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The excess consumption of alcohol is associated with alcoholic liver diseases(ALD). ALD is a major healthcare problem, personal and social burden, and significant reason for economic loss worldwide. The ALD spectrum includes alcoholic fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and the development of hepatocellular carcinoma. The diagnosis of ALD is based on a combination of clinical features, including a history of significant alcohol in-take, evidence of liver disease, and laboratory findings. Abstinence is the most important treatment for ALD and the treatment plan varies according to the stage of the disease. Various treatments including abstinence, nutritional therapy, pharmacological therapy, psycho-therapy, and surgery are currently available. For severe alcoholic hepatitis, corticosteroid or pentoxifylline are recommended based on the guidelines. In addition, new therapeutic targets are being under investigation.  相似文献   

Alcohol use disorders affect millions of individuals worldwide.Alcohol consumption is directly associated with liver disease mortality and accounts for elevated social and economic costs.Alcoholic liver disease(ALD) may take the form of acute involvement(alcoholic hepatitis)or chronic liver disease(steatosis,steatohepatitis,fibrosis and cirrhosis).The severity and prognosis of alcohol-induced liver disease depends on the amount,pattern and duration of alcohol consumption,as well as on the presence of liver inflammation,diet,nutritional status and genetic predisposition of an individual.While steatosis is an almost completely benign disease,liver cirrhosis is associated with marked morbidity,mortal-ity and life expectancy shortening.The median survival of patients with advanced cirrhosis is 1-2 years.Se-vere acute alcoholic hepatitis(AH)is associated with mortality as high as 50%.It has been managed with corticoids,pentoxifylline and enteral nutrition,although evidence based data are still conflicting.Some author suggest that pentoxifylline could be a better first-line treatment in patients with severe AH.Absolute abstinence is a basic condition for any treatment of acute or chronic ALD,the other therapeutical procedure being of a supportive nature and questionable significance.Acamprosate appears to be an effective treatment strategy for supporting continuous abstinence in alco-hol dependent patients.Patients with advanced liver cirrhosis who demonstrably abstain can be considered for liver transplantation,which leads to a markedly pro-longed life expectancy.The crucial step in ALD preven-tion is in the prevention of alcohol abuse,whereas the prevention of liver injury in active alcohol abusers is not clinically applicable.  相似文献   

Opinion Statement  
–  The traditional approach to alcoholism is treatment of underlying psychological and behavioral problems.
–  Earlier and more direct avenues to prevent or counteract alcohol’s effects include a focus on early detection of alcoholism, using, in part, biochemical markers of heavy drinking such as carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) and screening, among heavy users of alcohol, for signs of medical complications.
–  Only a few heavy drinkers eventually develop liver cirrhosis. Because no practical genetic markers exist indicating who will develop fibrosis and cirrhosis, heavy drinkers who have signs of liver injury should undergo liver biopsy to determine whether they have perivenular fibrosis, a recognized precursor lesion to cirrhosis [1]. Those who do should start intense treatment efforts, such as correction of nutritional deficits, curbing alcohol consumption, and participation in ongoing controlled trials [2].
–  Some “supernutrients” have been effective in baboons, including S-adenosylmethionine for the treatment of alcohol-induced liver injury and polyenylphosphatidylcholine for the prevention of fibrosis. Both drugs are now being tested in humans.
–  Prednisolone improves survival in patients with alcoholic hepatitis who have either spontaneous hepatic encephalopathy or a high “discriminant function.”

Alcohol has been implicated in the genesis of liver disease for centuries. Significant progress has been made in our understanding of the pathogenesis of ALD. It is now apparent that both the consumption and the metabolism of alcohol promote the production of inflammatory mediators (cytokines) that result in hepatotoxicity and fibrogenesis. With time, this leads to progressively severe liver injury and, eventually, causes cirrhosis. Unfortunately, effective therapies for most individuals with ALD have not been found. High per capita consumption of alcohol, coupled with the dearth of effective treatments and the failure of most affected individuals to abstain from alcohol, explains why ALD is one of the most prevalent forms of disabling, chronic liver disease in the United States.  相似文献   

