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目的建立中国女性盆腔三维可视化数字模型.方法应用首例中国女性数字化可视人体数据集,在VRM计算机平台上进行女性盆腔的可视化研究.结果成功建立了三维可视化女性盆腔模型,该模型能进行任意方位的旋转,可进行连续的任意角度的切割,并能清晰地显示出各个方位切割面的断面解剖结构.结论可视化女性盆腔能够提供各个方位、完整而准确的薄层断面数据,为妇产科及外科手术治疗提供了准确的形态学依据,为虚拟手术奠定了基础. 相似文献
目的:总结女性盆腔脓肿的临床诊断及治疗方法。方法:回顾性分析我院2002年5月至2005年12月收治的33例盆腔脓肿的临床资料。结果:6例患者即时手术治疗,27例患者在联合、规范应用抗生素的基础上24例于用药24~72小时后手术治疗,3例患者经抗炎治疗后症状缓解出院,但出现复发,需再次入院手术治疗获满意疗效。结论:手术方式有剖腹手术、腹腔镜手术、经后穹窿切开引流术,手术是较为彻底的治疗方法,具有明确诊断及充分引流的作用,不易复发。 相似文献
近年来,我们对于盆腔粘连患给予中草药治疗,取得很好临床效果。现报告如下。 相似文献
目的 对虚拟现实(VR)技术在外科手术患者中的应用研究热点进行总结,了解其发展现状和趋势。方法 以“virtual reality”“operation”等为主题词,检索Web of Science核心合集中收录的从建库至2023年7月VR在手术患者中应用的相关文献,导入书目共现分析系统进行高频关键词的提取,生成词篇矩阵;使用gCLUTO软件进行共词聚类分析,生成聚类矩阵图及可视化山丘图。结果 共检索到1 672篇文献,经去重及筛选后最终纳入有效文献354篇。获得高频关键词27个,聚类分析得出4个热点,归为3个方向:VR技术改进及与其他技术的结合研究、VR技术与患者结局指标相关的研究、VR技术提高手术医护人员技能的研究。结论 当前VR技术在手术患者中的应用研究发展迅速,未来可着眼于VR设备的改进设计、老年术后康复等方向进行进一步的研究。 相似文献
本文从系统论、信息论、认识论的角度出发,对虚拟人体和仿真人体的发展和医学应用提出了两者人体参数的同源性,虚拟和真实的映射性,对学科发展的带动性;提出了虚拟人体计划发展的五个结合. 相似文献
目的:探讨女性盆腔器官膨出疾病全盆底修复重建术的手术配合方法.方法:对25例盆腔器官膨出患者手术治疗的护理配合进行回顾性总结.结果:25例患者平均手术时间50 min;术中平均出血量20~50 ml.术后无并发症发生.结论:手术室护士不但要熟悉疾病的特点,还要具备娴熟的护理技术,从而提高手术配合质量,减少手术并发症的发生. 相似文献
女性盆腔结核误诊率较高[1 ] 。我院 1 993年1月~ 1 998年 1 2月收治的女性盆腔结核 1 4例 ,现分析 ,探讨如下。1 临床资料本组 1 4例女性患者年龄 2 4~ 46岁 ,已婚 1 2例 ,未婚 2例。有肠系膜淋巴结核病史、结核性腹膜炎病史、肺结核病史各 1例。1 4例中原发不孕 5例 ,继发不孕 1例 ,发热 5例 ,腹胀 4例 ,腹痛 9例 ,乏力消瘦 5例 ,月经紊乱2例 ,痛经 2例 ,腹部或双合诊查 ,于下腹部或盆腔可扪及包块 1 2例 ,质地多为囊性或囊实性 ,大如孕 5月子宫 ,如鸡蛋大 ,包块形状欠规则 ,边界不清 ,活动欠佳。1 3例B超提示子宫一侧或子宫周围囊性… 相似文献
目的:探讨虚拟现实技术在国内医疗护理领域应用的研究热点,旨在为我国医护人员进一步开展虚拟现实技术研究提供借鉴。方法:采用CiteSpace软件对2010年—2020年收录在中国社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)、中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)和北大核心期刊的医疗护理领域中虚拟现实技术相关文献进行可视化分析。结果:共纳入246篇文献,虚拟现实技术在医疗护理领域发文量不多,但整体上呈增长趋势,研究团队相对分散。卒中病人是热点研究对象,计算机应用、康复系统、康复训练、运动想象是虚拟现实技术在国内医疗护理领域研究的热点。结论:CiteSpace软件直观地揭示了虚拟现实技术在医疗护理领域的研究热点,展现了作者间的合作关系,对推动虚拟现实技术在医疗护理领域的深入发展具有一定积极意义。 相似文献
女性盆腔结核是由结核分枝杆菌引起的女性生殖器特异性炎症。常见于生育期妇女和绝经后妇女,近年来因耐多药结核、艾滋病的增加以及对结核病控制的松懈,生殖器结核有升高趋势。临床表现为腹痛、月经失调、不孕,由于临床表现缺乏特异性,临床误诊率高,大部分患者错过早期治疗导致免疫功能紊乱、不孕、流产、卵巢功能早衰等并发症。临床诊断困难。随着腹腔镜检查和临床诊断技术的提高,以及临床医生对生殖器结核重视的提高,女性盆腔结核早期诊断得以可能,使女性盆腔结核患者获得生殖健康。 相似文献
患者,女,24岁,曾于2个月前因足月妊娠在当地医院分娩.B超诊断“子宫肌瘤、胎儿畸形”.由于胎头下降受阻,毁胎后娩出.近月余感尿频明显,来我院诊治.门诊以“盆腔肿块待查(卵巢癌?)”收住院.妇科检查:一般情况可,子宫颈光滑,偏于左侧,宫体较长,质软,似位于左侧稍前方.盆腔偏右侧可触及一实质性肿块,质硬固定,与右侧盆壁无间隙,与耻骨联合间亦无间隙. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Understanding bystander reactions to an emergency is an important component of effective training. Four stages of bystander intervention (BI) have been previously described: noticing the situation as a problem, interpreting when it is appropriate to intervene, recognizing personal responsibility to intervene, and knowing how to intervene. Using virtual reality (VR) to simulate emergencies such as sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) can be used to study these stages. METHODS: In