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Hydrolytic metabolism of pyrethroid insecticides in humans is one of the major catabolic pathways that clear these compounds from the body. Rodent models are often used to determine the disposition and clearance rates of these esterified compounds. In this study the distribution and activities of esterases that catalyze pyrethroid metabolism have been investigated in vitro using several human and rat tissues, including small intestine, liver and serum. The major esterase in human intestine is carboxylesterase 2 (hCE2). We found that the pyrethroid trans-permethrin is effectively hydrolyzed by a sample of pooled human intestinal microsomes (5 individuals), while deltamethrin and bioresmethrin are not. This result correlates well with the substrate specificity of recombinant hCE2 enzyme. In contrast, a sample of pooled rat intestinal microsomes (5 animals) hydrolyze trans-permethrin 4.5-fold slower than the sample of human intestinal microsomes. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that pooled samples of cytosol from human or rat liver are approximately 2-fold less hydrolytically active (normalized per mg protein) than the corresponding microsomal fraction toward pyrethroid substrates; however, the cytosolic fractions do have significant amounts (approximately 40%) of the total esteratic activity. Moreover, a 6-fold interindividual variation in carboxylesterase 1 protein expression in human hepatic cytosols was observed. Human serum was shown to lack pyrethroid hydrolytic activity, but rat serum has hydrolytic activity that is attributed to a single CE isozyme. We purified the serum CE enzyme to homogeneity to determine its contribution to pyrethroid metabolism in the rat. Both trans-permethrin and bioresmethrin were effectively cleaved by this serum CE, but deltamethrin, esfenvalerate, alpha-cypermethrin and cis-permethrin were slowly hydrolyzed. Lastly, two model lipase enzymes were examined for their ability to hydrolyze pyrethroids. However, no hydrolysis products could be detected. Together, these results demonstrate that extrahepatic esterolytic metabolism of specific pyrethroids may be significant. Moreover, hepatic cytosolic and microsomal hydrolytic metabolism should each be considered during the development of pharmacokinetic models that predict the disposition of pyrethroids and other esterified compounds.  相似文献   

Pyrethroid chemicals are attractive alternatives to the organophosphates (OPs) because of their selective toxicity against pests rather than mammals. The carboxylesterases (CEs) are hepatic enzymes that metabolize ester-containing xenobiotics such as pyrethroids. The primary aim of this study was to gain insight into the catalytic properties of the CE enzymes in humans that metabolize pyrethroids, while a secondary aim was to investigate pyrethroid metabolism using CEs from other mammalian species. Pure human CEs (hCE-1 and hCE-2), a rabbit CE (rCE), and two rat CEs (Hydrolases A and B) were used to study the hydrolytic metabolism of the following pyrethroids: 1Rtrans-resmethrin (bioresmethrin), 1RStrans-permethrin, and 1RScis-permethrin. hCE-1 and hCE-2 hydrolyzed trans-permethrin 8- and 28-fold more efficiently than cis-permethrin (when k(cat)/K(m) values were compared), respectively. In contrast, hydrolysis of bioresmethrin was catalyzed efficiently by hCE-1, but not by hCE-2. The kinetic parameters for the pure rat and rabbit CEs were qualitatively similar to the human CEs when hydrolysis rates of the investigated pyrethroids were evaluated. Further, a comparison of pyrethroid hydrolysis by hepatic microsomes from rats, mice, and humans indicated that the rates for each compound were similar between species, which further supports the use of rodent models for pyrethroid metabolism studies. An eight-fold range in hydrolytic rates for 11 individual human liver samples toward trans-permethrin was also found, although this variability was not related to the levels of hCE-1 protein in each sample. We also determined that the CE inhibitor 2-chloro-3,4-dimethoxybenzil blocked hCE-2-catalyzed trans-permethrin hydrolysis 36 times more potently than hCE-1. Thus, this inhibitor will be useful in future studies that examine CE-mediated metabolism of pyrethroids. While there are likely other esterases in human liver that hydrolyze pyrethroids, the results of this study clearly demonstrate that hCE-1 and hCE-2 are human pyrethroid-hydrolyzing CEs.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that the endocannabinoids anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) inhibit the proliferation of C6 glioma cells in a manner that can be prevented by a combination of capsazepine (Caps) and cannabinoid (CB) receptor antagonists. It is not clear whether the effect of 2-AG is due to the compound itself, due to the rearrangement to form 1-arachidonoylglycerol (1-AG) or due to a metabolite. Here, it was found that the effects of 2-AG can be mimicked with 1-AG, both in terms of its potency and sensitivity to antagonism by Caps and CB receptor antagonists. In order to determine whether the effect of Caps could be ascribed to actions upon vanilloid receptors, the effect of a more selective vanilloid receptor antagonist, SB366791 was investigated. This compound inhibited capsaicin-induced Ca(2+) influx into rVR1-HEK293 cells with a pK(B) value of 6.8+/-0.3. The combination of SB366791 and CB receptor antagonists reduced the antiproliferative effect of 1-AG, confirming a vanilloid receptor component in its action. 1-AG, however, showed no direct effect on Ca(2+) influx into rVR1-HEK293 cells indicative of an indirect effect upon vanilloid receptors. Identification of the mechanism involved was hampered by a large inter-experimental variation in the sensitivity of the cells to the antiproliferative effects of 1-AG. A variation was also seen with anandamide, which was not a solubility issue, since its water soluble phosphate ester showed the same variability. In contrast, the sensitivity to methanandamide, which was not sensitive to antagonism by the combination of Caps and CB receptor antagonists, but has similar physicochemical properties to anandamide, did not vary between experiments. This variation greatly reduces the utility of these cells as a model system for the study of the antiproliferative effects of anandamide. Nevertheless, it was possible to conclude that the antiproliferative effects of anandamide were not solely mediated by either its hydrolysis to produce arachidonic acid or its CB receptor-mediated activation of phospholipase A(2) since palmitoyltrifluoromethyl ketone did not prevent the response to anandamide. The same result was seen with the fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitor palmitoylethylamide. Increasing intracellular arachidonic acid by administration of arachidonic acid methyl ester did not affect cell proliferation, and the modest antiproliferative effect of umbelliferyl arachidonate was not prevented by a combination of Caps and CB receptor antagonists.  相似文献   