Malnutrition, both protein energy malnutrition (PEM) and deficiencies in individual nutrients, is a frequent complication of alcoholic liver disease (ALD). Severity of malnutrition correlates with severity of ALD. Malnutrition also occurs in patients with cirrhosis due to etiologies other than alcohol. The mechanisms for malnutrition are multifactorial, and malnutrition frequently worsens in the hospital due to fasting for procedures and metabolic complications of liver disease, such as hepatic encephalopathy. Aggressive nutritional support is indicated in inpatients with ALD, and patients often need to be fed through an enteral feeding tube to achieve protein and calorie goals. Enteral nutritional support clearly improves nutrition status and may improve clinical outcome. Moreover, late-night snacks in outpatient cirrhotics improve nutritional status and lean body mass. Thus, with no FDA-approved therapy for ALD, careful nutritional intervention should be considered as frontline therapy.  相似文献   

From these discussions, it is apparent that: Alcoholic liver disease is increasing at a rapid rate in conjunction with an increase of annual gross and per capita consumption of alcohol. Alcoholic hepatitis and alcoholic hyaline are much less common in Japan compared to western countries. Alcoholic hepatic fibrosis and chronic hepatitis are the common types of alcoholic liver disease in Japan. Alcoholic hepatic fibrosis may be a pathological process or entity independent of fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, and alcoholic cirrhosis. It is not clear at the present time whether heavy alcohol consumption per se or non-A, non-B hepatitis virus is the cause of chronic hepatitis seen in HBsAg negative alcoholics.  相似文献   

This article presents the proceedings of a symposium held at the meeting of the International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism in Mannheim, Germany, in October 2004. A salient feature of this symposium was to demonstrate how the striking advances made in our understanding of the pathophysiology of alcoholic liver disease are now raising prospects for better treatment as well. Genetic factors are now being elucidated, and F. Stickel (Germany) has summarized his own studies as well as those of others. M. Salaspuro (Finland) updated the possible role of gut bacteria in the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease, bringing us closer to antibacterial therapy as part of the treatment of alcoholic liver disease. Specifically, the gut bacterial flora may be important via the in situ production of acetaldehyde and the associated intestinal injury, which may favor the translocation of toxins from the gut lumen to the systemic circulation and the liver. The analytical progress in the assessment of alterations of phospholipid composition in liver membranes described by H. P. Schlemmer (Germany) may eventually give us an objective method to recognize patients in whom phospholipid therapy might be indicated. Other novel treatment modalities for severe alcoholic hepatitis were described by Y. Horie and H. Ishii (Japan), including plasma exchange. Finally, the pros and cons of nutraceutical therapy were analyzed by C. S. Lieber, with a demonstration that although some nutraceuticals may have toxicity exacerbated by alcohol and must be administered very carefully within a narrow therapeutic window, others are actually beneficial as demonstrated under controlled conditions.  相似文献   

Alcoholic liver disease(ALD) is a major cause of acute and chronic liver injury. Extensive evidence has been accumulated on the pathological process of ALD during the past decades. However, effective treatment options for ALD are very limited due to the lack of suitable in vivo models that recapitulate the full spectrum of ALD. Experimental animal models of ALD, particularly rodents, have been used extensively to mimic human ALD. An ideal animal model should recapitulate all aspects of the ALD process, including significant steatosis, hepatic neutrophil infiltration, and liver injury. A better strategy against ALD depends on clear diagnostic biomarkers, accurate predictor(s) of its progression and new therapeutic approaches to modulate stop or even reverse the disease. Numerous models employing rodent animals have been established in the last decades to investigate the effects of acute and chronic alcohol exposure on the initiation and progression of ALD. Although significant progress has been made in gaining better knowledge on the mechanisms and pathology of ALD, many features of ALD are unknown, and require further investigation, ideally with improved animal models that more effectively mimic human ALD. Although differences in the degree and stages of alcoholic liver injury inevitably exist between animal models and human ALD, the acquisition and translational relevance will be greatly enhanced with the development of new and improved animal models of ALD.  相似文献   