a secondary analysis of an observational cohort study, we analyzed bystander self-efficacy for stages of BI before and after simulated SCA. Each subject participated in a single-player, immersive, VR SCA scenario. Subjects interacted with simulated bystanders through voice commands (“call 911”, “get an AED”). Actions taken in scenario, like performing CPR, were documented. Scenario BI actions were compared based on dichotomized comfort/discomfort. RESULTS: From June 2016 to June 2017, 119 subjects participated. Average age was 37±14 years, 44% were female and 46% reported CPR training within 2 years. During the scenario, 98% “noticed the event” and “interpreted it as a problem”, 78% “took responsibility”, and 54% “possessed the necessary skills”. Self-efficacy increased from pre- to post-scenario: noticing the event increased from 80% to 96%; interpreting as a problem increased from 86% to 97%; taking responsibility increased from 56% to 93%; possessing necessary skills increased from 47% to 63% ( P<0.001). CONCLUSION: Self-efficacy to respond to an SCA event increased pre- to post-scenario. Bystanders who reported feeling comfortable “taking responsibility to intervene” during an emergency were more likely to take action during a simulated emergency. 相似文献
目的 本研究围绕"虚拟现实康复"进行系统的文献计量和可视化分析,探索虚拟现实康复的发展状况、研究热点,为虚拟现实康复提供研究及参考.方法 利用CiteSpace软件,本研究对从中国知网(CNKI)检索到的493篇虚拟现实康复相关文献进行可视化分析.结果 ①相关文献跨度为1988-2020年,虚拟现实康复的关注度在不断地... 相似文献
目的 研究虚拟现实技术在数字人体数据集上的应用.方法 基于中国第一例数字化女虚拟人数据集的重建结果,运用虚拟现实整合软件开发解剖教学系统及虚拟手术室漫游.结果 开发出了一个3D 解剖图谱及一个虚拟手术室漫游系统.结论 虚拟现实技术增强了可视化效果,具有较强的交互性,拓宽了虚拟人体数据集的应用范围. 相似文献
Background: The advantages of 3D reconstruction, immersive virtual reality (VR) and 3D printing in abdominal surgery have been enunciated for many years, but still today their application in routine clinical practice is almost nil. We investigate their feasibility, user appreciation and clinical impact. Material and methods: Fifteen patients undergoing pancreatic, hepatic or renal surgery were studied realizing a 3D reconstruction of target anatomy. Then, an immersive VR environment was developed to import 3D models, and some details of the 3D scene were printed. All the phases of our workflow employed open-source software and low-cost hardware, easily implementable by other surgical services. A qualitative evaluation of the three approaches was performed by 20 surgeons, who filled in a specific questionnaire regarding a clinical case for each organ considered. Results: Preoperative surgical planning and intraoperative guidance was feasible for all patients included in the study. The vast majority of surgeons interviewed scored their quality and usefulness as very good. Conclusions: Despite extra time, costs and efforts necessary to implement these systems, the benefits shown by the analysis of questionnaires recommend to invest more resources to train physicians to adopt these technologies routinely, even if further and larger studies are still mandatory. 相似文献
