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目的:了解上海市青少年吸烟、饮酒和易成瘾类药物的使用情况。方法:2002年4—6月,抽取上海市19个区县个27所初级个学、26所高级个学、13所完个和39所个等职业学校一年级学生的调查。调查采用分层整群抽样,各区县在辖区内按学校类别分为初中、高中和中等职业学校三层,采用《2002上海市青少年危险行为监测调查表》进行问卷调查,共调查学生9308人,有效调查表为9246份(99.3%)。结果:本次调查有15.2%的学生曾经吸过香烟,4.7%的学生在13周岁就吸过一整支香烟,5.0%的学生目前吸烟,1.3%的学生经常吸,0,5%的学生在吸烟的日子里,吸烟量至少为10支,2.0%的学生曾经在30天内每天至少吸1支烟。45.7%的学生曾经喝过酒,17.8%的学生近期饮酒,5.2%的学生在1个月内曾经喝醉过。4.4%的学生承认曾经服用可引起依赖的药物,0.9%的学生承认对服用药物有依赖。用近期吸烟和近期饮酒这两个变量做相关分析得到这两个变量为正相关。结论:中学阶段是形成良好生活方式的最好时期,中等职业学校学生是控制危险行为的重点人群,学生的心理社会能力应进一步提高。  相似文献   

姜醒  陈慧  曾红 《中国学校卫生》2015,36(4):508-511
了解家庭因素对中学生吸烟饮酒行为的影响,为更好地预防控制青少年吸烟饮酒提供科学依据.方法 采用分层整群随机抽样法,在珠三角地区抽取部分中学初二至高二年级的l 573名学生,采用自我报告法调查吸烟饮酒行为.对有吸烟或饮酒行为的137名学生,按照班级、年龄、性别采用1∶2配对选取未使用成瘾物质的274名学生作为对照组.采用单因素和多因素条件Logistic回归分析的方法,探讨影响中学生吸烟饮酒行为的家庭因素.结果 珠三角地区中学生饮酒行为报告率为7.63%,高于吸烟行为报告率的3.18%,初次饮酒的年龄为(11.5+3.49)岁,初次吸烟的年龄为(13.5+2.46)岁.多因素条件Logistic回归分析显示,父亲目前吸烟/饮酒(OR=2.236)、亲戚吸烟/饮酒(OR=2.523)是中学生吸烟饮酒行为的家庭危险因素,亲子感情高得分(OR =0.885)是中学生吸烟饮酒行为的家庭保护因素(P值均<0.01).结论 父亲和亲戚吸烟饮酒行为会影响中学生使用烟酒行为,良好的家庭关系和亲子感情有助于预防中学生的吸烟饮酒行为.  相似文献   

目的 了解广州市青少年吸烟、饮酒及成瘾性药物使用状况,为开展有针对性的预防和控制措施提供科学依据.方法 采用“中国青少年健康相关行为调查问卷”对广州市66所学校11939名学生进行问卷调查.结果 广州市青少年尝试吸烟率为26.61%.调查前1个月有9.56%的学生吸过烟,其中男生(17.36%)高于女生(2.84%);农村学生(12.92%)高于城市学生(7.79%);职中生最高(22.74%),初中、高中、大学学生依次为6.82%,6.66%和7.75%.青少年饮酒的比例为60.63%,过去1个月29.03%的青少年有饮酒行为,11.17%的青少年有重度饮酒行为.广州市青少年成瘾性药物使用率为8.85%,男生为9.72%,女生为8.16%;农村为11.83%,城市为7.32%;职中生最高(10.50%),初中、高中、大学学生依次为9.35%,7.72%,7.56%.结论 广州市青少年吸烟、饮酒及成瘾性药物使用率比较高,相关部门和学校应该采取有针对性的干预措施.  相似文献   

