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目的 探讨重庆市贫困地区医务人员对远程医疗的使用意愿及影响因素,为贫困地区远程医疗服务工作的开展及健康扶贫路径探索提供决策参考. 方法 2020年5-7月通过重庆医科大学附属第一医院远程医疗协作网,采用分层多阶段抽样方法,对14个贫困县已开展远程医疗服务的7家县级医院和19家基层医疗卫生机构中医务人员进行远程医疗使用意...  相似文献   

目的进一步掌握目前我国远程医疗建设和开展情况,推动远程医疗服务持续健康发展。方法采用问卷调查的方法,从远程医疗基础设备建设、远程医疗政策保障与制度建设、远程医疗业务开展情况及远程教育培训开展情况等方面,对我国远程医疗建设发展情况进行调查研究。结论近几年,我国远程医疗得到了很好的普及和发展,建议在日后的工作中加强远程医疗政策标准规范的制定和完善;加大公众宣传力度,提高社会认知度;加大投入,引入多种运营模式,建立长效运行机制,确保远程医疗持续发展。  相似文献   

<正>把深入推进健康扶贫放在工作计划的首位。2018年,贵州省卫生健康事业坚持一手抓脱贫攻坚、一手抓卫生健康事业高质量发展,多项工作取得重大突破。实现健康扶贫"五个全覆盖"。实现易地扶贫搬迁安置区卫生室规范化建设、农村中小学医务室标准化诊疗设备配置、深度贫困村卫生室规范化建设、县级以上妇幼保健机构远程医疗建设、疫苗数字化监控系统建设全覆盖,健康扶贫工作考评位列全国第6位。  相似文献   

文章介绍了5G技术在医疗行业的应用和实践,包括远程医疗探视与护理、远程医疗会诊、远程医疗诊断、5G急救通道、远程机器人手术等,并结合5G技术的应用特点和智慧医疗发展要求,指出了5G医疗产业统筹化、智能化、个性化的发展趋势,以及远程医学研究、体征监测管理研究、精准医学研究、高精度测量研究、公众健康管理研究的主要研究方向,为5G技术在“互联网+医疗”中的深度融合应用和推进智慧医疗建设提供参考  相似文献   

远程医疗(Telemedicine)是使用Internet通信系统,从事远程医学信息和医学服务,目的在于促进人类健康、疾病控制、病人保健、医学教育等等.远程医疗的发展改善了大众的生活水平,提高了健康生活质量,它给医患双方都带来了方便和经济效益.本文就远程医疗目前主要的应用,存在的问题做了简要介绍.  相似文献   

基于妇幼健康联盟的远程医疗协同平台是解决湖北省内妇幼保健机构医疗资源分布不平衡和就诊病人流向不合理的重要途径之一。在介绍远程医疗协同平台建设背景基础上,分析了远程医疗协同平台体系架构和功能应用,阐述了目前的应用效果,并对后期发展提出了相关对策和建议。  相似文献   

目的:远程医疗是现代医学发展的重要方向之一,其健康发展有赖于政府政策的驱动,掌握远程医疗政策工具的供给结构是理解、评估和改善我国远程医疗发展的最佳途径。方法:从政策工具视角出发,基于"政策工具类型维度"和"政策工具目标价值维度",采用内容分析法对我国1997—2019年发布的222份国家层面的远程医疗相关政策文件进行统计分析。结果与结论:(1)从政策工具类型维度来看,我国远程医疗供给侧政策工具过溢,内部结构不均衡,需求侧政策工具应用不足,环境侧政策工具内部组合不协调,政策总体呈现以政府为主导的投入推动特征。个别政策工具如教育培训、公私合作、政策宣传等应用较少,医保支付政策工具也还需进一步完善。(2)从政策工具目标价值维度来看,政策工具在各阶段都存在明显的差异化选择特征,较少着眼于远程医疗产业整体良性循环的实现,不能够在规范和指导医疗机构间远程医疗平台建设的同时实现远程医疗产业的整体发展与质的提升。  相似文献   