Purpose.?To outline the evidence in the published medical literature suggesting the potential applications of virtual reality (VR) for the identification and rehabilitation of cognitive disorders of the elderly. Method.?Non-systematic literature review. Results.?VR, despite its more common usage by younger persons, is a potentially promising source of techniques useful in the identification and rehabilitation of cognitive disorders of the elderly. Systems employing VR can include desktop and head-mounted visual displays among other devices. Thus far, published studies have described VR-based applications in the identification and treatment of deficits in navigational skills in ambulation and driving. In addition, VR has been utilised to enhance the ability to perform activities of daily living in patients with dementia, stroke, and Parkinson's Disease. Such investigations have thus far been small, and unblinded. Conclusions.?VR-based applications can potentially offer more versatile, comprehensive, and safer assessments of function. However, they also might be more expensive, complex and more difficult to use by elderly patients. Side effects of head-mounted visual displays include nausea and disorientation, but, have not been reported specifically in older subjects. 相似文献
近年来虚拟现实技术被引入医疗领域,成为疼痛管理的新形式,但目前在我国儿童疼痛管理中的应用较少。本研究从虚拟现实技术的概述、设备种类与使用方式、干预效果3个部分进行综述,以期为我国虚拟现实技术在儿童疼痛管理中的临床实践提供参考。 相似文献
目的评估虚拟模拟器在输尿管镜操作技能培训中的应用。方法共50人进入本次研究,按既往输尿管镜操作的经验是否大于20例分成两组,熟悉模拟器后采用左输尿管下段取石操作进行初评,评价指标包括:总操作时间、输尿管插管时间、损伤致出血点的数目、尝试插管的次数以及GRS评分。48 h后进行复评。结果经过模拟器训练后所有参与者总操作时间明显缩短(345.30±31.35及221.53±16.43,P=0.001),GRS评分明显改善(25.20±1.98及28.80±1.20,P=0.008)。两组的总操作时间、输尿管插管时间及GRS评分无论初复评均有差异,独立完成的输尿管镜的例数与GRS评分相关。结论虚拟模拟器是输尿管镜技能培训及评估的有效工具。 相似文献
Minimal access surgery (MAS) requires additional training in the surgical curriculum, as skills needed to perform MAS are quite different from those used in open surgery. Moreover, residents do not seem to experience ample opportunity to gain such skills in the current surgical curriculum. Virtual reality (VR) simulation offers an interesting opportunity to train such skills in a safe, supporting environment. As with any new development, one should be careful about integrating costly technology into practice before it has been properly validated.This article outlines the requirements for a valid and integrated approach towards the integration of novel VR simulation systems in minimal access surgery. 相似文献
目的:探讨虚拟现实技术训练对脑卒中患者上肢功能恢复的影响。方法选取脑卒中患者34例,根据Mini -mize软件随机分为试验组和对照组各17例,均接受为期4周的康复治疗,试验组在此基础上加用虚拟现实技术训练,根据康复治疗前后的Fugl-Meyer上肢运动功能和Barthel指数的评定结果,比较两组患者上肢功能和日常生活能力的改变。结果两组患者治疗后的Fugl-Meyer上肢运动功能和Barthel指数较治疗前均有提高,试验组的功能改善程度明显优于对照组,差异均有统计学意义( P<0.05)。结论虚拟现实技术训练对脑卒中患者上肢运动功能和日常生活活动能力有较好的改善。 相似文献