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To successfully navigate, humans can use different cues from their surroundings. Learning locations in an environment can be supported by parallel subsystems in the hippocampus and the striatum. We used fMRI to look at differences in the use of object‐related spatial cues while 47 participants actively navigated in an open‐field virtual environment. In each trial, participants navigated toward a target object. During encoding, three positional cues (columns) with directional cues (shadows) were available. During retrieval, the removed target had to be replaced while either two objects without shadows (objects trial) or one object with a shadow (shadow trial) were available. Participants were informed in blocks about which type of retrieval trial was most likely to occur, thereby modulating expectations of having to rely on a single landmark or on a configuration of landmarks. How the spatial learning systems in the hippocampus and caudate nucleus were involved in these landmark‐based encoding and retrieval processes were investigated. Landmark configurations can create a geometry similar to boundaries in an environment. It was found that the hippocampus was involved in encoding when relying on configurations of landmarks, whereas the caudate nucleus was involved in encoding when relying on single landmarks. This might suggest that the observed hippocampal activation for configurations of objects is linked to a spatial representation observed with environmental boundaries. Retrieval based on configurations of landmarks activated regions associated with the spatial updation of object locations for reorientation. When only a single landmark was available during retrieval, regions associated with updating the location of oneself were activated. There was also evidence that good between‐participant performance was predicted by right hippocampal activation. This study therefore sheds light on how the brain deals with changing demands on spatial processing related purely to landmarks. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The hippocampus is a brain region that is critical for spatial learning, context‐dependent memory, and episodic memory. It receives major inputs from the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) and the lateral EC (LEC). MEC neurons show much greater spatial firing than LEC neurons in a recording chamber with a single, salient landmark. The MEC cells are thought to derive their spatial tuning through path integration, which permits spatially selective firing in such a cue‐deprived environment. In accordance with theories that postulate two spatial mapping systems that provide input to the hippocampus—an internal, path‐integration system and an external, landmark‐based system—it was possible that LEC neurons can also convey a spatial signal, but that the signal requires multiple landmarks to define locations, rather than movement integration. To test this hypothesis, neurons from the MEC and LEC were recorded as rats foraged for food in cue‐rich environments. In both environments, LEC neurons showed little spatial specificity, whereas many MEC neurons showed a robust spatial signal. These data strongly support the notion that the MEC and LEC convey fundamentally different types of information to the hippocampus, in terms of their spatial firing characteristics, under various environmental and behavioral conditions. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The hippocampus, a medial temporal lobe brain region, is critical for the consolidation of information from short-term memory into long-term episodic memory and for spatial memory that enables navigation. Hippocampal damage in humans has been linked to amnesia and memory loss, characteristic of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. Numerous studies indicate that the rodent hippocampus contributes significantly to long-term memory for spatial and nonspatial information. For example, muscimol-induced depression of CA1 neuronal activity in the dorsal hippocampus impairs the encoding, consolidation, and retrieval of nonspatial object memory in mice. Here, a chemogenetic designer receptor exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADDs) approach was used to test the selective involvement of CA1 pyramidal neurons in memory retrieval for objects and for spatial location in a cohort of male C57BL/6J mice. Activation of the inhibitory (hM4Di) DREADDs receptor expressed in CA1 neurons significantly impaired the retrieval of object memory in the spontaneous object recognition task and of spatial memory in the Morris water maze. Silencing of CA1 neuronal activity in hM4Di-expressing mice was confirmed by comparing Fos expression in vehicle- and clozapine-N-oxide-treated mice after exploration of a novel environment. Histological analyses revealed that expression of the hM4Di receptor was limited to CA1 neurons of the dorsal hippocampus. These results suggest that a common subset of CA1 neurons (i.e., those expressing hM4Di receptors) in mouse hippocampus contributed to the retrieval of long-term memory for nonspatial and spatial information. Our findings support the view that the contribution of the rodent hippocampus is like that of the primate hippocampus, specifically essential for global memory. Our results further validate mice as a suitable model system to study the neurobiological mechanisms of human episodic memory, but also in developing treatments and understanding the underlying causes of diseases affecting long-term memory, such as Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Animals display an innate preference for novelty, spending more time exploring both novel objects and familiar objects in novel locations. This increase in exploration is thought to allow the animal to gather the information necessary to encode new experiences. Despite extensive evidence that increased exploration following spatial change requires the hippocampus, the pattern of hippocampal activity that supports this behavior remains unknown. We examined activity in hippocampal output area CA1 and one synapse upstream in area CA3 while freely behaving rats performed an object‐place recognition task. We found that the presence of novelty substantially altered activity in CA1, but not in CA3. During exploration of displaced familiar objects and novel objects in unexpected locations, CA1 place cells showed robust increases in firing rate. These firing rate increases persisted during sharp wave ripples, when place cell representations of previous experiences are replayed. Unexpectedly, increases in CA1 activity were not spatially restricted to regions of the environment that underwent change, indicating a generalized novelty signal. We suggest that hippocampal area CA1 broadcasts the presence of novelty, rather than signaling what is novel, and simultaneously becomes more plastic, allowing the integration of new information into previously stored memories. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Changes in the spatial arrangement or identity of objects inside a familiar environment induce reexploration. The present study looks at modifications of place cell activity during such renewed exploration. Hungry rats foraged for food in a cylinder with a salient cue card attached to the wall and with two distinct objects at fixed positions on the floor relative to each other and to the cue card. Once a set of CA1 place cells was recorded in this standard configuration, additional sessions were done after two kinds of manipulation. In the first, the two objects were rotated as a rigid set 90 degrees counterclockwise around the cylinder center while leaving the cue card in place; this was considered a spatial change. The effects of rotating the objects were different for fields near the objects (near fields) and fields far from the objects (far fields). Object rotation altered most near fields in complex ways, including remapping and cessation of firing. Near fields that remained intact after object rotation underwent unpredictable rotations that frequently departed considerably from the expected value of 90 degrees CCW. In contrast, the only change induced in far fields was a reduction of discharge rate on day 1, but not day 2, exposures of the rat to the rotated objects. The effects on both near and far fields were reversed when the objects were returned to their standard position. In the second manipulation, substitution of one of the two familiar objects with a novel object, a nonspatial change, had no detectable effect on place cell activity, regardless of field location. The sensitivity of hippocampal place cells to spatial changes but not to nonspatial changes is in agreement with earlier results showing that hippocampal lesions abolish reexploration after spatial but not after nonspatial object manipulations. The fact that reexploration is accompanied by place cell changes after spatial but not nonspatial changes reinforces the role that the hippocampus is believed to play in navigational computing and is perfectly compatible with the idea that another brain structure, likely perirhinal cortex, is responsible for object recognition.  相似文献   

