian reproduction, controlling release of gonadotrophins from the anterior pituitary. GnRH‐1 neurones migrate from the nasal placode into the forebrain during development. Although first located within the nasal placode, the embryonic origin/lineage of GnRH‐1 neurones is still unclear. The migration of GnRH‐1 cells is the best characterised example of neurophilic/axophilic migration, with the cells using a subset of olfactory‐derived vomeronasal axons as their pathway and numerous molecules to guide their movement into the forebrain. Exciting work in this area is beginning to identify intersecting pathways that orchestrate the movement of these critical neuroendocrine cells into the central nervous system, both spatially and temporally, through a diverse and changing terrain. Once within the forebrain, little is known about how the axons target the median eminence and ultimately secrete GnRH‐1 in a pulsatile fashion.  相似文献   

Olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) are a unique type of glial cells with axonal growth‐promoting properties in the olfactory system. Organized migration of OECs is essential for neural regeneration and olfactory development. However, the molecular mechanism of OEC migration remains unclear. In the present study, we examined the effects of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on OEC migration. Initially, the “scratch” migration assay, the inverted coverslip and Boyden chamber migration assays showed that BDNF could promote the migration of primary cultured OECs. Furthermore, BDNF gradient attracted the migration of OECs in single‐cell migration assays. Mechanistically, TrkB receptor expressed in OECs mediated BDNF‐induced OEC migration, and BDNF triggered calcium signals in OECs. Finally, transient receptor potential cation channels (TRPCs) highly expressed in OECs were responsible for BDNF‐induced calcium signals, and required for BDNF‐induced OEC migration. Taken together, these results demonstrate that BDNF promotes the migration of cultured OECs and an unexpected finding is that TRPCs are required for BDNF‐induced OEC migration. GLIA 2016;64:2154–2165  相似文献   

目的探索大鼠嗅鞘细胞对神经干细胞(NSC)分化的影响,以及分化后神经元电生理特性。方法取新生鼠大脑皮质,原代培养大鼠NSC。NSC分为实验组和对照组,实验组将无血清培养的NSC中加入嗅鞘细胞条件培养液,对照组单纯无血清培养NSC。光镜下观察细胞分化情况,免疫组化法分别检测巢蛋白(nestin)、神经生长因子受体(NGFRp75)、神经丝蛋白(NF200)和胶质纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)的表达,膜片钳检测神经元电生理特性。结果实验组嗅鞘细胞主要诱导NSC分化为神经元,少量分化为胶质细胞。对照组NSC逐渐萎缩,最终死亡。分化后的神经元记录到快速激活、快速失活能被河豚毒素特异阻断的钠电流,以及慢激活、慢失活能被四乙铵特异阻断的延迟整流性钾电流。结论嗅鞘细胞能诱导NSC分化成神经元,分化后的神经元具有活跃的电生理特性。  相似文献   

