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OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were to describe job characteristics for daytime and shift workers in home care services for the elderly and to clarify health care in the work setting, social support, and job satisfaction and possibilities. METHODS: A self-reported questionnaire was given to 433 home care workers, both full time and part time (more than 15 hours), at 35 institutions that provide home care services to residents of Sapporo (return rate; 80.2%). The following issues were investigated: job content (physical care, assistance with housework, and advice), specialty, job satisfaction, possibilities, job training, health care and social support. The results were compared among employed types: full-time and part-time daytime and shift workers using the t-test or the Fisher's test. RESULTS: The participants demonstrated high dissatisfaction with wages, physical uneasiness themselves and limited social support from their supervisors. Especially full-time workers were dissatisfied with the payment, whereas part-time workers complained about insufficient attention to the prevention of lumbago. It was found that part-time daytime workers were given insufficient on-job-training and education for prevention of infection, and that full-time shift workers greatly wished to leave the employment. However, the home care workers were satisfied with their job itself and expected to continue their work. Furthermore, half of the part-time workers hoped to work full time. CONCLUSIONS: Health management and educational training for part-time workers may be necessary to improve the quality of care services and protection of health. Promotion of full time employment and reconsideration of working condition might be necessary to provide sufficient home care services.  相似文献   

The hospital home care social worker has a unique opportunity to develop a home-keeping, health-promoting group for frail elderly couples within his or her caseload. Through home visits, working as a filial professional, the worker enters, then strengthens the couples' pre-illness formal and informal support networks, and then goes on to create an additional informal peer support group, that meets in each other's homes. The group is capable of decreasing the chance of nursing home placement for all its members. It is proposed that home health care agencies within hospitals incorporate such groups into their regular programs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether longer waiting time for major joint replacement is associated with health and social services utilization before treatment. METHODS: When placed on the waiting list, patients were randomized to short (相似文献   

The hospital home care social worker has a unique opportunity to develop a home-keeping, health-promoting group for frail elderly couples within his or her caseload. Through home visits, working as a filial professional, the worker enters, then strengthens the couples' pre-illness formal and informal support networks, and then goes on to create an additional informal peer support group, that meets in each others' homes. The group is capable of decreasing the chance of nursing home placement for all its members. It is proposed that home health care agencies within hospitals incorporate such groups into their regular programs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To (1) compare home health and informal (unpaid) services utilization among patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), (2) examine longitudinal changes in services use, and (3) estimate possible interdependence of home health and informal care utilization. METHODS: The sample is drawn from the Predictors Study, a large, multicenter cohort of patients with probable AD, prospectively followed annually for up to 7 years in three university-based AD centers. Bivariate probit models estimated the effects of patient characteristics on home health and informal care utilization. RESULTS: A large majority of the patients (80.6%) received informal care with a smaller proportion (18.6%) receiving home health services. Home health services utilization increased from 9.9% at baseline to 34.5% in year 4. Among users, number of days that services were provided in three-month recall increased from 21.9 to 56 days over time. Home health services utilization was significantly associated with function, depressive symptoms, being female, and not living with a spouse. Informal care utilization was significantly associated with cognition, function, comorbidities, and living with a spouse or child. CONCLUSIONS: Home health and informal care utilization relate differently to patient characteristics. Utilization of home health care or informal care was not influenced by utilization of the other.  相似文献   

Rationing home care services has become a common strategy used by state/provincial governments to control escalating health care costs, particularly at a time when very little new funding has been re-directed to the home care sector. Across British Columbia, Regional Health Authorities had implemented service reforms that call for the discharge of higher functioning clients from home support service. This paper describes the coping strategies of 137 senior clients who were discharged from home support services and from the Continuing Care Program in the Simon Fraser Health Region located in British Columbia, Canada. Personal interviews were conducted by experienced case managers to gain an understanding of how seniors were coping 19 to 21 months after their discharge. Of the 137 clients, 34.3% are characterized as being "home alone and suffering in silence," 29.2% reported receiving assistance from informal sources or reported paying out-of-pocket for private care, and 28.4% reported that they can do the work better themselves. The remaining 8.0% of participants reported mixed feelings about the impact of their discharge from home support service. The effectiveness of discharge targeted to a senior population is discussed and it is suggested that functional status together with age are important criteria when rationing home care services.  相似文献   