The perirhinal and lateral entorhinal cortices send prominent projections to the portion of the hippocampal CA1 subfield closest to the subiculum, but relatively little is known regarding the contributions of these cortical areas to hippocampal activity patterns. The anatomical connections of the lateral entorhinal and perirhinal cortices, as well as lesion data, suggest that these brain regions may contribute to the perception of complex stimuli such as objects. The current experiments investigated the degree to which three‐dimensional objects affect place field size and activity within the distal region (closest to the subiculum) of CA1. The activity of CA1 pyramidal cells was monitored as rats traversed a circular track that contained no objects in some conditions and three‐dimensional objects in other conditions. In the area of CA1 that receives direct lateral entorhinal input, three factors differentiated the objects‐on‐track conditions from the no‐object conditions: more pyramidal cells expressed place fields when objects were present, adding or removing objects from the environment led to partial remapping in CA1, and the size of place fields decreased when objects were present. In addition, a proportion of place fields remapped under conditions in which the object locations were shuffled, which suggests that at least some of the CA1 neurons' firing patterns were sensitive to a particular object in a particular location. Together, these data suggest that the activity characteristics of neurons in the areas of CA1 receiving direct input from the perirhinal and lateral entorhinal cortices are modulated by non‐spatial sensory input such as three‐dimensional objects. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Episodic memory incorporates information about specific events or occasions including spatial locations and the contextual features of the environment in which the event took place. It has been modeled in rats using spontaneous exploration of novel configurations of objects, their locations, and the contexts in which they are presented. While we have a detailed understanding of how spatial location is processed in the brain relatively little is known about where the nonspatial contextual components of episodic memory are processed. Initial experiments measured c‐fos expression during an object‐context recognition (OCR) task to examine which networks within the brain process contextual features of an event. Increased c‐fos expression was found in the lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC; a major hippocampal afferent) during OCR relative to control conditions. In a subsequent experiment it was demonstrated that rats with lesions of LEC were unable to recognize object‐context associations yet showed normal object recognition and normal context recognition. These data suggest that contextual features of the environment are integrated with object identity in LEC and demonstrate that recognition of such object‐context associations requires the LEC. This is consistent with the suggestion that contextual features of an event are processed in LEC and that this information is combined with spatial information from medial entorhinal cortex to form episodic memory in the hippocampus. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Anatomical and physiological evidence suggests that hippocampal place cells derive their spatial firing properties from the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) and other parahippocampal areas that send spatial and directional input to the MEC. MEC neurons fire in a precise, geometric pattern, forming a hexagonal grid that tessellates the surface of environments. Similar to place cells and head direction cells, the orientation of grid cell firing patterns can be controlled by visual landmarks, but the cells maintain their firing patterns even in the dark. Place cells and head direction cells can also completely decouple from external landmarks in the light, but it is not known whether the MEC and parahippocampal regions exhibit similar properties or are more explicitly tied to external landmarks. We recorded neurons in the MEC, parasubiculum, and CA1 and head direction cells of the anterior thalamus as the rat's internal direction sense was pitted against a salient visual landmark by slowly rotating the rat in a covered bucket while counter-rotating the visual cue. In different sessions, spatial firing rate maps and head direction tuning curves either rotated their preferred firing locations/directions by the same amount as the bucket rotation or maintained their preferences in the external laboratory framework. In few cases, the firing preferences rotated with the cue card. When cells from different regions were recorded simultaneously, the dominant response in one area almost always matched the response of the other areas. Although dominant responses were consistent throughout the recording regions, CA1 ensembles exhibited a greater degree of response heterogeneity than other regions, which nearly all exhibited internally consistent responses. Thus, the parahippocampal and MEC input to the hippocampus can be controlled by the animal's internal direction sense (presumably reflected in the firing of head direction cells) and become completely decoupled from external sensory input, yet maintain internal coherence with each other and in general with the place cell system of the hippocampus.  相似文献   