Psoralens, together with ultraviolet light A (PUVA), are used in the treatment of epidermal proliferative disorders. Although these compounds can enter cells and photo cross-link DNA, lipids and proteins, including a specific membrane receptor, are also potential targets for the psoralens. To better elucidate the site of action of the psoralens, we have synthesized a family of 5'-mercurio-substituted derivatives of 4',5'-dihydropsoralen. These compounds are identified by their heavy metal content and can be used as a model to deliver thiol reactive psoralen derivatives into keratinocytes. The 5'-mercuriopsoralen derivatives were found to be effective inhibitors of keratinocyte growth without photoactivation. The most active compound, 4,8-dimethyl-5'-iodomercuriomethyl-4',5'-dihydropsoralen (IC50=10 microM), was also a potent photosensitizer (IC50=0.3 microM). Depletion of keratinocyte GSH with buthionine sulfoximine markedly increased their sensitivity to this analog, both with and without UVA light. In contrast, N-acetyl-L-cysteine partially protected the cells from growth inhibition, indicating that a sulfhydryl-sensitive site is growth limiting and that this target can be photoactivated. Iodomercurio-4',5'-dihydropsoralen was found to form adducts with GSH and cysteine, which were not active without UVA light. Thus, these adducts may also contribute to the photosensitization reactions of the parent compound. Using plasmid DNA unwinding assays, iodomercurio-4',5'-dihydropsoralen was also found to modify DNA, an activity that increased following UVA light treatment. This suggests that DNA damage may contribute to the actions of these psoralens. Taken together, our data demonstrate that there are multiple sites of action for mercuriopsoralens. These compounds may prove useful for understanding the mechanisms of psoralen-induced growth inhibition in the skin.  相似文献   