了解广州市青少年吸烟与饮酒行为发生率及变化趋势,为制定科学有效的干预措施提供理论依据.方法 比较分析2008年和2013年青少年健康危险行为监测资料的相关内容.结果 2013年广州市青少年尝试吸烟(22.44%)、过去30 d吸过烟(6.33%)、过去30 d吸烟>5支/d(1.21%)的行为发生率较2008年(依次为26.61%,9.56%,1.86%)均有所下降(x2值分别为56.79,88.52,17.04,P值均<0.05);2013年过去30 d饮酒、重度饮酒以及过去12个月有醉酒行为发生率分别为29.89%,11.25%以及15.40%,与2008年(依次为29.03%,11.17%,14.90%)相比,差异均无统计学意义(P值均>0.05).2013年女生尝试饮酒和过去30 d饮酒行为发生率分别为62.74%和25.14%,明显高于2008年的54.89%和22.57%(x2值分别为82.93,12.01,P值均<0.05).2013年农村地区青少年尝试饮酒(67.16%)、重度饮酒(12.07%)以及醉酒(18.78%)行为发生率均明显高于2008年.2013年除尝试饮酒及过去30 d饮过酒行为发生率大学生(81.71%,42.66%)最高外,其他各项吸烟及饮酒行为发生率均以职中生最高.除大学生外,2013年初中生(53.71%)、高中生(73.38%)和职中生(75.30%)尝试饮酒发生率均高于2008年.与2008年相比,初中生重度饮酒(8.70%)及醉酒(10.67%)行为发生率,高中生过去30 d饮过酒(29.79%)及醉酒(15.66%)行为发生率均有所上升.结论 广州市青少年吸烟行为发生率有所下降,饮酒行为发生率无明显变化.需进一步加强对饮酒行为的控制,特别是针对农村地区和职业中学学生的干预.  相似文献   

This study examines the factors influencing high-risk drinking and cigarette smoking and assesses the differences in those factors between 2 risky behaviors in Korea. A national, cross-sectional health behavior survey was performed on 12,303 households in 2006 and a data set of 2925 adult males was analyzed using bivariate probit estimation model. The likelihood of high-risk drinking rose with an increase in the level of income, whereas that of smoking was lowest in a medium income. White-collar workers were more at risk of high-risk drinking than blue-collar workers. Conversely, blue-collar workers tended to smoke more frequently than white-collar workers. Body mass index showed a positive association with high-risk drinking, but it had no significant relationship with smoking. Significant differences may exist in associations between factors influencing high-risk drinking and those influencing smoking. The comprehensive understanding of these differences would allow for the development of appropriate public health programs.  相似文献   

了解成都市青少年吸烟、饮酒现状及与青春期发动的关系,为学校健康促进提供依据.方法 整群抽取2015年5月-2016年1月成都市10所中学11~16岁青少年2 484名作为研究对象.通过中国青少年健康行为调查问卷了解青少年吸烟、饮酒现状,通过测量男生睾丸体积和阴毛生长情况,女生乳房和初潮年龄分析青春期提前和延后的情况,以及对对青少年吸烟饮酒产生的影响.结果 青少年吸烟、饮酒行为检出率分别为19.89%,32.93%,其中男生分别为25.15%,41.10%,女生分别为14.07%,23.89%.性别及年龄是吸烟和饮酒行为的危险因素(OR吸烟值分别为1.152,1.135;OR饮酒值分别为1.068,1.142,P值均<0.05).青春期提前的男、女生吸烟、饮酒比例均高于适时组和延后组(x2男生值分别为14.311,9.699x2女生生值分别为26.640,7.796,P值均<0.01).结论 成都市青少年吸烟和饮酒比例仍较高,并且青春期提前的学生更容易养成吸烟、饮酒等不良嗜好.  相似文献   

