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Finasteride at 1 mg/day and 5% topical minoxidil are effective in male androgenetic alopecia (MAGA). However, studies describing their effects in Chinese individuals are scarce. 450 Chinese MAGA patients were randomly assigned to receive finasteride (n = 160), minoxidil (n = 130) and combined medication (n = 160) for 12 months. The patients returned to the clinic every 3 months for efficacy evaluation. And efficacy was evaluated in 428 men at treatment end, including 154, 122, and 152 in the finasteride, 5% minoxidil, and combination groups, respectively. All groups showed similar baseline characteristics, including age at enrollment, and duration and severity of alopecia (p > 0.05). At 12 months, 80.5, 59, and 94.1% men treated with finasteride, 5% minoxidil and the combination therapy showed improvement, respectively. Adverse reactions were rare (finasteride, 1.8%; minoxidil, 6.1%), and disappeared right after drug withdrawal. In conclusion, finasteride is superior to 5% minoxidil, while the combined medication showed the best efficacy.  相似文献   

通过双盲、随机、安慰剂对照单中心研究,评价非那雄胺治疗中国男性雄激素性秃发的疗效和安全性,结果显示非那雄胺口服1mg/d治疗男性雄激素性秃发的有效率为70.8%,而安慰剂为25.5%,两组比较有显著性差异(P<0.001),两组中与,奶可能或肯定有关的不良事件发生率无显著性差异,治疗组为0.9%,对照组为1.8%。  相似文献   

Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is common and associated with significant psychosocial distress. Treatment options are needed for patients that do not adequately respond to first line treatments of finasteride or minoxidil. Topical ketoconazole has been proposed as a promising treatment. The goal of this systematic review was to evaluate the efficacy of topical ketoconazole in the treatment of AGA. A systematic literature search was conducted within the MEDLINE database using the key terms “ketoconazole” and “alopecia.” Forty‐seven papers were screened for inclusion, of which nine were assessed for eligibility. Seven articles were included in the qualitative synthesis, including two animal studies (total of 40 participants) and five human studies (total of 318 participants). Murine studies demonstrated a significant increase in mean ratio of hair regrowth to denuded area in the ketoconazole treatment groups compared to controls. Human studies reported increased hair shaft diameter following ketoconazole use. One study reported a significant increase in pilary index (percent anagen phase × diameter) following treatment. Studies also demonstrated clinical improvement of AGA based on photographic assessment and subjective evaluation. Topical ketoconazole is a promising adjunctive or alternative therapy in the treatment of AGA. Randomized controlled trials are needed.  相似文献   

Topical minoxidil is the most common drug used for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia (AGA) in men and women. Although topical minoxidil exhibits a good safety profile, the efficacy in the overall population remains relatively low at 30–40%. To observe significant improvement in hair growth, minoxidil is typically used daily for a period of at least 3–4 months. Due to the significant time commitment and low response rate, a biomarker for predicting patient response prior to therapy would be advantageous. Minoxidil is converted in the scalp to its active form, minoxidil sulfate, by the sulfotransferase enzyme SULT1A1. We hypothesized that SULT1A1 enzyme activity in the hair follicle correlates with minoxidil response for the treatment of AGA. Our preliminary retrospective study of a SULT1A1 activity assay demonstrates 95% sensitivity and 73% specificity in predicting minoxidil treatment response for AGA. A larger prospective study is now under way to further validate this novel assay.  相似文献   

目的:评价670nm+830nm激光联合5%米诺地尔酊对雄激素性秃发的疗效。方法:将60例雄激素性秃发患者随机分为治疗组与对照组:对照组单纯外用5%米诺地尔酊治疗,治疗组在对照组基础上加用670nm+830nm激光照射治疗,每周治疗2次,30分钟/次,6个月后进行疗效评定。结果:实际完成治疗及观察人数58例(实验组2例失访),治疗组总有效率为85.7%,对照组为53.3%,差异显著(χ2=10.02 ,P<0.01),两组不良反应发生率无显著差异(χ2=0 ,P>0.05)。结论:670nm+830nm激光联合5%米诺地尔酊治疗雄激素性秃发安全、有效,可推广应用。  相似文献   

Male androgenetic alopecia (AGA) affects up to 60% of men by the age of 50. Currently, there are only two approved drugs for the treatment of male AGA: topical minoxidil and oral finasteride. Topical minoxidil is readily available over the counter and has a well‐established safety record. However, following 24 weeks of treatment, less than 40% of men respond to the drug. Additionally, due to the topical route of administration, compliance with minoxidil remains low. In contrast, oral finasteride, a 5‐alpha reductase inhibitor, demonstrated efficacy in arresting hair loss in more than 80% of patients following 12 months of treatment. However, controversy surrounding potential adverse sexual side effects has negatively affected public perception of the drug and may significantly reduce the number of patients that can benefit from the drug.  相似文献   