The diuretic drug amiloride and its analogues were found previously to be allosteric modulators of antagonist binding to A(2A) adenosine receptors. In this study, the possibility of the allosteric modulation by amiloride analogues of antagonist binding at A(1) and A(3) receptors, as well as agonist binding at A(1), A(2A), and A(3) receptors, was explored. Amiloride analogues increased the dissociation rates of two antagonist radioligands, [3H]8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine ([3H]DPCPX) and [3H]8-ethyl-4-methyl-2-phenyl-(8R)-4,5,7,8-tetrahydro-1H-imidazo[2,1-i]purin-5-one ([3H]PSB-11), from A(1) and A(3) receptors, respectively. Amiloride and 5-(N,N-dimethyl)amiloride (DMA) were more potent at A(1) receptors than at A(3) receptors, while 5-(N,N-hexamethylene)amiloride (HMA) was more potent at A(3) receptors. Thus, amiloride analogues are allosteric inhibitors of antagonist binding at A(1), A(2A), and A(3) adenosine receptor subtypes. In contrast to their effects on antagonist-occupied receptors, amiloride analogues did not affect the dissociation rates of the A(1) agonist [3H]N(6)-[(R)-phenylisopropyl]adenosine ([3H]R-PIA) from A(1) receptors or the A(2A) agonist [3H]2-[p-(2-carboxyethyl)phenyl-ethylamino]-5'-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine ([3H]CGS21680) from A(2A) receptors. The dissociation rate of the A(3) agonist radioligand [125I]N(6)-(4-amino-3-iodobenzyl)adenosine-5'-N-methyluronamide ([125I]I-AB-MECA) from A(3) receptors was decreased significantly by amiloride analogues. The binding modes of amiloride analogues at agonist-occupied and antagonist-occupied receptors differed markedly, which was demonstrated in all three subtypes of adenosine receptors tested in this study. The effects of the amiloride analogues on the action of the A(3) receptor agonist were explored further using a cyclic AMP functional assay in intact CHO cells expressing the human A(3) receptor. Both binding and functional assays support the allosteric interactions of amiloride analogues with A(3) receptors.  相似文献   

With the perspective to use human reconstructed skin models for genotoxicity testing which require metabolic activation of xenobiotics, this study aimed to characterize activities of biotransforming enzymes within two human reconstructed skin models, the epidermis model EpiDerm™ (MatTek) and the Phenion® Full-Thickness skin model Phenion®FT (Henkel). According to existing gene expression profiles, Cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes, Flavin-dependent monooxygenases (FMO), N-acetyltransferases (NAT) and UDP-glucuronyltransferases (UDP-GT) were investigated in S9 or microsomal fractions. CYP-catalyzed monooxygenation was assayed using 7-ethoxyresorufin, pentoxyresorufin and benzyloxyresorufin as substrates. FMO activity was tested using benzydamine. Conjugating activities of NAT and UDP-GT were determined by acetylation of p-aminobenzoic acid or glucuronation of 4-methylumbelliferone, respectively. Although CYPs were detected by expression profiling, no CYP activity was detected in either the epidermal nor the full-thickness reconstructed skin model while expression and activity of FMO, UDP-GT and NAT were demonstrated in both.  相似文献   

The use of the antiepileptic drug, 4-aminobutyrate transaminase (GABA-T) inhibitor vigabatrin (VIGA), has been recently cautioned because it is associated to irreversible field defects from damage of the retina. Since novel GABA-T inhibitors might prove useful in epilepsy or other CNS pathologies as VIGA substitutes, the aim of the present investigation was to characterize the biochemical properties of some taurine analogues (TA) previously shown to act as GABA-T inhibitors. These include (+/-)piperidine-3-sulfonic acid (PSA), 2-aminoethylphosphonic acid (AEP), (+/-)2-acetylaminocyclohexane sulfonic acid (ATAHS) and 2-aminobenzenesulfonate (ANSA). Kinetic analysis of the activity of partially purified rabbit brain GABA-T in the presence of VIGA and TA showed that PSA and AEP caused a linear, mixed-type inhibition (Ki values 364 and 1010 microM, respectively), whereas VIGA, ANSA and ATAHS behaved like competitive inhibitors (Ki values 320, 434 and 598 microM, respectively). Among the compounds studied, only VIGA exerted a time-dependent, irreversible inhibition of the enzyme, with Ki and k(inact) values of 773 microM and 0.14 min(-1), respectively. Furthermore, the ability of VIGA and TA to enhance GABA-ergic transmission was assessed in rabbit brain cortical slices by NMR quantitative analysis. The results demonstrate that VIGA as well as all TA promoted a significant increase of GABA content. In conclusion, PSA, ANSA and ATAHS, reversible GABA-T inhibitors with Ki values close to that of VIGA, represent a new class of compounds, susceptible of therapeutic exploitation in many disorders associated with low levels of GABA in brain tissues.  相似文献   

