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Three recent studies in macaque monkeys that examined the effects on memory of restricted hippocampal lesions (Murray and Mishkin, J Neurosci 1998;18:6568-6582; Beason-Held et al., Hippocampus 1999;9:562-574; Zola et al., J Neurosci 2000;20:451-463) differed in their conclusions about the involvement of the hippocampus in recognition memory. Because these experiments used a common behavioral procedure, trial-unique visual delayed nonmatching-to-sample (DNMS), a quantitative synthesis ("meta-analysis") was performed to determine whether hippocampal lesions produced a reliable net impairment in DNMS performance, and whether this impairment was related to the magnitude of hippocampal damage. A similar analysis was performed on data from monkeys with perirhinal or rhinal cortex damage (Meunier et al., J Neurosci 1993;13:5418-5432; Buffalo et al., Learn Mem 1999;6:572-599). DNMS performance scores were transformed to d' values to permit comparisons across studies, and a loss in d' score, a measure of the magnitude of the recognition deficit relative to the control group, was calculated for each operated monkey. Two main findings emerged. First, the loss in d' following hippocampal damage was reliably larger than zero, but was smaller than that found after lesions limited to the perirhinal cortex. Second, the correlation of loss in d' with extent of hippocampal damage was large and negative, indicating that greater impairments were associated with smaller hippocampal lesions. This relationship was opposite to that between loss in d' and rhinal cortex damage, for which larger lesions were associated with greater impairment. These findings indicate that damage to the hippocampus and to the rhinal cortex affects recognition memory in different ways. Furthermore, they provide a framework for understanding the seemingly disparate effects of hippocampal damage on recognition memory in monkeys, and by extension, for interpreting the conflicting reports on the effects of such damage on recognition memory abilities in amnesic humans.  相似文献   

Previous experiments showed that neonatal aspiration lesions of the hippocampal formation in monkeys yield no visual recognition loss at delays up to 10 min, when recognition memory was assessed by a trial-unique delayed nonmatching-to-sample (DNMS) task. The present study examined whether neonatal hippocampal lesions also have no effect on visual recognition when assessed by a visual paired-comparison (VPC) task. In the VPC task, animals are looking at visual stimuli and their preference for viewing new stimuli is measured. Normal adult monkeys showed strong preference for looking at the novel stimuli at all delays tested. By contrast, adult monkeys with neonatal hippocampal lesions, which included the dentate gyrus, cornus ammon (CA) fields, subicular complex, and portions of parahippocampal areas TH/TF, showed preference for novelty at short delays of 10 s but not at longer delays of 30 s to 24 h. This visual recognition loss contrasts with the normal performance of the same operated animals when tested in the DNMS task. The discrepancy between the results obtained in the two recognition tasks suggests that, to perform normally on the DNMS task, the operated monkeys may have used behavioral strategies that do not depend on the integrity of the hippocampal formation. In this respect, VPC appears to be a more sensitive task than DNMS to detect damage to the hippocampal region in primates.  相似文献   

In addition to metabolic and cardiovascular disorders, obesity pandemic is associated with chronic low-grade inflammation as well as adverse cognitive outcomes. However, the existence of critical periods of development that differ in terms of sensitivity to the effects of diet-induced obesity remains unexplored. Using short exposure to a high-fat diet (HFD) exerting no effects when given to adult mice, we recently found impairment of hippocampal-dependent memory and plasticity after similar HFD exposure encompassing adolescence (from weaning to adulthood) showing the vulnerability of the juvenile period (Boitard et al., 2012). Given that inflammatory processes modulate hippocampal functions, we evaluated in rats whether the detrimental effect of juvenile HFD (jHFD) on hippocampal-dependent memory is associated with over-expression of hippocampal pro-inflammatory cytokines.jHFD exposure impaired long-term spatial reference memory in the Morris water maze without affecting acquisition or short-term memory. This suggests an effect on consolidation processes. Moreover, jHFD consumption delayed spatial reversal learning. jHFD intake did neither affect basal expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines at the periphery nor in the brain, but potentiated the enhancement of Interleukin-1-beta and Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha expression specifically in the hippocampus after a peripheral immune challenge with lipopolysaccharide. Interestingly, whereas the same duration of HFD intake at adulthood induced similar weight gain and metabolic alterations as jHFD intake, it did neither affect spatial performance (long-term memory or reversal learning) nor lipopolysaccharide-induced cytokine expression in the hippocampus. Finally, spatial reversal learning enhanced Interleukin-1-beta in the hippocampus, but not in the frontal cortex and the hypothalamus, of jHFD-fed rats.These results indicate that juvenile HFD intake promotes exaggerated pro-inflammatory cytokines expression in the hippocampus which is likely to contribute to spatial memory impairment.  相似文献   

