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Summary The plagiocephaly index, an index that reflects an underlying anatomic asymmetry of the brain, was assessed in ten schizophrenic patients and its values were correlated with the lateral distribution of quantitatively evaluated EEG. The correlations between the index and alpha power at F7 were significant, positive for frontal asymmetry (frontal bulging) and negative for occipital flattening. We then studied ten normal subjects in an attempt to illuminate the contribution of several cephalic and cranial variables to the imbalance of alpha-afterdischarges (AD) of VEP recorded at O1–O2. The asymmetry index of AD was computed and correlated with asymmetries of CT-derived measures of occipital bone thickness, occipital lobe width, mastoid area, and sulcal asymmetry (the asymmetry of intraparietal sulcus location from the longitudinal fissure). With the exception of the sulcal variable all measures significantly covaried with alpha AD. These findings caution that it may be important to determine cranial and brain parenchymal asymmetries where brain laterality is pertinent to studies of EEG.  相似文献   

In order to investigate one aspect of cortical-autonomic control, cortical activation asymmetries, measured by EEG, were related to activity of the sympathetic nervous system, measured by EDA (electrodermal lability, number of spontaneous fluctuations), in two large samples. Since it may help to explain the participation of psychological factors in the development of various somatic complaints and disorders, we examined whether inter-individual differences in autonomic nervous system regulation may exist that are related to stress/anxiety and depression within the normal range. Results demonstrate substantial modifications of functional hemisphere asymmetries in the modulation of EDA by these emotional factors and suggest that activation asymmetries in orbital and dorsolateral frontal regions reflect two different cortical sub-systems regulating electrodermal activity. The findings may, to some extent, provide an explanation for contradictory results in previous studies and may encourage research in psychosomatics and other clinical fields (e.g. schizophrenia).  相似文献   

Two reports in the last issue of this journal attempted to replicate aspects of our previous studies on anterior electroencephalogram (EEG) asymmetry, affective style, and depression. In this commentary, an overview is provided of our model of anterior asymmetries, affective style, and psychopathology. Emphasis is placed on conceptualizing the prefrontal and anterior temporal activation patterns within a circuit that includes cortical and subcortical structures. The causal status of individual differences in asymmetric activation in the production of affective style and psychopathology is considered. Major emphasis is placed on EEG methods, particularly the need for multiple assessments to obtain estimates of asymmetric activation that better reflect an individual's true score. Issues specific to each of the two articles are also considered. Each of the articles has more consistency with our previously published data than the authors themselves suggest. Recommendations are made for future research to resolve some of the outstanding issues.  相似文献   

The main objective of the present investigation was to examine how high trait anxiety would influence cortical EEG asymmetries under non-emotional conditions and while experiencing negative emotions. The 62-channel EEG was recorded in control (n=21) and high anxiety (HA, n=18) non-patient individuals. Results showed that in HA subjects, the lowest level of arousal (eyes closed) was associated with stronger right-sided parieto-temporal theta-1 (4-6 Hz) and beta-1 (12-18 Hz) activity, whereas increased non-emotional arousal (eyes open, viewing neutral movie clip) was marked by persisting favored right hemisphere beta-1 activity. In turn, viewing aversive movie clip by the HA group led to significant lateralized decrease of the right parieto-temporal beta-1 power, which was initially higher in the emotionally neutral conditions. The EEG data suggests that asymmetrical parieto-temporal theta-1 and beta-1 EEG activity might be better interpreted in terms of Gray's BAS and BIS theory.  相似文献   

Twelve field-dependent and twelve field-independent women, who had previously shown opposite superiorities in a tachistoscopic face recognition task, returned to the laboratory for a session in which FEG asymmetry was measured during two facial and two verbal recognition tasks. Although task-related EEG asymmetries were observed, there was no effect of cognitive style on either direction or amount of asymmetry. These results suggest a lack of comparability among different methods of assessing individual differences in lateral functions.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to analyze the changes in the EEG frontal activity during the observation of commercial videoclips. In particular, we aimed to investigate the existence of EEG frontal asymmetries in the distribution of the signals’ power spectra related to experienced pleasantness of the video, as explicitly rated by the eleven experimental subjects investigated. In the analyzed population, maps of Power spectral density (PSD) showed an asymmetrical increase of theta and alpha activity related to the observation of pleasant (unpleasant) advertisements in the left (right) hemisphere. A correlation analysis revealed that the increase of PSD at left frontal sites is negatively correlated with the degree of pleasantness perceived. Conversely, the de-synchronization of left alpha frontal activity is positively correlated with judgments of high pleasantness. Moreover, our data presented an increase of PSD related to the observation of unpleasant commercials, which resulted higher with respect to the one elicited by pleasant advertisements.  相似文献   

