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Human membrane cofactor protein (CD46) controls complement activation and when expressed sufficiently as a transgene protects xenografts against complement-mediated rejection, as shown here using non-immunosuppressed baboons and heterotopic CD46 transgenic pig kidney xenografts. This report is of a carefully engineered transgene that enables high-level CD46 expression. A novel CD46 minigene was validated by transfection and production of a transgenic pig line. Pig lymphocytes were tested for resistance to antibody and complement-mediated lysis, transgenic tissues were characterized for CD46 expression, and kidneys were transplanted to baboons without immunosuppression. Absorption of anti-Galalpha(1,3)Gal epitope (anti-GAL) serum antibodies was measured. Transgenic pigs expressed high levels of CD46 in all tissues, especially vascular endothelium, with stable expression through three generations that was readily monitored by flow cytometry of transgenic peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Transgenic PBMC pre-sensitized with antibody were highly resistant to human complement-mediated lysis which readily lysed normal pig PBMC. Normal pig kidneys transplanted without cold ischemia into non-immunosuppressed adult baboons survived a median of 3.5 h (n = 7) whereas transgenic grafts (n = 9), harvested at approximately 24-h intervals, were either macroscopically normal (at 29, 48 and 68 h) or showed limited macroscopic damage (median > 50 h). Microscopic assessment of transplanted transgenic kidneys showed only focal tubular infarcts with viable renal tissue elsewhere, no endothelial swelling or polymorph adherence and infiltration by lymphocytes beginning at 3 days. Coagulopathy was not a feature of the histology in four kidneys not rejected and assessed at 48 h or later after transplantation. Baboon anti-GAL serum antibody titers were high before transplantation and, in one extensively analyzed recipient, reduced approximately 8-fold within 5.5 h. The data demonstrate that a single CD46 transgene controls hyperacute kidney graft rejection in untreated baboons despite the presence of antibody and complement deposition. The expression levels, tissue distribution and in vitro functional tests indicate highly efficient CD46 function, controlling both classical and alternative pathway complement activation, which suggests it might be the complement regulator of choice to protect xenografts.  相似文献   

Allotransplantation of human foetal neural tissue for neurodegenerative disorders has been shown to provide clinical benefit but is limited by a number of issues including donor supply. The use of porcine foetal tissue as an alternative source of cells is being investigated but xenotransplants survive poorly as a result of immunological rejection, which may involve complement. In this study we investigated the expression of the membrane-bound complement regulatory proteins--decay accelerating factor (DAF), membrane co-factor protein (MCP) and CD59 in embryonic neural tissue. Cells were derived from human foetuses, wild-type porcine foetuses and porcine foetuses transgenic for human complement regulatory proteins and analysed using flow cytometry and immunocytochemistry. Functional assessment of human complement regulatory protein expression in transgenic porcine tissue was assessed by C3b deposition and cell survival on exposure to human complement. Human and wild-type porcine foetal neural tissue expressed moderate levels of MCP and CD59 but low or no levels of DAF. Neural tissue from porcine foetuses transgenic for human MCP (E174) expressed the transgene but failed to significantly inhibit human C3b deposition compared with non-transgenic tissue. In contrast, foetal neural tissue from two different human DAF transgenic pig lines (A74 and E71) known to express high levels of human DAF on endothelial cells, failed to express significant levels of human DAF in foetal neural tissue. Complement regulatory proteins such as MCP and CD59 are expressed in the human and wild-type embryonic brain but in contrast, DAF is expressed at very low levels. Pigs transgenic for human DAF express very low levels of human DAF on embryonic neural tissue. In pigs transgenic for human MCP, the transgene is expressed at similar levels to that in human embryonic neural tissue but at an insufficient level to prevent activation of the complement cascade. Thus alternative approaches to reducing complement activation by xenografted neural foetal tissue will be required if this process proves to be important in the rejection process.  相似文献   

The complement system is a powerful bactericidal immune defence with the potential to damage self cells. Protection of self is provided by expression on cells of a battery of membrane regulators that inhibit activation of complement. Roles of complement in the rejection of transplanted organs have long been recognized, and are particularly relevant in xenotransplantation, where hyperacute rejection is complement-driven. Inhibiting complement was therefore considered early in the history of xenografting, and the use of membrane complement regulators to this end was proposed more than two decades ago. For each of the membrane regulators in humans, early studies implied a species-specificity of action, inhibiting human complement but not that from other species. The dogma of species-specificity dictated strategies for inhibiting complement in xenografts and drove the creation of donor transgenic pigs expressing human regulators. Here we critically evaluate the evidence for species-specificity in membrane complement regulators from humans and other animals. We challenge the dogma and show that there is considerable cross-species activity for each of the membrane regulators of complement. Acceptance of the fact that species selectivity is not a limitation will open new avenues for protection of the xenograft from complement damage.  相似文献   

