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A higher-order compact scheme on the nine point 2-D stencil is developed for the steady stream-function vorticity form of the incompressible Navier-Stokes (NS) equations in spherical polar coordinates, which was used earlier only for the cartesian and cylindrical geometries. The steady, incompressible, viscous and axially symmetric flow past a sphere is used as a model problem. The non-linearity in the N-S equations is handled in a comprehensive manner avoiding complications in calculations. The scheme is combined with the multigrid method to enhance the convergence rate. The solutions are obtained over a non-uniform grid generated using the transformation r = eξ while maintaining a uniform grid in the computational plane. The superiority of the higher order compact scheme is clearly illustrated in comparison with upwind scheme and defect correction technique at high Reynolds numbers by taking a large domain. This is a pioneering effort, because for the first time, the fourth order accurate solutions for the problem of viscous flow past a sphere are presented here. The drag coefficient and surface pressures are calculated and compared with available experimental and theoretical results. It is observed that these values simulated over coarser grids using the present scheme are more accurate when compared to other conventional schemes. It has also been observed that the flow separation initially occurred at Re=21.  相似文献   

In this paper, a compact third-order gas-kinetic scheme is proposed for the compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes equations. The main reason for the feasibility to develop such a high-order scheme with compact stencil, which involves only neighboring cells, is due to the use of a high-order gas evolution model. Besides the evaluation of the time-dependent flux function across a cell interface, the high-order gas evolution model also provides an accurate time-dependent solution of the flow variables at a cell interface. Therefore, the current scheme not only updates the cell averaged conservative flow variables inside each control volume, but also tracks the flow variables at the cell interface at the next time level. As a result, with both cell averaged and cell interface values, the high-order reconstruction in the current scheme can be done compactly. Different from using a weak formulation for high-order accuracy in the Discontinuous Galerkin method, the current scheme is based on the strong solution, where the flow evolution starting from a piecewise discontinuous high-order initial data is precisely followed. The cell interface time-dependent flow variables can be used for the initial data reconstruction at the beginning of next time step. Even with compact stencil, the current scheme has third-order accuracy in the smooth flow regions, and has favorable shock capturing property in the discontinuous regions. It can be faithfully used from the incompressible limit to the hypersonic flow computations, and many test cases are used to validate the current scheme. In comparison with many other high-order schemes, the current method avoids the use of Gaussian points for the flux evaluation along the cell interface and the multi-stage Runge-Kutta time stepping technique. Due to its multidimensional property of including both derivatives of flow variables in the normal and tangential directions of a cell interface, the viscous flow solution, especially those with vortex structure, can be accurately captured. With the same stencil of a second order scheme, numerical tests demonstrate that the current scheme is as robust as well-developed second-order shock capturing schemes, but provides more accurate numerical solutions than the second order counterparts.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a new nonlinear cell-centered finite volume scheme on general polygonal meshes for two dimensional anisotropic diffusion problems, which preserves discrete maximum principle (DMP). The scheme is based on the so-called diamond scheme with a nonlinear treatment on its tangential flux to obtain a local maximum principle (LMP) structure. It is well-known that existing DMP preserving diffusion schemes suffer from the fact that auxiliary unknowns should be presented as a convex combination of primary unknowns. In this paper, to get rid of this constraint a nonlinearization strategy is introduced and it requires only a second-order accurate approximation for auxiliary unknowns. Numerical results show that this scheme has second-order accuracy, preserves maximum and minimum for solutions and is conservative.  相似文献   

We present an implicit-explicit finite volume scheme for the Euler equations. We start from the non-dimensionalised Euler equations where we split the pressure in a slow and a fast acoustic part. We use a Suliciu type relaxation model which we split in an explicit part, solved using a Godunov-type scheme based on an approximate Riemann solver, and an implicit part where we solve an elliptic equation for the fast pressure. The relaxation source terms are treated projecting the solution on the equilibrium manifold. The proposed scheme is positivity preserving with respect to the density and internal energy and asymptotic preserving towards the incompressible Euler equations. For this first order scheme we give a second order extension which maintains the positivity property. We perform numerical experiments in 1D and 2D to show the applicability of the proposed splitting and give convergence results for the second order extension.  相似文献   