Hippocampal place cells convey spatial information through a combination of spatially selective firing and theta phase precession. The way in which this information influences regions like the subiculum that receive input from the hippocampus remains unclear. The subiculum receives direct inputs from area CA1 of the hippocampus and sends divergent output projections to many other parts of the brain, so we examined the firing patterns of rat subicular neurons. We found a substantial transformation in the subicular code for space from sparse to dense firing rate representations along a proximal-distal anatomical gradient: neurons in the proximal subiculum are more similar to canonical, sparsely firing hippocampal place cells, whereas neurons in the distal subiculum have higher firing rates and more distributed spatial firing patterns. Using information theory, we found that the more distributed spatial representation in the subiculum carries, on average, more information about spatial location and context than the sparse spatial representation in CA1. Remarkably, despite the disparate firing rate properties of subicular neurons, we found that neurons at all proximal-distal locations exhibit robust theta phase precession, with similar spiking oscillation frequencies as neurons in area CA1. Our findings suggest that the subiculum is specialized to compress sparse hippocampal spatial codes into highly informative distributed codes suitable for efficient communication to other brain regions. Moreover, despite this substantial compression, the subiculum maintains finer scale temporal properties that may allow it to participate in oscillatory phase coding and spike timing-dependent plasticity in coordination with other regions of the hippocampal circuit.  相似文献   

