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背景:食管动力障碍在胃食管反流病(GERD)的发生中起重要作用。目的:探讨不同类型非糜烂性反流病(NERD)的食管动力特征。方法:选取161例具有典型胃食管反流症状者和20名健康体检者,分别行上消化道内镜检查、24 h食管pH监测和食管测压。纳入内镜检查未见Barrett食管和食管黏膜破损、症状指数≥50%的NERD患者,根据其是否存在病理性酸反流分为异常酸反流组和食管酸高敏组,比较反流组(28例)、高敏组(13例)和对照组(15例)的食管测压结果。结果:反流组下食管括约肌(LES)长度较对照组显著缩短(P〈0.05),LES压力显著降低(P〈0.05),高敏组与对照组间则无明显差异。反流组和高敏组食管体部动力障碍均以食管远段为主,表现为收缩波幅降低、蠕动波传导速度减慢和非传导性收缩波比例增加,反流组改变更为明显。结论:不同类型NERD的食管动力特征存在差异。异常酸反流亚型NERD患者存在LES长度和压力异常,食管远段动力障碍更为明显。  相似文献   

目的:探讨轻度反流性食管炎(RE)与非糜烂性反流病(NERD)食管远端酸暴露及食管动力变化特点.方法:符合洛杉矶诊断标准的RE30例(LA-A16例,LA-B14例),NERD16例,健康对照组10例被纳入本研究,所有患者及对照组均接受24h食管pH监测及压力测定,比较食管pH监测及测压结果.结果:LA-A组、LA-B组、NERD组DeMeester评分明显高于对照组,差异显著(P<0.05).LA-A组与NERD组比较DeMeester评分无明显差异,但NERD组的立位反流时间百分比与长反流周期数多于LA-A组,差异显著;LA-B组DeMeester评分比LA-A组和NERD组明显增高,LA-B组与LA-A组比较食管pH监测各项指标均存在明显差异.LA-A组、NERD组及对照组比较下食管括约肌静息压(LESP)、食管体部蠕动波幅度(PA)无显著差异,LA-A组和NERD组食管下段PA有增高趋势;LA-B组与LA-A组、NERD组及对照组比较LESP明显降低(P<0.05),LA-B组食管下段PA明显低于LA-A组(P<0.05).RE组无效食管运动(IEM)明显高于对照组,差异显著.结论:轻度RE(LA-B)与NERD远端食管酸暴露存在差异.DeMeester评分、LES功能不全及食管蠕动功能障碍与RE的严重程度呈正相关.LES功能不全及食管蠕动功能障碍可能不是轻度RE(LA-A)及NERD的主要致病因素.IEM与RE关系密切,且与RE有关的食管动力异常主要为IEM.  相似文献   

目的分析胃食管反流病(GERD)三种亚型Barrett食管(BE)、糜烂性食管炎(EE)和非糜烂性反流病(NERD)患者食管24 h pH监测与高分辨率食管测压结果,探讨不同亚型胃食管反流病食管酸暴露及动力学变化特点。 方法收集2015年12月至2017年12月,新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院接受住院治疗的90例GERD患者的临床资料,其中BE组28例、EE组35例、NERD组27例,通过食管24 h pH监测结果评价患食管酸暴露及反流特点,高分辨率食管测压检查评价食管动力学特点。 结果3组患者年龄及身体质量指数(BMI)等一般资料比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);EE组患者24 h食管pH监测中pH≤4(酸反流)、40.05);3组Demeester评分比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);LES长度3组无明显差异,BE组LES静息压及残余压较EE组和NERD组稍高,但差异无统计学意义(P均>0.05);3组在食管远端收缩积分比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 结论食管测酸检查在GERD临床亚型的鉴别方面并无显著差别;Barrett食管、糜烂性食管炎、非糜烂性反流病均存在抗反流屏障功能减退,但不同程度的食管粘膜损伤对食管动力学的影响并无差异。  相似文献   