During mammalian embryonic development, GnRH neurones differentiate from the nasal placode and migrate through the nasal septum towards the forebrain. We previously showed that a category of glial cells, the olfactory ensheathing cells (OEC), forms the microenvironment of migrating GnRH neurones. Here, to characterize the quantitative and qualitative importance of this glial, we investigated the spatiotemporal maturation of glial cells in situ and the role of maturing glia in GnRH neurones development ex vivo. More than 90% of migrating GnRH neurones were found to be associated with glial cells. There was no change in the cellular microenvironment of GnRH neurones in the regions crossed during embryonic development as glial cells formed the main microenvironment of these neurones (53.4%). However, the phenotype of OEC associated with GnRH neurones changed across regions. The OEC progenitors immunoreactive to brain lipid binding protein formed the microenvironment of migrating GnRH neurones from the vomeronasal organ to the telencephalon and were also present in the diencephalon. However, during GnRH neurone migration, maturation of OEC to [GFAP+] state (glial fibrillary acid protein) was only observed in the nasal septum. Inducing depletion of OEC in maturation, using transgenic mice expressing herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase driven by the GFAP promoter, had no impact on neurogenesis or on triggering GnRH neurones migration in nasal explant culture. Nevertheless, depletion of [GFAP+] cells decreased GnRH neurites outgrowth by 57.4%. This study suggests that specific maturation of OEC in the nasal septum plays a role in morphological differentiation of GnRH neurones.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Differential attachment, chemicals, and immunoaffinity absorption are frequently used to purify olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs). Although purity is high (〉 90%), the complex process, high cost, decreased cell activity, and cell loss limit their application. OBJECTIVE: To purify OECs using differential attachment, cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C), and mitogen stimulation, and to analyze the biological characteristics of OECs. DESIGN, TIME AND SETTING: Molecular biology experiment of cell morphology and immunocytochemistry. The study was performed at the Institute of Neuroscience, Kunming Medical College between January 2005 and January 2007. MATERIALS: N2 was purchased from Gibico, USA; basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) from Invitrogen, USA; PCR master mix kit from Fermentas, USA; nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) from Santa Cruz Biotechnology, USA; OEC specific immunological marker NGF receptor (p75NGFR) from ABCAM, UK; immunological markers of oligodendrocyte and Schwann cells, cyclic nucleotide 3' phosphohydrolase (CNPase), from NeoMarkers, USA; inverted fluorescence microscope from Leica, Germany. METHODS: OECs were isolated from olfactory bulbs of mice provided by Institute of Cancer Research (ICR mice) at postnatal 1 2 days, and purified by differential attachment, Ara-C inhibition (5 mg/L), and 10 μg/L mitogen bFGF and 0.5% N2 stimulation. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: OEC growth was observed under inverted microscope; cell purity, as well as expression of NGF and BDNF, was determined by means of immunocytochemistry; expression of β-NGF, BDNF, NT-3, platelet-derived growth factor-B (PDGF-B), bFGF, epidermal growth factor (EGF), NGF receptor TrkA, BDNF receptor TrkB, and NT-4 mRNA were detected by RT-PCR. RESULTS: The majority of in vitro cultured OECs was bipolar or tripolar, and purity was estimated to be 〉 92.4%. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated expression of p75NGFR, NGF, BDNF and CNPase. The RT-PCR results suggested that OECs expressed β-NGF, BDNF, NT-3, PDGF-B, bFGF, EGF, TrkA, and TrkB mRNA. CONCLUSION: Results demonstrated that purity of OECs was high, and that OECs expressed CNPase proteins and produced neurotrophic factors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Olfactory ensheathing cells can promote oriented differentiation and proliferation of neural stem cells by cell-secreted neural factors. OBJECTIVE: To observe the effect of olfactory ensheathing cells on the differentiation and proliferation of neural stem cells. DESIGN, TIME AND SETTING: Cytology was performed at the Department of Neurology, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, from September 2007 to October 2008. MATERIALS: Mouse anti-nestin polyclonal antibody (Chemicon, USA), mouse anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) IgG1, mouse anti-2', 3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase (CNPase) IgG1, mouse anti-Tubulin Class-Ill IgG1 (Neo Markers, USA), Avidin-labeled Cy3 (KPL, USA), and goat anti-mouse IgGl: fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) (Serotec, UK) were used in this study. METHODS:Tissues were isolated from the embryonic olfactory bulb and subependymal region of Wistar rats. Serum-free DMEM/F12 culture media was used for co-culture experiments. Neural stem cells were incubated in serum-free or 5% fetal bovine serum-containing DMEM/F12 as controls. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: After 7 days of co-culture, neural stem cells and olfactory ensheathing cells underwent immunofluorescent staining for nestin, tubulin, glial fibrillary acidic protein, and CNPase. RESULTS: Olfactory ensheathing cells promoted proliferation and differentiation of neural stem cells into neuron-like cells, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. The proportion of neuron-like cells was 78.2%, but the proportion of neurons in 5% fetal bovine serum DMEM/F12 was 48.3%. In the serum-free DMEM/F12, neural stem cells contracted, unevenly adhered to the glassware wall, or underwent apoptosis at 7 days. CONCLUSION: Olfactory ensheathing cells promote differentiation of neural stem cells mainly into neuron-like cells, and accelerate proliferation of neural stem cells. The outcome is better compared with serum-free medium or medium containing 5% fetal bovine serum.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND:Olfactory ensheathing cells can promote oriented differentiation and proliferation of neural stem cells by cell-secreted neural factors. OBJECTIVE:To observe the effect of olfactory ensheathing cells on the differentiation and proliferation of neural stem cells. DESIGN,TIME AND SETTING:Cytology was performed at the Department of Neurology,Tongji Medical College,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,China,from September 2007 to October 2008. MATERIALS:Mouse anti-nestin polyclonal antibo...  相似文献   