The present study examined immediate‐early gene expression in the perirhinal cortex of rats with hippocampal lesions. The goal was to test those models of recognition memory which assume that the perirhinal cortex can function independently of the hippocampus. The c‐fos gene was targeted, as its expression in the perirhinal cortex is strongly associated with recognition memory. Four groups of rats were examined. Rats with hippocampal lesions and their surgical controls were given either a recognition memory task (novel vs. familiar objects) or a relative recency task (objects with differing degrees of familiarity). Perirhinal Fos expression in the hippocampal‐lesioned groups correlated with both recognition and recency performance. The hippocampal lesions, however, had no apparent effect on overall levels of perirhinal or entorhinal cortex c‐fos expression in response to novel objects, with only restricted effects being seen in the recency condition. Network analyses showed that whereas the patterns of parahippocampal interactions were differentially affected by novel or familiar objects, these correlated networks were not altered by hippocampal lesions. Additional analyses in control rats revealed two modes of correlated medial temporal activation. Novel stimuli recruited the pathway from the lateral entorhinal cortex (cortical layer II or III) to hippocampal field CA3, and thence to CA1. Familiar stimuli recruited the direct pathway from the lateral entorhinal cortex (principally layer III) to CA1. The present findings not only reveal the independence from the hippocampus of some perirhinal systems associated with recognition memory, but also show how novel stimuli engage hippocampal subfields in qualitatively different ways from familiar stimuli.  相似文献   

Previous work (Mayes et al., Hippocampus 12:325-340, 2002) found that patient YR, who suffered a selective bilateral lesion to the hippocampus in 1986, showed relatively preserved verbal and visual item recognition memory in the face of clearly impaired verbal and visual recall. In this study, we found that YR's Yes/No as well as forced-choice recognition of both intra-item associations and associations between items of the same kind was as well preserved as her item recognition memory. In contrast, YR was clearly impaired, and more so than she was on the above kinds of recognition, at recognition of associations between different kinds of information. Thus, her recognition memory for associations between objects and their locations, words and their temporal positions, abstract visual items or words and their temporal order, animal pictures and names of professions, faces and voices, faces and spoken names, words and definitions, and pictures and sounds, was clearly impaired. Several of the different information associative recognition tests at which YR was impaired could be compared with related item or inter-item association recognition tests of similar difficulty that she performed relatively normally around the same time. It is suggested that YR's familiarity memory for items, intra-item associations, and associations between items of the same kind was mediated by her intact medial temporal lobe cortices and was preserved, whereas her hippocampally mediated recall/recollection of these kinds of information was impaired. It is also suggested that the components of associations between different kinds of information are represented in distinct neocortical regions and that initially they only converge for memory processing within the hippocampus. No familiarity memory may exist in normal subjects for such associations, and, if so, YR's often chance recognition occurred because of her severe recall/recollection deficit. Conflicting data and views are discussed, and the way in which recall as well as item and associative recognition need to be systematically explored in patients with apparently selective hippocampal lesions, in order to resolve existing conflicts, is outlined.  相似文献   

