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An exclusive feature of dendritic cells (DCs) is their ability to cross‐present exogenous antigens in MHC class I molecules. We analyzed the fate of protein antigen in antigen presenting cell (APC) subsets after uptake of naturally formed antigen‐antibody complexes in vivo. We observed that murine splenic DC subsets were able to present antigen in vivo for at least a week. After ex vivo isolation of four APC subsets, the presence of antigen in the storage compartments was visualized by confocal microscopy. Although all APC subsets stored antigen for many days, their ability and kinetics in antigen presentation was remarkably different. CD8α+ DCs showed sustained MHC class I‐peptide specific CD8+ T‐cell activation for more than 4 days. CD8α? DCs also presented antigenic peptides in MHC class I but presentation decreased after 48 h. In contrast, only the CD8α? DCs were able to present antigen in MHC class II to specific CD4+ T cells. Plasmacytoid DCs and macrophages were unable to activate any of the two T‐cell types despite detectable antigen uptake. These results indicate that naturally occurring DC subsets have functional antigen storage capacity for prolonged T‐cell activation and have distinct roles in antigen presentation to specific T cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Protective T‐cell responses depend on efficient presentation of antigen (Ag) in the context of major histocompatibility complex class I (MHCI) and class II (MHCII) molecules. Invariant chain (Ii) serves as a chaperone for MHCII molecules and mediates trafficking to the endosomal pathway. The genetic exchange of the class II‐associated Ii peptide (CLIP) with antigenic peptides has proven efficient for loading of MHCII and activation of specific CD4+ T cells. Here, we investigated if Ii could similarly activate human CD8+ T cells when used as a vehicle for cytotoxic T‐cell (CTL) epitopes. The results show that wild type Ii, and Ii in which CLIP was replaced by known CTL epitopes from the cancer targets MART‐1 or CD20, coprecipitated with HLA‐A*02:01 and mediated colocalization in the endosomal pathway. Furthermore, HLA‐A*02:01‐positive cells expressing CLIP‐replaced Ii efficiently activated Ag‐specific CD8+ T cells in a TAP‐ and proteasome‐independent manner. Finally, dendritic cells transfected with mRNA encoding IiMART‐1 or IiCD20 primed naïve CD8+ T cells. The results show that Ii carrying antigenic peptides in the CLIP region can promote efficient presentation of the epitopes to CTLs independently of the classical MHCI peptide loading machinery, facilitating novel vaccination strategies against cancer.  相似文献   

Bone marrow stromal cell‐2 (BST‐2) has major roles in viral tethering and modulation of interferon production. Here we investigate BST‐2 as a receptor for the delivery of antigen to dendritic cells (DCs). We show that BST‐2 is expressed by a panel of mouse and human DC subsets, particularly under inflammatory conditions. The outcome of delivering antigen to BST‐2 expressed by steady state and activated plasmacytoid DC (pDC) or conventional CD8+ and CD8? DCs was determined. T‐cell responses were measured for both MHC class I (MHCI) and MHC class II (MHCII) antigen presentation pathways in vitro. Delivering antigen via BST‐2 was compared with that via receptors DEC205 or Siglec‐H. We show that despite a higher antigen load and faster receptor internalisation, when antigen is delivered to steady state or activated pDC via BST‐2, BST‐2‐targeted activated conventional DCs present antigen more efficiently. Relative to DEC205, BST‐2 was inferior in its capacity to deliver antigen to the MHCI cross‐presentation pathway. In contrast, BST‐2 was superior to Siglec‐H at initiating either MHCI or MHCII antigen presentation. In summary, BST‐2 is a useful receptor to target with antigen, given its broad expression pattern and ability to access both MHCI and MHCII presentation pathways with relative efficiency.  相似文献   

Currently little is known as to how nutritionally derived compounds may affect dendritic cell (DC) maturation and potentially prevent inappropriate inflammatory responses that are characteristic of chronic inflammatory syndromes. Previous observations have demonstrated that two polyphenols quercetin and piperine delivered through reconstituted oil bodies (ROBs‐QP) can influence DC maturation in response to LPS leading to a modulated inflammatory response. In the present study, we examined the molecular effects of ROBs‐QP exposure on DC differentiation in mice and identified a unique molecular signature in response to LPS administration that potentially modulates DC maturation and activity in inflammatory conditions. Following LPS administration, ROBs‐QP‐exposed DCs expressed an altered molecular profile as compared with control DCs, including cytokine and chemokine production, chemokine receptor repertoire, and antigen presentation ability. In vivo ROBs‐QP administration suppresses antigen‐specific T‐cell division in the draining lymph nodes resulting from a reduced ability to create stable immunological synapse. Our data demonstrate that polyphenols exposure can drive DCs toward a new anti‐inflammatory molecular profile capable of dampening the inflammatory response, highlighting their potential as complementary nutritional approaches in the treatment of chronic inflammatory syndromes.  相似文献   