The prevalence and incidence of alcoholic liver disease are constantly evolving. Alcoholic liver disease has a wide clinical spectrum. It may progress to cirrhosis and to end-stage liver disease requiring liver transplantation. The histological manifestations range from steatosis without inflammation to liver cell injury and ultimately to fibrosis and cirrhosis. In some cases, the histological manifestation is steatohepatitis, morphologically characterized by inflammation and necrosis. Currently, although there are no specific tests to establish a diagnosis of steatohepatitis, some serological, radiological, or laboratory tests may be useful. Liver biopsy is useful in confirming a suspected diagnosis and in assessing the extent of parenchymal damage. This review synthesizes the main aspects of the epidemiology, pathogenesis, morphological characteristics, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of alcoholic liver disease.  相似文献   

酒精性肝病与肠道通透性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年研究发现乙醇及其代谢衍生物乙醛,通过改变细胞内信号传导通道,进而破坏上皮细胞紧密连接,增加肠道细胞侧壁对大分子物质的通透性,促进内毒素血症与ALD的发生发展。此文就乙醇及乙醛介导的肠道通透性改变与ALD发生发展的关系作一综述。  相似文献   

酒精性肝病(ALD)是威胁人类健康的重大疾病之一,其发病机制错综复杂。氧化应激性肝损害在其中占有至关重要的地位,如何系统的认识机体的氧化与抗氧化系统在ALD发生发展过程中所扮演的角色,对ALD的防治工作具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Although per capita alcohol consumption, and thus the prevalence of alcoholic liver disease, decreases generally with age in Europe and in the United States, recently an increase in alcohol consumption has been reported in individuals over 65 years. Reasons explaining this observation may include an increase in life expectancy or a loss of life partners and, thus, loneliness and depression. Although ethanol metabolism and ethanol distribution change with age, and an elderly person's liver is more susceptible to the toxic effect of ethanol, the spectrum of alcoholic liver diseases and their symptoms and signs is similar to that seen in patients of all ages. However, prognosis of alcoholic liver disease in the elderly is poor. In addition, chronic alcohol consumption may enhance drug associated liver disease and may also act as a cofactor in other liver diseases, such as viral hepatitis and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.  相似文献   

Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is implicated in gut disturbances, both functionally and structurally. It has been noticed that the gut–liver interaction is an important feature in the prevention of systemic inflammation as well as liver health. The optimal functioning of the gut–liver axis depends on gut health. Therefore, gut problems may be important for estimating liver inflammation, while our knowledge of ALD could also provide an insight into gut health. Gut problems accompanied by ALD include gut motility and absorption problems, mucosal damage and the dysbiosis of gut microbiota and gastrointestinal carcinogenesis. Moreover, there is emerging evidence that besides direct inflammatory injury caused by alcohol, gut problems related to ALD play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular and immunological disorders. In this regard, we should consider ALD in relation to both gut health and chronic systemic low‐grade inflammation. Accordingly, integrative therapeutic strategies are warranted for treating and preventing ALD and systemic inflammation as well as alcohol‐related gut problems.  相似文献   

Alcoholic liver disease: pathogenesis and new therapeutic targets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gao B  Bataller R 《Gastroenterology》2011,141(5):1572-1585

Alcoholic liver disease and the gut-liver axis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is one of the leading causes of liver diseases and liver-related death worldwide. Of the many factors that contribute to the pathogenesis of ALD, gut-derived lipopolysaccharide (LPS) plays a central role in induction of steatosis, inflammation, and fi brosis in the liver. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms by which alcohol contributes to increased gut permeability, the activation of Kupffer cells, and the infl ammatory cascade by LPS. The role of the Toll-like receptor 4...  相似文献   

酒精性肝病仅次于病毒性肝硬化已经成为终末期肝病的重要病因,但过量饮酒对身体造成的损伤并没有得到广泛关注,特别是一些中晚期的临床综合征,如马德龙综合征、假性布加综合症、酒精诱发的骨病、酒精戒断综合征等已经显现,临床上还不能得到准确认识和及时治疗,导致一些不可逆的损伤。通过介绍这4种综合征的临床表现、可能机制、治疗原则,旨在提高临床医师重视这些过量饮酒的信号,及早预防和阻止酒精性肝硬化的发生与发展;对于酒精戒断综合征的早期认识和及时有效的治疗,不仅能够减少误诊误治,还可减少重症监护状态下患者的病死率。  相似文献   

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