Recently, we and others have shown the prolongation of xenograft survival with the use of transgenic pigs bearing human CD 59 and DAF complement regulatory proteins (CRP). We now report heart transplantation using a new line of transgenic pigs bearing a different human CRP, membrane cofactor protein (MCP, CD 46). We transplanted three MCP transgenic and three wild-type porcine hearts into baboons suppressed with cyclosporine, methylprednisone, and rapamycin or cyclophosphamide. In addition, recipients were treated with extracorporeal plasma perfusion to remove alpha-Gal reactivity. The wild-type grafts were rapidly rejected at 60 to 80 min. Two functioning MCP hearts were removed after 5 and 46 h for histological examination. One MCP heart showed vigorous function until postoperative day 16. Immunohistochemistry of both wild-type and MCP-transgenic hearts showed strong deposition of IgM. In contrast, there was less MAC deposition in the transgenic graft as compared to the wild-type control. MCP is another CRP capable of decreasing the features of hyperacute rejection of cardiac xenografts in baboon recipients.  相似文献   

Abstract: Cultures of hDAF transgenic porcine aortic endothelial cells (TPAEs) with levels of cell surface hDAF expression between 2000 and 300 000 molecules per cell have been used to determine the relationship between expression of hDAF and protection from human complement deposition in an in vitro model. At concentrations below 45 000 molecules per cell, the relationship between hDAF expression and degree of protection conferred is linear. Concentrations of 123 000 molecules per cell and higher give maximal protection (60% reduction of susceptibility to neat human serum) in this model. It is concluded that increasing hDAF expression above that displayed by the A74 line of hDAF transgenic pigs (240 000 ± 15 000 molecules per cell) would not confer any additional benefit.  相似文献   

Delayed xenograft rejection (DXR) remains a major obstacle in discordant xenotransplantation. As strategies of complement inhibition and xenogeneic natural antibody (Ab) removal have been shown to give prolonged xenograft survival, we endeavored to determine whether combining these two strategies would lead to an additive effect in terms of graft survival. The study was initiated with two groups, A and B, where group A received normal kidneys and group B received hCD55 transgenic kidneys. Both groups underwent pre-transplant (day-1) total immunoglobulin (Ig) immunoadsorption (IA) and received an immunosuppression of cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine A, mycophenolate mofetil and corticosteroids. Two subsequent groups (C and D) receiving hCD55 transgenic pig kidneys were then performed with an 'optimized' immunosuppression (Cyclophosphamide starting 1 day earlier) but only group D recipients were immunoadsorbed. Biopsies taken during the post-transplantation period were analyzed for Ab deposition, compliment activation and cellular infiltration. No hyperacute rejection was observed. In the initial immunoadsorbed groups A and B, all baboons underwent DXR, which started surprisingly early (day 5 in most cases. In the subsequent two groups, the immunoadsorbed group D baboons also underwent DXR, again as early as day 5. In contrast, group C baboons did not show any signs of DXR on their day 6 biopsy or at their time of death. Analysis of graft biopsies from the kidneys undergoing rejection or with stable function showed strong deposition of anti-Gal IgM in all cases whereas strong complement C5b-9 deposits were only observed in biopsies at rejection. Cellular infiltration consisted mostly of monocytes/macrophages, was more pronounced in biopsies taken at rejection and was associated with a pro-inflammatory environment involving interleukins 1alpha, 6 and 8. Our findings suggest non-specific Ig (anti-Gal and non-Gal Ig of all isotypes) IA or even incomplete IA in immunosuppressed baboon recipients of transgenic pig kidneys is detrimental to graft survival by being associated with an Ab and compliment driven rejection. We speculate that the IA were insufficient in terms of Ig depletion or frequency inducing an Ab rebound or that this total Ig depletion also removed components facilitating graft survival.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The expression of human complement regulators has been proved as an effective strategy to overcome hyperacute rejection in discordant xenogeneic organ transplantation. In this study, we tested the hypotheses that expression of triple transgenes for human complement regulators and provide more effective protection to the transplanted pig tissues. METHODS: Pigs transgenic for human complement regulatory proteins, human CD59 (hCD59) and human membrane cofactor protein (hMCP), have been generated using large genomic constructs. Heterozygous human decay-accelerating factor (hDAF) transgenic pigs, from a previously established line, were bred with hCD59 or hCD59 plus hMCP pigs to produce animals that expressed both hCD59 and hDAF, or expressed triple transgenes hCD59, hDAF and hMCP. RESULTS: All three transgenes were widely expressed in most of the tissues analyzed, but the expression of hMCP was at low levels. In cytotoxicity assays on porcine peripheral blood mononuclear cells, the expression of a single transgenic protein, hCD59, or hCD59 in combination with hMCP provided similar protection against human complement-mediated damage as the single expression of hDAF. However, the expression of triple transgenic proteins or double hCD59 and hDAF transgenic proteins provided greater protection than either hCD59 or hDAF alone. CONCLUSIONS: Thus, pigs transgenic for multiple transgenes provide a greater degree of human complement regulation and hence might be more suitable for xenotransplantation.  相似文献   