The immune system has the ability to specifically identify and eliminate tumors, but the underlying mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon are not fully understood. A study published in this issue of the European Journal of Immunology now provides new insights into this important problem. Joncker et al. [Eur. J. Immunol. 2016. 46: 609‐618] show that the timely mobilization of tumor antigen‐bearing dendritic cells (DCs) from the periphery to the lymph nodes is critical for effective antitumor T‐cell immunity, and that DCs present tumor antigens much more efficiently when encountered in the skin rather than in the subcutaneous tissues.  相似文献   

In humans, several HLA‐DRB loci (DRB1/3/4/5) encode diverse β‐chains that pair with α‐chains to form DR molecules on the surface of APC. While DRB1 and DRB5 have been extensively studied, the role of DRB3/4 products of DR52/DR53 haplotypes has been largely neglected. To clarify the relative expression of DRB3, we quantified DRB3 mRNA levels in comparison with DRB1 mRNA from the same haplotype in both B cells and monocytes, observing quantitatively significant DRB3 synthesis. In CD19+ cells, DRB1*03/11/13 was 3.5‐fold more abundant than DRB3, but in CD14+ this difference was only two‐fold. Monocytes also had lower overall levels of DR mRNA compared with B cells, which was confirmed by cell surface staining of DRB1 and DRB3. To evaluate the functional role of DRB3, tetramer‐guided epitope mapping was used to detect T cells against tetanus toxin and several influenza antigens presented by DRB3*0101/0202 or DRB1*03/11/13. None of the epitopes discovered were shared among any of the DR molecules. Quantitative assessment of DRB3‐tetanus toxin specific T cells revealed that they are present at similar frequencies as those observed for DRB1. These results suggest that DRB3 plays a significant role in antigen presentation with different epitopic preferences to DRB1. Therefore, DRB3, like DRB5, serves to extend and complement the peptide repertoire of DRB1 in antigen presentation.  相似文献   

IL‐10 is an anti‐inflammatory cytokine that inhibits maturation and cytokine production of dendritic cells (DCs). Although mature DCs have the unique capacity to prime CD8+ CTL, IL‐10 can promote CTL responses. To understand these paradoxic findings, we analyzed the role of IL‐10 produced by human APC subsets in T‐cell responses. IL‐10 production was restricted to CD1c+ DCs and CD14+ monocytes. Interestingly, it was differentially regulated, since R848 induced IL‐10 in DCs, but inhibited IL‐10 in monocytes. Autocrine IL‐10 had only a weak inhibitory effect on DC maturation, cytokine production, and CTL priming with high‐affinity peptides. Nevertheless, it completely blocked cross‐priming and priming with low‐affinity peptides of a self/tumor‐antigen. IL‐10 also inhibited CD1c+ DC‐induced CD4+ T‐cell priming and enhanced Foxp3 induction, but was insufficient to induce T‐cell IL‐10 production. CD1c+ DC‐derived IL‐10 had also no effect on DC‐induced secondary expansions of memory CTL. However, IL‐15‐driven, TCR‐independent proliferation of memory CTL was enhanced by IL‐10. We conclude that DC‐derived IL‐10 selects high‐affinity CTL upon priming. Moreover, IL‐10 preserves established CTL memory by enhancing IL‐15‐dependent homeostatic proliferation. These combined effects on CTL priming and memory maintenance provide a plausible mechanism how IL‐10 promotes CTL responses in humans.  相似文献   

Loss of tolerance for autoantigens is a common feature in autoimmune diseases. Bystander T‐cell activation is the activation of T cells to produce functional changes through TCR‐independent stimulation. Although bystander activation may be related to tolerance loss to multiple autoantigens, the activation mechanism of T cells directed to an autoantigen with limited amount is not clear. We investigated an activation mode of T cells (designated as “associator T cells”) directed to a suboptimal dose of cognate antigen X in the presence of fully activated T cells (designated as “responder T cells”) directed to an optimal dose of antigen Y. In in vitro coculture, the activation of associator T cells was dependent on the presentation of antigen X, and soluble factors from activated responder T cells were not sufficient. Therefore, we conclude this activation mode is different from bystander activation and named it “extended antigen priming (EAP)”. T cells with EAP showed a different phenotype compared to conventionally primed cells, suggesting the unique nature of EAP. Intriguingly, EAP was dependent on the CD40–CD40L signaling pathway. Thus, the EAP model is a T‐cell activation mode for suboptimal dose of antigen and presumably related to the immune response to autoantigens in autoimmune status.  相似文献   