Clinical response to 5% topical minoxidil for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is typically observed after 3–6 months. Approximately 40% of patients will regrow hair. Given the prolonged treatment time required to elicit a response, a diagnostic test for ruling out nonresponders would have significant clinical utility. Two studies have previously reported that sulfotransferase enzyme activity in plucked hair follicles predicts a patient's response to topical minoxidil therapy. The aim of this study was to assess the clinical utility and validity of minoxidil response testing. In this communication, the present authors conducted an analysis of completed and ongoing studies of minoxidil response testing. The analysis confirmed the clinical utility of a sulfotransferase enzyme test in successfully ruling out 95.9% of nonresponders to topical minoxidil for the treatment of AGA.  相似文献   

Two percent topical minoxidil is the only US Food and Drug Administration‐approved drug for the treatment of female androgenetic alopecia (AGA). Its success has been limited by the low percentage of responders. Meta‐analysis of several studies reporting the number of responders to 2% minoxidil monotherapy indicates moderate hair regrowth in only 13–20% of female patients. Five percent minoxidil solution, when used off‐label, may increase the percentage of responders to as much as 40%. As such, a biomarker for predicting treatment response would have significant clinical utility. In a previous study, Goren et al. reported an association between sulfotransferase activity in plucked hair follicles and minoxidil response in a mixed cohort of male and female patients. The aim of this study was to replicate these findings in a well‐defined cohort of female patients with AGA treated with 5% minoxidil daily for a period of 6 months. Consistent with the prior study, we found that sulfotransferase activity in plucked hair follicles predicts treatment response with 93% sensitivity and 83% specificity. Our study further supports the importance of minoxidil sulfation in eliciting a therapeutic response and provides further insight into novel targets for increasing minoxidil efficacy.  相似文献   

Androgenetic alopecia is a common dermatological condition, with potentially adverse psychosocial sequelae. The present review critically examines scientific evidence concerning the effects of androgenetic hair loss on social processes and psychological functioning, as well as the psychosocial outcomes of medical treatments. Research confirms a negative but modest effect of visible hair loss on social perceptions. More importantly, androgenetic alopecia is typically experienced as a moderately stressful condition that diminishes body image satisfaction. Deleterious effects on self-esteem and certain facets of psychological adjustment are more apparent among women than men and among treatment-seeking patients. Various 'risk factors' vis-à-vis the psychological adversity of androgenetic alopecia are identified. Medical treatments, i.e. minoxidil and finasteride, appear to have some psychological efficacy. A conceptual model is delineated to explain the psychological effects of hair loss and its treatment. Directions for needed research are discussed. Strategies are presented for the clinical management of psychological issues among these patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Finasteride is a 5alpha-reductase inhibitor that has proved to be an effective treatment for men with androgenetic alopecia. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the hormonal influence of finasteride 1 mg daily on hormonal levels and hair growth in men of different ages and with different degrees of alopecia according to the Hamilton-Norwood scale. METHODS: Two hundred and seventy men aged 14-58 years with male androgenetic alopecia III-VI Hamilton-Norwood score (II-III Ebling score) were treated with finasteride 1 mg daily. Steroid hormone (free testosterone, 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone-sulphate, delta4-androstenedione, 17-hydroxyprogesterone), prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and sebum levels, and trichogram changes were determined at baseline, and at 6 and 12 months of treatment. RESULTS: According to significant hormonal statistical analysis, the patients were divided by age (up to or over 26 years). In the group of patients26 years. No variations in sebum levels were observed. CONCLUSIONS: High levels of 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone in patients相似文献   

Finasteride is standard medical treatment for androgenetic alopecia; however, no large studies with 5 years or more of follow up have been performed in Japan. The authors followed Japanese men with androgenetic alopecia treated with finasteride for 5 years to evaluate long‐term treatment efficacy. Of 903 men treated with finasteride (1 mg/day), 801 patients were evaluated over 5 years by modified global photographic assessment. Although the proportion of improvement was high (99.4%), modified global photographic assessment scores after 5 years of treatment were lower in patients with more advanced disease as measured by the modified Norwood–Hamilton scale. After separating patients into “sufficient” and “insufficient” efficacy groups according to the modified global photographic assessment score after 5 years (scores ≥6 and <6, respectively), multivariate analysis showed that independent risk factors of insufficient efficacy were age at start of treatment of 40 years or more (P = 0.021) and classification on the modified Norwood–Hamilton scale (P < 0.001), whereas presence of stress at start of treatment was a negative predictor (P = 0.025). In conclusion, continuous finasteride treatment for 5 years improved androgenetic alopecia with sustained effect among Japanese. Younger age and less advanced disease at start of treatment were the key predictors of higher finasteride efficacy.  相似文献   