For steady Euler equations in complex boundary domains, high-order shockcapturing schemes usually suffer not only from the difficulty of steady-state convergence but also from the problem of dealing with physical boundaries on Cartesian grids to achieve uniform high-order accuracy. In this paper, we utilize a fifth-order finite difference hybrid WENO scheme to simulate steady Euler equations, and the same fifth-order WENO extrapolation methods are developed to handle the curved boundary. The values of the ghost points outside the physical boundary can be obtained by applying WENO extrapolation near the boundary, involving normal derivatives acquired by the simplified inverse Lax-Wendroff procedure. Both equivalent expressions involving curvature and numerical differentiation are utilized to transform the tangential derivatives along the curved solid wall boundary. This hybrid WENO scheme is robust for steady-state convergence and maintains high-order accuracy in the smooth region even with the solid wall boundary condition. Besides, the essentially non-oscillation property is achieved. The numerical spectral analysis also shows that this hybrid WENO scheme has low dispersion and dissipation errors. Numerical examples are presented to validate the high-order accuracy and robust performance of the hybrid scheme for steady Euler equations in curved domains with Cartesian grids.  相似文献   

In this paper, a conservative parallel iteration scheme is constructed to solve nonlinear diffusion equations on unstructured polygonal meshes. The design is based on two main ingredients: the first is that the parallelized domain decomposition is embedded into the nonlinear iteration; the second is that prediction and correction steps are applied at subdomain interfaces in the parallelized domain decomposition method. A new prediction approach is proposed to obtain an efficient conservative parallel finite volume scheme. The numerical experiments show that our parallel scheme is second-order accurate, unconditionally stable, conservative and has linear parallel speed-up.  相似文献   

In this paper, a class of high order numerical schemes is proposed to solve the nonlinear parabolic equations with variable coefficients. This method is based on our previous work [11] for convection-diffusion equations, which relies on a special kernel-based formulation of the solutions and successive convolution. However, disadvantages appear when we extend the previous method to our equations, such as inefficient choice of parameters and unprovable stability for high-dimensional problems. To overcome these difficulties, a new kernel-based formulation is designed to approach the spatial derivatives. It maintains the good properties of the original one, including the high order accuracy and unconditionally stable for one-dimensional problems, hence allowing much larger time step evolution compared with other explicit schemes. In addition, without extra computational cost, the proposed scheme can enlarge the available interval of the special parameter in the formulation, leading to less errors and higher efficiency. Moreover, theoretical investigations indicate that it is unconditionally stable for multi-dimensional problems as well. We present numerical tests for one- and two-dimensional scalar and system, demonstrating the designed high order accuracy and unconditionally stable property of the scheme.  相似文献   

Based on the high order essentially non-oscillatory (ENO) Lagrangian type scheme on quadrilateral meshes presented in our earlier work [3], in this paper we develop a third order conservative Lagrangian type scheme on curvilinear meshes for solving the Euler equations of compressible gas dynamics. The main purpose of this work is to demonstrate our claim in [3] that the accuracy degeneracy phenomenon observed for the high order Lagrangian type scheme is due to the error from the quadrilateral mesh with straight-line edges, which restricts the accuracy of the resulting scheme to at most second order. The accuracy test given in this paper shows that the third order Lagrangian type scheme can actually obtain uniformly third order accuracy even on distorted meshes by using curvilinear meshes. Numerical examples are also presented to verify the performance of the third order scheme on curvilinear meshes in terms of resolution for discontinuities and non-oscillatory properties.  相似文献   

We present quantum numerical methods for the typical initial boundaryvalue problems (IBVPs) of convection-diffusion equations in fluid dynamics. The IBVPis discretized into a series of linear systems via finite difference methods and explicittime marching schemes. To solve these discrete systems in quantum computers, wedesign a series of quantum circuits, including four stages of encoding, amplification,adding source terms, and incorporating boundary conditions. In the encoding stage,the initial condition is encoded in the amplitudes of quantum registers as a state vectorto take advantage of quantum algorithms in space complexity. In the following threestages, the discrete differential operators in classical computing are converted into unitary evolutions to satisfy the postulate in quantum systems. The related arithmeticcalculations in quantum amplitudes are also realized to sum up the increments fromthese stages. The proposed quantum algorithm is implemented within the open-sourcequantum computing framework Qiskit [2]. By simulating one-dimensional transientproblems, including the Helmholtz equation, the Burgers’ equation, and Navier-Stokesequations, we demonstrate the capability of quantum computers in fluid dynamics.  相似文献   

