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云南省云县不同性别人群吸烟及被动吸烟调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周岩  罗廷光  毛文  凌文华  马静 《中国公共卫生》2009,25(10):1189-1191
目的过问卷调查了解云南省云县不同性别吸烟和被动吸烟状况。方法采用分层随机抽样方法进行问卷调查。对不同性别人群吸烟状况、吸烟开始年龄、平均每日吸烟量、被动吸烟率、被动吸烟开始年龄、被动吸烟暴露量等指标进行分析。结果被调查的1002人中,总吸烟率为34.83%,男性吸烟率为71.46%,女性吸烟率为2.08%。开始吸烟的平均年龄为(19.00±5.23)岁,日平均吸烟量为(17.60±11.13)支。被调查者中非吸烟者的被动吸烟率为86.37%,男性被动吸烟率为79.25%,女性为88.22%。在被动吸烟的564人中,从出生就暴露于环境烟雾的有291人,占被动吸烟者的51.60%;被动吸烟者平均每天暴露时间为(3.98±3.43)h,女性被动吸烟者中平均每天暴露时间为(4.11±3.60)h。结论男性吸烟率与吸烟量偏高,开始吸烟年龄小;女性是被动吸烟的主要人群,女性的被动吸烟率高,日平均暴露量大,暴露年限长。  相似文献   

孕妇被动吸烟状况分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:了解孕妇被动吸烟状况及相关影响因素。方法:选取河南省妇幼保健院、开封市妇幼保健院、开封市妇产医院、开封县妇幼保健院、杞县妇幼保健院及杞县阳固乡卫生院6家医疗保健机构作为研究现场。抽取在研究现场进行产前检查的孕妇共1660人进行调查研究。结果:被调查对象中有82.4%的孕妇在孕前接触过"二手烟",68.3%的孕妇在孕期接触过"二手烟",孕期被动吸烟率为26.6%。孕周13周、年龄20岁、居住于城镇、孕妇文化程度为小学及以下、孕妇职业为农民、丈夫文化程度为小学、丈夫职业为农民、家庭月收入500~999元、孕期家庭结构为独居、孕妇孕前吸烟、孕前丈夫吸烟以及丈夫吸烟时间10年的孕妇,孕期被动吸烟率较高。孕妇居住地、孕妇孕前吸烟状况及孕前丈夫吸烟时间与孕妇被动吸烟状况有关联。结论:孕妇被动吸烟状况不容忽视,建立无烟家庭势在必行。  相似文献   

Population-based studies report differences in folate status indicators among Mexican American (MA), African American (AA) and Caucasian (CA) women. It is unclear, however, whether these differences are due to variations in dietary folate intake. The present study was designed to investigate the influence of ethnicity/race on folate status parameters in MA, AA, and CA women (18-45 y; n = 14 in each group) under conditions of strictly controlled folate intake. In addition, the adequacy of the 1998 folate U.S. recommended dietary allowance (RDA), 400 micro g/d as dietary folate equivalents (DFE), for non-Caucasian women was assessed. Subjects (n = 42) with the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase 677 CC genotype consumed a low-folate diet (135 micro g DFE/d) for 7 wk followed by repletion with 400 (7 MA, 7 AA, 7 CA) or 800 micro g DFE/d (7 MA, 7 AA, 7 CA) for 7 wk. AA women had lower (P 相似文献   

北京市成年人吸烟及被动吸烟情况分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 了解北京市成年人群吸烟和被动吸烟情况。方法 于2008年10-11月采用多阶段分层随机整群抽样方法对北京市18~79岁的常住居民22206人,进行问卷调查。结果 全人群的吸烟率为33.2%,现在吸烟率为29.0%,男女性现在吸烟率分别为54.0%和2.9%,郊区与城区现在吸烟率分别为28.6%和25.6%;吸烟者以吸机制卷烟为主,人均吸烟量为14.7支/d,41.7%的人每天至少吸20支;吸第1支烟平均年龄为18.5岁,开始每天吸烟平均年龄为20.4岁;全市吸烟者戒烟率为15.4%,>50%吸烟者在2000年之后戒烟;43.4%的非吸烟者或戒烟者暴露于二手烟,其中40%的人每天被动吸烟,主要场所是家庭和工作场所。结论 北京市成年人吸烟状况严重,控烟下降不明显。  相似文献   