Background Hair loss is an unwelcome event at any age, but it can be particularly distressing for adolescents and their families. While androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most common form of hair loss in adults, little is known about its prevalence, clinical features and response to treatments in the paediatric population. Objectives To better characterize the causes of alopecia in a paediatric population. Methods We performed a retrospective chart review to identify all patients with hair loss seen in an academic paediatric dermatology practice at New York University over a 12‐year period to better characterize the causes of alopecia in this population. We review the clinical and histological features, natural progression and associated laboratory abnormalities of AGA in 57 paediatric patients. Results AGA was identified as the most frequent cause of hair loss in adolescents and the second most common diagnosis overall. The male to female ratio was 2 : 1 and the average age at initial presentation with AGA was 14·8 years. Adolescent girls had diffuse thinning or thinning at the crown, and boys frequently presented with female pattern hair loss. When biopsies were performed, perifollicular inflammation was a common finding. A family history of AGA was reported in 83% of patients. Laboratory evaluation for androgens revealed polycystic ovarian syndrome in three girls and late‐onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia in one boy. Conclusions AGA is the most common form of hair loss in adolescents, and can be the presenting sign of an underlying endocrine disorder. An accurate and timely diagnosis is essential for appropriate medical and psychosocial intervention when warranted.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hormone studies have demonstrated the androgen-dependent character of female androgenetic alopecia, but there have been few controlled studies of therapies for alopecia in women. OBJECTIVES: To compare topical minoxidil 2% and cyproterone acetate in the treatment of female alopecia. METHODS: Sixty-six women with female-pattern alopecia were randomly assigned for 12 cycles into two groups, 33 received two local applications (2 mL day-1) of topical minoxidil 2% plus combined oral contraceptive and 33 received cyproterone acetate 52 mg day-1 plus ethinyl oestradiol 35 microg for 20 of every 28 days. RESULTS: A mean reduction of 2.4 +/- 6.2 per 0.36 cm2 in hairs of diameter > 40 microm was observed in the cyproterone acetate group (P = 0.05) and a mean increase of 6.5 +/- 9 per 0.36 cm2 in the minoxidil group (P < 0.001). Comparison of the total number of hairs at 12 months and the body mass index (BMI) revealed a borderline positive correlation in the cyproterone acetate group (r = 0.39, P = 0.06) and a negative correlation in the minoxidil group (r = -0.42, P < 0.05). No significant difference was observed in the total number of hairs among cyproterone acetate patients according to the presence or absence of other symptoms of hyperandrogenism, whereas in the minoxidil group, the total number of new hairs was higher in patients with isolated alopecia (Delta = 8.1; P < 0.05). Variations in scalp seborrhoea were significant in both groups, but the result was better (for acne and hirsutism as well) in the cyproterone acetate group than in the minoxidil group (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Minoxidil treatment was more effective in the absence of other signs of hyperandrogenism, hyperseborrhoea, and menstrual cycle modifications when the BMI was low, and when nothing argued in favour of biochemical hyperandrogenism. Cyproterone acetate treatment was more effective when other signs were present and when the BMI was elevated, factors that favoured a diagnosis of biochemical hyperandrogenism.  相似文献   

Finasteride increases anagen hair in men with androgenetic alopecia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND: The growth of scalp hair is a cyclical process of successive phases of growth (anagen) and rest (telogen). In previous clinical trials in men with androgenetic alopecia, treatment with finasteride increased scalp hair counts in a defined area (i.e. increased hair density). OBJECTIVES: The current study used a phototrichogram methodology to assess the effect of finasteride on the phases of the hair growth cycle. PATIENTS/METHODS: Two hundred and twelve men, age 18-40 years, with androgenetic alopecia were randomized to receive finasteride 1 mg daily or placebo for 48 weeks. At baseline and at 24 and 48 weeks, macrophotographs were taken to measure total and anagen hair count in a 1-cm(2) target area of the scalp. RESULTS: At baseline, mean total and anagen hair counts in the finasteride group were 200 and 124 hairs, respectively (% anagen = 62%) and the anagen to telogen ratio was 1.74 (geometric mean). In the placebo group, the respective values were 196 and 119 hairs (% anagen = 60%) and 1.57. At week 48, the finasteride group had a net improvement (mean +/- SE) compared with placebo in total and anagen hair counts of 17.3 +/- 2.5 hairs (8.3% +/- 1.4%) and 27.0 +/- 2.9 hairs (26% +/- 3.1%), respectively (P < 0.001). Furthermore, treatment with finasteride resulted in a net improvement in the anagen to telogen ratio of 47% (P < 0.001). In this study, treatment with finasteride 1 mg day(-1) for 48 weeks increased both total and anagen hair counts, and improved the anagen to telogen ratio. CONCLUSIONS: These data provide direct evidence that finasteride 1 mg daily promotes the conversion of hairs into the anagen phase. These data support that finasteride treatment results in favourable effects on hair quality that contribute to the visible improvements in hair growth observed in treated patients.  相似文献   