The rat hippocampus and entorhinal cortex have been shown to possess neurons with place fields that modulate their firing properties under different behavioral contexts. Such context‐dependent changes in neural activity are commonly studied through electrophysiological experiments in which a rat performs a continuous spatial alternation task on a T‐maze. Previous research has analyzed context‐based differential firing during this task by describing differences in the mean firing activity between left‐turn and right‐turn experimental trials. In this article, we develop qualitative and quantitative methods to characterize and compare changes in trial‐to‐trial firing rate variability for sets of experimental contexts. We apply these methods to cells in the CA1 region of hippocampus and in the dorsocaudal medial entorhinal cortex (dcMEC), characterizing the context‐dependent differences in spiking activity during spatial alternation. We identify a subset of cells with context‐dependent changes in firing rate variability. Additionally, we show that dcMEC populations encode turn direction uniformly throughout the T‐maze stem, whereas CA1 populations encode context at major waypoints in the spatial trajectory. Our results suggest scenarios in which individual cells that sparsely provide information on turn direction might combine in the aggregate to produce a robust population encoding. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The rodent hippocampus and entorhinal cortex contain spatially modulated cells that serve as the basis for spatial coding. Both medial entorhinal grid cells and hippocampal place cells have been shown to encode spatial information across multiple spatial scales that increase along the dorsoventral axis of these structures. Place cells near the dorsal pole possess small, stable, and spatially selective firing fields, while ventral cells have larger, less stable, and less spatially selective firing fields. One possible explanation for these dorsoventral changes in place field properties is that they arise as a result of similar dorsoventral differences in the properties of the grid cell inputs to place cells. Here, we test the alternative hypothesis that dorsoventral place field differences are due to higher amounts of nonspatial inputs to ventral hippocampal cells. We use a computational model of the entorhinal‐hippocampal network to assess the relative contributions of grid scale and nonspatial inputs in determining place field size and stability. In addition, we assess the consequences of grid node firing rate heterogeneity on place field stability. Our results suggest that dorsoventral differences in place cell properties can be better explained by changes in the amount of nonspatial inputs, rather than by changes in the scale of grid cell inputs, and that grid node heterogeneity may have important functional consequences. The observed gradient in field size may reflect a shift from processing primarily spatial information in the dorsal hippocampus to processing more nonspatial, contextual, and emotional information near the ventral hippocampus. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Ito HT  Schuman EM 《Hippocampus》2012,22(2):372-387
The hippocampus receives two streams of information, spatial and nonspatial, via major afferent inputs from the medial (MEC) and lateral entorhinal cortexes (LEC). The MEC and LEC projections in the temporoammonic pathway are topographically organized along the transverse-axis of area CA1. The potential for functional segregation of area CA1, however, remains relatively unexplored. Here, we demonstrated differential novelty-induced c-Fos expression along the transverse-axis of area CA1 corresponding to topographic projections of MEC and LEC inputs. We found that, while novel place exposure induced a uniform c-Fos expression along the transverse-axis of area CA1, novel object exposure primarily activated the distal half of CA1 neurons. In hippocampal slices, we observed distinct presynaptic properties between LEC and MEC terminals, and application of either DA or NE produced a largely selective influence on one set of inputs (LEC). Finally, we demonstrated that differential c-Fos expression along the transverse axis of area CA1 was largely abolished by an antagonist of neuromodulatory receptors, clozapine. Our results suggest that neuromodulators can control topographic TA projections allowing the hippocampus to differentially encode new information along the transverse axis of area CA1.  相似文献   

Anatomic model of hippocampal encoding of spatial information.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Place cells were recorded simultaneously from identified locations along the longitudinal axis of the CA3 and CA1 subregions of hippocampus with a sixteen site electrode array while rats performed a simple pellet chasing task (Deadwyler et al., J Neurosci 1996;16:354-372; Hampson et al., Hippocampus 1996;6:281-293). Cells in CA3 or CA1, separated by 100-300 microm (two electrode locations), exhibited high cross-correlations with respect to place field firing in a given location in the chamber. This pattern of co-activity changed abruptly to low cross-correlations when the longitudinal distance between recording sites increased to 400-1,000 microm. Surprisingly, cells located 1,200-1,400 microm apart again exhibited similar place fields, suggesting a repeating pattern of place field representation within hippocampus. These features were used to construct a model of hippocampal place cell activation using known anatomic connections and projections between CA3 as well as CA1 pyramidal cells. The model provides a topographic representation in hippocampus of the animals' movements around the chamber as different place cells become activated. The model utilizes key landmarks (i.e., corners and walls) to define the animals' movement trajectories through successive place fields and to construct corresponding patterns of place cell firing in hippocampus. This is accomplished via a topological transformation of the chamber's key landmarks projected onto the anatomy of the CA3 and CA1 subregions. The primary feature of the model is that it can, within limited capacity, accurately encode where the animal has been, rather than where it is going. The model, therefore, appears to be more appropriate for memory required to return to particular locations than for initial guidance into those locations.  相似文献   