A higher order interpolation scheme based on a multi-stage BVD (Boundary Variation Diminishing) algorithm is developed for the FV (Finite Volume) method on non-uniform, curvilinear structured grids to simulate the compressible turbulent flows. The designed scheme utilizes two types of candidate interpolants including a higher order linear-weight polynomial as high as eleven and a THINC (Tangent of Hyperbola for INterface Capturing) function with the adaptive steepness. We investigate not only the accuracy but also the efficiency of the methodology through the cost efficiency analysis in comparison with well-designed mapped WENO (Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory) scheme. Numerical experimentation including benchmark broadband turbulence problem as well as real-life wall-bounded turbulent flows has been carried out to demonstrate the potential implementation of the present higher order interpolation scheme especially in the ILES (Implicit Large Eddy Simulation) of compressible turbulence.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel high-order space-time method for hyperbolic conservation laws. Two important concepts, the staggered space-time mesh of the space-time conservation element/solution element (CE/SE) method and the local discontinuous basis functions of the space-time discontinuous Galerkin (DG) finite element method, are the two key ingredients of the new scheme. The staggered space-time mesh is constructed using the cell-vertex structure of the underlying spatial mesh. The universal definitions of CEs and SEs are independent of the underlying spatial mesh and thus suitable for arbitrarily unstructured meshes. The solution within each physical time step is updated alternately at the cell level and the vertex level. For this solution updating strategy and the DG ingredient, the new scheme here is termed as the discontinuous Galerkin cell-vertex scheme (DG-CVS). The high order of accuracy is achieved by employing high-order Taylor polynomials as the basis functions inside each SE. The present DG-CVS exhibits many advantageous features such as Riemann-solver-free, high-order accuracy, point-implicitness, compactness, and ease of handling boundary conditions. Several numerical tests including the scalar advection equations and compressible Euler equations will demonstrate the performance of the new method.  相似文献   

RBF based grid-free scheme with PDE centres is experimented in this workfor solving Convection-Diffusion Equations (CDE), a simplified model of the Navier-Stokes equations. For convection dominated problems, very few integration schemescan give converged solutions for the entire range of diffusivity wherein sharp layers areexpected in the solutions and accurate computation of these layers is a big challengefor most of the numerical schemes. Radial Basis Function (RBF) based Local HermitianInterpolation (LHI) with PDE centres is one such integration scheme which has somebuilt in upwind effect and hence may be a good solver for the convection dominatedproblems. In the present work, to get convergent solutions consistently for small diffusion parameters, an explicit upwinding is also introduced in to the RBF based schemewith PDE centres, which was initially used to solve some time dependent problemsin [10]. RBF based numerical schemes are one type of grid free numerical schemesbased on the radial distances and hence very easy to use in high dimensional problems. In this work, the RBF scheme, with different upwind biasing, is used to a varietyof steady benchmark problems with continuous and discontinuous boundary data andvalidated against the corresponding exact solutions. Comparisons of the solutions ofthe convective dominant benchmark problems show that the upwind biasing eitherin source centres or PDE centres gives convergent solutions consistently and is stablewithout any oscillations especially for problems with discontinuities in the boundaryconditions. It is observed that the accuracy of the solutions is better than the solutionsof other standard integration schemes particularly when the computations are carriedout with fewer centers.  相似文献   

Within the mode-coupling theory (MCT) of the glass transition, we reconsider the numerical schemes to evaluate the MCT functional. Here we propose nonuniform discretizations of the wave number, in contrast to the standard equidistant grid,in order to decrease the number of grid points without losing accuracy. We discuss indetail how the integration scheme on the new grids has to be modified from standardRiemann integration. We benchmark our approach by solving the MCT equations numerically for mono-disperse hard disks and hard spheres and by computing the criticalpacking fraction and the nonergodicity parameters. Our results show that significantimprovements in performance can be obtained employing a nonuniform grid.  相似文献   

In the paper, we develop and analyze a new mass-preserving splitting domain decomposition method over multiple sub-domains for solving parabolic equations. The domain is divided into non-overlapping multi-bock sub-domains. On the interfaces of sub-domains, the interface fluxes are computed by the semi-implicit (explicit) flux scheme. The solutions and fluxes in the interiors of sub-domains are computed by the splitting one-dimensional implicit solution-flux coupled scheme. The important feature is that the proposed scheme is mass conservative over multiple non-overlapping sub-domains. Analyzing the mass-preserving S-DDM scheme is difficult over non-overlapping multi-block sub-domains due to the combination of the splitting technique and the domain decomposition at each time step. We prove theoretically that our scheme satisfies conservation of mass over multi-block non-overlapping sub-domains and it is unconditionally stable. We further prove the convergence and obtain the error estimate in $L^2$-norm. Numerical experiments confirm theoretical results.  相似文献   

