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The unprecedented and prolonged coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has escalated the gravity of disasters in the field of mental health. Nurses are health care providers who play a pivotal role in all phases of disaster management and psychiatric nurses are required to be prepared and equipped with competencies to respond to such disasters. This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the effects of mental health nurses’ professional quality of life on disaster nursing competencies. This study adhered to the STROBE checklist for observational research. Data were collected from 196 mental health nurses working in various settings, including hospitals and communities in South Korea. Compassion satisfaction and compassion fatigue were measured using the Korean version of the Professional Quality of Life Scale. Disaster nursing competencies were measured using the Disaster Nursing Preparedness-Response Competencies Scale. Multiple regression analysis showed that compassion satisfaction (β = 0.36, P < 0.001) was the most potent predictor of disaster nursing competencies of mental health nurses, followed by participation in disaster nursing (β = 0.15, P = 0.023) and disaster nursing-related education (β = 0.15, P = 0.026); these factors explained 30.1% of the variance. Education programmes ensuring that mental health nurses are adequately prepared for disaster management should include theoretical content as well as simulation training using virtual situations that resemble actual disasters. Further, supportive leadership and work environments that encourage cohesive teamwork are needed to increase compassion satisfaction of nurses.  相似文献   

This paper examines stances that are being adopted in relation to the current and future direction of mental health nursing practice. The argument is made that mental health nursing is being pushed into a direction that is essentially positivistic and narrow in its focus, stating that the current hegemony of thinking which dictates that our primary focus of concern should be with individuals suffering from severe or recurring mental illness, allied with the drive towards 'evidence based practice' is symptomatic of wider issues that should be of concern to all parties interested in the issue of mental health care. The authors examine the context and rationale for these developments from socio-political, philosophical and ethical viewpoints, highlighting that their logical outcome is the exclusion of individuals from the right to health care and question the motives underpinning what could be considered a fundamental shift in the provision of mental health services. The argument is then advanced that caution should be adopted by mental health nursing services before abandoning what Gournay (1994) described as 'redundant ideologies' and that a broader view of mental health nursing action should be accommodated. The validity of trying to account for mental nursing action in quantifiable and biomechanistic terms is questioned and an alternative paradigm of accounting for such action is suggested.  相似文献   

Consumer aggression is common in acute mental health settings and can result in direct or vicarious psychological or physical impacts for both consumers and health professionals. Using recovery‐focused care, nurses can implement a range of strategies to reduce aggression and empower consumers to self‐regulate their behaviour, when faced with challenging situations, such as admission to the acute care setting. Currently, there is limited literature to direct nurses in the use of recovery‐focused care and how it can be used to reduce consumer aggression. Twenty‐seven mental health nurses participated in this study. The constructivist grounded theory method guided data collection and analysis to identify categories that accurately described participants’ experiences. Five categories emerged that described how nurses can implement recovery‐focused care clinically to reduce the risk of consumer aggression: (i) identify the reason for the behaviour before responding; (ii) being sensitive to the consumer's trigger for aggression; (iii) focus on the consumer's strengths and support, not risks; (iv) being attentive to the consumer's needs; and (v) reconceptualize aggression as a learning opportunity. As the importance of promoting consumer recovery is now embedded in mental health policies internationally, nurses need to prioritize the application of recovery‐focused care clinically. Further research to provide evidence‐based outcomes supporting the use of recovery‐focused care is needed.  相似文献   

Home health nursing care (HHNC) in Korea has taken on an important role under the mandate of the national health care system since 2000. This program was developed to verify the possibility of early discharge of hospitalized patients and cost containment through a research and development project that was conducted with the government from 1994 to 1999. The process of development of HHNC provided an opportunity to realize the advancement and changes in the system into a consumer-focused structure. This is an important turning point for the Korean health care system that suggests certain possibilities for building a foundation for further changes in the service delivery structure. The structure, which had been limited to a supplier-oriented model, is moving to a consumer-oriented structure. Accordingly, the major function and role of nursing policy makers in Korea is to develop an agenda and alternatives for policy-making in a systematic manner and to present implementation strategies clearly.  相似文献   

Although omitted from the World Health Organization's eight Millennium Development Goals, mental illness ranks fourth of the 10 leading causes of disability in the world and is expected to approach second place by 2020. Scarce resources challenge responses to mental health needs. Effective approaches must consider existing healthcare delivery networks, nurses as care providers, as well as social, cultural, political and historical contexts. This paper reviews policy development and care approaches to address mental health needs around the world. Challenges, successes and further needs are discussed. Selected articles were reviewed to represent varied approaches to address mental health needs in countries with diverse resources and infrastructures. Integrated systems offer one model for addressing mental health needs along with physical health needs within a population. While potentially an efficient strategy, caution is advised to ensure services are integrated and not merely added on top of an already overburdened system. As the largest group of healthcare professionals worldwide, nurses play a key role in the delivery of mental health services. Nurses have an opportunity, if not a responsibility, to collaborate across borders sharing education and innovative approaches to care delivery.  相似文献   