The inhibition of arterial tone produced by two nitric oxide (NO) derivatives of biological relevance, dinitrosyl-iron complexes with cysteine (DNIC-CYS) or with glutathione (DNIC-GSH), was compared. Both compounds induced vasorelaxation within the same concentration range (3-300 nM) in endothelium-denuded rat aortic rings. Consistent with a faster rate of NO release from DNIC-CYS than from DNIC-GSH, the relaxant effect of DNIC-CYS was rapid in onset and tended to recover with time, whereas the one of DNIC-GSH developed slowly and was sustained. In addition, DNIC-GSH (0.3 and 1 microM) but not DNIC-CYS (1 microM) induced, even after washout of the drug, a persistent hyporesponsiveness to vasoconstrictors and a relaxant effect of low molecular weight thiols like N-acetylcysteine (NAC, which can displace NO from preformed NO stores). Both effects of DNIC-GSH were associated with elevation of cyclic GMP content and were attenuated by NO scavengers or a cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinases inhibitor. In rings previously exposed to DNIC-GSH, addition of mercuric chloride (which can cleave the cysteine-NO bond of S-nitrosothiols) elicited relaxation, completely blunted the one of NAC and also abolished the persistent elevation of NO content. In conclusion, this study shows that whereas both DNIC-CYS and DNIC-GSH elicited a NO release-associated relaxant effect in isolated arteries, only DNIC-GSH induced an inhibition of contraction which persisted after drug removal. The persistent effect of DNIC-GSH was attributed to the formation of releasable NO stores in arterial tissue, most probably as S-nitrosothiols. Thus, the nature of the thiol ligand plays a critical role in determining the mechanisms and duration of the effect of LMW-DNIC in arteries.  相似文献   

It was previously found that fenarimol, vinclozolin or acephate, three of the most used pesticides worldwide, provoked a marked perturbation of murine cytochrome P450 (CYP)-linked monooxygenases. Here, to more closely mimic human exposure, it was investigated whether different pesticide combinations administered i.p. in male Swiss Albino CD1 mice in single or repeated fashion (daily, for three consecutive days), affect CYP-dependent oxidations. The four simulated mixtures showed a complex pattern of CYP induction and suppression, especially after repeated injection. For example, while fenarimol alone was the most inducing agent--reaching a 79-fold increase over control in testosterone 2alpha-hydroxylase--followed by vinclozolin and acephate, coadministration with the former markedly reduced induction. Coadministration with vinclozolin, determined various positive and negative modulations. An increase of CYP2B1/2 and CYP3A1/2-associated oxidases and a decrease of ethoxycoumarin metabolism was observed in the acephate and vinclozolin mixture. An equivalent or reduced CYP expression, if compared to double combinations, was seen using the complete mixture. Taken as a whole, the unpredictability of the recorded effects with simple mixtures, shrinks the misleading extrapolation performed on a single pesticide. If reproduced in human, such changes, altering either endogenous metabolism or biotransformation of ubiquitous toxins, might have public health implications.  相似文献   

Cannabinoids have been reported to have anti-inflammatory effects and reduce joint damage in animal models of arthritis. This suggests a potential therapeutic role in arthritis of this group of compounds. Cannabinoids were studied to determine whether they have direct effects on chondrocyte metabolism resulting in cartilage protection. Synthetic cannabinoids, R-(+)-Win-55,212 (Win-2) and S-(-)-Win-55,212 (Win-3) and the endocannabinoid, anandamide, were investigated on unstimulated or IL-1-stimulated nitric oxide (NO) production in bovine articular chondrocytes as well as on cartilage proteoglycan breakdown in bovine nasal cartilage explants. Win-2 significantly inhibited (P < 0.05) NO production in chondrocytes at 1-10 microM concentrations. The combined CB(1) and CB(2) cannabinoid receptor antagonists, AM281 and AM630, respectively, at 100 microM did not block this effect, but instead they potentiated it. Anandamide and Win-2 (5-50 microM) also inhibited the release of sulphated glycosaminoglycans in bovine cartilage explants. The results suggest that some cannabinoids may prevent cartilage resorption, in part, by inhibiting cytokine-induced NO production by chondrocytes and also by inhibiting proteoglycan degradation.  相似文献   