[目的]研究反流高敏感(RH)、功能性烧心(FH)与非糜烂性反流病(NERD)患者食管功能及反流特点的差别。[方法]选取于2017年12月~2019年5月在首都医科大学附属北京中医医院消化科同时行胃镜、高分辨率食管测压以及24 h多通路腔内阻抗联合pH监测的141例患者,根据症状及检查结果分为NERD组(42例)、RH组(58例)、FH组(41例),比较3组患者食管测压、24 h食管pH及pH-阻抗情况。[结果]FH组LES静息压、同步收缩百分比显著高于RH组(P0.05);LES长度、LESP下降例数、LES残余压、UES静息压、UES残余压、波幅平均值、无效食管动力、蠕动断裂、DCI平均值、远端收缩延迟、提前收缩百分比、快速收缩百分比3组之间差异均无统计学意义(P0.05);3组间DeMeester评分、总反流次数、立位酸暴露时间占比、近端酸反流次数、远端酸反流次数比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。NERD组总反流时间、长反流次数、最长反流时间、总酸暴露时间占比、卧位酸暴露时间占比显著高于RH组、FH组(P0.05)。NERD组、RH组近端反流次数显著高于FH组(P0.05)。RH组远端弱酸反流次数、近端弱酸反流次数中显著高于FH组(P0.05)。3组远端非弱酸反流事件差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。[结论]3组患者均存在不同程度的食管动力异常,可通过弱酸反流增加、近端反流比率升高将RH、FH精准区分开来。  相似文献   

目的通过对胃食管反流病(gastroesophageal reflux disease,GERD)患者食管高分辨率测压及24 h食管p H-阻抗联合监测结果分析,以探讨GERD患者食管动力及酸暴露特点.方法选取2017-07/2018-07就诊于石河子大学第一附属医院消化内科门诊及住院部具有典型症状(反酸、烧心)、根据蒙特利尔共识意见可诊断为GERD的患者59例,行胃镜、食管高分辨率测压及24 h食管p H-阻抗联合监测等检查;根据胃镜是否诊断反流性食管炎(reflux esophagitis, RE)组(27例,男/女:12/15)和非糜烂性反流病(nonerosive reflux disease, NERD)组(32例,男/女:14/18),比较两组患者食管高分辨测压及24 h食管pH-阻抗监测结果的差异.结果食管高分辨率测压结果中, RE组患者下食管括约肌静息压明显低于NERD组(P0.05),上食管括约肌静息压及上下食管括约肌残余压比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05), RE组患者远端波波幅低于NERD组(P 0.05),蠕动波持续时间、起始速度、远端收缩延迟时间两组间差异无统计学意义(P0.05);分析24 h食管pH-Z监测结果, RE组DeMeester评分明显高于NERD组(P0.05),总计酸反流时间低于NERD组(P 0.05),立卧位反流次数、总计反流次数、不同物理性质之间差异无统计学意义(P0.05).结论不同GERD患者食管动力及酸反流存在一定的差异,RE患者食管动力障碍及酸反流较NERD更明显.  相似文献   

目的比较功能性烧心(functional heartburn,FH)与非糜烂性反流病(non-erosive reflux disease,NERD)患者的高分辨率食管测压(high resolution esophageal manometry,HRM)及24 h食管阻抗-p H监测结果,探讨食管动力障碍、食管下括约肌(lower esophayeal sphincter,LES)松弛及反流在FH发病中的作用。方法选取2015年9月-2016年2月于首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院消化内科就诊的有持续反酸烧心症状且内镜为阴性患者51例,均行HRM及24 h食管阻抗-p H监测检查,依据是否存在病理性酸反流、反流与症状相关性及FH罗马Ⅲ诊断标准将患者分为FH组(n=23)及NERD组(n=28),比较两组间上述检查结果。结果两组间HRM指标即远端收缩积分(DCI)、收缩前沿速度(CFV)、食管下括约肌平均静息压(LESP)及食管动力芝加哥分类正常者比例相比,差异均无统计学意义(P0.05),且存在LESP、DCI下降及食管动力异常者所占比例均50%;两组间酸反流、混合反流及非酸反流比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论 FH患者存在食管动力异常及LESP下降,FH的非酸反流明显高于NERD,提示食管动力障碍、LES松弛及非酸反流在FH发病中可能存在作用。  相似文献   

