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患者男,64岁,2008年8月20日就诊,1个月前无明显诱因颈部出现米粒大小丘疹,微痒,未予治疗,皮疹渐增多,发展到四肢.曾诊断为玫瑰糠疹,给予硫代硫酸钠、维生素C注射及紫外线照射治疗.颈部皮疹变平,但未完全消退.  相似文献   

患儿男,9岁,因发热2天,皮疹1天于2009年3月8日首次入院.入院前2天,患儿因发热,咳嗽,在当地医院诊断为上呼吸道感染,给予阿莫西林胶囊(0.25 g)口服后,因青霉素皮试阳性,改为头孢曲松静脉滴注,8小时后,患儿出现高热,颈部、腋下、阴茎皮肤潮红,伴疼痛.1 d后,潮红皮肤蔓延至整个躯十部,并出现大疱和表皮剥脱(图1).因患儿为福利院儿童,家族史、遗传病史不详.  相似文献   

患儿男,9岁,因发热2天,皮疹1天于2009年3月8日首次入院.入院前2天,患儿因发热,咳嗽,在当地医院诊断为上呼吸道感染,给予阿莫西林胶囊(0.25 g)口服后,因青霉素皮试阳性,改为头孢曲松静脉滴注,8小时后,患儿出现高热,颈部、腋下、阴茎皮肤潮红,伴疼痛.1 d后,潮红皮肤蔓延至整个躯十部,并出现大疱和表皮剥脱(图1).因患儿为福利院儿童,家族史、遗传病史不详.  相似文献   

患儿男,9岁,因发热2天,皮疹1天于2009年3月8日首次入院.入院前2天,患儿因发热,咳嗽,在当地医院诊断为上呼吸道感染,给予阿莫西林胶囊(0.25 g)口服后,因青霉素皮试阳性,改为头孢曲松静脉滴注,8小时后,患儿出现高热,颈部、腋下、阴茎皮肤潮红,伴疼痛.1 d后,潮红皮肤蔓延至整个躯十部,并出现大疱和表皮剥脱(图1).因患儿为福利院儿童,家族史、遗传病史不详.  相似文献   

患者女,67岁,全身出现皮疹伴疼痛、发热3天。查体:全身皮肤泛发性红斑,红斑基础上可见水疱、大面积表皮松解剥脱、糜烂面,全身黏膜未累及,水疱疱壁松弛,尼氏征阳性。患者既往对磺胺类、头孢类药物过敏,本次发病前再次使用头孢类药物。诊断:泛发性大疱性固定性药疹。停用致敏药物并系统给予糖皮质激素后皮疹迅速消退。  相似文献   

在硬皮病损害中出现大疱是很少见的。作者报告大疱出现在3例成人女性患者。2例硬皮病,一例嗜酸性筋膜炎。硬皮病患者的病期分别为7年和2年,初起时均在躯干、四肢出现多片水肿性斑块,质硬并呈瓷白色,在手及下肢的硬化性红斑块上发生大疱,有的疱破而形成慢性无血管的深在性溃疡。两例均无雷诺氏现象,无吞咽困难,一氧化碳弥散力试验均正常,实验室检查亦无异常发现。其中一例有麻痹性肠阻塞,小肠活检肠壁固有层明显硬化,可是临床上消化道无吸收障碍现象。另一例用青霉胺治疗不久,因发生荨麻疹而停药,病情继续发展。二例中有一例取大疱性损害作活检,显示表皮明显角化过度,棘层肥厚及乳头瘤病改变。真皮内遍布多个巨大空泡性结构,其中含有嗜酸性无定形物质,另有扩张的薄壁管腔,推测可能是扩张的淋巴管道.  相似文献   

正1临床资料例1女,53岁,全身皮疹2 d。患者入院前3 d因"痔疮"应用"头孢西丁、甲硝唑"出现皮肤瘙痒。2 d前,治疗药物更换为"左氧氟沙星、甲硝唑"后,出现红色皮疹,水疱,伴疼痛。病程中患者无发热,否认"阿莫西林、喹诺酮类药物"过敏史,有"结缔组织病"病史4年,长期不规律服用"强的松、羟氯喹"治疗。  相似文献   

目的:比较泛发性大疱性固定性药疹(GBFDE)与中毒性表皮坏死松解症(TEN)病例的临床表现、治疗方案及疾病转归情况,探索其临床特征.方法:对我科2008-2018年收住人院的14例GBFDE患者以及中毒性表皮坏死松解症病情严重程度评分(SCORTEN)相同、皮肤剥脱面积占体表面积百分比(total body surf...  相似文献   

