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Although thousands of new neurons are continuously produced in the dentate gyrus of rodents each day, the function of these newborn cells remains unclear. An increasing number of reports have provided correlational evidence that adult hippocampal neurogenesis is involved in learning and memory. Exposure of animals to an enriched environment leads to improvement of performance in several learning tasks and enhances neurogenesis specifically in the hippocampus. These data raise the question of whether new neurons participate in memory improvement induced by enrichment. To address this issue, we have examined whether the increase in the number of surviving adult-generated cells following environmental enrichment contributes to improved memory function. To this end, neurogenesis was substantially reduced throughout the environmental enrichment period using the antimitotic agent methylazoxymethanol acetate (MAM). Recognition memory performance of MAM-treated enriched rats was evaluated in a novel object recognition task and compared with that of naive and nontreated enriched rats. Injections of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine were used to label dividing cells, together with double immunofluorescent labelling using glial or neuronal cell-specific markers. We found that enrichment led to improved long-term recognition memory and increased hippocampal neurogenesis, and that MAM treatment during environmental enrichment completely prevented both the increase in neurogenesis and enrichment-induced long-term memory improvement. These results establish that newborn cells in the dentate gyrus contribute to the expression of the promnesic effects of behavioural enrichment, and they provide further support for the idea that adult-generated neurons participate in modulating memory function.  相似文献   

Objective To explore the effects of exercise on dentate gyrus (DG) neurogenesis and the ability of learning and memory in hippocampus-lesioned adult rats. Methods Hippocampus lesion was produced by intrahippocampal microinjection of kainic acid (KA). Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) was used to label dividing cells. Y maze test was used to evaluate the ability of learning and memory. Exercise was conducted in the form of forced running in a motor-driven running wheel. The speed of wheel revolution was regulated at 3 kinds of intensity: lightly running, moderately running, or heavily running. Results Hippocampus lesion could increase the number of BrdU-labeled DG cells, moderately running after lesion could further enhance the number of BrdU-labeled cells and decrease the error number (EN) in Y maze test, while neither lightly running, nor heavily running had such effects. There was a negative correlation between the number of DG BrdU-labeled cells and the EN in the Y maze test after running. Conclusion Moderate exercise could enhance the DG neurogenesis and ameliorate the ability of learning and memory in hippocampus-lesioned rats.  相似文献   

Objective To explore the effects of exercise on dentate gyrus (DG) neurogenesis and the ability of learning and memory in hippocampus-lesioned adult rats. Methods Hippocampus lesion was produced by intrabippocampal microinjection of kainic acid (KA). Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) was used to label dividing cells. Y maze test was used to evaluate the ability of learning and memory. Exercise was conducted in the form of forced running in a motor-driven running wheel. The speed of wheel revolution was regulated at 3 kinds of intensity: lightly running, moderately running, or heavily running. Results Hippocampus lesion could increase the number of BrdU-labeled DG cells, moderately running after lesion could further enhance the number of BrdU-labeled cells and decrease the error number (EN) in Y maze test, while neither lightly running, nor heavily running had such effects. There was a negative correlation between the number of DG BrdU-labeled cells and the EN in the Y maze test after running. Conclusion Moderate exercise could enhance the DG neurogenesis and ameliorate the ability of learning and memory in hippocampus-lesioned rats.  相似文献   

Successful memory involves not only remembering information over time but also keeping memories distinct and less confusable. The computational process for making representations of similar input patterns more distinct from each other has been referred to as “pattern separation.” Although adult‐born immature neurons have been implicated in this memory feature, the precise role of these neurons and associated molecules in the processing of overlapping memories is unknown. Recently, we found that brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the dentate gyrus is required for the encoding/consolidation of overlapping memories. In this study, we provide evidence that consolidation of these “pattern‐separated” memories requires the action of BDNF on immature neurons specifically. © 2014 The Authors. Hippocampus Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Many theories of hippocampal function assume that area CA3 of hippocampus is capable of performing rapid pattern storage, as well as pattern completion when a partial version of a familiar pattern is presented, and that the dentate gyrus (DG) is a preprocessor that performs pattern separation, facilitating storage and recall in CA3. The latter assumption