目的 观察不同深度微针联合外用米诺地尔酊治疗男性雄激素性脱发的临床疗效以及安全性。方法 纳入2020年6月至2021年6月河南科技大学第一附属医院皮肤科门诊男性雄激素性脱发患者90例,随机分为A组(n=30)、B组(n=30)和C组(n=30)。A组仅外用5%米诺地尔酊治疗,B组予0.5 mm深度电动微针针刺联合外用米诺地尔酊治疗;C组予1 mm深度电动微针针刺联合外用米诺地尔酊治疗。治疗12周后观察临床疗效及不良反应情况。结果 治疗12周后,三组患者毛发密度、毛发直径均较治疗前明显改善(均P<0.05),B组和C组均明显优于A组(均P<0.05)。B组和C组患者治疗后自我评估头发生长改善评分均明显优于A组(均P<0.05)。A、B、C三组患者不良反应发生率分别为6.67%、6.67%和26.67%,C组明显高于A组和B组(χ2=6.92,P=0.031)。结论 0.5 mm深度微针针刺联合外用米诺地尔酊治疗男性雄激素性脱发疗效显著,安全性好,是男性雄激素性脱发患者新的治疗选择。  相似文献   

Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most common type of baldness affecting both men and women. Studies investigating combination therapies for AGA reported greater efficacy than monotherapy but without rigorous examination. The authors performed a meta‐analysis and systemic review to further verify the evidence. To evaluate the effectiveness of three common combination therapies of minoxidil with finasteride, low‐level laser light therapy (LLLT) or microneedling versus minoxidil monotherapy. We conducted a systematic review of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of combination therapies consisting of topical minoxidil for AGA through April 2020. Quality assessment and data analysis were performed by Review Manager 5.3. Fifteen studies met the inclusion criteria involving a total of 1172 AGA patients. We conducted meta‐analysis for three groups of combined treatment separately, and all were superior to monotherapy in terms of global photographic assessment (P < .05). Combination of LLLT or microneedling with minoxidil also showed significant increase in hair count (P < .05) compared to monotherapy. The present study suggests that combination therapy could be an effective, safe and promising option for the treatment of AGA. However, more RCTs are needed to further investigate and confirm the efficacy of combined treatment.  相似文献   

Minoxidil is efficacious in inducing hair growth in patients with androgenetic alopecia by inducing hair follicles to undergo transition from the early to late anagen phase. Although the efficacy of 1% topical minoxidil has been confirmed in Japan, no controlled study of 5% topical minoxidil has been conducted using male Japanese subjects. The objective of this trial was to verify the superiority in clinical efficacy of 5% topical minoxidil to 1% topical minoxidil in a double-blind controlled study with male, Japanese androgenetic alopecia patients as the subjects. The trial included 300 Japanese male patients aged 20 years or older with androgenetic alopecia who were administered either 5% topical minoxidil ( n  = 150) or 1% topical minoxidil ( n  = 150) for 24 weeks. The mean change from the baseline in non-vellus hair/cm2, the primary efficacy variable, was 26.4 ( n  = 142) in the 5% topical minoxidil group and 21.2 ( n  = 144) in the 1% topical minoxidil group at 16 weeks, the main time point for the evaluation. The difference between the groups was significant ( P  = 0.020). The incidence of adverse events was 8.7% (13/150) in the 5% group and 5.3% (8/150) in the 1% group, with no significant difference between the groups (χ2-test: P  = 0.258). Our findings confirmed the superiority of 5% topical minoxidil to 1% topical minoxidil in treating Japanese men with androgenetic alopecia.  相似文献   

We report on a 47‐year‐old man who was initially treated with finasteride for androgenetic alopecia. Despite continuous treatment, after year 4 his hair density was not as good as at year 2, and low‐dose dutasteride at 0.5 mg/week was added to the finasteride therapy. This resulted in a dramatic increase in his hair density, demonstrating that combined therapy with finasteride and dutasteride can improve hair density in patients already taking finasteride.  相似文献   

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