Effects of hippocampal lesions on patterned motor learning in the rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Motor skill learning in rats has been linked to cerebellar function as well as to cortical and striatal influences. The present study evaluated the contribution of the hippocampus to motor learning. Adult male rats received electrolytic lesions designed to selectively destroy the hippocampus; a sham-lesioned group of animals served as a control. The animals with hippocampal lesions acquired a patterned motor learning task as well as sham controls. In contrast, rats with hippocampal lesions were impaired in spatial, but not cued, learning in the Morris water maze. In addition, lesioned rats showed profound impairment in the novel object recognition memory task, when a 1-h delay was used between training and testing. Taken together, these results suggest that the hippocampus is not necessary during acquisition of the motor learning task.  相似文献   

The perirhinal cortex is known to support high-level perceptual abilities as well as familiarity judgments that may affect recognition memory. We tested whether poor perceptual abilities or a loss of familiarity judgment contributed to the recognition memory impairments reported earlier in monkeys with PRh lesions received in infancy (Neo-PRh) (Weiss and Bachevalier, 2016; Zeamer et al., 2015). Perceptual abilities were assessed using a version of the Visual Paired Comparison task with black&white (B&W) stimuli, and familiarity judgments were assessed using the Constant Negative task requiring repeated familiarization exposures. Adult monkeys with Neo-PRh lesions were able to recognize B&W stimuli after short delays, suggesting that their perceptual abilities were within the range of control animals. However, the same Neo-PRh monkeys were slower to acquire the Constant Negative task, requiring more exposures to objects before judging them as familiar compared to control animals. Taken together, the data help to account for the differential patterns of functional compensation on previously reported recognition tasks following neonatal versus adult-onset PRh lesions, and provide further support to the view that the PRh is involved in familiarity processes.  相似文献   

Monkeys with neurotoxic (ibotenic acid) damage to the hippocampal formation and unoperated controls were trained on two sets of transverse patterning problems (A+/B-, B+/C-, C+/A-, and D+/E-, E+/F-, F+/D-) and a delayed nonmatching-to-location paradigm (DNML) with delays of 10s, 30s, 120s, and 600s. Hippocampal lesions produced a size- and area-dependent impairment on transverse patterning. Damage largely limited to the right hippocampus in one subject had no effect on performance on the task. Of the remaining four subjects, two with hippocampal damage greater than 40% bilaterally were unable to solve the two transverse patterning sets, but could solve the linear set of discriminations (A+/B-, B+/C-, C+/X-). The two remaining operated animals were impaired in acquisition of both sets, but were eventually able to solve one of the two transverse patterning discrimination sets. All five operated monkeys were impaired relative to normal controls on DNML, but not on the standard delayed nonmatching-to-sample (DNMS) version with trial-unique objects. The results confirm our previous findings (Alvarado et al., Hippocampus 12:421-433, 2002) using aspiration lesions of the hippocampal formation and strengthen the view that the hippocampal formation is critical for object and spatial relational memory.  相似文献   