  目的  分析上海市青少年吸烟饮酒行为动态变化趋势,为科学有效地开展青少年控烟限酒工作提供理论依据。  方法  分析2004,2006,2008,2012,2015,2017,2019年上海市青少年健康危险行为监测数据,比较分析青少年尝试吸烟、目前吸烟、尝试饮酒、目前饮酒行为的变化情况。  结果  2004,2006,2008,2012,2015,2017,2019年调查中男生尝试吸烟、目前吸烟、尝试饮酒、目前饮酒行为报告率均高于女生,差异均有统计学意义(χ2=58.20~347.44,P值均 < 0.05);除2012年尝试饮酒率外,7轮调查中的尝试吸烟、目前吸烟、尝试饮酒、目前饮酒行为报告率均以中职校生最高,差异均有统计学意义(χ2=111.19~1 196.61,P值均 < 0.05);2004—2019年,男生和女生的尝试吸烟标化率、尝试饮酒标化率均呈现出下降趋势(APC=-6.20~-1.80,P值均 < 0.05);总体尝试吸烟标化率由2004年的21.02%下降至2019年的12.23%(APC=-5.00, P < 0.05);总体尝试饮酒标化率由2004年的60.52%下降至2019年的47.17%(APC=-1.80, P < 0.05)。目前吸烟标化率、目前饮酒标化率的变化趋势无统计学意义(P值均>0.05)。  结论  2004—2019年上海市青少年尝试吸烟、尝试饮酒行为呈现逐年减少趋势,但青少年目前吸烟、目前饮酒行为报告率未出现下降趋势。青少年吸烟饮酒防控措施仍需进一步加强。  相似文献   

广州二所高校大学生吸烟饮酒行为的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曾琳娜 《中国校医》2006,20(2):138-140
目的了解大学生吸烟、饮酒行为现状及特征,有目的地开展高校健康教育。方法随机抽取广州2所高校1245名大学生进行健康相关行为调查。结果①大生尝试吸烟率为53.7%,近期吸烟率15.3%,7.9%的学生〈10岁就尝试过吸烟。②94.5%的学生曾经喝过酒,45.4%的学生有近期饮酒,27.6%的学生〈12岁开始饮酒,有4.1%的学生有近一年因饮酒而受伤。③在吸烟、饮酒这两项行为上均显示男生高于女生的倾向,体育专业大学生吸烟、饮酒发生率均明显高于工科学生,来自城镇的学生高于来自农村的学生。④近期吸烟与近期饮酒两项行为呈正相关。结论高校是控烟、控酒的重要场所,高校健康教育应注重学生健康生活行为的培养。  相似文献   

目的了解青海省学生吸烟、饮酒及赌博现状,为相应干预措施的制定提供科学依据。方法采用多阶段随机抽样法,抽取青海省6个地区16 484名学生进行问卷现状调查。结果青海省学生吸烟和饮酒率分别为14.36%和36.41%。初中生、高中生、大学生的吸烟及饮酒率依次递增,且差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.01)。男生吸烟率及饮酒率分别为14.55%和46.73%,女生吸烟率及饮酒率分别为13.38%和26.30%,男、女生间差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.01)。男、女生参与赌博率分别为21.84%和9.22%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。学生首次吸烟、饮酒呈低龄趋势。结论青海省学生吸烟率、饮酒率及参赌率增高状况不容忽视。应采取综合干预措施,减少对学生健康的危害。  相似文献   