We investigated the degree to which the distributed and overlapping patterns of activity for working memory (WM) maintenance of objects and spatial locations are functionally dissociable. Previous studies of the neural system responsible for maintenance of different types of information in WM have reported seemingly contradictory results concerning the degree to which spatial and nonspatial information maintenance leads to distinct patterns of activation in prefrontal cortex. These inconsistent results may be partly attributable to the fact that different types of objects were used for the "object WM task" across studies. In the current study, we directly compared the patterns of response during WM tasks for face identity, house identity, and spatial location using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Furthermore, independence of the neural resources available for spatial and object WM was tested behaviorally using a dual-task paradigm. Together, these results suggest that the mechanisms for the maintenance of house identity information are distributed and overlapping with those that maintain spatial location information, while the mechanisms for maintenance of face identity information are relatively more independent. There is, however, a consistent functional topography that results in superior prefrontal cortex producing the greatest response during spatial WM tasks, and middle and inferior prefrontal cortices producing their greatest responses during object WM tasks, independent of the object type. These results argue for a dorsal-ventral functional organization for spatial and nonspatial information. However, objects may contain both spatial and nonspatial information and, thus, have a distributed but not equipotent representation across both dorsal and ventral prefrontal cortex.  相似文献   

The hippocampus is thought to be involved in episodic memory in humans. Place cells of the rat hippocampus offer a potentially important model system to understand episodic memory. However, the difficulties in determining whether rats have episodic memory are profound. Progress can be made by considering the hippocampus as a computational device that presumably performs similar transformations on its inputs in both rats and in humans. Understanding the input/output transformations of rat place cells can thus inform research on the computational basis of human episodic memory. Two examples of different transformations in the CA3 and CA1 regions are presented. In one example, CA3 place fields are shown to maintain a greater degree of population coherence than CA1 place fields after a rearrangement of the salient landmarks in an environment, in agreement with computational models of CA3 as an autoassociative network. In the second example, CA3 place field appears to store information about the spatiotemporal sequences of place fields, starting with the first exposure to a cue-altered environment, whereas CA1 place fields store this information only on a temporary basis. Finally, recordings of hippocampal afferents from the lateral and medial entorhinal cortex (EC) suggest that these two regions convey fundamentally different representations to the hippocampus, with spatial information conveyed by the medial EC and nonspatial information conveyed by the lateral EC. The dentate gyrus and CA3 regions may create configural object+place (or item+context) representations that provide the spatiotemporal context of an episodic memory.  相似文献   

The rodent postrhinal cortex (POR), homologous to primate areas TH/TF and the human 'parahippocampal place area', has been implicated in processing visual landmark and contextual information about the environment. Head direction (HD) cells are neurons that encode allocentric head direction, independent of the animal's location or behavior, and are influenced by manipulations of visual landmarks. The present study determined whether the POR plays a role in processing environmental information within the HD circuit. Experiment 1 tested the role of the POR in processing visual landmark cues in the HD system during manipulation of a visual cue. HD cells from POR lesioned animals had similar firing properties, shifted their preferred firing direction following rotation of a salient visual cue, and in darkness had preferred firing directions that drifted at the same rate as controls. Experiment 2 tested the PORs involvement in contextual fear conditioning, where the animal learns to associate a shock with both a tone and a context in which the shock was given. In agreement with previous studies, POR lesioned animals were able to learn the tone–shock pairing, but displayed less freezing relative to controls when reintroduced into the environment previously paired with a shock. Therefore, HD cells from POR lesioned animals, with demonstrated impairments in contextual fear conditioning, were able to use a visual landmark to control their preferred direction. Thus, despite its importance in processing visual landmark information in primates, the POR in rats does not appear to play a pivotal role in controlling visual landmark information in the HD system. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

For the sake of rigorous control of task variables, hippocampal place cells have been usually studied in relatively simple environments. To approach the situation of real‐life navigation in an urban‐like environment, we recorded CA1 place cells while rats performance a memory task in a “Townmaze” with two start locations, three alternate paths in the maze midsection, followed by a two‐way choice that determined the trial outcome, access to a goal compartment. Further, to test the ability of place cells to update their spatial representation upon local changes in the environment while maintaining the integrity of the overall spatial map to allow effective navigation, we occasionally introduced barriers in the maze mid‐section to force the rat to select a nonpreferred route. The “Townmaze” revealed many new interesting features of CA1 neurons. First, we found neurons with 3–5 fields that appear to represent segments on a single common route through the maze. Second, we found neurons with 3–5 fields similarly aligned along the longitudinal or transverse maze axis. Responses to the barriers were assessed separately near and far from the barriers. Appearance of new fields in response to the barriers took place almost exclusively only locally near the barrier, whereas in‐field firing rate changes occurred throughout the maze. Further, field location changes did not correlate with the task performance, whereas firing rate changes did. These findings suggest that in a complex environment with blocked distal views, CA1 neurons code for the environment as sequences of significant nodes but are also capable of extracting and associating common elements across these sequences.  相似文献   