Inhibition of complement activation via human membrane-associated complement regulators is known to prevent hyperacute rejection in heart and kidney pig-to-primate transplantation. The protective effect of such strategies in pulmonary xenografts, however, seems to be insufficient. In an ex vivo perfusion, model lungs from donor pigs transgenic for human CD55 (n = 6) or human CD59 (n = 5) were perfused with fresh human blood and compared with nontransgenic organs (n = 6). In addition, a soluble complement component 1 esterase inhibitor (C1-Inh) was applied in h-CD55 transgenic lungs (n = 3). In the h-CD55 transgenic group, survival was prolonged (P < 0.05), quality and maximal time of oxygenation significantly improved and pulmonary vascular resistance reduced compared with the control group. There was a decreased sequestration of platelets, less parenchymal injury and reduced deposition of C(5b-9) in the h-CD55 transgenic group. Additional soluble complement inhibition (C1-Inh) did not prolong survival of h-CD55 transgenic lungs. Survival and pulmonary function in lungs expressing h-CD59 was not significantly different from parameters observed in nontransgenic lungs. In this ex vivo model of pig-to-primate lung transplantation, membrane-based complement inhibition resulted in significantly improved pulmonary function. However, minor histopathological injuries observed in these transgenic xenografts suggested only partial protection from pulmonary dysfunction by complement inhibition alone.  相似文献   

The importance of complement activation and naturally occurring anti-pig antibodies in the hyperacute rejection (HAR) observed in models of pig-to-human xenotransplantation is well established. To overcome this, much effort has been dedicated to preparing transgenic pigs by knocking out Galalpha(1-3)Gal expression in these animals, or knocking in the expression of human complement regulatory proteins (CRPs), such as CD59 or decay accelerating factor. A soluble form of another membrane CRP, complement receptor type 1 (CR1), has also been shown to inhibit complement activation. Here, we show that transfection of a pig endothelial cell line with a truncated form of human soluble complement receptor 1 (sCR1) almost completely protected these cells from complement-mediated lysis by human AB serum. Pigs genetically manipulated to express human sCR1 may represent an additional strategy to inhibit HAR of pig-to-human transplanted organs.  相似文献   

To solve the chronic donor organ shortage, the pig is considered to be a possible donor candidate for human transplantation. However, hyperacute rejection occurs due to the activation of the complement cascade. Therefore, the introduction of human complement inhibitors into animal cells has been proposed as a means to prevent such exologous complement activation. To investigate the extent to which complement inhibitors are resistant to human sera in discordant animals, we established transgenic mice lines which expressed either human decay-accelerating factor (DAF) and/or homologous restriction factor 20 (HRF20) using microinjection methods. Human sera were injected into (a) 10 control mice, (b) 10 DAF-transgenic mice, (c) 10 HRF20-transgenic mice, and (d) 10 DAF and HRF20-transgenic mice. The results showed that all the mice in groups a, b, and c died immediately after injection. Three of the mice in group d died, while seven survived but showed hyperpnea and low activity. The pathological findings of groups a, b, and c included severe coagulation; however, the survivors of group d showed less severe symptoms. The above findings thus suggest that both DAF and HRF20 tend to prevent complement activation to some extent; however, its effectiveness is not considered to be sufficient for clinical use in transplantation.  相似文献   