Yan H  Lu D  Rivkees SA 《Glia》2003,44(1):26-36
Olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) are a unique type of macroglia with axonal growth-promoting properties. However, our understanding of the factors that regulate OECs is at early stages. Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a lipid that influences diverse functions in the nervous system. Recent studies suggest that glial cells, including astrocytes and Schwann cells, are important targets of LPA. However, the influences of LPA on OECs are not known. To address if LPA can influence OECs, we examined effects of LPA on the proliferation and migration of OECs and intracellular effector events. Initially, we observed that OECs expressed the genes for LPA1, LPA2, and LPA3 receptors. When OECs were treated with LPA, we observed stimulated proliferation and migration of OECs. Treatment of OECs with LPA also induced actin cytoskeleton reorganization and focal adhesion assembly. These effects of LPA were blocked by treatment with C3 exoenzyme or Y-27632, which inhibit Rho-GTPase and Rho-associated kinase, respectively. Effects of LPA on OEC proliferation were blocked by the MEK inhibitors PD098059 and U0126 and by the phosphotidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-K) inhibitors LY0294002 and wortmannin. These results show that LPA acts via Rho-GTPase, MAPK, and PI 3-K signaling cascades to influence OEC proliferation, migration, and cytoskeleton assembly.  相似文献   

Sasaki M  Hains BC  Lankford KL  Waxman SG  Kocsis JD 《Glia》2006,53(4):352-359
Transplantation of olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) into the damaged rat spinal cord leads to directed elongative axonal regeneration and improved functional outcome. OECs are known to produce a number of neurotrophic molecules. To explore the possibility that OECs are neuroprotective for injured corticospinal tract (CST) neurons, we transplanted OECs into the dorsal transected spinal cord (T9) and examined primary motor cortex (M1) to assess apoptosis and neuronal loss at 1 and 4 weeks post-transplantation. The number of apoptotic cortical neurons was reduced at 1 week, and the extent of neuronal loss was reduced at 4 weeks. Biochemical analysis indicated an increase in BDNF levels in the spinal cord injury zone after OEC transplantation at 1 week. The transplanted OECs associated longitudinally with axons at 4 weeks. Thus, OEC transplantation into the injured spinal cord has distant neuroprotective effects on descending cortical projection neurons.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the proliferative response of olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) to olfactory receptor neuron injury induced by zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) irrigation and related the response of OECs within the peripheral system to the inflammatory response induced by injury and the expression profile of neuregulins. After ZnSO4 treatment, degeneration in the epithelium is reproducible and rapid, with regeneration following after 4 days, and is morphologically complete by 5 weeks. Changes in the olfactory bulb are less dramatic, although degeneration of both the outer and the glomerular layers occurred. Treatment also induced a marked inflammatory response in both the epithelium and the bulb. Unlike Schwann cell changes associated with Wallerian degeneration, OECs did not proliferate or obviously migrate within the olfactory system in response to axonal loss, suggesting that the new nerves generated from the epithelium regrow back through conduits already formed by the glia. Expression of neuregulin 1alpha was maintained in the nerve by OECs, and changes in neuregulin 1 mRNA and erbB2 mRNA expression were detected, indicating that these growth factors may play a role in the regeneration of the peripheral olfactory system but not in OEC proliferation.  相似文献   