The drinking water disinfection byproduct bromodichloromethane (CHBrCl(2)) was previously shown to be mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium that overexpress rat glutathione transferase theta 1-1 (GSTT1-1). Several experimental approaches were undertaken in this study to investigate the DNA covalent binding potential of reactive intermediates generated by GSTT1-1-mediated metabolism of CHBrCl(2). First, rodent hepatic cytosol incubations containing [(14)C]CHBrCl(2), supplemented glutathione (GSH), and calf thymus DNA resulted in approximately 3-fold (rat liver cytosol) and 7-fold (mouse liver cytosol) greater amounts of total radioactivity (RAD) associated with the purified DNA as compared to a control (absence of rodent cytosol) following liquid scintillation counting (LSC) of isolated DNA. The relative increase in DNA labeling is consistent with the conjugation activity of these rodent cytosols toward CHBrCl(2). Second, exposure of GSTT1-1-expressing S. typhimurium to [(14)C]CHBrCl(2) resulted in a concentration-dependent increase of bacterial DNA-associated total radioactivity. Characterization of DNA-associated radioactivity could not be assigned to a specific deoxynucleoside adduct(s) following enzymatic hydrolysis of DNA and subsequent HPLC analysis. A possible explanation for this observation was formation of a 'transient' adduct that was unstable in the DNA isolation and hydrolysis procedures employed. To circumvent problems of adduct instability, reactions of [(14)C]CHBrCl(2) with GSH catalyzed by recombinant rat GSTT1-1 were performed in the presence of calf thymus DNA or, alternatively, the model nucleophile deoxyguanosine. Hydroxyapatite chromatography of [(14)C]-labeled DNA or HPLC chromatography of [(14)C]-labeled deoxyguanosine derivatives demonstrated the covalent binding of [(14)C]CHBrCl(2)-derived metabolites to DNA and deoxyguanosine in low yield (approximately 0.02% of [(14)C]CHBrCl(2) biotransformed by GSTT1-1 resulted in DNA adducts). Cytochrome P450 (CYP)- and GST-catalyzed biotransformation of CHBrCl(2) in rat tissues (kidney and large intestine) that develop tumors following chronic CHBrCl(2) exposure were compared with rat liver (a nontarget tissue). Rat liver had a significant capacity to detoxify CHBrCl(2) (to carbon dioxide) compared with kidney and large intestine as a result of CYP-catalyzed oxidation, liver was approximately 16-fold more efficient than kidney and large intestine when intrinsic clearance values (V(max)/K(m)) were compared. In contrast, the efficiency of GST-mediated GSH conjugation of CHBrCl(2) in kidney and large intestine was only slightly lower than liver (approximately 2- to 4-fold lower), thus, the relative amounts of reactive intermediates that are produced with the capacity to covalently modify DNA may be enhanced in these extrahepatic tissues. The significance of these findings is that conjugation of CHBrCl(2) with GSH can result in the covalent modification of DNA and that cancer target tissues in rats have a much reduced detoxification capacity, but only a modest decrease in bioactivation capacity, as compared to the liver (a nontarget tissue in rats).  相似文献   

Potency and intrinsic activity of agonists depend on ligand structure, but are also regulated by receptor-G protein stoichiometry. A potential functional reserve in adenosine A(1) receptor-mediated G protein activation was investigated by stimulation of guanosine-5'-(gamma-[35S]thio)-triphosphate ([35S]GTPgammaS) binding by the full agonist 2-chloro-N(6)-cyclopentyladenosine (CCPA) and the partial agonist 5'-deoxy-5'-methylthioadenosine (MeSA). Pretreatment of rat brain membranes with the irreversible antagonist 1-propyl-3-[3-[[4-(fluorosulfonyl)benzoyl]oxy]-propyl]-8-cyclopentylxanthine revealed no classical receptor reserve for either agonist. The functional significance of the G protein coupling state of the receptor and occupancy of G proteins by guanine nucleotides was assessed after partial uncoupling of receptor-G protein complexes with N-ethylmaleimide and in the presence of increasing GDP concentrations. Agonist EC(50) values in G protein activation were increased after NEM pretreatment and at higher GDP concentrations, and a decrease in the relative intrinsic activity of MeSA was observed. The shift of agonist concentration-response curves to the right, the decrease in maximal effects and the decrease in relative intrinsic activity of the partial agonist point to a functional reserve which has to be attributed to GDP-free receptor-G protein complexes. The mechanisms of action of FSCPX, NEM and GDP were fully consistent with the two-state model of receptor activation. The apparent reserve revealed by GDP reflects a shift from spontaneously active GDP-free receptor-G protein complexes (RG)(*), which can bind [35S]GTPgammaS, to (RG) occupied by GDP. The abundance of (RG)(*) is favored by agonists and by the absence of GDP.  相似文献   