随着互联网和通信技术的发展,远程医疗已逐渐成为我国一项重要的医疗模式,和远程医疗保健相关的应用(APP)也开发应用到了2 000余个。本文对我国在远程医疗发展过程中的政策导向、发展模式、监管要求、法律责任等方面的现况进行了梳理,分析存在的问题。结合国外远程医疗发展和监管的经验,作者认为应从强化政策引导、明确监管职责、落实分类管理、注重信息保护等角度着手,落实对远程医疗的有效监管。  相似文献   

为探讨远程医疗会诊系统的应用,本介绍了PC3000、Netmeeting和VSM远程会诊系统的功能、使用方法以及注意事项。为远程医疗会诊系统在我国更广泛地应用提供经验。  相似文献   

从信息技术看我国远程医疗的发展   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
本文从技术角度简单介绍了作为信息技术综合应用的远程医疗.分析了我国远程医疗的发展现状,提出当前进一步发展我国远程医疗的思考。  相似文献   

ObjectiveIn the COVID-19 era, the importance of and need for digital health services, such as telemedicine and wearable healthcare devices, are increasing. Although these services are treasured by older adults, their acceptance rates remain low. Thus, we attempted to find ways to enhance the acceptance rates of these services by investigating factors that influence the digital health acceptance of baby boomers. Based on the behavioral model of health service use and a multi-dimensional value perspective, we developed a research model to compare the factors influencing telemedicine and wearable healthcare device acceptance.MethodsTo examine the research model, we conducted face-to-face surveys with 300 baby boomers. The survey consisted of two sections: telemedicine and wearable healthcare devices. We used measurement instruments that had been validated in previous studies.ResultsEach research model's measurement model and structural model were evaluated. The reliability and validity of the measurement items of each model were satisfactory. The structural model test illustrates that three beliefs (usefulness, information, and cost saving) are important for the acceptance of telemedicine and wearable healthcare devices. Reassurance and convenience only significantly influence telemedicine and wearable healthcare devices, respectively. Among need and enabling factors, subjective health and income affect the intention to accept telemedicine and wearable healthcare devices. Conclusions: This study has theoretical implications in that it applied multidisciplinary theories by reflecting on the convergence characteristics of digital health, which are health and digital. In addition, it provides managerial implications to promote baby boomers' acceptance of digital health services.  相似文献   

Telemedicine is revolutionising conventional healthcare thanks to countless technological devices that allow patients to remotely access a huge range of care services. In the coming years, the spread of telemedicine will arguably redesign the geography of EU healthcare, with main repercussions on the organisation of the Member States’ health systems and the extent of health protection in the EU. Given the current lack of an EU regulatory framework for telemedicine, this analysis aims to explore the most relevant acts issued in the field of (conventional) healthcare in order to assess their suitability for telemedicine services. In the conclusion, the need for an adequate regulatory framework of telemedicine in the EU will be discussed, in order to sustain its spread in daily practice and to guide patients and healthcare professionals towards a safe use of these innovative services.  相似文献   

对国内远程医疗发展现状进行分析,比较了目前实现远程医疗的两种方式:移动应用方式和终端虚拟化方式。根据我院的业务需求,采用终端虚拟化技术实现远程医疗,并得出项目实施后的结论和评价。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a rapid adoption of telemedicine over traditional in-person visits due to social restrictions. While telemedicine improves access and reduces barriers to healthcare access for many, several barriers and challenges remain for persons with disabilities, and novel challenges have been exposed, many of which may persist long-term.The challenges and barriers that need to be systematically addressed include: Infrastructure and access barriers, operational challenges, regulatory barriers, communication barriers and legislative barriers.Persons with disabilities are a vulnerable population and little attention has been placed on their healthcare access during the pandemic. Access and communication during a healthcare encounter are important mediators of outcomes for persons with disabilities. Significant, long-term changes in technological, regulatory, and legislative infrastructure and custom solutions to unique patient and health system needs are required to address these barriers going forward in order to improve healthcare access and outcomes for persons with disabilities.  相似文献   