Lee HM  Oh BC  Lim DP  Lee DS  Cho J  Lee G  Lee JR 《Xenotransplantation》2007,14(2):112-118
BACKGROUND: An understanding of the main mechanism that determines the ability of immune privilege related to Sertoli cells (SC) will provide clues for promoting a local tolerogenic environment. In this report, we established neonatal porcine SC line and evaluated their characteristics. METHODS: SC line was established following the transfection of primary SC (NPSC) from the testis of neonatal pig with plasmid pRNS-1 carrying genes for neomycin resistance and the SV40 large T antigen. Immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR were performed to evaluate the character of immortalized SC lines. RESULTS: Our immortalized SC line (iPS) proliferated stably and had a phenotype similar to NPSC, as indicated by the immunoexpression of follicle stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR), and mRNA expression of androgen receptor (AR), and Wilms' tumor antigen (WT1). Interestingly, NPSC and iPS expressed mRNA of complement regulatory proteins (CRP) such as membrane cofactor protein (CD46), decay accelerating factor (DAF or CD55), and protectin (CD59), but CD59 mRNA expression was negligible in iPS. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that iPS, immortalized by the introduction of SV40 T, retain their original characteristics, except for the relatively low expression of CD59, and that they may be useful for future in vitro and in vivo studies of immune privilege mechanisms related to SC.  相似文献   

Mounting evidence suggests that delayed xenograft rejection (DXR) of discordant xenografts has a strong humoral component. To explore the possibility of targeting this humoral response more efficiently, we performed a preliminary study in baboons immunized against pig blood cells using the immunosuppressor mitoxantrone (Mx). The results from this study showed that, in comparison with cyclophosphamide (CyP), Mx induced a long-lasting depletion of circulating B cells within 6 days of its administration and delayed secondary anti-Gal antibody (Ab) responses to pig blood cell immunizations. Given these results, we next evaluated Mx in an in vivo model of pig to baboon renal xenotransplantation. We performed a series of renal xenotransplantations in baboons using human CD55-CD59 transgenic donor pigs. In the first group of baboons (Mx group; n = 4) Mx was administered 6 days prior to the day of transplantation, the objective being to perform the xenotransplantation in a context where the recipient would have few remaining circulating B cells and thus have an impaired capacity to mount an Ab response to the xenograft. We compared this group to a second group of baboons treated with CyP starting 1 day prior to transplantation (CyP group; n = 2). All baboons receiving Mx or CyP received an additional immunosuppression of cyclosporin A, mycophenolate mofetil and steroids. No hyperacute rejection was observed in either group but all xenografts underwent DXR. Mx did not show superiority to CyP in terms of graft survival with a mean survival time of 8 +/- 2 days compared with 9 days for both CyP-treated baboons. Neither CyP nor Mx decreased serum levels of pre-existing anti-Gal Abs but levels of these Abs decreased dramatically within 1 day of transplantation, likely reflecting their immediate trapping within the xenograft. Interestingly however, in contrast to CyP, Mx inhibited the return of anti-Gal immunoglobulin M (IgM) to the circulation, even at the time of rejection. Nevertheless, strong intragraft deposits of IgM, IgG and the activated complement complex C5b-9 were observed in biopsies at rejection. Furthermore, despite the expected profound depletion of circulating B cells by Mx within 6 days of its administration, biopsies from both groups at rejection displayed a mild B cell infiltrate accompanied by a strong macrophage and intermediate T-cell infiltration, the latter tending to be more abundant in Mx-treated animals. Our data show that in this particular model of pig to baboon xenotransplantation and at the dose used, Mx was not superior to CyP in conferring protection against rejection, despite its capacity to profoundly deplete circulating B cells and to inhibit anti-Gal Ab responses to xenografts. DXR was thus possible without the return of anti-Gal Abs and may have been mediated by the early fixation of pre-existing Abs with secondary complement activation. However, although Mx was not more efficient than CyP in controlling DXR, its capacity to deplete B cells and delay Ab recovery may be beneficial in the context of Gal knockout organ transplantation where the induced Ab response is likely to take precedence over the preformed response.  相似文献   

Abstract: Background: Hyperacute rejection (HAR) and early graft failure (EGF) have been described in a minority of pig‐to‐baboon heart transplants using organs transgenic for human complement regulatory proteins (hCRP). Here we investigate the role of coagulation cascade activation in the pathogenesis of HAR and EGF in a consecutive series where a high incidence of these outcomes was observed. Methods: Twenty‐eight naïve wild‐caught Papio anubis baboons received heterotopic heart transplants from pigs transgenic for hDAF (n = 23) or hMCP (n = 5). Immunosuppression consisted of cyclosporine A, cyclophosphamide and MMF (n = 18) or anti‐CD154 mAb (IDEC‐131) and ATG (n = 10). Eleven received anti‐Gal carbohydrates (GAS914, n = 8, or NEX1285, n = 3), of which four also underwent extracorporeal immunoadsorption (EIA), and 12 also received pharmacologic complement inhibitors (C1 INH, n = 9, or APT070, n = 3). Results: Excluding one technical failure, 14 of 27 transplants (11 hDAF, 3 hMCP) exhibited either HAR (n = 10) or EGF (n = 4). Surprisingly, neither complement inhibition (with C1 INH or APT070) nor anti‐Gal antibody depletion with GAS914, NEX1285, or additional EIA consistently prevented HAR or EGF despite low or undetectable complement deposition. Strikingly, most grafts with HAR/EGF exhibited prominent fibrinogen and platelet deposition associated with systemic coagulation cascade activation, consistent with non‐physiologic intravascular coagulation, in many instances despite little evidence for antibody‐mediated complement activation. Conclusion: We conclude that dysregulated coagulation correlates closely with and probably causes primary failure of pig hearts transgenic for hCRP. These data support efforts to define effective strategies to prevent dysregulated coagulation in pig organ xenografts.  相似文献   