目的研究难治性胃食管反流病(refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease,rGERD)食管动力学特征和反流特点。方法应用高分辨率食管测压(HRM)监测87例GERD患者和70例rGERD患者食管动力学数据,同时应用便携式24 h食管pH-阻抗监测仪记录两组患者的酸暴露特点、反流类型及反流特点,分析比较两组患者间差异。结果rGERD患者中UES压力、LES压力显著低于GERD患者(P<0.05),rGERD患者LES的长度与GERD患者比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。rGERD患者中食管动力障碍比例高于GERD患者(70.00%vs 33.33%,χ2=4.891,P<0.05),DCI下降为特征的食管蠕动收缩障碍及间断收缩为特征的食管收缩节律障碍者比例两组比较,差异无统计学意义(57.14%vs 62.07%;42.86%vs 37.93%,χ2=3.275、2.822,P>0.05)。rGERD患者DeMeester评分高于GERD患者(P=0.014),rGERD患者反流性质中弱酸反流及非酸反流明显多于GERD患者(P弱酸=0.001,P非酸=0.017),而酸反流次数差异无统计学意义(P酸=0.385);rGERD患者反流性状中气体反流及气液混合反流次数多于GERD患者(P气=0.022,P气液=0.031),而液体反流次数差异无统计学意义(P液=0.742)。结论rGERD患者与GERD患者相比,存在UES压力偏低、LES压力下降和食管蠕动收缩障碍等食管动力学异常;rGERD患者反流以弱酸反流及碱反流为主,而GERD患者以酸反流为主,同时rGERD患者中气液混合反流所占比例大,而GERD患者以液体反流为主。  相似文献   

非特异性食管动力障碍与胃食管反流病的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨非特异性食管动力障碍(NEMD)常见的临床类型,各类型与胃食管反流病(GERD)的关系。方法对食管测压检出的52例NEMD患者分别进行胃镜、食管内24h动态pH和胆汁监测,埃索美拉唑(耐信)治疗试验。结果NEMD主要类型有非传导性收缩43例、低幅性收缩39例、LES不松弛或松弛不全致LES残余压增高31例,多峰收缩9例。食管内24h动态pH和胆汁监测证实17例(32.7%)伴有病理性胃食管反流,伴有反流者多为不伴LES松弛功能障碍者,而LES松弛障碍者反流不明显,耐信治疗试验进一步证实了pH和胆汁监测的结果。结论NEMD部分与GERD相关,但更多可能为原发性食管动力障碍。  相似文献   

目的:探讨无反流症状贲门松弛对胃食管酸反流及食管动力的影响.方法:对25例内镜下贲门松弛且无明显反流症状患者及10例内镜检查正常的无症状健康志愿者均进行24 h食管pH监测及食管测压检查.结果:内镜下贲门松弛组24 h食管pH监测各项指标较正常对照组增高, 其中以pH<4总时间及DeMeester评分差异更明显(38.44±50.89min vs 10.60±7.75 min, 11.98±14.84 vs 5.06±3.19, 均P<0.05). 贲门松弛组病理性酸反流发生率较正常对照组差异有统计学意义(28%vs 0%, P<0.05). 两组食管测压各项指标包括LES静息压、LES长度、食管远近端蠕动波幅、食管体部传导速度、湿咽成功率等较对照组低, 但差异无统计学意义.结论:贲门松弛易于发生酸反流, 部分贲门松驰且酸反流患者无相关临床症状.  相似文献   