There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that many community mental health nurses (CMHNs) experience considerable stress and burnout. This review aimed to bring together the research evidence in this area for CMHNs working within the UK. Seventeen papers were identified in the literature, seven of which looked at stress and burnout for all members of community mental health teams (CMHTs) and the remaining 10 papers focused on CMHNs. The evidence indicates that those health professionals working as part of community teams are experiencing increasing levels of stress and burnout as a result of increasing workloads, increasing administration and lack of resources. For CMHNs specific stressors were identified. These included increases in workload and administration, time management, inappropriate referrals, safety issues, role conflict, role ambiguity, lack of supervision, not having enough time for personal study and NHS reforms, general working conditions and lack of funding and resources. Areas for future research are described and the current study of Welsh CMHNs is announced. This review has been completed against a background of further significant changes in the health service. In the mental health field, specific new initiatives will have a significant impact on the practice of community mental health nursing. A new National Framework for Mental Health, along with a review of the Mental Health Act (1983), will undoubtedly help to shape the future practice of mental health nursing.  相似文献   

RATIONALE, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The London Health Sciences Centre found that its emergency room (ER) mental health services were affected by people presenting with problems that did not require psychiatric intervention. Consequently, a second triage using a crisis worker (CW) was introduced in the ER to identify those persons with mental illness (PMI) who presented for social stressors related to housing, finances and legal issues. A qualitative, process evaluation study was conducted to capture experiences and perceptions of the new triage and CW. METHOD: Qualitative input was obtained from a broad range of stakeholders in three waves of data-gathering over a 25-month period. This method allowed corroboration of findings from informants with varying interests and backgrounds. The data were collected through interviews, focus groups and surveys. The NUD-ist Qualitative Data Analysis Software Program was used to conduct content analyses. RESULTS: Many PMI seeking ER mental health services are presenting with problems related to social stressors and being referred by the second triage to the CW. The introduction of the second triage CW has had a positive effect on ER functioning, the workload of ER staff and the experience of persons presenting at ER. CONCLUSIONS: A defined triage process coupled with the use of psychiatric nursing staff may be applicable to ERs within general hospital settings to improve ER functioning, focus support for PMI and further integrate ERs within the community mental health model.  相似文献   

Australian mental health policy is focused on providing mental health care in the community setting and community mental health teams provide services to clients in a shared model with primary care. The historical literature reports that community mental health nurses’ experience high levels of stress and are often allocated the most complex and challenging clients managed by the team. Yet information on their specific roles remains limited. This paper reports on research conducted at one Australian public mental health service to identify the components of the community mental health nursing role and to quantify the time nurses spent in each component during the study period. Six focus groups were conducted with community mental health nurses to identify their perceived role within the team. Data analysis identified 18 components of which 10 were related to direct clinical contact with clients and eight covered administrative and care coordination activities. A data collection tool based on the findings of the focus groups was designed and nurses recorded workload data on the tool in 15‐min intervals over a 4‐week period. Seventeen nurses collected 1528 hours of data. Internal coordination of care was identified as the top workload item followed by clinical documentation and national data collection responsibilities supporting the complexity of the community mental health nursing role. The high rating attached to the internal coordination of care role demonstrates an important contribution that community mental health nurses make to the functioning of the team and the delivery of quality mental health care.  相似文献   

The aim of this case study was to describe and analyse the basic pre-conditions for an intervention programme focusing upon mental health promotion and prevention of depression in an elderly community group and to discuss the psychiatric nurse's community-oriented health promotion work. The intervention programme, which was led by a psychiatric nurse, was built on intersectorial co-operation between public and voluntary organizations, development of social networks to promote social support, and target group participation. The nurse's function in the community-oriented work was to act at the individual, group and society level, as well as to mobilize resources among individuals and organizations, in order to create a favourable interaction, resulting in health and empowerment for the individual. Pre-conditions for leading this work were: knowledge of health and mental all health among the elderly, investigation methodology, knowledge about the local society, as well as pedagogical, supervisory and social competence.  相似文献   

The recent emphasis on community care for those with mental illness has changed working patterns and modified inter-professional role boundaries within multi-disciplinary teams. Clients with serious mental illness are usually prescribed medications, which have a wide range of side effects. However, it is uncertain who is responsible for monitoring clients for the side effects of their medications, ensuring clients' and carers' understandings of their prescribed medications and optimizing compliance with medication. This paper discusses the findings of the first phase of an ongoing study designed to assess the role of community mental health nurses (CMHNs) in managing clients' medication and the provision of appropriate continuing professional education. Our respondents were 14 CMHNs, seven of whom were preparing to undertake a pharmacology module as part of a higher education diploma, and seven who were to act as comparators. Data from questionnaires, interviews and clinical observations were triangulated. All respondents felt that issues surrounding clients' medication were not accorded a sufficiently high profile and that it was, in part, their responsibility to expand their roles to meet these unmet needs of clients. Administering and managing clients' medications were considered to be the main area of 'occupational territory' which distinguished CMHNs from social workers. However, the nurses felt that their practice was limited by lack of appropriate educational preparation.  相似文献   

This ethnographic account of mental health nursing in a 22-bed acute inpatient facility in New South Wales, Australia, uncovered cultural meaning and cultural realities associated with the delivery of nursing care within the context of current challenges, demands, and influences brought about by service reforms. The findings demonstrate that mental health nurses have been responsive to changes brought about by the reforms. The ability of nurses to readily identify service gaps in their everyday practice provides them with the opportunity to develop strategies to respond to workplace challenges. As such, findings of the study contribute to current discussions concerning acute inpatient mental health nursing practice.  相似文献   

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