Due to the multidisciplinary character of psychophysiology, the problem of comparability of psychological and physiological phenomena of different natures and levels of organization has always been raised. This requires the interaction of theory and methodology to appropriately address the specifics of the psychophysiological paradigm, all the while maintaining their grounding in the actual psychological and physiological concepts. The history of EEG studies of mental activity shows that a weak theoretical basis at certain stages can result not only in methodological crises but can also affect empirical data collection and interpretation. An adequate theory can lend strong support to the methodology with "brain-oriented" structuring of psychological tasks and such a theory improves the neurophysiological informative value of the EEG parameters referring to the psychological characteristics of mental processes etc. On the other hand, the great importance of the EEG recording and processing techniques can result in overrating technological progress, hence frequently holding back meaningful interpretation and construction of a comprehensive psychophysiological conceptual framework. This in turn causes demands for higher material and intellectual outlays, due to overspecialization in research, and results in work duplication as well as the creation of a fragmentary knowledge structure. This article illustrates how the multidisciplinary interaction of theory and methodology, when focused on theoretical problems, can yield a series of concepts with escalating levels of integration, bringing together such different branches of psychophysiology as the study of functional states and of individual differences. As a result, this extends the theoretical model based on normal material to encompass borderline constitutional psychopathology.  相似文献   

Event-related desynchronization (ERD) and synchronization (ERS) in the individually defined theta, alpha-1, alpha-2 and alpha-3 frequency bands were measured in 20 healthy subjects in response to International Affective Picture System (IAPS) stimuli with low, moderate and high arousal (LA, MA and HA) content. The 62-channel EEG, skin conductance response (SCR) and heart rate (HR) were simultaneously recorded while subjects viewed sequentially presented pictures and subjectively rated them after each presentation. In the theta band, both MA and HA vs. LA stimuli induced larger synchronization over the left anterior and bilaterally over posterior cortical leads. However, rather unexpectedly, both MA and HA vs. LA stimuli yielded larger alpha-1 synchronization, predominantly over occipital leads. In both theta and alpha-1 bands, affectively salient stimuli prompted larger ERS against the background of the overall dominance in power synchronization of posterior regions of the right hemisphere, irrespective of stimulus category. Finally, in the alpha-3 band, HA stimuli induce a lateralized time-dependent power increase over anterior leads of the left hemisphere. The hemispheric asymmetries revealed point to recruitment of not only posterior regions of the right hemisphere (theta and alpha-1 bands), but also of anterior regions of the left hemisphere (theta and alpha-3 bands) in affect analysis beyond valence dimension. In terms of affective chronometry, the significant arousalxtime interactions clearly indicate that in the theta frequency band discrimination of affective stimuli has already started at 200 ms post-stimulus, whereas in the alpha-1 and alpha-3 bands this process is delayed by up to 800-1200 ms.  相似文献   

We examined whether resting anterior electroencephalographic (EEG) asymmetry in the alpha frequency band has psychometric properties that would be expected of a measure assessing individual differences. In each of two experimental sessions, separated by three weeks, resting EEG in midfrontal and anterior temporal sites was recorded from 85 female adults during eight 60-s baselines. Resting alpha asymmetry demonstrated acceptable test-retest stability and excellent internal consistency reliability. Analyses including other frequency bands indicated that degree of stability varied somewhat as a function of band and region. In addition, asymmetry was less stable than absolute power. Discussion focuses on the implications of the present findings for the measurement and conceptualization of resting anterior asymmetry.  相似文献   

Epileptogenesis is a dynamic process producing increased seizure susceptibility. Electroencephalography (EEG) data provides information critical in understanding the evolution of epileptiform changes throughout epileptic foci. We designed an algorithm to facilitate efficient large-scale EEG analysis via linked automation of multiple data processing steps. Using EEG recordings obtained from electrical stimulation studies, the following steps of EEG analysis were automated: (1) alignment and isolation of pre- and post-stimulation intervals, (2) generation of user-defined band frequency waveforms, (3) spike-sorting, (4) quantification of spike and burst data and (5) power spectral density analysis. This algorithm allows for quicker, more efficient EEG analysis.  相似文献   