The hippocampus is thought to be required for the associative recognition of objects together with the spatial or temporal contexts in which they occur. However, recent data showing that rats with fornix lesions perform as well as controls in an object‐place task, while being impaired on an object‐place‐context task (Eacott and Norman ( 2004 ) J Neurosci 24:1948–1953), suggest that not all forms of context‐dependent associative recognition depend on the integrity of the hippocampus. To examine the role of the hippocampus in context‐dependent recognition directly, the present study tested the effects of large, selective, bilateral hippocampus lesions in rats on performance of a series of spontaneous recognition memory tasks: object recognition, object‐place recognition, object‐context recognition and object‐place‐context recognition. Consistent with the effects of fornix lesions, animals with hippocampus lesions were impaired only on the object‐place‐context task. These data confirm that not all forms of context‐dependent associative recognition are mediated by the hippocampus. Subsequent experiments suggested that the object‐place task does not require an allocentric representation of space, which could account for the lack of impairment following hippocampus lesions. Importantly, as the object‐place‐context task has similar spatial requirements, the selective deficit in object‐place‐context recognition suggests that this task requires hippocampus‐dependent neural processes distinct from those required for allocentric spatial memory, or for object memory, object‐place memory or object‐context memory. Two possibilities are that object, place, and context information converge only in the hippocampus, or that recognition of integrated object‐place‐context information requires a hippocampus‐dependent mode of retrieval, such as recollection. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In decision‐making, an immediate reward is usually preferred to a delayed reward, even if the latter is larger. We tested whether the hippocampus is necessary for this form of temporal discounting, and for vicarious trial‐and‐error at the decision point. Rats were trained on a recently developed, adjustable delay‐discounting task (Papale et al. (2012) Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci 12:513–526), which featured a choice between a small, nearly immediate reward, and a larger, delayed reward. Rats then received either hippocampus or sham lesions. Animals with hippocampus lesions adjusted the delay for the larger reward to a level similar to that of sham‐lesioned animals, suggesting a similar valuation capacity. However, the hippocampus lesion group spent significantly longer investigating the small and large rewards in the first part of the sessions, and were less sensitive to changes in the amount of reward in the large reward maze arm. Both sham‐ and hippocampus‐lesioned rats showed a greater amount of vicarious trial‐and‐error on trials in which the delay was adjusted. In a nonadjusting version of the delay discounting task, animals with hippocampus lesions showed more variability in their preference for a larger reward that was delayed by 10 s compared with sham‐lesioned animals. To verify the lesion behaviorally, rat were subsequently trained on a water maze task, and rats with hippocampus lesions were significantly impaired compared with sham‐lesioned animals. The findings on the delay discounting tasks suggest that damage to the hippocampus may impair the detection of reward magnitude. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The present research was concerned with anterograde and retrograde memory for a socially transmitted food preference in rats with lesions to the dorsal hippocampus or dorsomedial thalamus, and operated controls. In Expt. 1, food-preference training was administered postoperatively and memory was tested following various delays. Both lesioned groups acquired the preference normally, but rats with hippocampal lesions displayed a rapid rate of forgetting that indicated significant anterograde amnesia. In Expt. 2, the food preference was acquired at different times preoperatively and retrograde memory was tested postoperatively. Both lesioned groups exhibited loss of memory when training immediately preceded surgery, but only rats with hippocampal lesions displayed a temporally-graded retrograde amnesia. The results confirmed the differential effects of hippocampal and thalamic lesions on memory performance. It was suggested that memory loss following thalamic lesions was related to factors associated with original learning, whereas the pattern of hippocampal amnesia reflected disruption at a later stage in the learning process.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A neonatal hippocampal lesion induces postpubertal behavioral alterations resembling phenomena observed in schizophrenia. We have recently reported that nucleus accumbens neurons exhibit altered response to ventral tegmental area activation, but only when animals with this lesion reach adulthood. Because a prefrontal cortical lesion eliminates postpubertal abnormal behaviors in these animals, we investigated whether altered accumbens responses were reversed with this manipulation. METHODS: In vivo intracellular recordings were conducted in accumbens neurons in rats that had received neonatal hippocampal lesions combined with either adult prefrontal cortical lesion or sham treatment. Accumbens response to mesolimbic pathway activation was recorded in these animals. RESULTS: Accumbens neurons from animals with a neonatal hippocampal lesion and an adult prefrontal sham operation still showed altered accumbens response to mesolimbic stimulation. On the other hand, most animals with combined neonatal hippocampal and adult prefrontal lesions exhibited responses similar to those of na?ve animals. CONCLUSIONS: This result suggests that abnormal behaviors in these animals might be related to excessive prefrontal drive of accumbens neurons upon dopamine activation.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of neonatal hippocampal ablation on the development of spatial learning and memory abilities in rats. Newborn rats sustained bilateral electrolytic lesions of the hippocampus or were sham-operated on postnatal day 1 (PN1). At PN20–25, PN50–55, or PN90–95, separate groups of rats were tested in a Morris water maze on a visible “cue” condition (visible platform in a fixed location of the maze), a spatial “place” condition (submerged platform in a fixed location), or a no-contingency “random” condition (submerged platform in a random location). Rats were tested for 6 consecutive days, with 12 acquisition trials and 1 retention (probe) trial per day. During acquisition trials, the rat's latency to escape the maze was recorded. During retention trials (last trial for each day, no escape platform available), the total time the rat spent in the probe quadrant was recorded. Data from rats with hippocampal lesions tested as infants (PN20–25) or as adults (PN50–55 and PN90–95) converged across measures to reveal that 1) spatial (place) memory deficits were evident throughout developmental testing, suggesting that the deficits in spatial memory were long-lasting, if not permanent, and 2) behavioral performance measures under the spatial (place) condition were significantly correlated with total volume of hippocampal tissue damage, and with volume of damage to the right and anterior hippocampal regions. These results support the hypothesis that hippocampal integrity is important for the normal development of spatial learning and memory functions, and show that other brain structures do not assume hippocampal-spatial memory functions when the hippocampus is damaged during the neonatal period (even when testing is not begun until adulthood). Thus, neonatal hippocampal damage in rats may serve as a rodent model for assessing treatment strategies (e.g., pharmacological) relevant to human perinatal brain injury and developmental disabilities within the learning and memory realm. Hippocampus 7:403–415, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