Controversy still surrounds the importance of cross‐presentation versus endogenous or direct presentation of MHC‐I restricted Ag in CD8+ T‐cell (TCD8+) immunity. It is even less clear what relative role these pathways play in shaping the T‐cell repertoire specific for ubiquitous self‐antigens, especially in cases where both Ag presentation pathways could potentially be involved. Here we provide evidence that a TCD8+ repertoire specific for a determinant from the nuclear autoantigen La‐SSB is largely shaped by direct presentation. In this system, mouse TCD8+ reactive to a xenogeneic human La (hLa51–58) Kb peptide did not recognize directly presented peptide on either spleen cells from hLa‐Tg mice or hLa transfected syngeneic cells. Interestingly, the same TCD8+ were activated by in vivo challenge with allogeneic APC expressing either the Tg hLa or loaded with intact recombinant hLa protein, indicating functional cross‐presentation of the hLa51–58. However, in irradiated bone marrow chimeric mice, DC expressing Tg hLa, but not WT DC that matured in hLa‐Tg mice, constitutively presented the hLa51–58 to TCD8+. These data demonstrate that although both the direct‐ and cross‐presentation pathways are potentially operative in revealing hLa51–58 to TCD8+, the TCD8+ repertoire to this determinant is shaped quantitatively according to the efficiency of Ag presentation.  相似文献   

Efforts aimed at restoring robust immune responses limiting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)‐1 replication therapeutically are warranted. We report that vaccination with dendritic cells generated ex vivo and loaded with HIV lipopeptides in patients (n = 19) on antiretroviral therapy was well tolerated and immunogenic. Vaccination increased: (i) the breadth of the immune response from 1 (1–3) to 4 (2–5) peptide‐pool responses/patient (p = 0.009); (ii) the frequency of functional T cells (producing at least two cytokines among IFN‐γ, TNF‐α, and IL‐2) from 0.026 to 0.32% (p = 0.002) and from 0.26 to 0.35% (p = 0.005) for CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, respectively; and (iii) the breadth of cytokines secreted by PBMCs upon antigen exposure, including IL‐2, IFN‐γ, IL‐21, IL‐17, and IL‐13. Fifty percent of patients experienced a maximum of viral load (VL) 1 log10 lower than the other half following antiretroviral treatment interruption. An inverse correlation was found between the maximum of VL and the frequency of polyfunctional CD4+ T cells (p = 0.007), production of IL‐2 (p = 0.006), IFN‐γ (p = 0.01), IL‐21 (p = 0.006), and IL‐13 (p = 0.001). These results suggest an association between vaccine responses and a better control of viral replication. These findings will help in the development of strategies for a functional cure for HIV infection.  相似文献   

Robust cell‐mediated immunity is required for immune control of tumours and protection from viral infections, with both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells playing a pivotal role. Synthetic long peptides (SLPs) represent an attractive way to induce such combined responses, as they contain both class I and class II epitopes. The ability of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) to cross‐present SLPs has not yet been investigated; yet, pDCs play a critical role in shaping immune responses and have emerged as novel vectors for immunotherapy. Using overlapping 15‐mer peptide pools covering the entire sequence of CMVpp65 and MelA, representing a viral disease (cytomegalovirus, CMV) and a tumour (melanoma), respectively, we showed that human pDCs can effectively process SLPs. Our results demonstrated that pDCs potently cross‐present virus‐ and tumour‐derived SLPs and cross‐prime broad‐ranging, effective and long‐lived CD4+ and CD8+ T‐cell responses, triggering more efficient immune responses than short peptide loaded pDCs. This ability required intracellular processing by the proteasome and was enhanced by co‐exposure to TLR7/9‐L. Combining SLPs with pDCs represents a powerful immunotherapeutic strategy to elicit potent immune responses, which are required for clinical success in cancers and viral infections.  相似文献   