If the EEG is regarded as a measure of functional organisation in the brain, it may yet be possible to use it as an independent variable in psychological studies. The method of Maxwell et al. (1974) suggest how this relationship may be quantified. These authors develop the hypothesis that EEG power is proportional to p, the number of brain components involved in cognition. However, evidence is reviewed here to suggest an alternative hypothesis for the case of EEG alpha activity, namely that power is proportional to (1--p).  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that activation asymmetries of the most anterior parts of the prefrontal cortex may be related to state-dependent regulation of emotion, spontaneous changes of cortical activation asymmetries from one session to a second one were related to spontaneous mood changes in two large samples (ns = 56 and 128). The interval between sessions was 2 to 4 weeks. Results show that mood changes specifically covary with changes of EEG asymmetry at the frontopolar electrode positions, but not with changes at other locations (dorsolateral frontal, temporal, and parietal). Anxiety, tension, and depression were found to decrease when frontopolar activation asymmetry shifted to the right. Taking the new findings into account may contribute to the refinement and extension of theories on EEG laterality and emotion.  相似文献   

Summary Assessment of new technology is an important part of the evolving art of medicine. For a variety of reasons, it is appropriate to restrict clinical applications of new technology to those tests which have been shown to be safe and effective. Efficacy of new EEG technology can be assessed through a variety of standard procedures, generally based on controlled, well organized clinical studies. Scientific reports using new EEG technology all too often fail to meet the standards traditionally expected for such clinical trials. Many such studies were never designed to be clinical trials. Misunderstandings occur when reports of scientific studies and informal clinical series become confused with formal clinical trials of efficacy. Based upon examples given during the 1991 ISBET meeting symposium on discriminant analysis, examples are discussed regarding how well individual kinds of presentations can be used to help clarify the generic clinical efficacy of the presented diagnostic tests.  相似文献   

We describe a set of computational tools able to estimate cortical activity and connectivity from high-resolution EEG and fMRI recordings in humans. These methods comprise the estimation of cortical activity using realistic geometry head volume conductor models and distributed cortical source models, followed by the evaluation of cortical connectivity between regions of interest coincident with the Brodmann areas via the use of Partial Directed Coherence. Connectivity patterns estimated on the cortical surface in different frequency bands are then imaged and interpreted with measures based on graph theory. These computational tools were applied on a set of EEG and fMRI data from a Stroop task to demonstrate the potential of the proposed approach. The present findings suggest that the methodology is able to identify differences in functional connectivity patterns elicited by different experimental tasks or conditions.  相似文献   

In computer-controlled experiments the recognition by seven human observers of tachistoscopically presented geometrical figures of different size (from 0.5 to 9 angular degrees) or of different eccentricity (from 3 up to 16 degrees) in the visual field was studied. The onset of figures presentation coincided with different phases of the EEG alpha-wave in the occipital region. According to the criterion of an increase of recognition probability, an inverse dependence was revealed between the distance of the figures contour from the gaze (up to 9 degrees) and the succession of phases of alpha-wave. Small or more centrally localized figures were significantly better recognized when presented at relatively earlier phases of EEG alpha-wave, while bigger or relatively more peripherally localized figures - at earlier phases. At 16 degrees form the gaze no reliable dependence of recognition on the alpha-wave phases was revealed. The data obtained are discussed in connection with Pitts and McCulloch (1947) hypothesis about a periodical (with alpha-wave frequency) scanning wave spreading over the visual cortex. Possibility of a synchronous excitability fluctuation in the whole visual cortex with alpha-rhythm frequency that imitated the spreading process is also discussed. Data obtained and simulation of the mentioned possibilities confirmed the first explanation and thus confirmed Pitt's and McCulloch's ideas on the EEG alpha-wave as a reflection of the scanning process in the visual cortex.  相似文献   

Attention tasks and EEG power spectra.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors attempted to observe differences in alpha and beta hemispheric asymmetry during a task in which attention was directed toward input from the environment (intake task) as opposed to tasks that required that environmental events be excluded from the focus of attention (rejection tasks). In comparison to resting, both attention tasks caused a shift in alpha asymmetry ratios toward increased power on the right, with the greatest effect at temporal leads. The only significant difference between attention tasks was a finding of higher alpha power during intake than during rejection. Some characteristics of the EEG during attention indicate potential clinical utility.  相似文献   

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