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目的:探讨磷酸酶基因(PTEN)表达缺失情况与胃癌分化程度的关系。方法:通过检测52例经病理证实为胃癌的手术标本或胃镜检查活检标本中PTEN的表达情况,并与浅表性胃炎和正常无病变的胃黏膜活检标本(各20例)比较。结果:浅表性胃炎组、正常胃黏膜组所有标本中PTEN均有高度阳性(+++)表达,两组无明显差异(P〉0.05);低分化胃癌组、中分化胃癌组、高分化胃癌组与浅表性胃炎组或正常胃黏膜组比较,随着胃癌分化程度的降低,PTEN的表达逐渐减弱,组间差异经统计学分析有显著性意义(P〈0.05)。结论:PTEN的表达情况与胃癌的分化程度密切相关,胃癌组织学分化越差,PTEN的表达缺失越明显。  相似文献   

雄激素受体异常激活与激素非依赖性前列腺癌的形成机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
前列腺癌进展的晚期常转变为激素非依赖性 ,包括雄激素受体拮抗剂在内的多种细胞外因子能够刺激其增殖。雄激素受体基因突变、多种途径引起的异常磷酸化激活和共激活物的调节失控等是激素非依赖性前列腺癌形成的主要促成因素。以雄激素受体为靶标可能成为晚期前列腺癌的有效治疗途径。  相似文献   

Molecular changes are vital for the development of prognostic markers and therapeutic modalities of prostate cancer (CaP). There is growing interest in mucins as treatment targets in human malignancies, including CaP. The role of their expression in the progression of CaP is however unclear. We examined the expressions MUC1, MUC2, MUC4, MUC5AC and MUC6 in CaP tissues using tissue microarrays (TMAs) to look for tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) for targeted therapy. In this study, 120 paraffin-embedded specimens were selected from patients who underwent radical retro-pubic prostatectomy (RRP) or trans-urethral-resection of the prostate (TURP) for primary, untreated CaP and 10 matched lymph node metastases. A series of MUC monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) was used on TMAs by standard immunohistochemistry. Our results indicate that the over-expression of MUC1 was detected in 58% of primary CaP tissues and 90% of lymph node metastases but not in normal prostate or benign tissues, while the expression of MUC2, MUC4, MUC5AC and MUC6 was found to be negative in both normal and cancer tissues. Of the MUC1 positive tumors 86% were Gleason grade 7 or higher. Over-expression of MUC1 was found in late stage CaP while MUC2, 4, 5AC and 6 were negative in CaP. MUC1 is a TAA that is highly related to tumor progression in CaP patients. This antigen is ideal for targeted therapy to control micrometastases and hormone refractory disease but additional studies are necessary to assess its usefulness in patient biopsies and CaP bone metastases before clinical trial.  相似文献   

血清PSA和性激素六项联合检测与前列腺良恶性疾病的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨血清前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)、游离前列腺特异性抗原(fPSA)、f/t PSA及性激素六项在前列腺疾病中的应用价值,用放射免疫法(RIA)测定72例前列腺增生(BPH)患者和40例前列腺癌(Pca)患者血清中的PSA、fPSA、f/t PSA及性激素六项[睾酮(T)、孕酮(P)、雌二醇(E2)、垂体泌乳素(PRL)、促黄体生成素(LH)、促卵泡成熟激素(FSH)]水平.结果表明,BPH组的性激素T、E2、PRL、LH、FSH水平均明显低于Pca组,Pca组中P水平明显低于BPH组;BPH组fPSA、f/t PSA比值均明显高于Pca组.提示前列腺良恶性疾病(BPH和Pca)与激素水平失调有关,血清tPSA、fPSA均是诊断Pca和BPH的重要指标,与血清f/t PSA联合测定,可提示哪些患者需要进行前列腺TRUS,并可提高Pca早期检出率.  相似文献   