A 30-week dermal tumor promotion study was conducted to evaluate the dermal tumor-promoting potential of cigarette smoke condensate (CSC) collected from cigarettes containing flue-cured tobacco cured by a heat-exchange process (HE) relative to that of cigarettes containing flue-cured tobacco cured by the traditional direct-fire process (DF). Heat-exchange process cured tobacco contains significantly lower concentrations of tobacco specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) compared to traditional direct-fire cured tobacco. Mainstream CSCs were collected by cold trap from smoke generators using the Federal Trade Commission puffing regimen. Groups of 40 female SENCAR mice were initiated by a single application of 75 micro g 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) to the shaved dorsal skin. CSCs were then applied to the skin three times/week for 29 weeks at 9, 18, or 36mg tar/application. End-points included body weights, clinical observations, organ weights, dermal tumor development and histopathology. The numbers of dermal tumors and the numbers of tumor-bearing mice for each CSC were statistically different from the DMBA/acetone control group and increased with increasing dose. When corresponding doses of each CSC were compared, only the DMBA/mid-dose HE CSC group was statistically significantly different (lower) from the corresponding DMBA/mid-dose DF CSC group. In this assay, the dermal tumor-promotion potential of CSC from heat-exchange flue-cured tobacco did not differ from that of traditional direct-fire flue-cured tobacco CSC.  相似文献   

The role of Na(+) and Na(+) exchangers in intracellular Ca(2+) elevation and leukotriene B(4) (LTBs) formation was investigated in granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)-primed, fMLP-stimulated human neutrophils. Isotonic substitution of extracellular Na(+) with N-methyl-D-glucamine(+) (NMDG(+)) resulted in over 85% inhibition of the LTBs generation observed (from 14.1+/-0.9pmol/10(6) neutrophils to 1.7+/-1.0pmol/10(6) neutrophils at 0.3 microM fMLP). Isotonic substitution of Na(+) with NMDG(+) also induced a significant inhibition of fMLP-induced rise in cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) (from 2.17- to 0.78-fold increase over basal levels). Pretreatment with an inhibitor of the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger (benzamil) did not inhibit either [Ca(2+)](i) rise or LTBs production, indicating that the observed effects of extracellular Na(+)-deprivation were unrelated to the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger in receptor-mediated Ca(2+) influx, as previously hypothesized. LTBs production by thapsigargin-activated neutrophils was not affected by Na(+) depletion, but was totally abolished in the presence of EGTA, suggesting that store depletion-driven extracellular Ca(2+) influx is required for leukotriene synthesis and that this process is independent of Na(+)-deprivation. Exposure to Na(+)-free medium for the time of GM-CSF priming led to a significant decrease of intracellular pH values, suggesting a role of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger in intracellular Na(+) depletion. Reducing the time of Na(+)-deprivation totally reversed the observed effect on LTBs production, resulting in enhanced, rather than inhibited, formation of LTBs. These results indicate that LTBs generation and [Ca(2+)](i) rise in human neutrophils primed by GM-CSF and stimulated with fMLP is dependent on intracellular Na(+) concentration, and, at variance with previously published results, unrelated to the Ca(2+) influx through the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger.  相似文献   