To re‐examine whether or not selective hippocampal damage reduces novelty preference in visual paired comparison (VPC), we presented two different versions of the task to a group of patients with developmental amnesia (DA), each of whom sustained this form of pathology early in life. Compared with normal control participants, the DA group showed a delay‐dependent reduction in novelty preference on one version of the task and an overall reduction on both versions combined. Because VPC is widely considered to be a measure of incidental recognition, the results appear to support the view that the hippocampus contributes to recognition memory. A difficulty for this conclusion, however, is that according to one current view the hippocampal contribution to recognition is limited to task conditions that encourage recollection of an item in some associated context, and according to another current view, to recognition of an item with the high confidence judgment that reflects a strong memory. By contrast, VPC, throughout which the participant remains entirely uninstructed other than to view the stimuli, would seem to lack such task conditions and so would likely lead to recognition based on familiarity rather than recollection or, alternatively, weak memories rather than strong. However, before concluding that the VPC impairment therefore contradicts both current views regarding the role of the hippocampus in recognition memory, two possibilities that would resolve this issue need to be investigated. One is that some variable in VPC, such as the extended period of stimulus encoding during familiarization, overrides its incidental nature, and, because this condition promotes either recollection‐ or strength‐based recognition, renders the task hippocampal‐dependent. The other possibility is that VPC, rather than providing a measure of incidental recognition, actually assesses an implicit, information‐gathering process modulated by habituation, for which the hippocampus is also partly responsible, independent of its role in recognition. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The early postnatal stage is a critical period of hippocampal neurodevelopment and also a period of high vulnerability to adverse life experiences. Recent evidence suggests that nectin‐3, a cell adhesion molecule, mediates memory dysfunction and dendritic alterations in the adult hippocampus induced by postnatal stress. But it is unknown whether postnatal nectin‐3 reduction alone is sufficient to alter hippocampal structure and function in adulthood. Here, we down regulated hippocampal expression of nectin‐3 and its heterophilic adhesion partner nectin‐1, respectively, from early postnatal stage by injecting adeno‐associated virus (AAV) into the cerebral lateral ventricles of neonatal mice (postnatal day 2). We found that suppression of nectin‐3, but not nectin‐1, expression from the early postnatal stage impaired hippocampus‐dependent novel object recognition and spatial object recognition in adult mice. Moreover, AAV‐mediated nectin‐3 knockdown significantly reduced dendritic complexity and spine density of pyramidal neurons throughout the hippocampus, whereas nectin‐1 knockdown only induced the loss of stubby spines in CA3. Our data provide direct evidence that nectins, especially nectin‐3, are necessary for postnatal hippocampal development of memory functions and structural integrity.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC), an enzyme that plays an essential role in eukaryotic cell regulation (Nishizuka, 1988; Huang et al., 1989), is critical to memory storage processes both in the marine snail Hermissenda crassicornis and in the rabbit (Alkon et al., 1988; Bank et al., 1988; Olds et al., 1989). Specifically, activation of PKC mimics neurobiological correlates of classical conditioning in both Hermissenda and the rabbit, and the distribution of the enzyme within the rabbit hippocampus changes after Pavlovian conditioning. Here, we report that the amount of PKC, as assayed by specific binding of 3H-phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate (3H-PDBU), decreased significantly within the hippocampal CA3 cell region in rats trained to solve a water maze task either by cognitive mapping or by visual discrimination strategies, but not in control rats. Furthermore, hippocampal lesions interfered with acquisition of both of these tasks. We interpret these findings to support the conclusion that distributional changes of PKC within the mammalian hippocampus play a crucial role in memory storage processes.  相似文献   