中国人群2002年吸烟和被动吸烟的现状调查   总被引:338,自引:23,他引:338  
目的描述2002年中国人群吸烟、戒烟和被动吸烟的流行水平及在不同教育水平、职业和地区的分布特点,判断烟草流行的变化趋势。方法在145个疾病监测点中通过多阶段分层随机抽样,使用调查表人户调查,完成调查16407人,其中有16056人合格记录用于分析。采用总吸烟率、现在吸烟率、吸烟者日平均吸烟量、吸烟花费、戒烟率等指标,根据2002年普查人口进行加权计算。结果男性吸烟率为66.0%,女性吸烟率为3.08%,与1996年结果比较,人群吸烟率下降1.8%,15~24岁人群吸烟率上升,15岁以上吸烟者达到3.5亿人,较1996年增加3000万人。男性吸烟者水平大致相等,女性吸烟的地区差别更明显,东北、华北等地女性吸烟率依然很高。戒烟率增加,从1996年的9.42%上升到现在的11.5%,意味着增加了1000万戒烟者,但不打算戒烟者依然占了绝大多数,达到74%。人均吸烟量基本不变,为14.8支/日,吸烟者平均每日花费2.73元,但不同人群差异很大,最高和最低者相差15倍。被动吸烟暴露并没有大的改善,1996年和2002年两次调查结果几乎相等,人群中被动吸烟暴露水平分别为53%和52%。人们对烟草危害健康的知识增加,但西部地区人们的知识贫乏。60%以上的人支持公共场所禁止吸烟,45%支持禁止烟草广告,但地区差异依然很大。结论中国男性烟草使用的流行水平已经达到高峰,目前处在平台期,还没有明显的下降趋势。有关吸烟有害健康知识的传播还远远不够,特别西部地区人群对控烟措施的理解和支持率均不高,中国人群在短时间内烟草流行率不会明显下降,烟草导致的疾病负担在未来30—50年内将成为现实。  相似文献   

田中  陈华东 《中国公共卫生》2015,31(10):1265-1267
目的了解四川省成都市城市居民吸烟、被动吸烟及成功戒烟现状, 为制定新的控烟措施提供参考依据。方法采用整群随机抽样方法对在成都市6个主城区抽取的4 994名18~69周岁城市居民进行问卷调查。结果成都市城市居民的吸烟率为25.31%(1 264/4 994),被动吸烟率为48.78%(1 482/3 038),成功戒烟率为10.65%(107/1 005);成都市不同特征城市居民比较, 不同性别、年龄、文化程度、职业城市居民吸烟率、被动吸烟率、成功戒烟率差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.001)。结论成都市居民的吸烟率较低, 但被动吸烟率较高, 且成功戒烟率不高。  相似文献   

A common genetic variant in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene involving a cytosine to thymidine (C-->T) transition at nucleotide 677 is associated with reduced enzyme activity, altered folate status and potentially higher folate requirements. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effect of the MTHFR 677 T allele on folate status variables in Mexican women (n = 43; 18-45 y) and to assess the adequacy of the 1998 folate U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), 400 micro g/d as dietary folate equivalents (DFE). Subjects (14 CC, 12 CT, 17 TT genotypes) consumed a low folate diet (135 micro g/d DFE) for 7 wk followed by repletion with 400 micro g/d DFE (7 CC, 6 CT, 9 TT) or 800 micro g/d DFE (7 CC, 6 CT, 8 TT) for 7 wk. Throughout repletion with 400 micro g/d DFE, the TT genotype had lower (P 0.05) in their response relative to the CC genotype. Throughout repletion with 800 micro g/d DFE, the CT genotype had lower (P 0.05) in the measured variables between the TT and CC genotypes. Repletion with 400 micro g/d DFE led to normal blood folate and desirable plasma tHcy concentrations, regardless of MTHFR C677T genotype. Collectively, these data demonstrate that the MTHFR C-->T variant modulates folate status response to controlled folate intakes and support the adequacy of the 1998 folate U.S. RDA for all three MTHFR C677T genotypes.  相似文献   