derives partly from the anatomical and physiological properties of DG. However, the major output of DG is from a large number of DG granule cells to a smaller number of CA3 pyramidal cells, which potentially negates the pattern separation performed in the DG. Here, we consider a simple CA3 network model, and consider how it might interact with a previously developed computational model of the DG. The resulting “standard” DG‐CA3 model performs pattern storage and completion well, given a small set of sparse, randomly derived patterns representing entorhinal input to the DG and CA3. However, under many circumstances, the pattern separation achieved in the DG is not as robust in CA3, resulting in a low storage capacity for CA3, compared to previous mathematical estimates of the storage capacity for an autoassociative network of this size. We also examine an often‐overlooked aspect of hippocampal anatomy that might increase functionality in the combined DG‐CA3 model. Specifically, axon collaterals of CA3 pyramidal cells project “back” to the DG (“backprojections”), exerting inhibitory effects on granule cells that could potentially ensure that different subpopulations of granule cells are recruited to respond to similar patterns. In the model, addition of such backprojections improves both pattern separation and storage capacity. We also show that the DG‐CA3 model with backprojections provides a better fit to empirical data than a model without backprojections. Therefore, we hypothesize that CA3 backprojections might play an important role in hippocampal function. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Robust incorporation of new principal cells into pre‐existing circuitry in the adult mammalian brain is unique to the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG). We asked if adult‐born granule cells (GCs) might act to regulate processing within the DG by modulating the substantially more abundant mature GCs. Optogenetic stimulation of a cohort of young adult‐born GCs (0 to 7 weeks post‐mitosis) revealed that these cells activate local GABAergic interneurons to evoke strong inhibitory input to mature GCs. Natural manipulation of neurogenesis by aging—to decrease it—and housing in an enriched environment—to increase it—strongly affected the levels of inhibition. We also demonstrated that elevating activity in adult‐born GCs in awake behaving animals reduced the overall number of mature GCs activated by exploration. These data suggest that inhibitory modulation of mature GCs may be an important function of adult‐born hippocampal neurons. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Cilostazol acts as an antiplatelet agent and has other pleiotropic effects based on phosphodiesterase‐3‐dependent mechanisms. We evaluated whether cilostazol would have a beneficial effect on neuronal repair following hippocampal neuronal damage by using a mouse model of trimethyltin (TMT)‐induced neuronal loss/self‐repair in the hippocampal dentate gyrus [Ogita et al. (2005) J Neurosci Res 82:609?621]; these mice will hereafter be referred to as impaired animals. A single treatment with cilostazol (10 mg/kg, i.p.) produced no significant change in the number of 5‐bromo‐2′‐deoxyuridine (BrdU)‐incorporating cells in the dentate granule cell layer (GCL) or subgranular zone on day 3 after TMT treatment. However, chronic treatment with cilostazol on days 3–15 posttreatment resulted in an increase in the number of BrdU‐incorporating cells in the dentate GCL of the impaired animals, and these cells were positive for neuronal nuclear antigen or doublecortin. Cilostazol was effective in elevating the level of phosphorylated cyclic adrenosine monophosphate response element‐binding protein (pCREB) in the dentate gyrus of impaired animals. The results of a forced swimming test revealed that the chronic treatment with cilostazol improved the depression‐like behavior seen in the impaired animals. In the cultures of hippocampal neural stem/progenitor cells, exposure to cilostazol produced not only enhancement of proliferation activity but also elevation of pCREB levels. Taken together, our data suggest that cilostazol has a beneficial effect on neuronal repair following neuronal loss in the dentate gyrus through promotion of proliferation and/or neuronal differentiation of neural progenitor cells in the subgranular zone. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)‐positive astrocytes with radial processes [radial glia (RG)‐like cells] in the postnatal dentate gyrus share many of the characteristics of embryonic radial glia and appear to act as precursor cells for adult dentate neurogenesis, a process important for pattern separation and hippocampus‐dependent learning. Although much work has delineated the mechanisms underlying activity‐neurogenesis coupling via gamma‐amino butyric acid (GABA)ergic neurotransmission on GFAP‐negative transient‐amplifying cells and neuroblasts, little is known regarding the effects of neurotransmitters on RG‐like cells. Conflicting evidence exists for both GABA and glutamate receptors on these cells. Here, using GFAP reporter mice, we show that the somatic membrane of RG‐like cells carries GABAA receptors and glutamate transporters but not ionotropic glutamate receptors, whereas 2‐amino‐3‐(hydroxyl‐5‐methylisoxazole‐4‐yl) propionic acid (AMPA) and GABAA receptors are expressed on the processes of these cells. Almost all RG‐like cells expressed the GluA2 subunit, which restricts the Ca2+ permeability of AMPA receptors. The glial GABAA receptors mainly comprised α2/α4, β1, and γ1/γ3. The selective presence of AMPA receptors on the radial processes may be important for sensing and responding to local activity‐driven glutamate release and supports the concept that RG‐like astrocytes are composed of functional and structural domains.  相似文献   