The presence or absence of conceptual information in pictorial stimuli may explain the mixed findings of previous studies of false recognition in patients with mild Alzheimer's disease (AD). To test this hypothesis, 48 patients with AD were compared to 48 healthy older adults on a recognition task first described by Koutstaal et al. [Koutstaal, W., Reddy, C., Jackson, E. M., Prince, S., Cendan, D. L., & Schacter D. L. (2003). False recognition of abstract versus common objects in older and younger adults: Testing the semantic categorization account. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 29, 499-510]. Participants studied and were tested on their memory for categorized ambiguous pictures of common objects. The presence of conceptual information at study and/or test was manipulated by providing or withholding disambiguating semantic labels. Analyses focused on testing two competing theories. The semantic encoding hypothesis, which posits that the inter-item perceptual details are not encoded by AD patients when conceptual information is present in the stimuli, was not supported by the findings. In contrast, the conceptual fluency hypothesis was supported. Enhanced conceptual fluency at test dramatically shifted AD patients to a more liberal response bias, raising their false recognition. These results suggest that patients with AD rely on the fluency of test items in making recognition memory decisions. We speculate that AD patients' over reliance upon fluency may be attributable to (1) dysfunction of the hippocampus, disrupting recollection, and/or (2) dysfunction of prefrontal cortex, disrupting post-retrieval processes.  相似文献   

Episodic memory is critical to human functioning. In adults, episodic memory involves a distributed neural circuit in which the hippocampus plays a central role. As episodic memory abilities continue to develop across childhood and into adolescence, studying episodic memory maturation can provide insight into the development and construction of these hippocampal networks, and ultimately clues to their function in adulthood. While past developmental studies have shown that the hippocampus helps to support memory in middle childhood and adolescence, the extent to which ongoing maturation within the hippocampus contributes to developmental change in episodic memory abilities remains unclear. In contrast, slower maturing regions, such as the PFC, have been suggested to be the neurobiological locus of memory improvements into adolescence. However, it is also possible that the methods used to detect hippocampal development during middle childhood and adolescence are not sensitive enough. Here, we examine how temporal covariance (or differentiation) in voxel representations within anterior and posterior hippocampus change with age to support the development of detailed recollection in male and female developing humans. We find age-related increases in the distinctiveness of temporal activation profiles in the posterior, but not anterior, hippocampus. Second, we show that this measure of granularity, when present during postencoding rest periods, correlates with the recall of detailed memories of preceding stimuli several weeks postencoding, suggesting that granularity may promote memory stabilization.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Studying hippocampal maturation can provide insight into episodic memory development, as well as clues to episodic functioning in adulthood. Past work has shown evidence both for and against hippocampal contributions to age-related improvements in memory performance, but has relied heavily on univariate approaches (averaging activity across hippocampal voxels), which may not be sensitive to nuanced developmental change. Here we use a novel approach, examining time signatures in individual hippocampal voxels to reveal regionally specific (anterior vs posterior hippocampus) differences in the distinctiveness (granularity) of temporal activation profiles across development. Importantly, posterior hippocampus granularity during windows of putative memory stabilization was associated with long-term memory specificity. This suggests that the posterior hippocampus gradually builds the capacity to support detailed episodic recall.  相似文献   