Smoking in movies and increased smoking among young adults   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBJECTIVE: This study assessed whether smoking in the movies was associated with smoking in young adults. METHODS: A national web-enabled cross-sectional survey of 1528 young adults, aged 18-25, was performed between September and November 2005. Logistic regression and path analysis using probit regression were used to assess relationships between exposure to smoking in the movies and smoking behavior. Analysis was completed in December 2006. RESULTS: Exposure to smoking in the movies predicted current smoking. The adjusted odds of current smoking increased by a factor of 1.21 for each quartile increase in exposure to smoking (p<0.01) in the movies, reaching 1.77 for the top exposure quartile. The unadjusted odds of established smoking (100+ cigarettes with current smoking) increased by 1.23 per quartile (p<0.001) of exposure, reaching 1.86 for the top quartile. This effect on established smoking was mediated by two factors related to smoking in the movies: positive expectations about smoking and exposure to friends and relatives who smoked, with positive expectations accounting for about two thirds of the effect. CONCLUSIONS: The association between smoking in the movies and young adult smoking behavior exhibited a dose-response relationship; the more a young adult was exposed to smoking in the movies, the more likely he or she would have smoked in the past 30 days or have become an established smoker.  相似文献   

目的调查北京市公务员吸烟与被动吸烟现状,探讨适合机关公务员的控烟策略和措施。方法 2008年对北京市49家市直机关在职公务员进行问卷调查。结果北京市被调查公务员的吸烟率为40.5%,其中男性为66.3%,女性为3.8%;70.9%的人每周至少有1天在工作场所被动吸烟,58.2%的人每周在工作场所被动吸烟至少3天及以上;在对吸烟与被动吸烟危害性的认识上,56.9%的被调查者认为吸烟严重危害健康,96.2%的人认为被动吸烟有害健康。大部分被调查对象知晓吸烟、被动吸烟对健康的危害,但对吸烟危害健康的认识并不全面,知道吸烟会导致冠心病、高血压的仅占25.0%。结论在机关单位大力开展创建"无烟单位"活动,加大有关烟草危害知识的宣传力度,加强对吸烟行为干预,降低公务员吸烟率。  相似文献   

中国三城市非吸烟妇女被动吸烟现况及影响因素分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的了解非吸烟妇女被动吸烟现况及探索控制妇女被动吸烟的措施。方法采用随机整群抽样的方法,收集了北京、上海和成都3500名非吸烟妇女关于被动吸烟情况的资料,应用EpiInfo2002软件进行卡方检验、Fisher检验和方差分析等。结果被动吸烟妇女中有92·7%的人在家中接触环境香烟烟雾(ETS),40·8%的在工作场所接触ETS,其中有38·9%的被动吸烟妇女从出生时即开始被动吸烟,42·3%的从18~30岁开始被动吸烟。被动吸烟妇女平均每天接触ETS(1·17±1·10)h,其中在家中每天被动吸烟超过2h的比例明显高于在工作场所的比例。被动吸烟组中30~50岁年龄组、中等文化程度或配偶中等文化程度、已婚、服务性/商业工作人员、单位负责人以及生产运输工人的构成比显著高于非被动吸烟组中的构成比(P<0·05)。有97·5%的人认为被动吸烟可对自身健康产生危害,非被动吸烟组认为被动吸烟有严重危害的比例显著高于被动吸烟组。被动吸烟妇女中70·0%以上当有人在自己周围吸烟时会打开门窗等,而只有16·9%的人会主动要求别人不要在自己面前吸烟。假设有人在自己面前吸烟时,非被动吸烟组采取主动措施避免被动吸烟的意识显著强于被动吸烟组。被调查的妇女中有95·1%的人相信媒体关于吸烟对健康危害的宣传。结论控制被动吸烟的主要场所是家中和机关单位、商业、服务业以及生产运输的工作场所,尤其要加大对家庭中被动吸烟的控制。人们对被动吸烟危害程度的认识影响着人群被动吸烟率。利用电视和杂志等媒体进行被动吸烟对健康危害的宣传,加强人群主动避免被动吸烟的意识,是控制人群吸烟、降低人群被动吸烟率的可行性措施之一。  相似文献   