In our setting, it is families, not the health and social services, who play the greatest role in providing continuous care to persons in need of such services. Informal health care poses two key questions with regard to the issue of equity: differences in the burdens borne by men and women, which contribute to gender inequality and, depending on their educational and socio-economic level, inequities in their ability to choose and gain access to needed resources and support services, thus contributing to social class inequalities. Distributing the burden of caregiving between men and women, and between the family and the state, constitutes a crucial debate in public health. This study analyzes the concept and characteristics of informal care, provides data on its dimensions in our setting, and analyzes the profile of caregivers, as well as the work they do and the impact it has on their lives. Finally, it presents currently existing models and support strategies for informal caregivers. It is largely women who assume the principal role of providing informal care, undertaking the most difficult and demanding tasks and dedicating the largest share of their time to them. As a result, women bear an elevated cost in their lives in terms of health, quality of life, access to employment and professional development, social relations, availability of time for themselves, and economic repercussions. Unemployed, under-educated women from the least privileged social classes constitute the largest group of informal caregivers in our country. Any policies aimed at supporting those who provide such care should keep in mind the unequal point from which they start and be evaluated in terms of their impact on gender and social class inequality.  相似文献   

This cohort study, aims to explore formal care provision to stroke survivors and their informal carers in the community in the UK. An initial cohort of 105 cohabitant carers of first-time stroke patients was recruited while the stroke patient was in hospital. Structured face-to-face interviews were carried out with carers prior to discharge of the stroke patient home, at 6 weeks after discharge, and 15 months after stroke. Questionnaires included measures of psychological health (CIS-R), physical health (self-rated health), social well-being (relationship quality and Sarason's social support questionnaire), handicap of the stroke survivor (Oxford Handicap Scale) and formal community support (amount of formal support and carer satisfaction). Multiple services were involved with most survivor-carer pairs (mean 5.4; range 2-9; SD = 1.7), and 74% of carers were satisfied with formal support provided. Number of services decreased with time (5.5 versus 4.1, t = 4.201, d.f. = 52, P < 0.001, 95% confidence interval: 0.71-2.01) but not time allocated. Using stepwise linear regression, service provision early after discharge was predicted by: level of handicap, recruitment centre, carer self-rated health, number of informal supporters and other care commitments. Satisfaction was predicted by quality of informal support and activity restriction. Fifteen months after stroke, predictors of formal care were: level of handicap, quality of informal support and previous caring experience. Predictors of satisfaction were: quality of the relationship between the stroke survivor and carer, age and mood. Quality of services was good, but carers lacked information, had insufficient help and were not consulted enough. Carer distress is common, yet not currently a factor influencing support provision. Formal care provided adapts with time reflecting the importance of quality of support from friends and family rather than quantity of informal supporters. These factors should be taken into consideration when planning and providing formal support for stroke survivors and their carers.  相似文献   

Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the UK. Despite this, little is known about the care needs of people who die from or following a stroke. In early 2003, a total of 183 questionnaires were returned from a survey of 493 people who had registered a stroke-related death in four Primary Care Trusts, giving a response rate of 37%. This paper reports on 53 deceased from the survey who had lived at home during their last 3 months and who had been ill for more than 1 month. The data were analysed to explore the role of informal carers and the provision of community-based care in the last 3 months of life. Family and friends helped 82% of deceased with household tasks, 68% with personal care, 66% with taking medication and 54% with night-time care. By contrast, health and social services helped 30% with household tasks, 54% with personal care, 20% with taking medication and 6% with night-time care. Two-fifths (43%) of informants had to give up work or make major life changes to care for the deceased, and 26% of informants found looking after them 'rewarding'. Half (51%) reported that help and support from health services were excellent or good compared to 38% for social services. Results from the Regional Study of Care for the Dying indicated that people who died from a stroke in 1990 and their informal carers would have benefited from increased levels of community-based care and enhanced communication with care professionals. Our data suggest that informal carers continue to provide the majority of care for those who die from stroke, despite government initiatives to improve care for stroke patients and frail elderly people. Further research is required to explore best practice and service provision in caring for this group.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo identify which social and health variables are associated with receiving social services in patients included in home care programmes with the implementation of the Dependence Law.DesignCross-sectional study.Setting72 primary health care teams in Catalonia.PatientsPatients over 64 years old with chronic diseases in home care programmes in Catalonia.MeasurementsHealth status variables: Charlson, Barthel, Pfeiffer, Braden and Gijon, data from their carer (Zarit), self perception of health (SF-12), health professional visits, as well as: emergency visits, temporary admissions, and final results such as death or definitive admission in a nursing home or a hospital.ResultsA total of 1068 patients were included, 46.8% of the patients received some kind of social service, public or private. We observed that the variables related to receive some kind of social services are: high dependence (Barthel test), pressure sores and home care rehabilitation. Barthel test is highly associated with having social problems (Gijon test), living without an informal carer, more than 2 GP visits and having additional private health care.ConclusionsTo be more fair, the evaluation of the provisions of the Dependence Law should also consider the health status of the patient. With the implementation of this law we can observe difficulties in access to social services for middle class patients. These patients do not have access to public social assistance and cannot pay for a private one. Social services are still an alternative to family care.  相似文献   

In order to remain in the home without family or other informal support, home health clients must have access to essential formal services such as nutritional support and homemaking chores to supplement medical and nursing care. In this study, we looked at client-related factors associated with the need for formal support services, and factors associated with whether those needs are adequately met. Data were collected from 2,013 home health clients in Massachusetts. According to the assessment of the skilled nurses treating them, 85 percent of the clients needed one or more support services; some or all needs were not adequately met in nearly half. Significant factors contributing to unmet need included: being non-white, having Medicaid as payer, being in a health maintenance organization, having AIDS, receiving maternal/child health services, and having an acute condition. This research suggests that even clients receiving skilled nursing care may not have many or most of their supportive needs met, and that there are identifiable factors which decrease the likelihood of having adequate care provided.  相似文献   

A survey was made of the parents of 380 children whose mobility impairments require the use of a wheelchair, walker, or braces. They were asked about equipment, health services, related services, and family support services used during the previous year. There was extensive use of equipment and traditional medical and health services, such as visits to primary care and specialist physicians; there was moderate use of related health services, such as physical or occupational therapy and child counseling; and there was very little use of community-based family support services, such as respite care, after-school care, homemaker services, and summer camp. The cost of health care, particularly medical specialty care, was defrayed in large part by private insurance and public programs, such as Medicaid and Title V Programs for children with special health care needs, while financial support for related services, such as physical therapy and speech therapy, came largely through the schools. Compared to funding for health and related services, financial aid for community-based family support services is largely lacking.  相似文献   

Despite the proliferation of support worker roles in the UK, little is known about their actual numbers, employment conditions or levels of training. Intermediate care services appear to be an important employer of support workers, but the diversity of intermediate care services makes the task of understanding support worker roles even more complex. This paper presents data from 33 services which were involved in an NHS Modernisation Agency's Changing Workforce Programme project, the Accelerated Development Programme for Support Workers in Intermediate Care in England. Within this project, the main employers of support workers were primary care trusts and/or social services. Participating intermediate care teams were involved in admission avoidance, assisted discharge and reablement, or combinations of these services, and the majority of care was provided in the patient's own home. The 33 services employed 794 support workers and 368 professionally qualified staff. The mean ratio of professionally qualified staff to support workers was 0.95 (range = 0-4.9, SD = 1.05). Support worker roles included multidisciplinary working, meeting rehabilitation needs, providing personal care and enablement. Team leaders included nurses, social workers, physiotherapists, professional managers, home carers and support workers. The most commonly reported sources of support worker training were National Vocational Qualifications and in-house training. In 80% of the services, at least half of the support workers had a qualification. Three models of supervision emerged across the services: the allocation of a mentor; team supervision; and formal and informal line management. These findings illustrate the diversity of employment of support workers in intermediate care. The variations in training, supervision and skill mix have implications for clinical governance and support worker regulation. The employment of support worker staff jointly across health and social care raises cross-boundary issues around employment contracts and pay.  相似文献   