Space and time are both essential features of episodic memory, for which the hippocampus is critical (Howard & Eichenbaum, 2015). Spatial tasks have been used effectively to study the behavioral relevance of place cells. However, the behavioral paradigms utilized for the study of time cells have not used time duration as a variable that animals need to be aware of to solve the task. Therefore, the behavioral relevance of this cell firing is unclear. In order to directly study the role of the hippocampus in processing elapsed time, we created a novel time duration discrimination task. Rats learned to make a decision to turn left or right depending on the preceding tone duration (10 s, left turn; 20 s, right turn). Once the rats reached criterion performance of 90% correct on two out of three consecutive days, they received either an excitotoxic hippocampal lesion or a sham‐lesion surgery. After recovery, rats were tested to determine hippocampal involvement in discriminating time duration. Rats with hippocampal lesions performed at chance level on their first testing day postlesion, and they were impaired relative to the sham‐lesioned rats. Although the hippocampal‐lesioned rats began discriminating at above chance level, their performance never returned to criterion even with 50 days of postoperative testing. Furthermore, while sham rats showed no difference in the number of errors they made on 10‐ versus 20‐s delay trials, hippocampal lesion rats similarly improved their performance under the 10‐s delay condition, but not under the 20‐s delay condition. Results indicate that hippocampal lesions resulted in a selective impairment in discriminating elapsed time only during the longer delay trials. The implications of these results are discussed in relation to the limits of working‐memory capacity and to the role of sustained hippocampal time cell activity in memory performance depending on the perceived relevance of the delay period.  相似文献   

Early postnatal maternal deprivation is known to cause long-lasting neurobiological effects. Here, we investigated whether some of the cognitive aspects of these deficits might be related to a disruption of the cholinergic system. Pregnant Wistar rats were individually housed and maintained on a 12:12 h light/dark cycle with food and water freely available. The mothers were separated from their pups for 3 h per day from postnatal day 1 (PND-1) to PND-10. To do that, the dams were moved to a different cage and the pups maintained in the original home cage, which was transferred to a different room kept at 32 °C. After they reached 120–150 days of age, maternal-deprived and non-deprived animals were either sacrificed for brain acetylcholinesterase measurement, or trained and tested in an object recognition task and in a social recognition task as described by Rossato et al. (2007) [Rossato, J.I., Bevilaqua, L. R.M., Myskiw, J.C., Medina, J.H., Izquierdo, I., Cammarota, M. 2007. On the role hippocampal synthesis in the consolidation and reconsolidation of object recognition memory. Learn. Mem. 14, 36–46] and Lévy et al. (2003) [Lévy, F., Melo. A.I., Galef. B.G. Jr., Madden, M., Fleming. A.S. 2003. Complete maternal deprivation affects social, but not spatial, learning in adult rats. Dev. Psychobiol. 43, 177–191], respectively. There was increased acetylcholinesterase activity in hippocampus and perirhinal cortex of the deprived animals. In addition, they showed a clear impairment in memory of the two recognition tasks measured 24 h after training. Oral administration of the acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, donepezil or galantamine (1 mg/kg) 30 min before training reversed the memory impairments caused by maternal deprivation. The findings suggest that maternal deprivation affects memory processing at adulthood through a change in brain cholinergic systems.  相似文献   

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