Cross‐presentation is the mechanism by which exogenous Ag is processed for recognition by CD8+ T cells. Murine CD8α+ DCs are specialized at cross‐presenting soluble and cellular Ag, but in humans this process is poorly characterized. In this study, we examined uptake and cross‐presentation of soluble and cellular Ag by human blood CD141+ DCs, the human equivalent of mouse CD8α+ DCs, and compared them with human monocyte‐derived DCs (MoDCs) and blood CD1c+ DC subsets. MoDCs were superior in their capacity to internalize and cross‐present soluble protein whereas CD141+ DCs were more efficient at ingesting and cross‐presenting cellular Ag. Whilst cross‐presentation by CD1c+ DCs and CD141+ DCs was dependent on the proteasome, and hence cytosolic translocation, cross‐presentation by MoDCs was not. Inhibition of endosomal acidification enhanced cross‐presentation by CD1c+ DCs and MoDCs but not by CD141+ DCs. These data demonstrate that CD1c+ DCs, CD141+ DCs, and MoDCs are capable of cross‐presentation; however, they do so via different mechanisms. Moreover, they demonstrate that human CD141+ DCs, like their murine CD8α+ DC counterparts, are specialized at cross‐presenting cellular Ag, most likely mediated by an enhanced capacity to ingest cellular Ag combined with subtle changes in lysosomal pH during Ag processing and use of the cytosolic pathway.  相似文献   

The outcome following HIV infection depends on the nature and durability of the HIV-specific T cell response induced initially. The activation of protective T cell responses depends upon dendritic cells (DC), antigen-presenting cells which have the capacity to process and present viral antigens. DC pulsed with aldrithiol-2-inactivated HIV and delivered in vivo were reported to induce immune responses and promote virologic control in chronically HIV-1-infected subjects. To gain an understanding of this phenomenon, we characterized the steps involved in the presentation of antigens derived from aldrithiol-2-treated vs. infectious HIV-1 by DC. Antigen presentation, on both MHC class I and II, was independent of DC-specific ICAM-3-grabbing integrin, DEC-205 and macrophage mannose receptor, C-type lectins expressed by the DC. Inhibitor studies showed that presentation on MHC class I was dependent on viral fusion in a CD4/coreceptor-dependent manner, both at the cell surface and within endosomes, and access to the classical endosomal processing pathway. MHC class II presentation of HIV-associated antigens was dependent on active endocytosis, probably receptor-mediated, and subsequent degradation of virions in acidified endosomes in the DC. Our study brings forth new facts regarding the binding, uptake, and processing of chemically inactivated virions leading to efficient antigen presentation and should aid in the design of more effective HIV vaccines.  相似文献   

Langerhans cells (LC) and dendritic cells (DC) need to be activated in order to perform their antigen-presenting function. In this study, we explored the influence of cytokines on the uptake and presentation of protein antigens by the retrovirally immortalized myeloid cell line FSDC. This cell line was generated from mouse fetal skin and was previously shown to have the characteristics of early DC precursors. Both FSDC and bone marrow-derived DC (BM-DC) were more effective in the pinocytosis of FITC-conjugated ovalbumin (FITC-OVA) and dextran (FITC-DX) than B cells or macrophages. Pretreatment of FSDC with granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) ± interleukin (IL)-4 enhanced the pinocytic uptake of FITC-OVA and FITC-DX, but did not induce antigen-presenting capacity. In contrast, untreated FSDC or FSDC pre-incubated with GM-CSF ± IL-4 suppressed T cell responses. Treatment of FSDC with IFN-γ reduced pinocytosis but increased the expression of MHC and co-stimulatory/adhesion molecules and promoted efficient presentation of OVA protein or peptide to the specific DO11.10 T cell hybridoma or to naive CD4+ T cells from DO11.10 TCR-transgenic mice. The results suggest that antigen uptake and antigen presentation in DC are regulated by different cytokine signals provided by the surrounding tissue.  相似文献   

Rivera JA  McGuire TC 《Virology》2005,335(2):145-154
To determine if equine monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DC) were susceptible to equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) infection, ex vivo-generated DC were infected with virus in vitro. EIAV antigen was detected by immunofluorescence 3 days post-infection with maximum antigen being detected on day 4, whereas there was no antigen detected in DC incubated with the same amount of heat-inactivated EIAV. No cytolytic activity was observed after EIAV(WSU5) infection of DC. These monocyte-derived DC were more effective than macrophages and B cells in stimulating allogenic T lymphocytes. Both infected macrophages and DC stimulated similar levels of memory CTL responses in mixtures of CD8+ and CD4+ cells as detected with (51)Cr-release assays indicating that EIAV infection of DC did not alter antigen presentation. However, EIAV-infected DC were more effective than infected macrophages when used to stimulate memory CTL in isolated CD8+ cells. The maintenance of antigen processing and presenting function by EIAV-infected DC in vitro suggests that this function is maintained during in vivo infection.  相似文献   