为探讨卵巢上皮性肿瘤患者血清人附睾上皮分泌蛋白4(HE4)水平的变化,以及与临床病理特征的关系,采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测21例良性卵巢上皮肿瘤患者、12例交界性卵巢上皮肿瘤患者和49例卵巢癌患者血清HE4水平,并分析其水平与临床病理特征的关系。卵巢癌组血清HE4水平(中位数123.00pmol/L)明显高于交界性卵巢上皮肿瘤组(中位数41.20pmol/L)和良性卵巢上皮肿瘤组(中位数32.80pmol/L);血清HE4水平与卵巢上皮性癌患者是否绝经、年龄及有无淋巴结转移无关(P〉0.05),而与患者的临床FIGO分期(Ⅰ+Ⅱ、Ⅲ+Ⅳ)、病理组织学类型及有无腹水有关(P〈0.05),浆液性癌(中位数198.50pmol/L)和子宫内膜样癌患者的血清HE4水平(中位数139.25pmol/L)明显高于黏液性癌患者(中位数30.95pmol/L)(U值分别为17.00和2.00,P〈0.01)。血清HE4水平与卵巢上皮性癌临床病理特征密切相关,并有望成为卵巢上皮性肿瘤恶变的标志物。  相似文献   

为探讨前列腺特异抗原(PSA)及前列腺特异抗原密度(PSAD)的临床应用价值,用放射免疫分析法测定了28例前列腺癌(Pca)及80例良性前列腺增生(BPH)患者的治疗前,后PSA含量,其中18例Pca及50例BPH患者同时测定了PSAD,结果PSA诊断Pca的灵敏度,特异性和准确度分别为85.7%,80.0%和81.4%,在鉴别Pca和BPH上PSAD优于PSA,使假阳性率由PSA的20%降到6%,但在临床应用中要注意结合其它检查进行综合分析。治疗后定期检测血清PSA对早期发现局部复发或转移,判断疗效和估测预后均有重要价值。  相似文献   

Background: Consumption of lycopene through tomato products has been suggested to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Cellular adhesion and migration are important features of cancer progression and therefore a potential target for cancer interception. In the present study we have examined the in vitro effect of lycopene on these processes.Methods: Prostate cancer cell lines PC3, DU145 and immortalised normal prostate cell line PNT-2 were used. The adhesion assay consisted of seeding pre-treated cells onto Matrigel™, gently removing non-adherent cells and quantitating the adherent fraction using WST-1. Migratory potential was assessed using ibidi™ migration chamber inserts, in which a cell-free zone between two confluent areas was allowed to populate over time and the migration measured.Results: 24 hour incubation of prostate cell lines with 1.15µmol/l lycopene showed a 40% reduction of cellular motility in case of PC3 cells, 58% in DU145 cells and no effect was observed for PNT2 cells. A dose related inhibition of cell adhesion to a basement membrane in the form of Matrigel™ was observed in all three cell lines and it reached statistical significance for PC3 and PNT2 cells at lycopene concentrations ≥1.15µmol/l. However, in case of DU145, only a concentration of 2.3µmol/l showed a significant reduction.Conclusion: This in vitro investigation indicates that lycopene can influence the cell adhesion and migration properties of cancer cells at a dose which is arguably achievable in patients. The results of our study expand our understanding of a chemo preventive role of lycopene in prostate cancer.  相似文献   

目的 探讨跨膜丝氨酸蛋白酶 4 ( transmembrane protease serine 4, TMPRSS4)、 线皮素-1 ( ladinin-1, LAD1) 在宫颈癌患者组织中的表达情况及与患者预后的关系。 方法 选取 2015 年 6 月 ~ 2018 年 6 月在丹阳市人民医院手术治疗的宫颈癌患者 79 例为研究对象, 并在术中收集患者 79 例癌组织标本, 60 例 癌旁组织标本, 采用免疫组织化学染色法观察宫颈癌组织中 TMPRSS4、 LAD1 蛋白表达情况, 实时荧光定 量 PCR (qRT-PCR) 法检测组织中 TMPRSS4、 LAD1 mRNA 表达水平。 收集患者临床病理参数并对患者进 行 3 年随访, 分析 TMPRSS4、 LAD1 表达水平与患者临床病理参数的关系及影响宫颈癌患者预后的因素。 Pearson 法分析 TMPRSS4 与 LAD1 表达的相关性, 利用受试者工作特征曲线 (receiver operating characteristic curve, ROC) 分析 TMPRSS4、 LAD1 水平对患者预后的预测价值。 结果 宫颈癌患者癌组织 TMPRSS4、 LAD1 表达水平均高于癌旁组织 (P< 0. 05)。 宫颈癌组织中 TMPRSS4 和 LAD1 的表达水平呈明显正相关 (r = 0. 249, P< 0. 05)。 宫颈癌组织中 TMPRSS4 与 LAD1 蛋白表达与患者 FIGO 分期和肿瘤分化程度有关 (P< 0. 05), FIGO 分期、 肿瘤分化程度、 TMPRSS4、 LAD1 蛋白表达水平是影响患者预后的因素 (P< 0. 05)。 预后存活患者癌组织中 TMPRSS4 和 LAD1 水平均显著低于预后死亡患者 (P< 0. 05)。 ROC 结果显示, TMPRSS4 和 LAD1 水平评估患者预后的曲线下面积分别为 0. 756、 0. 909, 对应的敏感度分别为 91. 11 % 、 52. 94 % , 特异度分别为 85. 29 % 、 85. 29 % ; 二者联合评估患者预后的曲线下面积为 0. 952, 敏感度为 88. 89 % , 特异度为 88. 24 % 。 结论 TMPRSS4、 LAD1 在宫颈癌患者组织中均高表达, 二者表达呈明显正 相关, 可应用于评估患者预后。  相似文献   