常熟市居民吸烟与被动吸烟现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解常熟市居民吸烟与被动吸烟现状,为开展健康宣教和控烟工作提供依据。方法按照"2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查抽样方案"进行样本的选择,抽取的8个村/居委会720户家庭中年满3周岁及以上成员作为调查对象,使用个人健康情况调查表进行问卷调查。结果共调查2 150人,其中吸烟者688人,吸烟率为32.0%。男性吸烟率为66.1%,女性为0.8%。城镇和农村中51~60岁年龄组吸烟率均最高,分别为41.9%和38.2%。居民现在吸烟率、常吸烟率、重度吸烟率分别为31.6%(男65.3%,女0.8%)、30.0%(男62.0%,女0.8%)和28.7%(男59.0%,女0.8%)。有94.7%的吸烟者每天至少吸1支烟。吸烟者的平均开始吸烟年龄为22.4岁,基本都吸带有过滤嘴的香烟,平均每天吸烟14.9支,曾经戒烟超过2年的占吸烟者的8.1%。常熟市居民吸烟百分率为47.1%,被动吸烟率为35.3%;农村女性周围人员吸烟率和农村女性被动吸烟率均最高。结论常熟市居民吸烟和被动吸烟状况严重。这些居民都应该作为今后健康宣教和控烟工作的主要对象,社会各相关部门应积极参与到这项工作进来。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the association between active and passive smoking and frequency of colds in women. METHODS: Data on cigarette smoking and frequency and duration of colds were analyzed in the Women's Health Study (WHS), a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of low-dose aspirin and vitamin E in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer among 39,876 female health professionals. RESULTS: After adjustment for age, body-mass index, prevalence of asthma and chronic lung diseases, alcohol intake, physical activity, and multivitamin use, current heavy smokers had no appreciable increase in the frequency of colds (relative risk (RR) for >or= 3 versus no colds in the past year, 1.05; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.80-1.39), but a significantly increased risk of prolonged colds (RR for colds of > 7 vs. 1-3 days, 2.53; 95% CI, 1.95-3.29). There was no difference in the number of days confined to home. Nonsmoking women passively exposed to cigarette smoke had a slightly increased risk of both more frequent colds (RR, 1.33; 95% CI, 1.18-1.51) and more prolonged colds during the previous year (RR, 1.12; 95% CI, 0.99-1.27). CONCLUSIONS: Women who are currently heavy smokers are at increased risk of having colds with longer duration compared with nonsmokers. Nonsmoking women passively exposed to cigarette smoking are at slightly increased risk of having more frequent and longer colds than nonsmoking women not exposed to passive smoke.  相似文献   

《Nutrition Research》2005,25(7):641-654
The relationship between folate status and the risk of cervical dysplasia was studied among Thai women. The subjects were composed of 44 women with low-grade cervical neoplasia (cervical intraepithelial neoplasm I), 70 women with high-grade cervical neoplasia (cervical intraepithelial neoplasm II, III, and carcinoma in situ), and 95 women who served as controls. The low folate status in these women showed a strong association with cervical dysplasia. Serum folate was markedly lower in both low-grade (P < .01) and high-grade cervical neoplasia cases (P < .01) compared with the control women. Using logistic regression, the odds ratio for low-grade cervical neoplasia with low serum folate level (<19.82 nmol/L) was 6.13, whereas that of the high-grade group with the same folate level was 5.57. The findings support the contention that folate deficiency of women in this study had an increased risk of cervical change.  相似文献   

目的:了解产妇孕期被动吸烟现况及其有关被动吸烟的知识、态度及行为(KAP)。方法:采用随机抽样的方法于2005年4~8月对长沙市5家医院住院分娩的620名产妇进行面对面的问卷访谈,收集产妇孕期被动吸烟的情况及有关被动吸烟的KAP。结果:产妇孕期被动吸烟率为38.9%,烟雾主要来源是家中,其次为打麻将场所;产妇有关被动吸烟的知识平均得分为(5.32±2.08)分(总分12分);其态度有70.2%的产妇认为丈夫应该戒烟,91.0%认为公共场所应该禁烟;对吸烟者采取的行为以回避为主,不同场所的回避率为53.8%~76.6%,而敢于主动劝阻的较少。结论:产妇孕期被动吸烟率较高,烟雾主要来源是在家中,产妇有关被动吸烟的知识掌握不够深入,对于别人吸烟的态度虽然是正面的,但是能够真正采取有效行为避免被动吸烟的很少。  相似文献   