Previous work demonstrated that human cytochrome P4501B1 (CYP1B1) forms predominantly 4-hydroxyestradiol (4-OHE2), a metabolite which is carcinogenic in animal models. Here, we present results from kinetic studies characterizing the formation of 4-OHE2 and 2-hydroxyestradiol (2-OHE2) by rat CYP1B1 using 17beta-estradiol (E2) as a substrate. Km and Kcat values were estimated using the Michaelis-Menten equation. For rat CYP1B1, the apparent Km values for the formation of 4-OHE2 and 2-OHE2 were 0.61+/-0.23 and 1.84+/-0.73 microM; the turnover numbers (Kcat) were 0.23+/-0.02 and 0.46+/-0.05 pmol/min/pmol P450; and the catalytic efficiencies (Kcat/Km) were 0.37 and 0.25, respectively. For human CYP1B1, the apparent Km values for the formation of 4-OHE2 and 2-OHE2 were 1.22+/-0.25 and 1.10+/-0.26; the turnover numbers were 1.23+/-0.06 and 0.33+/-0.02; and the catalytic efficiencies were 1.0 and 0.30, respectively. The turnover number ratio of 4- to 2-hydroxylation was 3.7 for human CYP1B1 and 0.5 for rat CYP1B1. These results indicate that, although rat CYP1B1 is a low Km E2 hydroxylase, its product ratio, unlike the human enzyme, favors 2-hydroxylation. The Ki values of the inhibitor 2,4,3',5'-tetramethoxystilbene (TMS) for E2 4- and 2-hydroxylation by rat CYP1B1 were 0.69 and 0.78 microM, respectively. The Ki values of 7,8-benzoflavone (alpha-NF) for E2 4- and 2-hydroxylation by rat CYP1B1 were 0.01 and 0.02 microM, respectively. The knowledge gained from this study will support the rational design of CYP1B1 inhibitors and clarify results of CYP1B1 related carcinogenesis studies performed in rats.  相似文献   

Induction of apoptosis is a hallmark of the cellular response of human lymphocytes and lymphoma cells to treatment with anticancer drugs and irradiation. Both treatment modalities trigger apoptosis through intrinsic, mitochondrial apoptosis pathways resulting in the activation of caspases. We and others have shown that the tyrosine kinase p56/Lck is involved in the regulation of apoptosis induced by irradiation or treatment with ceramide but dispensable for death receptor triggered cell death. However, the role of p56/Lck for apoptosis induction in response to anticancer drugs is unclear. To elucidate the putative requirement of p56/Lck for apoptosis signaling of cytotoxic drugs, activation of caspases and alteration of mitochondrial functions were determined in Jurkat T cells, the p56/Lck deficient JCaM1.6 cells and the p56/Lck retransfected JCaM1.6/Lck cells in response to chemotherapeutic drugs with different targets of their primary action. Treatment with Doxorubicin, Paclitaxel or 5-Fluorouracil induced a breakdown of the mitochondrial membrane potential and apoptotic cell death in p56/Lck expressing Jurkat and the retransfected JCaM1.6/Lck cells within 48 h of treatment. However, almost no mitochondrial alterations and no induction of apoptosis could be detected in the p56/Lck deficient JCaM1.6 cells. Correspondingly, activation of caspases-9, -8, and -3 and cleavage of the caspase-3 substrate PARP (poly-(ADP-ribose)-polymerase) were almost completely absent in JCaM1.6 cells while present in p56/Lck positive Jurkat and JCaM1.6/Lck cells. In contrast, retransfection of the cells with the p56/Lck-related tyrosine kinase Src could not restore sensitivity to the treatment with cytotoxic drugs indicating a specific role of the tyrosine kinase p56/Lck in apoptosis signaling. Importantly, kinase-activity of p56/Lck may be dispensable for its pro-apoptoptic action since preincubation with the Src-kinase inhibitor PP2 did not reduce apoptosis induced by cytotoxic drugs. In conclusion, the tyrosine kinase p56/Lck is essential for apoptosis induction by Doxorubicin, Paclitaxel and 5-Fluorouracil regulating early steps of the mitochondrial apoptosis signaling cascade, including alteration of mitochondrial functions and caspase-activation.  相似文献   

Kaempferol (3, 4',5,7-tetrahydroxyflavone) is one of the most commonly found dietary flavonols. The biological and pharmacological effects of kaempferol may depend upon its behavior as either an antioxidant or a prooxidant. However, the clear biological effects of prooxidant or antioxidant character of kaempferol has not been clarified yet. The overall objective of the present study is to explore the role of prooxidant or antioxidant in kaempferol-induced cell toxicity. In this paper, we have proved that antioxidant pathway may be involved in kaempferol induces H460 cell apoptosis. Kaempferol-induced H460 cell apoptosis is a typical apoptosis that was accompanied by a significant DNA condensation and increasing intracellular ATP levels. Kaempferol-induced apoptosis is related to its ability to change the expression of apoptotic markers, such as caspase-3 (caspase-dependent) and AIF (caspase-independent). The overexpression of antioxidant enzyme Mn SOD protein levels, which was promoted to a new type tumor suppressor gene in several human cancer cells recently, may be an important role in kaempferol-induced H460 cell apoptosis.  相似文献   

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