血清PSA与PAP检测在前列腺癌诊断中的应用价值   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探讨血清前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)及酸性磷酸酶(PAP)对前列腺癌患者的辅助诊断价值。方法:采用免疫放射分析法(IRMA)对98例前列腺癌患者,45例前列腺良性疾患及40例正常健康人进行血清PSA,PAP测定。结果:前列腺癌组PSA,PAP水平均显著高于前列腺良性疾患组及正常对照组(P<0.01),PSA对前列腺癌的灵敏性为93.9%),特异性为93.3%,PAP对前列腺癌的灵敏性为71.%,特异性为91.1%。结论:血清PSA与PAP检测对前列腺癌的早期诊断有较高的临床价值,是临床分期, 效监测及判断预后的重要参考指标。  相似文献   

The aim was to investigate the expression of the CXCR4 protein in five molecular subtypes of breast cancer. The authors randomly selected the breast cancer paraffin-embedded specimens of the Affiliated Third Hospital of Harbin Medical University between 2007 and 2009. Details are as follows: basal-like subtype—ER (–), PR (–), C-erbB-2 (–), CK5/6 (+), n = 36; normal breast subtype—ER (–), PR (–), C-erbB-2 (–), CK5/6(–), n = 40; luminal A subtype—ER/PR (+), C-erbB-2 (–), n = 38; luminal B subtype—ER/PR (+), C-erbB-2 (+), n = 60; C-erbB-2 (+) subtype—ER (–), PR (–), C-erbB-2 (+), n = 58. Using the immunohistochemistry method, the authors detected the expression of the CXCR4 protein in the five subtypes. The CXCR4 protein expression in the basal-like subtype was the highest, and that in the luminal A subtype was the lowest. In terms of five molecular subtypes of breast cancer, the differences in CXCR4 protein expression were significant (p < .001). In terms of C-erbB-2 expression, tumor stage, and lymph node metastasis of breast cancer, the differences in CXCR4 protein expression were significant (p < .01).  相似文献   

Chronic inflammation triggers DNA damage and oncogenic mutations and causes tumor formation and tumor progression. One of the important components of the inflammatory response is Toll-like receptor (TLR) family. The objective of our study is to determine the relationship between rs4986790(+896A/G) and rs4986791(+1196C/T) gene polymorphisms and lung cancer risk. PCR-RFLP technique was carried out to identify the genotypes in 100 control individuals and 160 lung cancer patients. DNA extracted from peripheral blood samples were amplified and digested with NcoI and HinfI then visualized. We did not find any difference between genotype frequencies between controls and patients (p?>?0.05) in rs4986790. But a significant difference between control group and patients with lung cancer as for genotype frequencies (χ 2?=?4.19, p?=?0.041) in rs4986791 variants was found. Our data indicate that any correlation was not found between rs4986790 polymorphism and lung cancer, while a correlation between rs4986791 and lung cancer has been determined and found to be associated with lung cancer risk.  相似文献   