During development of the primary olfactory system, axon targeting is inaccurate and axons inappropriately project within the target layer or overproject into the deeper layers of the olfactory bulb. As a consequence there is considerable apoptosis of primary olfactory neurons during embryonic and postnatal development and axons of the degraded neurons need to be removed. Olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) are the glia of the primary olfactory nerve and are known to phagocytose axon debris in the adult and postnatal animal. However, it is unclear when phagocytosis by OECs first commences. We investigated the onset of phagocytosis by OECs in the developing mouse olfactory system by utilizing two transgenic reporter lines: OMP‐ZsGreen mice which express bright green fluorescent protein in primary olfactory neurons, and S100β‐DsRed mice which express red fluorescent protein in OECs. In crosses of these mice, the fate of the degraded axon debris is easily visualized. We found evidence of axon degradation at embryonic day (E)13.5. Phagocytosis of the primary olfactory axon debris by OECs was first detected at E14.5. Phagocytosis of axon debris continued into the postnatal animal during the period when there was extensive mistargeting of olfactory axons. Macrophages were often present in close proximity to OECs but they contributed only a minor role to clearing the axon debris, even after widespread degeneration of olfactory neurons by unilateral bulbectomy and methimazole treatment. These results demonstrate that from early in embryonic development OECs are the primary phagocytic cells of the primary olfactory nerve. J. Comp. Neurol. 523:479–494, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Teleosts possess two or three paralogs of gonadotropin‐releasing hormone (GnRH) genes: gnrh1, gnrh2, and gnrh3. Some species have lost the gnrh1 and/or gnrh3 genes, whereas gnrh2 has been completely conserved in the teleost species analyzed to date. In most teleosts that possess gnrh1, GnRH1 peptide is the authentic GnRH that stimulates gonadotropin release, whereas GnRH2 and GnRH3, if present, are neuromodulatory. Progenitors of GnRH1 and GnRH3 neurons originate from olfactory placodes and migrate to their destination during early development. However, because of the relatively low affinity/specificity of generally available antibodies that recognize GnRH1 or GnRH3, labeling of these neurons has only been possible using genetic manipulation. We used a model teleost, medaka, which possesses all three paralogous gnrh genes, to analyze development of forebrain GnRH neurons composed of GnRH1 and GnRH3 neurons. Here, we newly generated transgenic medaka lines that express enhanced green fluorescent protein under the control of promoters for gnrh1 or gnrh3, to detect GnRH neurons and facilitate immunohistochemical analysis of the neuronal morphology. We used a combination of immunohistochemistry and three‐dimensional confocal microscopy image reconstructions to improve identification of neurites from GnRH1 or GnRH3 neuronal populations with greater precision. This led us to clearly identify the hypophysiotropic innervation of GnRH1 neurons residing in the ventral preoptic area (vPOA) from as early as 10 days post hatching. Furthermore, these analyses also revealed retinopetal projections of nonhypophysiotropic GnRH1 neurons in vPOA, prominent during early developmental stages, and multiple populations of GnRH3 neurons with different origins and migratory pathways. J. Comp. Neurol. 524:896–913, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Schwann cell (SC) transplantation following spinal cord injury (SCI) may have therapeutic potential. Functional recovery is limited however, due to poor SC interactions with host astrocytes and the induction of astrogliosis. Olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) are closely related to SCs, but intermix more readily with astrocytes in culture and induce less astrogliosis. We previously demonstrated that OECs express higher levels of sulfatases, enzymes that remove 6‐O‐sulfate groups from heparan sulphate proteoglycans, than SCs and that RNAi knockdown of sulfatase prevented OEC‐astrocyte mixing in vitro. As human OECs are difficult to culture in large numbers we have genetically engineered SCs using lentiviral vectors to express sulfatase 1 and 2 (SC‐S1S2) and assessed their ability to interact with astrocytes. We demonstrate that SC‐S1S2s have increased integrin‐dependent motility in the presence of astrocytes via modulation of NRG and FGF receptor‐linked PI3K/AKT intracellular signaling and do not form boundaries with astrocytes in culture. SC‐astrocyte mixing is dependent on local NRG concentration and we propose that sulfatase enzymes influence the bioavailability of NRG ligand and thus influence SC behavior. We further demonstrate that injection of sulfatase expressing SCs into spinal cord white matter results in less glial reactivity than control SC injections comparable to that of OEC injections. Our data indicate that sulfatase‐mediated modification of the extracellular matrix can influence glial interactions with astrocytes, and that SCs engineered to express sulfatase may be more OEC‐like in character. This approach may be beneficial for cell transplant‐mediated spinal cord repair. GLIA 2016 GLIA 2017;65:19–33  相似文献   