The extension of diamond scheme for diffusion equation to three dimensions is presented. The discrete normal flux is constructed by a linear combination of the directional flux along the line connecting cell-centers and the tangent flux along the cell-faces. In addition, it treats material discontinuities by a new iterative method. The stability and first-order convergence of the method are proved on distorted meshes. The numerical results illustrate that the method appears to be approximate second-order accuracy for solution.  相似文献   

Within the projection schemes for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (namely "pressure-correction" method), we consider the simplest method (of order one in time) which takes into account the pressure in both steps of the splitting scheme. For this scheme, we construct, analyze and implement a new high order compact spatial approximation on nonstaggered grids. This approach yields a fourth order accuracy in space with an optimal treatment of the boundary conditions (without error on the velocity) which could be extended to more general splitting. We prove the unconditional stability of the associated Cauchy problem via von Neumann analysis. Then we carry out a normal mode analysis so as to obtain more precise results about the behavior of the numerical solutions. Finally we present detailed numerical tests for the Stokes and the Navier-Stokes equations (including the driven cavity benchmark) to illustrate the theoretical results.  相似文献   

In [A NURBS-enhanced finite volume solver for steady Euler equations, X. C.Meng, G. H. Hu, J. Comput. Phys., Vol. 359, pp. 77–92], a NURBS-enhanced finite volumemethod was developed to solve the steady Euler equations, in which the desired highorder numerical accuracy was obtained for the equations imposed in the domain witha curved boundary. In this paper, the method is significantly improved in the following ways: (i) a simple and efficient point inversion technique is designed to computethe parameter values of points lying on a NURBS curve, (ii) with this new point inversion technique, the $h$-adaptive NURBS-enhanced finite volume method is introducedfor the steady Euler equations in a complex domain, and (iii) a goal-oriented a posteriorierror indicator is designed to further improve the efficiency of the algorithm towardsaccurately calculating a given quantity of interest. Numerical results obtained from avariety of numerical experiments with different flow configurations successfully showthe effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Standard compact scheme and upwinding compact scheme have high order accuracy and high resolution, but cannot capture the shock which is a discontinuity. This work developed a modified upwinding compact scheme which uses an effective shock detector to block compact scheme to cross the shock and a control function to mix the flux with WENO scheme near the shock. The new scheme makes the original compact scheme able to capture the shock sharply and, more importantly, keep high order accuracy and high resolution in the smooth area which is particularly important for shock boundary layer and shock acoustic interactions. Numerical results show the scheme is successful for 2-D Euler and 2-D Navier-Stokes solvers. The examples include 2-D incident shock, 2-D incident shock and boundary layer interaction. The scheme is robust, which does not involve case related parameters.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new symmetric energy-conserved splitting FDTD scheme (symmetric EC-S-FDTD) for Maxwell's equations is proposed. The new algorithm inherits the same properties of our previous EC-S-FDTDI and EC-S-FDTDII algorithms: energy-conservation, unconditional stability and computational efficiency. It keeps the same computational complexity as the EC-S-FDTDI scheme and is of second-order accuracy in both time and space as the EC-S-FDTDII scheme. The convergence and error estimate of the symmetric EC-S-FDTD scheme are proved rigorously by the energy method and are confirmed by numerical experiments.  相似文献   

Despite the efficiency of trajectory piecewise-linear (TPWL) model order reduction (MOR) for nonlinear circuits, it needs large amount of expansion points for large-scale nonlinear circuits. This will inevitably increase the model size as well as the simulation time of the resulting reduced macromodels. In this paper, subspace TPWL-MOR approach is developed for the model order reduction of nonlinear circuits. By breaking the high-dimensional state space into several subspaces with much lower dimensions, the subspace TPWL-MOR has very promising advantages of reducing the number of expansion points as well as increasing the effective region of the reduced-order model in the state space. As a result, the model size and the accuracy of the TWPL model can be greatly improved. The numerical results have shown dramatic reduction in the model size as well as the improvement in accuracy by using the subspace TPWL-MOR compared with the conventional TPWL-MOR approach.  相似文献   

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