袁长翮 《医学信息》2018,(4):156-157
目的 研究与分析超声引导下经直肠前列腺穿刺诊断前列腺癌的价值。方法 选取2015年1月~2017年1月我院收治的疑似前列腺癌患者100例,其中经超声引导下行会阴法穿刺诊断者50例为对照组,经超声引导下行直肠前列腺12点穿刺诊断者50例为观察组。比较分析两组诊断结果以及并发症情况。结果 观察组确诊率为72.00%,高于对照组的42.00%,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组并发症发生率为8.00%,低于对照组的22.00%,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 超声引导下经直肠前列腺穿刺诊断前列腺癌具有较高的确诊率,且能有效减少患者各种并发症,并为临床诊断前列腺疾病提供一定依据,值得应用推广。  相似文献   

激素难治性前列腺癌(hormone refractory prostate cancer,HRPC)是近年来前列癌预后差的主要原因,而前列腺特异性膜抗原(prostate specific membrane antigen,PSMA)因在HRPC高特异性表达,而在其它良性病变组织如炎性病变和正常脏器组织等低水平表达或不表达而备受关注,成为HRPC靶向治疗的主要靶标,现将以PSMA为靶标的免疫治疗、基因治疗和内放射靶向治疗方面的研究和进展进行综述。  相似文献   

目的 为综合性地进一步探讨血清视黄醇结合蛋白4(retinol-binding protein 4,RBP4)水平与糖尿病肾病的相关性.方法 检索了所有RBP4与糖尿病肾病相关的已发表文献.文献来源PubMed、EMBASE、CINAHL、中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)、中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM)和维普中文科技期刊数据库(VIP)等,共获得文献23篇,阅读文题和摘要排除文献5篇:其中非病例对照研究3篇、综述1篇、Meta分析1篇.阅读全文评估后,排除不满足纳入条件文献9篇:其中不可靠性发表4篇、分组不详文章1篇、RBP4与非糖尿病肾病相关性文章4篇,最终共纳入9项相关性研究.每一项研究均对每个变量,汇总相关系数(RS),使用随机效应荟萃分析估计.使用视黄醇结合蛋白4、2型糖尿病与糖尿病肾病作为关键词.提取相关数据并应用RevMan 5.0软件进行Meta分析.结果 共纳入725例研究对象,Meta分析结果显示2型糖尿病合并肾病组血清RBP4水平明显高于对照组,其差异有统计学意义[WMD =20.47 95%CI(11.90 29.04)P<0.00001].结论 视黄醇结合蛋白4水平与糖尿病肾病呈明显相关性.  相似文献   

在过去的七十多年,转移性激素敏感性前列腺癌(mHSPC)的标准治疗一直都是单独使用雄激素剥夺治疗(ADT)。直到近几年研究显示,多西他赛(DOC)联合ADT可显著提高mHSPC患者的生存率,引起了mHSPC治疗标准的改变。近期研究证实,ADT结合醋酸阿比特龙(AA)和泼尼松(P)同样可以改善mHSPC的生存率。因此,本文将结合近期临床试验,综述mHSPC治疗的新进展。  相似文献   

RECK is expressed in the rat ventral prostate. The amount of mRNA increased after castration. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry demonstrated a transition from epithelial to stromal expression. This demonstrates that stromal cells upregulate RECK expression to regulate matrix metalloproteinases activity responsible for extracellular matrix (ECM) changes occurring after castration. Anat Rec, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

PSA、cPSA检测和骨显像对前列腺癌早期骨转移的诊断价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:分析前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)、复合前列腺特异性抗原(cPSA)联检和核素全身骨显像对前列腺癌早期骨转移的诊断价值.方法:选择152例患者(其中74例为临床确诊的前列腺癌患者,78例为良性前列腺疾病患者),全部进行血清PSA、cPSA检测,并同时对74例临床确诊的前列腺癌患者进行核素全身骨显像.另选择正常健康查体男性90例检测血清PSA、cPSA结果作为对照组.并计算cPSA/PSA比值.结果:前列腺癌患者血清PSA、cPSA检测结果及cPSA/PSA比值显著高于良性前列腺疾病患者及正常健康男性.其中,骨转移阳性显像组血清PSA、cPSA水平及cPSA/PSA比值显著高于非骨转移显像组,检测存在显著性差异(P<0.05).结论:当PSA>20μg/L、cPSA>10μg/L、cPSA/PSA>0.80时,发生前列腺癌骨转移的可能性较大,应常规做核素全身骨显像,可早期、全面地发现前列腺癌骨转移.  相似文献   

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