临床资料 8例为2001年7月—2002年8月我科门诊患者。男7例,女1例,年龄5—13岁,病程4—12天。最高体温38.7℃,一般情况较好,因经济原因入我院门诊观察室治疗。8例皮损均在100个以上,均有典型的大疱及脓液沉积征(图1)。外周血白细胞均升高,无菌抽取脓胞液涂片均查见革兰阳性球菌,其中6例球菌呈葡萄状排列,7例培养有金黄色葡萄球菌生长。  相似文献   

报告1例少见的大疱性硬 斑病。患者男性,25岁。四肢皮肤明显硬化萎缩,部分关节强直固定。左前臂伸侧大小不等的水疱,尼氏征阴性。无雷诺现象等系统损害。病理检查为典型的真皮均一化胶原纤维变性等硬皮病表现及表皮下水疱。  相似文献   

一、邮书:①马振友主编《最新皮肤科药物手册》88元,②《国际皮肤病分类与名称》766元,③《皮肤美容化妆品制剂手册》50元,④《中华皮肤性病学博览》30元,⑤《尖锐湿疣》20元;⑥徐汉卿主编《微量元素与皮肤病》168元;⑦朱文元,倪容之主编《疑难皮肤病彩色图谱》238元;⑧谭升顺主编《皮肤病治疗经验荟萃》78元。  相似文献   

报告1例18岁男性泛发性硬斑病,病史4年,表现为两上臂,躯干及右大腿10余处硬性斑片,伴色素改变,曾用复方丹参片,维生素E治疗无效,予以积雪甙片口服及积雪甙乳膏外用,治疗3个月后,临床及组织病理均显著改善,治疗半年后,皮疹基本消退。  相似文献   

Hemorrhagic bullous lesions in morphea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The case of a 20-year-old girl who had morphea with bullous lesions is reported. Two bullae appeared on an indurated patch of morphea on the right side of the trunk. A half-moon-shaped lesion was localized along the superior border of the patch and the other followed the anterior border and extended into the patch. Both contained a hemorrhagic fluid. The bullae spontaneously regressed in a few months without therapy. We emphasize the very rare occurrence of hemorrhagic bullous lesions as a complication of morphea.  相似文献   

A 69-year-old male had noticed pruritus on the back for the previous 3-4 years and cutaneous sclerosis with swelling of the dorsum of the neck had developed in the last one and a half years. However, he had never complained of Raynaud's phenomenon of the fingers, dry mouth, or dry eyes. At this first visit to our hospital, he complained of erythematous cutaneous sclerosis with swelling of the dorsum of the neck. Histopathological findings biopsied from the neck showed epidermal hyperplasia with elongation of rete ridges and homogeneous and fibromatous changes of the dermis with dense perivascular cell infiltration consisting of mononuclear cells or lymphocytes with several nests of incontinentia pigmenti. However, there were no sclerotic changes in blood vessels in the upper dermis biopsied from the forearm skin, although slightly homogeneous and fibromatous changes of the dermis were seen. In the clinical course, the cutaneous sclerotic change enlarged to extend to the bottom of the cheek, forearm, and lower legs. These clinical features and histopathological findings led to the diagnosis of generalized morphea. Hematologic examination showed positive anti-Borrelia burgdorferi IgM antibodies, although there were no positive anti-Borrelia burgdorferi IgG antibodies. These results revealed that there can be a close association of localized scleroderma with Borrelia burgdorferi and that generalized morphea may also represent a Borrelia infection.  相似文献   

Summary We describe a 31-year-old Japanese woman with generalized pustular psoriasis treated with PUVA who subsequently developed a bullous disease. Throughout the disease coures, there was no phase of psoriasis vulgaris. Although several reports describe coexistence of psoriasis vulgaris and bullous disease such as bullous periphigoid, coexistence of generalized pustular psoriasis without any phase of psoriasis vulgaris and bullous disease is rare. As for the bullous disease, direct immunofluorescence study showed lgG and C3 deposition along the basement membrane zone. Indirect immunofluorescence disclosed lgG antibasement membrane zone antibodies. Indirect immunofluorescence on 1 mol/1 sodium chloride-split skin demonstrated linear lgG staining almost exclusively on the dermal side of the split. Western immunoblot analysis revealed that the antibody was directed to neither epidermolysis bullosa acquisita antigen nor bullous pemphigoid antigens. Considering the unusual clinical course, we suspect the possibility of a novel autoimmune blistering disease.  相似文献   

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