目的分析孕妇孕期被动吸烟情况及有关被动吸烟知识、态度和行为(KAP)。方法以湖北省武汉市3所医院住院分娩和产前检查的孕妇为研究对象, 采用面对面访谈方式问卷调查孕妇一般特征、被动吸烟状况及有关被动吸烟的KAP信息。结果共调查孕妇806人, 孕期被动吸烟率为34.9%, 无烟家庭共计210户(21.2%);被动吸烟的知识平均得分为(8.75±3.46)分, 暴露组得分(8.35±3.57)分低于非暴露组(8.96±3.38)分, 2组差异有统计学意义(t=2.32, P=0.021);吸烟态度方面, 70%的孕妇反对丈夫抽烟, 80%认为公共场所应该禁烟;对待丈夫吸烟采取的行为方式均以劝阻为主, 对待其他场所其他吸烟者采取的行为以回避为主, 主动劝阻较少, 不同场所的回避率为42.0%~73.0%。结论武汉市孕妇被动吸烟率较高, 孕妇有关被动吸烟的知识掌握不足, 可能使其无法真正采取有效行为避免被动吸烟。  相似文献   

Recruiting adolescents into smoking cessation programs has been challenging, and there is a lack of effective smoking cessation interventions for this age group. We aimed to assess whether the approach of using aging images can be used to recruit young, female smokers for a smoking cessation course. In this study, 853 14- to 18-year-old subjects were photographed (2006-2007). After software-aided aging, the images evoked strong emotions, especially in subjects with an advanced motivational stage to quit. Twenty-four percent of current smokers reported that the aging images increased their motivation to quit smoking (pre-contemplation: 8%; contemplation: 32%; and preparation: 71%). In multivariate analyses, the aged images had a high motivational impact to quit smoking that was associated with an increased readiness to stop smoking and the individual's assessment of the aging images as shocking, but not with the number of previous attempts to quit and the assessment of the pictures as realistic. However, it was not possible to recruit the study population for a smoking cessation course. We concluded that aging images are a promising intervention for reaching young women and increasing their motivation to stop smoking. However, smoking cessation courses may not be appropriate for this age group: none of the recruits agreed to take a cessation course.  相似文献   

目的了解天山北坡城市群孕妇被动吸烟状况并分析相关影响因素。方法于2014年9月—2015年8月,采用分层随机整群抽样方法对天山北坡城市群1 249名符合纳入和排除标准的孕妇进行问卷调查,并采用多因素logistic回归分析其被动吸烟的影响因素。结果孕妇被动吸烟率为54.6%(682/1 249),其中在公共场所的被动吸烟率最高(40.9%,512/1 249),其次为工作地点(26.7%,262/980)和家中(20.8%,260/1 249)。孕期工作、丈夫吸烟是孕妇被动吸烟的危险因素(P0.05),OR(95%CI)分别为1.325(1.004~1.749)和2.748(2.154~3.506);孕次3次以上是孕妇被动吸烟的保护因素(P0.05),OR(95%CI)为0.303(0.169~0.543)。结论天山北坡城市群孕妇被动吸烟率较高,应积极开展控烟禁烟活动,加强对公共场所禁烟的监管,以保护孕妇健康。  相似文献   



Over 20% of women smoke throughout pregnancy despite the known risks to mother and child. Engagement in face-to-face support is a good measure of service reach. The Scottish Government has set a target that by 2010 8% of smokers will have quit via NHS cessation services. At present less than 4% stop during pregnancy. We aimed to establish a denominator for pregnant smokers in Scotland and describe the proportion who are referred to specialist services, engage in one-to-one counselling, set a quit date and quit 4 weeks later.  相似文献   

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