Naïve phenotype (NP) T cells spontaneously initiate homeostatic proliferation (HP) as T‐cell output is reduced because of physiologic thymic involution with age. However, the effects of sustained HP on overall immune function are poorly understood. We demonstrated that the NP CD8+ T cell population in adult thymectomized mice showing accelerated HP has an increased capacity for TCR‐mediated interferon‐γ and tumor necrosis factor α production, which is attributed to an increase in CXCR3+ cells in the NP CD8+ T cell population. The CXCR3+ NP CD8+ T cells developed during persistent HP with a slow cell division rate, but rarely during robust antigen‐driven proliferation with a fast cell division rate. In ontogeny, the proportions of CXCR3+ cells in the NP CD8+ T cell population showed a biphasic profile, which was high at the newborn and aged stages. Upon transfer, CXCR3+ NP CD8+ T cells, but not CXCR3? NP CD8+ T cells, potently enhanced Th17‐mediated inflammatory tissue reactions in vivo. Furthermore, CXCR3high NP CD8+ T cells with similar features were also detected at variable levels in healthy human blood. These results suggest that CXCR3+ NP CD8+ T cells generated during physiological HP significantly impact overall immunity at the immunologically vulnerable neonatal and aged stages.  相似文献   

CD70‐mediated stimulation of CD27 is an important cofactor of CD4+ T‐cell licensed dendritic cells (DCs). However, it is unclear how CD70‐mediated stimulation of T cells is integrated with signals that emanate from signal 3 pathways, such as type‐1 interferon (IFN‐1) and IL‐12. We find that while stimulation of CD27 in isolation drives weak EomesoderminhiT‐betlo CD8+ T‐cell responses to OVA immunization, profound synergistic expansion is achieved by cotargeting TLR. This cooperativity can substantially boost antiviral CD8+ T‐cell responses during acute infection. Concomitant stimulation of TLR significantly increases per cell IFN‐γ production and the proportion of the population with characteristics of short‐lived effector cells, yet also promotes the ability to form long‐lived memory. Notably, while IFN‐1 contributes to the expression of CD70 on DCs, the synergy between CD27 and TLR stimulation is dependent upon IFN‐1's effect directly on CD8+ T cells, and is associated with the increased expression of T‐bet in T cells. Surprisingly, we find that IL‐12 fails to synergize with CD27 stimulation to promote CD8+ T‐cell expansion, despite its capacity to drive effector CD8+ T‐cell differentiation. Together, these data identify complex interactions between signal 3 and costimulatory pathways, and identify opportunities to influence the differentiation of CD8+ T‐cell responses.  相似文献   

Pulmonary influenza infection causes prolonged lymph node hypertrophy while processed viral antigens continue to be presented to virus‐specific CD8 T cells. We show that naïve, but not central/memory, nucleoprotein (NP)‐specific CD8 T cells recognized antigen‐bearing CD11b+ DC in the draining lymph nodes more than 30 days after infection. After these late transfers, the naïve CD8 T cells underwent an abortive proliferative response in the mediastinal lymph node (MLN), where large clusters of partially activated cells remained in the paracortex until at least a week after transfer. A majority of the endogenous NP‐specific CD8 T cells that were in the MLN between 30 and 50 days after infection also showed signs of a continuing response to antigen stimulation. A high frequency of endogenous NP‐specific CD8 T cells in the MLN indicates that late antigen presentation may help shape the epitope dominance hierarchy during reinfection.  相似文献   

Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells play critical roles in autoimmune, anti‐tumor, and anti‐microbial immune responses, and are activated by glycolipids presented by the MHC class I‐like molecule, CD1d. How the activation of signaling pathways impacts antigen (Ag)‐dependent iNKT cell activation is not well‐known. In the current study, we found that the MAPK JNK2 not only negatively regulates CD1d‐mediated Ag presentation in APCs, but also contributes to CD1d‐independent iNKT cell activation. A deficiency in the JNK2 (but not JNK1) isoform enhanced Ag presentation by CD1d. Using a vaccinia virus (VV) infection model known to cause a loss in iNKT cells in a CD1d‐independent, but IL‐12‐dependent manner, we found the virus‐induced loss of iNKT cells in JNK2 KO mice was substantially lower than that observed in JNK1 KO or wild‐type (WT) mice. Importantly, compared to WT mice, JNK2 KO mouse iNKT cells were found to express less surface IL‐12 receptors. As with a VV infection, an IL‐12 injection also resulted in a smaller decrease in JNK2 KO iNKT cells as compared to WT mice. Overall, our work strongly suggests JNK2 is a negative regulator of CD1d‐mediated Ag presentation and contributes to IL‐12‐induced iNKT cell activation and loss during viral infections.  相似文献   

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