目的 研究胃食管反流病(GERD)患者伴或不伴食管损伤与食管动力和酸反流之间的相关性.方法 对符合GERD诊断标准的25例受试者行胃镜检查,随后进行高分辨率食管测压检查,并检测进食标准试验餐后的动态食管pH值变化.比较伴或不伴食管损伤组患者之间的食管动力和餐后食管酸反流时间的差异.同时按DeMeester评分将受试者分为非酸反流组和酸反流组,比较两组食管动力学指标的变化.统计学处理采用t检验和秩和检验.结果 伴或不伴食管损伤组之间下食管括约肌(LES)压力基础值、LES压力残余平均值、食管蠕动传播速度、食管pH<4的时间和DeMeester评分均差异无统计学意义(P均>0.05),但是伴食管损伤组的食管收缩幅度明显弱于不伴食管损伤组(31.9 mm Hg比64.2 mm Hg,1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa;Z=-2.37,P=0.02).酸反流组和非酸反流组之间LES压力基础值、LES压力残余平均值、食管蠕动传播速度差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05),但酸反流组的食管收缩幅度明显弱于非酸反流组(36.4 mm Hg比71.8mm Hg;Z=2.25,P=0.02).结论 GERD患者LES压力及食管酸反流与食管损伤之间无显著关系,食管蠕动性收缩功能可能与食管损伤及酸反流有关.  相似文献   

目的:比较pH监测正常与异常内镜阳型胃食管反流病(gastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD)患者在食管动力学上的异同.方法:经内镜确诊反流性食管炎(reflux eso-phagitis, RE)或Barrett's食管患者共49例, 依据动态pH监测DeMeester积分分为pH监测异常组和pH监测正常组. 正常组12例, 异常组37例, 异常组有8名患者伴有裂孔疝, 比较两组患者食管动力的不同.结果: 两组比较pH监测正常组下食管括约肌静息压力(Lower esophageal sphincter Pressure, LESP)(P = 0.036), 食管体部中下点(P = 0.048)及肛侧收缩幅度(P = 0.017)高于pH监测异常组. 剔除食管裂孔疝患者后, 食管体部肛侧的收缩幅度仍有明显差异(P = 0.035).结论:监测正常组LESP以及食管体部中下点及肛侧收缩幅度高于监测异常组, 正常组由于其清除功能及屏障功能强于异常组导致反流甚难达到通常pH电极位置, 或达到后很快被清除.  相似文献   

Manometric location of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) has been mandatory before esophageal pH monitoring, despite costs and discomfort related with esophageal manometry. The aims of the study were: (i) to map the pH of the gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) to determine a pH turning point (PTP) and its relation with LES; and (ii) to test the feasibility of this technique to orientate esophageal pH monitoring. We studied 310 adult patients who underwent esophageal manometry and pH monitoring off acid‐suppressive therapy. GEJ pH mapping was carried out by step‐pulling the pH sensor from 5 cm below to 5 cm above LES, and a PTP was determined when pH changed from below to above 4, in centimeters from the nostril. Thirty‐six patients referred only for pH monitoring were studied with pH sensor placed at 5 cm above the PTP. Out of 310 patients, a PTP was found in 293 (94.5%): inside LES in 86.3%, into the stomach in 8.2% and in the esophageal body in 5.5% of patients. The median distance between PTP and place where pH sensor monitored reflux was 8 cm. Among 36 patients who performed pH monitoring without LES manometry, there was no gastric monitoring during reflux testing. In adult patients investigated off acid suppressive therapy, GEJ pH mapping with reflux monitoring 5 cm above the PTP can be an alternative technique to perform esophageal pH monitoring when LES manometry is not available. Additional studies are needed before the widespread use of GEJ pH mapping in the clinical practice.  相似文献   

Brain ecf and csf pH are regulated within narrow limits. In the present study we investigated whether--with an intact blood-brain barrier (bbb)--during acute (isocapnic) metabolic pHa disturbances, brain ecf and csf pH changes occur in the same direction as plasma pH. Experiments were performed in 4 ventilated, vagotomized, and in 17 spontaneously breathing cats. Medullary ecf pH and csf pH were measured with flat pH electrodes. Metabolic pHa disturbances were induced by isocapnic i.v. infusions of HCl and NaHCO3, and by non-isocapnic i.v. bolus injections of NaHCO3. In all cats both sinus nerves were cut. We found that: (1) during acute pHa changes, medullary ecf pH changes rapidly in the same direction despite an intact bbb (no extravasation of Evans Blue); (2) the time courses of the ecf and csf pH responses to a bolus injection of NaHCO3 are quite different: after an initial short (less than 10 sec) decrease, the ecf pH rapidly increases above control, whereas the csf pH shows a rapid and long lasting acidic response; (3) ventilation showed a biphasic response pattern to a NaHCO3 bolus: an initial increase followed by a slow decrease to about control level. It was argued that this response cannot be explained by the observed ecf or csf pH responses alone.  相似文献   