The dentate gyrus of the hippocampus plays a pivotal role in pattern separation, a process required for the behavioral task of contextual discrimination. One unique feature of the dentate gyrus that contributes to pattern separation is adult neurogenesis, where newly born neurons play a distinct role in neuronal circuitry. Moreover, the function of neurogenesis in this brain region differs in adolescent and adult mice. The signaling mechanisms that differentially regulate the distinct steps of adult neurogenesis in adolescence and adulthood remain poorly understood. We used mice lacking RAS‐GRF1 (GRF1), a calcium‐dependent exchange factor that regulates synaptic plasticity and participates in contextual discrimination performed by mice, to test whether GRF1 plays a role in adult neurogenesis. We show Grf1 knockout mice begin to display a defect in neurogenesis at the onset of adulthood (~2 months of age), when wild‐type mice first acquire the ability to distinguish between closely related contexts. At this age, young hippocampal neurons in Grf1 knockout mice display severely reduced dendritic arborization. By 3 months of age, new neuron survival is also impaired. BrdU labeling of new neurons in 2‐month‐old Grf1 knockout mice shows they begin to display reduced survival between 2 and 3 weeks after birth, just as new neurons begin to develop complex dendritic morphology and transition into using glutamatergic excitatory input. Interestingly, GRF1 expression appears in new neurons at the developmental stage when GRF1 loss begins to effect neuronal function. In addition, we induced a similar loss of new hippocampal neurons by knocking down expression of GRF1 solely in new neurons by injecting retrovirus that express shRNA against GRF1 into the dentate gyrus. Together, these findings show that GRF1 expressed in new neurons promotes late stages of adult neurogenesis. Overall our findings show GRF1 to be an age‐dependent regulator of adult hippocampal neurogenesis, which contributes to ability of mice to distinguish closely related contexts. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The dentate gyrus neurons in the hippocampus contain a high density of both mineralocorticoid and adrenergic receptors. By in vivo extracellular recording from adrenalectomized rats we investigated the possible relationships between the two systems with regard to neuronal excitability and activity-dependent synaptic plasticity. Pretreatment with aldosterone significantly enhanced both basal neuronal excitability and tetanically evoked synaptic plasticity in adrenalectomized, but not sham-operated rats. The enhancement was blocked by spironolactone, indicating a mineralocorticoid receptor–dependent effect. The adrenomedullary hormone epinephrine also significantly enhanced synaptic plasticity via activation of β-adrenergic receptors. β-Adrenergic antagonist propranolol, infused directly into the dentate gyrus granule cell layer, significantly reduced the effect of aldosterone on neuronal excitability and partly canceled the aldosterone-enhanced synaptic plasticity. No effect of propranolol was found after its amygdaloid infusion. The mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist spironolactone did not affect the epinephrine-induced effects. These results indicate that the pretreated adrenal steroids interact with the catecholaminergic system in the dentate gyrus of adrenalectomized rats and that the functional β-adrenergic pathway is involved in the mechanism of mineralocorticoid-induced cellular effects in vivo. J. Neurosci. Res. 51:593–601, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In the hippocampus, the production of dentate granule cells (DGCs) persists into adulthood. As adult‐generated neurons are thought to contribute to hippocampal memory processing, promoting adult neurogenesis therefore offers the potential for restoring mnemonic function in the aged or diseased brain. Within this regenerative context, one key issue is whether developmentally generated and adult‐generated DGCs represent functionally equivalent or distinct neuronal populations. To address this, we labeled separate cohorts of developmentally generated and adult‐generated DGCs and used immunohistochemical approaches to compare their integration into circuits supporting hippocampus‐dependent memory in intact mice. First, in the water maze task, rates of integration of adult‐generated DGCs were regulated by maturation, with maximal integration not occurring until DGCs were five or more weeks in age. Second, these rates of integration were equivalent for embryonically, postnatally, and adult‐generated DGCs. Third, these findings generalized to another hippocampus‐dependent task, contextual fear conditioning. Together, these experiments indicate that developmentally generated and adult‐generated DGCs are integrated into hippocampal memory networks at similar rates, and suggest a functional equivalence between DGCs generated at different developmental stages. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Chronic stress and depression are associated with decreased levels of hippocampal neurogenesis. On the other hand, antidepressants as well as environmental enrichment may rely in part on their pro‐neurogenic effects to improve cognition and mood. Because a functional heterogeneity has been consistently reported along the septo‐temporal axis of the hippocampus, regional changes in neurogenesis could differentially contribute to these effects and affect distinct hippocampal functions. Mapping these regional changes could therefore provide a better understanding of the function of newborn neurons. While some studies report region‐specific effects of stress and antidepressants on neurogenesis, it is unclear whether these changes affect distinct populations of newborn neurons according to their developmental stage in a region‐specific manner. By using endogenous markers and BrdU labeling we quantified the regional changes in cell proliferation and survival as well as in the number of neuronal progenitors and immature neurons following unpredictable chronic mild stress (UCMS), environmental enrichment (EE) and chronic fluoxetine (20 mg/kg/day) treatment along the septo‐temporal axis of the hippocampus. EE promoted cell proliferation and survival of 4‐week‐old newborn cells as well as increased the number and proportion of post‐mitotic immature neurons specifically within the septal hippocampus. By contrast, UCMS uniformly decreased cell proliferation, survival and immature newborn neurons but differentially affected progenitor cells with a decrease restricted to the temporal regions of the hippocampus. Whereas fluoxetine treatment in control mice affected proliferation and survival specifically in the temporal hippocampus, it reversed most of the UCMS‐induced alterations all along the septo‐temporal axis. These results highlight that different factors known for exerting a mood improving effect differentially regulate neurogenesis along the septo‐temporal axis of the hippocampus. Such region and stage specific effects may correlate to distinct functional properties of newborn neurons along the septo‐temporal axis of the hippocampus which may contribute differently to the pathophysiology of affective disorders. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Exposure to prolonged stress results in structural and functional alterations in the hippocampus including reduced long‐term potentiation (LTP), neurogenesis, spatial learning and working memory impairments, and enhanced anxiety‐like behavior. On the other hand, enriched environment (EE) has beneficial effects on hippocampal structure and function, such as improved memory, increased hippocampal neurogenesis, and progressive synaptic plasticity. It is unclear whether exposure to short‐term EE for 10 days can overcome restraint stress–induced cognitive deficits and impaired hippocampal plasticity. Consequently, the present study explored the beneficial effects of short‐term EE on chronic stress–induced impaired LTP, working memory, and anxiety‐like behavior. Male Wistar rats were subjected to chronic restraint stress (6 hr/day) over a period of 21 days, and then they were exposed to EE (6 hr/day) for 10 days. Restraint stress reduced hippocampal CA1‐LTP, increased anxiety‐like symptoms in elevated plus maze, and impaired working memory in T‐maze task. Remarkably, EE facilitated hippocampal LTP, improved working memory performance, and completely overcame the effect of chronic stress on anxiety behavior. In conclusion, exposure to EE can bring out positive effects on synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus and thereby elicit its beneficial effects on cognitive functions. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

It is well established that stress impacts the underlying processes of learning and memory. The effects of stress on memory are thought to involve, at least in part, effects on the hippocampus, which is particularly vulnerable to stress. Chronic stress induces hippocampal alterations, including but not limited to dendritic atrophy and decreased neurogenesis, which are thought to contribute to chronic stress‐induced hippocampal dysfunction and deficits in learning and memory. Changes in synaptic transmission, including changes in GABAergic inhibition, have been documented following chronic stress. Recently, our laboratory demonstrated shifts in EGABA in CA1 pyramidal neurons following chronic stress, compromising GABAergic transmission and increasing excitability of these neurons. Interestingly, here we demonstrate that these alterations are unique to CA1 pyramidal neurons, since we do not observe shifts in EGABA following chronic stress in dentate gyrus granule cells. Following chronic stress, there is a decrease in the expression of the GABAA receptor (GABAAR) δ subunit and tonic GABAergic inhibition in dentate gyrus granule cells, whereas there is an increase in the phasic component of GABAergic inhibition, evident by an increase in the peak amplitude of spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic currents (sIPSCs). Given the numerous changes observed in the hippocampus following stress, it is difficult to pinpoint the pertinent contributing pathophysiological factors. Here we directly assess the impact of a reduction in tonic GABAergic inhibition of dentate gyrus granule cells on learning and memory using a mouse model with a decrease in GABAAR δ subunit expression specifically in dentate gyrus granule cells (Gabrd/Pomc mice). Reduced GABAAR δ subunit expression and function in dentate gyrus granule cells is sufficient to induce deficits in learning and memory. Collectively, these findings suggest that the reduction in GABAAR δ subunit‐mediated tonic inhibition in dentate gyrus granule cells contributes, at least in part, to deficits in learning and memory associated with chronic stress. These findings have significant implications regarding the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying impairments in learning and memory associated with stress and suggest a role for GABAAR δ subunit containing receptors in dentate gyrus granule cells. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Laboratory rodents provided chronic unlimited access to running wheels display increased neurogenesis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. In addition, recent studies indicate that such an access to wheels stimulates dendritic arborization in newly formed neurons. However, (i) the presence of the running wheel in the housing environment might also bear intrinsic influences on the number and shape of new neurons and (ii) the dendritic arborization of new neurons might be insensitive to moderate daily running activity (i.e., several hours). In keeping with these uncertainties, we have examined neurogenesis and dendritic arborization in newly formed granular cells in adult C57Bl/6N male mice housed for 3 weeks under standard conditions, with a locked wheel, with a running wheel set free 3 h/day, or with a running wheel set permanently free. The results indicate that the presence of a blocked wheel in the home cage increased cell proliferation, but not the number of new neurons while running increased in a duration‐dependent manner the number of newborn neurons, as assessed by DCX labeling. Morphological analyses of the dendritic tree of newborn neurons, as identified by BrdU‐DCX co‐staining, revealed that although the presence of the wheel stimulated their dendritic architecture, the amplitude of this effect was lower than that elicited by running activity, and was found to be running duration‐dependent. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Addition of new granule cells to the dentate gyrus (DG) from stem or progenitor cells declines considerably during ageing. However, potential age-related alterations in migration, enduring survival and neuronal fate choice of newly born cells, and rate of maturation and dendritic growth of newly differentiated neurons are mostly unknown. We addressed these issues by analysing cells that are positive for 5'-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), doublecortin (DCX), BrdU and DCX, and BrdU and neuron-specific nuclear antigen (NeuN) in the DG of young adult, middle-aged and aged F344 rats treated with daily injections of BrdU for 12 consecutive days. Analyses performed at 24 h, 10 days and 5 months after BrdU injections reveal that the extent of new cell production decreases dramatically by middle age but exhibits no change thereafter. Interestingly, fractions of newly formed cells that exhibit appropriate migration and prolonged survival, and fractions of newly born cells that differentiate into neurons, remain stable during ageing. However, in newly formed neurons of the middle-aged and aged DG, the expression of mature neuronal marker NeuN is delayed and early dendritic growth is retarded. Thus, the presence of far fewer new granule cells in the aged DG is not due to alterations in the long term survival and phenotypic differentiation of newly generated cells but solely owing to diminished production of new cells. The results also underscore that the capability of the DG milieu to support neuronal fate choice, migration and enduring survival of newly born cells remains stable even during senescence but its ability to promote rapid neuronal maturation and dendritic growth is diminished as early as middle age.  相似文献   

An inadequate supply of oxygen in the brain may lead to an inflammatory response through neuronal and glial cells that can result in neuronal damage. Tumor necrosis factor‐α (TNF‐α) is a proinflammatory cytokine that is released during acute hypoxia and can have neurotoxic or neuroprotective effects in the brain. Both TNF‐α and interleukin‐1β (IL‐1β) have been shown by a number of research groups to alter synaptic scaling and also to inhibit long‐term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampus when induced by specific high‐frequency stimulation (HFS) protocols. This study examines the effects of TNF‐α on synaptic transmission and plasticity in hippocampal slices after acute hypoxia using two HFS protocols. Field excitatory postsynaptic potentials were elicited in the medial perforant pathway of the dentate gyrus. Exogenous TNF‐α (5 ng/ml) attenuated LTP induced by theta burst stimulation but had no effect on LTP induced by a more prolonged HFS. Pretreatment with lipopolysaccharide (100 ng/ml) or TNF‐α but not IL‐1β (4 ng/ml) prior to a 30‐min hypoxic insult resulted in a significant enhancement of LTP post hypoxia when induced by the HFS. Anti‐TNF, 3,6′‐dithiothalidomide (a TNF‐α synthesis inhibitor), and SB203580 (a p38 MAPK inhibitor) significantly reduced this effect. These results indicate an important modulatory role for elevated TNF‐α levels on LTP in the hippocampus after an acute hypoxic event. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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