The implementation of the Prospective Payment System (PPS) provides a unique opportunity for social workers to be better integrated into home health care. To do so, it is important for social workers to define their roles and eliminate any barriers to providing social workers services, which may improve patient outcomes. Two focus groups with home health nurses (n = 10) and social workers (n = 8) were conducted in a large urban home health agency to define social work roles and identify barriers to providing social work services. This paper categorizes the barriers to providing social work services into informational, systems/organizational, and inter-professional barriers and presents possible solutions to these barriers as home health agencies strive to provide care under PPS.  相似文献   

Using the Anderson Service model, this study examined the level and predictors of using selected home care services by elderly Chinese immigrants in Canada. Data from 1,537 randomly selected Chinese immigrants aged 65 years and older were used. Only 5.2% of participants reported using home care services. Being older, living alone, having a post-secondary education, immigrating from Hong Kong or Southeast Asia, having a higher level of agreement with Chinese health beliefs, higher social support, and poorer physical and mental health were predictors for home care service use among elderly Chinese. The probability of using homecare services lessens with increased self-rated financial adequacy. These findings point to the need for service providers to address the gap in use of home care between elderly Chinese immigrants and overall elderly Canadians through promoting appropriate use of home care among elderly Chinese immigrants.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study of mid-life and older women was to assess the relation between informal care provision and depressive symptoms, taking into account concurrent demands on women's time (including multiple caregiving roles and employment outside the home) as well as participants' access to potentially supportive social ties. This cross-sectional study included women ages 46-71, free from major disease, who provided complete health and social information in the 1992 Nurses' Health Study follow-up survey (n = 61,383). In logistic regression models predicting depressive symptoms, we examined the interaction between employment outside the home and informal care provision for a disabled or ill spouse or parent. We also investigated level of social ties, measured with the Berkman-Syme Social Network Index, as a potential modifier of the association between informal care provision and depressive symptoms. In all analyses, higher weekly time commitment to informal care for a spouse or parent was associated with increased risk of depressive symptoms. This relationship persisted whether women were not employed outside the home, were employed full-time, or were employed part-time. Higher weekly time commitment to informal care provision was associated with increased risk of depressive symptoms whether women were socially integrated or socially isolated. However, both informal care provision and social ties were potent independent correlates of depressive symptoms. Therefore, women who reported high spousal care time commitment and few social ties experienced a dramatic elevation in depressive symptoms, compared to women with no spousal care responsibilities and many social ties (OR for depressive symptoms=11.8; 95% CI 4.8, 28.9). We observed the same pattern among socially isolated women who cared for their parent(s) many hours per week, but the association was not as strong (OR for depressive symptoms=6.5; 95% CI 3.4, 12.7). In this cross-sectional study, employment status did not seem to confer additional mental health risk or benefit to informal caregivers, while access to extensive social ties was associated with more favorable caregiver health outcomes.  相似文献   

Understanding how informal care impacts formal care utilisation for home‐based end‐of‐life patients is an important policy‐ and practice‐relevant question. This paper aims to assess the relationship between informal and formal home care among home‐based end‐of‐life patients and how this relationship has changed over the last decade and over the end‐of‐life trajectory. We focus on informal care provided by family members or friends, and three types of home‐based formal care services: care by personal support workers, physician visits, and nurse visits. Using survey data collected in a home‐based end‐of‐life care programme in Ontario, Canada from 2005 to 2016, we build a two‐part utilisation model analysing both the propensity to use each type of formal care and the amount of formal care received by patients. The results suggest that informal care is a substitute for care by personal support workers, but a complement to physician visits and nurse visits. In the case of nurse visits, an increased complementary effect is observed in more recent years. For home‐based physician and nurse visits, the complementary effect grows with patient's proximity to death. These results highlight the complexity of the relationship between informal and formal care among home‐based end‐of‐life patients. Decision‐makers need to take into account the relationship between informal care and different types of formal services when introducing future policies.  相似文献   

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