Rats with dorsal hippocampus or associative parietal cortex (APC) lesions and sham-operated controls were trained on variants of the Morris water maze navigation task. In the 'proximal landmark condition', the rats had to localize the hidden platform solely on the basis of three salient object landmarks placed directly in the swimming pool. In the 'distal landmark condition', rats could rely only on distal landmarks (room cues) to locate the platform. In the 'beacon condition', the platform location was signaled by a salient cue directly attached to it. Rats with hippocampal lesions were impaired in the distal and to a less extent in the proximal landmark condition whereas rats with parietal lesions were impaired only in the proximal landmark condition. None of the lesioned groups was impaired in the beacon condition. These results suggest that the processing of information related to proximal, distal landmarks or associated beacon are mediated by different neural systems. The hippocampus would contribute to both proximal and distal landmark processing whereas the APC would be involved in the processing of proximal landmarks only. Navigation relying on a cued-platform would not require participation of the hippocampus nor the APC. Assuming that the processing of proximal landmarks heavily depends on the integration of visuospatial and idiothetic information, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that the APC plays a role in the combination of multiple sensory information and contributes to the formation of an allocentric spatial representation.  相似文献   

Learning and memory deficits associated with age‐related mild cognitive impairment have long been attributed to impaired processing within the hippocampus. Hyperactivity within the hippocampal CA3 region that is associated with aging is mediated in part by a loss of functional inhibitory interneurons and thought to underlie impaired performance in spatial memory tasks, including the abnormal tendency in aged animals to pattern complete spatial representations. Here, we asked whether the spatial firing patterns of simultaneously recorded CA3 and CA1 neurons in young and aged rats could be manipulated pharmacologically to selectively reduce CA3 hyperactivity and thus, according to hypothesis, the associated abnormality in spatial representations. We used chronically implanted high‐density tetrodes to record the spatial firing properties of CA3 and CA1 units during animal exploration for food in familiar and novel environments. Aged CA3 place cells have higher firing rates, larger place fields, less spatial information content, and respond less to a change from a familiar to a novel environment than young CA3 cells. We also find that the combination of levetiracetam (LEV) + valproic acid (VPA), previously shown to act as a cognitive enhancer in tests of spatial memory, attenuate CA3 place cell firing rates, reduce place field area, and increase spatial information content in aged but not young adult rats. This is consistent with drug enhancing the specificity of neuronal firing with respect to spatial location. Contrary to expectation, however, LEV + VPA reduces place cell discrimination between novel and familiar environments, i.e., spatial correlations increase, independent of age even though drug enhances performance in cognitive tasks. The results demonstrate that spatial information content, or the number of bits of information encoded per action potential, may be the key correlate for enhancement of spatial memory by LEV + VPA. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Clark BJ  Taube JS 《Hippocampus》2011,21(7):767-782
The medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) occupies a central position within neural circuits devoted to the representation of spatial location and orientation. The MEC contains cells that fire as a function of the animal's head direction (HD), as well as grid cells that fire in multiple locations in an environment, forming a repeating hexagonal pattern. The MEC receives inputs from widespread areas of the cortical mantle including the ventral visual stream, which processes object recognition information, as well as information about visual landmarks. The role of the MEC in processing the HD signal or landmark information is unclear. We addressed this issue by neurotoxically damaging the MEC and recording HD cells within the anterodorsal thalamus (ADN). Direction-specific activity was present in the ADN of all animals with MEC lesions. Moreover, the discharge characteristics of ADN HD cells were only mildly affected by MEC lesions, with HD cells exhibiting greater anticipation of future HDs. Tests of landmark control revealed that HD cells in lesioned rats were capable of accurately updating their preferred firing directions in relation to a salient visual cue. Furthermore, cells from lesioned animals maintained stable preferred firing directions when locomoting in darkness and demonstrated stable HD cell tuning when locomoting into a novel enclosure, suggesting that MEC lesions did not disrupt the integration of idiothetic cues, or angular path integration, by HD cells. Collectively, these findings suggest that the MEC plays a limited role in the formation and spatial updating of the HD cell signal.  相似文献   

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