Relationships between intracellular and extracellular pH isolated rat diaphragms were determined both during respiratory and metabolic changes of extracellular pH. Metabolic changes of extracellular pH were produced by varying bicarbonate concentration of the suspending Krebs-Ringer solution and respiratory changes were produced by varying PCO2 of the suspending medium. At any defined extracellular pH, the bicarbonate concentration ratios between intracellular and extracellular space were the same during both metabolic and respiratory changes of extracellular pH. However, when extracellular pH varied within 7.15 and 7.4 intracellular pH remained essentially constant. In order to maintain the intracellular pH constant during extracellular pH changes, a bicarbonate efflux during metabolic changes from the intracellular compartment, and a bicarbonate influx during respiratory changes to the intracellular compartment must occur. The maintenance of identical intracellular/extracellular bicarbonate concentration ratios regardless of the mechanisms of extracellular pH changes (metabolic or respiratory) suggests an active mechanism for the transport of bicarbonate or H-+ ions.  相似文献   

Attaching plastic pH electrodes to a Crosby capsule provides a means of measuring mucosal surface pH in the small intestine during jejunal biopsy. Plastic electrodes, with operating characteristics comparable to glass electrodes within the physiological pH range, were selected because of their mechanical flexibility. The sensing tip can be placed close to the capsule aperture to facilitate contact with the intestinal mucosa. Using this system, the jejunal mucosal surface pH was found to be 5.97 +/- 0.07 in 15 control subjects. In contrast, 13 coeliac patients had a significantly (p less than 0.001) higher jejunal surface pH of 6.73 +/- 0.15, subdivisible into 4 untreated patients with a mean value of 6.95 +/- 0.33 and 9 patients on a gluten-free diet with a mean value of 6.63 +/- 0.15, both higher (p less than 0.01, p less than 0.005) than the control value. An elevated jejunal surface pH in coeliac disease was associated with partial or subtotal villous atrophy and with low brush border enzyme activities. Confirming previous in vitro findings, the elevated surface pH in coeliac jejunum may affect digestive and absorptive processes occurring at the brush border.  相似文献   



Esophageal mucosal breaks in patients with Los Angeles (LA) grade A or B esophagitis are mainly found in the right anterior wall of the distal esophagus. The aim of this study was to reveal radial acid exposure in the distal esophagus and determine whether radial asymmetry of acid exposure is a possible cause of radially asymmetric distribution of the lesions.


We developed a novel pH sensor catheter using a polyvinyl chloride catheter equipped with 8 antimony pH sensors radially arrayed at the same level. Four healthy volunteers, 5 patients with non-erosive reflux disease (NERD), and 10 with LA grade A or B esophagitis were enrolled. The sensors were set 2?cm above the upper limit of the lower esophageal sphincter, and post-prandial gastroesophageal acid reflux was monitored for 3?h with the subjects in a sitting position.


We successfully examined radial acid exposure in the distal esophagus in all subjects using our novel pH sensor catheter. Radial variations of acid exposure in the distal esophagus were not observed in the healthy subjects. In contrast, the patients with NERD and those with reflux esophagitis had radial asymmetric acid exposure that was predominant on the right wall of the distal esophagus. In the majority of patients with reflux esophagitis, the directions of longer acid exposure coincided with the locations of mucosal breaks.


Radial acid exposure could be examined using our novel 8-channel pH sensor catheter. We found that the directions of longer acid exposure were associated with the locations of mucosal breaks.  相似文献   

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