目的探讨男性饮酒与吸烟行为及戒烟意愿之间的关系。方法按多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法,在江苏省14个慢病监测点,抽取≥18岁男性常住居民进行问卷调查,采用非条件logistic回归方法,分析饮酒与吸烟、戒烟意愿之间的关系。结果男性成人现在吸烟率和饮酒率分别为56.90%、60.16%。饮酒者现在吸烟率为66.54%,饮酒者现在吸烟的比例高于不饮酒者(OR=2.77,95%CI:2.40~3.19),且随饮酒频率和饮酒量的增加而显著增加。现在吸烟者中,打算戒烟比例为26.56%,饮酒频率越高者打算戒烟的比例越低(P=0.023)。结论饮酒会促进吸烟行为的发生,并降低吸烟者的戒烟意愿。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Brief interventions by primary care physicians have been shown to be effective in reducing both smoking and excessive drinking. However, physicians seem to target smoking more often than drinking. We aimed to explore this difference in health promotion practises for finding ways to improve alcohol interventions in primary health centres. METHODS: Qualitative semistructured interviews of 35 physicians in four health centres in Finland, and triangulation by audit of notes made by these doctors concerning alcohol drinking and smoking in medical records (n = 1200) of randomly selected 20-60 years old patients, who had visited their physician at least once in a 12-month study period. RESULTS:On the basis of the interviews, there were five main differences in preventive work between issues of alcohol use and smoking: recognition, perceived importance as a health risk factor, intervention tools available, stigmatising label, and expectations about the effectiveness of counselling. In 106 (8.8%) of medical records, there was a mention of smoking, and in 82 (6.8%) of alcohol use (P < 0,0001). Quantity of alcohol consumption was described obscurely. When one of the visits was made for hypertension, diabetes, dyspepsia, general health check or heart arrhythmias, smoking was recorded more often than alcohol consumption. CONCLUSIONS: Tobacco use was mentioned more often in medical records than alcohol drinking. Physicians were more comfortable in undertaking a preventive approach for smoking than for alcohol use. The factors contributing to this difference must be considered in any attempts to improve implementation of secondary prevention of alcohol misuse.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking, tea and coffee drinking, and subfecundity   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A population-based survey of life-style factors and subfecundity (prolonged time to pregnancy) was conducted between 1984 and 1987 in two cities in Denmark. Altogether, 11,888 women filled out a questionnaire in the last trimester of pregnancy (an 86 percent response rate). After exclusion of women who had been treated for infertility or who did not respond to the question on infertility, 10,886 subjects remained. Among nonsmokers, no association was found between subfecundity (defined as a waiting time of 1 year or more from cessation of contraception to achievement of pregnancy) and consumption of hot caffeinated beverages. For women who smoked and also consumed at least 8 cups of coffee per day (or an equivalent amount of tea), a statistically significant association was seen (odds ratio = 1.35, 95% confidence interval 1.02-1.48) for a wait of 1 year or more. Consumption of coffee was closely related to smoking habits and to a number of social factors, such as education and peer group acceptance, which may play a role in subfecundity.  相似文献   

This paper describes the smoking habits of six populations in France, Switzerland, Italy and Spain. A total of 2,965 men and 2,369 women have been interviewed. The proportion of ever smoking men is almost the same (75 to 80%) everywhere but in Geneva and Calvados a higher proportion of smokers quitted the habit (over 30%). In females, on the contrary, the prevalences of ever smokers is higher in Torino (42%) and Geneva (36%) than in Spain (25%) and Calvados (19%). Young females, however, tend to smoke more and intercountry differences tend to disappear. In both sexes successive generations begin to smoke earlier. Exclusive use of black tobacco is still very high in Calvados (90%) and Navarra (80%) whilst it tends to disappear in Italy (30%). Plain cigarettes decrease everywhere, especially in Spain and Varese, but they are still smoked by the majority of men in Calvados. The results suggest that the tobacco epidemic is still increasing in those areas where it began more recently.  相似文献   

Maternal cigarette smoking and perinatal mortality   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

BACKGROUND: This study examined the prevalence of level 3 (pathological) gambling and a variety of other health risks among casino employees. METHODS: A sample of 3841 full-time casino employees representing four geographic sites was surveyed about gambling, drinking, smoking, and other health risk behaviors. In addition, respondents were asked about their use of the employee assistance program (EAP) and perceived obstacles towards using the EAP. RESULTS: This study found that casino employees have a higher prevalence of past-year level 3 (pathological) gambling behavior than the general adult population, but a lower prevalence of past-year level 2 (problem) gambling than the general adult population. In addition, casino employees have higher prevalence of smoking, alcohol problems, and depression than the general adult population. Furthermore, these risk behaviors tend to cluster. The majority of non-smoking respondents in this sample were exposed to second-hand smoke. Employees reported low participation in the company's EAP. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study suggest that casino management should consider (1) improving problem gambling screening for employees who visit EAPs, even if employees present other problems (e.g., alcohol problems) as their primary concern, (2) increasing employees' awareness of EAPs, (3) increasing health promotion and education through channels other than company EAPs, and (4) creating smoke-free working areas.  相似文献   