Xenograft rejection in the discordant pig-to-primate model is dependent on binding of natural antibodies to gal-α [ 1 –3 ]-gal epitopes on the porcine endothelial cell (EC). This leads to complement activation and deposition of activation products onto the membrane and results in perturbation of EC function and thrombus formation. Here we investigated the ability of human complement activation products to directly induce activation of porcine EC, with subsequent upregulation of adhesion and pro-coagulant molecules. Porcine aortic EC were isolated from wild-type and hDAF-transgenic pigs and incubated with human serum, either in the presence or absence of the soluble complement inhibitor TP10 (sCR1). Recombinant C5a, C1q-IgG immune complexes, C6-deficient human serum and serum containing anti-C9 Ab were used to identify EC activating complement products. Heat-inactivated human serum was used as a negative control. Cells were stained with antibodies against human C3, the MAC or with antibodies cross-reactive for porcine E-Selectin, VCAM-1 or Tissue Factor, and analyzed by flow cytometry. We found upregulation of E-Selectin and Tissue Factor on wild-type EC after incubation with human serum. This effect coincided with the deposition of C3 and MAC on the membrane of these cells. The addition of TP10 inhibited EC activation by up to 95%. In contrast, greatly reduced C3 and MAC deposition was detected on hDAF transgenic cells, and no complement-mediated EC activation was seen. Experiments with C6-deficient serum and incubation with anti-C9 Ab indicate a major role of the MAC in serum-mediated EC activation, whereas neither C5a nor C1q-IgG caused activation of EC. These data provide further explanation of the protective role of human DAF in the pig-to-primate xenotransplantation model.  相似文献   

Mouse cells expressing the human complement regulatory proteins decay accelerating factor (DAF) or membrane cofactor protein (MCP) were produced both by hybridoma technology and by transfection with the appropriate cDNAs. The expression of either or both of these products protected the mouse cell from lysis by human (though not rabbit) complement in the presence of naturally occurring human anti-mouse antibody. This effect could be abrogated by the addition of monoclonal antibody against DAF or MCP. These data suggested that the production of animals transgenic for human complement regulatory proteins should in principle be similarly protected from hyperacute xenograft rejection.  相似文献   

Abstract: The major problem in the use of phylogenetically distant donors is a fast, strong reaction called hyperacute rejection. This reaction mediated by complement is directed against the vascular endothelia of the transplanted organ. Complement activation is tightly controlled by several regulatory proteins which inhibit the formation and function of different complement components. To verify the hypothesis that organs expressing such inhibitory factors could be spared from complement-mediated hyperacute rejection, we have generated mice transgenic for the human complement inhibitor membrane cofactor protein (hMCP) and decay accelerating factor (hDAF). Different levels of hMCP and/or hDAF expression, according to the promoter used, were detected by RNA analysis in the major organs, specifically on the organ vascular endothelia, as revealed by immunohistochemical analysis. The development of an in vivo model of human plasma perfusion allowed the characterization of complement-mediated damage in control animals and the degree of protection due to the presence of hMCP, hDAF, or both in the organs derived from single or double transgenic mice. In this paper we compare the level of expression of complement regulators with the degree of protection in two major organs: liver and kidney.  相似文献   

分别将构建的人顶体蛋白酶原基因(human proacrosin,hACR)5’侧冀序列,第1外显子和编码β-半乳糖苷酶的基因(lacZ)的融合基因(载体1),以及hACR基因5’侧冀序列与报告基因lacZ的融合基因(载体2),通过显微注射受精卵法制备转基因小鼠,结果如下:载体1:注射89只卵,移植入9只母鼠单侧卵管中,3只怀孕,产仔9只,存活7只,基因组Southern杂交检出整合有外源基因的阳  相似文献   

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