目的:了解我国远程医疗服务人员的实际与期望激励和关键问题,为优化远程医疗激励政策提供参考。方法:以2019年10—11月对福建、海南、河南、湖南、贵州、四川、青海7省的1 084名远程医疗服务人员问卷调查数据和2020年1月对河南省6家医院的远程医疗服务人员进行半结构访谈资料为研究样本,分析远程医疗服务人员激励现状及存...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Telemedicine, the provision of healthcare at a distance via telecommunication technology, has been used to address a wide range of health concerns in a variety of settings. Given the challenges schools face in keeping students healthy, telemedicine could be viewed as a mechanism to provide healthcare services directly to students in schools. This research focuses on a school-based telemedicine project in Kansas, a project of the Kansas University Medical Center (KUMC) called TeleKidcare. TeleKidcare makes use of interactive television systems located in the school health office to let school nurses interact with KUMC physicians to provide consultations for sick children. METHODS: A case study of the TeleKidcare system was conducted to investigate critical factors of success in the project; data was collected primarily through personal interviews (N = 23), with project documentation serving to corroborate the interview data. RESULTS: Results point to factors to success both in the planning and operational phases of TeleKidcare. Examples of such factors include: (a) recognizing, and accounting for, the fact that different sites in a multisite telemedicine system might adopt the system in different ways; (b) the importance of involving actual users in the planning of the system, to ensure it could be built into the everyday work of school nurses; and (c) the importance of unintended appropriation of the technology by school nurses, using the system in ways that were completely unplanned. CONCLUSION: The lessons learned from TeleKidcare's success can help researchers and practitioners considering similar systems in other schools.  相似文献   

目的比较4类远程诊断项目的异同,为我国远程诊断项目建设与发展提供实践证据。方法于2018年11月至2019年6月,分别选取由政府、紧密型医联体、松散型医联体和商业公司主导的4种远程诊断项目,通过对政府、医院和公司负责人的半结构式访谈,从组织体系、工作条件和运行效果3个维度进行比较,分析和归纳不同类型项目的特点及问题。结果共访谈了18人,发现不同类型项目的主导者,项目内部的连接机制、连接效力,参与方和时效性各不相同。政府及紧密型医联体类型的参与方多为本地机构,连接效力强,诊断医师来源明确且规模有限,工作量相对较大;松散型医联体和商业类型的参与方较为广泛,连接效力相对较弱,应答时间较长。结论不同类型的远程诊断项目,均改善了基层医疗机构诊断医师人力不足状况,完善了医疗服务体系。  相似文献   

目前,国内诸多学者将复杂适应系统(Complex Adaptive System, CAS)理论引入到卫生领域,以期对我国医疗卫生体制的完善提供理论支撑。远程医疗是一个复杂适应系统,涉及到供给方、需求方、行政监管机构、专业保障与服务机构等多方利益主体。因此,本文从复杂适应系统理论出发,对远程医疗多方利益主体进行分析,进一步联系当前我国远程医疗实施现状分析远程医疗的特征,并以此提出有利于我国远程医疗发展的针对性建议。  相似文献   

African Home-based Care (AHC) and African Traditional Medicine (ATM) provide a number of self-sustainable primary health care workers in a rural region with the appreciation of ancestral knowledge and its contextual management. Even though most urban residents are able to afford and use conventional medicine to large extent, the implementations of modern medicine in rural areas and in poor peri-urban areas are limited. Our proposal is on how telemedicine solutions could enhance AHC and ATM practices and facilitate simultaneous delivery of both modern and traditional healthcare with evident added value to the recipients. This is indeed a fresh angle, as information and communication technologies (ICTs) could play an important role in developing countries in the management of patients and enhance quality care for patients in particular and healthcare (both traditional and modern heath systems) in general. This delivers comprehensive insights concerning the implementation on telemedicine where integrative medicine and African traditional medicine is in the back seat.  相似文献   

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