Assessment of disinfection by-products in drinking water in Korea.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The main purpose of applying the chlorination process during water treatment is for disinfection. Research results, however, indicate that disinfection byproducts (DBPs) including trihalomethanes (THMs), haloacetic acids (HAAs), haloacetonitriles (HANs), haloketones (HKs), and chloropicrin (CP) can be produced by the chlorination process. Some of these DBPs are known to be potential human carcinogens. This 3-year project is designed to establish a standard analysis procedure for DBPs in drinking water of this country and investigate the distribution and sources of specific DBPs. The occurrence level of DBPs in drinking water was below 50 micrograms/l in most cases. THMs in plant effluent accounted for 60% of all DBPs measured, whereas HAAs accounted for 20%, HANs 12%, HKs 5% and CP 3%. Chloroform was found to be the major THMs compound (77%), followed by bromodichloromethane (BDCM, 18%) and bromoform (BF, 3%). The concentration of DBPs formed in distribution systems increased from those detected in plant effluent. Comparison of humic acid and sewage as precursors for THMs formation showed that humic acid was the major THMs precursor. Results would play an important role in exposure assessment as a part of the risk assessment process, and would give basic information for establishment of DBPs reduction and management procedures.  相似文献   

江西省2013年成年人吸烟与戒烟行为现状调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的 调查2013年江西省≥18岁常住居民吸烟与戒烟行为的流行状况。方法 2013年7-10月采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法,在江西省10个全国慢性病及其危险因素监测点抽取≥18岁常住居民6 000人,通过面对面问卷调查收集慢性病相关危险因素信息,用于吸烟与戒烟行为分析的有效样本量为5 997人。对样本进行复杂加权后,分析江西省不同人群特征成年居民吸烟和戒烟流行现状。结果 2013年江西省≥18岁常住居民现在吸烟率为21.53%(1 291/5 997,标化率为20.60%),复杂加权计算后,现在吸烟率为26.07%(95%CI:23.48%~28.66%),男性现在吸烟率(50.62%,95%CI:46.31%~54.94%)高于女性(1.46%,95%CI:0.57%~2.35%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),各年龄组人群现在吸烟率差异有统计学意义(P=0.029),并随文化程度提高而上升(P<0.05)、随自报健康状况下降而下降(P<0.05)。87.16%(95%CI:83.29%~91.03%)的现在吸烟者每日吸烟;日均吸烟量(机制卷烟)为19.27(95%CI:17.69~20.85)支;平均每天吸烟量≥20支的吸烟者比例为64.74%(95%CI:55.79%~73.70%);每日吸烟者开始吸烟平均年龄为20.28(95%CI:19.74~20.82)岁,男性开始每日吸烟年龄[20.11(95%CI:19.61~20.61)岁]小于女性[26.88(95%CI:24.73~29.03)岁],差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),27.04%(95%CI:18.91%~35.16%)的成年男性开始每日吸烟年龄不足18岁。吸烟者戒烟率为14.80%(95%CI:10.88%~18.72%),随年龄增大而上升(P<0.05)、随收入水平增加而上升(P=0.04),随自报健康状况下降而上升(P<0.05);吸烟者成功戒烟率为10.89%(95%CI:8.36%~13.42%);32.10%(95%CI:21.95%~42.25%)的现在吸烟者有戒烟打算。被动吸烟率为54.71%(95%CI:44.20%~65.21%)。结论 江西省≥18岁常住居民吸烟率处于较高水平,重度吸烟者比例大,戒烟者比例低,戒烟意识不强,男性和青少年为控烟工作主要目标人群,应根据江西省流行特点采取针对性的控烟措施。  相似文献   

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