We compared the neurological and electrophysiological outcome, glial reactivity, and spared spinal cord connectivity promoted by acute transplantation of olfactory ensheathing cells (group OEC) or Schwann cells (group SC) after a mild injury to the rat spinal cord. Animals were subjected to a photochemical injury of 2.5 min irradiation at the T8 spinal cord segment. After lesion, a suspension containing 180,000 OECs or SCs was injected. A control group (group DM) received the vehicle alone. During 3 months postsurgery, behavioral skills were assessed with open field-BBB scale, inclined plane, and thermal algesimetry tests. Motor (MEPs) and somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) were performed to evaluate the integrity of spinal cord pathways, whereas lumbar spinal reflexes were evaluated by the H reflex responses. Glial fibrillary acidic protein and proteoglycan expressions were quantified immunohistochemically at the injured spinal segments, and the preservation of corticospinal and raphespinal tracts caudal to the lesion was evaluated. Both OEC- and SC-transplanted groups showed significantly better results in all the behavioral tests than the DM group. Furthermore, the OEC group had higher MEP amplitudes and lower H responses than the other two groups. At the injury site, the area of spared parenchyma was greater in transplanted than in control injured rats. OEC-transplanted animals had reduced astrocytic reactivity and proteoglycan expression in comparison with SC-transplanted and DM rats. Taken together, these results indicate that transplantation of both OEC and SC has potential for restoration of injured spinal cords. OEC grafts showed superior ability to reduce glial reactivity and to improve functional recovery.  相似文献   

López-Vales R  Forés J  Navarro X  Verdú E 《Glia》2007,55(3):303-311
The goal of this study was to ascertain whether olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) were able to promote axonal regeneration and functional recovery when transplanted 45 days after complete transection of the thoracic spinal cord in adult rats. OECs promoted partial restitution of supraspinal pathways evaluated by motor evoked potentials and modest recovery of hindlimb movements. In addition, OEC grafts reduced lumbar reflex hyperexcitability from the first month after transplantation. Histological results revealed that OECs facilitated corticospinal and raphespinal axons regrowth through the injury site and into the caudal spinal cord segments. Interestingly, raphespinal but not corticospinal fibers regenerated long distances through the gray matter and reached the lower lumbar segments (L5) of the spinal cord. However, delayed OEC grafts failed to reduce posttraumatic astrogliosis. In conclusion, the beneficial effects found in the present study further support the use of OECs for treating chronic spinal cord injuries.  相似文献   

Notch signalling plays an important role in synaptic plasticity, learning and memory functions in both Drosophila and rodents. In this paper, we report that this feature is not restricted to hippocampal networks but also involves the olfactory bulb (OB). Odour discrimination and olfactory learning in rodents are essential for survival. Notch1 expression is enriched in mitral cells of the mouse OB. These principal neurons are responsive to specific input odorants and relay the signal to the olfactory cortex. Olfactory stimulation activates a subset of mitral cells, which show an increase in Notch activity. In Notch1cKOKln mice, the loss of Notch1 in mitral cells affects the magnitude of the neuronal response to olfactory stimuli. In addition, Notch1cKOKln mice display reduced olfactory aversion to propionic acid as compared to wildtype controls. This indicates, for the first time, that Notch1 is involved in olfactory processing and may contribute to olfactory behaviour.  相似文献   

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