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Book reviews     
《Medical education》1989,23(2):209-215

Book reviews     
Book Reviews in this Article
Review article: Women managing
Hardship and Health in Women's Lives
Shattering the Glass Ceiling: The Woman Manager
Women, Management and Care
Reminiscence Reviewed: Evaluations, Achievements, Perspectives
Controlling Health Professionals
The Practice of Health Services Research
Sociology of Health and Health Care: An Introduction for Nurses
Caring in Crisis: A Handbook of Intervention Skills  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this articles: R. Pinder, The Managetnent of Chronic Illness: Patient and Doctor Perspectives on Parkinson's Disease C Power, O. Manor and J. Fox, Health and Class: the early years Denise Jodelet, Madness and Social Representations K. Charmaz, Good Days, Bad Days: the Self in Chronic Illness and Time H. Roberts (ed.). Women's Health Matters Nicholas J. Fox, The Social Meaning of Surgery Pierre Aïach and Dominique Cèbe, Expression des symptômes et conduits de maladie – facteurs socio-culturels et methodologiques de differenciation J.CoreilandJ. D, Mull (eds.), Anthropology and Primary Health Care W, Stainton Rogers, Explaining Health and Illness. An Exploration of Diversity M. Pellingand R. M. Smith (eds.). Life Death and the Elderly: Historical Perspectives S. Arber and J. Ginn, Gender and Later Life: A Sociological Analysis of Resources and Constraints A. Miles, Women, health and medicine C. Barnes, Disabled People in Britain and Discrimination Robert N. Proctor, Value-Free Science? Purity and Power in Modern Knowledge. W. Manning, E. B. Keeler, J. P. Newhouse, E. M. Sloss and J. Wasserman, The Cost of Poor Health Habits. Shorter notices S. Payne, Women, Health and Poverty. An Introduction. Elaine Draper, Risky Business: Genetic testing and exlusionary practices in the hazardous workplace  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Medical education》1988,22(3):248-249

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this articles:
An Aid to Paediatric Surgery edited by R. A. MacMahon.
The Normal Child 10th edn by Ronald S. Illingworth
Child Care, Some Nursing Perspectives edited by Alan Glasper.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this articles:
P. U. Unschuld, Medicine in China: A History of Ideas
D. Green, Working Class Patients and the Medical Establishment
D. Tuckett, M. Boulton, C. Olson, and A. Williams, Meeting Between Experts: An Approach to Sharing Ideas in Medical Consultations
G. Gritzer and A. Arluke, The Making of Rehabilitation: A Political Economy of Medical Specialisation, 1890–1980
W. F. Whyte, Learning from the Field: A Guide from Experience
Roger Cooler, The Cultural Meeting of Popular Science: Phrenology and the organization of consent in nineteenth- century Britain
Paul Weindling ed. The Social History of Occupational Health
T. Rathwell and D. Phillips, eds. Health, Race and Ethnicity
Michael Lynch, Art and Artifact in Laboratory Science: A Study of Shop Work and Shop Talk in A Research Laboratory
A.RubeI, C.O'Nell and Collado-Ardon, Susto, A Folk Illness
J. A. Yoder, J. M. L. Jonker, and R. A. B. Leaper eds. Support Networks in a Caring Community: Research and Policy, Fact and Fiction
G. Corea et al., Man-Made Women: How new reproductive Technologies affect women
E. Riska, Power Politics & Health: Forces Shaping American Medicine
H. S. Berliner, A System of Scientific Medicine: Philanthropic Foundations in the Flexner Era
William C, Cockerham, Medical Sociology
J. R. Swazey and S. R. Scher eds. Social Controls and the Medical Profession
L.E. Walker ed., Women and Mental Health Policy
J. D. Douglas, Creative Interviewing
L.E. Walker ed., Women and Mental Health Policy  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Binge Eating: Nature, Assessment and Treatment . Editors: C.G. Fairburn and G.T. Wilson.
Histopathology Atlas for the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome . Edited by M. Valdés-Dapena, P.A. McFeeley, H.J. Hoffman, K.H. Damus, R.R. Fran-ciosi, D.J. Allison, M. Jones, J.C. Hunter.
Neural Tube Defects. Ciba Foundation Symposium 181 . Chichester
Cranial Haemorrhage in the Term Newborn Infant Clinics in Developmental Medicine , No. 129. By P. Govaert  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Health, risk & society》2006,8(3):323-328

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
M.M. Rosenthal, Dealing with Medical Malpractice, the British and Swedish Experience
L. Bryder, Below the Magic Mountain: a Social History of Tuberculosis in Twentieth Century Britain
E. Chdstopher, Sexuality and Birth Control in Community Work
W.A. Glaser, Paying the Hospital: the Organization, Dynamics and Effects of Differing Financial Arrangments
Z. Ben Sira, Politics and Primary Medical Care: Dehumanisation and Overutilisation
P. Bartdp, Workmen's Compensation in Twentieth Century Britain
Haas and W. Shaffir. Becoming Doctors: The Adoption of a Cloak of Competence, Greenwich
A. Cartwdght and C. Smith, Elderly People, Their Medicines and Their Doctors
J.A. Roth and P. Conrad (Eds), Research in the Sociology of Health Care, Volume 6, The Experience and Management of Chronic Illness
McDowell, and C. Newell, Measuring Health: A Guide to Rating Scales
D. Cahalan, Understanding America's Drinking Problem: How to Combat The Hazards of Alcohol
T. Stockwell and S. Clement (Eds.), Helping the Problem Drinker: New Initiatives in Community Care  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Community Profiling: Auditing social needs Murray Hawtin, Gerint Hughes and Janie Percy-Smith. Open University Press, May 1994, Price £12.99.

Obtaining the Views of Health Service Users About Quality of Information Shirley McIver. Kings Fund Centre, 1993.  相似文献   

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